• Published 22nd Dec 2011
  • 3,848 Views, 28 Comments

With The Hooves For the Holidays - Twogunkid

Short Stories Focusing on the Hooves/Doo Family

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The Doctor's Story

Definitely a slow day. He shouldn’t be surprised. No one is in great need of time pieces this time of year. Everypony knows they are short on time. Still he wanted a perfect still day today.He continued playing around with the Grandfather Clock he was supposed to be fixing for Carousel Boutique. He was disinterested in fixing it. He was focused on the gifts he had gotten for his beautiful fillyfriend and her foals. He was positive he would be earning some major points tonight. A bell rang signaling someone entering his shop.
“Hello and Welcome to Tardis Watches and Clocks. What may I do for you?”
“My cuckoo clock is broken again.” Doctor Hooves opened his eyes. There was his most frequent customer. A pink pony with a frizzled mane wearing a festive was holding a cuckoo clock which had lost both the hour and the minute hand. Both had been worn out from being pushed to make the clock “cuckoo” more often than on the hour.
“Pinkamena… did you make the clock go cuckoo too much?”
“Well of course I did silly. I can’t resist that little bird going cuckoo all the time…” He was used to this at this point and began getting out the replacement hands for the clock. “… and that’s why I brought it to you because you’re the doctor for clocks. Of course you’re the tenth clock doctor I’ve had.”
“I fixed it.”
Pinkie Pie continued with her story. The Doctor coughed.
“I fixed it.”
Her story had taken a turn for the bizarre she was talking about all sorts of strange things whatever Daleks were they now were the focus of the story.
“Ms. Pie your clock!” Pinkie finally snapped out of her story.
“You fixed it!” She happily lifted her clock and spun around with it before giving the good doctor a painful if heartfelt hug. She then seemed to produce a purse from out of nowhere and began rummaging trough it. She tossed out all sorts of things, it seemed more fit in that purse then should be possible when she tossed out a sack of flower, a bunch of rocks, and some turnips.
“No charge Pinkamena. It’s Christmas.” Pinkie stopped rummaging and once again embraced the Doctor tears of joying streaming down her face. Pinkie loosened her grip and handed the Doctor a small wrapped box before bouncing out of the store with her cuckoo clock on her back and the various debris back in her purse. Rubbing his head he sat back down and began tinkering with Grandfather Clock again.
He looked at the door, then to the box, then back again. He nervously undid the ribbon. The wrapping paper exploded and began going through a myriad of shapes. The Doctor momentarily panicked and ducked under the desk. After another few seconds a seemingly unused roll of wrapping paper fell to the floor. He nervously looked over the counter there was a small package. Lifting off the lid ready to hit the dirt again the brown earth pony looked inside. There was a batch of Christmas Cookies. He happily began munching away at one and returned to his work.
Hours slipped by as he continued modifying and repairing the antique wooden clock. It was beautifully carved, and he was having trouble concentrated. The last thing he wanted to be doing right now was work. He looked down into his bag and felt a surge of pride. He had gotten Ditzy the perfect gift. He had heard her talk about the New Year’s Ball in Canterlot, so he had managed to get a hold of a pair of tickets. He was confident the two of them would have the best night ever. He would help her pick out a new dress from Carousel Boutique . He laughed a little to himself, he should probably finish fixing the clock if he was going to go shopping there. He laughed and looked again in his bag, he was happy with the gift he had gotten Sparkler, a week or two ago he overheard her mention needing a new purse. He had picked out an amazing one, a Hoity Toity Original. It was a light pink and had three diamonds serving as buttons on the top. Finally came a gift very near to his heart. He had wrapped a thin hardcover book with a gold wrapping paper and a thin red bow. He had gotten Dinky one of his favorite books from childhood “T’was the Night Before Christmas.” Looking down in the bag he noticed one last thing, a small golden pocket watch. It was given to him by his father, and he considered it his most precious possession. He considered it a good luck charm.
The bell rang once more and the pony the good Doctor wanted to see least trotted in. It was a blue earth pony with a blonde mane and a bow tie and an hourglass cutie mark.
“Well well well Doctor still putting around in this little shop? Now we all see why I am the Master.”
“Don’t you have better things to do then gloat? Go run your shop in Canterlot, I have more important things to do than deal with you.” The Doctor looked back down at the workings of the Grandfather clock. “Thank you have a nice day.” The Doctor looked up. “You’re still here? Buy something or get out?”
“Now now is that any way to treat the owner of Timelord’s Watches and Clocks? What would old Derpy Hooves think of that?”
“Her name is Ditzy Doo, and I don’t think she’d give a flying foal one way or the other, considering what a pain in the flank you are.” The blue pony let out a disapproving tut-tut.
“Is that anyway to react to your new neighbor?” He let out a little laugh “Come now. You can’t be surprised I ran you and your little ramshackle watch shop out of Canterlot then Manehattan and Bucklyn. You had to know I’d move into Ponyville next. So where you going to run and open shop next? Hoofington? Perhaps Stalliongrad? Too bad you aren’t a Pegasus you might be safe in Cloudsdale I’d have to hire a Pegasus to ruin you then. You couldn’t make it in Las Neighgas selling imitation Oneighga Watches”
“You can’t run me out of Ponyville. I’m part of the community. They love me. I even have regulars who show up for frequent clock problems. Look one of them gave me this.” He pulled forth the box of Christmas Cookies.
“Ah yes a box of cookies. The sort of thing you’d give a mail mare. Of course you’d know all about that. The sort of thing you’d give to anypony who is easily replaced.”
“They wouldn’t replace me.”
“Wouldn’t they?” The blue earth pony snatched a cookie and left.t
The Doctor shouted and shook his hoof “You owe me a Christmas Cookie!” Still hadn’t Pinkie said something about other people being doctors for her clocks? That he was the tenth. It stung, but there was no way she would hug somepony who was easily replaceable. Was it? This was Pinkie Pie the highly emotional party pony. Still is it that preposterous to believe? All he did was fix ponies clocks. He wasn’t a real doctor or some profession that required a great deal of trust, he just fixed watches and things. Still he was part of the community. He had been dating Ditzy Doo so much some mean ponies had changed her nickname to Derpy Hooves. Sure it was a mean nickname, but he was permanent fixture. It wouldn’t be like the cities where he had been undercut by the lower prices and wider selection, these ponies knew him, they wouldn’t abandon him. Still the nagging doubt remained, he had a hard time focusing on the clock, and eventually ended up fiddling with another cuckoo clock he was making.
He really did not care for the things, but every time he made one a certain Pink Pony would buy it. He smirked to himself imaging the ruckus that would go off every hour from the Cake’s tenant. He wondered how those two put up with her and their own toddlers. He could only imagine the toddlers and Pinkie Pie were an incredibly destructive if lovable combination. He really hoped he wasn’t replaceable. He put those thoughts out of his mind and decided now would be as good a time as any to close up shop and go visit Ditzy. Hopefully Mr. Handel let her off her mail run early today.
Wrapping a scarf around his neck he began trotting off towards the small house at the edge of Golden Harvest Farms. He waved a heart hello to everypony he met hoping to make a lasting impression on them and hopefully dispel his fears about replacement. To his dismay most either ignored him or returned the greeting out of politeness. The sun set still caused a faint orange glow in the snow clouds. He stopped to admire for a second before making his way through the short picket gate and knocking three times on the door.
He was a tad surprised seeing the pony who opened the door.
“Carrot Top? Is Ditzy home?”
“No I’m watching Dinky for Sparkler right now, but according to Sparkler Ditzy should be back soon, and she should be right back after taking care of something.” The orange maned Earth Pony led him inside. He walked into the den with Carrot Top, Dinky was asleep on the sofa and a nice fire kept the room snug and toasty. “Would you like anything to drink? I heard Sparkler mention hot chocolate when I arrived.”
“I’ll fix it Carrot. Don’t wait on me.” Perhaps it was insecurity about what would happen when the new watch shop opened up that drove him to be extra nice to everypony, but Carrot did not pick up on how nervous he actually was. Slowly and meticulously he got out the ingredients and began carefully making the hot chocolate.
“You realize there is a thermos?” The Doctor jumped a little at the silent entry by the grey Pegasus. She had flown right through the kitchen window and he had not noticed her come in.
“Hello Ditzy.” He trotted over to the grey Pegasus shutting the window. She was wearing a blue wool sweater in addition to her normal mailmare’s hat and satchel. He embraced her with a big hug.
“Merry Christmas Ditzy”
“Merry Christmas. Lots of deliveries.” She dropped her satchel to the floor and tossed her hat which in a logic defying journey managed to cross the room and land perfectly on the hat rack. “Tired”
“Ditzy is that you?”
“Go. I’ll bring you and Carrot Top some hot chocolate. You deserve some relaxation” He gave the yellow Pegasus a peck on the cheek, and resumed making hot chocolate. Ditzy went to the next room and began chatting delightedly with Carrot Top. He smiled as he poured the hot chocolate into three mugs. And carried the tray in. Entering the room he noticed Sparkler had returned and was hanging a patched stocking with Dinky embroidered on it by the fire place, it seemed like the entire Doo family had the uncanny ability to move around without him noticing. He noticed something that gave him mild discouragement, Sparkler had a new purse. It wasn’t a Hoity Toity original, but it meant he was replacing something not filling a void. He still had the perfect gift for Ditzy, he was still irreplaceable.
“Carrot open yours!” The Doctor set the tray of hot chocolate on the table and sat down next to the still sleeping Dinky Doo. The yellow Earth Pony carefully tore the envelope and opened a letter, she cleared her throat and began reading aloud.
“To my Dear Landlord and Best Friend Carrot Top. Aww Ditzy that’s sweet of you to say” Carrot again turned to the letter. “Now I know you’ve been having trouble with the Stallions…” Carrot Top shot Ditzy a nasty look. Ditzy shrugged and smiled while Sparkler laughed “and you complain about now having any nice clothes” Carrot raised and eyebrow “Where is this going Ditzy?”
“Keep Reading” Ditzy’s obliviousness to how negatively the letter made Carrot out to be was lost on her, while Sparkler was still giggling almost spitting out her hot chocolate.
“All right” Carrot cleared her throat again “So in addition to a Mares-Day out trip to the spas and getting you a fancy new dress from Carousel Boutique”
“Carousel Boutique! That reminds me Miss Rarity had gifts for the two of you!” Sparkler perked up.
“Not now Sparkler let Carrot Finish”
“Yes Mom. The unicorn’s enthusiasm dimmed for a moment, but returned once Carrot started reading. “I have enclosed the prize I received from Mr. Handle at Equestrian Express for being employee of the year” Everypony shot Ditzy a skeptical look
“He said it was for being the most loyal delivery pony in all of Equestria delivering even on rainy days! He also said I was better about dropping things this year…” Ditzy’s voice trailed off as Carrot continued “These are two tickets to the New Year’s Ball in Canterlot” The Doctor felt crushed, Ditzy had given away what he had gotten her before he even had an opportunity to present it. On top of that she had gotten it from her boss. “Mailponies get cookies. My Flank.” He cursed in his head. Now two of his gifts were ruined and given his current run of luck somepony was going to give Dinky The Night Before Christmas. “It’s still salvageable. Ditzy gave the gift to Carrot Top she still can’t go.”
“Hey Ditzy want to be my wingmare?”
“Rubbish” The Doctor muttered that inaudible to all but himself. Now this evening was definitely shot. Today was far from perfect. Dinky began turning over in her sleep catching her as she rolled off the sofa the Doctor let everypony know what he was doing “I’m going to take Dinky to her bed.” He carefully wrapped her in the blanket she had on and made his way up the narrow wooden staircase to the top floor. His eyes were a little watery he had failed. There was no way he was irreplaceable. He carefully entered Dinky’s room the floor was a minefield of blocks and other small toys, including the death trap known as roller skates. He set Dinky down on the bed and needing a few moments to think decided to tidy the room a bit while he planned. He must have been angrier than he realized because while tossing some blocks in to the toy bin he stomped his hoof and comically tripped on a roller skate.
“Are you alright?” The sleepy voice of Dinky Doo asked. The Doctor picked himself up and sent the offending skate to the only prison that could hold it, the toy bin.
“Yes I’m alright” The Doctor did not realize he had a tear or two on his face.
“You don’t look alright. Why are you crying?” Her childish naiveté let her ask questions when other ponies might let it alone.
“I wasn’t crying I was… sweating through my eyes.” Dinky gave the Doctor a look that said she didn’t buy it for a second “I have a present for you” Dinky dropped the subject and shot to attention The Doctor had barely pulled the gold wrapped package with a red ribbon from his bag before Dinky had telekinetically grabbed and used a combination of her magic and hooves to tear through the wrappings. Ignoring the fact that her room was now a mess again, she held the book up. She was a little filly the alphabet was still fairly recent, she could much less read a book. “Will you read it to me?”
“Of course.” At least one of his gifts would be appreciated.
“T’was the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse”
“We don’t have any mice in our house we chase them all away so they don’t eat our muffin crumbs.”
“Uh-huh.” The Doctor didn’t mean to sound disinterested and shot her an apology smile, but Dinky hadn’t noticed and pointed her hoof back to the book. “The stockings were hung by the chimney with care”
“My Stocking! It’s still ruined!”
“Don’t worry I saw Sparkler hang it back up. Fixed.”
“I have the best big sister in the world!”
“The Stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St. Nicholas would soon be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of sugarplums danced in their heads”
“What’s a sugarplum?”
“It’s a kind of candy”
“Then how does it dance?”
“I don’t know…” He quickly returned to the story before being questioned “And mama and her kerchief”
“What’s a kerchief?”
“It’s like a bandana. And I in my cap had just settled in for a long winter’s nap. When out on the lawn I heard such a clatter I jumped from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash tore up the curtains and threw up the sash”
“Why would you throw up a sash? I don’t think I’d like to eat clothes.”
“It’s a different kind of sash and by threw up I think he means opened.”
“The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.”
“What’s a reindeer?”
“It’s like a regular deer but it can fly.”
“So it has wings like a Pegasus?”
“No it just can fly.”
“Christmas Magic” Dinky felt cheated being given that answer but let it slide as the Doctor resumed the story.
“With a little old driver, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St Nick. More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, and he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name! “Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Donner and Blitzen! To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall! Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!" As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky. So up to the house-top the coursers they flew, With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too. And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof The prancing and pawing of each little hoof. As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot. A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back, And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack. His eyes-how they twinkled! His dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow. The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.”
“What’s a wreath?”
“It’s a circle”
“Why don’t they just say that?”
“It doesn’t rhyme.”

“He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf”
“What’s an elf?”

“And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!”
“You shouldn’t laugh at Santa. Also what’s an elf?”

“A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.”
“Why would you be afraid of Santa?”
“He’s not afraid of Santa He has nothing to dread!” The Doctor quickly regained his demeanor and resumed “He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, and filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk. And laying his finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!”
“How’s he do that?”
“Christmas Magic” Dinky groaned. It seemed she wasn’t going to get a better answer then that tonight
“He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!" The Doctor shut the book “Good night Dinky.”
“Wait!” She gave the Doctor a big heartfelt if painful hug “Thank you for the book, but I still have questions for you” The Doctor sighed and expected “What’s an elf?”
“When are you going to marry Mommy?” The Doctor had not been expecting that question “Sparkler wanted to know.” He could tell she was fibbing, but she still wanted the answer
“I don’t know Dinky. I know your mother is a special mare, definitely the special mare. I just don’t know when I’ll ask. And this is a secret between the two of us got it?” The little unicorn nodded. “Good night” He made his way towards the door and as he was shutting he heard one more question.
“What’s an elf?” He chuckled and checked his pocket watch as he went down the stairs. A small realization came over him. Ditzy was running on a tight schedule, and was almost always running things down to the wire. He found the perfect gift for Ditzy the day of. His pocketwatch was a sentimental piece of him and it addressed what she needed. Entering the living room he felt relief that Sparkler had gone to bed. He left the purse under the tree still wrapped in its box and made his way over to Ditzy who was staring at the fireplace now that Carrot Top had left.
“Merry Christmas” He gave her a peck on the cheek again and handed her the small velvet box that contained his watch. She opened it and recognized it immediately.
“Oh its perfect.” She tossed both her hooves around the Doctor putting him in his fourth bone crushing hug of the day. “Open yours!” She handed him the large wrapped box. He read the tag “To the most irreplaceable Stallion in the world Love Ditzy” He opened it. It was a dapper brown suit with small patches on the knees with a small pin that looked like a muffin.
“It’s perfect. You’re perfect.” He gave cuddled next to Ditzy and stared at the fire. The night was perfect.