• Published 1st Aug 2021
  • 2,934 Views, 53 Comments

My Little Pony: Return of the King and Queen - HarryBuilder

Twilight has discover that her Family origins aren't what she thought they were, Now she and her friends must travel to the ends of Equestria to find the answers to her past as a great evil rises from shadows to destroy their peaceful way of life.

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Plot Thickens

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Badlands, Queen Chrysalis was still roaming badly trying to plot a way to seek revenge on both Starlight and the Mane 6.

“Just you wait Starlight Glimmer, sooner or later, I will have my revenge on you, Twilight Sparkle, and your friends for corrupting my subjects, and robbing me of my rightful place!” Chrysalis swore, talking to herself as she paced back and forth.

Revenge, Hmm?” A deep raspy malevolent voice suddenly spoke, as Chrysalis felt a very strange gust of wind she has never felt before. It felt cold, lifeless, and evil. Chrysalis backed up a little in fear until a huge black and red cloud appeared in front of her. And appearing in the cloud were angry blood red eyes with a long thin scar on their left eye. Chrysalis was more terrified than she ever was in her life. The cloud then spoke to Chrysalis, “ I think I can help you with that,

“Who...who are you?” Chrysalis stuttered in fear.

I am who you see before you,” The cloud answered, mysteriously.

Chrysalis gulped in more fear and said, “I don’t understand. Who are you, really?”

I go by many names. But you may call me...Lord Erebus,” the voice answered, introducing himself.

Chrysalis gasped, “The Lord Erebus? “The Dreaded Alicorn Lord Of Darkness”? I thought you were only a legend.”

Yes, and I can assure you that I am very real. At least I used to, Queen Chrysalis,” Erebus confirmed.

Chrysalis gasped when Erebus said her name.

“How did you know my name?” Chrysalis asked, wanting a straight answer from him this time.

I know more than just your name. And I also know that you are wanting to get revenge on Starlight and her friends for what they did to you,” Erebus said as he chuckled evilly, circling around the former queen.

“Well, you guessed correctly. Because of that pesky Starlight Glimmer, I lost my citizens and my hive and now I am out there trying to live and out of sight, while trying to find a way to exact my revenge,” Chrysalis growled.

Erebus somehow knew there’s more to Chrysalises’ defeat so he asked her in interest “Hmmm, Chrysalis tell me more about Starlight Glimmer. Who is she, friends, with?”.

“I don’t know much about the five idiots personally. But I do know that she’s just the second pony to have ruined my plans,” Chrysalis growled.

And who is this other pony?” Erebus inquired.

“During my first invasion in Canterlot during the wedding of Princess Cadence and Captain Armor, it would have been succeeded if it weren’t for that sly and clever unicorn, Twilight…,” said Chrysalis.

Did you say, Twilight? As in Princess Twilight Sparkle?” Erebus asked with a hint of anger, empathizing with the princess and Sparkle, part of Twilight’s name.

“Wait, you know her?” asked Chrysalis, surprised to see that Dreadmane actually knows Twilight Sparkle.

Unfortunately, I do. It is because of Sparkle, that I am trapped in this wretched state of being,” Erebus replied, blaming Twilight for making him what he is now.

“How exactly did you end up in this form because of Twilight?” Chrysalis wondered.

Not young Twilight specifically but rather somepony of her bloodline." Erebus explained before he began to tell his story, “I was once a powerful Alicorn, an Alicorn who could accomplish many things others couldn’t. But unfortunately, somepony stood in my way of completing my quest, and because of her, that is how I ended up being in this form,” he finished his story to Chrysalis.

“So now what are you going to do? Because as far as I know, Twilight Sparkle is probably becoming stronger and stronger every day now,” said Chrysalis.

True, after many years, I see that young Twilight has become very powerful. But even that won’t save her, especially when I know of a way that can restore me to my original form. That is if you are interested to listen,” said Erebus, wondering if Chrysalis will join him.

“You want me to help you?” asked Chrysalis.

Yes, and in return for your assistance, I will satisfy your thirst for revenge on this Starlight Glimmer and the rest of the princess’s friends. So do we have a deal?” asked Erebus.

After some careful thinking, Chrysalis made her decision and with an evil smile said “Indeed we do,”.

Excellent. But if this is going to work, we will need is a little more help,” Erebus remarked as his eyes glowed, showing his works of magic to Chrysalis.

Erebus uses his magic to create darker forms of Chrysalis’s changelings. When he was done, Chrysalis noticed that these Changelings were much different from her subjects. Besides the fact, they are darker colors, they seem to lack some personalities and hearts.

“Erebus, these forms are not like my citizens. They don’t have hearts nor any personalities. Are you sure they can help us?” Chrysalis asked, wondering if Dreadmane knows what he’s doing.

While it is true they have no hearts or personalities, these forms actually do have minds and are vastly obedient,” Erebus assured.

“ You mean they will follow any order I give them without hesitation?” Chrysalis asked, hoping for a yes.

Yes, they will. No free wills, no place for disobedience. Now then my first order to the beginning of our revenge is to find the means to restore my power, the six Alicorn Guardians,” the dark lord answered.

Chrysalis' eyes widened as she heard of these ponies, said to be forces of nature themselves. and nodded but had to ask “Where do I find them?”

The changelings, I have given you will lead you to their temples once you find them, drain their magic with this!” Erebus then gave her a very powerful artifact she recognized,

“The Alicorn Amulet! How did you-” She tried to ask but Dreadmane just narrowed his eyes making her shut up, she then turned to her new soldiers, “You heard our master, Find those temples!”.

With that said, the darker Changelings nodded and they flew up and went off in separate directions to find the Guardian temples for Dreadmane. One swarm flew to buffalo plains, the second towards the ocean, the third moved towards a stormy region, the fourth headed for the dragon lands, the fifth flew up into the clouds, the sixth group flew towards a jungle in the distance. Dreadmane then turned his attention to Chrysalis.

Follow them and once they have found the temples use the amulet, Chrysalis,” said Erebus.

“But when we do have the power, what are you going to do with it?” asked Chrysalis.

With the powers of the guardians and the Alicorn Amulet combined, it’ll help me finally restore my original form. And when I’m restored…,” said Erebus.

“All Equestria shall fear and cower underneath me!” Chrysalis smiled wicked, before she noticed the unamused glance from Erebus, making her rephrase her statement, “Um, of course under your leadership oh Lord Erebus,” said Chrysalis with a nervous smile.

Of course Chrysalis. Now go and charge the amulet and when you do, bring it to me immediately,” said Erebus as Chrysalis nodded in response and flew off after her minions.

When she was out of range, Erebus chuckled evilly to himself and said “ The fool. Once I’m restored to my proper glory, I will simply dispose of you Chrysalis and then you and everything you love...Twilight Sparkle. When I’m through with you, Twilight, there will be nopony or creature to even mention your name or your race.”.

EREBUS IS COMING FOR YOU ALL!” Erebus yelled as he howled with laughter and vanished with red lightning was flashing across the sky and thunder crashed.

Meanwhile, at Starlights’ Old Village, Starlight was warning her friends about the upcoming threat of Erebus. Everypony gasped in fright from the news Starlight gave them.

“Lord Erebus? An Alicorn of Dark magic!?” Sugarbelle asked not believing what she’s hearing is real and true.

“Yes,” said Starlight not denying the facts.

“But I thought Erebus’s just an old mare’s tale,” Night Glider said thinking she might be joking.

“That’s what I thought too. But I’m afraid the Legend Of Erebus is real and I have a feeling we’re all in grave danger,” Starlight said.

“What are we gonna do now, Starlight? With the threat of Erebus coming, there’s no way we can stand a chance against him,” Party Favor said with concern.

“I know. That is why Twilight is at Canterlot finding some answers on how we can defeat him. In the meantime, we should all gather our belongings and evacuate the village until the danger has passed,” Starlight said as everypony nodded in agreement and went off to do so. “And so warn the neighboring Villages about what’s to coming.”

“Starlight, do you think there might be hope for Equestria?” Double Diamond asked.

“I don’t know, Double Diamond, but I do know that if Erebus plans to destroy and take over all of Equestria, we better be prepared for whatever comes our way,” Starlight said.

“I just hope Twilight and her friends are able to stop him,” Sugarbelle said with great concern as she, Double Diamond, Night Glider, and Party Favor went on ahead to gather their belongings for the evacuation.

“Me too,” Starlight said in the same tone as Sugarbelle as she looks out to the horizon, hoping that Twilight might have found the answer by now.

At the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor, now in his armor, was telling everypony of the Crystal Empire the same news about the oncoming danger of Erebus. But unlike Starlight’s friends, some of the crystal ponies were shocked but there are others who don’t believe what Shining Armor is telling them. One crystal pony walked up to Shining Armor and said in disbelief, “Wait a minute, the only pony who has ever threatened the Crystal Empire was King Sombra. How is this Erebus different from him?”.

“Because Erebus will not stop at just the Crystal Empire. His magic is far more powerful than Sombra’s ever was and he’ll alienate anypony who gets in his way and tear down all Equestria to get whatever he wants!” Shining Armor replied.

Some of the Crystal Ponies gasped in fright while others just laughed thinking that Shining Armor was joking. Suddenly everypony stopped laughing when they heard a deep voice saying “Lord Erebus’s different from Sombra alright. And he could do much more than that old shadow pony,”.

Shining Armor and the crystal ponies turned to see a strange pony figure wearing a dark brown cloak sitting on a bench. Nopony could see his face for his hood was covering his eyes and only his snout was showing. The hooded pony was a darkish gray-colored stallion. The hooded pony then continued as he motioned his hoof around the Crystal Empire and said "Look around, you’re in a city of glass,”.

Everypony looked around to see The Crystal Empire still in its beautiful glory.

“Glass gonna break, come crashing down on you, and no way out,” said the Hooded Pony.

The crystal ponies were then shocked and gasped as they imagined the Crystal Empire turning into a lifeless wasteland by Erebus's magic. “What are we gonna do?” a Crystal Pony mare asked.

“Although, there is a solution to this. The six elemental Guardians, the ones who defeated Erebus so long ago. If you can find them they can help you,” the Hooded Pony said.

The crystal ponies were chattering and whispering to each other for some of them had heard about the Alicorn Guardians as they were around the time of the legend before they were banished by King Sombra as a Crystal Pony said “ I’ve heard legends of those ponies,”.

“However, you all could try to fight Erebus on your own. But I warn you that Erebus’s magic is far more powerful than even Princess Celestia’s and Luna’s magic combined. Try that and you’ll be risking your own life. Because when Lord Erebus enters the fight, he’ll set this whole land ablaze...BOOM!” he yelled.

The crowd gasped in fright as one Crystal Pony fainted.

“There is some good news if you don’t find the Guardians, though.” That caused them to relax a bit, “The more of you fall the more fear I have to feed off of.” He smirked wickedly.

The crowd gasped lightly as a Crystal Pony collapsed again.

“I didn’t say it was good news for you,” said the Hooded Pony as he then disappeared in front of the crowd without leaving a trace.

“He’s one weird pony I’ll say,” said a Crystal Pony to another in a whisper.

“Captain Shining Armor, should we try to take the fight to Erebus?” asked one of the Guards.

Shining Armor was thinking carefully about the situation, and what the Hooded Pony said really got to his head but he just might be right about Erebus being more powerful than both Celestia and Luna combined. But then he remembered he said that there were five powerful alicorns that just might be able to help.

He made up his mind and turned to the ponies, “I’m going back to Canterlot to tell the princesses what I’ve learned” He told them and then turned to his men, “Until I return everypony stays within the Empire, no pony goes in or out. Understood?”.

“Yes sir.” The guards saluted. Shining Armor then tapped on his medallion and hopped through the portal and back to Canterlot.

While Shining Armor was warning everypony in the Crystal Empire, and Starlight was warning her village, the Mane 5 were warning the other ponies of the major cities.

Rainbow Dash is in Cloudsdale warning every pegasus about the threat of Erebus. Everypegasus was in complete shock and fright to hear of this Dreadmane and was on his way to destroy their homes and families. But Rainbow quickly assured them that the princesses were finding something to stop him. After she was done, Rainbow Dash was starting to head back down until she suddenly heard a voice that sounded like a mare calling her name “Rainbow Dash,”.

Rainbow whipped around “Who’s there?” but there was nopony there. The voice came back and said “Rainbow Dash,”. Rainbow Dash was getting confused, where is the voice coming from? Rainbow Dash raised her hooves in a boxing style ready to pummel whoever was stalking her “I ain’t afraid of you? Show yourself!” she demanded.

“Whoa, whoa, no need to get so defensive there Ms.Dash. I mean you no harm,” said the voice, in an easy-going, confident tone.

Rainbow then noticed a sudden change in the wind current as it was swirling lightly around her. Still feeling a little cautious, Rainbow asked, “If you don’t want any trouble, then tell me who you are?”.

name's Storm Heart, The Guardian Of Air,” replied the voice introducing herself.

Rainbow Dash gasped and said, “No Way! I heard about you from an old legend Daring Do told me. You’re that Elemental Alicorn gal! It was said that one flap of your wings could create the mightiest hurricane.”.

You got that right, but as much as I like to chit-chat we don't have the time for that. I need your help, Rainbow Dash,” Storm said.

“Wait, my help. Why?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Because flygirl, me and my pals have sensed that a great evil has returned to finish what it has started,” Storm Heart replied.

“'We?'. You mean there are others like you?” Rainbow Dash asked in the guardian in surprise.

Yup, but right now I must ask you for your help,” She asked sounding very serious and now, reminding Rainbow of Spitfire.

“What’s the trouble? Well if it’s Erebus don’t you worry, I can handle that old geezer,” Rainbow declared cockily, doing a few mock jabs.

Ugh, you really don't get it do ya? Here, let me to show you,” Storm informed.

“Wait what do you mean by that-,” Rainbow Dash said as her eyes then suddenly glowed white, from Storm Heart’s magic.

Rainbow Dash then had a sudden memory vision of this ancient temple. After the vision was played, Rainbows’ eyes were back to normal as Rainbow Dash then gasped in realization and said to herself “I gotta head back to Canterlot and tell Twilight and the Princesses about this,”. Then Rainbow Dash zoomed off to head back to Canterlot.

At Manehattan, Rarity was telling everypony about the upcoming rise of Erebus. At first, everypony thought Erebus was just a myth but after Rarity gave them a little more detail of what’s happening, they all began to panic and scream. But Rarity spoke up, “ Please everypony remain calm,”. And everypony stopped as Rarity continued “I know this sounds bad but right now, Princess Twilight is finding a way to defeat Erebus once and for all. In the meantime, it’s perhaps best that everypony must head for safer ground until further notice,”.

Everypony in Manehattan wasn’t happy at first about evacuating the city but they did as they were told. Everypony packed their belongings and got on horse-powered taxis. Meanwhile, Rarity was doing a headcount to make sure everypony was getting out of Manehattan safely. Then she stumbled upon a puddle in front of her and said “oh my goodness, almost stepped in that,”. As Rarity was about to walk over the puddle, she then noticed something strange was happening with the puddle. Ripples began to mysteriously appear as Rarity looked down at the puddle only to see her reflection as it rippled.

Rarity was confused at first. But as she took a closer look, Rarity then started hearing a prim and lady-like voice of a mare “Hello, Rarity,”. Rarity shook her head thinking she must be hearing things. “Do not be afraid, my dear. I am an ally,” the voice said coming back.

Rarity now knows she is not hearing things. Feeling the need to know who was speaking, Rarity asked, “ But I don’t even know you, darling. Who are you supposed to be, anyway?”.

My name is Marina, The Guardian Of Water,” the voice said, introducing herself.

Rarity gasped and said “Marina? The Marina? The Alicorn Guardian of Water of Legend? I thought you were a myth!" Rarity she then changed her tone, "However I am still honored to meet or rather hear you, I’ve heard your beauty was as eternal as the ocean itself.”

The pleasure is all mine, dear Rarity and I am indeed real but thank you for the compliment anyways. But right now we must discuss something very important with you,” Marina, infomed.

“ Whatever is it, darling?” Rarity asked.

You see my dear, there have been signs that a great danger is on its way to plague Equestria. My comrades and I have felt it on the horizon,” Marina explained.

“ Comrades? You mean the other Alicorn Guardians Of Legend are real as well?” Rarity asked being surprised when Marina told her about the other guardians.

Indeed, and we desperately require your aid, Rarity,” Marina said.

“This is threat is Erebus isn't it? But how can I help, Marina?” Rarity, wondered, feeling concern.

Allow me to enlighten you,” Marina answered, and then suddenly Rarity’s eyes glowed a bright white, as she saw something, a magnificent temple. Her eyes returned to normal as she felt Marina’s presence was gone, she looked down at the puddle below her, contemplating everything she learned, and then she spoke. “I must tell Twilight what I’ve learned.” She tapped on her medallion and hopped through the portal.

Meanwhile, in Las Pegasus, Pinkie Pie wasn’t having as much luck with warning everypony about Erebus as her friends. Since she was known for being totally silly, some ponies started laughing at her thinking she’s just joking while others didn’t even bother listening. Pinkie was starting to feel disappointed in herself, she then gave up, turned away, and started walking away from the crowd. While Pinkie was walking she began talking to herself, “I don’t get it, I used the right words and I even told them that Erebus’s real. So why don’t they believe me? Is it just because everypony thinks I’m just a crazy pony who can’t be taken seriously?!”.

“Well, if they made their decision, fine! They’re history!” Pinkie Pie said as she stomped her left front hoof on the ground hard, and then she passed a Lightning bolt neon-light sign.

That was until Pinkie Pie heard the quick-tongued voice of a stallion.

Hello there, young Pinkie Pie?” The voice said.

“Huh? Who’s there?” Pinkie Pie asked looking around to see where it came from.

"Whoa now, please exercise steady calmness now my young, energetic, enthusiastic friend.” the voice eased in one breath. Pinkie felt the voice was coming from the lightning sign, through the glass battery but was speaking to her in her mind.

“ Um, hiya?” Pinkie Pie asked, feeling nervous.

Now there is no need to feel your mind and heart with unnecessary worry Ms.pie. I can assure you that I am a trusted and reliable comrade to all, stallions, mares and all creatures alike,” the voice assured her, making her relax and smile.

Really? Great! But wait, how do you know my name is Pinkie, Mister mysterious voice in my head?” She asked, raising a brow.

The voice chuckled, “Ms. Pie I have been carefully observing you and your beloved friends for an extended long period of time.

“But who are you then?” Pinkie asked.

I young lady, am the incredible, marvelous, electrifyingly fantastical Voltwing!” He announced, long and dramatically.

Pinkie gasped loudly, “Blaze Horn! Ooh, I heard about you! You’re one of the six elemental Alicorn from the bedtime story my parents read to me. I’m a big fan of yours, I heard you made arcs of thunder and bolts of lightning across the sky making everypony really happy and have fun creating cool gadgets and doodads.”

you are absolutely correct! I along with my incredibly sensational electricity displays of great abundance and pride were very real and the most pleasing and greatest thought-out the land of Equestria!” Voltwing said proudly but realized he was getting off-topic, “I could go onwards and forwards about my electrical exploits however we are very short on time at this very unfortunate moment, Ms.Pie for I fear we may have upon ourselves a slight complication of cataclysmic consequences.

“Complication? What do you mean complication of catty-cliffment consquences?” Pinkie asked, tilting her head.

What I am trying to express to you is that we have an oversized tribulation of great worry and danger,” Blaze Horn said.

“It wouldn’t have anything to do with an evil Alicorn who goes by the name of Erebus, does it?” Pinkie Pie asked with a nervous smile.

I am afraid so, which is why you mustn't give up the lives and safety on these innocent ponies, once Dreadmane brings down his dreadful wrath upon them all they shall be doomed with extreme presidencies!” Voltwing shouted quickly.

“But I already tried to warn them, and they didn’t listen. They just think I'm a crazy pony!” Pinkie pouted, crossing her hooves.

Pinkie Pie my dear girl, from what I've observed from you and your many adventurous exploits, you are a, what you call a crazy pony, just merely a pony who possesses a great talent for gaining the attention of others for grand celebrations and enjoyment. So go and use those attention-grabbing skills to show the denizens of Las Pegasus that they are truly grave and terrible danger!” Voltwing encouraged. "Would you really feel proud with yourself knowing that were those with the inability to protect themselves suffering and feeling as if all hope for their survival was lost."

After hearing those encouraging words, Pinkie now knows that she has come too far to give up. So she took a deep breath and gaining all the determination and confidence she had, Pinkie Pie zooms back to the ponies and started doing what she does best...Getting ponies’ to notice her.

She pulls out her party cannon, then loads a round-shaped package, with the words 'The Big Boy' on it. Then with a manic smile and rubbing her hooves together, she pulled the trigger string, and then covering her ears and ducking down, her cannon blasted a cloud of confetti into the air.

That definitely got the ponies’ attention as they turned to her in shock as the confetti rained down.

Pinkie Pie then leaps up onto the top of her party cannon and shouted for everyone to hear her, “Everypony, You have to listen to me, because I’ve got some big news for all of you”.

Everypony turned to Pinkie Pie giving her their full attention. Pinkie smiled as she continued her speech, “ Now I know that I’m usually a funny pony who likes to throw parties. But for the first time in my life, I’m being serious now. And I got some pretty bad news to tell you. A big scary Alicorn called Erebus is on his way back after a really really long time, and he’s got a bone to pick with all of Equestria which means only one thing...IT IS THE END OF EQUESTRIA AS WE KNOW IT!” She shouted, waving her front hooves in the air.

Everypony gasped in fright from that news as they now started to panic and wondering what they should do. Pinkie, now seeing they were listening and were very afraid knew she had to calm their fears.

“But have no fear Mares and Gentlecolts, right now the princesses are finding the answers to this problem. So in the meantime, you ponies better get out of here. Gather up everything precious to you and families and move out,” Pinkie Pie declared as everypony now understood began doing as she asked.

Pinkie smiled before she went back over to the Neon sign, "Bravo, BRAVO Ms.Pie! That was an absolutely incredible, amazing, stupendous and magnificent display of letting ponies know that they are in tremendous amount of danger!" Voltwing complimented.

“Thank you so, so, so much for the help Mr. Voltwing. And I Pinkie-Promise I’ll pay you back any way I can,” Pinkie thanked the fire guardian before doing her Pinkie promise motions, “Cross my Heart, hope to fly, Stick a Cupcake in my eye!”

As Pinkie was about to head back out, “Hehe, Well, if that’s the case.” Voltwing chuckled. suddenly her eyes started glowing a bright white, courtesy of Voltwing. It was then until Pinkie saw the image of what appeared to be an ancient temple. “Wait a minute, is that what I think it is?” Pinkie wondered. Pinkie’s eyes were then changed back as Pinkie had a look of realization on her face, “I got to tell Twi about this!” She then tapped on her medallion and the portal to Canterlot appeared and jumped through it.

Applejack was at Appaloosa doing the same as her friends, she even told the Bisons about the threat of Dreadmane. Since she was a trusted member of the Apple family and known for never lying, the ponies and buffalo listened to her. Soon everypony and buffalo started to evacuate and moved toward the buffalo camps to wait out the coming danger.

Applejack watched them moving out on top of a rock, she sighed, “I hope Twilight and the princess find an answer soon. This place has been a huge part of my family for generations, I can’t let that Varmint Erebus take it away.”

A very noble stand, young Apple.” A gruff and serious voice spoke, causing Applejack to jump.

“Who’s there?!” Applejack demanded, whipping her head around, trying to find who spoke.

There is no need to be defensive, Farmmare. I mean no harm,” the voice spoke again.

Applejack just frowned, not letting down her guard “Well then yall better tell me who and where you are?”

Ah, yes forgive me. I am Cliffbore the Guardian of Earth.” The voice introduced himself.

Applejack’s eyes widened, “Cliffbore?! Well, I’ll be. My Granny told me stories about ya and those other Alicorn guardians. I heard you were so strong you could crumble an entire mountain with just one stomp of yer hoof.” She said, “But I thought you were just an old mare's tale.”

Well, girl. Sometimes legends have more truth than you realize.” Cliffbore answered her, as Applejack sat down, “Unfortunately, I did not come here to confirm my existence but to ask for your help.

“My help?” Applejack asked.

Cliffbore sighed, “Yes, I fear my siblings and I have sensed the rising of an old foe.

“Siblings? Wait, you mean the other Guardians? They’re real too?” Applejack asked in shock.

Yes, and now we are in dire need of your help Applejack, I feel you and your other friends may be the only ones who will be able to stop Erebus, once and for all,” said Cliffbore.

“Me? But how, Cliffbore? I’m only just a Farm Pony. Sure me and the gals saved Equestria from some other varmints a few times but I don’t know if I can help much,” said Applejack feeling unsure from this.

I can understand what you are feeling, Applejack. But from what I’ve seen in you is a pony of great honesty and strength. with those talents, you and your friends may be able to beat Dreadmane,” said Cliffbore.

“Well, I don’t know, Cliffbore. But I’ll try...I will try,” Applejack answered with a hint of confidence in herself.

Good, that’s all I can ask for. Before I go, there’s something I need to show you, and remember, 'A great warrior stands up for themself, a greater warrior stands up for others'.” said Cliffbore.

“What?” asked Applejack as her eyes suddenly flashed white, due to Cliffbore’s magic, and what Applejack saw was an ancient temple. Then her eyes went back to normal as Applejack shook her head to recover from what she saw. “Twilight’s gotta know about this,” said Applejack as she tapped on her medallion and jumped through the portal back to Canterlot.

Meanwhile, in the town of Ponyville, everypony was still getting ready for the 60th anniversary of the Founding Of Ponyville, being unaware that Erebus is coming to wreak havoc across Equestria. Fluttershy has been trying to get their attention, but since she’s a shy and timid pony, nopony was listening to her or even looking at her. And no matter how many times Fluttershy tried, she just can’t seem to find her voice.

A few minutes later, Fluttershy had given up trying to warn them and decided to take a little stroll as she stopped under a large willow tree near the edge of a pond and looked down at her reflection in sadness. Fluttershy felt so ashamed that she was such a chicken, her friends trusted her to warn the ponies of their town what was coming and she just couldn’t speak up. “Why do I always have to be the scaredy pony?!” She asked herself, whimpering.

As Fluttershy continued to whimper, a motherly voice of a mare called to her “Is that what you believe or what others tell you, Fluttershy?”.

“EEK! Who’s there?!” Fluttershy squealed, shaking in fear as she heard the voice, looked left and right frantically to see who it was.

Do not be afraid, Fluttershy. I would never harm you, nor any other innocent creature great or small.” The voice assured the frightened pegasus.

Fluttershy still felt a bit scared but calmed herself down but still moved her eyes around, “W-well, if it’s not any trouble, c-could you at least tell me your name?” She asked, meekly.

“Of course my dear.” The voice answered, compassionately. “I am The Guardian of Nature, Gaia Evermane.

Fluttershy gasped and then while beaming, she said “The Gaia Evermane? I’ve heard some amazing stories about you from my animal friends, they say that you have compassion for all living things unlike anything before or since that the sound of your rosy sweet voice could calm even the most terrible of beasts.”

Your animals' stories are correct, young pegasus and they just so happened to speak very highly of you and your kindness.” Gaia complimented, making Fluttershy blush, “But unfortunately I did not come here to congratulate you but to plead for your help.

“M-my Help?” Fluttershy squeaks, her fear returning.

Is there something wrong, Fluttershy? I sense great anxiety within you.” Gaia asked as she felt Fluttershy’s fear.

“I’m sorry Gaia, But I’m not sure if I can help you at all. I can’t even warn the ponies in Ponyville about Dreadmane. I just feel so...scared,” Fluttershy said, hanging her head down in shame.

I understand how you feel, Fluttershy, fear is an emotion we all feel from time to time,” Gaia said, sympathetically.

“Really? But you don’t sound or seem scared to me,” Fluttershy said.

Even the mightiest Warriors can lose themselves to fear, Fluttershy. But only when we desperately care about our family and loved ones, can we overcome it.” Gaia explained.

“But I’m not a warrior, I’m just a cowardly pegasus,” Fluttershy retorted, sadly.

The same cowardly pegasus, who calmed an injured Manticore, stared down the stone gaze of a Cockatrice AND talked to a mighty dragon ten times her size so firmly he cried?” Gaia remarked.

Fluttershy remembered all those times and she remembered in all three of those moments she didn’t feel even a twitch of fear at all, “Yeah, I guess I was pretty brave in those instances.” She realized.

And what drove you to be so brave?” The guardian asked. Fluttershy thought for a moment and then it hit her, “I, wanted to protect my friends.” She gasped.

Exactly, that is what a true warrior or protector thinks when they have to be brave,” Gaia declared as she went on, “And do you not want to protect the people of your village and your animal friends.” Fluttershy looked to the town, filled with innocent ponies and creatures that would be at the mercy of a monster. She then narrowed her eye in determination and stood up tall.

“No, I do want to protect them. I am gonna protect them no matter what it takes. And if Dreadmane ever dares to threaten the innocents of my home, he’s got another thing coming,” Fluttershy said with much more bravery in her voice.

Then go back there and give them your warning and just breathe your courage in and your fear out, and have faith in yourself, remember these words, my dear,” Gaia instructed.

Fluttershy nodded with a smile and headed back to Ponyville to do so. As Fluttershy got back, she headed straight to the Town Hall where Mayor Mare was standing on the porch looking over the decorations until she noticed Fluttershy coming. “ Oh, hello Fluttershy, is everything alright?” The Mayor asked.

Fluttershy got up on the porch and said, “Not exactly, which is why I need to tell everypony something very urgent.”

Mayor Mare raised a brow but nodded “Excuse me everypony! may I have your attention please?” She announced as everypony turned their attention to the two mares on the porch. “While I am impressed by all of your hard work I believe Ms. Fluttershy would like to say something.”

Everypony turned their attention to the said pegasus. Fluttershy started to feel her fear coming back but then, she steeled herself and remembered Gaia's words “Just Breathe Your Courage In and Your Fear Out,” She chanted mentally, breathing in and out slowly.

After taking her breaths, Fluttershy spoke up, “Everypony, I must tell you something very important. I’ve just been informed that we are all in great danger. An ancient evil is coming and is plotting to destroy everything in his path, His name, Lord Erebus.”

The ponies gasped in fright, though they’ve never heard of Erebus. They knew that if one of the Elements of Harmony was warning them about this pony, he had to be dangerous. But in the crowd, everypony heard what sounded like someone spitting their drink, they turned to see it was Discord, clearing his throat while holding a glass of chocolate milk, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Did you say Lord Erebus?” He asked, flying above the crowd towards Fluttershy, “As in 'The Dreaded Alicorn Lord of Darkness', Lord Erebus?!”

“Yes, Discord, The very one, I’m afraid,” Fluttershy replied.

“Excuse me,” Discord then took another sip of his drink again and then spit it out again in shock, “What?!” Hearing that Erebus was back brought back some unwanted memories for the Lord of Chaos.

“Um, Mr. Discord, do you know this Erebus?” a Unicorn Filly asked, as Discord suddenly looked nervous.

“Well, I don’t know him personally, but what I do know is that he is a very dangerous Alicorn. Some even call him “The Living Nightmare Alicorn”,” Discord replied, causing some to shiver but Fluttershy felt Discord wasn’t being completely honest.

“ Discord, is there something you’re not telling us?” Fluttershy asked in suspicion, thinking that her friend was hiding something.

Discord gulped nervously in fear and embarrassment. He really doesn’t want to tell Fluttershy about his history with Erebus, especially in front of all of ponyville. But since Fluttershy is his best friend, Discord knows that he has to tell the truth, since Honesty is one of the Elements of Harmony. So taking a deep breath, Discord said “I tell you later, but not in front of everypony.”

“ Alright, that’s all I can ask,” Fluttershy nodded.

Discord felt better after she said that. Then an Earth Pony stallion spoke up and asked “ But Fluttershy, what are we gonna do when this Dreadmane comes?”.

Fluttershy knew that this would sadden the citizens but she knows that it’s the only way for everypony to be safe. So breathing in and out slowly, Fluttershy said “ I’m afraid the only thing we could do is that hold off on the preparations for the anniversary of Ponyville and head to Canterlot until the danger has passed.”

“You think the princesses might have the answer for this problem?” a Pegasus mare asked.

“I can only hope they do. In the meantime, we better get ourselves ready to head to Canterlot,” Fluttershy.

“ Okay, you heard Fluttershy, gather up your families and belongings and let us move out,” Mayor Mare said as everypony went off to do so. While everypony was heading home to gather their stuff, Angel was hopping towards Town Hall as Fluttershy noticed him and said “ Oh, Angel, thank goodness you’re alright. Listen I need you to go and tell the other animals to meet us at Canterlot.”

Angel saluted as head off to do what he was told. As Angel went back to the cottage and the citizens of Ponyville were gathering their belongings, Fluttershy smiled for she had succeeded in not only warning the other ponies, but she had gone over her fear by using Gaia’s breathing technique. Feeling thankful, Fluttershy said “Thank you, Gaia Evermane for helping me. I wish there was something I could do for you in return.”

Well, there is something.” Gaia answered, confusing Fluttershy, “What?” Fluttershy asked.

That’s when Fluttershy’s eyes suddenly flashed white, due to Gaia using her magic, and what Fluttershy saw was an ancient temple located somewhere in a distant jungle. After that, Fluttershy’s eyes were then changed back to normal as Fluttershy gasped in amazement and got an idea. “ I need to head to Canterlot right away. I’ll bet Twilight might have some answer about this,” Fluttershy said as she began to fly back to Canterlot.

Discord noticed her leaving, “Hey! Wait for me!” He shouted, before taking off after her while holding six suitcases, two in each hand and two in his tail. Meanwhile, a mysterious pony was watching the two fly off. The only noticeable thing about her besides her golden coat was the black jacket she wore. She then turned towards the train station and walked to it.

Meanwhile, at the library of Canterlot, Twilight, Cadance, and Spike were reading every book to find something that could help them defeat Erebus. But so far, there hasn’t been any useful information they could use nor any books that told about how Dreadmane was defeated the first time. Spike and Cadance were getting frustrated not finding the one book, but the one pony who was the most frustrated was Twilight. Being the smart and clever bookworm she is, Twilight has read every book on Equestrian History but even that didn’t help her either. But for some reason, Twilight’s mind couldn’t stop thinking about Erebus, there was something about him that nagged at her, something familiar.

Twilight’s thoughts were then interrupted when Flash Sentry walked next to her with Flurry Heart riding on the stallion’s back. “Hey, find anything yet?” Flash asked, Twilight fought to keep the blush off her face.

“No, we’ve looked in every scroll, book, and passage in this whole library and found squat!” Twilight retorted, slamming her head on the table.

“We can’t give up, Twilight. I know we will find something that can help us,” Cadance said.

“But what? We’ve searched through everything and nothing fits the bill! It’s not like the answer is gonna drop right into our-” Spike complained, reaching for a book, only for it to make a clicking noise and the shelves moved revealing an old and dusty book hidden behind it.

“Huh? What’s this?” Twilight asked as she used her magic to lift the book up from the shelf and bring it over to her.

Twilight placed the book down on the table and blew off all the dust on it. When the dust was blown off they saw that the book was colored navy blue with gold details and titled 'The Legend Of The 6 Elementals' in gold letters. Spike and Cadance have never seen this kind of book before, but Twilight was the one to be surprised to ever know that a book like this existed. “The Legend Of The 6 Elementals? I never heard of this book before,” Twilight said reading the title.

“Neither have I. And by the looks of how much dust is collected, it must have been abandoned for centuries,” Cadance said.

“The Legend Of The 6 Elementals? You know, for some reason I feel like I’ve heard about them somewhere before. I just can’t remember where, exactly,” Spike said trying to recall where he may have heard that title before.

“You think this book might have the answers we’re looking for?” Flash asked.

“Only one way to find out if it does,” Twilight said as she opened the book to the first pages.

Once upon a time, when Equestria was very young, there were six powerful ponies, each in command of different elements that gave the kingdom life,” Twilight said as she started reading the book.

“Elements? Like the Elements of Harmony?” Spike asked thinking that the book might be referring to the Elements of Harmony.

“I’m not so sure, from what the book describes, it’s probably talking about a different set of elements,” Twilight said.

“But what other elements do you think this book could be talking about?” Flash asked.

“Maybe if we read more of the book we might just find out what they are,” Cadance suggested.

Twilight nodded in agreement as she flipped to the next page, “The Five Elements were as followed: Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, Thunder, and Nature. Together with these elements, the Sux Alicorns became the guardians of Equestria protecting it and its people from those who would do them harm.” She read, showing pictures of the five ponies, A red stallion surrounded by flames, a brown stallion standing atop a mountain, a silver mare soaring through the clouds, a blue mare swimming through the sea, a yellow stallion flying through arches of lightning and a green mare sitting underneath many trees. In the final picture, it showed all 6 of them standing together. What really struck them was that they were all alicorns.

“Wait, the Six Guardians were, Alicorns?!” Twilight gasped, double and triple checking the book.

“B-but that can’t be!” Cadence said feeling surprised and confused, “Auntie told me that you, me, her, Flurry, and Luna were the only alicorns in existence.” They were all very confused now. Were these 6 other Alicorns real and if they were, was it possible that there were even more of them?

“Maybe there’s a good explanation for this. I mean maybe whoever wrote this book probably just made that part up.” Spike suggested, trying to come up with an answer to their question.

“But Spike this book is showing us the picture of them and they look like they could be real,” Twilight said, showing Spike the picture to prove what she’s talking about.

“Ok, that is pretty convincing but-,” Spike tried to rebut, but nothing came up. Cadance just took a breath and spoke.

“Keep reading Twilight, there has to be more to this legend than that.”

Twilight turned her attention back to the book and continued reading what’s next on the page “The six succeeded in protecting Equestria for many years, United in friendship and under the guidance of, the King and Queen?” Twilight read the next part but her confusion returned.

“'King and Queen'?” The others repeated.

“Okay, this book has got to be a fake. Everypony knows that Equestria was ruled by the royal sisters and they were 'princesses'!” Spike pointed out, stating that in ancient times Equestria was under the rule of Celestia and Luna.

“That’s right, I’m not even sure if there ever was a king or queen,” Cadence added.

Flash then noticed the next page, “Look a picture.” They all saw the said picture and saw it was the five Guardians along with what looked like a younger Celestia and Luna, surrounding two other alicorns in the center. One was a stallion with a light blue coat and darker blue mane and the other was a mare with magenta coat and golden and orange, pink striped mane and both wore golden regalia that looked much more impressive looking than the royal sisters.

“Who are they?” Spike asked, pointing to the alicorn pair in the center.

“That must be the King and Queen the book, mentioned.” Flash reasoned. Twilight was strangely quiet as she stared at the picture, she recognized the alicorns, they were the same ones from her dream last night. ‘They were real? But then, who was that little filly I was?” She wondered.

“Wait, look at this it says their names,” Cadance said, once again snapping Twilight out of it. She looked to the side-note and read it, “The five guardians, Princesses Celestia and Luna and-” She gasped, noticing something about the last two names.

She backed away slowly. “It, it can’t be.” She said, hauntedly.

“Twilight? What’s wrong?” Flash asked as Flurry gurgled in concern.

“Twilight, what did it say?” Cadance asked as Twilight began to hyperventilate.

“This can’t be true? This is just a trick! Or a sick prank from Discord it-it has to be!” Twilight shouted, gripping her head.

Spike approached her, feeling very worried, “Twilight what are you talking about? What can’t be true?” He asked. But Twilight didn’t answer she shook her head and then ran out of the Library. Spike called out for her, “Twilight, wait!”

Flash watched as she disappeared down the halls, “What in Equestria was that about-”

A loud gasp of shock and horror interrupted him and the two boys turned to see Flurry Heart looking at the page with innocent curiosity while her mother had her hooves over her muzzle.

“Cadence what is it?” Spike asked, Cadance turned her gaze to the boys then shakily lifted the book into their view and pointed to the side note. Flash and Spike narrowed their eyes at the last part and their jaws dropped at what it said. Cadance seeing their shock read the part aloud, “King Cobalt and Queen Aurora Sparkle.

Twilight was racing through the halls, her mind overloading with confusion, and fear. The King and Queen of Equestria, the ponies from her dream. Had her last name. How could this be? Were they just her distant ancestors? Was possible that they were-

No, no, no! they can’t be them! They’re thousands of years old! My great-grandparents probably weren’t even born yet!’ Twilight tried to reason. But from what she could tell the stallion definitely had her mane colors and the mare had her coat, eyes, and hairstyle and from what she remembered from her dream, the pair had referred to the filly she was seeing the dream from, as their daughter.

She shook her head again, refusing to accept, no matter how much her heart desired to know who her birth parents were, this wasn’t what she wanted. She knew that there was only one mare who could confirm it, a mare she had come to love and trust like a mother. She pushed through a double doorway and shouted, “Princess Celestia!”.

Celestia and Luna looked with shock to see Twilight burst into their throne room. “Twilight is something wrong?” Celestia asked in concern.

“Oh, you bet your crowns there’s something wrong! The others and I were just at the library. And I just so happened to have found an old book that told me about not only the 5 Guardian Alicorns but also about an Alicorn King and Queen!” Twilight said, with distraught and anger.

“Wait, did you say, King and Queen?” Luna asked, with a hint of fear hoping she misheard what Twilight had said.

“Yes! And did you two happen to know their names are Cobalt and Aurora Sparkle?” Twilight demanded, gesturing her hoof out.

The princess’s eyes dilated as Luna bit her lip and Celestia’s face turned more of a ghostly shade of white than her usual pearl color. Celestia tried to come up with an excuse but seeing that there’s no way for them to get out of this, she and Luna knew it was time they tell Twilight the truth. So taking a deep breath and gathering up her courage, Celestia was the first to walk up to Twilight and spoke.

“Twilight, come with us. There’s something I should’ve told you a long time ago.” Celestia said as she walked off with Twilight following behind her. Luna was the last to follow them as they leave the throne room.

Celestia and Luna brought Twilight to the hallways where Twilight sees the glass windows with pictures telling the history of Equestria. But then she sees something ahead of them. It appears that in front of them are two tall doors but they are a much different color than the others. Twilight also noticed there’s a lock on the doors, which means this must be a forbidden chamber of the castle.

Celestia and Luna joined their magic together to unlock the lock and then opened the door. Celestia gestured for Twilight to enter the chamber first. Twilight was hesitant at first, but gathering up her courage, she entered the chamber with the royal sisters following behind her. As they entered, Twilight saw that the chamber was filled with glass windows with a much older history of Equestria. As Twilight continued looking around in awe, she saw something familiar in one of the windows. In that glass window, is a picture of the 6 Alicorn Guardians, the Princesses, King Cobalt, and Queen Aurora Sparkle. “I never knew this place was even here,” Twilight said in surprise and amazement.

"This city holds many secrets of Equestria's past, though there are some parts of its history that are best left to be forgotten,” Luna said.

“But Celestia, just who are King Cobalt and Queen Aurora?” Twilight asked her former 'Teacher'.

Celestia sighed, and told her, their story. “Cobalt Sparkle was the first ruler of Equestria, he was one of the greatest spell casters in the land and was loved and admired by all.” She gestured to the window on her right, showing Cobalt sitting on a throne with ponies kneeling before him, then continued “While Aurora was the previous Element of Magic before you were born, making her raw power incredibly strong. She was the Seventh member of the Elemental Guardians as they wielded the other Elements of Harmony.” Gesturing to the window to her left showed Aurora standing alongside the other six alicorns.

Twilight listen with wide eyes, shocked to hear that this King and Queen were so powerful, “What’s more Aurora was our older sister and when she married Cobalt and became queen, Tia and I were dubbed princesses alongside her.” Luna explained, “This is why we have always held the title of Princesses, for the honor of being a queen belongs only to our sister.”

“I suppose that makes sense but it still doesn’t answer why this King and Queen have my last name?” Twilight asked. She turned to Celestia, her expression pleading, “Princess, I have a very strong feeling I know why but please tell me I’m wrong. Please, Please tell me that they aren’t who I think they are.”

Celestia sighed because she knew this will probably hurt Twilight more than anything before, but she knows it was time for her former “Faithful Student” to know the truth. “ Twilight, I’m afraid your instincts are correct. They are indeed...your true parents,” Celestia said sadly, pointing to the picture of the King and Queen.

At that moment, Twilight’s whole world came crashing down, she walked over to the window, placing a hoof on it and looked up seeing The King and Queen of Equestria. Her parents. “I knew it. I knew that’s what they were.” She whimpered, as tears built up in her eyes then realized something else, “Wait, if Queen Aurora is my mother and your older sister, then that means...you two are my, my,” Twilight hesitated, backing away from the two sisters.

Celestia and Luna drooped their heads in shame but nodded. Twilight put her hoof over her mouth with a gasp and tears were starting to fall down her face as she felt the life she had lived thus far was nothing but a sham. First, she learned she was adopted, then she learned that her birth parents were an Alicorn King and Queen, and now she has learned that Princess Celestia and Luna are her aunts the whole time.

She felt so betrayed, angry, and upset at her ‘aunts’ for deceiving for so long, mostly her elder one, “You lied to me. About yourself, my family, the elements! Everything!

Celestia could sense what was about happen and tried to defuse the situation reaching out for her niece, “No, Twilight wait! Just let me explain-”

DON’T TOUCH ME!” Twilight screamed, slapping away the princess’s hoof, before glaring at the two with absolute hatred, “You two were just stringing me along this whole time! You could've raised me yourself but you let some random couple do it for you!” She accused her words of piercing the sisters’ hearts.

“No, Twilight. We didn’t even know-” Luna tried to explain but Twilight cut her off again.

“You probably wanted Night Light to find me, didn't you Celestia?! You wanted him and Twilight Velvet to raise me so you could just sit back and relax on a throne that didn’t even belong to either you or Luna!” Twilight shouted at the Sun princess, too upset to call the unicorn couple who adopted her mom and dad anymore. looking very ashamed for lying to Twilight for so long. But then Twilight gasped, “But then that also means you didn’t just make me your student and sent me to Ponyville, so I could get your sister back, you just did to make sure I was as far from my place on the throne as possible!”

The two sisters were horrified that their niece would even consider them so heartless, “No! NO! Twilight you have to believe me! I-I always intended to give you the throne once you were ready!” Celestia stammered out her answer, and Luna nodded in agreement.

“Well guess what?! You can keep it!” She then turned her flanks on the two sisters and ran out of the Chamber, “Because I don’t want anything to do with either one of my families! Birth or Adopted! Especially you two!” She cried out, as tears streamed down her cheeks.

“TWILIGHT!” Celestia called for her, reaching her hoof out. But it dropped as she watched the young mare disappear down the hall, Tears then built up in her eyes. “Twilight,” She wept, and fell to her knees and sobbed. She had failed. She had failed Equestria, her sisters, her brother, Herself, and most of all, her niece.

She felt Luna sit beside her. She nuzzled her neck as her own tear dripped from her eyes, “It will be okay Tia, I promise.” She whispered to her heartbroken sister.

“I’m a terrible aunt.” Celestia sobbed, clenching her eyes.

Luna shook her head, “No, you were only trying to shield her from something terrible. Yes, she does resent us now but I know she will return to us.” Celestia just leaned her head down on Luna’s and exhaled.

“I hope you're right Lulu.” She said softly, looking back at the window of her, Luna, Aurora, Cobalt, and the other guardians together, “I so desperately hope for your right.”

After she ran out of the chamber Twilight, retreated into her room and placed as many locking spells on the door as she could. She then proceeded to scream, thrash and kick at everything and anything she could. Soon her room was a mess and she flopped onto her bed.

She just glared angrily at the picture of her, her friends, ‘adoptive’ family, and her aunts all smiling, just a reminder she was living a life of lies. “They’re all liars. My adoptive parents, the princesses. Even my friends.” She said bitterly, remembering how they all selfishly abandoned her at the Canterlot wedding.

“They never cared about me. They just used me to get what they wanted! Everypony around me are Li-” Twilight rant ended abruptly as she felt a wave of tiredness, the same one she felt this morning, “Wh-what? Why is this happening now...”

Twilight’s eyes closed as she went under, entering another deep sleep.

Author's Note:

Well, here it is. The third chapter of the story. And Let me tell you writing two chapters was not easy.

Now you are probably wondering why I decide to do two chapters, well since you've all been so pushy about me finishing this story and get back to My little Ninjago I figured I speed up the process. But now I'm exhausted. So I'm taking a break from writing and focus on my real life for a time.

I want to make It clear to all of you that I and every other author here on Fimfiction aren't robots that fulfill their master's command. We're living people who get tired and have lived on the other side which is more important than this, so please just be patient when I or any other are working on a new chapter.

Now with that out of the way, on to the Summery. Again all credit for the Text belongs to Dinoman213. We've now seen that Chrysalis has formed an alliance with Dreadmane and he has somehow gotten a hold of the Alicorn Amulet and plans to absorb the Guardians' powers for his revival.

Meanwhile, Starlight and Shining have warned the ponies of Erebus and it seems we got a mysterious pony who seems to know about Dreadmane and the guardians. Speaking of which the Mane 5 after spreading the warning of Dreadmane the 5 alicorns speak to them, asking for help, but for what exactly? And it seems Discord is hiding something about Dreadmane from Fluttershy.

What's more, Twilight finally learns the truth about her true Family heritage from Celestia and Luna. And is overcome with anger, distrust, and sorrow of her Aunties for keeping this secret from her. Forgive me if this reveal was too soon but I felt it would be the best outcome.

Next time, Twilight has a dream therapy session with an ancient Sorceror and wakes just in time to see an old friend who drops by to join the adventure.

Will Twilight overcome her Anger and resentment toward the Royal sisters or continue to hold on to it? Who were the ponies in the Crystal Empire, and Ponyville? And what kind of help do the Guardians need from the Mane 6? Put your guesses in the comments below and find out what the answers are in the next chapter.

Don't forget to Like, Comment, and Follow me on Fimfiction.

stay cool, stay friends and I'll see you on the website.


Comments ( 21 )

Why isn't there an OC tag?

Wow, that is shocking, I sorta gotten a hint from that two chapters ago but didn’t figure it out until now, and the elements of guardians were alicorns and Twilight’s real parents are royalty and both alicorns, and twilight found out the truth and feel the rage and distrust now, wow that’s wild but interesting to see what happens next, keep up the great work

Cool. I love Twilight learning the truth of her birth parents.

Well in my story, that's a retcon.

Twilight, you should STOP saying stuff that you will regret.

While I'm still pissed at Celestia and Luna for keeping this huge secret for this long, too!!!! BUT, I'm only mad at those two.

DON'T drag your Friends, Spike, and your adopted family into this!

Such a powerful chapter this is. Well, I hope Twilight Sparkle will finally give Celestia a chance to explain everything despite that they both had been living a 1,000 year old lie.

As for Chrysalis, I always knew that she would meet Lord Dreadmane after fleeing from her former kingdom. However, despite her allegiance towards Lord Dreadmane, I hope she will come to her senses over the fact that the dark Alicorn is just using her to get what he wanted.

Anyway, thanks for posting these two chapters.

I've finally managed to read the two new chapters.
For the first one, I liked how its been pointed out that Spike and Twilight were both adopted and how Spike tried to comfort her.

Now we know name of the main enemy then pretty much and how Chysalis is back in the picture.
Why do I feel like that cloaked figure is Sombra due to the whole fear thing?

Given how Celestia had info on Twilight's origins, I wonder if she had hidden info on Spike's too?
Given how his egg was at her school and yet she did not tell Spike at all on where the hell did she get his egg from.
Shame the show did not explain to us Spike's real origins at all.
Its real crazy in seeing Twilight snapping at the sisters like that when she found out the truth.

In fact I wonder if Spike will have connections to the guardians like the Mane 6 were? Would they be speaking to him too?
Or is he sadly blocked from truly being part of the Mane 6's bond because of destiny?

“Well, you guessed correctly. Because of that pesky Starlight Glimmer, I lost my citizens and my hive and now I am out there trying to live and out of sight, while trying to find a way to exact my revenge,” Chrysalis growled.

“I don’t know much about the five idiots personally. But I do know that she’s just the second pony to have ruined my plans,” Chrysalis.

When will Chrysalis realize its Spike befriending Thorax that ultimately caused her to lose her hive?
In fact since she doesn't even acknowledge Spike's existence at all, it makes it feel like Spike got no credit AT ALL in the changelings reforming.
Actually it makes it even less sense for her to nab Spike too in the season 6 finale if she doesn't even acknowledge him, given by the logic of her ignoring Starlight by not nabbing her too.

That's all I got for this chapter.

Very good storie, the truth as been revealed ! Waiting for the next update.

please update it ? Will dreadmane gather other villains like sombra,tirek,the sirens ,the pony of shadows, tempest shadow and the storm king in this story ?


Doubt it? Because, he is obviously gonna betray them all, and disposed of them as well.

Plus, I don't think the author answered your question?


Took you long? :rainbowhuh:

Anyway, what do you think about my other comment;


Next chapter?

1121757 some friends of mine our helping me come up with some ideas.

And I had to rewrite the prologue

I'm imaging twilight's rage right now.

I can imagine twilight's rage and I know that takes time to heal from betrayal.
I know Celestia meant good but she should not have done that :facehoof:

P.s Can I ask when is next part coming

I'm waiting for the continuation.

Next chapter?

It has been 2 years, and I have waited for the next chapter to come out. So just let me know when it does, please?

I wonder when the next chapter will come out

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