• Published 11th Jun 2021
  • 1,113 Views, 39 Comments

Siren's of the Night III - The Crazed Werewolf

Sunset, her sister and their cousins try to navigate the dangerous world of High School!

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"Good morning Gilda," Gabby said as her older sister came down the stairs. Gilda glowered at the younger girl as she grabbed a toaster pastry out of the pantry. Gabby couldn't help but flinch under her sister's gaze.

"What do you care," Gilda grumbled. She felt as though her sister had abandoned her. She had become friends, with the three girls that had really been behind Anon-A-Miss, and by extension their older sisters and Gilda's rival, Sunset Shimmer.

Of course I care, Gabby thought, "I'm your sister."

"You don't act like it," Gilda snapped, "if you were truly my sister, you wouldn't hang out with those do-gooders."

"But they're my friends," Gabby protested, "you'd probably like them if you got to know them."

"I don't want to get know them," Gilda screamed as she stormed out of the house.

"Stupid Rainbooms, stupid Dazzlings," Gilda muttered to herself as she walked to school ignoring the morning fog, "stupid Gabby, the traitor."

Rainbow Dash had once been Gilda's best friend. The two of them had first met at summer camp when they had been in elementary school. They were both shocked to learn that not only did they both live in Canterlot, but they both went to the same school. Then during their final year of middle school, their friendship had abruptly ended. Gilda had discovered a new thrill, first bending the rules and testing the limits of the law. It wasn't long before she had moved on to outright breaking the law. Rainbow had learned about Gilda's new favorite pastime, and while she hadn't turned Gilda in, she had stopped talking to her after that.


Luna stood in the central rotunda of CHS watching as the students began to trickle in for the start of the day. It was her custom to greet her students. She was surprised to see Gilda arrive early. Normally Luna had to go outside and fetch the bully. Luna had never caught her, but she new that Gilda was smoking along with her friends Lightning Dust, Short Fuse, and Rolling Thunder. Luna hoped that she could lead Gilda's sister Gabby down a more productive path and was pleased that she had become friends with Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.

She smiled a warm friendly smile at Gilda as she stomped past her. Luna could almost see the black cloud that followed in her wake. She watched as Gilda continued down the hall and turned into one of the women's restrooms. I hope that we can turn Gilda around before it's too late.


Gilda locked the door behind her after making sure that she was alone. She noticed that one of the mirrors was missing over one of the sinks. Damn school can't even replace a mirror. She hated going to CHS. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her lighter, and then she reached into her purse, but she couldn't find her cigarettes. After several frustrated minutes of looking through her purse and her backpack, she realized that she must of left them at home.

"Shit," she said in frustration. She had been so angry when she had woken up that morning that she had forgotten to grab her cigarettes. Now she wouldn't have a way to blow off her anger.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," a voice said, "you shouldn't let your beautiful anger go to waste."

"Who's there," Gilda said as she looked around, she was certain that she was alone.

"He-he," the voice said, "I'm everywhere, and nowhere."

"Look bitch," Gilda said, "I'm not in the mood for riddles."

"I'm right here,"

Gilda looked up at the only mirror in the restroom, what stared back at her wasn't her reflection. Gilda saw what she could only describe as a demon looking back at her.

"What do you want," Gilda asked hesitantly.

"Why I want the same thing you want my dear," the demon answered as it morphed into a duplicate of Sunset Shimmer, "I want revenge, but most of all I want to make her suffer, like she made me suffer."

"What's in it for me," Gilda asked. The image in the mirror morphed again, this time into a demon infused version of Gilda standing atop the flaming ruins of Canterlot High School.

"I can give you everything," the demon replied as it's hand and then arm reached out of the mirror, "all you need to do is take my hand."

Again Gilda hesitated, but as she thought about it, she realized that this was what she needed to defeat Sunset and her friends. She reached out and took the demon's hand into her own. She suddenly felt cold, and the lights in the room briefly flickered. She thought that she could hear laughing from beyond reality. When she looked up at the mirror again she only saw her reflection, she did notice that there was a crack in the mirror where there hadn't been one before.

Gilda felt better than she had in months.


Sunset suddenly felt a sense of dread wash over her. Something isn't right, I feel like someone is dancing on my grave. She looked around at her friends, does this feeling i have involve them? Aria and Rainbow Dash were talking about basketball, Applejack was telling Rarity and Fluttershy about something that her cousin, Braeburn had done recently, and Sonata and Pinky Pie were busy flirting with each other. Could one of you be in danger?

"Hey Sunset," Rainbow said, "you ok, you looked like you were a million miles away."

"Huh," Sunset said, "nothing, I just got this weird feeling all of a sudden,"

"Weird," Pinky said, "like what."

"I don't know how to describe it," Sunset said, "it was as if a billion voices cried out in fear and then we're suddenly silenced."

"Okay that is weird," Aria said, "but you should be focusing on the Friendship Games later this week."

"I hope that I can," Sunset said, "none of you felt that?"

"We didn't feel anything darling," Rarity replied.

"Maybe you all are right," Sunset said, "I'm sure that it was nothing."

She didn't believe a word that she was saying though.