• Published 13th Aug 2021
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The Little Pony Legend: The Crystaling and To Where and Back Again - MaggiesHeartLove

Join Starlight Glimmer as she tries to redeem herself and saves her friends in the process

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The Chrystaling part 3

Princess Cadance, now having fixed her hair a bit, stood on the stage with the three alicorns beside her. The stage was decorated with a large heart shaped arc with a single yellow star above it. A large curtain was behind it, and from behind the curtain, the father peeked to hear is wife speaking to the crowd.

"Dearest citizens, I am sure you are all just as thrilled and ready for this Crystalling as myself and Shining Armor."

The ponies cheered excitedly. Shinning Armor could already hear them talking about the baby and how wonderful the ceremony will be. As if the prince wasn't worried enough. He turned back to the line of crystal guards, awaiting for him to choose which one of them would have the honor of being in the ceremony. Shinning Armor began to release short panicked breaths. He hadn't gotten any sleep in the past three days, he could barely think straight and had completely forgotten what he needed to look for on an honor guard.

"I'm not ready!" he exclaimed, his eyes widening.

Flash Sentry flew down before him with Rainbow Dash, both holding knight helmets. "Take it easy!" Rainbow Dash said, "Just pick whoever looks the most like honor guard material."

"Right… right." said the prince, levitating the two helmets. He really wasn't thinking much and just randomly picked the first two the helmets landed on…backwards and in their faces. The two chosen, or they assumed they were chosen, tumbled backwards due to the helmets shielding their visions and the other guars whimpered as they backed away.

Shining Armor sighed in regret to the others. "I'm sorry. Fatherhood is way more stressful than I ever thought."

"I hear ya, buddy." Mako said, earning a few questionable looks from the others.

"I'm pretty sure three little lizard spirits aren't nearly as challenging as a newborn alicorn." said Applejack.

"Have you tried getting those kids to eat their vegetable?" Mako said, crossing his arms, "It's no picnic."

"Plus, Ali's a bitter." Asami said, looking at her finger and cringed a bit. She could still remember the sting she felt when those tiny little teeth one time when she was babysitting them.

Rarity then levitated a velvet box before Shinning Armor, opening it to reveal five bright blue crystals. "Now, I know choosing the crystal of purity is a very important decision. So I have gone through the trouble of arranging them in order from incredibly pure to outrageously pure."

"Um, Rarity, don't they all sort of look the same?" Fluttershy asked, looking at how disturbingly similar the jewels all looked.

"Oh, well, to the untrained eye, perhaps. What do you think, Shining Armor?" Rarity levitated the opened box towards the prince, who began to stammer incoherently, his eyes increasing in size once more and his body trembling in anxiety.

"I don't know!" he cried out before lowering down and covering his face while the others only looked on in pity.

Asami whispered to Flash Sentry, "I hope the others are having better luck with the baby!"


"Just like the magic inside of you…."

The baby yawned and snuggled in Korra's arms. She had just finished singing a song for the little one, and just as expected she fell right asleep. Korra gently placed her back into her bed, covering her with a blanket and kissed her little head.

"Aww. She's so peaceful." she said….right before turning back to Twilight and Pinkie Pie, who looked like they had been through a tornado as did the rest of the room. There were a couple scorch marks on the walls. The baby had already learned how to use her horn and was shooting magical yellow beams around the place. Twilight managed to keep her in check, and even Pinkie Pie tried to hold her down when she was flying everywhere, but only did Korra's singing actually calmed her down.

"I can't believe you managed to get her to sleep." Twilight said, breathing heavily due to exhaustion. She never knew one little baby could cause her so much trouble.

"I sing for Rohan all the time." Korra said, once the child was sound asleep. "You know, I could really get used to this mother stuff. It just feels so right." she flipped her hair a bit and turned back to her friends, "Okay, now that that's done, let's go check on…" she trailed off when she saw the two now nervous ponies pointing their hooves, urging the Avatar to turn around. Korra didn't even bother and just gave an unsurprised deadpan stare.

"She's flying again, isn't she?"

two seconds latter…

"Well… at least she's having... fun!" Pinkie said as she, once again, tried sustaining the child who flew around the room once again, shooting more magical beams everywhere. Both Korra and Twilight managed to keep the beams at bay, by countering them with beams of their own.

"Pinkie, hold her still!" Twilight exclaimed.

"I'm tryiiiiiiing!" Pinkie cried out, her hooves screeching across the floor as she held onto the flying baby. Taking care of this powerhouse was going to be a lot harder than they thought.


Back at Blazing Saddle's home, the unicorn sat on a table with his son and his guest. Spike saw with them as well, chewing on a few little sandwiches the unicorn had put up for his guests. The sound of his chewing was basically the only line of dialog either of them had shared during the entire visit.

Blazing Saddle's home was filled with shelves upon shelves of books, each one about magic. Magic spells, magic history, magic manuals, ect. It really didn't surprise Starlight, even as a child Blazing Saddles had a variety of books in his collection. It was how Sunburst learned so much.

Starlight's eyes darted around the place as she held the teacup in her hooves. Sunburst was also hesitant to talk, still trying to figure out a way to ease the whole him being a cop news gently. Thankfully for both of them, Blazing Saddles spoke first.

"So, what have you been up to son?"

"Oh, um…well, I moved to Republic City." he said, trying his best to not showcase his nervousness.

"I've heard of it." his father said, sounding somewhat interested. "What's it like?"

"It's great. I've made a lot of new friends and found my own place."

"Do you have a job?" Blazing Saddles asked, unintentionally making his son gulp nervously.


"Well, that's good to hear."

"Sunburst's ears perked up in surprise. "It is?"

"Of course. I know I was upset about you dropping out of magic school, but it's still a relief you've found something to support yourself."

"I'm so happy to hear you say that!"

"So, what are you working on now? Keeping your magic skills sharp I hope."

Just when he thought things were going smoothly, they went south fast. "Actually…I'm…uh…" he loved over at Starlight, who smiled and nodded. Encouraging him to tell his father the truth. Sunburst took in a deep breath and confessed. "I took a job at the Republic City Police department!"

Blazing Saddles surprised his guests by spitting out his tea in shock. "You're a cop?!"

"Technically, it's deputy right now. I'm still working my way up."

"W--Well, surely it must require some knowledge about magic, right?"

"Not really. It's not obligatory, but it is accepted by choice. A lot of Equestrians are getting jobs there."

Blazing Saddles shook his head in disbelief, "I…this is…I don't know what to say."

"He really is amazing." said Starlight, finally gaining the courage to speak up. "Chief Beifong says he's the best rookie cop they've had since Mako."

"Who's Mako." Blazing Saddles asked.

"He's like my mentor." Sunburst explained, "He's also royal adviser to the princesses, and Princess Korra's boyfriend. He's teaching me everything I know."

Blazing Saddles eyes his son suspiciously. "You're learning from…a human?"

"Well, yeah. Why is that a problem? Do you have something against humans?"

"Of course not! It's just…well, I was hoping you'd take on a career that would best exercise everything you were taught."

"But dad, I dropped out of Magic School, don't you remember? You were so upset."

"I was at first, but I didn't loose faith in your talents, son. Just because it didn't work out at school doesn't mean you still can't improve. You were just nervous around those other kids, that's all."

"That's not the reason dad. I knew all the spells by heart but I couldn't cast any of them. I soon realized my magic is at its strongest when I use it to serve and protect people. I tried to tell you this before but you wouldn't listen."

Blazing Saddles remained silent, levitating his tea and taking a sip. His eyes drifted over to Starlight, who was silent all throughout their conversation. "So, Starlight Glimmer, how long have you known the Princesses of Friendship?" he asked, completely changing the subject.

"Oh, just a few months really. I mostly spend my time learning airbending from Master Tenzin. He's an amazing teacher. Wise too."

"I see. Well, that's…wonderful." the unicorn sounded anything but pleased. If anything, he sounded more suspicious than anything. "So, what did happen to you after Sunburst left for magic school?"

"What? Nothing!" Starlight replied quickly, slamming her hooves onto the table, causing the teapot to shake. Realizing her outburst she laughed nervously and began pouring herself some more tea. "I-I mean, I don't see what that has to do with anything. W-Why would you even ask that?" Starlight tried desperately to play it cool but the look on Blazing Saddle's eyes only made her more nervous. She stopped pouring the tea, realizing the cup was overflowing and tea was spilling onto the table. She placed it back on the table.

"What about you, dad?" Sunburst asked, in hopes of easing the tension between them. "How has your new job as a professor been treating you?"

Blazing Saddle's eyes suddenly widened and adjusted his glasses, "Oh, right, right! yes, wonderful! Everything is fantastic, I couldn't be prouder. There is nothing more satisfying that doing what you love."

Sunburst smiled, "I'm really happy to hear that, because I'm very happy where I am right now."

"Are you sure?" his father asked.

"Of course I'm sure. I just said I was."

"Well, that's…fine." Blazing Saddles said before taking a sip of his tea.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sunburst asked, his eyes slightly narrowing in suspicion.


"Dad, I know that tone." Sunburst exclaimed, his ears pressing against his head, indicating anger. "You don't like that I'm a deputy, do you?"

"It's not that son, I'm just…a little disappointed you choose a job like this instead of becoming a wizard. You have so much talent and you're just waiting it away!"

"I'm not waisting it away, I'm using it the way I'm supposed to! Just because I'm not a professor like you doesn't mean I'm not good."

"I just don't understand why you would quit school for something like this! Working with a bunch of meat headed bodyguards who spend their free time eating donuts and cracking up bad jail puns?"

Starlight shrunk down in her seat as both father and son glared angrily at one another. Spike then tried frantically to look for a solution with the list. "I'm sure there's something here that can help."

At this point, Starlight would be happy with a paper bag over her head.


Back at the palace, Rarity was brushing Shinning Armor's mane, now wearing his royal prince jacket and breathing heavily. Flash Sentry coached the prince. "In an out, in and out, in and out." he repeated and the prince did as he instructed.

The doors opened and Cadance walked out with the alicorns behind her. Her hair was brushed beautifully and she was now wearing a stunning light blue dress with crystal symbols on the skirt. Her husband sighed in relief, his hair now perfectly manageable.

"Okay. I chose the honor guard, picked the purity crystal, got my suit, and we've already chosen our crystaller. So, all we need is…" the prince rubbed his chin in thought, trying to remember what else he was forgetting, while his wife gave him a deadpan look before rolling her eyes.

"The baby?" she said, stating the obvious.

Shinning Armor's eyes widened and his lips pouted in shock. How could he forget their own baby? The guest of honor? The whole purpose for this Crystalling to begin with?

"We're here!" Korra called, making Shinning Armor breathed a sigh of relief. Twilight kept the baby contained within a magenta colored bubble, where she kept on flying in circles around it, with Pinkie Pie holding on tightly onto her little torso.

"She's a really strong flyer!" said the pink pony, still holding onto the child.

Korra phased her hands through the bubble and took the baby into her arms once more. Twilight deactivated the bubble, freeing Pinkie Pie. Korra tickled the child. Anyone could tell the baby took a real liking towards the Princess Avatar, and vice versa.

"Okay, little one, you've had your fun now it's time to go back to mommy." Korra handed the child to Cadance, allowing the mother to levitated her with her own blue colored magical aura, separating the two new friends.

The baby began whimpering sadly the moment she was separated from Korra, who stood beside her friends. Her eyes filled with tears, her lip quivering. She didn't want to be apart from her new aunty Korra. The poor child sniffed sadly before releasing a powerful and broken hearted cry.

A sonic wave came from the baby's powerful cry, bouncing off of the walls, becoming a booming echo that outstretched all across the empire, surprising many citizens. The Team instinctively covered their ears, their hair, tails and cloths billowing against the wind created by the booming noise.

Once the whaling finally stopped, the Crystal Heart suddenly stopped spinning. The sound of cracking came shortly after…followed by the sound of shattering glass.

The baby burbled as she landed on her mother's extended hoof, all the while she and the others stared in horrified shock. They didn't think it was possible, but the Crystal Heart…was broken!

Bits and pieces of the once stunning magical item were splattered across the floor, there were so many of there there was no way they could be able to put it back together, let alone figure out which piece was which. That would take years in of itself.

Flash Sentry felt woozy and passed out right then and their while Applejack approached the broken pieces. "I'm guessin' that's gonna make it harder to do the Crystalling."

"It's worse than that." Mako said in despair as he opened the curtain.

From the outside they watched as the sky turned a frightening dark shade of blue, powerful cold winds were forming and horrifying dark clouds formed overhead, followed by various snowflakes. Even Mako himself shivered at the cold.

"Without the Heart, the Crystal Empire's about to be buried under a mountain of ice and snow!"
