• Published 19th Jun 2021
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My little pony Adventures Pilot - Kayceejr91

Behold my and my friend CLegoguy alternated version of MLP

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my little pony adventures chapter 8

The next thing the ponies and Spike new they are around a field of rocks dart, and volcanos left and right. They were also seeing their wrecked ship.

Then spike spotted something move behind one of the rocks and then he pulled Twilight's tail and said "Did anypony else see that?"

Twilight then said while still looking at he wrecked ship "Not now Spike I'm trying to assess the..."

Then out from the rocks were a group of teen dragons appear and surrounding the freaked out ponies and spike. Then we see the leader of the teen drakes he is a tall red dragon with a orange under belly and dark orange spikes and sharped teeth and his name is Garble and lough "Yeahahahahaha!"

Then Rainbow Dash tries to defends Fluttershy and said "What do you guys want from us?"

Then Garble tripped RD and said "We just want to have a good time!"

Then they started to sing.

Garble "Don't have no problems!" the other dragons "No problems!"

"Don't have no soft bed!" The other dragons "No soft bed!"

"Don't have no clothes to worry about!" The other dragons "No clothes to worry about!"

"Don't have a house, a home, a shirt, or shoes."

"I just throw down my fat toe" The other dragon "throw down fat toe!"

"We're the flamenest bunch in the land!" The other dragon "In the land!"

Then on dragon name Back Draft "We don't have much!" the other dragon "Oh."

Then the other dragon name name fume "We know how to party!" the other dragons "Oh."

Then Garble sang "But mostly we just wanna have fun!"

The dragons "Have fun with fire gang! Think small with the fire gang! Bad news with the fire gang!"

Black Draft said "Like some dragon said, don't lose your head!"

The dragons "When your things get down, have fun have fun with the fire gang!"

Then Fume said "Hey I know our job."

The dragon gang "Act tall with the fire gang!"

Then Black Draft said "Whoo, walk tall!"

The dragons sang "Good times, bad new!" Then a fat dragon the said "Yeah!"

Then the dragons sang "When your things get down have fun, have fun!"

Then Fume said "So when things get to tough!" Then the other dragons said "Get to tough."

Black Draft sang "And your claws are dragging on the ground." The other dragon sang "Dragging on the Ground!"

Garble sang "And even down looks up." The other dragons sang "Down look up!"

Clamp sang "Bad luck, Ha Ha Ha!"

Garble sang "We can show you a good, time!" The other dragon sang "Show you a good time!"

Then Garble sang "We don't charge nothin'!" the other dragons sang "Nothin' at all!"

Black Draft then said "We strut our nasty stuff. Jiggle in the middle yeah. Get the folks talkin', fire gang!"

Then the dragons sang "Have fun with the fire gang! (Thanks for the small!) Thanks of the small with the fire gang (Bad news) bad news with the fire gang."

Then Garble sang "Hey, listen up!"

Then the dragons sang "When your thing get down have fun! Have fun!"

Garble "I, take your puny pony head!"

Dragons "Act tall with the fire gang!"

Garble "Take your puny pony hoof!"

Clamp "Come on, come on!"

The dragon "When your things get down! Have Fun.."

Then after the song the dragons were tossing around Pinkie Pie and Cheese, while Thunderlane and Soarin are pinned down as they attempt to fight back. Then Garble picked up Spike by the tail and showed to the other dragons and said "Look at this guys! Is this dragon or a pony with scales?" The the other dragons loughs at Spike.

Then Twilight shouted at the red dragon "Leave him alone you jerks!" She was know charging at the drake.

But Garble kicked her away and said "Well why don't you make us?"

After seeing that, Flash was angry and then charge at Garble and said "Why you!"

Then a dragon grabs Flash by the tail and toss him to the other pile of ponies.

Then the teen drakes lough, while spike is still in Garble's claws as he when "Bwahahahahaha!"

Then Rainbow from under Soarin and said "Well has anypony else got any bright ideas?"

But then a volcano erupts in the background a till mysterious figure stands on a ridge, hammer in hoof. Then the figure shouted Scottish accent "Dragons! Leave those ponies bee!"

Then Garble dropped Spike and panic then said "Run of it!"

Then the dragon teen run pass the confused pile of ponies. Then the ponies saw the figure jumped down from the volcano and slammed to the ground and It's none other then an alicorn stallion he was a big colt with a brown coat and his fellow alicorns and beard he even a metal 3rd leg and wears a workers uniform. He also wears goggles and a crown a scar on his left eye and his cutie mark is a hammer above some flames. He then jumped from the volcano and slammed to the ground then stand proudly in front of the ponies and spike.

Then Twilight looks up to the Alicorn and said "You're Enbarr! the forger Alicorn!"

Then Enbarr said "Aye lass." Then he raised is hammer and the volcanoes erupt and dragons soar through the air.

After seeing that Fluttershy faints and Trenderhoof turn to Twilight and said "I thought we were trying to avoid the dragon lands."

Then Twilight said "Well we'll just have to take advantage of the situation."

Then Enbarr turns away from the ponies as they picked themselves up and the forger alicorn said "You're luckily I arrived when I did most ponies wouldn't be fool enough to enter dragon territory." Then turn to the ponies and told with a glare. "You're also luckily those were only teenagers."

Spike then freaked out and said "Those were Teenagers!?"

Enbarr then points to the adult dragons in the sky above and said "Aye lad the real thing will be much more terrifying."

Then Fluttershy who woke but faints again after seeing the drakes. Then Twilight said to the scared unicorn "Excuse me you're majesty but we're on an important mission from..."

But then Enbarr interrupted her and said "I know about you're mission lass. Personally I was never fond of me cousin Celestia. But seeing as she is still family I'm willing to help with you're mission and you're wreckage and as for the element, it lies in the claws of the fiercest dragon in all the land."

then Fluttershy fainted the 3rd time while Rainbow Dash said "Of course it does."

Enbarr then said while pointing at a near by mountain and said "Go to the highest mountain where the gems flow like the sea and there you will find the element. If you survive."

Then Flash said to the stallions "All right guys let's get going!"

But then Enbarr slams his hammer to the ground in front of the blue mane pegasus and said while glaring down at him. "Where do you think you're going?"

Then Flash said with a nervous look (with the other stallions behind him who are also scared) Then said "To go find the element of laughter?"

Then Enbarr gestures the stallions towards the wreckage. "The male folk will stay behind to help repair the ship." Then he lifts Cheese's arm and then said "Besides you could use the extra muscle you're limp as wee stick."

Then after hearing that the stallions agreed and the mane six are now going to the mountain and RD said to the colts teething them "Bye boys have fun!" After hearing that Soarin just rolled his eyes.

But during that spike just follow the mares but with a guilty look but then he soon was levitated back to the one who was doing so and it was Enbarr and the the forger alicorn said "And where do you think you're goin'?

Spike then landed in front of him and then the little drake said "Me?"

Enbarr stands before Spike and said "I said the male folk would help rebuilt are you a male or mare?"

Then spike rubs his shoulder, staring at the ground and said "I'm neither." Then he begins to trudge away from Enbarr glumly. "I'm not a mare I'm not a stallion I'm barely even a dragon. I've been pretty much useless on good at is getting captured." Then the forger alicorn got closer spike from behind as he continued "Why'd I even go on this quest? I'm not as strong as everyone else. I'm not even aa strong as a dragon and today prove it those teen dragons toss me around like salad."

Enbarr then slaps the little drake on the back and then flames just out from Spike's mouth and they were big ones. Then after that Enbarr then place his wing around him and said "A dragon doesn't need to be a big and strong in order to breath fire." He then leads Spike back to the stallions, who are struggling to put the blimp together.

Then we see the mane six can be seen climbing the mountain with Twilight leading them with Pinkie bounces happily, and Rainbow Dash pushes Fluttershy (Who is scared out her mind) forward. Then the purple princess said "Alright everypony! Everything I've read about dragons says that they're extremely dangerous. So will have to be extra carful."

Then Fluttershy said "No kidding..."

Rainbow dash said while she was still pushing the timed mare. "Come on Fluttershy! You we're fine with the giant spider back at the temple."

Then Fluttershy said "Yes, because she wasn't a dragon."

Then Rarity approaches her and said "What about the pirates? You stood up to them."

Then Fluttershy said "Yes because they weren't dragons."

Then Pinkie said to her "Spike is a dragon, and you're not afraid of him."

Then we see the view of the mountain with Fluttershy said "Yes, because he not a big, mean, totally all grown up dragon."

Then Twilight said to the others "Okay everypony, we're almost.." Then a thunderous roar makes the ponies jump.

Then Rarity said "What was that?"

Then the mane six peak over the peak of the ridge there they see the cave where the dragon is in and then they enter the cave and they see a sea of jewels and at the center lies the biggest and ugliest dragon they ever seen. The drake strangely resembles a donkey it had brown scales black spikes, and an tan under belly.

After seeing the drake Fluttershy cowers behind Twilight but then the purple princess spotted something and said "Look." Then they see the element in the dragon's claws and then Twilight said "The element it's underneath him." Then she turn to the others and said "Okay girls here's the plan..."

But while she and the other were strategizing, Pinkie Pie was leap over the ridge and the she happily hop towards the massive sleeping dragon and then the pink pony taps him on the nose and said "Excuse me mister dragon!" Then the donkey like dragon open his eyes and glare at Pinkie. Then he got up and roar "Heeeee Haaaw!"

Then after it did the other ponies turn and saw Pinkie standing right in front of the now awake and angry drake who was still roaring wildly.

But in spite of that of that the parky loving mare said to him. "Hey there Mr. Cranky pants that's no way to act!" Then suddenly a spotlight appears to the party pink pony who was wearing a red bow tie and had a microphone at hoof. Then she said "I know what you need!"

Then after seeing that the ponies all shake their heads in horror and the dragon just standing there dumbfounded and then she begin her act "Hey, hey, hey, everypony!" She spook in the microphone and the dragon was just standing there confused. Then she continued "I just flew in from Equestria and boy are my arms tired!"

The dragon still looked confused. But then he roared at her again. "Heeeee Haaaaaw!"

Then the pink pony said "Yeesh tough crowed!"

Back with the other ponies who are watching as she when on. "Okay so you're not into to jokes how about prop comedy?"

Then Twilight said "What is she doing?! Come on everypony we've got to rescues her!"

While the ponies ran to her Pinkie was now riding a unicycle juggling pies.

Then Twilight said while she was coming behind her. "Pinkie Pie Run!"

Then she turns in confusion and said "Huh?" Suddenly her unicycle trips over on a jewel then she falls to the ground and the pies were flying in the air then fell on her face one by one. The ponies and the dragon stared at Pinkie dumbfounded.

Then the drake tries to hold it in but the he started to burst out laughing. "Hw haw he ha he ha he ha he ha haw!" The dragon then falls to the ground laughing while the the cave shook and while that was happening the ponies comfort Pinkie. But then a magical puff of smoke appears around the drake and then it disappeared.

Then the ponies looked around in disbelief and Rarity said "Where'd the dragon go!?"

Then a voice got their attention. "Why don't you take a look and see?"

Then they saw an old mule approaches the mane six and then Fluttershy asked "Who are you?"

Then the donkey said "Formerly Cranky the dragon. But now just Cranky the donkey."

Then Rainbow Dash said "You were the dragon?"

Then Cranky said "I was one day I was so cranky I just turned into a dragon. That's the problem with magic ponies you never know what you get turn into!"

Then Twilight asked the old mule "Excuse me but, you wouldn't happen to have an element of harmony would you?"

Then Cranky said while pulling out the element of laughter "You mean this silly thing? Here take it I've been guarding that thing for over fifty years!" He then toss the element to the ponies who catch it and he trudge away.

Then Twilight turn to Pinkie and asked "Pinkie how did you knew that would work?"

Pinkie then said while hold out the script to the comic "I read the script!"

Twilight just gave a confused.

Later the ponies head down from the mountain and then they saw the airship is repaired and the stallion six Spike, and Enbarr in front of it.

Then Twilight said to them "Wow! great job boys. You got it done a lot quicker than we thought."

Then Flash said while flexing his muscles trying to impressed her "No problem Twilight, nothing a few stallions and a dragon can't handle."

Soarin then whispers to Cheese "Not to mention a whole lot of help from Enbarr."

Enbarr and spike then approach behind them and the forger alicorn said "Have ya lasses retrieved the element?"

Then Rainbow Dash said "Yeah and thank you for telling us that the dragon was a donkey!"

Then Enbarr gave a confused look and said "He was?"

Twilight then boards the ship and said "Anyway let's start charging a course to the next element!"

Then Stallions six begin to boarding but then Enbarr said to them "Hold on a moment there lads! I have one more thing to discus with ya." Then the boys looked nervous but then the forger alicorn said "Years ago, I crafted the weapons wielded by the original pillars of Equestria. They're in the hooves of Sombra now and so the princess and her allies require new guardians. Luna informed me of your coming and so I have forged these." He then showed the colts weapons for them and one by one Enbarr gave them their weapons that had their cutie marks on it. "For Troubleshoes the hammer of might. For Trenderhoof the bow of perception. For Thunderlane the shield of lion heart. For Soarin the daggers of swift. For Cheese Sandwich I don't know why, but my cousin requested you the bazooka of cheezyness. and for Flash Sentry the blade of the shining light. All of them forged in dragon fire." He said while winking at Spike.

Flash just gave a confused look and said "Thanks Embar not sure if we'll need them. But we'll put them to good use."

But then Soarin struggles to lift his daggers and said "How are we supposed to use these!? There so heavy!"

Then Cheese just looked confused at his bazooka.

Then Enbarr said "You'll learn to live with them."

Then the ponies and spike took off and Enbarr watching them take to the air and he shouted "Good luck ponies!" Then when the ship was out of sight the forger alicorn said "You're going to need it."

To Be Continued