• Published 22nd Dec 2011
  • 3,848 Views, 28 Comments

With The Hooves For the Holidays - Twogunkid

Short Stories Focusing on the Hooves/Doo Family

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Ditzy's Story

The day had been divine and this was the perfect end to it. Carrot Top seemed to be enjoying her Christmas present very much either that or Aloe and Lotus had relaxed Ditzy so much she could no longer comprehend reality. As the spa ponies continued to work their relaxing massages Carrot opened conversation.
“So Ditzy, you said you still had one surprise left before we leave for Canterlot. Would you care to put me now or is it some big secret?” Her voice began to modulate up and down as the blue spa pony began a series of chopping motions. Ditzy’s giggles likewise moved up and down as the pink pony did likewise. The pair was then led by the third, Spa Pony, lotus blossom into the Sauna.
“Surprise! Big finish before New Years Ball!” Ditzy was positively thrilled at whatever she had planned. Carrot looked skeptical.
“But how will we put on fancy clothes and ready our manes for the ball tonight?” Carrot Top’s question was legitimate, but Ditzy laughed and said to leave it to her. Carrot nervously smile, Ditzy was sweet, but she hoped this would go better than some of their previous escapades. Leaving the spa the mares felt refreshed and ready for anything. Carrot had put on her red sweater and scarf while Ditzy was wearing the new cape she had been given by Rarity for Christmas. It was a faint blue with small silver lines running in an intricate pattern that glistened every time the sun hit it. Ditzy refused to tell Carrot where the duo was going. The streets of Ponyville had finally been cleared of snow, making the walk simply cold as versus cold and wet. Mayor Mare promised better snow clearing every year, and yet it seemed to get worse and worse. Ditzy had occasionally wondered if the politician could be being dishonest.
“We’re here!” Ditzy proudly presented Carousel Boutique to her friend.
“Ditzy you can’t mean to buy new dresses? There’s not enough time for new ones to be made and improperly fitted dress just won’t do-” Ditzy put her hoof over her friends mouth and rolled her eyes, impressively in both directions at once. It gave Carrot a moment of pause. Someponies called her “Derpy” because of that, but she didn’t care. It was meant to hurt her, and mean ponies were not going to get any satisfaction out of her. She then removed her hoof and spoke.
“Just go inside.” The duo knocked on the door Carrot expected it to be closed, it being New Year’s Eve and all but Rarity’s voice almost sang in response
“Ditzy darling is that you?”
“Yes Mam!” The door opened and the unicorn hurried the duo into her shop.
“I must say darling the cape I made looks positively magnificent on you.” Rarity trotted around Ditzy admiring her own handiwork for a moment. “Now the pieces you commissioned are almost ready I just need the wearers for a few last minute hems!” Carrot wasn’t quite sure what was going on all she knew was she was being lifted by magic and blinded by fabric. She had been fitted by Rarity before, she decided not to fight it and just see what was going on. The fabric finally passed, but her eyes were covered again, this time by hooves.
“Uh-Uh No peeking”
“Ditzy how am I supposed to know what I am even wearing?”
“You’re not. It’s a surprise!” Ditzy laughed at her friend’s slightly disgruntled sigh. Rarity occasionally made marks on the dress with tailor’s chalk. Once again the fabric flew over Carrot’s eyes and Rarity disappeared back to her work room.
“Alright Ditzy if I’m wearing the mystery dress to the New Year’s Ball, what are you wearing to it?” Ditzy giggled before disappearing behind the changing wall. Ditzy deliberately took longer than usual, if only because Carrot seemed particularly impatient today. Ditzy wasn’t above a little prank to mess with her friend. A few impatient hoof stomps later Ditzy moved out to show off the dress she had Rarity make for her. Carrot Top let out a faint gasp; it was odd for her to see the mail pony who outside of her work uniform almost always dressed casually dressed so formally.
“Ditzy you look amazing! I never imagined you would own such a beautiful dress.” Carrot Top was looking it over when the unicorn reentered the main room.
“She did not want to. Originally she just wanted the commission for you. She was going to wear this!” Rarity levitated out an old faded and somewhat rumpled red dress. “But I insisted if she was going to the New Year’s Ball she would need to look her best. So I designed this master piece.
I started with a black velvet base from there I made the top out of my special gold silk and trimmed the ends of it with it. Finally I’ve had these pearls that I couldn’t do anything with, and I’ve tried positively everything. Then Ditzy comes in and commissions a dress for you, and inspiration strikes me like a bolt from the blue. Ditzy do be a dear and turn around” The Pegasus complied and Rarity then gestured to the fourteen pearls mirroring Ditzy’s cutie mark. Towards the bottom of the dress the black broke into a sea blue in a wave like pattern mirroring the ocean. “It is magnificent isn’t it?”
Rarity would have gone on about her creation all day had not Carrot Top began talking “That looks amazing Rarity. I can’t wait to see how mine looks!” Rarity moved the changing wall in front of Carrot and then levitated a small box over it. The time it took Carrot to change seemed like an eternity to Ditzy. She wanted to see how this part of her present had turned out. After all it was the part she had least control over. Finally Carrot Top emerged Ditzy happily clapped her fore hooves while Rarity squealed with glee at her finished creation. It was a breezy white gown with a green sash, and a rose on the forward left shoulder with a matching rose for her mane.
“You look good Carrot!”
“Good darling? Good doesn’t even begin to describe it! She looks positively stunning. I do so wish I was going to the New Year’s Ball. Try and have a good time dears.”
“Thank you Rarity! We will!” The two Mares happily trotted out onto the streets Ditzy putting her cape on and Carrot returning her scarf to a cozy position around her neck. As the two got further away from the boutique they heard one last shout.
“And if you see Prince Blueblood push him into a cake for me!” The two friends laughed and wondered what Rarity meant by that. The pair certainly didn’t have any plans of assaulting royalty with cake. Arriving back at Ditzy’s house they saw a sky chariot parked outside.
“Ditzy you aren’t planning to fly us to Canterlot are you?”
“Hehe Nope!”
“Then what are you planning or are you going to continue this mare of mystery routine?”
“Continue!” Ditzy laughed at her friend’s sigh. The pair entered and there in the kitchen were two familiar stallions at least for Ditzy.
“Carrot you already know the Doctor.” The brown earth pony waved hello and then went back to that universe perplexing activity that was making dinner. Next to him a brown Pegasus who looked distinctly uncomfortable in the suit he had to wear for the night stepped forward.
“Ditzy Doo! How’s my employee of the year doing? I gotta say I was surprised when I heard the Doctor wasn’t coming-” He leaned in to whisper to Ditzy “But now that I’m seeing your friend I’m kinda glad he’s not. How’s about introducing me?”
“Sure!” Ditzy spoke with her normal voice which at close range almost deafened the Pegasus. She did not quite understand why she was asked to introduce them. It would be bad manners not to. “Carrot Top this is my Boss Mr. Handel!”
“Please call me Chip.” The Pegasus had a gruff voice to match his stubble and rugged build. Carrot Top politely offered a hoof shake. Mr. Handel kissed her hoof. Carrot did her best to keep what she was feeling to herself.
“Charmed I’m sure.” Carrot said keeping voice level but a hint of her displeasure did escape.
“No the pleasure is all mine.” The Doctor continued stirring the pot of boiling water but he now had a big stupid grin on his face, watching the situation.
“Yeah. We’re all friends! Mr. Handel is pulling the sky chariot to Canterlot carrot” The bulky Pegasus puffed up at the mention of his feat.
“We should get goin’ then.” Mr. Handel held the door open “Miss Carrot Top your chariot awaits.” Carrot rolled her eyes. Ditzy quickly zipped over to the Doctor “Thanks for watching Sparkler and Dinky for me. I know Sparkler is old enough, but I don’t want her to have to be in charge that long. You’re the best” She gave him a peck on the cheek.
“You just have fun tonight. I’ll try not to burn your house down.” Ditzy laughed and went out the door and onto the chariot.
Soon they were soaring through the air towards Canterlot. Despite his rough appearance Mr. Handel was quite the graceful flier. He kept trying to strike up conversation with Carrot, but she didn’t seem to be enjoying any of his jokes. Ditzy found they were all highly amusing. “How do you make an apple stand? You take away its chair.” Ditzy thought Carrot seemed grumpy, but decided that would all change once they arrived at the New Year’s Ball.
The chariot finally set down on the cobblestone streets of Canterlot.
“We made it.” Mr. Handel let out a huge breath. The sky chariot was designed to be pulled by a pair of Pegasi not a single one, even one as strong as Mr. Handel. He was out of breath.
“Will you be all right Mr. Handel?”
“Sure Ditzy. Just give me a minute to-” Carrot Top and Ditzy had already gone inside.
The New Year’s Ball was more immense than anything Ditzy had ever imagined. A four-piece band filled the air with music. Princess Luna was still greeting the crowd in a regal sea blue dress with thousands of small diamonds mirroring the night sky. The day was reaching its last legs and Princess Celestia would lower the sun and Luna would raise the first moon of the New Year.
“Well Carrot where do you want to start? The band! Maybe by the Princesses? Or oh The Wonderbolts!” Ditzy grew in excitement at each idea. Carrot shook her head.
“Ditzy how about this? I go look for the stallion of my dreams and you go have fun?” Ditzy was unsure. She wouldn’t be being a very good wingmare if she left her friend on her own. She scratched her head with her hoof.
“Carrot Top are you sure?”
“Ditzy you are a wonderful friend, but I can handle finding the stallion of my dreams on my own. Go have fun.” Carrot smiled, and Ditzy was reassured. Ditzy trotted off and began forming a checklist of things she wanted to do.
She was going to wait in line. She was going to meet the Princess. Midway through the line Princess Luna lifted into the air as her elder sister descended from the balcony. She was wearing a red dress with small fragments of gold glinting from the last shards of the setting sun. Oh well so she wouldn’t be able to meet Princess Luna, she would at least get to see Princess Celestia. The line continued crawling along for another twenty minutes. Then something remarkable happened, Princess Luna returned from raising the moon. Ditzy was next in line, and she was going to meet both Princess. It amounted to little more than a hoof shake, but Luna remembered her “creative” Nightmare Night costume and Princess Celestia remembered her from delivering Twilight Sparkle’s friendship report that week Spike was sick.
She was happy to be recognized by the Princess. She certainly was having a grand time. Mr. Handel had finally arrived, he said something about being unable to find a parking spot. He wanted to introduce Ditzy to his old flight school roommate. She did not want to meet some old Pegasus and hear them reminisce about the glory days, but Mr. Handel seemed adamant about it. Mr. Handel lead her to an area she did not expect. The VIP zone was full of sorts of important ponies, Mr. Handel introduced her to a blue Pegasus in a Wonderbolts’ uniform.
“Ditzy Doo this is Soarin, my old roomie.”
“Hey if ain’t old Chipping and Handeling!” Mr. Handel groaned at the mention of his old nickname. Soarin then turned his attention to Ditzy “How do you do Miss Doo?” Ditzy giggled and made polite small talk for a while. She was getting to talk to a Wonderbolt, she was going to have to tell Rainbow Dash about this the next time she made a delivery. Eventually Soarin decided to go get some food, and Mr. Handel decided to join him.
Ditzy now wandered over to the orchestra. Tonight was going swimmingly, everything was better than expected. The orchestra continued playing a fast paced waltz. Ditzy spotted a familiar orange Earth pony.
“Hey Carrot!” Carrot Top looked around for the voice that shouted across the dance floor before finally spotting Ditzy and practically galloping across to meet her.
“Ditzy you will not believe the colt I’ve meet. He’s amazing, and a total sweet talker. You’ve got to meet him” Carrot lead Ditzy back across the room. The orchestra had taken two more members on in the time and the violin mare began leading a powerful crescendo. The music began building in tension. She approached the stallion from behind and turned him around
“Ditzy this Firestarter.” The red maned tan unicorn with a lit matchstick cutie mark turned around a look of realization darted across his face.
“We’ve met” Ditzy practically growled “This guys no good for you Carrot. He’s a complete pain in the flank.” Ditzy looked to Carrot Top expecting her to back away from the colt immediately, instead she looked hurt and confused.
“Ditzy you can’t mean such nasty things.” Ditzy focused, making sure to work on looking at Carrot with both of her eyes.
“Carrot Top. I wouldn’t say such things if this were not the absolute worst unicorn in ALL of Equestria. No. The entire world!” The Red maned unicorn seemed to shrink into his tuxedo.
“Derpy I can’t believe-” Carrot caught herself. She had used the nickname bullies had given to the mailmare. Ditzy’s eyes began to water.
“Fine. I don’t care.” She lifted off the ground and flew out of the ballroom at her top speed.
“Ditzy I-” But it was too late the damage had been done and Ditzy had left Carrot Top’s voice range.
The Pegasus left and set herself around a loading entrance in the back of the palace and proceeded to cry her eyes out. She ignored the cart carrying big speakers and piles of records. She could hear a conversation in the backround.
“Hey Tavi!”
“Ah Vinyl just in the nick of time as always.”
“Well with you and your band playing the old I got to be ready to bring in the new. Time to forgive and forget the past.” Maybe whoever these ponies were had a point. It had been years since she had seen Firestarter, perhaps he wasn’t the same unicorn who had wronged her so many years ago. She would go ask his forgiveness and her friend’s. She dried the tears from her eyes, and returned to the ball. The band had been replaced with a white unicorn with big blue sunglasses. The waltz was replaced with a low steady techno beat. There on the other side of the room were Carrot Top and Firestarter leaving the ball. Ditzy turned to follow but as she reached the exit she was stopped by Mr. Handel. “Hey Ditzy if you leave before it ends how am I supposed to bring you and Carrot home?”
“Meeting point?”
“Good idea Ditzy. In the parking lot towards the very back. The absolute last space before reaching Main Street.” Ditzy nodded and then left the ball. Carrot Top and Firestarter had left her visual range, she ascended to the sky and hoped there were not any laws about flying in Canterlot. There two blocks away Firestarter and Carrot Top had come to the Canterlot Park and were sitting on a bench. Rather than descend directly in front of them she took an approach from behind, and listened to the conversation.
“I feel really bad about calling Ditzy a name.”
“Hey don’t worry about it. Tonight is about you and me.”
“Why did she call you the Worst Unicorn in the World?”
“I’m sure she had me confused with some other pony.” Ditzy grimaced. He hadn’t changed. He was still the same selfish lying pony he had always been. She had just been innocent enough to believe him last time. Now he was trying to do to her friend what he had done to her five years ago. She would tell Carrot the truth. She would rather lose Carrot as a friend than see her hurt the way she had been. She glided silently in behind them.
“No Firestarter. I remember you.” Both the unicorn and the earth pony jumped and turned to look at Ditzy. She had both her eyes glaring at the unicorn “Every little lie about loving me forever. The promise that you would marry me. The lies about what you said normal fillyfriends were supposed to do. You aren’t worthy to be the father of my little muffin. You ran when you found out about her. You broke my heart!” Ditzy had worked herself up into a scream. Carrot turned and gave surprised looks at both Ditzy and Firestarter.
“Well uh darling I can explain.” Firestarter was backing up giving his collar a little tug
“Are you talking to me or her?” Carrot now started advancing on Firestarter.
“Well you of course. Some derpy eyed Pegasus means nothing to me!” Ditzy watched with some unladylike glee as Carrot Top pushed Firestarter into the Canterlot fountain.
“Wrong answer. Ditzy I’m so sorry! I should have trusted you. You are such a good friend. Can you ever forgive me?”
Ditzy put a hoof around her friend and began leading her to the parking lot. “Of course I can Carrot. I expect apology muffins.” The pair began laughing “and you should be nicer to Mister Handel.” Carrot groaned.
“Do I have to?” Ditzy looked at Carrot out of the corner of her eye.
“Oh all right Ditzy.” The pair met up with the bulky brown Pegasus who had traded his suit for a baseball cap and a black jacket.
“Eh Ditzy! The lovely Miss Carrot Top! Happy New Year! Now lets get out of here before the rush.” The two ponies walked aboard the chariot as it ascended into the air.
“Eh… Chip.” Ditzy smiled at Carrot as she continued “maybe sometime you’d like to go for a coffee or something. If you don’t that’s fine-”
“Are you kidding? I’d love to! How’s tomorrow for ya?” Ditzy clapped her hooves together. Carrot sighed and mumbled a yes. The chariot approached Ponyville and the hopeful first light of a new year broke over the hills. One quick stop at Golden Harvest farms, Carrot left Ditzy with a thank you and a promise for some carrot nut muffins first thing. Mr. Handel quickly made it to Ditzy’s house. He was beginning to yawn and he looked awful. “Thank you Mr. Handel! See you tomorrow.”
“Sure thing Ditzy. I’m gonna take a little nap now, or maybe I should shave. I asked Carrot Top last night. So that makes today tomorrow! I’ve got a date!” Ditzy was unsure why her boss was so frantic, but he only narrowly cleared the tree line as he took off. Ditzy entered her home to see Sparkler making waffles in the kitchen.
“Mom! You’re back how was the ball?”
“Yeah how was it?” Dinky emerged from behind the counter every bit awake as her adopted sister.
“Eventful. I’ll tell you all about it later.” Ditzy looked around the kitchen and saw a pizza box stuffed into the trashcan. “What happened to the dinner the Doctor was cooking?”
“He ah…” As Sparkler tried to find a way to put it delicately Dinky jumped in.
“He set pasta on fire!”
“Yes that.”
Ditzy giggled. “Where is he now?” The two unicorns pointed to the living room. Ditzy entered and saw the Doctor, his collar was unbuttoned and he was wearing a festive party hat while he slept with a New Year’s noisemaker going off every time he gently snored.
“Happy New Year.” She gave him a small kiss on the cheek.
“Well that’s certainly the best wakeup call I’ve ever gotten. Eh-Sorry about the mess.” New Year’s streamers and noisemakers littered the room as well as the burnt shells of several discharged firecrackers and some used sparklers.
“It’s okay. You’re very good to me you know that? I wouldn’t trade you for any stallion in the world.” She then gave him a big kiss right on the lips.
“Not that I’m complaining, but what brought that on?”
“Oh nothing” Ditzy smiled as the couple watched the sun rise.

Author's Note: I wanted to get this up by midnight so there may be several errors. I have not yet proofread. If you see any please let me know. Happy New Year.