• Published 1st Aug 2021
  • 2,934 Views, 53 Comments

My Little Pony: Return of the King and Queen - HarryBuilder

Twilight has discover that her Family origins aren't what she thought they were, Now she and her friends must travel to the ends of Equestria to find the answers to her past as a great evil rises from shadows to destroy their peaceful way of life.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Darkness on the Rise

"You were adopted." Velvet said with a tinge of regret as she could practically see the heartbreak in her daughter's eyes. Shining Armor and Cadence just looked at the purple Alicorn in shock and Night Light also looked at his 'adopted' daughter with some regret of his own.

And Twilight herself looked like she was about to break down right there and then, "So this means I'm not a real part of this family." She said as she covered her eyes as she silently weeps. Velvet frowns at her daughter's obvious pain, "Oh Twilight." She then tried to hug Twilight but the young princess just pushed her 'adoptive' mother away and continued weeping.

She had been a life that was nothing more than a lie. Her parents weren't her real parents, Shining Armor and Cadence weren't her real siblings and worst of all; Flurry Heart wasn't her real niece. She then turned back to Night Light and cried out, "You-you adopted me why, why didn't you ever tell me or Shining?!"

Night Light glanced over to Shining and his son gave him a look saying that he wanted some answers too. The older stallion sighed then stood up from the bed and explained, "We were going to honey, we always intended to tell you once you were old enough to fully understand. We were planning on telling during the 1000th Summer Sun Celebration." He admitted as Twilight eyes widen at the revelation before he continued, "But as you know with Celestia sending you to Ponyville, Nightmare Moon, Discord, the Changelings and you becoming a princess and all that, everything just became so crazy that,"

"The perfect moment just didn't come up," Cadence finished, finally speaking after recovering from the big revelation as Night Light nodded, confirming what she said was true.

"We never wanted to deceive you for so long sweetie," Velvet said as she held Twilight's cheeks, thankful she didn't pull away this time, "And don't think for a moment we only took you in out of pity. When your father came home with you in his hooves I was surprised but when he let me hold you and then you snuggled into my coat I immediately fell in love with you. It didn't matter to me if you were my blood or not, you are and always will be my daughter." She then kissed Twilight's forehead to seal the deal. Twilight then made a shaky smile as tears continued to trickle down her cheeks and then she hugged her mother tightly and Velvet gladly returned it. Night Light smiled as well and hugged Twilight from the other side.

"I love you, mom and dad," Twilight whispered, Night Light and Velvet's smiles just became wider as tears formed in their eyes.

"We love you too, Twiliy." They said in unison.

Cadence and Shining watched the mother and daughter moment with teary smiles. Shining Armor then walked up to the three and turned to Twilight, "Hey Twiliy?" He said, getting Twilight's attention as she and her parents broke their hug, "I don't know what's gonna happen from here on but I want you to remember that no matter what," He then placed a hoof on his shoulder, "You'll always be my Little Sister Best Friend Forever."

Twilight smiled at him and hugged him too, "And you'll always be my Big Brother Best Friend Forever." She said to the stallion as hugged her even tighter.

Cadence then walked up to the family with a relieved smile, "Thank goodness for that. A romantic relationship breaking I can handle but a family relationship is something I will not allow." She turned to her fellow Alicorn as she and Shining Armor pulled apart and her smile became more sincere, "And Twilight if I might add even before Shining and I were married I always thought of you as my little sister, and I always will." Twilight smiled in gratitude and she and her old foal sitter hugged one another warmly.

Once they broke apart Twilight's doubts about being a true part of this family were washed away, but she was still bothered by something, "Twilight, what's wrong?" Night Light asked as the rest of Twilight's family looked at her in concern.

"I know, that this doesn't change that you are all my family but," She then turned to her parents respectively, "Do you know who my real-er I mean my birth parents are, or where they are?" She said, almost saying 'real' instead of birth.

Night and Velvet looked at each other before looking at Twilight apologetically, "I'm sorry Twilight but I'm afraid we don't who your birth parents are or where they are right now." Twilight ears flattened.

"Your father and searched the archives and the birth records for anything with your name or anything that would help up lead to where you came from but we found nothing." Velvet lowering her head.

Twilight's head drooped, as she was disappointed that her parents didn't have the answers she was looking for but she shook it off and got up from her bed. Her family stepped aside as she looked down on Ponyville as the preparations for the celebration continued. She then looked on to the horizon knowing that somewhere out there was her birth family, and they were waiting to meet her or who knows what else. She couldn't do anything right now though she had something more important to do right now.

"Well, We can't worry about where my birth family is," Twilight said, turning to her adoptive family. "We still have a celebration to prepare for."

The four nodded and Twilight walked away from the balcony. But before she was more than a foot away from the railing,


Twilight whipped back around when she heard something that sounded like a mare's voice calling her name. She moved her eyes left and right trying to see what it was. "Twiliy? What is it?" Shining asked as he, Cadence, and his parents noticed the purple Alicorn.

"I thought I heard," Twilight started, but shook her head, "nevermind, it was nothing, let's just go." Twilight then trotted out of the room. Her family shrugged and followed her.

A few minutes later, Twilight's Friends and Spike along with Starlight had taken a break from the celebration preparation, as they were worried about their friend after they saw her drop like a rock into the lake for no reason until Spike noticed Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadance coming and the older unicorn couple close behind. Spike was surprised to see Twilight awake and well and cheered " Twilight!". He then rushed towards and jumped up, hugged her neck as Twilight giggled and hugged her brother/son back.

The Mane 6 turned when Spike yelled Twilight's name and saw Twilight awake and very well. Soon, they raced towards the alicorn and they all gather around her in a group hug, as Shining, Cadence, Velvet and Night watched happily. Especially Pinkie Pie who was still hugging her as the others departed. But Pinkie let her go and smiled. "We're so glad your okay Twi!" She said, nuzzling her friend as Twilight nuzzled back.

"Ya scared us pretty bad there Sugarcube." Applejack said bumping her hoof on the princess's shoulder.

"Maybe next time you decide to take a nap wait until you're on the ground first." Rainbow joked as everyone laughed at it.

But then they noticed that Twilight wasn't smiling but rather looked glum and so they stopped their laughter.

"Is everything okay, darling?" Rarity asked.

"You look like something's bothering you," Fluttershy added.

"I'm fine. It's just," Twilight trailed off as she turns to her family more specifically her parents, wondering if she should tell them what she had learned earlier.

Shining Armor and Cadance looked at each other wondering if Twilight should tell them and turned to the older couple for their opinion. After some thinking, Night Light and Twilight Velvet looked to their daughter and nodded their heads, saying she can tell them if she wants to. She gave a small, sad smile back turned to her friends, steadying her nerves, "There's something I need to tell you."

"Well, what is it?" Starlight asked, wondering what she wanted to tell them.

Twilight took a deep breath and said " I know we have come a long way since we met, and that we've been through many things both good and, bad." She slightly winced remembering the incident at the Canterlot wedding but chose not to push it back into her mind and continued, "Which is why I feel like I can tell you about something that I just learned."

Spike and the Mane 6 turned to each other. They were confused at what Twilight was saying.

"Which is what exactly?" Rainbow Dash wondered, Scratching her head.

"See, after I passed out, I had this strange dream and it was unlike any dream I ever had. But when I woke up, my parents told me something that shocked me," Twilight explained.

"What did they tell you, Twilight?" Spike asked approaching her cautiously.

"Spike, do you remember when you hatch and I took you in and raised you as part of our family?" asked Twilight recalling the time when she hatched Spike, one of the happiest times of her life.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?" Spike questioned, not able to connect the dots.

"Well, it turns out you weren't the only one who was taken in," Shining Armor spoke up, as he stood next to Twilight.

"Wait, what are you guys saying?" asked Pinkie Pie not getting what they are talking about and the others weren't fairing any better.

Twilight sighed and answered, " I was also...adopted,".

"WHAT?!" The Mane 5 and Spike gasped in shock hearing this unbelievable truth. Spike was the most shocked, for the pony he assisted and was raised by as a brother and son was an adopted child just like him.

"But then that's means...," Rainbow started as the rest of Twilight's friends came to the same conclusion.

"I know, my family was not the one I was born from, I was just as shocked too when they told me," said Twilight as she turned away in sadness, as her mother winces from behind as Night Light hugged her gently.

Spike, moved his eyes left and right before turning back to Twilight with a smile, "Well, it doesn't change anything to me, no matter who your really related to Twilight you'll always be my family." He said proudly.

"And my teacher." Starlight added, walking up to them.

"And our very best friend, darling." Rarity finished while the other girls voiced their agreements.

Twilight's eye shined with unshed tears, and then pulled her friends in for a hug while the three unicorns and Alicorn watched from behind with a smile. After they concluded the hug the girls returned their thoughts on their questions.

"But Twilight, how were you found? Where did you come from?" asked Fluttershy, holding her hoof on Twilight's chin.

"My Dad told me that he found me on a slab of rock surrounded by a stream, fire, and wind and under an oak tree back when he was still an active royal guard. He brought me home and then he and my mother raised me as their own," said Twilight explaining the story she was told of how she was found.

"A slab of rock?" Rarity repeated in confusion.

"Surrounded by a stream, fire, and wind?" Rainbow added, scratching her mane.

"And under an Oak Tree?" Applejack finished with a raised brow.

Twilight nodded for they are correct in putting the pieces together.

"But, Twilight, if you're parents have found and adopted you? Wouldn't that mean they may have known your birth parents?" Pinkie asked.

"That's the problem, they don't know who Twilight's birth parents were nor do we," Cadance answered, as she joined by Twilight's side as well.

"Um, I might have an idea." Everyone turned to the yellow pegasus, "We could go ask Celestia and Luna? Maybe they might have the answers on Twilight's parents" Fluttershy suggesting her idea. Twilight thought for a moment before realizing that just might be the answer.

"I guess we could give it a try. They've lived for centuries. They just might know where I came from, Who I truly am," said Twilight thinking it might work.

Rainbow flew into the air with her classic grin and said, "Well then, what're we waiting for let's head for Canterlot right n-"

But before she could finish, Flash Sentry came running to them with Flurry Heart flying alongside him and said " Captain Armor! Princess Cadance! Emergency"

"Flash, what is it?" asked Shining Armor noticing Flash's worried expression and the way he was breathing heavily as Flurry Heart flew into Cadence's hooves.

Flash caught his breath and said, " You gotta come with me, quick. It's the trees, their leaves are changing colors and falling off!".

"What?!" said Everypony in unison, before they dashed off, as Velvet and Nightlight hanged back to overlook the preparations.

They followed Flash to where he saw the trees and saw them for themselves. They gasped in confusion and shock as the leaves turned from bright and healthy spring green to autumn red, orange, and yellow. It was something they have never seen before.

"Why are these leaves changing in this early in the year? I thought they only change color during fall?" Rarity shouted in bewilderment.

"They do! This doesn't make sense!" Twilight cried, unable to understand how this was possible.

As they were all wondering this, they then saw Angel the bunny hopping towards them in such a hurry and with a very worried expression on his face.

" Angel? What are you doing here? What's wrong?" Fluttershy asked her furry friend, seeing the distress on his face.

Angel started doing some hand gestures, hopped up & down frantically, and animal sounds which Fluttershy understands what he's trying to tell them.

"Oh no!" said Fluttershy in shock.

"What is it Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked her old friend.

"We need to get to my cottage, now!" said Fluttershy as she and the others ran to her cottage.

When they got there, they were in for a shock. All of Fluttershy's animal friends are acting a bit strangely, as in frantic, scared, even slightly hostile. They were running around, grunting, squeaking, and making other noises. Fluttershy tried to reason with them but they just chirped, squawked, or growled at her and some of them even swat her away like a fly. Twilight and her friends were surprised, they've never seen this kind of behavior with Fluttershy's animals before or since.

"What is happening has gotten into them?" asked Rarity wondering.

"I'm not sure. I have never seen my animal friends act this hostile before in my life," Fluttershy said, worryingly feeling hurt, her critters just pushed her aside like a sack of flour. "The only thing I could make out from them was from them was 'He is coming'."

"'He'?" The other repeated in confusion.

"But who is this 'he'?" Cadence asked.

"And what does that have to do with animals acting like this?" Shining added

"And the trees changing color?" Pinkie jumped in, popping from behind Shining.

"Any ideas of why this is all happening, Twi?" asked Applejack as she turned Twilight.

"I don't know. But I think I know somepony who does. Come on," said Twilight as she turns and dashes off with the others following behind her.

Meanwhile, at the Castle Of Canterlot, Celestia and Luna were in the throne room, Luna was sitting on her throne while Celestia was pacing back and forth with a worried expression on her face. She was still worried about the dangers of the old foe from the past returning but what worries her the most is that she might have to tell Twilight something she should've told her a long time ago.

Luna noticed Celestia's expression and asked her older sibling, "You're worried about Twilight, aren't you Sister?".

" I would be lying if I said I wasn't," Celestia replied with a sad sigh.

"Well, you sure did a good job trying to protect her, and she knows how much you love her already. So she might not be too mad." Luna said with a reassuring smile.

"I know. It's just I don't want to lose Twilight the same way we lost her," Celestia answered back, recalling how they lost the pony who meant so very much to them.

"And we never will," said Luna placing a comforting hoof on Celestia's shoulder.

As Celestia looked at Luna with a smile, when suddenly a guard came in and said "Your Majesties, you have some visitors,".

"Visitors? Oh, well then. Send them to come in," Celestia answered.

The guard opens the other door next to him to reveal Twilight, her friends, Shining Armor, and Cadance as they rushed in.

"Twilight? Why are you and your friends here and not in ponyville preparing for-." Celestia asked before the younger ponies screeched to a halt.

"Princess We have a situation!" Twilight shouted.

"What? What is it?" Luna asked with a raised brow.

"Well, while we were preparing the Founding Of Ponyville festival, we began to notice some strange changes," Twilight explained as the others caught their breath.

"What kind of strange changes?" asked Celestia wondering what she means.

"Well, first we saw some trees starting to change color like they thought Fall had come early," said Rainbow Dash explaining the leaves changing colors.

"And then we went to my cottage and my animal friends were acting strangely hostile towards me. It was like they don't even know me anymore nor I know them either," Fluttershy added explaining her animal friend's strange behavior.

"Leaves changing colors early in the year?" Luna asked as she turned to Celestia with a hit of worry.

"Animals acting strange and hostile?" Celestia asked as she shared her sister's worried gaze.

"They also said something about 'He was coming', whatever that means." Rarity pointed out, as both princesses' faces became somewhat pale and the worry on their faces changed into fear.

"Princesses?" Twilight spoke getting their attention, "Is there something wrong?" Twilight asked wondering if they know what is going on.

Celestia turned to Luna who nodded to her. Celestia then took a breath and gestured for everypony to follow her. They then trotted to an unknown part of the castle as Celestia spoke, "I fear we now face a very grim situation my little ponies. For it seems an ancient enemy of Equestria, one who I hoped we'd seen the last of has returned," They then passed a stained glass window and Twilight noticed the light reflection on the floor she looked up but then her eyes shrunk, "His name, is Lord Erebus the Dreaded." She heard Celestia say, and saw on the window was a dark red alicorn with jet black mane, giant bat-like wings, dark armor, and blood-red eyes, standing on his hind legs.

Twilight flinched when Celestia said the stallion's name as she felt something fearfully familiar about that name and quickly walked back over to her friends as Celestia continued her story, "Erebus was, is a monstrous horrific, ferocious dark Alicorn whose heart was as black as his mane. When the ponies of Equestria had finally fully settled into this land Erebus rose to power to accomplish his terrible goal: complete domination of Equestria." She said, looking over to a window that showed Erebus smiling cruelly down at earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi who could merely run and scream fear of his terrible power.

"He used his dark magic to decimate the many settlements of the ancient Equestria, creating terrifying creatures to serve him and to spread his destruction, such as Timberwolves, Hydras, and Chimeras, among others," Luna said gesturing to a window showing Erebus creating monsters and creatures that ravaged and destroyed everything they saw. "It seemed that there was no limit to the mayhem and destruction he was capable of, it was as if the sheer power of Erebus's anger and hatred was what fuelled his dark magic."

"I don't think I like this story." Fluttershy whimpered, as she, Spike, and Rarity felt very terrified by the tale of this alicorn. The other girls along with Cadence and Shining weren't as scared but they were pretty worried. Twilight seemed to be the most scared, but for that reason, she didn't know.

"If Erebus continued to have his way, soon all of Equestria would be turned into a lifeless wasteland. But there was a band of mighty warriors who stood up against him and in earth-shattering battle, they managed to defeat him by a slender thread and banished him to the Dark Realm." Celestia went on with the story as Luna arched her brow in confusion and looked to her sister as that was not how she remembered how it happened. Celestia glanced over to Luna, there was a silent conversation between them that the other didn't notice as Rainbow shot into the air with a victory whoop.

"Aww yeah! Take that Blacky!" She cheered as the other smiled in relief at the thankfully happy ending, but Cadence and Twilight felt that this victory was premature.

"It was indeed a great victory, but it came at a heavy price." Luna took over the story, deciding to play along with Celestia's half-truth, "The land was devasted through Erebus's madness but with the help of Starswirl things slowly began to return to normal, for the time being."

"Huh?" The others said.

"What do you mean for the time being?" Spike asked.

Celestia exhaled, "Though we managed to drive the darkness back, it didn't mean it was truly defeated." She then gave the younger ponies a serious gaze, "Right before Erebus was banished he made a frightening promise that one day he would return to finish what he started."

The ponies gasped in shock. Twilight felt herself trembling when she understood what that meant, "And you think that today is that "one day"?"

Celestia nodded, "I fear so. The Land would show signs of the day he began his return, the life from trees and plants would be drained and their colors would change and animals and other creatures would become hostile." She listed the signs on the first day.

"That's what happening now." Starlight realized as everypony realized the evil Alicorn had begun his return and Fluttershy remembered something and slapped her forehead.

"Of course! Creatures like cats, dogs, and mice can sense approaching disasters, my animal's friends must've sense Dreadmane beginning to stir." She said.

Celestia nodded, "Indeed, and now that Dreadmane's rise back into power has come we must prepare."

"Prepare Auntie?" Cadence asked, raising a brow.

"Yes, Cadence." Celestia nodded, and looked to the mane 5, Shining Armor and Starlight, "I want you seven to each journey to the major cities of Equestria and warn the ponies thereof the darkness coming, tell the leaders there that you must speak to everypony in each settlement." she then handed each of them a silver medallion with a vortex symbol on it, "Use these Transportal Medallions, just think of where you want to be and they will create a portal to that location." she explained.

The girls and Shining bowed their heads and answered, "Yes, your majesty!"

"Um, what about us, Princess?" Twilight asked on behalf of herself, Cadence and Spike.

"I need you three to stay here and search the royal archives for something, anything about Erebus we might be able to use against him," Celestia answered as Luna once again raised her brow. "I fear it as has been such a long time since either or Luna have thought about Erebus I fear even our knowledge has already ebbed away."

Twilight gave a determined look as she, Cadence, and Spike nodded, "You got it!" She then turned to her friends and brother, "You guys had better get to the major settlements and warn them of what's coming."

Rainbow saluted, "On it! Cloudsdale is where I'm going!" She then tapped on her medallion and then a blue portal appeared in front of her. She spread her wings and zoomed through it, to Cloudsdale. It closed once she was through.

Rarity then flipped her hair, "I shall head to Manehatten. I happened to know some ponies in high places there." She declared, then tap on her medallion as a white portal appeared to her, before she went through, however, she turned to Spike, "Now you be careful while I'm gone Spikey-Wikey!" She cooed giving him a pat on the head as the little dragon blushed.

"Y-yeah. Y-you too." He mumbled as Rarity elegantly stepped through her portal and it vanished too.

Pinkie suddenly sprang out of nowhere, "Ooh, ooh, ooh! I'll go to Las Pegasus! Lots of pony goes there! It's like a giant party, so for sure they'll listen to a super party pony like me!" She cheered, before she slammed her hoof on her medallion, and as her pink portal to the resort opened she hopped, skipped, and jump through shouting, "GERONIMO!!!"

Pinkie's shout faded out as the portal closed. Applejack rolled her eyes before she held up her medallion, "I know where I'm goin'. Appleloosa, my family there have gotta know what's comin'." With that, she hit her medallion, and then she jumped through her orange portal without hesitation before it closed like the others.

Fluttershy fidgeted her hooves a bit, "Um I think I'll go back to Ponyville and warn them. I-if that's okay with everypony else?" She asked as they all gave her small smiles, She then gently tapped on her medallion, as a yellow portal appeared before spooking her. Once she calmed down she stepped through and was on her way back home.

Starlight then thought for a moment before she said, "I think it might be best if I head for some of the smaller towns, like my old village, and warn the ponies there about Dreadmane. I mean we can't just leave them for dead, can we?" The others thought over what she said, and they all agreed that they had to help as many ponies from as many towns, villages, and cities as they could.

"Well said, Starlight Glimmer. Now go, we don't know how much time we have before Erebus makes his move." Starlight nodded, and then with a tap on her Medallion her portal to her first stop opened. She then jumped through it, and it closed as she was transported to her old village.

"I'll head back to the Crystal Empire. I won't let another power-mad pony take it away from us!" Shining said, before tapping his forehead with Cadance's, "I know you two will find a way to stop him."

"Thanks," Cadance replied, giving Shining a kiss before the stallion pulled Twilight into a hug. Then with a tap of the medallion, the portal to the Crystal Empire opened before him and he jumped through it.

Once the princesses and Spike were alone, Twilight remembered something, "Oh right, Princess?" She asked as Celestia turned to face her, "Once this is all over do you think we can look through the archives for birth records."

Celestia raised a brow, "What for Twilight?"

Twilight ears, drooped, "Well you see, during the preparation, my parent came and told me the truth about something."

"What truth?" Luna asked, however she and Celestia had an idea what it was.

"I'm adopted." Twilight answered as the two sisters gasped, "I know it was a shock for me too. But it doesn't change the fact that my parents loved me and so does the rest of my family." She looked at Cadance and Spike smiling and they smiled back. She turned back to the older alicorns, "But I'm hoping that, once we get past this Dreadmane situation we can find any leads to my birth family."

Celestia and Luna looked at each other with concern. They both had the answers Twilight sought and her family was a lot closer than she thought. Celestia shook her head and gave her former student her usual serene smile, "Well, I think we may be able to help but let us focus on the current crisis at hoof, hmm?" She asked, hoping to not reveal something.

Twilight nodded and trotted towards the door, "Your right," She then turned back to Spike and Cadance without even noticing the door opening, "Come on guys, we better start looking through the archives for something useful because who knows when Dreadmane is gonna show-" She was cut off again when she bumped into somepony again. She looked up and saw it was Flash again. Twilight felt her cheeks heat up as she looked into his gleaming blue eyes.

Flash just grinned at her and helped her to her hooves, "We got to stop bumping into each other like this." He quipped.

Twilight laughed nervously, playing with her mane, "Ehehehe, y-yeah. Need to stop with the always bumping." She stammered with a snort, earning a chuckle from the Pegasus.

"Well sorry for dropping by unannounced but apparently somepony wanted to see you." Flash moved his head to the side, revealing Flurry Heart. Once she saw her aunt she zipped off of Flash and to Twilight and the older Alicorn giggled as her niece nuzzled her. Flash smiled at the scene before it dropped and he raised a brow, "So what exactly are we up against princess."

Twilight looked at Flash, wondering if she should tell him. A part told her that she could trust the guard and she listen to it, "I'll explain later Luitenent, meet us in the Library and I'll tell you everything." She then gave a shy smile and rubbed one foreleg on the other. "And please just call me Twilight."

Flash blinked but smiled and nodded, "Sure but only if you call me Flash."

Twilight smiled back, "Deal." Flash, cheeks turned pink as he saw her smile he then saluted and walked to the library. Twilight sighed dreamingly but before she could fall into her dream world and a cough broke her daze. she turned to see Cadance, Spike, Celestia, and Luna smirking at her, clearly seen the lovey-dovey moment.

Twilight narrowed her eyes, "Not one word!"

"Okay, how about three words" Cadance teased, then clasp her front hooves together, "Someponies in Love~"

The others laughed as Twilight groaned as Flurry joined in on the giggles, 'This is gonna be a long day.'.

Author's Note:

So sorry for the delay everybody. But I decided to speed up production by making both the second and third chapters, which is why it took me some extra time.

Credit for a large majority of the text goes to my friend Dinoman213.

As we now know Twilight is adopted, and strange things are happening around Ponyville. The princesses now realizing that the great evil called Erebus is coming the ponies must prepare for the fight to come.

Can any you think of why I chose each city for the Mane 5? Tell me in the comments below.

Next time Two enemies form an alliance to defeat Twilight and her friends while the Mane 5 each warn the ponies of what's coming but then have a mental meeting of elemental proportions. Meanwhile Twilight and Cadence search the library for anything that could help them against Dreadmane...

But as they do, they discovered something else, a long-buried secret that the two sisters have kept for centuries, which would change everything for Twilight.

*Note; I renamed Dreadmane Erebus since he's one of the only original MLP Characters who did not have a Gen 4 counterpart.

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stay cool, stay friends and I'll see you on the website.