• Published 5th Jun 2021
  • 709 Views, 10 Comments

Friendship Knights vs. Jump Force - Tidal Wave2

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Chapter 5: Scorpion


"Sire!" Simba, the king of Pride Rock, turned to see his advisor; Zazu, approaching. "I found someone sneaking around the watering hole!" The king looked behind his Advisor to see certain ninja in yellow.

"King Simba." He began. "I am Hanzo Hasashi, of the Shirai Ryu. I'm-"

"I know who you are, Scorpion." Simba interrupted. "Princess Twilight has told me about when you teamed up years ago." Under his mask, Scorpion smiled that this lands ruler knew about him. "Why are you here?"

"Are you aware of the invasion of a different Multiverse?" Scorpion asked.

"Yes. My son; Kion, and his friends said they spotted a strange white and purple creature near the Outlands."

"Princess Twilight seeks your assistance." Scorpion informed.

"I'm afraid I can't help." Simba said. "I need to protect my pride. It's my duty."

"By keeping them cooped up here?" The ninja asked in a stern voice. "This isn't a kingdom! It's a PRISON!" At that moment, Simba's daughter; Kiara, came in and approached Scorpion.

"I don't know who you think you are." The lioness said. "But you WILL show my father respect!" Simba waved his paw to Kiara, as to say 'It's ok'.

"I may not be able to help you, but you'll need someone who can heal your wounds when needed." Simba said. "In order to do that, you have to find Bambi and ask for HIS help."

"The young prince?" Scorpion asked, which Simba replied with a nod. "Very well. I'll seek him out and I will acquire his help." The ninja surrounded himself in flames before teleporting away.


Scorpion appeared in a mysterious looking village. It seemed like one you would find in Ancient China. 'Where can Prince Bambi be at this time?'

"Well, that was an interesting trick." Scorpion turned around to see what appeared to be a jester. He was very tall and had light skin, and a fairly toned stature. His attire was adorned with various suit symbols on the front and back torso. He wore face paint: a maroon star on his right cheek and a spring green teardrop on his left cheek. Scorpion thought that this freak might know where Bambi was.

"The prince. Where is he?" He asked.

"Prince? Didn't I kill the last chump who called me that?" The jester replied. "He should've known, nobody jokes with Hisoka Morow!" Scorpion quickly decided that this fool didn't know anything, and began to walk away. As he did, Hisoka silently watched the ninja walk off. The jester smirked and reached behind himself. When Scorpion was about 13 feet away, he suddenly felt something hit him on the back of the head, knocking him down. Turned out, Hisoka had attacked Scorpion with some elastic gum-like weapon. "Whoopsie-daisy!" He joked. Scorpion stood back up with his hand on his head.

"You're gonna pay for that!" The ninja said before pulling out two blades. Hisoka laughed and pulled out a card, which turned into a katana. The two charged at each other and clashed their weapons. Even though Scorpion had two blades, he was struggling against the jester's great speed... and annoying taunts.

"Come on paly, that all you got?" During the battle, Scorpion noticed that Hisoka was only aiming for the higher parts of his body. More specifically the neck. The ninja got an idea. After Hisoka went for another strike, Scorpion ducked and swung his blades, cutting the jester's torso. He then proceeded to deliver a 8-hit punch-kick combo, then finished it with an uppercut.

"You were a fool to mess with me!" Scorpion said before teleporting away. Afterwards, a certain white and purple alien appeared close to Hisoka.

"Hmm. It looks like these warriors are more powerful than we thought." Frieza said.


In the center of an arena on a distant island, a man in a blue outfit and black spikey hair, was talking to another man in a red fighter uniform.

"Vegeta, you're back!" Hercule said.

"Not for long. I recently ran into an annoying white wolf. We're up against another damn threat we don't understand." At that moment, Scorpion teleported onto the arena, scaring Hercule away. "The Hell? Who are you, and why are you here!?"

"I am Scorpion. I seek the prince."

"I am the prince of all Saiyans." Vegeta said. "I assume you must be one of those fools."

"You are not the prince I seek." Scorpion was about to leave, but Vegeta stopped him.

"Hold the Hell up!" He said. "You're one of those foolish outsiders, aren't you?" Vegeta asked in suspicion. "You are coming with me, otherwise, harm will fall upon you!" Scorpion stood for a moment, then he threw his spear at the Saiyan prince, which he blocked.

"You cannot harm me!" Scorpion said before his eyes began glowing and his voice echoed. "I WILL SHOW YOU THE MEANING OF PAIN!!!" The ninja charged at the Saiyan prince and went for a kick. Vegeta caught Scorpion's leg and threw him into a wall.

"Pathetic." But right after he said that, Scorpion burst out of the wall with the RAGE in his eyes. The ninja teleported behind Vegeta and punched him in the back, then used his katana to slash his chest. "Ahh! Dammit!" Scorpion then leaped over the Saiyan, slamming his foot against Vegeta's face, causing him to groan in pain. However, Vegeta recovered and backhanded Scorpion away. He then charged at him and landed a hard kick to his torso. Vegeta was about to finish the ninja off when suddenly...

"ENOUGH!!!" Scorpion created a blinding light with his flames, which Vegeta shielded his eyes from. Scorpion then proceeded to grab his opponent with two chain spears and slam the saiyan around, knocking him out. Scorpion looked over the unconscious prince. "Hmph. Bambi is not here." With that, he teleported away.


Scorpion reappeared in a large area. The ninja looked around and noticed that it seemed to be some kind of school. "Hmm, he's here."

"What's up sir? Need anything?" Scorpion turned to see a man in a orange gi, with black spikey hair.

"The young prince. If you know his location, you will tell me immediately!" The man looked at Scorpion for a moment.

"You're not from here, aren't ya?" The man asked. "You're energy is unlike anything I've ever sensed before. My name's Goku. Maybe you can-" Goku was interrupted when Scorpion kicked him into a wall, which he recovered from rather quickly. "Woah, you really do have something special." He said in awe.

"The power of Hell." Scorpion pointed out. "Surrender the prince. OR DIE!!!!!" Goku responded by getting up and entering a battle stance.

"Oh boy. This is gonna be fun!" Goku flies forward and punches Scorpion, then proceeds to go on the offensive, forcing him to block his blows until Goku teleports behind him and kicks. Goku then jumps onto the side of a building and flies at Scorpion, who punches him with a flaming fist. Scorpion then teleports behind him and delivers a fast combo on Goku, knocking him to the ground. "Kaio-Ken!!!"

"Huh?" Goku begins rapidly kicking Scorpion as a red aura surrounds him. Scorpion had had enough, so he teleports behind Goku and grabs him. "TO HELL WITH YOU!!!" With glowing red eyes, Scorpion sent his opponent into the underworld. "This was a waste of my time!" He was about to head out when he heard a familiar voice.

"SCORPION!!!" The ninja turned to see Bambi approaching him. But the young prince had that red glow in his eyes.

"Prince Bambi, I seek your assistance." He said.



"I WILL NOT LET YOU HARM ANY INNOCENTS!!!" Bambi charged the ninja, who dodged every attack. "STOP RUNNING COWARD!!!"

"Prince Bambi, you're not acting like yourself!" Scorpion retorted. "Who is PromGar?"

"NO MORE GAMES, HELLSPAWN!!!" Bambi then grew antlers and tried to impaled the ninja. Scorpion grabbed the fawn and pinned him down, but the young prince was struggling very hard, nearly escaping. It was then that a portal opened up. Out stepped Simba, and to Scorpion's surprise, Dr. Doom.

"Scorpion, it's ok. We can bring him to Twilight." Simba said.

"What is he doing here!?" Scorpion demanded, pointing to Dr. Doom.

"I have come because we need to temporarily put aside our rivalry." The villain turned to the struggling Bambi and looked him in the eyes. "The rage has all but consumed him. But we can bring him Equestria." Doom, Simba, and Scorpion then looked up to see Deku riding in a hovercraft with the woman who was apparently named; Bulma. "One of the enemies have passed by."

"I will find him, and then drag him to the NetherRealm." Scorpion said as he handed Bambi to Doom, who kept the fawn from escaping.

"Remember not to harm him, Doom." Simba sternly reminded the villain before they went back through the portal.