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Telepathic link



"Transformation Index


OP - It's Goin' Down from Descendants 2

At Dustin's place, he and Pixel were relaxing, talking about the upcoming Friendship Games.

“Wow. From what you told me, those guys from Crystal Prep sound like real grade A jerks.” Pixel said with a sigh.

“Well, the place is like some huge fancy-ass boarding school, so it doesn’t surprise me that they would rub their success in everyone’s faces.” Dustin said, typing on his laptop before presenting what he searched to Pixel. “And trust me, this place is high class, if it’s website is anything to go by.”

“Yeah, no kidding.” Pixel said with a whistle.

“I figured I would do some research on this place, just to know what we’re dealing with here for the Friendship Games. And the girls were not kidding. These guys have won about every game they attended.” Dustin said before typing a few more keys on the keyboard, brining up a page that showed the scoreboard for each Friendship Game.

“Crap. According to this, CHS has not won against these guys once!” Pixel said in disbelief. “That does not sound fair.”

“Nothing’s fair, Pix.” Dustin sighs, “That’s the way it goes.”

“You don’t suppose these guys are cheating, so you?” Pixel said as she still looked at the scoreboard. “I mean, they gotta be if they were able to win every Friendship Game they’ve attended.”

“If they were, they would do a great job at covering their tracks.” Dustin said as he examined the score board. “Either they are cheating, or they have some of the best students in their arsenal.”

“Well, this year, those snooty blue bloods are the ones who’re gonna get their asses whopped!” Pixel said with determination.

“I guess we’ll see when the gamed arrive.” Dustin said before Alister calls out from downstairs.

“Dustin, could you take out the trash?” Alister calls out.

“Sure thing Al!” Dustin calls back before looking to Pixel. “Be right back.”


Dustin is carrying the trash been to the nearby dumpster. After dumping each bag into the dumpster, he sees a bunch of writing on it.

“Dumpster writing, eh? Let’s see what we got.” as Dustin read through some of the graffiti on the dumpster, a mysterious figure was watching him.

“Pfft! Oh god! That’s a nice one. Hmm, what’s this one? Dustin Miller, I’m coming for you.” Dustin read with mild interest, but his eyes widened at what he just read. “What the…”

“Oh goodie. I see you read my message, Dustin Miller.” A voice said behind Dustin. Dustin turns and sees a figure draped in a black hooded robe.

“Ok pal! Who are you!?” Dustin demanded, but the figure just chuckled.

“I see you like the present I made for you, boy.” The figure said, confusing Dustin a bit.

“Present? What are…?” Dustin’s eyes then widened as he looks at the Corruptrix attached to the Digitrix. “Wait! You mean you made this thing!?”

“Correct!” The figure said with another chuckle. “You certainly are quick.”

“Well, you better tell me how to get this thing off!” Dustin demanded, only for the figure to wag his finger and click his tongue.

“Now where’s the fun in that?” The figure asked, making Dustin growl. “After all, the fun is only getting started.”

“What do you mean!? Just what exactly are you planning!?” Dustin asked, but the figure chuckles yet again.

“You’ll see. Farewell for now.” The figure said before vanishing in a green flash of light.

“Shit! I need to tell the others!” Dustin pulls out his cell phone before dialing up a phone number.

At Sugar Cube Corner

Dustin, Allister, Pixel and the girls were gathered around, discussing about what Dustin experienced earlier.

“So, did this guy ever mention his name?” Sunset asked Dustin, to which he shook his head.

“Did you even get a good look at his face, darling?” Rarity asks, only for Dustin to shake his head again.

“No. When I demanded the bastard to tell me how to remove this damn thing,” Dustin motions to the Corruptrix, “he said, “the fun is only getting started”. Dustin said, to which the girls were just as puzzles as he was.

“What did he mean by that?” Rainbow asked.

“No clue. But whatever it is, I can help it’s something serious.” Fluttershy said with a shiver.

“Me too.” Sonata said with worry.

“Did he say anything else?” Adagio asked Dustin, to which he shook his head again.

“Sadly no, that’s pretty much all I got.” Dustin said with a sigh. “But we ever the guy’s planning it can’t be good if he’s bared me from using the digitrix.”

“Regardless, we better keep our eyes peeled.” Allister advised the group. “I have a feeling the trouble is only starting.”

“On a different topic”, Adagio said before looking to Sunset, “were you able to figure something out about the magic related happenings?”

“Not yet.” Sunset said with a shake of her head. “It’s proving to be a bit more challenging than we thought.”

“Just don’t overwork yourself, Sunny.” Dustin said to Sunset. “I’m sure you’ll figure something out.

"Berating yourself will not help you," Allister advised, "Perhaps it would be best if you were to rest your mind on the matter," he suggested.

"I appreciate it…" Sunset responded, "But I’ve got only a few days to figure it out before the games begin," she began, "and now we have to also deal with someone sent by the Syndicate!" she exclaimed, "Huh…" she sighed again, causing the others to give off a worried look, "I'd rather help you figure that out over finding out about the magic…" she admitted, stopping herself with him.

“You just let us deal with that, Sunset.” Allister said, “I wouldn’t you to stress yourself.”

"But… guys," she began in reply, "none of you don't know the first thing about the magic in this world!" she retorted, "And neither do I…" she mentioned sadly.

“That doesn’t mean we can’t help out, though.” Pixel said with a soft smile.

“Besides, sugar. You got us to help you out.” Applejack said patting Sunset’s back.

“We're a team.” Rainbow said with a nod.

“And you gut us three to assist you.” Adagio said as Sonata and Aria nod in agreement.

“Thanks guys.” Sunset said with a smile of her own. “Don’t know where I would be without you.


The sun was setting in the sky while Salazar and Twilight walked along in a park, conversing with one another.

“I still can’t believe you’re attending the Friendship Games.” Salazar said to Twilight.

“I know.” Twilight said with a bit of worry. “But hey, at least my chances of getting into Everton are accepted now.”

“Twi, Cinch is pressuring you. I know that wrinkly bitch is desperate to win, but using your future dreams as a bargaining chip is a bit much.” Salazar said, still angry about how low Cinch would stoop to obtain victory.

“I know that, but…” before Twilight could finish, Spike began to bark. To what he was barking, was unknown.

“Spike? What is it?” Twilight asked as Spike ran off. “Spike!” Twilight called out as she ran off.

“Twi! Hey wait…” Before Salazar could finish, he heard Twilight scream. This made Salazar worry as he ran to Twilight's direction. By the time he got there, he saw nobody present.

“Twi? Spike?” Salazar called out.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” A voice said, making Salazar look to his right to find the source. And what he saw was a figure draped in a black hooded robe.

“What the….” Salazar got into a defensive position. “Alright, pal! Who are you? Where’s my friend?”

“You mean the purple girl with the dog and glasses? No clue. But I’d be more worried about myself if I were you, Salazar.” The figure said, making Salazar go wide eyed in shock.

“How do you know my name!?” Salazar demanded.

“Salazar!” Twilight’s voice called out, making both turn to see Twilight with Spike in her arms, the dog growling at the hooded figure.

“Ah. You must be miss Twilight Sparkle, yes?” The figure said, making Twilight gasp in fear as she hid behind Salazar.

“I’m gonna say this one more time! Who are you?!” Salazar demanded, but the figure chuckles.

“You’ll know in due time.” The figure began walk away, but then Salazar ran towards him, ready to punch him. But then, without even turning around, the figure stopped Salazar’s punch, shocking both Salazar and Twilight.

“You certainly are a rowdy one, aren’t you?” The figure asked with a sinister grin. Then, with one push, Salazar was sent crashing into a nearby tree; the impact broke the tree in two. Luckily the tree was sent falling opposite of him, otherwise Salazar would have been squashed.

“Salazar!!!” Twilight called out in worry as she ran towards him. But Salazar got back up as if he suffered no damage. Salazar then notices the figure was already gone.

“Dammit!" Salazar growled.

“Salazar! Are you ok?” Twilight asked in worry.

“Yeah. I’m fine, Twi.” Salazar said with a shrug.

“You just crashed into a tree! I think you…” Before Twilight could finish, Salazar raised a hand, stopping her.

“Twi, relax. I’m alright, really.” Salazar said, but Twilight still felt worried. “I’ll be alright, Twi. Honestly.”

Not wanting to argue, Twilight just sighed and gave Salazar the benefit of a doubt. “Ok, ok. But if you feel any pain or discomfort, let me know! Ok?”

“Yeah, yeah. Will do.” Salazar sighed. “We better head home. You need to get ready for the games.” Salazar said, to which Twilight nods. And with that said, the two walked off.

The next day at Crystal Prep, Twilight was in her laboratory, kneeling down on the floor as she was gathering her things into a backpack, while Spike was sitting down beside her. As his owner put papers in the bag, she reached for a sweatshirt, but suddenly found that her per was biting into from the other end, growling angrily as he tried tugging it away from her.

"Ugh!" she grunted, pulling on the shirt as hard as she could, "Come on, Spike!" she pleaded, "I was always gonna go to Canterlot High for the Friendship Games," she told him, finally getting hold of the shirt as it flipped into her face, "Ich!" she groaned, removing it and placing it in her knapsack, "The only difference now is that I have to compete…" she noted, "Besides," she continued, "it's not like Principal Cinch gave me much of a choice," she pointed out, causing the puppy to whimper out of concern for her as he lied down.

“Still a low blow on Cinch’s part.” Salazar’s voice said, making her turn to see Salazar in the doorway.

"I know, Salazar," she responded, patting him on the head, causing him to perk up instantly, "I don't like it either," she admitted as she scratched his chin, "I probably won't be able to collect anywhere near as much data as I thought," she mentioned to him. She then took a look at the pendant-like contraption she had created a few days ago, rubbing her chin for a moment. Her eyes then widened as she realized something. "But maybe I can still get some…"

“Twi, I don’t think you should bring that.” Salazar said, making Twilight look to confusion.

“Why not?” Twilight asked.

“Trust me, Twi. I get a bad feeling whenever I look at that thing.” Salazar said, pointing to the pendant Twilight held.

“Salazar, I was the one who built it. If anything goes wrong, I can fix it.” Twilight said with reassurance.

“I don't know…” Salazar trailed off as Twilight took the device and put a black string through the pinhole upon it, allowing her to wrap it around her neck like a necklace.

“I still have a bad feeling about it. Even Spike can agree.” Salazar said as he pointed to Spike, who was whimpering worriedly as she smiled at her ingenuity, getting her attention.

"Spike, I wouldn't leave without you!" she promised, picking him up and hugging him tightly, "Just remember to be quiet," she advised, placing him into her bag, "And try not to shed," she added jokingly, zipping the bag up, but not completely before she threw it over her shoulders.

“Are you sure you got this under control?” Salazar said, still unsure about the predicament.

“Relax, Salazar. I’m positive I can handle it.” Twilight said, and Salazar eventually gave in.

“Alright Twi”, Salazar then had a serious expression in his face. “But if things go tits up, I’m stepping in. Got it?”

“Understood.” Twilight said before she hugged Salazar. “Just, promise me you won’t cause any trouble at CHS.”

“Alright.” Salazar said as Twilight broke the hug, looking Salazar in the eye with a stern look on her face.

“And please, for the love of God, don’t stir Principal Cinch up.” Twilight pled.

“I can’t promise that, Twi.” Salazar said, but Twi kept her stern look.

“Salazar, I’m serious!” Twilight said, poking his chest. “Promise me that you won't do anything to get yourself expelled, please?”

“Ok, ok. Fine.” Salazar relented with a sigh of defeat.

“Thank you.” Twilight was about to walk put, but she cast one last look to Salazar. “You should get ready. And please put on your uniform for once.” Twilight then finally walked out, leaving Salazar alone.

“Yeah, that’s never gonna happen.” Salazar said as he saw one of the photos that showed Dustin from CHS.

This might also give me a chance to know this Dustin Miller guy.’ Salazar thought to himself as he shut the lights off and walked out of the lab, closing the door behind him as she left

But what both Twilight and Salazar failed to notice was the same hooded figure from the other day sitting on Twilight’s office chair, a malicious grin visible on his face.


At CHS, A car pulled up to the front doors, Dustin and Pixel stepped out.

“Alright.” Allister said before looking to the two. “You kids know the drill right?”

“Yep.” Dustin said with a nod. “If we sure that hooded creep, we’ll contact you.”

“Ok then. But just to be safe…” Allister said before presenting him a small black cylinder with large red button on it. When he pushed it, the cylinder extended and formed a spiked ball on the top.

“What is this?” Dustin asked in surprise as he examined the pricklier implement.

“Shock star, with the Digitrix out of commission for the time, yer gonna need some alternate means of defending yourself if the syndicate dicideds to crash this little party of yours. One swing from this puppy well bring paralyse anything living creature, digital or organic for 6 minutes. “Allister said before as Dustin pushed the button a second time, causing the weapon to spark and crackle with electricity.

“Damn! Thanks, Al.” Dustin said in awe.

“No problem. We better get going.” Allister said, the three then walked inside the school building.

Outside of Crystal Prep, the buses were getting ready to drive the students off to Canterlot High, with Cadence standing beside one that a few scholars were preparing to board. Twilight girl then approached the Dean as she was looking at a clipboard, unknowingly cutting in front of the line as the two girls behind her glared at her angrily. "Dean Cadence," she began to the school official, "I'm not really sure where to go…" she admitted while she was still absorbed in what was upon her clipboard.

"One second, Twilight," she replied, heading off to try and figure out something while the scholar was left saddened, unable to get the assistance she needed.

"You could try the end of the line!" the girl behind her yelled sourly, getting her attention as she turned, pushing her glasses back as they were beginning to fall off of her face.

"What did you say?" she asked the girl, who was in uniform, having pale, light grayish gold skin, with moderate rose hair that had grayish aquamarine streaks tied in a ponytail.

Behind her was a girl who had short, grayish mulberry hair with light raspberry streaks that included a gold hairpin shaped like a pinwheel, and had light turquoises gray skin.

Both she and the person before her then gave off sarcastic smiles, with the latter having a kind look on her face.

"Just that someone smart as you should definitely go first," she said to Twilight in sweet, sarcastic manner, waving her hand as the girl herself picked up on it.

"I...I didn't mean to," she stammered in plea while Cadence came back over to them, "I was just asking," she claimed.

"This is the right bus, Twilight," Dean Cadance interjected, getting her attention, "Go ahead," she beckoned in a kind disposition before she walked off again.

"But...I didn't mean to cut in front…" she tried to say, as the advisor had left.

"Ugh," Sour Sweet groaned, "well it's too late now…" she muttered, while Sunny Flare looked away and crossed her arms as well with her, giving off an ignorant expression that made the glasses-wearing girl feel remorse for accidental action. She then boarded the vehicle as its doors opened for her.

“Yo, get off her case will ya, SweeTARTS!?” A familiar voice called out, making everyone else look to see none other than Salazar.

“Salazar, please.” Twilight muttered to herself, worried that Salazar was already going to cause trouble.

“Please tell me this punk isn’t riding with us.” Sunny Flare said disgruntled, pointing to Salazar.

“Hate to break in the bad news, but yes I am.” Salazar said, making Sunny Flare groan in annoyance.

"Are we gonna win?!" a girl exclaimed in greeting, causing her to halt out of fright, seeing the female with light amberish gray skin, and dark conflower blue hair that had streaks of moderate cerulean and arctic blue. She also wore a pair goggles upon her forehead, gray wristbands, and had earrings shaped like lightning bolts.

She smiled, anticipating a good response from the girl that stood before her on the bus

"I...I don't know…" Twilight said in reply, shaking her head as the exuberant girl glared at her.

"Wrong answer!" she yelled, "Try again!" she challenged, holding onto the railing before her seat as she leaned into her face, "Are we gonna win?!" she screamed.

“You scream any louder, and I’m sure people out in space can here you!” Salazar retorted, making Indigo Zap look to him, a sour look visible on her face.

“What are you doing here?” Indigo Zap asked.

“What do you think, thunderhead!” Salazar asked, just as rudely.

“Now, now. Let’s save the arguments for another time.” Another voice said, making everyone turn to see Lucius Starr.

“Lucius.” Sour Sweet said, almost ready to swoon.

“And to answer your question, Indigo, we are going to win.” Lucius said with a smile. “Since when have lost in such a competition?”

“N-never.” Indigo Zap said, blushing a bit.

“Precisely my dear.” Lucius said before looking to Salazar. “And Salazar, I trust that you’ll be on your best behavior during the friendship games?”

“Yeah.” Salazar looks away with a sour look. “Whatever.”

“Excellent. Now, we best be on our merry way then.” Salazar said before stepping into the bus.

“Oh, what a charmer.” Sour Sweet said with a sigh.

“I know right. Hard to believe someone like him is still single.” Indigo Zap said, still blushing.

“Well…I’m sure he’s a busy guy.” Twilight inquired as she nervously finished her way up the steps to the pathway of the bus, "I-I mean…I’m sure he focuses more on his career than settle for romance.”

"You're gonna have to take your seat!" the bus driver told the bespectacled girl as he sat down at the wheel. While she trekked down the pathway, she saw all the open seats get taken one by one, as no one wanted to sit next to her. But she saw Salazar was sitting alone, and offered Twilight a spot. Twilight smiled at the seat, but before she could reach Salazar, some student tripped her. Salazar was quick enough to get up and catch her.

Salazar looks to the student who tripped her, which was a minty complexion, spiked up black hair and wearing shades.

“Not cool, Neon Lights!” Salazar said in anger.

“Gotta problem, freak?” Neon Lights asked rudely!

“Damn right I do, douchebag!” Salazar said with a growl.

“Hey buddy! Not on my bus!” The bus driver said.

“Salazar, let’s just take our seat!” Twilight pleaded.

“Good idea. I’m so close to knocking some heads right now!” Salazar said to Neon Lights before he and Twilight took their seats. They were both seated between two girls.

One of them wore orange glasses over her eyes; having light phthalo bluish gray skin, with light opalish gray hair which had light arctic bluish gray streaks in twin tails

The other one had pale, light grayish amaranth skin with long, light pistachio hair that had streaks of light grayish green and light brilliant lime green. She also wore headphones over her ears while Twilight sat next to her.

"Hi, Sugarcoat," she greeted to the girl on her left with a small smile while she placed her bag on her lap.

“How’s it hanging, twin-tails?” Salazar asked with a scowl, making Sugarcoat glare at him and Twilight elbow him in the side.

"Twin-tails? Really?," Sugarcoat asked, "That was just weak," she said bluntly, turning away as Twilight gave off a somber look.

Jesus! Bitchy much?’ Salazar thought to himself. All of a sudden, the bus' engine started up, as the vehicle was about to depart. The glasses wearing girl then let a grin come across her face as she unzipped her bag, revealing her dog inside.

"Well, Spike," she began to him, "at least I've got you and Salazar with me," patting him gently on the head.

“If anybody gives you any trouble, you let me know. Ok?” Salazar whispered to Twilight.

“As long as you don’t do anything too brash.” Twilight whispered back.

"Dude," the headphones wearing girl began to the Salazar, taking the headset off of her ears, "you have gotta hear this!" she exclaimed, suddenly placing them over his own ears. Salazar was actually nodding to the music.

“ Ah yeah.” Salazar said before turning to the girl. “Is that Grudge I’m listening to?”

“You bet it is.” The girl said with a nod.