• Member Since 29th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Mystic Sunrise

Why am I still in this fandom?



This story is a sequel to Something New

After breaking up with her longtime girlfriend, Pearl Rose does what she's always done when she's down and needs comforting: She goes to her mentor and teacher, Twilight Sparkle.

What began as Twilight comforting her former student will soon grow into something that neither of them expected.

Chapters (34)
Comments ( 27 )

Cover art is interesting... My theory:
Left side - Twilight
Right side - Pearl
Filly in the middle- their future daughter

Close actually. All three fillies are their daughters. And there's a meaning to where they are in relation. Twilight is Sunrise's (the filly above her in the cover art) birth mother. While Pearl is Winter's (the filly above her) birth mother.

Still working out who gave birth to Rose (the filly in the middle). But that's the idea I have.

Umm... Pearl's Cutie Mark... What is her special talent?

Anything related to dragons. Western or Eastern. She got it when she first met Tiamat years ago in this universe.

Why so many dislike?

Tiamat ordered the extermination of the entire Kitsune race. Eastern Dragons wanted no part of this, so the Western Dragons hunted them as well, forcing the survivors into hiding. Those Kitsunes who didn't ascend were killed off without exception.

An order that would have taken nearly a millennia to complete. which is why Kohaku is a nine tail adult and is an ascended nature spirit instead of a three tailed teenager

Yep. And here's another thing. If Tiamat's clutch had been destroyed, whether it was Akahiko or not, there is one final line that can be crossed. One that no one, even the eldest of the ascended Kitsunes, wants crossed.

"Tiamat, please. For all that we used to be, what are our races once were. Do not cross that line. Do not invoke Her."

"That time is passed, Starsong. Your kind should have thought of that before they killed my children in their eggs. Now I invoke the Omega Oath, signed and sworn in the Silent Years. I ask the Slayer of Eternitites to pass judgment. On the Prime Magic and the blood of the First Universe, let Her judge us."


Short version? They go to the ultimate authority in my multiverse, and let Her decide what happens now. Then it's a game of Russian Roulette of how bad the outcome will be.

Bottom end? One species is erased from existence entirely (no ifs, and, or buts allowed and it applies to any and all of that particular species. Mortal or otherwise). Absolute worst case? The entire universe and literally everything that is a part of it is erased from existence. No ifs, and, or buts, allowed.

Either way, nobody wins no matter what the outcome is. The punishments are designed to be severe on purpose to prevent beings from going straight to the absolute top all of the time with their problems and other things.

With my stories, you're working under my cosmology and my rules.

yeah that's true.

Two mares and a dangerous expedition to the Everfree Forest. Interesting...

Eeyup. And that's on top of everything else.

1. They don't even know what to look for.

2. Returning the skull to Forestsong's grave isn't as simple as it seems once they do find it. Which leads to the next thing.

3. There is more going on than anyone knows. Not even Forestsong. Something is going to have a very bad day once the truth of what's been done to his grave is discovered.

But saying more would be spoilers. So... :3

Nice. Added to my read list.

Nice update. :twilightsmile:

“Save it, princess. I don’t want to hear whatever excuses you’ve got,” Pearl growled as she stopped a moment. “I need to get away from Ponyville for a while. Away from you, before I do something not even you can forgive me for.”

Wow... Somepony's relationship is in danger...
Of course, everything will be OK later.

Yep. The tail slap is strike one. A flat-out slap with her hoof is the final strike. At least that's the idea I have for lover's spats in Equestria. For ponies anyway.

Pearl bit her lip, before growling. “Oh, buck it all to hell!” Gulping down her worries, she looked Twilight dead in the eyes, before going down to one hoof. “Twilight. This last year has been the best year of my life. I love you. I’ve never loved anypony else as I do you. I can’t imagine my life with anypony else.”

Thats right, Pearl! Brave and confident!

Forestsong is really creeping me out 😵

They might have feelings, but it feels like he is doing a lot manipulation, and slight mind control 😵

He is. And maybe just a little bit. But there's no malicious intent behind it.

I have no idea 😒. Doesn't matter to me though.

About half way through all the chapters (chapter 12)😁

And he does seem nice, still creepy 😅
He scared poor Luster :(

And I find it weird discord would do such a thing to an old friend 🤔 doesn't seem right


oh, just wait. there're more manipulations to come 🦊

In all fairness to Luster, that girl needed to lighten up as it was. And to be fair, it was just bad luck she was in that room that night. Breakfast was just too good of a chance to pass up 🦊.

“He’s with Flurry?!” Twilight shook her head as she finally found her voice.

for those who haven't read a pony's guide to gunpla. Kohaku is only a few years younger than Pearl. only because of his extended and near immortal lifespan. he physically ages significantly slower than humans do allowing him to keep a teenager's appearance far longer than anyone else. which is why he is still in high school

Great story. Just got caught up on this one. :twilightsmile:

I hope Pearl will bring her best dress on her own wedding...

Amazing chapter...

“And Pearl, you still are my student in a way as well as my marefriend, I’m sure you’ll love handling the courtyard plants.” Twilight smiled as she walked out the door, both girls half glaring at Forestsong. Twilight giggled to herself as she heard the slap of a wing upside Forestsong’s head.

🦊"Worth it."

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