• Published 17th May 2021
  • 1,318 Views, 56 Comments

Inkwells across Equestria - Keyslam

Raven Inkwell is not a single pony. Raven is a collective.

  • ...

Like hammers against nails

"I trust that you have worked diligently on the orchestration of the Princess of Friendship's assassination?"

Raven nods. "I was unable to access the research materials and experimental weaponry of our predecessor, so I have instead arranged for a more conventional means to her end."

The Alicorn Raven raises a brow.

"Poisoned letters, Elevated One." Raven clarifies. "A special concoction is to be synthesized that, as I have instructed, will penetrate the sealing layers of the envelope to create a miasmic toxin upon contact with the Castle of Friendship's innate magical field. This is to guarantee that the fumes will eventually be inhaled by the Princess regardless of her location upon the letters' delivery."

"Very well then. I suppose it is a suitable path to take, given the circumstances."

Raven pushes up her glasses. "Have you looked into the existence of the Chamber of the First yet? I imagine that with the brunt of the assassination work now out of the way, we may be able to focus our attention on the chamber's rediscovery and unsealing."

The Alicorn's response catches Raven by mock surprise. "I have, in fact, already discovered its location whilst traversing the Frozen North. I did not linger for long for fear of raising suspicion, but it appears that a false cave has at some point been constructed at some point in time to shield the structure from the elements. I attempted to unseal the vault by my lonesome, but it appears, strangely enough, that even the might of an Alicorn is unable to break the spell."

"I have heard that the sealant spell was strong, but is it truly resistant to Alicorn magic as you say it is? Moreso, do you even have the powers of an Alicorn?"

The Alicorn Raven nods. "Unfortunately for your first question, it appears to be the case. As of now, I am unsure as to how the vault may ever be unsealed. I am unsure as of now whether or not my abilities are even above average in comparison to our sisters."

"Perhaps..." Raven rubs her chin. "Perhaps you should gather and sacrifice our sisters for additional mana? I am aware that you are impartial to the deaths of our sisters if you believe that they were for the greater good. If I am to estimate the magical ability of a single incarnation of our bloodline in comparison to what I have seen you accomplish, it may take at minimum another three to five of our sisters to match the capabilities of yourself."

This catches the Alicorn by surprise--real surprise. "Are you suggesting we foalnap our own sisters?"

Raven shrugs. "It was you who threatened to murder and absorb the mana of one of our sisters under the care of the Collector, was it not?"

A smirk grows across the Alicorn Raven's face, though it remains largely obscured by her cloak. "You know me well, sister."

"As I must if I am to assist you in the effort to prolong our bloodline."

"Do you ever feel uncomfortable underneath that cloak, sister?"

The Alicorn Raven shakes her head, her focus remaining squarely on the diagram laying upon the table before her. "I suppose it would be difficult to blend in amongst fellow Inkwells, but within the greater populace, it may help to further cloak my identity beyond even the cloak I wear."

She lights her horn, scribbling a hasty construction over the location of the vault. "I do not believe it would be wise for me to carry the absorbed mana of our sisters for prolonged periods of time. Instead, we shall house them close by in order to make access to them easier when the time comes. Do you have any suggestions, sister?"

"I do," Raven briefly nods. "With the placement of these cells being so close to the chamber door, do you believe it would be feasible to channel the mana en-masse? The spacing would certainly allow for the required channeling lines to be drawn."

The Alicorn Raven pauses. "...Yes. Yes, I do suppose that it would be reasonable to do that. A larger charge of mana all at once rather than a trickle of weaker bursts may be beneficial if the door withstands spellcraft by means of absorbing the magic itself. It would be like a hammer against a nail."

Raven stands up. "Then it is settled. Do you wish for me to gather our sisters? I would certainly stand out far less, and without the need for any kind of cloak or disguise."

"Do you have a plan as to how you will restrain and transport them?"

"Rope and magic suppressors." Raven immediately responds. "Do not forget that our predecessor was skilled in the crafting of experimental weaponry. If need be, we may both begin forging magic suppressors before the gathering of our sisters commences."

The Alicorn Raven smiles, leaning back in her seat just enough for her counterpart to see the expression. "Excellent. We will begin our preparations tomorrow."

Author's Note:

This chapter partially invalidates the chapter "Raven of the Shadows", wherein the non-Alicorn Raven Inkwell that accompanies her Alicorn counterpart is seen as more timid, and is caught by surprise at the mention of sacrifice.

Here, due to her witnessing of the Alicorn Raven's threats against others of their bloodline, she instead acts cautiously cocky, opting to twist the plans of the Alicorn to her will rather than to pretend to not know her sister's intentions.

When the time comes, a "replacement" chapter will be posted in chronological order relative to the rest of this sub-story. The original chapter shall remain viewable to all, but will no longer be in the same context as the proposed upcoming replacement chapter.