• Published 18th May 2021
  • 1,013 Views, 82 Comments

Total Magic Pony Island: The Lost Episodes - SuperPinkBrony12

(An unofficial continuation of Tailslover13's "Total Magic Pony Island", takes place in AU after "The Return of Harmony".) The long forgotten missing episodes of Total Magic Pony Island are here. Find out which contestant will win it all!

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Episode 26B: The Best Finale Ever (Ending 2)

Author's Note:

I didn't want to repeat the entire episode when only the ending and the immediate aftermath would be different, so I hope what you get here is okay.

You already know the ending of Total Magic Pony Island, how it was that Pinkie Pie managed to win it all in the end thanks to scones. And how because of that Pinkie Pie was the one who received the million bits as promised by Discord.

But what if things were a little bit different? What if Pinkie had come up short for any reason? Well, that is what happened in this alternative ending from this parallel universe.

And so, for your viewing pleasure, TMPI fans, witness the victory of Twilight Sparkle. It's one that must be seen to be believed!

The events of the final challenge proceeded as normal for most of the race. Everything that you saw in Pinkie Pie's ending played out the same here. No details changed, and so we will not waste time by repeating those details to you here and now.

Instead, we have taken the liberty of skipping to the point where things changed specifically so that you might get right into the important details. Enjoy!

Applejack had just jumped down in order to prevent Vinyl Scratch from turning on a fan that would blow the scent of brownies towards Pinkie Pie. "Don't be cheatin' now, ya hear?!" She lectured the DJ as she tried to get close and lasso the fan (and the plate of brownies for good measure) away.

Vinyl Scratch did her best to play it off. "Hey, there's no rule against what I'm doin' now is there?" She replied as she prepared to turn on the fan, knowing that if she didn't do it soon it would be too late and Pinkie wouldn't be able to catch up to Twilight in time.

However, there was no need for Vinyl to turn on the fan or Applejack to lasso it away. For at that moment a particular aroma began to waft through the area all on its own.

Said aroma soon reached the nostrils of Pinkie Pie. And upon inhaling the savory scent her mouth began to water. "I know that smell!" She declared while licking her lips, her eyes lighting up like stars lighting up the night sky! "Scones! I must have them!" That was the thought that consumed the pink party pony's mind, causing her to regain her sense of urgency that had just been about to leave her.

"Pinkie, wait!" Derpy frantically called as she saw her partner start to take off! But her plea was in vain.

Twilight suddenly became aware of a particular pink pony preparing to plow past her, and had only a split second to react as she ducked out of the way!

Princess Celestia, for her part, breathed a much needed sigh of relief. "That was too close." She thought to herself. Although she didn't think Pinkie would've done much, she was still glad Twilight had escaped unharmed.

Meanwhile, Derpy was now running as fast as she could to try to get ahead of her partner and potential romantic interest! "Pinkie, you gotta stop!" She pleaded once again. "Listen to me!"

But the earth pony mare was in such a state that she just couldn't listen! "Scones!" Was all she could bring herself to say, and that's all she could think about. She let her nose guide her mind, straight to the source of the smell.

Suddenly, Gilda became aware of a very annoying pink pony that was all but on her lap, trying to leap up and snatch her plate of freshly baked scones. "Hey, these are my scones, ya dweeb!" She angrily berated the party pony with a screech! "Get your own!"

As for Derpy, she could only put a hoof to her forehead, groaning upon seeing that Pinkie had somehow completely missed the finish line in her pursuit of her scones. "Pinkie, you gotta come back!" She again shouted, trying to get her fellow mare's attention.

Alas, it was too late. Twilight had long since regained her bearings and with one last big effort she dashed across the finish line in triumphant fashion! And as soon as she did, everyone on her side of the stands cheered!

"Whoa, now that is a finish for the history books!" Discord declared as his tone of voice indicated that even he seemed to be a bit shocked by what had just transpired. "Kudos to our big winner: Twilight Sparkle!"

It was only upon hearing this announcement that Pinkie finally snapped out of her food induced trance. "What, it's already over?" She turned to see Twilight at the finish line and the reality of the situation slowly settled in for the now runner up. "Oh," She blushed. "Woopsie!"

Derpy then trotted over as Pinkie made her way down from the stands. "I tried to warn you, Pinkie."

Still blushing, the party pony slowly nodded her head. "You did, I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself," And she licked her lips again. "But in my defense the scones did smell delicious."

The wall eyed mare couldn't help but giggle. "Oh Pinkie, never change. You know, that's just what I like about you. Like really like."

"You really mean it?!" Pinkie asked with her heart all aglow!

The pegasus mare firmly nodded. "I think I do, Pinkie. I really think I do. But I guess we can figure it out together now that this competition is over."

"Couldn't agree with you more." Pinkie Pie smiled as she pulled Derpy in for a tight hug.

Meanwhile, Twilight was basking in the glow of her victory! "I can't believe it! I actually won!" She enthusiastically declared!

Princess Celestia smiled not unlike the way a mother would look at her child, and declared in a warm tone of voice. "Indeed you did, Twilight. I'm very proud of you. Once again, you've exceeded my greatest expectations."

From there, things proceeded largely the same at the camp fire ceremony. But it was Twilight who received the reward as Princess Celestia (still in her shrunken down state) stood by her side, and everyone else gathered around to witness history in the making. Twilight was so excited she could hardly bring herself to sit still.

Discord approached the studious unicorn with a huge briefcase as he declared. "Well, a deal's a deal and I'm a draconequus of my word," He tossed the briefcase to Twilight with the greatest of ease. "Go ahead, open it up. The million bits are all yours, Twilight. I promise: No surprises, no tricks, nothing of the sort. Just a million bits for you to spend as you please. After all, I don't really care."

Twilight slowly opened the briefcase, seeing that it did indeed contain the million bits like Discord had said. And she smiled. "Thank you, Discord," Then she declared. "And you know what, I think you were actually a pretty good host. This gameshow of yours was actually kind of fun. I mean, I could've done without the whole 'romance' and 'secret alliance' drama, but there was a lot that I learned about everypony: Including myself."

The witty spirit just yawned. "Whatever, save the cheesy victory speech for later."

The unicorn mare only blinked as she replied. "Come on, Discord. Don't be like that. I was giving you a compliment. I thought that's what you wanted more than anything, for someone to appreciate you. That's why you've really been hosting this show, right?"

Discord only huffed. "Don't try to play psychoanalyst with me, Twilight! I'm Discord! I don't need a reason to do what I do!" And he snorted, blowing steam out of his nostrils. "You were a good underdog candidate, I'll give you that. I kept hoping beyond hope you would fail, but you never did. I guess I can see now why I had such a hard time defeating you and your friends before all of this. Obviously, I won't try to make that mistake again."

At that Princess Celestia slowly blinked, eyeing the spirit as she approached him with her sister. "Wait, you mean you're not going to take over Equestria now?"

"Originally, that was my plan," Discord willingly confessed. "But now I've come to realize that this is way more fun. Far less of a hassle than trying to take over and make everyone bow down before me. And I'm already thinking of how I'm going to top all of this for a second season."

And it was from there that things progressed the same as they did when Pinkie Pie had won. It all ended with Discord declaring the season over and the cameras cutting to black.

That was the end of Total Magic Pony Island, the first season anyway. As for the second season and even beyond, I cannot speculate.

Comments ( 14 )

Congrats to Twi. :twilightsmile:

(I’m accepting the Pinkie ending as canon, but this one is just as good. And thanks for continuing the series for Tails! :heart:)

Not to be that person, but this is the 69th comment so have a free Lenny: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


You could use deviantART, though you got to get a Core Membership to make polls like I do.

Comment posted by SuperPinkBrony12 deleted Jul 7th, 2021
Comment posted by SuperPinkBrony12 deleted Jul 10th, 2021
Comment posted by SuperPinkBrony12 deleted Jul 19th, 2021

The cast for season two is set, folks. The poll has determined the following top eight that will join the mane six and Spike in a second season:
Sweetie Belle
Princess Luna
Apple Bloom
Diamond Tiara
Silver Spoon

10905823 Which means Spike and Silver Spoon will be voted off first

10919279 Really? then whom would be voted off first is not them?

10919450 I haven't even begun to decide yet.

When are you gonna start on Total Magic Pony Action because I haven't seen an update

11513338 That's not a top priority right now. Maybe I'll get around to it later this year.

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