• Published 5th Jun 2021
  • 717 Views, 10 Comments

Friendship Knights vs. Jump Force - Tidal Wave2

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Chapter 4: Robyn Goodfellowe


Robyn had arrived at Canterlot Castle. The young Wolfwalker began her search for Twilight, wondering what she would think of her plan. Eventually, she found the throne room, where Twilight was currently talking to her royal advisor: Spike the Dragon. The princess noticed the Wolfwalker and turned to her.

"Robyn? It's good to see you." Twilight said. "Chase told me what happened earlier. Are you ok?"

"I'm just fine, Twilight." Robyn answered. "But there's something important we need to talk about."

"Does it have anything to do with why you, Sonic or Freddy went crazy?" Spike asked.

"Correct. You see, we believe that the invaders are actually minions of Grogar, and we thought of someone who can figure out what started all of this."

"Who?" Spike asked.

"Dr. Doom may know something that can help-"

"Uh, hold that thought." Twilight interrupted. "You're all thinking of asking Dr. Doom to help us!?"

"Yeah, Green Hoodie Boy has been trying to kill us ever since we started this team." Spike added. "This guy is insane and dangerous."

"Guys, we may have no other choice." Robyn retorted. "Me and Chase will look for him and-"

"NO MEANS NO, ROBYN!!!" Twilight yelled distortedly with those red eyes. Spike noticed this and took a step back in worry.

"T-Twilight? Are you okay?" He asked.

"Twilight, you have to calm down!" Robyn said.

"DON'T YOU DARE ORDER THE RULER OF EQESTRIA!!!" Twilight yelled. "WHAT I SAY GOES, AND THOSE WHO DISOBEY SHALL FACE CONSEQUENCES!!!" She shot a beam at Robyn, who barely dodged the attack.

"TWILIGHT!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?" Spike screamed. Robyn faced Twilight and saw the Rage in her eyes.

"Forgive me for what I'm about to do, my friend." The Wolfwalker leaped at Twilight, attempting an ariel attack, but the Alicorn teleported behind her and bucked her in the side. Robyn went down hard, but quickly got back on her paws, just in time to leap over a beam fired at her. She pounced onto Twilight and threw the Alicorn against the wall.

"GRRRR!!! HOW ABOUT THIS!?!?" Twilight charged up another attack and was about to fire, but someone got in the way.

"TWILIGHT, STOP!!!" Spike yelled with both his arms out, blocking the way.

"SPIKE!?!? GET OUT OF MY WA-" Twilight was interrupted when Robyn jumped over Spike, grabbed her by the tail with her teeth, and threw her into a pillar. Twilight hit the pillar head-first, knocking away the Rage. "W-What?"

"Thank goodness." Spike sighed in relief. "You weren't really yourself for a moment, Twilight." Twilight turned to Spike and Robyn in shame.

"Robyn, I am SO sorry." The Alicorn apologized. "This must be the 'RAGE' we heard about."

"Indeed." Robyn confirmed. "Look, I know that ye don't like the idea of seeking assistance from enemies, but this concerns them just as much as it does us."

"Besides, look at all the villain's we've reformed over the years." Spike pointed out. "Surely we can ask for help from others."

"I guess you're right." Twilight said before pointing out a window, revealing a strange building that looked like a Dojo in the distance. "That building wasn't here before the invaders came. But it could provide us some insight." The Alicorn used her magic to teleport herself, Robyn & Spike to the new location.


The trio appeared in the new area. As Robyn and Spike took in their surroundings, Twilight used her magic to determine what was going on.

"It looks like our Multiverse is merging with another." She said. "Power is increasing and decreasing for every being around. I felt it since Grogar's defeat."

"And it looks like it's getting stronger by the minute." Spike added. Twilight nodded in reply.

"Gor Blimey!" Robyn gasped. "My pack spoke of a champion from this other realm, theorizing it could be a threat."

"So they sent you to stop this potential 'champion'." Twilight assumed.

"Yes. There are other places appearing where they haven't before." Robyn informed. "Including what appeeared to be some school full of students with strange abilities."

"Maybe you should find Dr. Doom and see what he knows about this." Spike suggested. Twilight gave in and decided her friends were right.

"Alright. But be careful Robyn." Twilight said with Robyn nodding before taking off.


Robyn found herself in a strange futuristic looking city, with what appeared to be flying cars. The Wolfwalker ran down a street, until she picked up a familiar scent. "Scorpion was here." She said to herself. "I can smell the Hellfire, but it seems he disappeared from this very spot." At that moment, she smelled something new. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

"Well, isn't this interesting?" Robyn turned to see what appeared to be a man in a standard black shihakushō, with orange hair, scowling. "A talking wolf. You don't see that everyday."

"And who, may I ask are you?" Robyn asked.

"My name is Ichigo."

"Robyn Goodfellowe. British Wolfwalker." She introduced. "Why are you here?"

"I sensed an extraordinary energy around here." Ichigo answered. "Figured I'd check it out and explore it for myself."

"That is none of your concern."

"Fair enough." Ichigo replied, continuing to scowl and walk around Robyn. "But I've traveled several universes. And I've never heard of a 'Wolfwalker'."

"I am not from here." Robyn pointed out. "I'm from a completely different world."

"Well, you're in our territory." Ichigo said. "I have some questions, if you'll come with me."

"Bloody Hell I will! I've got a job to do." Robyn snapped. "If you want me to go with you, YOU'LL HAVE TO DRAG ME OVER!!!" The RAGE filled the young Wolfwalker's eyes.

"Very well." Ichigo reached behind him, and pulled out what appeared to be a long katana. Robyn quickly leaped at the man, who dodged by jumping into the air. Ichigo lifted his blade and swung it down. "Getsuga Tensho!" He shouted as he fired a arc-shaped projectile from the sword. Robyn dodged just in time to see the attack create a crater in the road. The Wolfwalker was shocked at this sight. So shocked, that she didn't see the man charging at her. "Take this!" Ichigo swung his sword, slashing the side of Robyn's face, leaving a scar, causing her to yelp in pain.

Robyn put her paw on her scar and looked at the blood. She was enraged. "YOU BLOODY BASTARD!!!" Robyn moved so fast, that Ichigo couldn't react fast enough to dodge her jaws. Robyn bit the swordsman in the chest, causing him to yell in pain. The Wolfwalker jumped off and was about to deliver a fatal blow.

"Damn you!" Ichigo yelled before teleporting behind Robyn, grabbing her by the tail, and throwing her head-first into a building, knocking her out. "Hmm. Tricky canine." As Ichigo said that, Robyn morphed into her human form. "What?" Ichigo was surprised. "This is new. I should go find Son Goku and tell him about this." Ichigo took off as Robyn laid down in agony and defeat.