• Published 17th May 2021
  • 1,318 Views, 56 Comments

Inkwells across Equestria - Keyslam

Raven Inkwell is not a single pony. Raven is a collective.

  • ...

Monsters within the temple

One final flash of light illuminates the barren structure, leaving one more pair of glasses to litter the ground. The Alicorn Raven allows the glow at the tip of her horn to finally dissipate.

"Is this the last of our sisters?" Raven approaches her sister. "It does not appear that there are any remaining incarnations of our bloodline left within. I... apologize for being unable to assist beyond serving as distraction."

She sits, awaiting for a response.

"We are monsters." The Alicorn Raven hangs her head. "Monsters that traverse a noble path, but monsters nonetheless."

Raven cocks a brow. For how swiftly they had cleared this sacred ground of the decoys, it came as a surprise to find remorse being expressed by the perpetrator.

No matter. In the end, this Alicorn was still to be disposed of regardless.

Any moment now, a supposed platoon of "reinforcements" will arrive, and whatever semblance of regret her sister expresses will once more be plunged into obscurity.

"Halt." A familiar voice shouts from an unseen place. "Move, and it will be ensured that your current incarnation will be your last."

The Alicorn Raven perks up, her horn blazing to life once more. She steps in front of Raven and unfurls her wings. "If you seek violence, sisters, it will be your blood that spills. Do not harm my follower, or there will be a price to pa--"

As expected, the next batch of decoys emerges in full armor. Raven leans to the side, watching through the feathers of her sister.

"This is your final warning, Alicorn." The leading guard Raven points her sword at the Alicorn's chest. "Do. Not. Move."

"Flee, sister!" The Alicorn Raven hisses. "Why do you stare in such a dumbfounded fashion? Is it not the duty of the leader to protect her followe--"

The sword thrust forward, only to crumple like paper against the Alicorn's barrel. Raven, for her part, does as she is told, if not only for a better view of the ensuing carnage that is to come. Call it morbid, but there existed a gnawing curiosity within her that wished to view the full might of her Alicorn self.

This is the purpose of the reinforcement platoon.

Fifty decoys, all heavily armored and geared; each and every one a near-perfect replica of the mares they were based on.

One Alicorn, with no need for any more Ravens to capture.

"Your meager weapons do not harm me." The Alicorn Raven sneers. She takes a step toward the guards. "Do you really believe that the power of an Alicorn may be matched with the miniscule numbers of your own? Is our Raven of the Light that serves the Sun Princess growing senile?"

"You mock us." The guard spits. She throws aside her sword and lights her horn...

...and hardly a moment later, is reduced to mere ashes.

"Who dares to further deny our bloodline its deserved immortality?" The Alicorn Raven shouts. "Present yourself!"

"Sister--" Raven steps closer to the Alicorn. Curiosity sated or not, the thought that her sister was capable of simply extinguishing any who opposed her overrode any semblance of desire to continue watching. Even against decoys, allowing such power to be wielded so was a danger to Equestrian society. "--I do believe that you have gone far enough now. We have captured plentiful numbers of our sisters as it is. Need we now mindlessly slay the rest?"

The Alicorn's sadistic grin fades. "No."

Once more, the light of her horn evaporates. She gives a solemn nod to the remaining guards. "I must apologize for my outburst. It is unfitting of me." She turns her head to Raven. "Thank you for calling me back to my senses."

"No gratitude is necessary, Elevated One."

"Very well then. Let us take our leave."

A flash of light envelops the two Ravens, leaving no trace of their presence.