• Published 11th Jun 2021
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Siren's of the Night III - The Crazed Werewolf

Sunset, her sister and their cousins try to navigate the dangerous world of High School!

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Luna had finally gotten around to unpacking a massive box of books. She meticulously organized the books by author. She reached into the box and grabbed the final book. Her senior yearbook from High School. She sat down in her favorite chair and started looking through it. There were somewhat colorful comments written on the inside cover from her classmates. She flipped through it until she came upon a photograph of her with her friends. Even back then Raven had taken her breath away. The picture was of three seniors and two freshmen. It was simply captioned "Best Friends!" It had been taken during her goth phase, when she referred to herself as Nightmare Moon. She cringed at how she had dressed back then. Then there was Raven, in an outfit that screamed "JAILBAIT!", she looked like she had walked off the set of a Teen-Bopper music video. Zecora was dressed as conservative as ever. In all the years that they had been friends, Zecora had always been a shoulder for Luna to lean on. That left the freshmen. One was Luna's niece, Cadence, but the two of them had grown up like sisters. And there was Cadence's best friend, Chrysalis. Chrysalis had always looked up to Luna and Zecora, and both of the older girls had looked after her.

Looking at the yearbook reminded Luna how difficult her senior year had been. Celestia was at college, and their father was in the Air Force and serving in America's daring highly trained special missions force, flying an advanced model of the F-14 called a Sky Striker. Though the unit was no longer classified, much of their missions still were.

Laughter radiated from upstairs, causing Luna to smile, she now had not only a fiance that was the love of her life, but three wonderful daughters. Her eyes fell upon a rather fat rodent that was sitting on the stairs staring at her.

"What do you think Tiberius," Luna said, "should we have pizza or Chinese for dinner?"

"You're asking Tiberius for culinary advice," Adagio Dazzle asked as she, her sisters Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk, along with their cousins Sunset Shimmer and Scootaloo, came stomping down the stairs.

"He is quite knowledgeable for an oppossum," Luna replied, Tiberius looked at Luna and then at Adagio and started to make his way up the stairs.

"So what do you girls have planned for tonight?" It was a Friday night and Luna had decided to allow her nieces to come over and spend the night with their cousins.

"Pillow fight," Sonata answered with a straight face.

"I want to teach them how to play basketball," Scootaloo answered as she pointed at Adagio and Sonata. Luna tried to suppress a laugh. Scootaloo's attempts to teach Sunset how to ride a bike, while successful, had ended with Sunset receiving a sprained wrist for her efforts.

"Have fun," Luna said, "are you going to join them Aria?" Aria was the most athletic of the three, and on a good day could even compete against Rainbow Dash.

"I might watch," Aria said as removed her glasses to clean them, "someone needs to keep Sunset company."

"What's this," Sunset asked as she looked at the book that Luna had placed on the coffee table.

"That," Luna said, "is my high school yearbook."

She quickly opened the book up to the photograph that she had been looking at earlier.

"You went outside dressed like that," Adagio asked, "and look at Raven!"

The other teens all laughed.

"Laugh it up," Luna said, "just remember that I'll show your kids your yearbooks when they are old enough." The five teens each stopped laughing.

"That's dirty pool mom," Sonata said.

"I play to win," Luna said, "I don't have to fight fair."

"Remind me not to challenge Aunt Luna to a game of Super Smash Brothers," Scootaloo whispered to her sister.

"Yeah," Sunset answered. There were times that Luna reminded her of a teenager and not their vice-principal.

"So have you girls heard from the princess lately," Luna asked.

"Not recently," Sunset replied.

"Well, the Friendship Games begin this Friday," Luna said, "maybe you can go visit her afterwards."

"That's be great," Sunset said before she remembered her mother's words, "but mom banned us from interdimensional travel."

"I'll talk to your mom," Luna countered.

"Would you," Sunset said with a huge smile.

"Count on it," Luna replied with a wink.

"I'm not allowed to compete," Adagio said, "and even though I'm going to your rival school, I'll root for my favorite cousin."

"I thought that I was your favorite cousin," Scootaloo said in jest.

"No," Adagio said, "you're my favorite younger cousin, and Cadence is my favorite older cousin, that leaves Sunset."

Scootaloo blinked, a look of confusion washing over her face.

"Your words spin webs like a spider," Sonata said.

Adagio looked at their mother and with a huge smile said, "I learned from the best."

Luna started to reply, but stopped when she noticed that Tiberius had returned. He was sitting halfway up the staircase wearing Adagio's favorite pair of sunglasses. Luna couldn't stop herself from giggling even if she had tried. The five girls in the room turned to see what Luna found so funny. Four girls joined in on the laughter, Adagio on the other hand began chasing Tiberius around the house. Aria wasn't able to resist and started playing the "Benny Hill theme" on her phone which made everyone laugh even harder.

"One of-" Luna said as she caught her breath, "One of these days I'm going to have to tell you about all the trouble I used to get into with Celestia's pet bird."

"You mean Philomena," Scootaloo asked, "I didn't know that she was a handful."

"Speak for yourself," Sunset said, "mom asked Fluttershy and I to look after her one day and we thought that we had lost her. Turns out that she was only playing a prank on us. Fluttershy still refuses to be in the same room as that overgrown chicken."