• Member Since 18th Dec, 2017
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Comments ( 259 )

It looks to become a very good story, Conner.

When I saw this, I was thinking about Space Wolves!!! :trollestia:

awesome chapter dude!!

Great work keep it up

You know, it's interesting. You do have some good ideas here. Someone overcoming their terrible home life to open up in this much more positive environment could be engaging. There's seeing the perspective character bond with creatures ranging from Discord to Flurry Heart. What struggles did that entail? What treasured memories? What lessons did he learn? A hobbyist blacksmith offering some techniques could lead to some dramatic tension with the staid, traditionalist, or suspicious elements of the Guard. After all, why should they listen to this ape? He may well be trying to sabotage them, letting his people can invade once he's compromised the local defenses.

And that brings us to the big hook, the portal shunting Sunset back home before shutting down altogether. What does that imply about the fabric of reality, of the nature of magic itself twisting in the face of this strange entity possibly from a different world than any the ponies have known?

But you gloss over all of that. You've raced through multiple stories of growth and companionship and mystery, all so you could get to "the good part." And that's very sad to see. We don't know what Luna sees in this guy. We don't even know his name. (And if that's meant to be a draw, well, that works best with mysterious loners, not someone who's known the movers and shakers of Equestria for years.) And we could have known all that and more if you'd taken your time.

You’re right that that could have been a part of the story but maybe he just isn’t good at writing those types of stories.

Until you name him, I will call him Mr/Sir Wulfe.

Hey, you can't grow without reaching beyond your comfort zone.

Thats right, but you also shouldn't puss it to much. If you what to do it you eider should do it with small steps or do as much as you can and use all the creative criticism you get from your readers. Not something in between.

Well nice to see the rewrite here and glad to see it’s doing better then the first one. Thou I wonder what the second story added to this one is, but I’m sure it will be revealed later on. Keep up the great work pal

Nice work here and good to see that even something cool as turning into a werewolf has its downs at first and needed to get used to and such. Good element for a story like this and cant wait to see Jack here go threw his trials and come out stronger for them, as well looking forward to see how he interacts with the characters and with his friends and what trials, tests and such he will face later on with his new body

This is great!

ok, first chapter had me hooked, this chapter clearly shows how much of a hard time a human would have if this really happened to them, keep it coming!

Well you talk all about what I am think

Ahh, Harry Potter and The Second Amendment. A classic.

The werewolf could almost hear the Text-to-speech-device of the emperor and leman Russ shouting nerd at the same time.

You forgot DBZA Piccolo and Nappa.

why not do a werewolf OC x flurry heart lol

This looks interesting.

Bro please update your carnage story, thank you

Great work keep it up

Nice work here showing his emotions of missing his old life a bit and how hes liking his new life here good stuff. Hey maybe Jack can get his phone charged by someone using magic to charge the battery, thou maybe at first slowly do so in cause going fast could damage it. Well looks like sooner or later hes gonna get some action from one or both of the princess sisters sooner or later. Thou I wonder how he fell threw the glass at the end, I bet he jumped out of his rooms window and crashed in where the others are

Yo abrí a aceptado la propuesta de celestia

nice chapter dude and also my favorite ice cream is vanilla so i would eat that vanilla cake!!!!

John Tron: I don’t like where this is going that clip or the bad touch bad touch stranger danger clip? :pinkiehappy:

"Different world but same pinkie pie," She said as she taste-tested the punch before hearing glass break as she looked up. "Oh fuc-"

A werewolf landed on her.

Jack and Sunset: "Oooooooowwwwww,"

ouch yep that's going to leave a mark:facehoof:

I really don't like this chapter, mostly for our main character getting his ass kicked like a b****!

Sorry, it's just that he could at least defend himself by using his Werewolf Powers, or even knock out Luna or something??!! I WON'T go out like that without a fight?

No offense, Connorcooper.

Anyway, Drugged or not! I hope that BOTH Celestia and Luna should have HUGE extreme guilt and regrets, and wants to make some very huge apologizes and favours to Jack.

Plus, maybe they can FINALLY focus on taking care of those frickin noble bastards that hates our main character for very retarded reasons like Racism/Xenophobia!!!!!

Seriously, drugging and messing with the Princesses feelings and ALMOST killing their own possible lover ( Wolf Jack ) is obviously a f****** DEATH SENTENCE to whoever did this to them to get to Jack!!! :flutterrage:

No more Mrs. "Nice/Pacifist" Princess!!!!! :twilightangry2:

Can any of you agree with me?!

As for your little joke about the Alpha Legion at the end there? I know that they are highly mysteries, can be very confusing on their true loyalties, and their two Primarch's making their own "guessing game" on who's who with each other ( That lasts WAY too long to be not funny anymore. Plus, I doubt that Tzeentch or even GW finally can give us a honest and clear answer about that?! ). 😒 🙄

Anyway, even IF they were included/involved with this story. I highly doubt they like to do something like this crappy "assassin" plot?! I thought they can do it personally themselves, or are even be secretly Jack's and the Ponies powerful allies?

Have to admit wished Jack tried to better defend himself from Luna but still good all in all dont get me wrong. Well this thickens the plot with someone messing with the princess sisters here with them being drudged, thou the two better make it up to Jack in a HUGE way and in more then one occasion. Wonder if tehy know about this info. And yeah he deserves to know that someone tried to had him killed there. Wouldn't surprise me is either Bloublood and/or Neighsay was involved in this in one way or another

Ok that was sweet and heartwarming with Jack and Flurry and hope we get more of those later on. Wonder if someone is stupid enough to threaten her life and risk Jack's unholy wrath later on. Dont get me wrong Im sure Flurry's parents, aunt and grandparents will kill anyone who would do that but Jack is a werewolf, aka a apex predator thus a far more fearsome and deadly killer then said family members if he has a good reason to go berserk

Great work keep it up

Im with you there and I got torches and pitchforks if you want to go classic but got other stuff if needed

*reads it, and my eyes goes crosseyes* you may want to check the chapter. there is alot of unneeded words in it.

Oof, the princesses sure effed up this time. You can't just use the "turn to stone for x amount of time" in every case with non-ponies or 'nobles' targets. It just leads to more pain...

hopefully the make up.
can't wait for more!

I understand it will take awhile to get over
I would hate to see him not to back with Luna seems it was celestia plan or twilights.

Captain shine armor Execute Order 66 it will be done my princess

Well...wasn’t expecting this what so ever and man the ponies REALLY screwed up this time. They should of told him the nobles wanted his head and talk on how to deal with this, but nope they did something that’s not thought out and incredibly retarded and backfired on them big time! Now only time will tell on how long the pain will last and if the bond they had can return

Hope Jack will be alright and recover from this well enough and looking forward to seeing how his relationships with Ember grows from this

Thou I am certain Luna will go on a killer rage spree on the nobles and either have them not only removed from power and get a whole new court set up but also have them in prisoned for life or kills them herself in perhaps a Darth Vader style. Oh man this is gonna be hard on Flurry Heart and definitely damage her relationship with those involved in this

And yes you where mentioning on Angron when he was forced by his nails to kill his adoptive father figure

"But you have to tell me!" Flurry whined, she loved Jack's stories about the biking tales he knew back on earth from his roots.

I believe you mean Viking here.

Even if they succeeded turning him into stone when the reversed it this all would've played out the same way it did in this chapter. He was still betrayed by those he called family. I'm glad it failed but i still got to ask why did the EoH hurt him he isn't a villian? Was it because he is cursed now? If it is the latter why did it still hurt him he is still the same person inside the curse he was still not a villian? As for Shining and Cadence they are going to be torn into (figuratively speaking) when they try to make ammends. Alas poor Flurry Heart when she finds out all this she is going to hate her parents for a long time and most likely run away to be with Jack and something bad is going to happen to her causing Jack to show the world what it means to be a feral wolf

They are so f******** RETARDED!!!! 🤦


Agreed, I don't know why the hell that the Elements of "Harmony" can even hurt him like that???!!! I mean, WTF????!!!!!

He is NOT a FRICKIN "Villain" like you have just said. We better have a VERY, VERY "Good" explanation on the next chapter for this, Connorcooper?!


Totally 100% agreed with you. But seriously, when will the two princesses STOP f****** around like very weak minded sisses, and just rightfully PUNISH the damn nobles already???!!!

It can't be that FRICKIN Hard!!!! They got all the "evidence" already, and they got the power?!

So, why do they keep stalling?! And instead, made a retarded move to backstabbing poor Jake like that?!

I hope they get major backlashed, Bad Karma, and have Consequences for this!!!!!

Like everyone/everypony learns of what happened. And the Mane Six, Shining, Cadence, and ESPECIALLY Celestia and Luna be frickin HATED by everyone/everypony that actually loves Jake.

And calls them FRICKIN Stupid, and Retarded Cowards that DIDN'T do crap against the real enemy ( The Nobles obviously! ), and betrayed a poor man like Jake like that.

Heck, I hope that Ember finished her sentence from earlier, and THREATENED WAR against Equestria ( Specifically the Princesses, Mane Six, and the Nobles. ).

That will greatly show them that they F******* Up big time!!!!!!


I highly doubt that. I mean, Luna still didn't apologize for the unjustified beat down from last chapter ( I DON'T care if she is drugged or not. She needs to FRICKIN Apologize Big Time! But, I guess it's too late? ), but this is much worse.

How can you even "forgive" them, despite Jack experiencing the WORST PAIN IMAGINABLE from the damn Elements of "Harmony", of all things???!!!

My guess is the elements have bit of a black and white look on somethings or are corrupt in a way like their harmony is not like what others think or believe real harmony is

True and when dealing with the nobles kinda hoping Luna will pull a Darth Vador and force chock them and snap their necks or turn their head a 360, or pull a King Vegeta and blasting them to ash. After she decrees that any and all power, titles, wealth and ect they and their families have taken for granted for so long are here by removed, void and null and immediately sentence to death


I love that idea ( Plus, I'm a Star Wars, and Dragon Ball Series Fan. )! I mean, WHY can't they just get rid of the nobles in the first place, instead of this highly dick move by betraying poor Jack like that??!!


Well, those corrupt things need to be DESTROYED!!!!!

It will be pay back for what happened to Jack, and get rid of the stupid elements that are highly corrupt, and AREN'T the "True" representations of Harmony itself.

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