• Published 13th Aug 2021
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The Little Pony Legend: Tales of Equestria - MaggiesHeartLove

A collection of stories staring Team Avatar Harmony and their adventures in Equestria before The Great Change

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Chapter 10–Pinkie Pride

"Hello everybody!

Why am I wearing a party hat, you ask?

Well, today is Rainbow Dash's birthday!

And who better to plan the celebration than our very own, Pinkie Pie! Oh, yes. That little pony certainly has a talent for making friends smile. Bet there aint no pony else like her in all of….oh, wait. Actually, there was this one pony who nearly took Pinkie's thunder.

Want to hear the tale?

Well, it all started in Ponyville, and Pinkie Pie was ac cheerful as ever,


Proverbs 15:13 ~

A glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the spirit.


Pinkie Pride

Like every day in Equestria, the always lovable Pinkie Pie trotted joyfully, spreading nothing but cheer and smiles wherever she went. It was her life's goal to make everypony smile. Not only that, but she had even gotten her two human friends Bolin and Ikki to help her as well. They carried bags of streamers and inflated balloons, while Pinkie carried hers in her saddle bag. The confetti inside sprayed outwards, almost on its own.

"Wow, Pinkie." said Ikki, "You sure got a lot of party stuff. What's all this for?"

"You'll see Ikki!" the pony responded with a dazzling smile, "If there is one thing I always make sure of, it's that every party is filled with smiles all around!

Music filled the air as she sang her heart out,

Pinkie Pie;

Every single day there's something new you can plan for

Every single day there's something wonderful to do

As she sang she summersaulted, using her airbending to release streamers onto the roof of houses in a lovely fashion.

But nothing makes me happy like a day that I can say

"Today I planned a party, and it's just for you!"

The three friends stopped in front of a Vendor pony who was selling streamers.

"How's it going today, Pinkie?" he asked.

"Great, thanks! Got any streamers today?"

The Vendor Pony chuckled as he handed her a roll of streamers, "You betcha! Big party planned?"

"Don't you know it!" Pinkie said once the roll of streamers rolled onto her bag.

"So what is the party for?" Bolin asked, "You still haven't told us."

"Well duh! Then it wouldn't be a surprise not would it."

"Is it for us?!"

"No, silly!"

Pinkie Pie;

Don't have much time to gather all the things I need

If I'm really gonna make this party fly

Pinkie Pie leaped from roof to roof as she sang.

For today's another day that all of Ponyville will say


There goes the super party pony Pinkie Pie!

Mr. and Mrs. Cake walked along with their babies napping in their stroller.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake;

She planned our first foal shower where we played all sorts of games

Having so much fun as we chose Pound and Pumpkin's names

As they sang, Bolin cooed at the little foals. "Aww, aren't you cure little---Ow!" Bolin ran off once Pound Cake bit his finger.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon watched Pinkie Pie gallop away as they drank milkshakes, one which Diamond too from her supposed best friend.

Diamond Tiara;

She planned my cute-ceañera my dad made me, I won't lie

I demanded all the best, I suppose she passed the test

Sure it was pretty good all thanks to Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie;

"Thanks, I guess?"

"What color paints do you need?" asked another vendor pony, this time felling art supplies. He spoke in a french accent.

"I'm gonna need the full rainbow!" Pinkie said cheerfully while the colors were poured into her bag.

"A paintbrush too?"

"Yes, if you please!"

A female unicorn vendor pony selling banners asked, "And what from me?"

"Your biggest banner! This party's gonna be the best!"

"Haha I don't doubt it!" the unicorn smiled when Pinkie placed a hat over her horn.

As Pinkie went from vendor pony to vendor pony, buying everything she needed while Bolin and Ikki assisted with the things she bought.


Pinkie Pie's a mystery, but a real fun to say


I'm betting there's not other pony with a heart as big and bright as day!


Every single day there's something new we can plan for

Every single day there's something wonderful to try

But nothing makes us happy like a day that we can say

"Today there'll be a party planned by Pinkie Pie!"

In front of Sugar Cue corner, Pinkie Pie was already working on the banner while the Mane Six, the rest of Team Avatar and even the airbender kids watched in amazement as she joyfully painted the banner with all of her love and creativity.


"I don't know how she does it."


"Wow, look at her go!"


"Oh, boy! This is gonna be good!"


"Go, Pinkie, go!"


There's no other pony like her, no pony that could be

As great! (As great!) As fun! (As fun!)

As our super party pony Pinkie!

As the song came to close, Twilight and Rarity levitated the banner and Pinkie Pie showered balloons and confetti everywhere.

Pinkie Pie jumped happily and ruffled Rarity's mane, "Ooh, I am so, so, SO excited because today I'm planning the birthday bash of... Rainbow Dash!"

"Yeah!" the rainbow pegasus posed in the same position she was drawn on the banner and high hoofed her pink friend.

Bolin finally out two and two together, "Oooooooh, that explains all of the rainbow colors."

Mako rolled his eyes at his brother's denseness, while Asami simply giggled. It was kind of adorable when Bolin was clueless.

Then, almost suddenly, Pinkie Pie's tone grew serious. "Rainbow Dash."

"Yes, Pinkie?"

"You realize that, by enlisting me as your party planner, I guarantee that this is going to be the funnest, most fantabulous, superbial party in Ponyville?" as she said all of this, she literally gained up on Rainbow Dash and she was now on the ground, feeling somewhat concerned for Pinkie's sternness.

"Uh…yeah? I guess."

"No guesses! Parties are no picnic."

"Except when they are." Korra pointed out, "Remember that one you made for us at Air Temple Island?"

"I like a nice picnic party." said Fluttershy, who then backed away when Pinkie started growling with her ears lowered and eyes narrowed. "Oh…never mind." she dashed away.

Pinkie turned back to Rainbow Dash underneath her, "Parties. Are. Serious! And you have my certified Pinkie Party Promise" she literally stuck a cupcake in her eye, "that you will have the best birthday party ever!""

Rainbow cringed, "Okay."

"Great!" and Pinkie returned back to her old self once more, "Now, who's ready to join this super duper party pony to plan this super duper part-y?"

"I am."

Everypony gasped once they spotted a strange and mysterious orange colored stallion, leaning against the wall of a house. His body was covered in a grey-colored poncho and wore a grey-colored hat over his face, and a party horn in his mouth. The humans looked at him skeptically, who was this pony? And why was everybody else to shocked to see him?"

Meelo stood up tall, addressing to the new character. "Who are you, stranger?"

The pony spit out the party horn before speaking. His mane and tail were chocolate brown and curly, almost as curly as Pinkie's and as he walked away from the house, it was revealed he was carrying a rubber chicken on his back. His voice was deep and serious.

"Name's Cheese Sandwich. I plan parties."

"What an amazing coincidence! I'm Pinkie Pie, and I'm planning a party!"

Ikki stepped froward, smiling widely, "She's the best there is!"

"Oh, it's no coincidence, my little pony." said the stallion.

"Ohh! He said it!" Bolin exclaimed excitedly, reining confused looks from the rest, "What?"

"My cheesy sense was a-tingling, telling me a party was in the works."

"A cheesy sense?" Pinkie asked, already becoming fascinated with this new pony, "Ah! Double amazing! I have a Pinkie Sense!"

"Yes. I sensed you did." the stallion said in a serious tone, his hat was tilted up a bit, showing his green eyes, "And I happen to be the premiere party planner in all of Equestria. If there's a party in need, there I'll be. Be it wingding, hoedown, hootenanny, or shindig, I'm your pony."

Bolin looked at him with wide eyes, "Wow….I'm bored!"

Pinkie Pie hoped along towards him, excited to meet another party planning pony, "A pair of party pony planners in Ponyville?! What can be more perfect?!"

"I'll tell you what" said Rainbow Dash, "-- making this party epic! 'Cause this isn't just any birthday. It's also the anniversary of when I moved to Ponyville!"

"Wait, you moved here on your birthday?" Mako asked curiously, "Really?"

"You know it, city boy!"

"Good heavens, Rainbow Dash." Rarity said with a smile, "It's your "birth-iversary"!"

"Exactly! So what do you say, party planners?" she said to the two ponies, "Think you're up for the challenge."

Korra crossed her arms, smiling proudly, "If anypony can throw an epic party, it's Pinkie Pie."

"Oh, I think we can do it!" Pinkie said while hopping, but Cheese Sandwich shook his head.

"Oh, I don't think so."

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie gasped until...

"I know so!" suddenly, Cheese Sandwich's voice no longer sounded low and serious, but hyper and energetic. He removed his poncho and hat, revealing his really curly brown mane and wore a yellow shirt, revealing a cutie mar depicting a cheese sandwich styled into the form of an accordion. The hat and poncho landed on Meelo, who quite liked his new look.

"I did not see that coming." Asami said, amazed to see the sudden shift in the pony's character.

Cheese Sandwich;

"After all…"

The super-duper party pony–that pony is me

I always knew that was the kind of pony I would be

Pinkie Pie;

"Me too!"

Mako quickly covered his ears, "Oh, boy!"

Cheese Sandwich;

Come on, ponies! Who here likes to party?" he hugged an elderly pony, "Ha-ha! You do! I can tell!"

When I was but a little colt, I just wanted to play

Pinkie Pie;

"Like me!"

Cheese Sandwich;

But everypony told me, "Cheese, that fun just wastes the day"

Pinkie Pie;

"As if!"

Cheese Sandwich;

But when I threw a party and I busted out some moves

Pinkie Pie;


Cheese Sandwich;

The ponies finally saw the light and got into the groove

Pinkie Pie;

"You know it!"

Korra whispered to Mako, "I think those two are gonna get along."

"No, really?" Mako asked sarcastically.

Cheese then started to play an accordion, dressed as a mountain german.

Cheese Sandwich;

The super-duper party pony–that pony is me

Pinkie Pie;

"And me!"

Cheese Sandwich;

You'll never meet another party pony quite like Cheese!

Pinkie Pie;

"Uh, Pinkie?"

Cheese Sandwich;

"Hey, good-lookin', want some mayonnaise?"

My parties are all off the hook

I never plan them by the book

I start out fun, then whoopsie-daisy

Everybody just gets crazy!

Bored of snacks made by your mom?

How about a giant party bomb?

Huge piñatas filled with cake

Or dive into my fruit punch lake!

The super-duper party pony–that pony is me

You'll never meet another party pony quite like Cheese

As he sang along, playing his accordion (his words matching his antics at that moment), every pony in town was smiling broadly. This stallion certainly lived up to his name and loved doing his job. Even the airbender kids danced along to the silliness, enchanted by the comedy and joy this pony brought. However, Korra was soon realizing how out of the loop Pinkie was feeling. It was then that her joy and enthusiasm began to die down a bit.

Cheese Sandwich;

Oh, when I throw a Cheese party, be sure to not be lame

And miss my pie fights, wacky kites, and streamers in your mane

Fizzy drinks, Hawaiian shirts, and brie fondue delight

You know that with Cheese Sandwich, you'll be partying all night!

Rainbow Dash;

"C'mon, everypony! Let's party down with Cheese!"

A mini stamped trampled over Pinkie, completely ignoring her. Even Bolin, Asami Ikki, Meelo and Jinora joined in, but Korra and Mako were left behind, looking down at a concerned Pinkie Pie.


"You're really a certified party pony?"

Cheese Sandwich;

"That's right! That's my guarantee!"

The super-duper party pony–that pony is me-e-e-e-e

The new stallion was carried away by the other ponies, leaving behind a very depressed and lonely Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie;

But what about the super party pony named Pinkie...?

She sat on the ground, feeling depressed, when her dear Avatar kneeled down and stroked her curly pink mane. Even Mako sat down to comfort her. They were the only ones who remained with her.


Rainbow Dash flipped through the air in excitement, "Yeah! Hah, now that's what I'm talking about! I'm so stoked you're here, Cheese Sandwich!"

"Yeah. You sure did come on the right day." said Applejack.

"Your party sounds simply divine." said Rarity.

Ikki skipped along as the ponies continue to carry Cheese Sandwich, "Is there going to be a large cake, a lots, and lots of candy, and party games and confetti everywhere and balloons?"

"You know it, little one!" he winked.

"Wow! We're so lucky to have you here." said Bolin.

"I'll say!" Twilight agreed.

"Just doing my job, little fillies." he said happily.

Pinkie Pie managed to catch up with the rest, with Korra and Mako alongside her, while Rainbow flew beside Cheese, "I mean, Pinkie Pie's parties are fun and sweet and all, but now this party's gonna be--"


"You said it! Oh, yeah!" she and Cheese high hoofed while Pinkie Pie watched sadly from afar. Korra narrowed her eyes and cleared her throat, loud enough for Rainbow to hear her.


Rainbow heard and realized that Pinkie was right behind them. "Uh, heh, no offense, Pinkie."

Pinkie Pie didn't want anybody to know just how hurt she felt, so she wiped away her tears with her tongue, "Uh, n-none taken." she squeed.

Korra couldn't bare to see her friend so depressed and so she took it upon herself to make sure that she would manage to plan Rainbow's party. But once the crowd grew farther away, Pinkie Pie walked off in the other direction, hanging her head sadly.

"Pinkie!" she ignored Korra's cries and walked away. Korra narrowed her eyes, "I don't know who this Cheese guy is, but--"

"Didn't he just sing a whole musical number, describing exactly who he is?" Mako stated.

Korra face palmed herself, "You know what I mean!"

"What's the big deal? He's just planing Rainbow's party."

"Did you not see how heartbroken Pinkie was?! Party planning his her job and I am not letting some flamboyant pony in a poncho take that from her!"

Mako tried to get her to listen to reason, but once Korra sets her mind on something, there was only so much one could do to change her opinion. "Korra, I understand your frustration. You care about Pinkie Pie, but maybe you're both looking at this the wrong way."

Korra groaned in annoyance, "You know what, forget it." she walked away in a huff, leaving Mako behind.



Meanwhile, Cheese Sandwich was already working on Rainbow's party. With the assistance from the other ponies, they made a stage with a flashy banner with Rainbow's face, hangers with rainbow lightning bolts of avery color and balloons in the form of her cutie mark/

"My birth-iversary's already looking way cooler!" Rainbow said excitedly while Cheese supervised everything while looking at his clipboard, "You are my kind of party pony, Cheese Sandwich."

Cheese chuckled as the two but heads playfully, "You got that right, Rainbow Dash." he then turned to the other ponies, working hard on constructing the event, "All right, party ponies, I've got some planning to do!"

Everyone cheered, even the airbender kids, Bolin and Asami. Mako approached them, looking depressed. Bolin approached him, smiling broadly. "Hey, Mako! Where've ya been, you're missing out! Cheese is totally amazing, he's got this big punch bowl the size of a pool, a jumping castle, Rainbow-sized balloons!'

Mako blinked, "Wow. As if Rainbow didn't already have enough boosting her ego."

"Oh, don't be such a party popper! Hey, where are Pinkie and Korra? Aren't they gonna help out."

"That's actually what I needed to tell you. Pinkie's kinda feeling threatened and Korra's not to happy about it."

"Threatened by what? By Cheese? No way, he's awesome! He's loads of fun, and charismatic, and creative, and everypony already loves him and almost completely forgot about Pinkie Pie's original efforts to make this party specia--okay, I'm seeing your point." he shoulders dropped, as his his enthusiasm.


Korra finally caught up with Pinkie Pie, who was sitting down sadly at the drone of Sugar Cube Corner. The banner she had made for Rainbow fell down, making her feel even more upset.

"Pinkie! There you are."

"Oh, hey Korra." she said sadly as the Avatar sat beside her.

"Hey, I'm really sorry things didn't turn out the way you hoped."

"I guess Cheese is just a better party pony than me."

"Don't say that, you know it's not true."

"Pinkie!" another familiar voice was heard. Pinkie couldn't let anybody else know who depressed she was feeling, so she immediately took a watering can and watered the plants. Well, she missed the plants and was only watering the ground, while wearing a fake smile.

Twilight walked up to the two, while levitating two flags styled to look like Rainbow's cutie mark, "There you are. Hey, Korra."

"Hey, Twilight."

"Aren't you gonna help Cheese Sandwich plan the party?" she asked the pink pony.

"That's okay." she said, trying her best to sound as happy about the whole thing than she actually did. "He obviously has what it takes to do it all by himself. Heh." she smiled, letting all of the water from the can fall on practically anything except the plants themselves.

"Really?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, indeedy!" Pinkie chuckled nervously.

"Well, Korra you wanna come and help?" she then realized that Korra wasn't looking to happy. She looked more concerned actually. "Is something wrong?"

Korra opened her mouth to explain, but was silenced when Pinkie placed her hoof over her mouth. "No, no! Nothing!" she smiled widely, and Twilight arched an eyebrow before leaving the two behind.

Korra removed Pinkie's hoof from her mouth, "What was that for?"

"I'm sorry."

"Pinkie, you shouldn't let Cheese get you down like this."

"No, it's fine." she said unconvincingly, "After all, if Cheese really is the super duperiest partying-est pony of them all, maybe that means... I'm... not."

"No! You're the best there is!"

"That's what I thought." Pinkie Pie placed the watering can down and walked away in depression.

"Pinkie, wait!"

"I just want to be alone right now."

Korra hesitated, she hated seeing her friend suffer like this. But, she respected her wishes. She didn't know what else to say except for…

"Never forget!" Pinkie stopped and turned to look at her. "Never forget who you really are, Pinkie Pie."


With that, Korra turned away, sadly leaving her friend to think. She didn't know what else to do, but something was telling her that maybe the pony really did need some time to think things over. She just hoped she said the right thing.

She said what was in her heart.


Pinkie walked along, sighing sadly as more ponies walked pass her. Her heart sank at the thought that she may never make ponies happy again. She always thought there was no other pony who could make others smile but herself. Clearly she had been wrong. Korra's words still rang in her head. To never forget who she truly was. But who was she now? If she couldn't be the best at what she did, then maybe there was no point to it after all. She looked down into the water, letting a single tear fall, creating a colorful ripple.

Pinkie Pie;

For all my life, all I've wanted to do

Was make my friends want to smile true

But maybe I was wrong

And Pinkie Pie shouldn't plan parties at all

She figured if she couldn't be a party pony anymore, she figured she could try other works.

First she tried being a surgeon, but there was no room for cupcakes during an operation. She then tried being a mail pony, but not everypony liked getting shot in the face with confetti when getting their mail. She even tried being a construction worker, but building with balloons wasn't gonna cut it. Plus, it was a safety hazard.

I'll try to get up on my hooves

And try a different task

I'll find something new to do

There's gotta be more to me than planning a party or two

At home, she started getting rid of all the fun party things she owned.

I put away my party cannon, I deflated all my balloons

The bubbles all burst, now what is next for you?

For you...

She looked at her wall, noticing all of the pictures, each one depicting a specific moment in time where she made ponies smile. Seeing all of the images suddenly ignited something within her very soul.

"Oh, I remember this one: my first party ever. My whole family was there."

"And that's Twilight's welcome-to-Ponyville party. She didn't even expect that one."

"Oh, look at Gummy! He just looks so excited for this birthday party!"

"Hmm. Shining Armor and Cadance's wedding sure was special, especially once I got a hold of the music."

"Oh, hey! There's the picnic we all shared at Air Temple Island with Korra!"

"And there's the party we all had after she got her bending back!"

The pony's spirits slowly grew once more, realizing her previous foolishness.

Oh, look at those happy faces

All the parties that I had thrown

I made them laugh, had such a blast

A smile that's all their own

They loved seeing me, the real Pinkie

She opened the doors, heading to the balcony.

Show them the time of their life like they've never known

Like they've never kno-o-own

That was it! She needed to show everyone who she truly was. She was no quitter, she was a party pony, and that is exactly what she was going to do.

I've got to get back out there, have to show them that I've tried

For there's only one great party pony -- that is Pinkie Pie

Won't let Cheese Sandwich beat me, won't let him get me down

For I am Pinkie, the bestest party pony around!


Korra hatted to confess but….Cheese Sandwich really was a good party planner. Everything he did was truly amazing and depicted Rainbow Dash perfectly. Her pride wouldn't allow her to admit this for she still wished Pinkie would have been here. Although, she did think Cheese's party was more elaborate than Pinkie's could have been. Still, the celebration would be even better if she had incorporated her ideas into it as well.

"I must say I marvel at Cheese Sandwich's superior party planning expertise." said Rarity to Applejack.

"Well, they don't call him the super duper party planner for nothin'."

From afar, Pinkie Pie listened in on their conversation and was now more determined than ever to prove once and for all who the superior party pony really was.

"That's it! This pony has gotta get her title back! And I know just what to do!"

Korra leaned against a tree, the levees shadowing her face, when a familiar voice called out to her.

"Hey, Avatar Korra!"

Korra jerked up when she spotted the stallion walk up to her. "What do you think? Pretty epic hu?"

Korra couldn't bare to say the truth, so instead she shrugged, "It's okay…I guess."

"Say, you wouldn't happen to know where Pinkie Pie is, would you?"

"Why do you want to know?" Korra asked.

"Well, she seemed to excited to help with the party and I was hoping to hear her ideas."

This revelation caught Korra completely by surprise, "You…you did?"

"Yeah! I may be a good party pony but even a good one is always open to new ideas!" his ears then lowered in sadness, "Too bad, I was really looking forward to see what she had in mind."

"Wait, wait, wait, you mean you didn't do all of this just to upstage Pinkie?"

"What? No, of course not! I hardly meet many other party ponies, and I thought she'd be impressed with my ideas too. I didn't mean to make her feel left out."

Korra now realized how silly she had been acting. She was so quick to side with Pinkie she didn't think about Cheese's side. Mako was right.

"I'm really sorry for accusing you like that. I just hatted seeing Pinkie so down."

"Well, why don't you bring her over? I can't wait to hear what she says about---"

"Freeze, Cheese!"

Korra and Cheese Sandwich heard a voice of an angry Pinkie Pie. Asami and Bolin separated, surprised to see an angry Pinkie Pie standing behind them her eyes narrowed at the stallion.

"I challenge you... to a goof off!"

All of the Mane Six, and Spike, gasped in horror.

"Oh, no! Not a goof off!" Fluttershy cried out while hiding underneath Applejack.

"What's a goof off?" the country pony asked.

"I have no idea, hehe."

Pinkie Pie marched on over to the stallion, "That's right, a Goof Off! You and me. Mano a mano!"

Korra quickly came between the two, "Pinkie, listen there's been a big misunderstanding. If you just let me explain--"

"No need, Korra! You were right. I needed to remember who I really am!"

"Yeah, but this wasn't what I had in mind." she said under her breath.

As much as Cheese wanted to impress Pinkie, maybe this was the language she wanted to speak. He placed a fez on his head and spoke in his serious tone once again.

"This Cheese has stood alone a long time, Pinkie Pie. You think you can out-goof me?"

"Oh, I don't think so. I know so! And the stakes are high, Cheese Sandwich. Whoever wins will be dubbed the ultimate super duper party pony and headline the Rainbow Dash birth-iversary bash!"

"And the loser?" Twilight asked.


Rainbow and the other gasped, while Mako remained indifferent and Korra was still too stunned. She knew Pinkie could have a backbone, but this was insane. This was not the Pinkie she knew and loved.

"Or, maybe we can forget this whole thing, have some ice cream, talk it over and work on the party together." she suggested hopefully.

"No way Korra!" Pinkie stated, "There can only be one party pony, and that pony is Pinkie Pie! So, are you in, Cheese? Or are you... boneless?"

Cheese Sandwich narrowed his eyes, "Nopony calls me boneless. Right, Boneless?" he said to his rubber chicken.

Asami whispered to Bolin, "He does know it doesn't talk, right?"

"Then the goof off is on for high noon!

Jinora called out, "Um, Pinkie? It's already 3 o'clock."

"Oh. Oh, well then. Make it 3:10 to goof off!" she and Cheese started down while Korra only groaned in embarrassment and the two dispersed.

"Cheese, what are you doing? I thought you wanted Pinkie to like you, not challenge you to a goof off, whatever that is!"

"Don't worry, Miss Avatar, I've got a plan!"

"Care to elaborate?"

"If a goof off is what she wants, then a goof off is what she'll get."

"Still not following."

"Once she sees how much fun we're having, maybe she'll realize we're both supper fun party ponies!"

"You sure that'll work? In case you haven't noticed, subtly is not Pinkie's strong suit."

"Trust me, Korra! This the language we party ponies speak."

Korra sighed, "Okay. If you say so."


The clock stroked 3:10, and everybody was anxiously awaiting the arrival of the two ponies.

"Why are we making a big deal about this again?" Mako asked.

"I'm asking myself the same thing." said Korra, crossing her arms and silently praying Cheese's idea helps in any way.

"I thought you didn't like Cheese." said the firebender.

"I didn't, at first. I thought he was just a show off but now, I realized I was…wrong."

She said the last part so low he didn't hear her, "I'm sorry, what was that?" he placed a hand near his ear.

"I was wrong." she repeated, still in a low voice.

"Didn't quite catch that."

"I was wrong, okay! I was wrong about Cheese Sandwich, he's really not all that bad. I was wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! You happy now?!"

Mako could only cross his arms and smile, "Pretty much." he then got his just rewards when Korra punched him in the arm. "Ow!"

Then, the two ponies finally arrived, walking in from opposite directions. Pinkie wore small cowgirl boots and a comically big hat with a arrow sticking through it. Cheese wore fuzzy elephant slippers, one pink and one green, on his front hooves with two socks, one blue and one bright green, on his back hooves. He wore a fuzzy winter hat with a fish on it. Once they were facing one another, Twilight stood between them and took out a book.

"All right, everypony. According to my official goof off rulebook…"

"She actually has a goof off rulebook?" Jinora asked in surprise.

"Are you kidding?" Spike said, "Twilight can find a rulebook for everything!"

Twilight continued to read, "The two competitors have free range to goof about -- be it by singing, dancing, playing, prancing, joking, or performing -- to make the judge chortle, chuckle, giggle, guffaw, hoot and holler, whoop it up, and party down."

As she spoke, Pinkie and Cheese made funny faces at one another, trying to be funnier than the other. Cheese then opened his mouth, to reveal a white mouse playing a tuba.

"The funnier, sillier, wilder, and goofier, the better. Rainbow Dash, since the winner will be headlining your party, you are the judge."

However, the young pegasus didn't seem all too excited about this and chuckled nervously. "Heh. Big tense competition on my birth-iversary. What could be better?" she forced a smile. She wanted her day to be fun, not complex and full of animosity.

Twilight addressed to the two ponies, "Cheese Sandwich, Pinkie Pie, are you ready?"

"I was born ready!" Pinkie stomped her hoof.

Cheese narrowed his eyes, "I was ready before I was born!"

"That makes no sense!" Mako exclaimed, placing his hands near his mouth to amplify his voice. He then revived numerous looks from everyone. "What?"

"Ooookay." Twilight arched an eyebrow, "Then… Let the goofing begin!" she spread her wings and flew away, allowing the ponies to start the goof off.

Cheese walked closer towards Pinkie, who was hopping closer to him. Bolin was bitting his nails while Korra bit her bottom lip. This Pinkie Pie wasn't the one she knew. This whole thing felt wrong, she wish she had said something before. Seeing her uneasiness, Mako placed a hand on her shoulder, silently telling her to calm down. Maybe everything would work out for the better, if only she was certain of it. Not knowing the future tended to be agonizing at times.

And so, it began. Cheese played his accordion while Pinkie, wearing a fake mustache and funny propeller hat, started singing to Rainbow Dash, who was, quite literally, in the middle of things. She danced on a beach ball while juggling cupcakes.

Pinkie Pie;

It's your birthday party, a very special day

I've got a song, it won't take long, I just wanted to say

She began tossing the cupcakes into Rainbow s mouth, who chewed happily.

Happy, happy, happy, happy

Happy, happy, happy, happy

Happy, happy, happy, happy birthday to you!

Cheese Sandwich danced on a large rolling cheddar cheese while playing the accordion. Pinkie narrowed her eyes and Rainbow was impressed. Cheese jumped from the large cheese and sang to the birthday girl

Cheese Sandwich;

If you wanna be the life of the party

But you're feeling just a little uptight

Call the doctor, beg and plead

"Doctor, tell me what I need"

Try to put a little cheese in your knees!

He danced with two cheese shoes on his hooves. Rainbow Dash was laughing at the silliness, until a comically large hook came down and took her up. Pinkie Pie was flying on a hot air ballon (pulled by actual party balloons) and had pulled Rainbow up with a fishing poll. Rainbow flapped her wings as Pinkie sang and danced and bubbles came out from a machine in the basket.

Pinkie Pie;

Bubbles and balloons, bubbles and balloons

What's a birthday party without bubbles and balloons?

She formed balloons in various shapes and forms.

Star-shaped or trapezoid, look what I can do

Only Pinkie Pie can make a bubble shaped like you!

She blew on the bubbles, creating a pegasus shaped bubble, much to Rainbow's amazement. She was then pulled off by Cheese, who was now at the top of city hall. He wiggled his body and encouraged Rainbow to join in.

Cheese Sandwich;

Just let yourself go floppy, for now this is your chance

Pretend you have no bones and do the rubber chicken dance!

"Hit it, Boneless!"

Pinkie jumped from a trampoline and Rainbow landed down towards her, smiling.

Pinkie Pie;

Cooler than a rubber chicken and tastier than cake

Come on, you, let's party down and do the Gummy shake!

"Hit it, Gummy! Uh-huh! You know it! Shake it!"

But Cheese was not done yet. He placed a cheese hat on Rainbow's head and placed her on a cheese themed float. She sat on the throne smiling while Cheese sang.

Cheese Sandwich;

'Cause I like to make you smile, smile, smile

Yes I do

It fills my heart with sunshine all the while

Yes it does

'Cause all I really need's a smile, smile, smile

From these happy friends of mine

Pinkie Pie;

"That's my song!"

Cheese Sandwich;

"What do you mean? I have no idea what you're talking about."

Pinkie Pie;


Pinkie pulled out her party cannon. Korra knew where this was going. "Oh, no!"

Pinkie Pie;

Roll out the party cannon

When you hear the party cannon song


But Cheese not only had something to top the party cannon. He had a party howitzer!

At this point, Rainbow was no longer having fun so much as concern.

Cheese Sandwich;

Why should you compromise? Try this one on for size

'Cause nothing quite says cheer like the ringing in your ear

Of the cheese supreme cannonball surprise!

He shot the howitzer, sending Rainbow flying back. Once she got back to her hooves, her eyes widened as a forklift carried the largest piñata Rainbow has ever seen. While Pinkie sand around it. In spanish.

Pinkie Pie;

¡Dale, dale, dale

No pierdas el tino!

Porque si lo pierdes

¡Pierdes el camino!

The piñata proved to be far too large and it eventually gave way, landing right on top of Rainbow Dash, shooting confetti and streamers everywhere. The music stopped and so did Pinkie Pie. Team Avatar was shocked by what had happened. This wasn't a goof off anymore, this was an all out war. And it had gone too far.

Korra rushed over quickly as Rainbow wiggled her way out from underneath the paper decoration. Korra helped her but in the process, Rainbow gained a paper cut on her hoof.


Korra took her hoof into her hands and Pinkie noticed the single drop of blood drip from her friend's hoof and land onto the grass. It was then, she remembered Korra's words from before.

Never forget who you really are, Pinkie Pie.

The pony's eyes began to shimmer with rainbow colors as the realization finally struck her and she gasped. "Rainbow's not having the best party ever! I... I broke the Pinkie Party Promise!"

She couldn't let this continue. She couldn't.

"Stop! The goof off is off!"

The ponies all murmured in confusion at Pinkie's sudden choice.

"But I haven't named a winner." said Rainbow Dash while Korra cleaned her cut.

"You don't have to." said Pinkie Pie, hanging her head in sadness, "I forfeit. Which means... Cheese Sandwich wins."

For a moment, Cheese was stunned. "…I do?"

"He does?!" Mako, Asami and Bolin asked in unison.

Meelo was eating popcorn this entire time, "I still have no idea what's going on." he said, while still chewing.

"Yes. You get to headline Rainbow Dash's party." Pinkie said to Cheese.

"But, Pinkie, what about you?" Korra asked.

"I… I don't." her bright blue eyes began to tear up as her heart broke into pieces. "I'm sorry Rainbow. I'm sorry everypony."

Before anyone could say anything, she galloped away from the scene.


She had packed everything and was now ready to leave. Since nopony else wanted her around, and after what she did to her best friend, she didn't deserve to be around anyone anymore.

"Pinkie, wait!"

She stopped when Rainbow Dash called out to her and hovered in front of her. "I'm sorry I got all swept away by Cheese Sandwich."

"We all are." said Twilight, and the rest of the Mane Six, even the airbenders, Asami and Bolin agreed with this, looking apologetically at the pony.

"We didn't mean to hurt your feelings." said Ikki.

Mako crossed his arms, "Well, not all of us were swept up. Korra wasn't."

Korra's eyes winded, "Wait, what?"

"Out of all of us, you understood what Pinkie was going through and tried to help."

"Guess we should have taken your example." said Applejack.

"But, even I was wrong about Cheese." Korra confessed, "I only disliked him because Pinkie did. I judged him a bit too quickly and I realize now that was wrong." she said in regret.

"None of this was your fault." said Pinkie, "I was the one who let my pride get in the way of Rainbow having the best birth-iversary ever. Cheese Sandwich really is a super duper party planner, and he'll be a terrific headliner. I should've been a big enough pony to admit that and let you have your day." she said to her friend.

"But don't you get it?" Rainbow said with a smile, "You're both super duper party ponies. Sure, Cheese Sandwich is a great guest party pony, but you're Ponyville's permanent party pony." Pinkie smiled when Rainbow hugged her with all the love in her heart, "Nopony could ever take your place, and we could never have a party without you."

"Rainbow's right." Korra said, "Cheese never wanted to upstage you like we thought he did. He was really only trying to impress you."

Pinkie's eyes widened, "Me?"

"It's true."

All eyes turned to Cheese, who walked on over, placing his cowboy hat over his heart. "I never meant to take your place in Ponyville. I just wanted to show you what a great party pony I am, Pinkie."

"But why?" Pinkie asked.

Cheese Sandwich;


I fear I told a little fib about my pony past

I hope that when you hear the truth, you will not be aghast

I wasn't quite the super party pony like I claim

The fact is that I was so shy, nopony knew my name

As he sang, Bolin began to tear up.

Cheese Sandwich;

I stumbled into Ponyville one afternoon by chance

And found the biggest ever celebration party dance

Everything was perfect, cheer was filling up the place

And I saw that everypony had a smile upon their face

I vowed that day to change my life, the past I did set free

For now Cheese Sandwich was a party pony full of glee

A super duper party pony -- that's what I became

I traveled all Equestria, and all did know my name

But that never would have happened on my own, I'll tell you why...

For the one who threw that party, it was you,

Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie;


Cheese Sandwich;


Pinkie Pie;

"Hah, really?!"

Team Avatar;


Cheese Sandwich;


Pinkie Pie began hopping around happily, "So I was the pony that threw the awesomely spectacular party that inspired you to become an awesome spectacular party thrower?"

"Swear on Camembert!"

"I did not see that coming!" said Meelo…while still eating popcorn.

Rainbow Dash;

"Enough with the warm fuzzy stuff, you two. It's my birth-iversary, and you gotta throw me a bash!"

Pinkie Pie;


Cheese Sandwich;

"Let's go!"

And so, the two ponies decided to work together to give Rainbow Dash the best party she ever had!

Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich;

Super duper party ponies -- that is me and you

A party thrown by one is good, but not as great as two

Come on and let's join forces, have twice the expertise

Now let's all go to the party planned by Pinkie Pie and Cheese!


As the sun came down, all of Ponyville was abuzz with joy and laughter! Both Pinkie and Cheese did a wondrous job at incorporating their ideas together. There were balloons, confetti, all kinds of sweets, games, a large punch bowl, everything anybody could ask for.

Bolin played with the airbender kids while Asami danced with the Mane Six. Korra smiled proudly at the scene when Mako walked up to her and she looked at him in apology.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" he asked.

"For yelling at you before. You were right, I was being too hard on Cheese Sandwich. You'd think I'd learn not to judge a book by its cover." she turned her gaze towards the Sato heiress, who laughed as the ponies danced.

Mako smiled, "It's okay. I understand why you were upset. You were only being concerned for your friend. It's one of the may things I love about you."

Korra blushed, "Awww."

The spotlight shined onto the stage and Cheese Sandwich walked out, wearing a hat and bow tie.

"ll right, everypony! We are here to celebrate the birthday…"

"…and anniversary…" Pinkie added, also wearing a hat and bow-tie.

"…of Rainbow Dash!"

They shouted in unison and Rainbow emerged from a birthday gift, wearing a party hat, and hoarding above the crowd.

"Hey, everypony! Who's ready to get their party on?! Hit it!"

The music played and everybody got into the groove while Pinkie Pie danced and sang.

Pinkie Pie;

Get your hooves up, party's starting out right now

Everypony, everypony get down

Time to make a wish, better make it right now

It's been a year and today is your birthday party

Rainbow Dash could not have asked for a better party. She blew out the candles on her large birthday cake, slammed her cutie mark shaped piñata, ate a delicious pizza with her friends and even swam in the large punch bowl pool.

Pinkie sang the song as Applejack, Rarity and Twilight danced on stage, along with Jinora and Ikki.

Make a wish, it's your birthday

Make a wish, it's your birthday party

Make a wish, it's your birthday

Make a wish, it's your birthday party

The party was the biggest hit the town had ever seen. So filled with joy and laughter. The four teens danced with their pony friends and Pinkie Pie could not have been happier to see her friends happy.

Cheese leaned against a tree, eating a cupcake, when Rainbow appeared before him. "Cheese Sandwich! Oh, I gotta tell ya, you and Pinkie have totally made this the best birthday/anniversary super combo ever! Hah, it's totally--"


"Yeah, it is!"

"That's all I needed to hear, little filly." his voice slowly became low again once he placed his cowboy hat on once more.


Pinkie Pie held the pencil in her mouth as she wrote down what she had learned today. Once she was done, she smiled at her Avatar friend, who was sitting next to her.

"Korra, I want to say that you were right. I shouldn't have forgotten who I really was. Thanks for still believing in me, and for knowing when I was acting crazy. Well, crazier than normal."

Korra chuckled and hugged her pony friend, "Anytime, Pinkie."

The two were surprised when Cheese Sandwich placed a long wooden box in front of them.

"Just a little memento of my visit." he said.

Pinkie Pie's eyes widened in awe, "You're giving me your special rubber chicken friend?" she asked, even the rubber toy gave out a rainbow-like glow.

"Oh, he's not the only one." Cheese placed another rubber chicken onto his back, with a red number two painted on its chest. The stallion now wore his poncho and cowboy hat once more. His time was done here. "Well, Boneless Two, another job well done. But it's time we mosey along. Another town, another party."

"Wait!" Pinkie cried out, "Will….you be back."

The stallion smiled, "You can count on it." he winked, making the pony blush. The rest of the group watched on as Cheese Sandwich, one of the best party ponies around, walked off into the sunset. Her certainly left his mark on everyone in Ponyville. Especially on a young spirited pink filly.

"I never did get that pony's name."

"Cheese Sandwich!" everybody exclaimed.

Pinkie Pie giggled, "Oh, yeah!"


"And so, Pinkie realized that a true party pony knows when to make other happy. But also, when to share that same gift as well.

I'll see you again for another story from

Tales of Equestria!"