• Published 27th Jul 2021
  • 2,449 Views, 31 Comments

A desired paradise - SeiryuofEast

A seven year old boy, suffered a strange and bizarre accident on his birthday, after that he encounter himself in Equestria in a new and very strange body as he is found by the ruler of that land.

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Chapter 3: A new family

Canterlot royal castle, Princess Celestia's room, morning time

Michael's POV

Man, what a weird dream I had last night, I dreamed that I have become a strange small white creature, that I was in some huge castle and there was some big and strange horses too, my friends will call me crazy when I could tell them at school. I was still sleepy on my bed with my blanket over me, for some reason my bed feels so soft and nice than usual that I really don't want to get up, I want to remain here in the comfort of my bed, but suddenly, a light entered in my room disturbing my sleep and for how much confortable that my bed was, this light was so annoying that I couldn't continue sleeping and I start to wake up, then at that time I heard the voice of a lady saying good morning to me but I was still too drowsy to recognize this voice, maybe it was mom that come here to wake me up for school, at this moment I took a seat on my bed and take off my blanket while I rub my eyes.

"Good morning." I said drowsy to my mom while I was rubbing my eyes.

"Eeeek!" I heard the familiar voice of a lady scream of fear.

"Huh? Mom?" I said confused, I noticed that it was not my mom's voice, then I opened my eyes.

When I look around to my surroundings, I noticed that I wasn't in my bedroom anymore, in fact, I was in the same bedroom of Princess Celestia from my dream and I was on her bed, then while I was there, I was remembering everything that happened.

"It was not a dream? It can't be true right? If this is real, then that means that I...That I'm now a...That my mom and dad...And, and that..." I thought as I put my hands on my head while I start to tremble in fear.

"Little one? Is that you?..." said the voice of Princess Celestia with a worried tone as I turn to look at her face who looks both confused and scared, I just slowly nod in replied. "But-but how? What happened to you?" asked Princess Celestia concerned.

"Huh?..." I said confused, but then at that moment I look to my body and noticed the changes, now I have arms and legs, my skin was still pure white, in my hands I have three pink nails that move like my fingers and my legs looks like the ones of a rabbit, I would be happy knowing that I have arms and legs now, if it wasn't for the fact that I was so startled, worried and scared for this sudden changes in my body, at the same time I quickly turn to look back to Princess Celestia. "I...I...I don't know! I want my mommy and daddy! Waaah!" I exclaimed and at this point I couldn't take it anymore as I close my eyes and I start to cry in despair for my parents as the tears flow from my eyes.

After a few moments, I heard the sound of Princess Celestia's hoofs on the floor as she comes closer to the bed and she quickly but gently, lift me of the bed and caught me in a hug with her forelegs, I was now in her caring embrace with my face buried against the soft fur of her chest while I was there crying.​ I heard her said that everything was ok and that she was here with me, I don't know why but her words seems to help me to calm down a bit as I hug her back while she was holding me and the two of us stay like that for a while. The time passed and my crying stopped, becoming just briefs and quiet sobs as Princess Celestia still have me in between her forelegs while she was sitting on the floor, then suddenly we heard a knock at the door of the bedroom.

"Princess Celestia? We heard somepony crying, Is everything ok in there?" said the voice of a young woman at the other side of the door.

"Yes, everything is fine, I will come out in a while..." replied Princess Celestia to the person who was at the door as I look up to her, she then look down to me with a warm and gentle smile on her face. "Are you ok now little one?" asked Princess Celestia to me.

"Uh huh..." I said with a nod feeling a bit better. "Thank you." I said to Princess Celestia.

"I'm glad to heard that, now, it seems that something is bothering you, can you tell me about it?" said Princess Celestia to me.

"Well, you see..." I said as I start telling to Princess Celestia my story, who I was, where I come from, my parents and finally whatever happened to me that night, in all this time I was looking down to the floor and then when I finished telling her my story I look up to Princess Celestia. "And that's my story." I said and I noticed the sadness on Princess Celestia's face when she listened my story.

"Oh you poor little thing..." said Princess Celestia as she embrace me more to her chest. "Little on-I mean, Michael right? Don't worry, everything is going to be ok." said Princess Celestia with a reassuring smile on her face.

"Really? Are you gonna help me go back home with my parents?" I said with a bright smile, hoping for Princess Celestia's answer to be a yes.

"I...I..." said Princess Celestia a bit nervous for some reason until she sigh and look to me. "I will, Michael, I promise you that I will find a way to send you back to your world." said Princess Celestia with a small smile.

"Thank you Princess Celestia!" I exclaimed with joy as hug her burying my face in her chest.

Princess Celestia was gently rubbing my back as we stayed like this for a while, when I was finally ok I ask her if she could let me down and she nods to me as she leave me on the floor then I look up to her, from my perspective she still looks big but not as how it was yesterday, it seems to be that when I had...changed, transform or grow? Whatever, It seems that I got taller than before. Then I feel the usual urge of the mornings and I ask to Princess Celestia for the bathroom, she smiles to me and lead me to her bathroom that was behind at a door of her bedroom, I guess since she is a princess, she can have her own private bathroom, she then accompanied me to the bathroom to the toilet and help me to sit on it. Princess Celestia was looking at me and was making me feel nervous, so I polite told her to not look at me, she understand my situation as she giggles making me feel even more embarrassed and then she turns around to give me privacy to do my needs.

When I finished using the toilet, Princess Celestia help me to get ready as she help me up to the sink in her bathroom and give to me a spare toothbrush. In front of the sink, there was a mirror I can have a image of 'my new self' looking to it, I look like a grow up version of what I was yesterday, just that now I was...Even more cute than before, my eyes now has a yellow color and I also have teeth now, in fact I have a fang coming out my lips, do I can eat meat now? I don't know, I also noticed that my wings are a little bigger than before, but they are still too small in comparassion with the rest of my body, I wonder if I can fly? That would be awesome.

After Princess Celestia and I finished using the bathroom, we come out and walk to her bed and she then put me on it as she said me to wait there for while as she prepare herself. Princess Celestia go to her table were she has her stuff and took a seat on her stool while using her golden aura from her horn to hold a hair comb to brush her ethereal mane, I don't know why since it seems that her mane and tail, seems to moves on its own, when Princess Celestia finished brushing her mane, she then grab her necklace and crown and put them on as she comeback to the bed where I was and lift me off the bed in her aura and gently she leaves me on her back, then her mane was covering me along with her wings that were at my sides.

"Listen Michael, I want you to stay hide there on my back ok? Is just for a while until I called everypony and get everything ready, can you do that for me?" said Princess Celestia to me while I was on her back.

"Uh huh." I said nodding to her, I don't know why she wants to hide me, but I decided to trust in her.

Princess Celestia with me hiding on her back, she comes out of her bedroom, I can't see from my position so I stay there in silence, just after we come out of her room, there was somebody waiting for her as I heard the voice of a young woman greeting to Princess Celestia, then I just heard Princess Celestia saying that she wants the staff of the castle present at the throne room for some important announcement she has to inform to them.

A while later, we were at the throne room and Princess Celestia was sitting on the throne, with me still on her back, then I heard the sound of a group of hoofs coming closer as the sound stops in front of us, I suppose it was from the people...Eh horses that she call before that now are here with us. Then Princess Celestia start to talk to the presents informing to them that there was going to be some changes in the castle, ​she then stops and she turns to look back looking to me with a determinate smile on her face and whisper to me saying to come out of my 'hiding' place, of course I was unsure, but it seems that I don't have a choice so I nod to her.

"Everypony, I want you all to meet..." said Princess Celestia as she light her horn and she cover my body in her aura and levitate me from her back and leave me in front of her forelegs at the front of all these horses. "Michael Hudson." said Princess Celestia showing me to the present horses.

"Eh, h-hi." I said nervous extending my right hand looking to the horses...Or ponies as Princess Celestia have said before.

I was looking to the ponies in front of me, I would lie if I say that they weren't surprised by looking at me...Well almost, not everyone was looking me like that. There was a male pony who looks like a old man or...Pony, he was wearing fancy black clothes, he has dark grey mustache that match with his short mane and his fur was silver, he was looking me with a calm and serene look on his face. There were 3 female ponies all wearing the same fancy white and black dresses, I think I saw that dress in some movie but I don't remember right now, the first one was an unicorn that has a curly blue mane and her fur has a lime color, she was looking at me surprised and...A bit scared, the second one was a pegasus as I saw her wings, she has a red straight mane with an orange fur, this one was surprised and was looking me with a cautious look, the last one was also a pegasus, she has a short blond mane with a light blue fur, she was scared and was trying hide behind the orange pony but this one pushed her a bit and now the orange one looks angry at her but she remained calm as the light blue was trying to has composure. The rest of the ponies were some chefs that I recognized from yesterday and some guards, then Princess Celestia continue.

"I want you all to know him, he is going to be a new resident in the castle for a undefined time, he is a not regular guest, he will live here for now on, so I want you all to follow his requests and assist him when he is in need." explained Princess Celestia to the presents.

"We understand your highness." replied the old pony with the mustache in a calm voice and then he was bowing.

The rest of the ponies were bowing too, at first I was a bit confused, they were bowing to me? No, they were bowing to Princess Celestia, when I look back to her she looks down to me with a reassuring smile on her face, I was nervous about this so I let out a brieft laugh. Then Princess Celestia and I have our breakfast in a big hall that has a large white table, of course I was sitting a side of Princess Celestia as we were served, again it was babyfood served for me, I would complain about it, but it was so delicious that I just stare at it with a big smile to the bowl, by the way, it was bigger than the one I had yesterday and now that I have hands I can eat it without help, later on, I will ask for something else to eat.

Two hours later, Princess Celestia and I were back at the throne room, while she was sitting checking some scrolls, I was laying at a side of her, it was a boring time but I really don't have much to do and I can't be alone either, I don't want to be on my own in this castle so I can't go and explore it and Princess Celestia seems pretty busy at the moment, I will have to wait until she was over with her work.

But suddenly, a guard entered to the throne room and walk to Princess Celestia, when he was infront of her he said 'magic words' that improved my mood: 'Twilight was coming', if Twilight was coming here, then maybe we can play together, I have a lot fun yesterday when she was reading that book to me, sadly she fell asleep, maybe she was tired before, I look to Princess Celestia smiling and she look down to me with a small smirk on her face, looks like she has something in her mind. After a while we heard that Twilight was about to enter to the throne room, but before that happened, Princess Celestia told me in a playful tone to hide on her back again, I nod as I do what she told me and then, a moment later Twilight entered in the room.

"Good morning Princess Celestia..." I heard Twilight said as she was coming closer to us and I took a small peek of her between Princess Celestia's mane. "I have come for the lessons of today." said Twilight and then she bows to Princess Celestia.

"Good morning to you too my faithful student, I was waiting for you." said Princess Celestia as she giggle a bit.

"I'm honored..." said Twilight looking up to Princess Celestia as she stand up. "By the way your highness, where is the little one? Is in your bedroom? I don't see it here?" said Twilight looking around for me, I let out a a small laugh in a low tone about it.

"Oh he is here with us." said Princess Celestia to Twilight.

"'He'? You know its gender now?" said Twilight excited as Princess Celestia giggles, at this point I decided to come out of my hiding place.

"Yes I'm here..." I said as my head come out between Princess Celestia's mane. "And yes, I'm a boy." I said smiling.

"Wha-what?!..." exclaim Twilight surprised with my sight, then Princess Celestia helped me to go down using her aura and levitated me to in front of Twilight. "Bu-but how? Yesterday you were...And now you look...And you can talk now?" said Twilight confused looking at me, I was surprised that we were almost at the same height while Princess Celestias was giggling with the situation.

"I know, I just woke up today and I was like this..." I said to Twilight extending my arms. "I just...Grew up, I think." I said to Twilight.

"But how? How you changed so much?" said Twilight trying to understand what happened to me as she looks down.

"I really don't know how Twilight, by the way, the book that you read me yesterday was a lot of fun." I said to Twilight with smiling.

"But you-" try to said Twilight but then she look to me. "It was really that fun?" asked Twilight with a small smile on her face, changing the subject.

"Yeah, you are good storyteller." I told to Twilight.

"But it was just an old story." said Twilight smile becomes more bright.

"Still, it was a good story and you were great telling it to me..." I said then I extend my right hand to Twilight. "I'm Michael." I said to Twilight who looks to my hand and then to me.

"I'm Twilight, nice to meet you Michael." said Twilight smiling extending her right hoof to me and I grab it.

"Nice to meet you too Twilight..." I said smiling to Twilight as I shake her hoof. "Hey, do you want to play something?" I asked to Twilight.

"Sorry Michael, but today I have a lesson of magic with Princess Celestia." said Twilight to me.

"Magic? Are you gonna do magic?..." I aske to Twilight as I was wondering about it and she nods to me in replied, then I look to Princess Celestia. "Can I go too to see the lesson, please please please?" I ask excited to Princess Celestia who giggles with my behavior.

"Of course you can come too Michael, also, after the lesson ends, both Twilight and you can play together ok?" said Princess Celestia to us.

"Yay!" I exclaimed jumping with joy as both Princess Celestia and Twilight were giggling with this sight.

With that said, the three of us go to the garden were I was found yesterday, then Princess Celestia was about to teach a lesson to Twilight, she bring a apple and with her aura on her horn she shoots a ray to the apple and it just a few seconds the apple grows bigger and bigger until it was as big like a tree, I was amazed with this sight, then Princess Celestia explain how her magic changes the apple's size and she told us that Twilight's task for the lesson of today was to return the apple to its original size.

Twilight just stood there in front of the giant apple, and she shoots her own magic to the fruit without any effect on it, It took her about a hour, but Twilight, finally got to change the apple's size to its normal size with her magic. Then Princess Celestia and I congratulate her as she was blushing with our praises and with her lesson finished, Twilight and I play together and we both enjoyed the time having fun while Princess Celestia was watching us and we continue like this for the rest of the day.

Canterlot royal castle, royal garden, afternoon time

Michael's POV

It have been a while, a month to be exact since I had come to Equestria, the first week was harsh for me, since I have to continue sleeping with Princess Celestia cause in the middle of the night I start to cry in a inconsolable way, because of me missing my parents, Princess Celestia stay at my side in those difficult times, trying her best to conform me until I finally fell sleep, it was hard for both of us since there was times when I wouldn't stop crying after hours and Princess Celestia got it hard in the day for the lack of sleep, I feel bad about for her so I try my best to not be so homesick in the nights, thinking in other things to not wake up so often in the middle of the night, but it was still hard for me.

Princess Celestia was also trying her best with me, giving me gifts and all kinds of stuff to made me feel better, she then got the idea of a better distraction for me to help me: 'education'. Princess Celestia along with Twilight were tutoring me, they have been teaching me a lot of things about this world. They taught me about the ponies and their 4 races, dragons, griffons and other species, luckily, as our language was the same, also it was our writing, so I don't have to learn how to write or read a new language, so things were getting better for me, I'm still missing my parents of course but at least I don't feel so sad about it as before thanks to all the stuff that I'm learning.

One thing that worried Princess Celestia for a time was that she got to know that I have fangs, two days after my 'growth spurt' she call again to Doctor Roses to give me another checkup. I would lie if I say that he was not surprised when he saw my new appearance, in fact, he almost jumps backwards with just a sight of me, when he checked my body he was still unknown of what I was or if I was relate to some animal of this world, it was a mystery for all us, but the thing that he was certain of what I was is that I was a omnivore, when he check my mouth, he said that I have molars and fangs that means that I can eat almost everything, including meat.

Doctor Roses told to Princess Celestia that she should trying to give me other types of food in my diet and find a good substitute for the proteins that give the meat, he also told to Princess Celestia to keep this fact of me in secret and she also understand this too since we don't know how the ponies would react if they get to know that I could eat meat, if the ponies in the castle where unsure about me already, this fact could make bad first impressions of me.

As I was living here in the royal castle, the personal around the castle was helping me too, well...Sort of, the three maids that I meet before at that time when Princess Celestia call out the castle's staff, were still uneasy with me and I even still haven't the chance to learn their names, the lime unicorn one do her job but she doesn't want to get any contact with me, the pegasus orange one acts cold with me so I try to not see her much, but the one who I have more problems was the pegasus light blue one, every time we saw each other she immediately runs away from me, I really don't why she is so scared of me but I got to know that she was relate to the orange maid.

The only one who treat me in a more 'friendly' manner was Silver Heart, the old stallion with mustache that I meet that same day, he was a Butler who has been working for years in the castle, he was strict but he was also comprehensive with my situation, he was the third person...Pony, who knows about my situation, the second one was Twilight, she was in tears when I told her about what happened to me.

Now that I'm talking about her, we become good friends, I also got to know that she was a year older than myself, also, whatever the time when she comes to receive Princess Celestia's lessons, most of the times I was there too watching them and when the lesson was over Twilight and I go to play together. There was also times were I got to meet her family when she comes to the castle accompanied with a member of her family, like her mom, Twilight Velvet and Night Light, Twilight's dad, Twilight also has a brother, Shining Armor who was a few years older than Twilight, he comes often with her and I got to befriend with him, even if he was older than me, he still comes and play with me when I can't be present in Twilight's magic lessons.

Today was one of those days, Princess Celestia was teaching a new spell to Twilight and in this occasion I can't be with them, luckily for me, today Twilight had come along with Shining Armor, so while Twilight was receiving her magic lesson, Shining Armor and I spend the time playing together. Today I was wearing a blue long sleeve vest, this one was made by Princess Celestia herself, I didn't know that she also knew how to sew, but I was very happy with her for doing it for me, it even has holes for my wings. Getting back on topic with Shining Armor, I was playing hide and seek with him at the royal garden and it was my turn to hide and Shining was looking for me.

"Where is this guy now?" said Shining looking around for me in between some bushes.

I was watching Shining Armor from my hidding spot, 20 minutes has passed since it was my turn to hide and I was is still missing from Shining's sight, the moment he turns in my direction I hide more and when I heard him complain about it I look back to him, but after a few times of doing this, I couldn't resist the urge anymore and I start to giggiling, by doing this it doesn't took him to much to know where I was.

"There you are, that's not fair Michael!" declared Shining upset but in a playful tone.

"What? We are playing hide and seek..." I said coming out of my hiding place, that was between the branches of a tall tree. "As along we play in the garden is ok." I said as I glide down using my wings to where Shining was.

That's right in all this time, I learned how to fly...sort of, Princess Celestia was helping me in learning how to fly, since she is an alicorn, she has plenty experience in that matter, sadly I can't fly in the way I was expecting cause my wings were too small so I can't fly at high speed, neither I can't fly too high and I get tired if I fly for longer times, but hey at least I can use my wings that was good enough I supposed.

"That's not excuse Michael, I was looking for you for too long." said Shining to me.

"I'm sorry, I promise to not fly again is that's ok for you?" I said to Shining who nods in replied.

"Very much, If I'm not using my magic, then you shouldn't use your wings." said Shining to me with a smile, I was about to say something but then.

"Too bad I guess..." said a young male voice that caught the attention of Shining and I as we turn to the direction of the owner of the voice. "What's the case of not using your wings, but to be honest, I would enjoy if you could use them to fly far away from here." said with a mean smirk, the white unicorn who has a blond mane, saying those last words to me specifically.

This pony was Prince Blueblood, he was just a year older than Shining Armor, this guy has a very prepotent personality and likes to treat badly to those who aren't nobles or are commoners, he likes to use his title of prince to do whatever he wants and to feel superior than anyone, so yeah, he has a very bad reputation in the castle, I don't know why he was a prince to begin it, he wasn't even relate to Princess Celestia, he was just her adopted nephew, when I asked to her why, she told me that it was a complicate issue to explain. Of course, Blueblood and I aren't in good terms, when I come to live here in the castle, he dislike me for no reason, always treating me bad but he only do this when Princess Celestia wasn't around and when I told to somepony what he had done to me, he threat that pony or he starts to acts like if he was the victim, I dislike him so much, I wish that I could just punch his face.

"Leave him alone Blueblood." said Shining in a angry tone to Blueblood.

"Or what? Are you gonna do something to me? In fact, why aren't you two bowing down to me right now?" replied Blueblood to Shining Armor.

"What?" said Shining and I in unison with confusion.

"Why we should bow to you?" said Shining annoyed

"Why? You dare to ask why? I'm your prince so I have more authority than you." said Blueblood in a simple manner.

"That's not a good excuse, you haven't do anything good enough earn that." I said to Blueblood who looks down to me.

"Shut up you critter, an impolite pet like you, should remain in silence while the ponies are talking." replied Blueblood upset to me, I was getting angry by his words.

"Hey, stop with that, you are going too far!" exclaim Shining angry defending me of Blueblood.

"Why do you care about it? It just a weird animal after all." replied Blueblood with smirk, making my anger to grow.

"Why you are so-" try to said Shining but he was interrupted.

"Oh yeah, I remember, you were going to the royal guard training right? Maybe in the future you end up becoming one of my guards, hey, if you swear loyalty to me now, I will let you kiss my hoofs." said Blueblood mocking Shining, he was furious with those words, me on the other hand.

"STOP IT!!!" I exclaimed closing my eyes angry at Blueblood as I feel something coming out my mouth.

"Quiet you-wha-what?" said Blueblood surprised.

When I opened my eyes I saw that both Blueblood and Shining were looking at me astonished, well not at me exactly, what it was in front of me, there was a pink bubble in front me that was floating very slowly to Blueblood's direction, I was very confused by this, did I just...Shoot out this bubble from my mouth? After a moment Blueblood began to laugh about this.

"Really? What was that? You are so uncivilized that you even burp in front of royalty? You are just lucky that I don't punish you for this behavior, let me break out this silly thing." said Blueblood mocking me as he moves his neck to the right.

Then, after Blueblood moves his neck, he was going to swim his neck around with the intention of using his horn to cut my bubble, but he miscalculated and he end up breaking the bubble with his face. To our surprise, at the moment the bubble explodes, for some reason it hit Blueblood's face on his left cheek, the effect of the bubble was so strong that it even left a mark on Blueblood's left cheek, it was like if he just got slapped on the face, he was surprised while Shining Amor and I were confused for what just happened, then Blueblood recovered from the hit and looks down to me and he was very angry.

"You...How dare you to hurt me you beast?!" exclaimed Blueblood furious.

"Wha-what?" I said recovering my composure but I was both surprised and upset for what Blueblood just declared.

"Hold on right there Blueblood, you are the one who destroyed that bubble, Michael has nothing to do with it." said Shining defending me.

"What? How you can say that? Can't you see that this little monster just have attacked me and hurt me badly?..." said Blueblood victimizing himself as he points at me with his left hoof while he was looking to Shining. "I have to punish it for what it has done to me." said as he turns to look at me.

At this moment Blueblood's angry eyes were looking at me and he lights his horn with his magic, making me walk backwards and I fell on my butt, he was going to do something against me but Shining was getting in position, preparing himself and then he tackles Blueblood to the ground before he could do something to me, ​Blueblood quickly stands up angrier than before and was about to say something to Shining but suddenly, a familiar purple aura of magic covered Blueblood entire body, surprising us and after a few moments Blueblood was floating in the air and his body was spinning around.

"Wha-wha-what-s-happe-nning?!" exclaimed Blueblood as he spins in the air like the propeller of a chopper.

"You are very good at this Twilight, you are really improving." said Princess Celestia with a humorous tone.

"Thank you Princess Celestia." replied Twilight as she giggles.

Both Shining and I turn around to our left and we saw both Princess Celestia and Twilight walking to our direction, when they were closer to us, Twilight stop spinning Blueblood in the air and lower his body to the ground as he fells sitting on his butt, his head was spinning and his face was green, but after a while he recovered and he noticed that Princess Celestia was here and was looking at him with a stern look on her face, Blueblood's face turns blue of fear.

"Do you have something to say Blueblood?" said Princess Celestia in a angry tone glaring down to Blueblood.

"Au-auntie! We-we, the three of us were just playing together yes, nothing bad was happening here, I swear." said Blueblood both nervous and scared with that lame excuse.

"Oh really? For what I saw, I thought that you were gonna do something bad to Michael." said Twilight with a stern tone.

"Me? Never! I would never do something bad to it-him!" said Blueblood exalting in his lies.

"I see, then do me a favor and go back to your chambers and don't come out for the rest of the day...now." said Princess Celestia in a menacing tone in her last words to Blueblood making him gulp.

"As-as you wish auntie," said Blueblood as he start his trot to leave us alone while he hurry his way out the garden.

"Coward." I thought as I try to get up, then I saw Princess Celestia coming closer to me and she looks to Shining.

"We saw you from the distance Shining Armor, I want to thank you for defending Michael from Blueblood." said Princess Celestia smiling to Shining.

"It was a pleasure your highness, Blueblood was going too far against my friend." said Shining to Princess Celestia.

"Still, I greatly thank you for doing that..." replied Princess Celestia as turns to look at me. "Are you alright Michael?..." said Princess Celestia as she bends down lowering her neck to my face. " You are not hurt right?" said Princess Celestia concerned as she gently rub her left cheek against mine.

"Yes mom, I'm fine..." I said looking down as I get up without noticing what I just said while cleaning the dirt off my vest. "Eh?" I said confused when I saw Princess Celestia's shocked face.

"Mi-Michael...Di-did you just called me mom?" said Princess Celestia to me in a nervous, concerned and...In an anxious tone? I also think that I saw something else in her eyes, is that...Happiness?.

"Ehh? I..." I said, then I just realized what I just said a moment ago. "I-I'm so sorry Princess Celestia, I didn't mean to offend you, I said it without thinking I just-" I try to said but I was suddenly interrupted when Princess Celestia's forelegs caught me in a comforting hug.

"Don't be Michael, is fine...Hey, Michael, what do you think if I say that I want to adopt you?" said Princess Celestia so suddenly.

"Wha-what?" I said surprised looking up to her.

"I mean, I know that you have your real parents at you world and I can't replace them, but I'm very concerned about you and I would like to fill their place here, it would make me very happy if you wish me to become your adoptive mother, would you like that?" ask Princess Celestia to me with a warm smile.

"I...I..." I try to answer but I was too nervous and I look down, it was so sudden but not in a bad way, to be honest I really like the idea since Princess Celestia has been so nice with me, after a moment of silence I look up to Princess Celestia and I nod to her. "Yes, I would like to." I replied determinate to her with a smile.

"Oh thank you so much Michael!" exclaim Princess Celestia in happiness as she 'gently' crush me between her forelegs with her hug.

Later on that same day, Princess Celestia...I mean, mom, summoned some ponies in a private room with the two of us reunited, there was also Twilight with her family present too, to be our witnesses. After a while fixing the documents and the adoption papers being drawn up, I officially become the son of Princess Celestia and also the next heir of the throne, that was pointless in a certain way since alicorns are practically immortals, so mom wouldn't stop being the regent of Equestria unless she leaves her position and put another pony in charge, but to be honest that was the least matter here, I was more than happy with the situation and Princess Celes-I mean, mom was more eager to express her motherly love to me, oh yeah and about my now cousin Blueblood, well I think he hates me more than before now that I have the authority to stops his wrong doings in the castle, most to his dismay and to the joy of the employees, ​by doing this I was getting a better impression around the castle, at this rate I feel that the things will going to get better.

Author's Note:

Wow, more than 6400 words the longest chapter at the moment :pinkiegasp:

Sorry everyone, I got sick and I couldn't continue writting but now I'm fine :pinkiehappy:

Sadly I was suppose to do a new chapter on Digital storm, but it seem that my inspiration took preference for this chapter :twilightsheepish:

Anyway, I hope that you have enjoyed this chapter, if I have done any mistake, please let me know :twilightsmile: