• Published 18th May 2021
  • 1,013 Views, 82 Comments

Total Magic Pony Island: The Lost Episodes - SuperPinkBrony12

(An unofficial continuation of Tailslover13's "Total Magic Pony Island", takes place in AU after "The Return of Harmony".) The long forgotten missing episodes of Total Magic Pony Island are here. Find out which contestant will win it all!

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Episode 22: A Day With The Losers

The sun shone down on the Dock of Shame as Discord stood on it, looking into the cameras and smiling as he began his usual spiel recapping the events of the previous twenty four hours. "Last time on Total Magic Pony Island."

Then, like as always, the camera began to flicker and cut to clips from that period. And all the while, Discord was explaining. "Princess Celestia's abrupt elimination left Twilight Sparkle wondering what her mentor was up to. And Rainbow Dash was trying to figure out just what was going on when Nightmare Moon had shown her her worst fear. All the while, Pinkie Pie continued to get close to Derpy even if she wasn't aware of it herself."

Soon the camera cut to the previous day, showing the six surviving ponies in the mess hall with Discord and Nightmare Moon. And the witty spirit continued his narrations. "I decided to change things up for the six contestants still left, placing them into pairs and tasking them with three challenges to win invincibility. And I must say, the pairings were a stroke of pure genius on my part!"

A clip showed what the three pairings were: Pinkie Pie and Derpy, Twilight Sparkle and Rarity and Trixie and Rainbow Dash. And Discord was simply narrating as the clips continued to roll. "Trixie and Rainbow Dash in particular did NOT get along well, like at all! And boy let me tell you, the audience just eats that sort of thing up!" He paused briefly to laugh before regaining his composure.

Another clip showed the three challenges briefly as Discord explained the events of each. "The challenges themselves were pretty straightforward, though by no means easy. First there was an all-you-can-eat buffet, then a canoe race to Dusk Island to bury a bad luck idol Zecora left behind, and finally a totem pole construction featuring carved heads of all the eliminated contestants."

The chaos maker kept up his narrations as the outcome of each of the three challenges was shown briefly. "Pinkie Pie propelled herself and Derpy to victory in the first challenge, hoping to secure invincibility and keep Derpy in the game. Then Twilight Sparkle and Rarity were able to return the idol safely and win the second challenge. And ultimately, they won the third challenge too in the nick of time, giving them both invincibility."

From there, the camera cut to show the contestants being brought back to Paradox Island via the Boat of Losers. And Discord was explaining everything. "Derpy, fearing that she had come back to the show when she wasn't supposed to, ultimately convinced Twilight and Rarity to vote her out. And Derpy cast a vote for herself as well to seal the deal," The results of the voting that night were shown as Discord continued. "However, Derpy got a bit of a different send-off than usual. But an elimination is still an elimination in my book so... whatever."

The clips ended as the five remaining contestants could be briefly seen behind Discord, though the spirit paid them no mind. "Now that only five contestants remain in the game, we're going to do something a little different. I've left Nightmare Moon to watch over our survivors and make sure they don't get into any trouble," He then grinned. "'Where are we going?' you might ask? Why, to here of course!"

A snap of his talons caused the spirit to appear in front of a huge tropical resort, the sun shining down on the dock leading up to the front entrance. And he was explaining. "This here is the place where all the eliminated contestants have come after losing. Yes, all of them. We checked, Derpy is here with them. I guess that 'Doctor' figured she needed some rest and relaxation," Then he declared. "So we're going to check in on the fifteen ponies that have been eliminated thus far. We'll get to see what they've been up to and even hear what they have to say about the survivors."

Discord then turned back to the cameras. "Excited, aren't we? Well good, you should be! So stick around for this very special episode of Total Magic Pony Island!"

The cameras were still rolling as Discord kept narrating. "Like what you see, don't you? Well don't tell any of the contestants still in the game, Rarity especially. Boy, if she knew what awaits the losers she'd flip her lid and quit the show in a heartbeat. Good for her but very bad for me."

Then the spirit turned his attention toward the resort proper. "We call this place 'The Palais De Perdantes', which is Prench for 'The Palace of Losers'," He said with a grin, speaking to his imaginary audience. "I know, I know, I have such a way with words. But hey, don't just take my word for it. Why don't we check in on our lovely bunch of ex Magical Misfits and Royal Ruffians and see how they're all doing?" He then snapped his talons and seemed to disappear as only his voice could be heard. "I'm not even here. Get the cameras inside!"

So the cameras were brought up a small staircase at the edge of the dock, quickly approaching the front doors of the resort as the witty spirit not so secretly turned the knobs and made the doors swing open.

The cameras quickly moved across the interior, showing off lavish, tiled floors and a tropical setting. Sunlight beamed down from a huge overhead glass ceiling. There were also several large pools (some complete with slides and diving boards), a hut tub, a sauna and of course several large pool chairs. There didn't seem to be any lifeguards on duty though, even despite the fact that in the middle of one of the pools was what could be described as a floating bar.

Suddenly, there was a gasp before the familiar form of Princess Celestia appeared. In stark contrast to how she had appeared on Paradox Island, she had her usual flowing mane and tail and was considerably taller. She had on a pair of sunglasses that she lifted up as she exclaimed! "Oh my me! They're filming an episode here?!" A faint blush could be seen forming on her cheeks as the alicorn giggled like a school filly. "Oh, I wish I'd have known. I'm... not prepared."

Another voice could be heard calling out from a distance. "Sister, who are you talking to? Please don't tell me you're talking to yourself."

Celestia giggled again as she whispered to the cameras. "Uh, would you excuse me for a moment?" She promptly turned her back and trotted away, soon explaining. "Luna, we have company. It would seem Discord wants to film an episode here for whatever reason. He sent cameras over."

"What?!" The voice from before called! "Why didn't you just say so?! They've been here before to see me. I guess they must really like me," And soon, who should come trotting up to the cameras but Princess Luna in all her glory?! "Greetings, citizens of Equestria! It is I, your favorite princess of the night! In fact, your only princess of the night. Did you miss me?!"

Princess Celestia trotted over, gazing into the cameras as she pulled her younger sister away. "Luna, don't get up so close," She lightly scolded and then blushed. "I'm sorry, my subjects. Luna is still adapting to these sort of things, and it seems she still has a bit of that desire for attention she always had."

The night princess chuckled and waved a hoof. "Sister, surely you're not suggesting I'm jealous, are you? I'm more than happy to share the spotlight with you."

The sun princess grinned. "Whatever you say, sister," Then she looked back at the cameras. "Uh, you can cut this out in editing, right? Please tell me you're not recording this live."

Luna could only reply with a smirk. "If I know Discord, I'm sure this is being broadcast live."

Celestia sighed. "Great. Even after my elimination he's still intent on humiliating and embarrassing me."

Princess Luna just turned to face the cameras. "Don't mind my buzzkill of a sister. Just focus on me. I'll be glad to give you all a tour of this lovely place." And she gestured a hoof.

Just then, however, who should come trotting up on the scene but Applejack? Her expression seemed to shift from one of slight anger to one of confusion. "Howdy, princesses. Uh, what are you starin' at?"

The elder alicorn explained to Applejack. "The cameras, Applejack. They're filming an episode here for some reason."

The farm mare blinked, the realization slowly settling in. "Oh, they are? Gosh, I can't help but feel a bit unprepared," She took off her hat, holding it in her hooves. "Uh, howdy everypony and uh any other creatures out there. I'm Applejack... but you probably already knew that," She nervously giggled. "Gosh, it feels so weird to be back on camera after all this time. I was just about to ask if anyone's seen Spike."

"Why? He's been avoiding you ever since you came back to this place with him over a week ago," Luna remarked as she seemed to frown. "And I don't blame him. From what he told me, you weren't exactly all that friendly with him."

At that, Applejack let out a long sigh. "Yeah, I ain't exactly thrilled admittin' I let my temper get the better of me back there. I'm sure he had his reasons, but if it was Rainbow Dash he was so mad with he didn't have to take it out on me," And she then explained. "I've been tryin' to look for him ever since, let him know I ain't so mad anymore. After all, from what I hear, Rainbow ain't exactly been actin' like the mare I know and fell in love with. Can't help but wonder if all of that was just an act or somethin'."

"I'm afraid that's something beyond either of our understanding," Princess Celestia explained to Applejack. "Though I have seen a lot of unusual relationships spring up since this little 'game' began."

The fare mare nodded. "So I've heard. I mean, I'd never have imagined Spike would get over his crush on Rarity and fall for Silver Spoon of all ponies. It just happened so fast," And she hung her head. "Makes me wish I hadn't been so dog gone blind! I kept votin' off ponies and other creatures who did nothin' wrong: Sweetie Belle, Zecora, Silver Spoon, and I would've sent Spike here ahead of me if he hadn't done what he did."

"Why do you think I was so thrilled when I was voted out when I was?" Princess Luna remarked, before adding. "But this isn't the time or place to be having such discussions."

Applejack nodded again in reply. "Right, 'cause of the cameras," And then she declared to no one in particular. "Well, I'm gonna get back to lookin' for Spike. He can't hide from me forever. Sooner or later, we're gonna have to talk." Then she trotted away to resume her search.

Princess Luna was quick to cough into a hoof. "Well, you've already seen Applejack. And I'm sure Spike will turn up eventually," She delivered the last line with a wink, as if she knew more than she was letting on. "But for now, let's go check in some of the other residents here. After all, I would assume that's why you folks behind the cameras are here."

With the night princess leading the cameras through the resort, it was possible to see several eliminated contestants in the background as they just enjoyed themselves: Whether it be splashing about in one of the many pools, sunning themselves on the pool chairs, swimming out to the floating bar for refreshments or just running around without a care in the world.

A series of giggles quickly established itself as belonging to a very familiar trio of blank flanked fillies, though they were being pursued by a very noticeable headgear wearing filly who seemed to have a most unusual smile upon her face.

It was only when Princess Luna gave a whistle that the four fillies skidded to an immediate halt, bumping into each other when the pegasus filly up front stopped abruptly and the others piled up behind her. Fortunately, none of them were hurt as they quickly brushed off the impact.

Scootaloo soon turned to see the familiar flicker of the cameras, buzzing her wings in excitement as she joyfully exclaimed! "Whoa! No way! The cameras are coming here?!" And she quickly rushed up to them! "Mom! Dad! You're seeing this, right?! You can stop worrying about me now, I'm fine. And I'm with my friends again!"

Apple Bloom soon came over, pulling Scootaloo back a ways. "Easy there, Scootaloo. You ain't the only one here ya know," She teased, before saying into the cameras. "That's right, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are officially back together again!"

Sweetie Belle slowly trotted over to join her friends. "We could barely sleep the night Scootaloo got here. We were rooting for her so badly to win, but having her here is the next best thing," Then she added. "But Apple Bloom and I made some new friends while we were waiting for Scootaloo," She was quick to wave a hoof. "It's okay, Diamond Tiara. You can come over here. You're our friend now, there's no need to hide it."

But the rich filly seemed to be unusually shy as she just stood there, forcing the cameras to pan over to her location. "Uh... hi..." Diamond Tiara sheepishly declared. "Mother... uh... for the record I..."

Scootaloo only glared into the cameras as she trotted over to them! "Mrs. Rich, if you're hearing this, go buck yourself! I mean it! Diamond Tiara doesn't need you telling her who she can and can't be friends with. Look where it got her, third to last place. And meanwhile, I outlasted her. That's right, a blank flank bested your daughter at something! Now just think, if she had made more friends, maybe she wouldn't have left the game so early."

Sweetie could only blush in response to her friend's bluntness. "Uh, she probably didn't mean to use such foul language," She seemed to apologize. "But she is right, Mrs. Rich, you're not a very nice pony from what your daughter's told us. And it's your fault she treated her best friend so badly and made said friend vote her out."

Apple Bloom nodded. "But it's okay. She's been workin' on apologizin' up and down to everypony she picked on since she got here. And thanks to us, not only does she have Silver Spoon back as a friend, but she's got the three of us and Spike as friends too!"

Diamond reluctantly added. "Uh... yeah... what they said," And she quickly sought to change the subject. "But I'm definitely surprised Silver Spoon hooked up with Spike. I can see why Silver likes him so much though, he treats her so well. Heck, she practically has him wrapped around her little hoof."

A somewhat snooty voice responded from afar. "I do not, Di!"

"It's just a joke, Silvy!" Tiara replied and then apologized in front of the cameras. "Sorry for that outburst. I'm still getting used to things like that. I'm just glad Silver Spoon and I are still friends at all. I thought for sure she'd never wanna be around me again."

At that moment, Cheerilee happened to come trotting by and declared. "Well, Diamond, think of this as an ongoing lesson in humility and redemption: You must be willing to humble yourself in order to better yourself," And she added. "I do hope this change in attitude isn't temporary. You were one of my most promising students back in Ponyville, whenever you weren't being a bully anyways."

Diamond Tiara looked down at the ground in shame. "I'm never going to live down how horrible I used to be, am I?"

Cheerilee smiled, wrapping a hoof around the headgear wearing filly. "I wouldn't say that. Haven't you been paying attention to those history lessons I gave? Time makes all things possible. If you keep dedicating yourself to being the best you can be, other ponies will slowly start coming around to the new you."

"A lesson that rings most true," Zecora added as she came upon the scene. "For it as real as the sky is blue. You had lost your way, and that was most tragic. But now you have come to understand that friendship can indeed be magic."

Tiara had to force herself to hold back tears. "S-stop it, all of you. I've told you all before, I don't need anyone's pity." But her tone of voice betrayed her intentions.

As if sensing what was going on, Zecora stepped forward and said to the cameras. "Everything is fine here, as you can clearly tell. But come with me, so we can see if my friend Silver Spoon is also doing well."

So it was that Zecora led the cameras to another part of the resort, this one far removed from most of the pools and far away from the floating bar.

Silver Spoon was in this location, eagerly waving a hoof when she saw Zecora and Princess Luna approaching. "Hi Zecora, hi Princess Luna!" She cheerfully greeted! "Hey, have either of you seen Spike? I haven't been able to find him all day."

Zecora blinked in confusion and concern. "Is he still hiding from Applejack? I was led to believe she had already paid him back."

Princess Luna just winked. "Oh, I have a feeling he'll turn up eventually. He's probably just in the sauna or something. Or he might be taking a nap," The alicorn proceeded to stretch her limbs. "I'm kind of tempted to take one myself with how nice it is here."

The silver coated filly only responded. "He's not napping. But it seems like every day now I rarely see him unless he sneaks out of his room to come and see me," She dreamily sighed. "It was nice of him to visit me when I was still stuck in that body cast. His claws are perfect for scratching itches."

"He really is such a prince charming," Fluttershy remarked as the cameras quickly swung over to look at her, the pegasus mare laying on a pool chair while gazing up at the roof as the rays of sun shone down. Once she saw the cameras were focusing on her though, she let out a tiny eep. "Oh my! I wasn't prepared," The mare blushed. "This place is just so relaxing, I often lose track of time," To prove her point she yawned. "I kind of wish I'd have known about this place sooner. I would've gladly volunteered for elimination ahead of so many others."

Gilda only laughed. "Yeah, but I was here first. I never imagined a scaredy cat like you would outlast me," And the griffon then asked. "Just what was up with you and that Smooze? What did it do to you?"

"Oh, nothing really. I just wanted to study its body more closely," Fluttershy explained with a blush. "I guess The Smooze just became a bit too friendly. But believe it or not, the ooze didn't hurt. It felt like being tickled," And she added. "I feel sorry that it didn't get to compete like Discord wanted it to. I would've actually been interested in seeing that."

Gilda made a gag face and stuck out her tongue. "No way! If I ever have to go up against that... that... whatever it is, I'm walking away! Some things aren't worth a million bits. A sentient pile of ooze is definitely one of 'em."

"Man, why did all the fun stuff have to happen after I left?" The familiar voice of Vinyl Scratch could be heard whining as she trotted over, shades similar to the ones that she had cherished when they'd been broken resting atop her forehead. Upon seeing the cameras, the unicorn happily flashed a smile and looked into them as she declared! "Yo, what's up dudes and dudettes?! DJ-PON-3 is in the house! Yeah, yeah, I know I totally flipped my lid and became all not cool. But it's all good, when Octavia stopped by to drop off Derpy, she also gave me an extra pair of shades."

Derpy blinked as she came trotting over. "Oh, they were yours? I was wondering why those funny looking glasses were resting in that box. I thought maybe The Doctor made them for when he was trying to avoid those creatures with the whole 'Don't blink' thing."

Vinyl simply shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know how Octavia knows that Doctor dude, but anypony who's friends with Octavia is a-ok in my book."

Gilda only shrugged her claws. "Eh, I don't care much about this talk about doctors or monsters or anything like that. All I know is, I got robbed. I could've totally wiped the floor with everypony if Dash hadn't seen me as a threat," And then she added. "Feel sorry for Scootalooo, though. Even I know you never promise a kid stuff like that. And boy, I tell ya, some of those words she used would make even the most foul mouthed griffons I've met blush. How a kid like her could have such a potty mouth, I have no idea."

Vinyl Scratch just rolled her eyes. "Hey, far better for her to let it all out than keep it all inside. Keeping all my feelings inside didn't do me a whole lot of good in the end," Then she blinked. "Still don't know what came over me back there though."

"Well, apparently everypony's been acting weird on that island," Silver Spoon pondered. "And even some non-ponies. Kind of wish Spike had done what he did when I was about to be eliminated. I don't know if I'll ever forgive Rainbow Dash for the way she treated me. Maybe I should've asked Discord if I could switch teams, I'm sure the Magical Misfits would've accepted me."

Fluttershy simply told the glasses wearing filly. "As soon as you made it to the merger you would've had a target on your back anyway. And poor Spike would've taken it so hard not having you around."

Silver sighed. "I just wish I knew where he was."

At that, Gilda sat up in her chair and groaned. "Oh for crying out loud! Princess Luna knows where he is, she just won't tell. But he's gotta stop hiding sooner or later, Applejack's gonna find him eventually."

Silver Spoon blinked in concern and nearly gasped! "But what if Applejack does something horrible to him?! She already beat him up pretty bad on the boat after his confession."

The griffon only replied. "You're giving the little guy far too little credit. He's made of tougher stuff than you might think. The way I see it, anyone who can defeat me in a dodgeball game when I'm going all out can take just about anything life throws at him," Then she added. "So just ask Princess Luna and make her talk. As for me, I'm just gonna work on my tan."

So it was that Princess Luna let out a sigh as Silver Spoon turned her attention to the night princess. "I was hoping not to have to reveal it. After all, I've been helping him hide and sneak his way out at night when Applejack is asleep," She confessed. "But if you really want to know where he is, young Silver Spoon, I can show you the way."

"Please, Princess Luna," Silver pleaded with the alicorn. "If something's wrong with him, I want to help. He was there for me, now it's my turn to be there for him."

Luna reluctantly nodded. "Very well, if you insist. Follow me." And she led the appropriately silver colored filly away, after quickly scanning about to make sure Applejack wasn't around.

Gilda just threw her claws behind her back, completely unbothered by the looks some of the other eliminated contestants had. "Somehow, even at Junior Speedsters, I knew Dash had a thing for girls," She declared with a smirk. "She'd always deny it and play it off, but I could see right through her. Never would've imagined her going for somepony like Applejack. But hey, whatever floats her boat."

"Speaking of..." Fluttershy declared as she got up from her chair. "I think I'm just gonna go over to the bar for a little bit. Just to... get some refreshment."

Derpy called out. "Well don't stay away for too long, Princess Celestia's having a cookout later and she wants everyone to be there!"

Meanwhile, with the cameras unknowingly following behind, Princess Luna led Silver Spoon all the way back to the rooms where the eliminated contestants slept. The two eventually stopped in front of one of them, and Luna lit up her horn (it was so good to be able to use magic again) and made the door to said room open.

"Ooh, this is gonna be juicy! Glad we came here!" Discord exclaimed in a whisper, unable to contain his excitement!

Silver Spoon blinked and looked back, but she couldn't see anything. "Did you hear something, princess?" She asked Luna.

The moon princess questioned in return. "Hear what, Silver Spoon? I didn't say anything, did I?"

"No, I think it was someone else," Silver explained as her moderate violet eyes again scanned her immediate surroundings. "But there's no one here besides us, I think."

Luna reached out and put a hoof around the troubled filly. "You are just as worried as Diamond Tiara is, though this is less over how you feel ponies will accept you versus how you feel they'll accept Spike," She explained and was quick to reassure her friend. "You must have faith, Silver Spoon. It's only fair to tell you that Applejack has reassured my sister and I that she harbors Spike no ill will anymore."

"And you believe her? Just out of the blue?" Silver questioned with concern.

"She isn't the Element of Honesty for nothing, Silver Spoon," Princess Luna explained. "And unlike Rainbow Dash or maybe Rarity, I can assure you that she hasn't strayed from her element. Now come on, Spike is hiding out within here. And it's time he too knew the truth."

The two ponies made their way into the room, Luna leading the search as she inspected hiding places like the bed (or rather underneath it), a potted plant and even the closet. Eventually, however, she looked up to the ceiling and said to a light fixture. "It's alright, you can come out now."

The familiar voice of Spike could be heard saying. "You sure you weren't followed by... you know who?"

The night princess nodded. "Positive. She doesn't know you're here. But somepony else does, somepony who wants to help you out."

Silver Spoon then called out. "Spike, please! Come out and talk to me! I rarely see you now. I know you're scared of Applejack, but you can't keep avoiding her forever," In a more gentle tone of voice the filly added. "You have me now, Spike. We're in this together. You were always there for me even when no one else was. So now I'm here to return the favor."

Princess Luna promptly lit up her horn, pulling Spike down from where he had been hiding behind a lamp that hung down from the ceiling and setting the little dragon upon the carpeted floor.

Silver Spoon immediately rushed up and gave Spike a big hug, which led right into a kiss as the two shared a quick embrace. "Now you know for sure that I'm here for you no matter what." She told him when the kiss had ended.

"I'm sorry," Spike apologized. "But until I know Applejack is cooled down over the whole 'Voting her off' thing, I'm staying where I know I'm safe. Thick scales or not, her kicks hurt like you wouldn't believe!"

The glasses wearing filly snorted while shaking her head. "And you think I'm gonna let something like that happen to you now? Besides, you were strong enough to make it to the merger, you were brave enough to let Rainbow Dash know just what you thought of her behavior."

Spike gulped and swallowed, a cold sweat making its way down his face and body. "Yeah... a-and I don't regret that. But..."

Luna frowned as she declared. "You're worrying about the wrong thing, Spike. And trying to run away from that worry will not make it go away. You must be willing to face what you're afraid of."

"And you don't have to do it alone," Silver added with a nod. "If Applejack does wanna do anything to you, she's gonna have to get through me first. I'll risk another body cast if it means sticking up for you. And I'm sure Princess Luna will vouch for you too."

The little dragon was still far from convinced. "You don't understand. She's mad as tartarus, and who can blame her? I tried to explain myself to her the whole boat ride here, but she just wouldn't listen. And if she wouldn't listen then when she had time to think about it, why would she wanna listen now?" He quickly eyed the closet as he explained. "I'm sorry. But I have to stay away from her until Rainbow Dash gets the boot, and then maybe she'll see for herself what the mare she loves has become. Barring that, I'll settle for Twilight getting eliminated so she can protect me."

In response, the princess of the night trotted forward and wrapped her wing around the frightened little dragon. "You must understand, Spike. Applejack has assured both my sister and I multiple times that she's not mad anymore," In a warm and comforting tone she then continued. "I've even visited her dreams. She still wants to be friends with you, that hasn't changed. She may have been mad, but I think she got it all out of her system that first night. And now she feels bad that she may have lost a friend forever."

"And what if it's all an act to lure me out into the open?" Spike snorted. "No one else is gonna protect me, and I bet a lot of the others are gonna say I deserve it."

Silver Spoon protested. "Spike, please. Not everypony is like Rainbow Dash. I've come to learn that a lot since my elimination. Just because our team's leader was a nasty pony doesn't mean everyone on the island is like her," She was quick to plead. "Please, do it for my sake if nothing else. Just this once. And if it doesn't work you don't have to do it ever again until this entire game is over, alright?"

There was a long silence, before at least Spike dispelled it by declaring. "I guess I can give it a try," And he looked up at the two ponies who had entered the room to find him. "You promise you'll both be there for me?" They both nodded, reassuring the little dragon a little.

Wiping the sweat from his brows, Spike then declared. "Well... alright, I guess," He slowly began to head out of the room while saying under his breath. "Oh, I hope I don't regret this."

It seemed like it took an eternity for Spike (with Silver Spoon and Princess Luna by his side) to make it out to where Applejack was. The farm mare, as it turned out, had just come back from the floating bar a short time ago. And the expression upon her face was difficult to read.

"H-hey, Applejack," Spike nervously declared with a smile and a wave of his claw. "Uh... you know... uh..." He stuttered and looked down at the ground. "Nice weather we're having today, right?"

It didn't take a mind reader to be able to figure out what the source of Spike's discomfort was. And without hesitation, Applejack just trotted up to him in full view of Luna and Silver Spoon. "Come on, Spike. Ain't no need to beat around the bush. We both know why we're here and what we came here to discuss."

The little dragon slowly looked up. "Y-yeah, I know. But uh... do we..." He gulped and swallowed hard. "R-really have to?"

Applejack sighed, looking deep into Spike's eyes. "Yes, Spike. We do. This can't go on. It ain't healthy or normal," And she cleared her throat. "I'm still mad at you for what you did. But you wanna know somethin', I forgive you."

"Oh, you do? Well that's just fine because I-" Spike began before the words slowly sank in for him! "Wait, you forgive me?!" He received a confirming nod in reply. "But how?! I mean why?! I mean..."

The farm mare just brushed her mane with a hoof, adjusting that signature stetson of hers. "Yup, you heard right, Spike. And before you ask, yes, this is the real me! This ain't a dream or anythin' like that."

Spike slowly blinked, trying to understand. "But... you know what I did."

Applejack nodded. "I most certainly do, Spike. But I'd be lyin' if I said I don't see your point on Rainbow Dash now, or that I can't see why you'd come after me. You were mad 'cause you couldn't save Silver Spoon, and me fallin' for Rainbow was the last straw. Right?"

"Yeah... something like that." Spike sheepishly confessed.

Applejack then let out another sigh, this time with a bit of a huff to it. "Listen, sugarcube. If you'd really wanted to make a point, you shouldn't have targeted me just 'cause of who I loved. I didn't pick on you just 'cause you fell in love with Silver Spoon. It was Rainbow you had a problem with, so if you were goin' to mess with the votes it was her you should've gone after."

The little dragon nodded and massaged the back of his neck with a claw. "Yeah, I kind of realized that after I got the boot. Probably could've saved us all the hassle, especially since the teams were dissolved right after you left. Getting rid of Rainbow Dash then probably would've made things easier. But I was just so mad, all I could think about was how to make her hurt like I'd been hurt."

"Which is why I'm still a might sore about the whole ordeal," The farm mare explained. "I reckon with time I'll eventually learn to live with it, but I don't know if the pain will ever go away fully. Still, I know enough to know there's no sense re-openin' old wounds. What's done is done and it can't be undone. I don't wanna lose your friendship or anyone else's by spendin' all my time comin' after you for somethin' even you regret."

Spike reluctantly offered a claw to Applejack as soon as she finished speaking. "So, is this a truce?"

"More like a ceasefire," Applejack explained. "But I reckon we'll still have to discuss a few things with Twilight and Rainbow Dash when they end up here."

The little dragon couldn't help but remark. "Unless they both make it to the finale."

Applejack chuckled. "Call me crazy, Spike, but I don't see that happenin'. Either Twilight or Rainbow Dash will go down before the finale. I just have a hunch," She then extended one of her hooves out and shook Spike's claw. "But that's a topic for another time and place. So, whaddya say? Still wanna be friends?"

Spike firmly nodded. "As long as you're not gonna chase after me or try to hurt me like you did on the boat, I think we'll be fine."

Applejack nodded back. "I'm good. Got it all out of my system."

Princess Luna smiled as she and Silver Spoon witnessed the display. "See? What did I tell you?" She declared to Spike. "You had nothing to worry about."

Silver Spoon, meanwhile, just strolled up to Spike and hugged him. "You were so brave just then. You stood your ground and everything."

Spike blushed. "Aw, it was nothing, really."

And Applejack just commented. "Be sure to thank Fluttershy. She was the one who told me we needed to talk and why you were avoidin' me, Spike. If not for her, I reckon I might have found you when I wasn't in a good mood."

"WHAT?!" Spike gasped in horror!

Applejack chuckled a bit. "Just kiddin' 'bout that last bit. Guess a bit of RD rubbed off on me. One of the good things about her anyway."

Just then, the familiar voice of Princess Celestia called out! "Come on, everyone! It's time for lunch!"

"Oh, just in time! I'm starving!" Spike exclaimed as he licked his lips! And he gestured a claw to Silver Spoon and Princess Luna. "Come on! No way I'm missing out on this!"

Satisfied that all was well and that the little dragon was back to normal, Luna and Silver Spoon happily followed him as the cameras followed after them in turn.

All the other eliminated contestants soon gathered near the front of the resort where Princess Celestia stood in front of a grill. She had on an apron and had tied her flowing mane back with a special band to keep it from hanging all the way down. The sizzling sounds of carrot dogs and hay burgers cooked to perfection were accompanied by delicious wafting smells that made mouths water.

The sun princess smiled, gesturing to several of the large pool chairs that she had brought over. "Go ahead and grab a seat. There's plenty of food for everyone."

"Wow! I had no idea you could cook, princess!" Diamond Tiara exclaimed with amazement as she sat down. "I always assumed you had your own personal chefs."

Princess Luna just replied as she sat down in another chair. "My sister always resents making the hired help do all the work all the time. She's been known to give them days off before and do their jobs. And cooking is no exception."

Spike giggled. "Sure wish Twilight would do that for me. I know she can cook for herself, but it seems like I'm always making the meals or catching her sneaking off to eat out."

Silver Spoon sat down next to Spike and with Diamond Tiara seated close to her on the other side. "My dad always insists on cooking whenever he comes home. This'll be just like those times, except less family drama."

Diamond quickly reached out a hoof to her friend, reassuring her. "Hey, it can't be any worse than what my mother's like. Besides, here we can get away from all that drama."

Apple Bloom nodded in agreement as she helped herself to a carrot dog with relish and mustard. "Yeah. This is practically a vacation for all of us! I mean, havin' a million bits would be nice but this is a nice consolation prize."

In between bites of a hay burger, Sweetie Belle then asked. "Speaking of prize, who do you think's gonna win it all? I mean, there's no shame in asking that, right?"

"Of course not, dudettes!" Vinyl Scratch smiled. "Nothing's wrong with a little bit of friendly wagering and speculating. No harm no foul," And she willingly shared her own belief. "If you ask me, I'd put my money on Twilight. She's got a good head, she's playing to win and she hasn't made a whole lot of enemies."

"Assuming you don't count Rainbow Dash and Trixie," Scootaloo interrupted. "I would've rooted for Rainbow Dash, but after what she did to me I'm sure as hay not giving her my support," And she folded her hooves across her chest. "I'd much rather Pinkie Pie won it all. Twilight's too uptight, Trixie lied to me and Rarity's just too much for my tastes."

Sweetie Belle protested. "Rarity's the best big sister ever! I hope she wins, she really deserves it."

Applejack couldn't help but laugh. "I'm honestly surprised Rarity's lasted as long as she has. Would've thought for sure she'd be sent packin' as soon as the teams were merged," And she smiled. "Guess she's just bene doin' good at not gettin' on ponies' bad sides," Then she added. "As for me, I'm rootin' for Twilight. Rainbow Dash doesn't deserve to win with the way she's actin'. I don't even know if I can love her if she's goin' keep on bein' so mean."

Gilda shrugged her claws while munching on a plain carrot dog. "Eh, I got a good feeling Dash will go all the way. I'm really the only one who could've stopped her, and you all got rid of me. I understand why, and I don't like the way Dash is acting. But the way I see it, sometimes it's those willing to do anything to get ahead that make it," And in a somewhat remorseful tone she added. "Trust me, I speak from experience."

Derpy looked at the ground in shame. "Oh, I hope Rainbow Dash doesn't win. If not for me, she wouldn't have survived for as long as she did," And she complained. "Why did I think voting myself off was a good idea? Rainbow Dash was about to be eliminated instead."

Fluttershy extended a hoof out to her fellow pegasus. "It's not entirely your fault, Derpy. I was part of that alliance with Rainbow Dash as well. And I didn't break with her even when she wanted to get rid of Cheerilee. If I had, Scootaloo would've been eliminated and Rainbow would've lost her alliance then and there."

Princess Celestia, turning away from the grill, unhappily sighed. "It's unfortunate to think that Rainbow Dash has gotten so far despite her behavior," Then she added with a sincere smile. "But, right before my elimination, I sensed that something in her was starting to change. Maybe, if Trixie can be eliminated next, Rainbow will be able to see the pony she's becoming and save herself. If not, though," She ominously declared. "I hope Twilight can stop her."

Princess Luna couldn't help but tease. "You really have a lot of faith in Twilight, sister. You're treating her almost as if she were your daughter, not just your student."

"I can't help it," The sun princess confessed. "Twilight isn't like my other students. There's just something about her that draws me to her like a mother searching for her child. I only wish I'd thought to tell her that while I still could. But I was distracted by... other things."

The moon princes giggled. "Yes. And I certainly didn't help matters. I guess I got a little too carried away," She was quick to reassure her sister. "But I can see why you think so highly of Twilight. She's leagues above your last student, which I hear didn't work all that well for you. And I'd be lying if I said I too was not rooting for Twilight to win. Though I must say, Pinkie Pie continues to astound me with how she can baffle even Nightmare Moon."

"Now now, I think that's enough talk out of all of us," Cheerilee spoke up as she cleared her throat. "The hay burgers and carrot dogs are going to get cold if we keep sitting around like this." And with that, the conversation of who wanted whom to win and why faded away.

However, just a short time later the conversation would be resurrected in a sense. Not long after the fifteen eliminated contestants had polished off every last carrot dog and hay burger (and had cleaned up the leftover crumbs), they were surprised by the sudden appearance of Discord!

"Surprise!" The witty spirit declared as he shed his self induced spell of invisibility. "Hello all you fine losers! And how are we today?"

"Wait a minute," Celestia realized! "You've been spying on us this whole time, haven't you? The cameras were here because you were directing them on where to go."

Discord snapped his talons, making him appear in an orange prison jump suit. "Guilty as charged, oh princess. But hey, none of you actually thought your time on the show came to an end with your eliminations, did you?"

Fluttershy nervously answered. "Um... well..."

Discord laughed. "Oh, don't worry. I'm not here to mess with you. You've all already endured enough. Though I must say, even eliminated you all sure know how to bring the drama."

Luna then snorted and inquired. "Get to the point, Discord. What do you want from us? You had to have come here for a reason, and not just to annoy us."

The chaos maker firmly nodded his head. "Right again, Princess Luna," And he quickly explained. "I'm gonna give you all a chance to help shape the end of this special little episode we've had going. You get to create a quick little challenge that'll be put together for the five remaining contestants. Do make it good."

"Can it be anything we want?" Scootaloo questioned the spirit.

"If it's within reason. After all, I technically have to make it fair to everypony." Discord insisted.

"That's asking a lot considering how many of our eliminations were personal." Spike snorted.

Discord only replied. "Hey, don't blame me. I'm just doing what I do to keep the show interesting for folks back home. After all, if I were running things my way I wouldn't have three element bearers still left in the running," Then he made a wristwatch appear on his left paw as he insisted. "So, you all gonna come up with something? Time's a wasting."

Princess Celestia nodded. "Sure, Discord. But give us a little bit to discuss the matter," And glaring at the spirit she told him. "Alone if you don't mind!"

The spirit frowned in reply, but just insisted with a long sigh. "Fine, have it your way."

The sun princess smiled. "Thank you. We won't be long. And you won't regret this." She proceeded to get up from her chair and motion for all the other eliminated contestants to go with her to a spot where the cameras weren't able to see them.

Discord waited, and waited and waited some more. It seemed like time was ticking by oh so slowly, at least to him. He even went so far as to stomp one of his legs down in impatience.

At last, however, the fifteen eliminated contestants all returned as Princess Celestia informed the spirit. "We've decided on an obstacle course, Discord. You can make it as challenging as you want. But here's a little twist: Each contestant will get a head start based on their support from the losers."

The witty spirit grinned. "Now we're talking!" And then he turned to the cameras. "We can totally set something like that up in so short an amount of time, right?"

And indeed, later that same day (at night in fact) an obstacle course similar to the one the eliminated contestants had mentioned was set up.

In accordance with the wishes of the losers, Twilight got to have the biggest head start while Trixie (who had no one rooting for her) got no head start at all.

Discord and Nightmare Moon now stood waiting at the end of the obstacle course, which was right by the Dock of Shame. "This obstacle course challenge is coming right down to the wire!" Discord excitedly declared as he looked at the cameras! "It's amazing how someponies can make up for lack of a lead, or blow one."

Nightmare Moon only rolled her eyes. "I'm just glad I don't have to foalsit them anymore. I'd give anything to have Princess Celestia back in the game. Tormenting her never got old."

The cameras then cut back to the obstacle course's finish line as Rarity became the first of the five contestants to make over the final wall. "Sometimes I amaze even myself." She declared while panting.

Soon afterward, Twilight and Pinkie Pie made it over the final wall and managed to cross the finish line at the same time. They happily high hoofed each other, celebrating the fact that they were safe for another round.

Discord then declared. "And just like, it's all coming down to two unpopular contestants to determine who will be the next to leave this island forever!"

Trixie and Rainbow Dash were neck and neck as they reached the final wall, neither conceding an inch to the other as they shoved and shoved back! Eventually, it escalated to the point where they were stirring up a huge cloud of dust as they both clambered over the final wall and tumbled to the finish line.

"Ooh! I think we might have to frame by frame that," The spirit commented as he looked into the cameras. And he did just that, instructing to them. "Okay, clear up the dust so we can see," When that command was obeyed, Discord watched the last few seconds unfold in slow motion, looking for any detail to determine a winner (or loser in this case). At last, he found one. "By a hair, the loser is..."

Trixie and Rainbow Dash both glared at each other, as if daring the other to blink.

"Trixie!" Discord declared at last! "Rainbow Dash stays for another day. And you, Little Miss Great and Powerful are done. Done like dinner!"

Rainbow could hardly believe her eyes and ears! "No way! I... did it! I beat Trixie!"

As for Trixie, the magician only groaned and rolled her eyes. "Just great. But The Great and Powerful Trixie shall at least take some pride in managing to make it to fifth place."

The brash speedster only jeered. "Whatever, loser! Just go home already!"

But Twilight rushed over to the magician unicorn as she was heading to the Dock of Shame! "Trixie, wait! I... I wanted to say that..."

Trixie just shook her head. "It doesn't matter, Twilight. Trixie already knows how you feel with Vinyl Scratch. Besides, it would never work between us," And then she added. "Just make sure Rainbow Dash doesn't win it all, okay?"

"I'll.. do my best. No promises." Was all Twilight could bring herself to say.

Pinkie Pie, meanwhile, commented. "Hope we see you again at the finale, Trixie. You were a lot of fun to go up against."

The magician nodded. "I'm sure Trixie was. But the time has come for The Great and Powerful Trixie to bid you all farewell. And Trixie hopes she shall never have to come back to this island ever again." She then stepped onto the Boat of Losers and was soon whisked away from Paradox Island.

But to Trixie's surprise, the cameras were waiting for her when she arrived at The Palace of Losers. And Discord was there too as he declared with a knowing grin. "Now Trixie has joined our esteemed cast of former contestants, meaning we've only got four left in the game. Find out who will be joining Trixie next time on another exciting episode of Total Magic Pony Island!"

Author's Note:

I've been trying my best not to make every episode and every elimination a carbon, ponyfied copy of an Island episode and its corresponding elimination. After all, I think many fans can agree that the elimination in the episode with the losers is very unfair. And it was apparently done solely because of a problem faced with one contestant.

Fun fact about Trixie's elimination, originally, Princess Celestia was considered to be eliminated here not entirely unlike Leshawna. Then it was changed to Rarity losing against Trixie.

And yes, there are nods to things that haven't taken place yet but would still canonically exist within any timeline (presumably). And as for the relationships, I'm sticking mostly with what was written in the original work. I also didn't want to turn Applejack completely into Courtney despite their similar elimination, seeing as Courtney's elimination marks the start of her character derailment.