• Published 7th Jul 2021
  • 2,218 Views, 4 Comments

A Silly Bet - Nido_King

Bon Bon loves Lyra. Lyra loves Bon Bon. Lyra also loves waddling around their home in thick diapers and acting like a foal. Bon Bon wishes she could join Lyra in being so carefree, and Lyra knows just the way to help her...

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A Silly Bet

“Lyra!” Bon Bon pleaded desperately, hopping on her back hooves as she felt the pressure in her bladder build to uncomfortable levels. None of this was helped by the loud crinkling of the thick diaper she was wearing, one that she was desperate to keep from using. “Hurry up! I have to go!”

In contrast to her loving wife, Lyra was totally calm as she remained seated on Bon Bon’s only salvation. “I’m not done yet, though! You’ll just have to wait your turn to use the potty.”

“You’re not even using it right!” Bon Bon exclaimed, gesturing at the diaper Lyra was still wearing.

“So? You know the rules, it’s my turn on the potty so you’ll just have to wait your turn!” Lyra replied before sticking her tongue out at Bon Bon. “I mean, you could just use your diaper instead, but you know that what means, right?”

Bon Bon did know what that would mean, and she was now kicking herself for even agreeing to this silly bet in the first place…


“Lyra, stop fidgeting!” Bon Bon struggled as she tried to change the rambunctious unicorn into a fresh diaper, but Lyra was having none of it.

“No! I wanna play!”

Bon Bon just chuckled at Lyra’s antics as she finally succeeded in taping the fresh diaper onto the squirming Lyra. “There, all clean. Now you can go back to playing with your toys, you silly pony.”

And yet, instead of immediately jumping off the changing table and waddling back to play like she normally would, Lyra remained there for a moment as a thoughtful look came over her. “You know… it doesn’t have to be just me who wears the diapers in this relationship. You could always be my playmate…”

Bon Bon sighed. “Lyra, we’ve been over this before…”

“I know, but didn’t you say you always wanted to try it? Come on, just one time, please?”

Bon Bon bit her lip. She had said before that she wanted to try out wearing diapers instead of just changing them… but… “I don’t know…”

“I know! How about a little bet then?”

“A… a bet?”


Her curiosity piqued, Bon Bon replied, “… What kind of bet?”

“You wear a diaper with me for a few hours just to see how it feels. If you don’t like it, then all you have to do to win is prove you can be a big pony and keep it clean. But if you can’t keep from wetting yourself like a foal, then I win. Sound good?”

“… What are the stakes?” Bon Bon inquired, part of her wondering why she was even going along with this.

“If I win, you agree to join me as my playmate again from time to time.”

“And if I win?”

“Then I won’t bug you about it again. I’ll even clean up the shop after closing for the week.”

Bon Bon raised an eyebrow. “… Seriously? You, cleaning?”

“I’m serious!” Lyra countered, though the way she pouted made her declaration dubious at best. “What do you say? You in?”

Bon Bon felt strangely apprehensive. She should say no… but the idea of Lyra cleaning up the shop for a week was too tantalizing an offer to pass up. I mean, all I have to do is keep from using my diaper and I’ll win, that’ll be easy! “Alright, you are on, crinklebutt. Hope you enjoy cleaning the shop, cause I don’t intend to lose.”

“Yay!” Lyra clapped happily as she hopped off the changing table. “Better get you into a fresh diaper then before you leak all over the place!”

“Fat chance…” Bon Bon had replied, fully intent on winning this little bet.


And so, Bon Bon had been changed into a fresh diaper just like Lyra. Very quickly she noticed how comfortable it felt, finally understanding a bit why Lyra loved wearing them so much. After that the pair proceeded to play with all of Lyra’s toys, and it wasn’t long before both of them were giggling and laughing like the pair of foals they were dressed as. The hours just seemed to fly by, and Bon Bon actually felt remiss that their little bet would come to an end soon.

And then it happened.

It started as a small tingling at first, one that Bon Bon ignored due to how much fun she was having. But that small tingling quickly began to grow, enough so that Bon Bon unknowingly began to cross her legs in an attempt to stop the inevitable, though this was slightly hindered by the thick padding between her legs.

Though Bon Bon was mostly unaware of how much she was beginning to look like a foal desperately trying to hold it in, Lyra picked up on it immediately and bided her time until the perfect moment. Just when Lyra figured Bon Bon was about to reach her limit, she sneakily waddled off to the bathroom to put her plan in motion.

As if on cue, Bon Bon finally became aware of the building pressure in her bladder. With years of potty training ingrained into her, Bon Bon was quick to stand up and make her way to the bathroom to relieve herself like the big pony she was. I guess my little diaper time has come to an end…

However, she instead found Lyra already waiting for her in there, sitting confidently on the little training potty they owned directly in front of the toilet, blocking Bon Bon from relieving herself like a big pony. With no other option thanks to the scheming Lyra, Bon Bon had no choice but to wait her turn while fighting a war with her bladder.

A war she was currently losing.

“Lyra, please! I… I have to go now!

“Then go already. That’s what your diaper is for, isn’t it?”

“But… but… Errr…” Bon Bon winced as she felt her bladder desperately cry out for release, making it very clear that she was about to burst at any moment.

“Come on…” Lyra said, leaning forward and whispering, “… You know you want to…”

Indeed, Bon Bon wanted nothing more than to just let go and use her diaper like Lyra intended, but a small bit of her pride was still preventing her from conceding to Lyra’s games. I won’t… I won’t… A small whine came from Bon Bon as her long battle finally came to an end as her bladder finally gave out, her diaper sagging and turning a noticeable yellow as if to show just how much she had been defeated. It felt like forever before her bladder finally ran dry, leaving Bon Bon standing in the bathroom in a very used diaper.

“I… I had an accident…” Bon Bon said, looking like she was moments away from bursting into tears.

“Aww, don’t cry, my little Bonnie,” Lyra reassured her as she waddled up to Bon Bon and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “I could tell you really liked playing with me and being my diapered playmate, all you needed was a little… push in the right direction.”

Despite it all, Bon Bon felt herself smile as she realized Lyra was right. “You can be such a meanie sometimes, you know that?”

“Just another reason why you love me! Now come on, I think a certain foal needs her diaper changed.” Lyra paused for a moment before sighing with relief, her own diaper quickly sagging as much as Bon Bon’s. “Make that two foals actually…”

Bon Bon giggled as she followed Lyra to the changing table, the pair of them crinkling the whole way. While Bon Bon would certainly be kept busy keeping Lyra’s padded butt out of trouble… she wouldn’t mind being Lyra’s playmate again in the future.

Comments ( 4 )
Mix-up #1 · Jul 7th, 2021 · · 1 ·

cute, keep it up

A cute little one-shot. Not a lot of padded LyraBon content out there.

i do not understand who would find diappers attractive... but to each their own i guess

Yeah, I know. It’s hard to understand a fetish you don’t have :P

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