• Published 27th Jul 2021
  • 2,449 Views, 31 Comments

A desired paradise - SeiryuofEast

A seven year old boy, suffered a strange and bizarre accident on his birthday, after that he encounter himself in Equestria in a new and very strange body as he is found by the ruler of that land.

  • ...

Chapter 4: A match to remember

Canterlot's royal castle, training grounds, morning time

Michael's POV

"Please your highness, please stop! You don't have to do this." said Twirling Shine to me very concerned about me from her position.

"I'm sorry but I can't...Not until I teach him a lesson." I thought panting as I turn to look to Twirling Shine, I can see tears coming from her eyes.

"Come on, can we finish with this already? I have a schedule today, I don't want to waste more of my precious time with a little creep like you..." said Blueblood mocking me as he was holding his wood sword with his magic, then he turns around to Twirling Shine. "Just for annoying me with this, be prepare for a good punishment tonight, of course if you don't come to me, be reassure about that your sister and you will be living in the streets from now on." said Blueblood to Twirling Shine with a smirk on his face.

After Blueblood said this I heard Twirling shine's sobs, this increased my anger, I hold my wooden sword with a strong grip as I rush against my opponent, flapping my little wings as I prepare myself to do a swim with my sword, but at the moment that I was getting closer to Blueblood, I can see how a smirk was forming on his face.

How we come to this? Well I tell you about it, all began hours earlier in this morning...

Canterlot's royal castle, Celestia's bedroom, morning time, a few hours earlier

It had been a two years since I come to live in the castle and I still wasn't able to go out to visit Canterlot, mom told me that the time will come to meet other ponies but I was not ready, she said that I have to be patience about it, but I'm getting anxious about it as the time passes. With the passing years, I'm still sleeping with mom in her bedroom but luckily I do not cry much as before, sure I'm still missing my parents, but I don't wake up in the middle of night more often for mom's relief and she can now rest peacefully as she kept my body closer to her while we sleep, with my size, I feel more like a teddy bear for her.

The things in the castle are getting better as the ponies got used to me, for example, I got know the names of the the three maids that were present in the throne room that time when mom introduced me to the castle's staff, the unicorn maid name's was Bluebell like the flower, to her dissmay, at first, she was assigned to me as my personal maid, obviously she doesn't like the idea of being with me, I got to know that she is related to the unicorn butler who was also present that day, Silver Heart, Bluebell was his niece and when she move out to live in Canterlot he got her to work here as a maid.

Bluebell and I got a better relationship in between us, with each day her behavior with me changed from cold and distant to be more friendly with me as she got to know me better, we enjoyed our times together when I'm not with mom, Twlight or Shining, for example we together go the garden after my lessons to take a rest and eat some snacks. Bluebell's friends well that's a different story, Crimson Feather, she's the pegasus mare with the red straight mane and orange fur, she is very cautious with me, she do not trust in me and she didn’t speak much to me, only what she has to say.

Finally, there was Twirling Shine, the short blond mane pegasus mare with a light blue fur, she is Crimson's little sister, it was quite surprising considerating in how different they are, while Crimson’s personality was like of those tought looking tomboys, Twirling Shine was the opposite, she was a scaredy cat to say at least and easy to manipulate, Crimson has to watch her sister in case if any other maid try to mess or bully with her, of course, she was terrified of me and most of the times she avoids me and when there are times that she has some work relate to me, she asks to her sister for help and switch their assignments.

But one morning when mom left to start the day with her royal duties, leaving me alone in her room while I finished my homework on my study table, I heard a knock on the bedroom door, distracting me and calling my attention as I turn around to it.

"Come in..." I said while holding my pencil in my right hand, shortly after it opens and I saw Bluebell entering the room. "Oh good morning Bluebell." I said to Bluebell smiling.

"Good morning Prince Michael." Bluebell said bowing to me as she begins turning her head to look around the room for something, this called my attention.

"Something happened?" I asked to Bluebell curious.

"Well... Actually, your highness, I'm looking for Twirling, I haven't seen her and I been all this morning looking for her, we have work to do." Bluebell said with me.

"Oh really? Well, did you asked to Crimson where she could be?” I suggested to Bluebell who shakes her head to me.

"Crimson took the day off due to a small fever, I have to find Twirling before she gets into troubles." Bluebell said to me worried about her friend.

"Mmmm... In that case, let me help you with this." I said to Bluebell, leaving my pencil on the table as I got up and stood in front of Bluebell.

"But you highness, this is not something that you should do." said Bluebell a little concerned with my aptitude.

“Hey, okay, it's your friend who needs your help right now, right? I wouldn't mind helping you on this and I was getting bore here anyway." I said to Bluebell while smiling at her.

"Alright, your highness." Bluebell said to me, unsure about it.

"Also, I already told you that you can call me Michael when we're alone, I don't like my friends treating me in that way." I said laughing a little.

"Sorry your high-I mean, Michael, it's the custom hehehe." Bluebell said to me smiling.

"Okay then, so let's find Twirling, where do you think she might be?" I asked to Bluebell who moves her left hoof under her chin.

"She may be in one of the 2 places she usually goes to when she is free, one is the library and the other is in the garden." Bluebell said to me.

"Alright, you go to search for her at the library and I'll go to look at the gardens okay?" I said to Bluebell who nods to me.

Bluebell and I left the room with our destinations in mind and we split up in different directions to look for Twirling Shine, of course I avoid being in sight on my way, I don't want anypony to see me while I'm looking for Twirlind, if by any chance a pony that has spotted me meets with mom during this time of the morning and tell her about me, I will get a good scolding from her for walking around the castle and skipping my studies.

Going back with the topic of Twirling Shine, I got in the garden flawlessly and I began my search for the pegasus maid, at that time I heard some sobbing around here, someone is crying, as I go closer to where the sound in coming from, I found the owner of the cry, it was no ther than Twirling Shine who was resting her back against a tree as she was crying, I thought about it for moments, did someone bullied her? I don't know if I should come closer to her considering how she thinks about me, but looking at her crying is making me feel bad for her, I sigh and prepared for the outcome with the shy mare as go to her.

"Eh...Excuse me?" I said in a loud tone to Twirling but it was enough to call her attention as she turned to me.

"Eeeeek!" exclaimed Twirling the moment she saw, I can notice how she's getting scared with my presence.

"Ca-call down, you are Miss Twirlind right? Do you know who I'am right?..." I asked nervous to Twirling as while tremble she managed to nods to me. "I see, then you know that I won't do anything bad to you right? I mean, I'm just a colt and you are mare, what harm can I do to you?" I said to Twirlind putting my best friendly smile, she seems scared but she is not trembling anymore.

"I...I...I'm sorry your highness...I di-didn't mean to offend you...Ple-please, don't punish me..." said Twirling to me scared, something is off with her words, she seems scared of me sure, but not by my looks but for something more.

"Huh? Calm down, is something happening to you?" I asked to Twirling concerned about her.

"I...I..." try to say Twirling as I can noticed her eyes tearing. "Waaaaaahhh!" cried Twirling as she broke into tears, she use her forelegs to covers her face as she drops her body on the grass.

"Eh? Wait, I'm sorry Miss Twirling." I said to Twirling worried as I got closer to her.

Twirling continued crying for a while as I was rubbing her back until she finally began to calm down and ceased her cry, still she was sobbing as she took a seat on the grass while I was still at her side, at the moment she didn't seem to be scare of me, something is bothering her more than be afraid of me, now I'm really concerned about her, I gave her my handkerchief as she use it then I proceed to ask her what is going on with her.

"Miss Twirling? Sorry to ask but, can you tell me what is happening to you?" I asked to Twirling.

"I...We-well...It was...It was Prince Blueblood!..." cried Twirling to me as she began to tear off again. "He-he told me to...Come to-to his room tonight...And...If I do not co-me...He-he will fired me and my sister!" exclaimed Twirling while crying to me.

"What?" I said astonished by Twirling have told me.

I managed to get Twirling to calm down again and this time she told everything, it looks like that Blueblood got into the age that he is interested on mares, so knowing him, he began to use his status to harass some of the maids in the castle, but he put his eyes on Twirling, thinking that she is a easy target to turn her into his "toy", whatever what Twirling means with that but it seems really bad and is making me mad, Blueblood couldn't do any moves because of Crimson's presence, but now that she wasn't here, Blueblood threated Twirling that he will get her and her sister fired, but not only that, he will use his power to make their lifes miserable.

"I...Don't worry Twirling, you don't have to listen that idiot." I said to Twirling.

"But if I don't do what he says, he-" try to say Twirling but I interrupted her.

"Is ok, just let me deal with this." I said to Twirling smiling.

Canterlot's royal castle, dinning hall, morning time

"I said where's my breakfast?" said Blueblood in an upset tone.

"Please your highness, it will be ready in a while." replied a butler very annoyed but remained calm.

"How these so called chefs dares to make me wait? If their food isn't good enough to satisfy me, I will-" try to say Blueblood but he was interrupted.

"Blueblood!" I yelled angry as I entered in the dining hall.

As I entered in the room, Twirling followed me behind me as she stood there at my back, Blueblood was too focus on that he didn't even pay attention to Twirling.

"Eh? What are you doing here, critter? Do you wish to ruin my breakfast with your awful presence?" said Blueblood to me as I ignored his insults.

"Blueblood! How you dare to threated a maid, don't you have honor?" I said upset to Blueblood.

"What? What do you mean critter? For what reason you are accusing me?..." said Blueblood to me in his usual tone, then he noticed Twirling's presence. "I see, so you think that this...Pet, can do something for you? Don't make laugh." said Blueblood with a smirk to Twirling intimidating her.

"Stop it! I...I challenge you in a duel, Blueblood." I said angry to Blueblood.

"What?..." said Blueblood surprised at first, but then he smirked to me. "Very well, it will be a nice way to teach you a lesson so you learn to show me respect." said Blueblood to me accepting my challenge.

"Oh yeah? Well if I win then you stop bullying Twirling and never come closer to her or her sister." I said angry to Blueblood who remained calm looking at me with that stupid smile on his face.

"Very well critter, let's do this on the training grounds." replied Blueblood to me as he began to walk to the exit of the dining hall.

After Blueblood accepted my challenge, the three of us departed from the dining hall and we go through the castle to go outside to the training grounds.

Canterlot's royal castle, training grounds, morning time

The training grounds, is the place a where the royal guard train, in this place we have a small arena were the guards have sparring rounds, here Blueblood and I will have our duel, we agreed that only the presents in the dining hall were allowed to watch the duel so we were only three individuals in the arena and to our luck, the guards schedule were busy to be on the training grounds. Twirling will our witness on this duel, the rules were simple, we are gonna use wooden swords, good thing that I have been taking lessons instructed by mom who put in charge of me a retired royal captain.

Back to the topic, Blueblood and I stood in the center of the arena in front of each other with a few of distance, Blueblood was holding his wooden sword with his magic as he go on guard, I did the same getting ready holding my sword with both hands, Twirling was looking us nervous, before we entered in the training grounds she told to not do this, but I can't let this imbecile do what he wants so I told her to not worry and that everything is gonna be ok, meanwhile Twirling, unsure about this, was our referee as she look at us with a concerned expression on her face and her right foreleg raised, waiting for the moment and when she felt that we were ready she finally did the signal.

"Be-begin." said Twirling in a low tone as she quickly lowered his right foreleg.

With that I quickly flap my wings, holding my wooden sword with a strong grip, I launched my attack to Blueblood who remained stood on his position, I saw how he swim his sword with the intention to hit my right side as I was getting ready to block his sword, sadly he managed to flawlessly hit me as I fell to the ground, I could hear Twirling's voice as she gasped the moment I hit the ground.

"Come on critter, is that all you have?" said Blueblood to me while I saw how he move to my left as he smirks to me.

The anger was flowing in my being by just hearing his voice mocking me, I stood getting ready in my position and again I go back to attack him, this time I will got him I thought, but much to my dismay it happened again, he easily got me again and his sword managed to hit me as I fell again to the ground, his speed was overwhelming, no, he wasn't that fast, it was me who was slow, I can see his movements but I can't move fast enough to react and block his attacks.

"You know? This is getting fun." said Blueblood looking down at me.

"Damm you!" I thought angry feeling the pain as I look back to Blueblood.

Canterlot's royal castle, training grounds, morning time, present time

My battle with Blueblood continues like this, I have tried out to attack him or block his sword's movements but it was useless, what good is for me to see his movements if I can't do a thing to counter attack or stop him? I was getting tired, my vest is a mess already as my body is covered with bruises, meanwhile Blueblood don't even has a drop of sweat, he rather was getting bored of me, I was panting as I stood.

"Please your highness, please stop! You don't have to do this." I heard Twirling Shine said to me, very concerned about me from her position.

"I'm sorry but I can't...Not until I teach him a lesson." I thought panting as I turn to look to Twirling Shine, I can see tears coming from her eyes.

"Come on, can we finish with this already? I have a schedule today, I don't want to waste more of my precious time with a little creep like you..." said Blueblood mocking me as he was holding his wood sword with his magic, then he turns around to Twirling Shine. "Just for annoying me with this, be prepare for a good punishment tonight, of course if you don't come to me, be reassure about that your sister and you will be living in the streets from now on." said Blueblood to Twirling Shine with a smirk on his face.

After Blueblood said this, I heard Twirling shine's sobs, this increased my anger, I hold my wooden sword with a strong grip as I rush against my opponent, flapping my little wings as I prepare myself to do a swim with my sword, but at the moment that I was getting closer to Blueblood, I can see how a smirk was forming on his face.

Blueblood easily predicted my move as he the moment when I was closer to him, Blueblood move to my left side raising his sword and without much effort he hit me with a swim of his sword, but this time he aimed to my nape as I feel to the ground, it really hurts, it was clear that he was expecting me to act like this and I fell into his trap, I try to stand up using my sword to support me, if Blueblood wants he could finish me right now and force me to give up, but instead, I heard his hoofsteps to another direction, when I turn to look at him I noticed that Blueblood was walking to Twirling, if he going to leave me alone? No, he hasn't left the arena as he just stood in front of her.

"Did you really expected that this creep could change something? I'm just going to tell you this before I finish this sorry excuse of duel, I'm going to make sure that tonigh be special for us, I warn you that I will be a bit rude with you." I heard Blueblood said, I don't know what he means but it makes my blood boils.

"You asshole!" I thought furious holding my wooden sword as I prepared myself in position.

Again flapping my wings I launch my attack to Blueblood who has turned ready, like if he was waiting for this, but I didn't care at the moment, I was so full of my anger that my vision turned blank as I approach to him I can barely distinguish his figure, suddenly, I feel something in my body, a warm and growing sensation that that was running in all my being, while I was feeling this, I raise my sword over me getting ready to attack him, Blueblood move his sword to block for the first time but the moment my sword hit his, I cutted the blade of Blueblood's sword but my attack continues as I smacked his face with my sword to the right, my blow was so hard that I end up sending my opponent to fly away as Blueblood fell to the ground unconscious out the arena, I smile with joy looking at him in such state.

"That...Will teach you...Jerk..." I said panting tired and claiming my victory as I raise my sword with my right hand to my knocked out enemy.

"Eeeeek!" yelled Twirling scared as I turned to her in confusion.

"Eh?...Are you ok?...Miss Twirling?" I asked panting to Twirling still confused.

Then I heard the sound of hoofs approaching and when I turned around, I saw mom entering in the arene, following behind by Silver and Bluebell, then the moment they saw me they all got astonished looks on their faces, a this moment I start to notice something out the place, they all look a bit smaller to me, I mean, they have shrunk? I thought wondering what is going on?

"What...Who are you?" said mom to me in a cautious tone while looking at me.

"Eh?...What are you saying mom?..." I asked to my mom, as I extended my my left arm to her. "Is me Mi-Huh?" I said as I looked to my arm.

My arm, my arm just changed and is now longer but not only that but it looks human, I have human fingers now, I throwed my wooden sword to the ground as I inspect my limbs better, I cannot believe it, did I become human again? I thought as the joy was overcoming my being, I can feel my tears coming out as I turned to look at my mom who was still looking at me astonished.

"Mom...I..." I try to say something to my mom as I smile to her but suddenly my mind turned blank as I feel my body getting heavy, I barely heard mom's voice as I lost my consciousness.

Canterlot's royal castle, Celestia's bedroom

My eyes are still closed, I passed out of tiredness? I don't know what happened to me, I don't remember anything after my encounter with Blueblood, but right now, I feel like drowsy at the moment, also I noticed something holding my body tight but gentle at the same time, when I opened my eyes I noticed that I was in my mom's bedroom on her bed and when I turned around to my left I found my mom holding my body with her forelegs, she has her eyes closed and there are signs on her face of been crying too.

"Mom?" I said to mom who seems to react to voice as she opened her eyes.

"Huh? Mi-Michael?" said Mom unsure to me as she looks at me worried.

"Yes...Er, are you ok mom?" I asked to my mom as I was now worried of her.

"Mi...Michael!" exclaimed mom as she embrace my poor body with more strenght as she hold close to her chest.

"Mo-Mom...Please I'm ok." I said to my mom but it seems that my words go to deaf ears as she keeps holding me.

"My baby, I'm so glad that you are ok!" exclaimed mom to me in tears.

I remained with my mom like for a good period of time as she hold my body, she licks my face and rubs her face to mine until she finally calm down, at that time we both took a seat on her bed as she was at my left side, but she have extended her right wing to me keeping close to her body, then mom began to tell me what happened during my duel with Blueblood from what Twirling has told to her.

Apparently when I was about to attack Blueblood, my body got covered of a shining light and when it fade I become human again, or thats what I thought, because when I look at my mom's mirror I noticed all my changes, I was human again but not who I was back in my world, I'm now a blond short haired boy with white skin and blue eyes, I was wearing a white toga, golden anklets and bracelets in both my wrist and ankles, also my body was covered by some purple tattoos but what shock the most is that I now have five pairs of white wings, eight on my back with a good proportion compare to my old little wings and two smaller wings on my head, I was like an angel.

"Thi-this is me?" I said confused while looking my own image in the mirror.

"It seems so dear, you don't feel anything wrong right?" said my mom to me still looking worry as I turn to her.

"Yes, I do feel fine mom, in fact I feel a lot better." I replied to my mom as I smile to her.

"I'm glad to heard to that, Michael..." mom said as she sighs relieved. "But, that was so careless from you, do you know how worried I was? What you could have happen to you? Don't you know how dangerous wooden swords can be? What do you have to say for yourself, young colt?" said mom with a stern look to me as she scolds me.

"But you are the one who make me take swordsmanship lessons?" I thought looking at my mom.

"I'm so sorry mom I didn't mean to worried you, I swear." I said to my feeling genuinely bad with what I have done, I can feel how something lowered on my head, did my little wings on my head come down?

"Good, now...!" said my mom when she use her forelegs to caught me again in her embrace. "I'm also so proud of you for defending Twirling Shine's honor, Michael." said mom holding me with my face to her chest.

"Thank you mom." I said to my mom, I smile by hearing her words knowing that she is not angry with me anymore as I huge her back.

"Alright sweetie, let's have our dinner together shall we?" said mom to me as I nod to her.

"Ok mom...Wait, dinner? What time is, mom?" I asked to my mom.

"It passed the 8:00 pm." replied mom replied mom smiling.

"Wow, I sleep the entire afternoon until night time? I was that tired?" I thought amazed with my clueless of time.

After that, I followed mom to the dining hall to have the dinner with her, during that time she explained to me what happened to Blueblood after I passed out, looks like that he won't be able to eat normal food for a good time, the blow I gave him at the head affected him more in his jaw, he can't talk or chomp solid food until he gets health, so he has to adapt to a diet of soup during his time of recovery, also mom heard Twirling's story and punished Blueblood to stayed in his bedroom for a week, he is not allowed to interact with any of the female staff of the castle and now he was assigned with some butlers who to his dismay, were ordered to watch him if he try to do something funny to the others members of the castle's staff, but I don't think that he thinking in doing something like that, I believe that he is cursing me everytime he looks a plate of soup, not I that care what he thinks of me or anything.

Some days has passed after my duel with Blueblood, Dr Roses visited me again to check my new change, by this point he wasn't so surprised like the last time, looks like that he is getting use to my changes, after my checkup I was healthy but Dr Roses confirmed that I'm an omnivore after he took a look to my teeth, I have to adapt my diet in order to not get sick, or that was Dr Roses's diagnosis something that worried mom but she will look a solution for that.

After my body changed into this angelic form, mom told me that she will do me a new set of clothes in her free time, meanwhile I will use this toga that appeared with me when I become into this eight winged boy, I'm still wondering what I'm suppose to be. But changing the topic, one morning something unexpected happened to me when I was studying in mom's bedroom.

"I'm so glad to have human fingers again, it was so hard get use to write when my fingers were smaller." I thought smiling as I write on my notebook.

Suddenly something called my attention as I heard knocks on the bedroom's door.

"Come in." I said still focused on my notebook as I heard the door opening.

"Good morning your highness." said Crimson feather, hearing her voice caught me off of guard as I turn to look at her, .

"Miss Crimson? Is good to see that you have recovered from your fever." I said to Crimson, is rare for her to be here, I don't think that she have any task with me today.

"I'm appreciated your words your highness...Eh...I come here for..." said Crimson to me, she looks abit down as she is looking away to her right.

"For what?" I asked curious to Crimson, she then sighs as she turn back to me now with a determinate lok on her face.

"I just want to thank you, I heard the story from Twirling and Bluebell, I'm very grateful for what you have done and stopped prince jer-I mean Blueblood...And..." said Crimson to me, looks like that her determination was running out, it seems to be hard for her to continue.

"And?" I said to Crimson expecting, I should haven't say that because now she looks angry.

"And I'm sorry for being so cold and cautious with you, I do think that you are a nice and gentle colt, are you happy now?" said Crimson upset to me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry." I said smiling a bit to Crimson, I try my best to not laugh of her behavior.

"Good, I'm glad your understand it now if you excuse me your highness, I take my leave..." said Crimson to me as she turned around but before she exit the door she stopped. "I...My clumsy sister also said that she wants to talk more with you later...I will also come with her, just to watch you, don't get any funny ideas ok?" said Crimson to me without turning back to look at me.

"Hehehe, sure Miss Crimson, say to Twirling that I be waiting for you two." I said to Crimson smiling as she continue walking and left the bedroom.

"Yeah, things are getting a lot better now." I thought as I continue doing my homework.

Author's Note:

It was time for this one to have an update too :twilightsheepish:

New size scale for the chapter:

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