• Published 13th Aug 2021
  • 990 Views, 5 Comments

The Little Pony Legend: Tales of Equestria - MaggiesHeartLove

A collection of stories staring Team Avatar Harmony and their adventures in Equestria before The Great Change

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Chapter 15–Pinkie Apple Pie

"Whoa! That was some birthday party! Oh, hey there!

I just got back from Grandma Yin's birthday party. That lady can really cling onto life.

You know, it's times like these where I realize just how much Mako and Bolin have come. I mean, they grew up living in the streets of Republic City, and now they have the biggest family they could ever imagine. And, just between us, I hear it's getting even bigger in Korra and Mako's case, "Wink, wink!"

It's always nice to know there's more family to come around. Why, it reminds of the time Pinkie Pie first discovered she could possibly be related to Applejack.

And a certain pair of brothers were tagged along for the ride.


Pinkie Apple Pie

Stacks upon stacks of books filled the Olden Oak Library. Before it was destroyed in the battle with Tirek, this was Twilight Sparkle home in Ponyville. On this day, the alicorn princess was doing some interesting research. Her belly rested on the carpet as she turned the pages of the book with her magic.

Once she was one for the moment, she placed it on top of a stack before walking to one of the shelves to get another book.

"Whatcha doin'?" A certain pink pony asked, peeking her head through the hole where Twilight had just taken her book out of.

"Aaagh!" The alicorn screamed.

"Aaagh" yourself! But that doesn't answer my question, silly." Pinkie said with a giggle.

The two ponies suddenly heard the sound of somebody hitting his head and crying out in pain, "Ow!" said the voice, who was none other than Bolin, who had just now caused a stack of books to tumble and fall. "Oops. Sorry, Twilight."

"That's alright, Bolin." the princess said with a smile as she magically placed the stack back to how it originally was with ease.

"So, what are you doing?" Bolin asked, repeating Pinkie Pie's previous question.

"Just some genealogical research."

"Ohhh." Pinkie said as she uncurled herself from the shelf and fell flat on her face before getting back up. Spike walked on by, carrying a few scrolls, and Pinkie whispered in his ear, "I don't know what that is."

"Genealogy is the study of family history." Spike said as he placed the scrolls onto a pile, "Y'know, where ponies come from and who they're related to."

"Ooh, fascinating." said Bolin, stroking his chin in thought.

"Yeah it is!" said Pinkie Pie. It was an interesting topic. The idea of discovering a long lost family history was too cool to not grab her attention. Maybe she was related to a heroic adventure pony, or a famous pony in recorded history, maybe she was related to a wise wizard unicorn, or a historian, or a famous singer. She was interested now more than ever. Using her mouth she picked a stroll from the pile, only she choose one that was near the bottom. If she took it out the pile would surely collapse on top of her and create a mess.

"Maybe you should pick one from the... top?" Twilight tried to warn her friend, only to stop once she saw that the stack was perfectly still, despite having one scroll missing. Only Pinkie Pie could do such a thing.

The pink pony unfolded the scroll and started to read what it said. "Uh-huh… Interesting... I see... Hmm, that makes sense... Not much of a surprise there…" as she kept on reading and unfolding the scroll, which was really, supper, extra long, all the way out of the room, down the stairs all the way outside the library.


Bolin, Spike and Twilight flinched when they heard Pinkie Pie's scream of shock. Twilight opened the window to see Pinkie Pie a few feet away from the library, finally having read the very last part of the extremely long scroll. The pony could barely contain her excitement upon her discovery.

"This is the most amazing thing ever! Why didn't you tell me how amazing this is?! Genealogy is better than cotton candy on top of a fountain of chocolate!"

Bolin ran towards the pony, her reaction sparking his curiosity. "What? What did you find?" he asked, only to have the pony shove the scroll right in his face.

"You'll never believe who it says I'm related to!"

Bolin removed the scroll from his face and read the words for himself. Once he was done, his eyes also widened and he couldn't be any happier for the pony.

"No way! This is unbelievable!"


A knock on the door was heard and the orange pony opened it.

"Hey, cousin!"

Pinkie Pie smiled widely with glee as she wrapped her hooves around her long lost relative…


"Uh, say what now?"

"Twilight was studying genealogy and guess what I found out! I'm your fourth cousin twice removed by a fifth cousin!"

Applejack blinked in confusion. "Huh?"

"You guys are related!" Bolin exclaimed excitedly from behind Pinkie Pie, "Isn't that great?!"


Latter on, once having explained the whole thing to Applejack's family, the idea of Pinkie Pie being related to them slowly began to grown on them. They already loved Pinkie to bits so it would only be more wonderful if it turned out Applejack and Pinkie Pie, two best friends, were really related to one another.

"This is just so excitin', I can hardly believe it!" said Applejack.

"I know! Isn't it the best?" said Pinkie Pie, siting on a sofa in the Apple's living room, with Bolin sitting cross legged on the floor.

"To think, you guys are already best friends, and now your family!" the earthbender smiled for the two ponies while wrapping his arms around both of them at once.

Apple Bloom began jumping up and down like the excitable little filly she was, "I have another sister! I have another sister!"

"Well, you actually have a fourth cousin twice removed by a fifth cousin, but that's like exactly like a sister!" Pinkie Pie corrected, all the while smiling her usual happy smile.

"I'd try to tone it down a little around non-family members," said Applejack, "because I don't want to make them jealous, but...

"This is the best family ever!" Apple Bloom continuously jumped on the couch, unable to contain her excitement. She jumped so hard a spring from the sofa popped out, sending her flying up into the air, only to be safely caught by Bolin.

"It really is." said Applejack as she smiled at Pinkie, "You are gonna love bein' an Apple." she said as she placed a pillow on the spring on the sofa, "I mean, you've got the playful one…" she said, her eyes turning to Apple Bloom.

The little filly quickly took a beach ball and started bouncing off the walls while ridding on it, making Pinkie clap her hooves.

"The strong one…" Applejack gestured to Big Mac, who was now lifting up a kitchen cabinet with one hoof.


"And of course, there's Granny Smith, who knows everythin' about everythin'!"

"A Ponyville snail can hibernate for up to forty-eight moons!" said the elderly pony, taking great pride in her elderly knowledge.

"Who knew?" Pinkie said in wonder at this fact.

Bolin's eyes widened in awe as well, "So much wisdom."

"And then there's me." Applejack walked to the window, taking in the fresh farm air, "Do you smell that sweet apple air, Pinkie Pie?" the pink pony took a whiff of the air just like Applejack did and opened her mouth to reply, only to have the orange pony cover her mouth with her hoof. "That was rhetorical. Of course you smell it. You're an Apple now!"

"And Applejack is the one responsible for it!" Apple Bloom said as she galloped outside once Applejack opened the door.

"Aw, Apple Bloom, that is sweet, but--"

"It's true! I mean she keeps us all organized and on schedule and does her own part on top of it all!"

"Just like Mako!" said Bolin, "In fact, after we lost our mom and dad he's been the only family I know. You guys are so lucky to have one another."

"Hey, you're part of the family too, Bolin." said Applejack.


"Anyone who's a friend of the Apples is guaranteed and honorary Apple!"

"I was already super happy as a Pie!" said Pinkie, "And now I get to be a part of this amazing family too!"

"It's even more amazin' now that you're in it!" said Apple Bloom before she and Pinkie began a rhythmically cheer together, "We're family, we're family, you an' me are family!"

The little filly twirled the older pony for the finale, but twirled her a bit too hard that it made her crash into a stack of hay. Non the less, she was still as happy as could be.

"Best family twirl everrrrrrr!"

"Huh, I just can't believe we've never heard anythin' about this before!" said Applejack as she read the scroll Pinkie Pie brought with her. She furrowed her eyebrows in thought as she read, "Hmm…"

"What's wrong, A.J?" Bolin asked curiously at her intense reading.

"I'm not seein' where exactly it says we're family."

Pinkie Pie dusted the hay off of her coat and, once again, traced the scroll to the end, starting from the entrance to the barn all the way to the back.

"It's riiiiiiiii-" she stopped to inhale, "-iiiiiight here!" she pointed her hoof to the very last paragraph of the scroll.

"It… is?"

"Uh-huh. Applesauce of the Apple family lineage is a fourth cousin twice removed of the Pie family!"

"I see the part about our great, great auntie Applesauce and fourth cousin twice removed part, but that last bit's awful smudged. Are you sure it says 'Pie'?"

Pinkie reread the lat part, trying to see where Applejack was coming from. "I guess it is a little smudged, but I see most of it there, and when I read it, I knew in my heart it was true!" she said, her eyes beaming brightly like stars.

"Well, ain't that just the sweetest thing!" said Granny Smith just as Pinkie came over to receive a group hug from her, Big Mac and Apple Bloom.

"It is, it is." said Applejack, now sounding a tad uncertain about what the scroll actually had written on it. "I'd just hate for us to get all excited before we found out for sure."

"So how are we supposed to find out for sure?" Apple Bloom asked.

Granny Smith began stroking her chin, pondering in thought over the situation until finally remembering something from her past. "Oh! Cousin Goldie Delicious!"

"Gesundheit!" Bolin said.

"No, her cabin's practically an Apple family history museum! If anypony has the records to back up Pinkie's theory, it's her!"

Applejack knew her larger than life family all too well, so she was very well aware of Goldie Delicious and her habit of holding mementoes from her family's history. She was the perfect candidate to help sort this whole thing out. "Huh, I suppose we could always... I mean, Goldie Delicious doesn't live that far away, and we haven't been on one as a family in a real long time…"

"Come on, Applejack!" Bolin said, clenching hist fists excitedly, "I mean, if I ever had a chance like this I'd take it by the horns! Besides, look at them…" he gestured to Pinkie and the rest of the Apple Family, all smiling wide with their teeth bare while hugging Pinkie Pie, already accepting her as part of their clan.

Even Applejack had to admit, the idea of discovering one of her best friends could be blood related to her, it was much too wonderful for words. She wanted to know just as much as they did.

"Are y'all thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

"Family road trip!"

"Family road trip!" Bolin exclaimed happily alongside the Apple Family, only to quickly realize what he just did. "Oh, I mean your family road trip. Yours, not mine, that's…that's what I meant." the earthbender nervously chuckled while fiddling with his fingers. He had been so caught up in the hype of their possible family discovery that he nearly forgot he didn't have his family anymore. Aside from Mako. He considered Team Avatar to be his family, but to discover ones blood relatives was still a pretty cool thing to think about.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie shared a glance, smiling in agreement. "Bolin, how would you like to come with us?"

"Really? No, no, I couldn't. I wouldn't want to impose or anything."

"We insist. After all, you're a witness, wouldn't you want to see the end results too?"

"And you're like family to us too, Bolin. You and Mako." Apple Bloom said, hopping around him like the happy little pony she was.

The rest of the Apple Family all nodded in agreement. The more the merrier, they would always say. Bolin have them all the biggest smile he could give before swooping Apple Bloom into his arms in a tight embrace.

"Family road trip!"


"Come on, Mako! Come on, come on, come on!" Bolin kept on pacing in place, his knuckles gripping tightly at the straps of his backpack, impatiently waiting for his older brother to approach him, carrying a bag of his own. The two were practically opposites in personality; Bolin being more openly optimistic while Mako was more reserved and rather broody at times. Very few people could get this boy to open up, those that could were his brother, Korra and the ponies.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Mako replied. The two human boys arrived at the Apple Family farm, where a large wagon piled up with an assortment of bags, luggages, and other strange items like a horn, sowing machine, portraits, etc., which were odd for a trip Just how long did they think they would be gone.

"Why did you want me to come again?"

"Don't you want to find out if Pinkie Pie's an Apple or not?"

"Uh…I guess." Mako really didn't know what to answer. Normally, he would simply state it was non of their business, but with Pinkie Pie being their friend, and an extremely important one to Korra, saying that out loud would make him appear harsh. "But, why is it necessary for us to come along?"

"Applejack invited me so I invited you. It's just so exciting! Can you imagine finding out if your best friend in the whole world was related to you? Did you know Zuko's great grandfather was Avatar Roku? That makes him and Avatar Aang practically family! You have to admit, it's pretty awesome."

Mako rolled his eyes and decided to humor him a bit, "Yeah. Hey, maybe dad had a third cousin on his mother's side who was related to the king of Ba Sing Se."

Bolin gasped in awe, "That would be so cool!"

"You know I was kidding…right?"

"Has anypony seen my travelin' bonnet?" Granny Smith asked as she walked right out of the barn…while wearing a red bonnet on her, imprinted with floral patterns and a blue ribbon, using it to tie it around her head.

"Isn't that it on your head?" Apple Bloom asked, arching an eyebrow, prompting her granny to look at her own head to see that indeed she was wearing it. Apple Bloom had seen Granny's traveling bonnet more than once so she knew what it looked like, and this was definitely it. However, Granny Smith denied it was.

"No!" she said, confusing her youngest grandchild.

"It looks an awful lot like--"

"Well, it ain't, and that's final!"

Mako and Bolin exchanged the same confused expressions. Granny Smith was known to be a tad forgettable, so this really shouldn't have come off as much of a surprise.

Applejack walked out of the barn and greeted the two boys, "Hey, Bolin. Mako. Glad ya'll could make it."

"Are you kidding? We wouldn't miss it!" Bolin said happily, "Man, I can't wait to hit the road, we can sing songs, road trip games, oh I'm already so excited!"

"Shame Korra couldn't come along, though." said Mako, "Tenzin caught on to her blowing off her airbending training to go to Equestria so now she's grounded and training double time for the next week."

"That's a gosh darn shame." said Applejack, "Good thing Pinkie's bringing a camera to take plenty of pictures."

"Speaking of which, where is Pinkie Pie?" Mako asked.

"She's back home gettin' her stuff for the trip, can y'all gather round for a moment? I just wanted to say somethin' real quick."

"I've had somethin' in my teeth this whole time, haven't I?" Granny Smith asked, "Gadsnickety, what a way to welcome a family member!"

"Er, no, Granny, your teeth are fine. I just wanted to be sure that we're all on the same page about showin' Pinkie Pie how awesome a family we really are. We want her to get to know the family she's been born into, but, like, the best version of it, y'know?"

Bolin scratched the back of his head in confusion. "The best version?"

"Is there even one?" Mako asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Well, I just don't want Pinkie to feel so excited about being a part of our family only to find out we're not all that great to begin with."

"I'm pretty sure she won't even notice." said Mako, "I mean, it's Pinkie Pie."

Bolin nodded in agreement, "Yeah. Besides, you're a great family! Heck, I wish I was related to you guys."

"Don't you worry, honey." Granny Smith said to her older granddaughter, wrapping a hoof over her shoulder, "The feller's right, and Pinkie will have the best time."

"I'll bet my future cutie mark's gonna be a picture of me bein' the best behaved pony ever!" said Apple Bloom, "That's how good I'm gonna be! Big Mac?"


"What do you think, Uncle Mako?"

Mako could only smile and chuckle as he ruffled her mane, "We'll know soon enough, kid." he said in the most kind and loving voice. Despite his rough exterior, Mako was a true sweetheart underneath. As went would go by, that tender loving heart of his would slowly makes its way up to the surface and remain there instead of being protected by that hard shield he had created during his childhood. The idea of traveling with the Apple Family was slowly growing on him. He found himself kind of getting excited.

The sound of a familiar happy pony came galloping along, her saddle bag filled with confetti and streamers, which was strangely bursting out as if she had a small cannon somewhere in there. Which, by her logic, would be very likely.

"Are y'all ready to go? Because I'm ready to go-go-go!" Pinkie said before tossing her bag into the large wagon, which would be pulled by Big Mac.

"Er, Big Mac? Are you sure we really need all that stuff?" Applejack asked her older brother as he placed a cowboy hat near the luggage. He was a stallion who always came prepared for anything, so naturally this trip was no exception. After all, he was the man of the house, always attending to his sisters and grandmother whenever he was needed.

"Eeyup." he replied.

Applejack still felt uncertain about the large amount of objects and materials her brother had packed. It was all quite heavy, and she feared the old wooden wagon would't be able to hold them all long enough.

"Are you sure you're strong enough to really pull all that stuff?" Applejack asked. She knew her brother was strong, but even he had his limits.

"Eeyup." Big Mac replied, his eyes narrowing slightly upon her questioning.

"Are you sure the wagon's strong enough to hold it all?" Applejack asked, looking down at the wheels and noticing them wobble a bit.

Big Mac groaned in frustration before replying with an angry, "Eeyup!"

Applejack stopped asking after that reply. Her eyes shifted to the side, noticing Pinkie Pie smile in her direction. She really wanted to make a good impression for her. While Pinkie Pie was the kind of pony who really got upset about anything, that didn't necessarily exclude the fact that she could get completely devastated if something was not what he had anticipated. She was already in love with the idea of being related to the Apples, Applejack didn't want her to regret it latter on if she saw her family was far from perfect.

With a tip of her hat, Applejack rallied everybody up onto the wagon. "Then lets get this show on the road!"

"Alright!" Bolin cheered as he took his spot on the wagon, scooting a bit to make room. He grabbed his brother by the arm and had him sit beside him. The two were tightly placed among the materials and luggage the family had brought with them. Bolin's smile was wide while Mako was frantically a frown.

He still felt very out of place here. He rarely knew what it was like to be part of a family, the only one he ever knew was with Bolin. How would he fit into a family that wasn't his own?

Little did he know, he would come to learn the answer to that question bit by bit. And today was the starting pistol.


With Big Mac pulling the large wagon, the journey had begun. Already, Mako could feel his body jumping up and down due to the bumpy road. It wasn't as uncomfortable as he had feared, and at least it wasn't as unbearable as he thought. Bolin was as excited as ever, his wide grin permanently printed on his face, while Mako just sat there, patiently waiting for either one of the family members to start a conversation, ask about the weather or simply exchanged a few words here and there. He would have expected this to be a silent trip, but with Pinkie Pie he knew that was highly unlikely, so he mentally prepared himself fro her breaking into an excitable song at any moment.

Speaking of which, the sound of two frying pans clanging together was heard, creating what sounded like a rhythmic tune. It was accompanied by the squeaky sound of the wagon itself, especially with Big Mac galloping happily without even breaking a sweat. The sounds really were beginning to sound more and more like music.

Even if Mako wouldn't have said so out loud, he had acquired a liking to music since his time with Korra and the ponies. If she were hear she'd be nodding her head to the sound. It was strange how the simplest of everyday sounds could suddenly transform into naturally formed music. The wagon hit a peddle, which made the large pile of objects and luggage move, and a simple banjo had fallen out of the pile into Mako's lap. The firebender scanned his surroundings as he strum on the strings a bit. He did like the sound these strings made, and it reminded him of when his mother would sing him and Bolin to sleep while their father played on a small guitar. There was just something about the strings that captivated Mako, the same way singing captivated Korra. He took the banjo and started strumming a happy tune, perfectly in sync with the rhythm of the natural sounds coming from the wagon. Before long, the ponies ridding alongside him were waving their hooves to the beat.

"C'mon, Apples, y'all know this one!" Applejack said, clapping her hooves with her grandmothers.

"Hot-diggity!" Granny Smith cheered, making her oldest granddaughter cheerk happily.



"What did I just do?" Mako asked in disbelief, his fingers still strumming the banjo. He never would have thought he would be the one to start this whole musical number. But he did.

"Keep it up, bro!" Bolin said with a smile, "It's not a road trip without a song! Hit it, A.J!"


We travel the road of generations

Joined by a common bond

We sing our song 'cross the pony nation

From Equestria and beyond

Applejack leaped from the wagon alongside Apple Bloom, giving the two brothers even more room, while Granny Smith remained seated beside them and Pinkie Pie was jumping up and down on top of the mountain of luggage due to Big Mac dancing alongside his two sisters, who sang in perfect harmony to the music Mako had, unintentionally, created.

Applejack and Apple Bloom:

We're Apples forever, Apples together

We're family, but so much more

No matter what comes, we will face the weather

We're Apples to the core

Big McIntosh:


At the mention of "face the weather", and actual storm cloud appeared above them, and the two Apple sisters shielded Pinkie Pie with two umbrellas before the cloud disappeared entirely.

"How did that happen?" Mako asked in confusion. But Bolin only dismissed it.

"Let logic, more singing!"

Apple Bloom:

There's no place that I'd rather be

Than travelin' with my family

Friends all around come to join and see

As we sing out across the land

Applejack, Big McIntosh, and Apple Bloom:

We're Apples forever, Apples together

We're family, but so much more

No matter what comes, we will face the weather

We're Apples to the core

Big McIntosh:


Once again, a weir weather occurrence caused Mako to question the logic of this whole thing. A powerful wind suddenly appeared and Pinkie Pie was nearly blown away, only to be brought back when Applejack lassoed her and reeled her back onto the wagon.

"Seriously, is nopony questioning this?" Mako said, but again, his question went unanswered.

Granny Smith:

We're peas in a pod, we're thick as thieves

Any cliché you can throw at me

As she sang, this the Apples dressed up as pirates, with Applejack holding an apple inspired flag and Pinkie Pie was dressed as a burglar, with mask and stripped white and black shirt and all. Even Bolin and Mako were dressed as robbers, mainly with a red and green bandana mask over their eyes, and holding ninja weapons for some reason. Bolin liked it while Mako was still skeptical.

We're here for each other, through thick and thin

You're always welcome with your Apple kin


The pink pony's bright blue eyes widened with child-like wonder. She felt like one of their bunch with each passing moment. They made her feel welcome, loved and happy. She loved their closeness, she loved their bond, and she loved being a part of it. She still didn't think this trip was necessary to find out if she was an Apple or not, she felt it in her heart, but even so she was glad this was a way for her to fall even more in love with this family.

Pinkie Pie:

You're more fun than the color pink

Or balloons flying over your favorite drink

The love I feel here is swim, not sink

As we party across this land


"All right!"

As Pinkie Pie tossed confetti all around, Mako still found himself strumming on the banjo. "Why am I still playing this?"

"You're getting into the spirit!" said Apple Bloom, ruffling his hair with her hoof, which made Mako smile. Their love for one another really was contagious, even he was beginning to feel the love that emitted from this group. As time went on, he slowly began to think he was glad Bolin dragged him along. He simply shrugged and sang along with the group, and his brother.


We're Apples forever, Apples together

We're family, but so much more

No matter what comes, we will face the weather

We're Apples to the core!

Big McIntosh and Bolin:


Once the song came to a close, the entire group suddenly felt the wagon wobble even more than usual. The squeaking sound was replaced by the sound of cracking wood breaking into pieces. The wagon wobbled rapidly before collapsing to the ground, bits and pieces of chattered wood surrounded them all around, their materials scattered around them, their landing causing the dust of the road to rise up, reaching their mouths. The ponies and brothers coughed and once the smoke cleared they saw that the wagon was completely demolished. Upon closer inspection, Mako could see that the wagon was indeed very old, not only was the wood week and crumbling, but even the metal that held it together was rusted. It held for a good long while but now it was beyond repair.

He was about to say something but was interrupted when Applejack spoke first, angrily addressing her older brother, "Big Mac! I thought you said– " the country pony stopped on her tracks upon noticing Pinkie Pie behind her. After, quite literally, demonstrating how close they were as a family, Applejack didn't want to make her think they weren't. She had to remind herself this trip was for her, not them. "Uh, I thought– I mean, not that I'm blamin' you, because we don't blame in this family, but I thought you said all this stuff wasn't gonna be too heavy."

Applejack smiled rather nervously when Big Mac glared at her, pressing his forehead close to hers, his green eyes piercing directly at her own. Of course it wasn't heavy for him, he was able to carry all of them with ease up to this point.

"How're we supposed to get to Goldie Delicious now?" Apple Bloom asked as Bolin gently placed her down from one of the larger trunks.

"Let alone get back." said Mako as he inspected the remains of the already destroyed wagon. "We have no mode of transportation."

"Not to mention, we're closer to cousin Goldie's that we are to home." said Granny Smith.

"To bad Asami isn't here." Bolin said sadly, "She could drive us there and back in no time."

"I don't think Asami can get us over that." Mako pointed to a few feet ahead where they saw a small ravine and a long rope bridge…which was already destroyed and wasn't strong enough to sustain even the wagon if they still had it.

Bolin read the sign that was placed there and read out loud, " "In need of repairs. Come back next week". Well, that's a stone cold bummer!"

"That was the only way to Goldie Delicious!" said Applejack.

Then, Pinkie Pie gasped with delight, "I have the best... idea... ever! Family river trip!" the pony galloped excitedly, with the long beautiful river flowing from behind her. "The river is heading in the same direction we're going."

"Just one problem." Mako said, "We don't have a raft."

"'Bout the only thing that didn't get packed." Applejack said under her breath, which did not go unheard of from her brother, who angrily pouted and glared at her. He was the one who single handedly got them this far, what was she complaining about?

"Well, back in the old days, we used to use the sap from a sugar pine tree to glue things together." Granny Smith said as she walked over to a tree, which had sticky sap on the trunk, and a squirrel stuck to it. Bolin managed to get the poor creature out of the sap.

"That is, uh, fascinatin'…" said Applejack with uncertainty, "Don't know that it's helpful, but it is fascinatin'…"

"Pfft! 'Not helpful', my patootie!" Granny Smith said as she lifted up one of the wagon's wheel with her head, "We're gonna build ourselves a raft out of these here jalopy parts and keep it held together with sugar pine sap!"

"Hm, worth a shot!" said Applejack.

"Woo-hoo!" Pinkie Pie cheered.


With the boy's help, Applejack and Big Mac tightened the vines around the raft, having found strong and sturdy wood to use as well when the wood from the wagon had run out or was too broken to even use. Since they didn't pack a raft, none of them wore safety vests. Mako grunted as he pulled the vine once more, making sure it was tight enough.

"You sure this'll hold until we get to Goldie's place?" Mako asked the country pony.

"The pine sap should hold it together long enough. And if not…well, keep them fingers of yours crossed. I would too, if…I had any fingers."

"It could be worse." Bolin said, "We could head over a huge waterfall with sharp rocks to the bottom."

"Don't jinx it!" Mako exclaimed. If there was one thing he knew about this world, is that if you think of the worst, chances are, the worst will happen.

The raft was made entirely out of wood with both pine sad and long strong vines holding it in place. The Apples also used the remaining wood for a wheel to better stir the thing and get to Goldie Delicious's house safely. This time, they had a limited amount of items, ones of which they didn't even mind leaving behind since they wouldn't never need them anyways.

"Now remember, this time we're only packin' the necessities." Applejack said.

"Well, let's get this show on the road!" Bolin said excitedly, "I mean, raft on the…river…you know what I mean."

"Wait a second!" a flash nearly blinded the group. Once their vision had cleared, they saw it was Pinkie Pie with a camera. "This one is for the scrapbook!" she giggled and pulled a book from her saddle bag, opening it to reveal an assortment and decorative pages filled with pictures of the Apples, herself and the two bending brothers. Some pics were from the musical number they sang, others of Mako playing the banjo, and even a few off guard ones like Granny Smith haven dozed off at one point, and Bolin waking a funny face.

"Pinkie Pie, when did you have time to make this?" Applejack asked in disbelief.

Pinkie Pie placed the book back into her bag and looked at her friend with a deadpan stare. "Applejack, when you're family, you make the time."

Using his powerful hoof, Big Mac pushed the raft forward and they were off. Applejack took the wheel, cheering in triumph. "Woo-hoo! We did it!"

"Say 'soaked'!" Pinkie Pie said with a smile, which actually confused the others. Why in Equestria would she say…?

The camera clicked and Pinkie smiled at the image of the now dripping wet group. The raft had created a small wave that soaked them all to the bone. None of them smiled. Applejack, Big Mac and Mako glared in annoyance while Granny Smith, Apple Bloom and Bolin just looked surprised.

Mako shook his head, the water dripping everywhere. Of all the times for Korra not to be here. "This just might turn out to be the longest trip of my life." he said while wrinkling his jacket, only for Bolin to get an idea.

"Oh, I have the perfect remedy for that!" he pulled out a tambourine and began playing a familiar tune, "We're Apples forever! Apples together--" he stopped when his brother took the instrument away.

"Not. In. The mood."

"You know, I'll never get what Korra sees in you."


The journey was more calming than before. Applejack took the wheel, leading the group in the direction to Goldie's house. Mako took this moment to just take in the scenery. He had to admit, the land of Equestria was indeed beautiful. It was no wonder Korra loved visiting here so often, aside from the Mane Six. Even the birds that flew above sang their own little tunes. Even if it was mostly to himself, Mako found himself humming along. Good thing nobody else heard him this time. The land, the music, the atmosphere, it was all so calming, like anything and everything could happen. But, in a good sense. He smiled as he watched Granny Smith and Apple Bloom playing chest.

For a moment, he envied the little filly. She lost her parents just as Mako and Bolin did, but unlike her, he never had an adult figure to be there for him. He had to take on that role for Bolin, and it was hard not only for him but for Bolin as well. He knew he could never replace their father or their mother. Still, there were times in which he wondered what it would be like to still have them around. He barely spoke about it unless asked, and he was hesitant to even bring it up on his own.

"So what you're saying is, if I have the courage to jump, the parachute will open." the firebender turned his head to hear his younger brother, who sat with Pinkie Pie as they listened attentively to Big Mac. For a stallion that didn't say much, he was pretty insightful and have a lot to say when he did.


"Whoa! That is deep!" Pinkie said in awe, her eyes wide in wonder.


Mako gave a light chuckle, which caught Apple Bloom's attention. "Hey, uncle Mako, where did you learn to play the banjo?"

The question made the firebender's eyes widen in surprise. "I didn't. I only know a few tricks on how to play a guitar. A banjo's pretty close."

"Well, you're really good!"

"Almost like your fingers were maid for stringin'!" said Granny Smith, making the firebender blush.

"Uh, thanks."

"Who taught you how to play?"

"I guess I picked it up from my dad."

"Was he a musician?"

"No, he just liked to play while mom sang me and Bolin to sleep." his face then dropped. He could still hear her voice, beautiful and clear. Her warm embrace and her loving kisses. He fought the urge to tear up right then and there. He then felt the filly's hoof over his hand.

"I'm sure they'd be very proud of both of ya." she said, her amber eyes sparkling with child-like innocence that warmed Mako's heart just gazing into them. "I barely remember my parents, and the little I can is pretty foggy." her ears lowered sadly. Mako's only reaction was to ruffle her mane.

"They'd be proud of you too, Apple Bloom."

"Guess we got more in common than we thought, hu?"

"Yeah. We do." Mako smiled, his sadness drifting further and further away. Maybe this trip wasn't as bad as he thought after all.

Applejack squinted her eyes as she leaned forward. Her eyes then widened in shock, "Uh-oh… All right, y'all. Please tell me that the map didn' get wet. 'Cuz it looks like I'm gonna need it right about now."

Straight ahead, the river had split into three parts, two leading forward but in opposite directions, while the third led to the left. Apple Bloom spotted a yellow rolled up piece of paper stacked at the very top of the pile.

"Found it!" she said as she aimed to get it, only to be stopped by Bolin.

"I'll get it for you."

"No, I can do it." Apple Bloom insisted before springing forward and climbed up the pile, which wobbled slightly as she did, the map loosing from where it stood and a soft breeze made her mane and large pink bow bellow against it. Just as the map was about to fly off, Apple Bloom quickly grabbed it with her mouth. "I got it!" she said as she prepared to lower down, only to suddenly loose her balance. Acting fast, Mako rushed over and caught the filly who fell from the pile. She feel into his arms before she could hit the water bellow, but in her shock she had released a cry for help, and in the process, the map had flown out of her mouth. She tried to get it back but it was quickly taken away by a fish that leaped out of the water and dove right back down….the fish was then captured by an eagle and taken away. Pinkie Pie took a photo of the whole thing.

"You okay, Apple Bloom?" Mako asked the little filly as he gently placed her back down.

"Yeah. I'm okay."

"Can't say the same about the map." said Applejack, her ears lowering in disappointment. "You really should have just let the boys get it. You could have gotten yourself hurt."

"Hey, not my fault Big Mac packed all this stuff!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, only to have Big Mac narrow his eyes at her.

"Say 'best siblings ever'!" PInkie Pie readied to take another picture, and the three Apple siblings all huddled together, forcing themselves to smile as the camera flashed. "Ooh, that's another keeper!" said the happy pony. Once her back was turned the three continued their angry glares, which made the two brothers feel a bit uneasy.

"It's okay, y'all!" said Granny Smith, "I travelled down this river as a filly and I know it like the back of my hoof!"

"Are you sure you know which way to go?" Applejack asked as she looked on at the three paths ahead of them.

"Does a June bug like to hide in a tree?"

"Does it?" Bolin asked, scratching his head, "I don't know."

"Well, I do know! And I also know we wanna head southeast! Now step aside, young'un!" Granny shoved her eldest granddaughter aside, much to her annoyance. Applejack loved her grandmother, but she could be so incredibly stubborn. She thought she knew everything just because she was older, but the old pony couldn't even see her traveling bonnet when it was right on top of her head.

"Is it a good idea to let the old lady drive?" Bolin asked his brother, whispering close to him while shielding the left side of his face with his hand.

"It's never a good idea." Mako replied.

Granny proudly stirred the raft and headed down the path that lead southeast just as she said. Already, Applejack was beginning to question her grandmother's choice.

"Um, Granny?"


"Are we supposed to go through a cave?"

Bolin's eyes widened in horror upon seeing the said cave straight ahead. Like all caves, it grew increasingly darker from inside, and several stalagmites hung from above. If he didn't know any better, he could have sworn he saw something move from inside. The earthbender gulped as he gripped his brother's arm.

"Ah, don't worry, child! The scariest cave in Equestria was down that other way!"

"Scariest? Cave? In Equestria?" Bolin's grip on his brother's arm tightened and Apple Bloom jumped up into his arms. The earthbender now held onto both the filly and his brother.

"Oh, it's a fright all right! Filled with creatures that'll eat ya soon as look at ya!"

Pinkie Pie rose up, her body shaking, "Ooh, sounds scary. Tell us more!" she said, her face shifting to one of pure excitement.

"Ponies go in... but they never come out!"

Bolin gulped and quivered, Apple Bloom griped his arm tightly, Mako only arched an eyebrow and Pinkie Pie was clapping her hooves excitedly. Apple Bloom then gasped when she heard a chattering sound. "Wait! Ya'll hear that?"

Mako heard the sound coming from beside him, and saw Big Mac's teeth were chattering and his body was shaking. The firebender rolled his eyes. "It's just Big Mac's teeth." he said. He placed hid palm underneath the stallion's chin and made him stop his teeth chattering and he stopped shaking.

"And you're sure it's not that cave?" Applejack asked, her voice beginning to tremble, "The one we're headin' straight for?"

"Now, Applejack, I taught you better than to question your elder ponies!" said Granny Smith, looking sternly at her granddaughter, who narrowed her eyes in annoyance. The two noticed the pink pony, smiling at them. The two remembered their deal to be on their best behavior when around Pinkie Pie.

Applejack laughed nervously as she wrapped a hoof around her grandmother's shoulder, "Heh… you sure did."

"Alrighty then. Now everypony just sit on back an' leave the steerin' to your old Granny Smith."

Bolin whimpered once they entered the cave. The light of day disappearing from sight as the darkness of the cave began to consume them all. Even Mako was beginning to feel the fear creeping up on him.

"Well, it was nice knowing you, big bro." Bolin said as they were already halfway inside the cave.

"Uh, Bolin. Just to let you know…I'm sorry about taking sugar dumpling from the fridge."

"Wait, you said that was Pabu! I can't believe you--AH!"

Before Bolin could continue, the entire group began to scream in terror, along with the sound of growling echoing inside the walls, followed by a camera flash.

"Got it!" Pinkie said, right before more growls and screaming was heard and she continued taking more and more pictures. "Best scary unidentifiable creature ever! Say 'terrified'!" The group continued screaming and the unidentified creature continued its bloodcurdling scream which overlapped the group's screaming.

Thankfully, the raft made it safely out of the cave with everyone in tact. Granny Smith was wide eyed and jaw dropped, frozen in place, while the Apple siblings and bending brothers huddled together, their eyes as wide as coulee be, their bodies trembling as the frightening images continued replaying in their minds.

"I've never seen anything more horrifying in my life!" Bolin said, his body still trembling, unwilling to move.

"And I thought angry ponies were terrifying." Mako said, unlike his brother he didn't tremble as much, but his body was frozen in his position holding the others tightly in a protective manner.

And all the while, Pinkie Pie was humming happily, one hundred percent free of fear. Granny Smith finally shook herself back to her senses, "Guess that was the scariest cave in Equestria." she said, only to receive matching annoyed glares from her grandchildren and the two brothers. "Uh, of course I meant to take us through it!" the elder pony quickly said, trying to cover up her mishap, "Unexpected adventure is good for the soul!"

"Best granny wisdom ever!" said Pinkie Pie, making Granny smile proudly.

Applejack managed to pry herself out of her group hug of frightened heroes and approached the wheel, speaking to her grandmother with subtle firmness. "Uh-huh. Why don't you just scooch on over there, Granny? Think I'll take it from here on out."

Granny Smith scoffed angrily and took the wheel by force, "Huh! Is that how I taught you to treat your elder ponies?"

"Ooh! Ooh! Is it?" Pinkie said with a smile.

"You taught me to trust my common sense. And my common sense says we should get to Goldie Delicious's cabin in one piece." Applejack took the wheel from Granny Smith, angering her even more.

"And that is exactly what I'm gonna do!" Granny said, taking the wheel back. She had been around longer than Applejack, who was she to question her elderly wisdom?

"That is mighty generous of you, but I think you've done enough for one day." Applejack took the wheel once more, and Granny only took it back again.n

"And how exactly are you gonna know which way to go?" the elder pony said smugly.

"Alright, that's enough!" Mako intervened between the two mares, "Granny, as much as we appreciate and respect your elderly wisdom I think we can all agree none of us have any idea where the heck we're going."

"Well, what kind of manners are those, sonny?"

"You just led us to the scariest cave in Equestria after you said it wasn't! I'm gonna be seeing that face in my nightmares for months!"

"Well, we wouldn't be lost if the map hadn't gone overboard!" said Applejack.

Apple Bloom angrily stomped her hoof, "Hey! There wouldn't have been an overboard if Big Mac hadn't overpacked the jalopy!"

"Eeyu- hey!"

"Exactly! So I think we can all agree that from here on out, I should be in charge of everything'." said Applejack, which only infuriated her family even more. Before long, the entire Apple clan started yelling at one another, their words overlapping the other making it difficult for anyone to make out what they were saying. Emotions flared, words became mixed amounts the anger filled exclaims as Granny and Applejack fought for the wheel.

Mako knew this would not solve anything. They were all acting like immature children. Every part of his mind was telling him to stop this juvenile behavior, so her did. He came in between the group, shoving Applejack and Granny Smith aside away from the wheel.

"That's it! Everybody stop!" he shouted as he took the wheel himself, trying to keep both ponies from taking it by force. None of them knew which way to go, granted neither did he, but that wasn't the case. He needed to get them to stop and think things over. However, the wheel had already gotten loose and when Granny made another attempt to get it, it popped right off, slipping from Mako's hand and it flew into the air, landing on the water around the neck of a quaking duck…which was then taken away by yet another eagle.

Mako blinked in surprise and then laughed nervously when the Apple family looked at him with angry eyes. In his attempt to make them stop fighting, he had only made matters worse. How could he had been so stupid? He never should have intervened in their affairs. They weren't his family so why did he?

To his relief, Pinkie Pie popped up, still smiling. "I just wanna say... that I think you're all super duper, and I can't wait to make a page in my scrapbook about the amazing waterfall we went down!"

"Say wha…?"

All eyes turned forward when the sound of water rushing reached their ears. Just as Pinkie Pie had said, a gigantic waterfall was straight up ahead.

"Sharp rocks to the bottom?" Bolin asked.

"Most likely!" Pinkie replied happily.

"We're dead."

The entire family began to frantically shift the raft away from the waterfall, splashing their hooves into the water to try and change course, but there was no other course for them to change to. Their attempts were futile and the waterfall came closer and closer. Before they knew it, the raft fell down the extremely tall waterfall, which appeared to be at least eighty feet high. The entire group screamed at the top of their lungs, mentally preparing themselves for their demise.

Pinkie Pie was the only one not screaming and was instead waving her hooves up in the air as if she were on a roller coaster ride. Taking out her camera, she took pictures of the even. One of her with a screaming Apple Bloom, another with the terrified bending brothers, one with her giving a screaming Granny Smith a hug, ruffling Big Mac's mane and one of her and Applejack, who shielded her eyes, while Pinkie made duck-lips at the camera.

The raft eventually reached the end, the shimmering white foam covered them all from top to bottom. After a while, the raft resurfaced, perfectly in tact and everyone alive and well, though soaking wet. Bolin opened his eyes hesitantly and began touching his body, making sure this wasn't a dream.

"We're alive? We're alive!!" he happily hugged Big Mac and kissed him on the head, which in turn made the stallion himself feel very uncomfortable.

Granny Smith smiled upon seeing everyone perfectly in tact, not to mention amazed to realize they were all still breathing. "Huh! Told you that sugar pine sap would hold this thing together."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but…thank Celestia for tree sap!" Mako said. The saying itself felt odd for him to say, but in this case he was just happy to still be alive.

"Wait, where's Pinkie Pie?" Bolin asked, frantically searching for her. He got his answer when the pink pony came lowering down, holding onto her brightly colorful balloons and landed safely onto the raft…which then broke into pieces which floated in the water along with the group and their belongings. Pinkie's balloons popped and she too fell into the water along with the others.


With the little they did manage to preserve, the group made a very poorly constructed wooden wagon which Big Mac pulled. Granny Smith was the only one ridding it. Their hooves and feet were aching and they all groaned in exhaustion, minus Pinkie Pie who hopped along. The pony hopped ahead once the group stopped in front of a wooden house in the middle of the woods. It was a simple cottage with a hay stack rooftop, wooden doors and windows and a stone chimney that was seen on the side of the house.

"We're here! We're here! We made it to Goldie Delicious's's's's's!"

"Finally!" Mako said out loud, not even bothering to hide how he was really feeling. At this point, he was just happy that this whole trip was nearly over.

"You guys! There's a note!" Pinkie said once she pulled the said note which was tapped on the wooden door. Her eyes scanned the paper and she giggled.

Mako wanted to just snatch the paper from her hoof but even he knew that was too harsh. "Uh, Pinkie Pie? Maybe you could read that one out loud?" he said, grinding his teeth.

"Oh, right, sorry! I haven't even read it yet. I was just looking at how pretty the paper is." Pinkie said, making Mako groan in frustration. "Okay, it says that she ran off to run some errands but will be home soon! Oh, that's perfect!"

"Why is that perfect?" Apple Bloom asked, her voice mixed with disappointment and confusion.

"Because it'll give me enough time to get more scrapbook paper! See ya!"

One the pony hopped off to get the paper she said, Apple Bloom sighed sadly, "Worst family road trip. Ever."

"Eeyup." Big Mac replied sadly.

"I can't believe she witnessed our family fallin' apart like this." said Applejack with a disappointed sigh.

Bolin squatted down to her level, smiling in reassurance. "It wasn't that bad."

"What are you talkin' about? We argued left and right!" Applejack sadly looked at her grandmother, her ears lowering in regret.

"Well, maybe if Mako hadn't torn the wheel off."

Mako's eyes widened, "What?!"

"You were the one who had it last."

"I only did it to stop you guys from fighting! This is exactly why I didn't want to come in the first place!"

"You didn't want to come?" Apple Bloom asked, looking up at Mako with her big golden eyes. They were enough to make Mako reconsider what he had just said. He reeled back, looking down in shame.

"I didn't mean it like that. It's just…I have no real business being here. This whole trip was to find out if Pinkie was related to you guys why did I have to come? What could I have done? This was your family trip, it's your family and I'm…I'm not." he said sadly, his gaze falling to the ground in shame. "And now my meddling just messed everything up. I don't even know why I did that."

For a moment, all were silent. Only sad looks were exchanged instead of words. Mako felt awful. He knew he never should have come. He should have just let them go on their trip. Bolin just had to persuade him to come.

The earthbender looked down in regret. "I'm sorry, Mako. I shouldn't have forced you to come. I just, I thought it would be nice to be a part of a family again, even for just one moment."

Suddenly, to Mako's surprise, Applejack began to chuckle. "Mako, you're a clever guy, but even you're not the sharpest pitchfork in the tool shed."

"What are you talking about?"

"You weren't the only one to mess anything up. We all did. You never would have needed to come between us if I hadn't argued with Granny Smith so much. It was like I wasn't myself at all."

"Aw, that wasn't your fault." said the elderly pony, "My stubborn streak got a hold of me somethin' fierce. Should've let you take the wheel long a'fore that."

"It was my fault the map got all wet…" Apple Bloom said sadly.

"I was the pony who—" Big Mac was interrupted when Granny covered his mouth.

"Now, now, Big Mac, you gotta know we forgive you for packin' the jalopy so much that it collapsed. You was just as eager to please Pinkie Pie like the rest of us."

Bolin scratched the back of his neck, while racing the tip of his foot around the dirt like a bashful child. "But Mako does make a good point. I shouldn't have wiggled myself into your family business."

"We know why you did, dearie." said Granny with a kind elderly smile, "There ain't nothin' wrong with wantin' to be part of a family."

Mako was surprised when Apple Bloom hugged his leg, "And if you hadn't been here I would have fallen into the river."

"But, I caused the wheel to fly off."

"You only did that because you didn't want us fightin'." said Applejack, "That just means you care about is. Heck, Korra would have done the exact same thing if she were in your place. I should know." she winked.

"And we like having you guys around." said Apple Bloom, hugging both of the brothers' legs. "That is, if you still want to."

Applejack lowered her hat, placing it close to her chest, "I think we have to let Pinkie Pie know that even if she does discover that she's an Apple, she does not have to feel obliged to consider herself one."

"Are you kidding me?! You guys are the best family ever!" Pinkie Pie stomp her hoof in statement to that after she had come back with her scrapbook supplies.

"How can you say that?" Applejack asked in disbelief, "We started out as one big unit, and now look at us."

"Yeah! Now look at you! You're all here still in one big unit, loving each other and owning up to what went wrong! You never gave up, even when things got tough!"

"She does make a pretty good point." Bolin said.

"You aren't just family, you're best friends!" Pinkie then leaped and tackled Applejack to the ground, "And I wanna be an Apple more than ever!"

"And we want you to be one too!" said Apple Bloom.


"Now that's how you run an errand." an extra voice called out. The group spotted a female elderly pony walking towards them, carrying bags filled with kittens on her back. She was a light orange colored pony with emerald green eyes and platinum blond hair which was slowly turning white due to her old age. She wore a pink laced collar around her neck with an elegant victorian styled broach in the center. She shared the same freckles as Applejack on the sides of her cheeks. Pinkie Pie was the first to greet her.


"Hello yourself!"

Applejack greeted her second, "You must be Goldie Delicious. So nice to meet you."

"Uh-huh. And who exactly are you?"

Pinkie Pie hugged her entire family together, "We're Apples!"

"Oh, and who are these strapping young two legend creatures?" Goldie asked, looking up at the two teenage boys.

Mako waved first, "Hello. We're just tag alongs."

"And we think we're all Apples." said Applejack, addressing the situation, "But we need your help finding out if Pinkie Pie here is our fourth cousin twice removed."

"Well why didn't you say so? If anypony can help solve this genealogy mystery, it's me!" Goldie walked over to her wooden door, which creaked as she strained to open it, which was quite stuck as it would appear. "Oh, I am sorry about this. I wasn't exactly expectin' company. Lemme try to squeeze in here…oh!" Goldie was surprised when the two tall human boys politely opened the door for her. "Why, thank ya'll kindly. Lemme just tidy up the place a bit."

The group watched in surprise as the elderly pony began tossing several items out of the house. Those items included several cats, kitchen utensils, an old horseshoe, hay, a lamp, a bucket, empty bottles, chairs, a phonograph, a few books and several more cats. This pony most certainly had a lot of thing to hold onto. After "cleaning up", Goldie peeked her head from inside.

"Come on in! Sorry about the mess!"

The group walked inside and were astonished to see the house entirely cluttered with old and worn items as far as the eye could see. And cats. Lots, and lots, and lots of cats all over the place, on the stairs, shelves, even hanging off of the lamps. There was even a cheetah!

"Somepony loves her cats." Bolin muttered to himself, not wanting to sound rude as he and the others entered the cluttered cottage. Both brothers hit their head against the ceiling in their effort to get in. Dust feel from the old ceiling, making the two sneeze. Applejack then accidentally stepped on a few of horseshoes on the floor.

"Oh, careful now. Those belonged to your great-great-great-great uncle Apple Tart!"

Apple Bloom noticed a gingerbread house on the table next to a cat coat and vase. "Well, whose was this?"

"Well, that was my lunch. A couple of weeks ago." Goldie headed to a stack of books, where two cats scattered. She blew the dust away before picking a single book from the bottom of the pile. Normally, this would have caused it to tumble and fall, but to everyone's surprise, it didn't.

"This here is a complete record of, of our family tree!" Goldie opened the book and began flipping the pages. Pinkie Pie zipped on by, who was previously drawing glasses and a mustache on a mirror to see her funny reflection.

"It's not here, or here, or, or here, or it certainly isn't here, is, is it...? Oh, here it is!" Goldie read the page closely, only to come up with, "…Oh, dear."

"'Oh, dear'? What is it?" Granny asked with concern. The tone in their relative's voice did not sound at all too good.

Pinkie Pie looked at the words on the page, but her growing concern kept her from reading it more clearly, "Am I not an Apple after all?" she asked fearfully, which was a feeling shared by everyone inside.

"Well, that's just it. I don't know. The page is all smudged."

"Let me see that for a second." Mako gently took the book so he could read it for himself.

"Don't worry, Miss Goldie. He's a cop, he's good at finding clue." Bolin said to the elderly pony.

As Mako's eyes scanned the pages, even picking up a magnifying glass from a nearby table to get a better look. After a few moments of intense searching, the firebender looked down at the pink pony with a look or regret.

"I'm sorry, Pinkie. There's no way to know for sure."

Hearing this brought Pinkie's spirit down something fierce. Her mane slowly began to deflate and her eyes appeared hazy, almost as if she would tear up in front of everybody. All this time, she really had her heart set on being an Apple, and now…now it seemed that would never be a reality, or even know they knew for certain.

"I sure am sorry, but I don't think I can help you out after all." said Goldie, placing a hoof on the poor pony's shoulder.

Pinkie Pie sniffed, trying her best to hold her feelings in, "Don't be sorry, it's okay. I'm just a little disappointed that I'll never know for sure if I'm a part of this family."

The two brothers looked down sadly, feeling sympathy for the poor pony. But Applejack only smiled with great confidence. "Well, I know for sure!"

"What do you mean? You can't know!"

"I can know for sure that it doesn't matter what the book says or doesn't say. After all you've been through with us and all you've put up with, it's obvious you're an Apple to the core!"

"Darn tooting'!" Granny Smith said.

"Yes siree!" Apple Bloom agreed.

"It ain't blood that unites us, it's the shared foundation of unconditional love and sacrifice that really ties us all in the end."

Eyes blinked in surprise after hearing Big Mac's profound words. Bolin was especially impressed, "Big Mac, you have a serious way with words."


Mako patted Pinkie on the head. "I'm sorry you had to come all the way here for an unanswered question." said Pinkie Pie.

"Actually, I think it was the best family road trips I've ever been on." he then turned to the rest of the Apples, "That is, if you guys…" he got his answer when the entire Apple clan gathered around him and Pinkie Pie to showcase that they were both Apples in their eyes. Even though they were not his biological family, for one short little moment, Mako got a first time look at how it was like to be a part of a family like this.

Bolin began tearing up and joined in the hug. "I love you guys!"

Using her tail, Pinkie Pie lifted up the camera once more, "Say 'best family hug ever'!"

"Best family hug ever!" everyone said in happy unison right before the flash of the camera.


Pinkie smiled happily as she added the latest photo in her scrapbook, decorating it with several buttons and stickers. Today hadn't gone as she had expected, how any of them had expected really. But, in the end, it was all worth it. She got to be a part of a great family. Bolin got a taste of what it was like to be part of a family, and so did Mako. Even if he didn't know he wanted to.

Pinkie placed the book in her bouncy mane before hopping onto the stronger, much sturdier wagon for the group to travel on. "Thanks again for the wagon, Goldie!" Applejack waved, "We'll see you soon!"

"Y'all sure you don't want to take any of these Apple family heirlooms home with you?" Goldie asked…right before several of the items collapsed and landed outside on the ground, releasing the dust.

Everyone turned to Big Mac, seeing if he would make the same mistake twice in overloading the wagon again. Thankfully, the stallion shook his head.


"It was nice meeting you, Goldie!" Bolin said with a wave as the wagon took off. The family was on the road once more, ready to head back home. "So, what do we do to past the time now?" Bolin asked.

"I think I have an idea." Mako smiled and pulled out the banjo once more.

"Wait, how did you--?"

"Less logic, more singing!" the firebender happily strum on the banjo, playing a familiar tune. The entire family happily sang along.


We're Apples forever, Apples together

We're family, but so much more

No matter what comes, we will face the weather

We're Apples to the core!

Big Mac and Bolin:



Back on the farm, Bolin and Mako happily munched on a few apple tarts Granny had just made after the long journey back. The firebender opened the purple journal with the elements of harmony imprinted on the cover, handing it to Applejack.

"Twilight agreed this was definitely an experience worth puttin' in the journal." she said, "Think I'll write about how bein' a good family isn't about bein' perfect as much as it is about bein' able to get through the rough patches together."

"And about being able to forgive each other for mistakes." Bolin said, remembering how he wrongly blamed Mako for the whole wheel incident. Mako laughed and ruffle his brothers hair.

"Don't forget to mention how really good friends can also feel like your family." Apple Bloom said as she hugged both Pinkie and Mako.


Applejack reached out to grab the quill, only to have her littler sister intervene. "You know what? Maybe I should write it. I'm good at makin' things sound excitin'."

"I have a history of excellent storytelling'." said Granny Smith, "I should probably do it— Hey! Where in the haystack do you think you're goin' with that there pen?!" the elderly pony exclaimed when Big Mac took the quill in his mouth.

Before long, the entire clan was arguing once more. "Look at me! I'm part of the Apple family too!" Pinkie said to the brothers before zipping to the Apples, "I'm arguing! Argue, argue, argue! Bicker, bicker!"

"You want to do something here too?" Bolin asked.

Mako only shook his head, "Nah. They'll work it out. Family always does."


Well, as it just goes to show, family isn't always perfect. But, in the end, it's definitely the best gift anyone could receive.

It's amazing how Mako went from being hesitant to having a family, to eventually having one of his own.

Well, that's all for now. Hope to see you next time door another,

Tales of Equestria!