• Published 13th Aug 2021
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The Little Pony Legend: The Crystaling and To Where and Back Again - MaggiesHeartLove

Join Starlight Glimmer as she tries to redeem herself and saves her friends in the process

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To where and back again part 3

The bison landed on Air Temple Island, and Starlight was just relieved to be back home. Once they arrived, Starlight's ears began to flicker back and forth and she looked around the island. Normally, at this time of day, nearly everybody would be out and about, but the island was…surprisingly, nearly deserted, with only a few airbenders out and about, and none of the even speaking to each other.

"That's strange." P'Li said. "I've never seen the island so…quiet."

"I thought it was always quiet." Trixie said, "You know, being a place of tranquility and all."

"Yeah, but never this quiet. There's hardly anybody." Starlight said, "I don't even hear lemurs chattering."

"Did, something happen while we were gone?" P'Li asked.

Starlight quickly spotted Opal and Pinkie walking along the nearly deserted island, and called out to them. "Opal! Pinkie Pie!"

The two stopped chatting amongst each other once Starlight approached them. Pinkie Pie greeted first, "Hey... you!"

"Is everything okay? Where is everybody."

"They're…probably out somewhere. You know, helping spread harmony and peace, and all that…good, airbender stuff." said Opal, "So, what brings you here?"

Starlight arched an eyebrow, "I… live here?" Opal and Pinkie Pe blinked in surprise, which only made Starlight all the more confused. "Anyway, you're probably wondering why I'm back so soon."

"Where were you?" Pinkie asked, which kind of surprised Starlight.

"I… went to my old village? For the festival?"

"Ooh, sounds fun! How was it?" Pinkie Pie asked, excitable as always, but at the same time…somewhat stiff.

"It was kind of a disaster. I came back early because I freaked out!"

"Wow, sounds awful, bye!" Opal said, sounding uncharacteristically uninterested in the rest of the story and she and Pinkie Pie walked away. The latter still smiling widely for some reason.

Starlight, Trixie and P'Li gave each other questionable looks, "That was... strange." Starlight said.

"Isn't Pinkie always strange?" Trixie asked, while removing her hat and cape.

"Yeah, but not like that. Especially not Opal." Starlight said until she noticed Tenzin walking out of the building and rushed to greet him. "Master Tenzin!"

The airbender froze in place and slowly turned to the unicorn. "Yes? Can I help you?"

"Yes. Where are the other airbenders? Is there an emergency."

"Oh, no my dear. We're just…very busy, is all. You know we airbenders travel the world to help bring peace and harmony. Today is no different."

"But, I was only gone for twenty four hours. If something happened, don't you think I should know too?"

Tenzin forced a warm smile, placing his hand on Starlight's shoulder. "Don't fret, dear child. Everything is as it should be. Why don't you and your friends go out to lunch, get your mind off of things."

Starlight only gave a skeptical look as Tenzin walked away without a second glance. Tenzin was always the no-nonsense type, but today he felt rather…off. It was like, it was still him, but something in his mannerisms and speak pattern seemed different somehow.

Not long after he left, Asami, Bolin, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity arrived at the island. Starlight smiled to see more familiar faces and ran up to greet them. "Hey! I'm back early."

"Ah. Welcome back?" Asami said, rather unsurely.

"Have you guys noticed anything weird about the island?"

"Looks like it always does." Bolin said.

"Told you." Trixie said smugly, while P'Li rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, I wanted to talk to all of you. Things didn't go the way I thought they were going to go at the Sunset Festival."

"Oh, dear!" Fluttershy said, placing her hand over her heart in concern.

"What happened?" Rarity asked.

"I kind of freaked out and ran out of the village." Starlight confessed…only to be met by hysterical laughter from her friends. They all tilted their heads back, hugging their stomachs, some even pointed at the unicorn, like playground children making fun of a fellow classmate"

"You freaked out and ran away from a festival? Ha! That's the funniest danged thing I've heard all day." Applejack said in between laughs.

"Oh my. Let me guess. The decorations were terrifying!" Rarity taunted.

"Did you mistake a streamer for a snake?" Bolin laughed, pointing at Starlight, which really wasn't like him. Bolin was never the kind of person to laugh at another person's expense, yet here he was, making fun of Starlight and her insecurities.

Even Trixie and P'Li found this behavior strange. Fluttershy, the kindest and most considerate of the group was joining in on this, probably laughing the hardest.

Asami wiped away a single tear that managed to escape her eye. "Wow! Talk about bad lame!"

"Asami? What's gotten into you?" P'Li asked, she knew the heiress would normally never be this rude.

While they laughed, Mako, Flash Sentry, Rainbow Dash, and even Sunburst arrived, the laughter dying down. Starlight smiled upon seeing her boyfriend and rushed to greet him, nearly tackling him with a great bear hug.


"Hey! What's the uniform!" he exclaimed, practically shoving her off of him with brute force. Starlight nearly fell to the ground but managed to keep her balance. Sunburst dusted his sleeves, adjusted his uniform, and sleeked his red hair.



"What happened? Did the seminar not go well?"

"The seminar went just fine, thanks for asking." Sunburst replied, in such a cruel and thoughtless tone. A complete and total contrast to his loving, compassionate spirit.

"Why are you acting so…so mean?"

"Maybe because I don't like crazy fan girls tackling me and wrinkling my uniform!"

Starlight stepped back, away from…whoever this was. "This…this isn't you."

Mako, stepped forward, blocking Starlight's view of her boyfriend, narrowing his ember eyes. "Excuse us, ladies. We need the rest of the team. Very important friendship business." he emphasized, speaking in an equally cold tone.

The rest of the team walked away from the group, heading towards the crystalized bridge which connected the island to Korra's palace. As they left, Rainbow Dash flipped her mane as well as her tail, nearly wiping P'Li wrist with it with her great speed and force. Starlight watched in heartbreak as Sunburst gave her one final cold stare and walked along with the others. Tenzin awaited for them near the bridge, and joined them in entering the castle.

"I have to say, I'm really not as impressed with your friends as the rest of Equestria is." Trixie said, inspecting her nails.

Starlight felt an awful pit in her stomach. Something was definitely wrong here, she could feel it as the others entered the palace, closing the door behind them.

"Somethings wrong." she half-whispered to herself and rushed towards the bridge, reaching for the handles, only to surprisingly find the doors locked. She grunted and struggled to open them, but when her efforts proved in vain she resulted to knocking.

"Korra? Twilight? Hello?"

The door opened a creek, and Starlight let out a yelp to see and angry Flash Sentry standing at the door. "What do you want? The Avatar is very busy!"

"Flash, I really need to speak with her!"

Spike appeared from behind Flash's legs. "Make an appointment! She's a princess, after all!"

Flash prepared to close the doors, only for Starlight to stop him midway, keeping it open. "What's gotten into you two? Why are you being so—"

"Rude?" Twilight intervened, opening the doors completely, revealing Korra beside her in the process. "I think a certain dragon didn't get his nap today."

Spike grunted as he walked back inside. "Yeah, right. Whatever."

Twilight then narrowed her eyes at Flash Sentry, "Could you give us a moment, sweetie?"

Flash only rolled his eyes but complied none the less, all the while blowing a raspberry at Korra, who then slapped him behind the head, all times Starlight looked on in confusion and surprise.

"Sorry. He's been acting a little off all day. I think he missed a meal or something." Twilight said, looking back at Flash.

"He's not the only one. Everybody's acting a little strange today."

Korra and Twilight stiffed for a brief moment, and the Avatar fiddled with her long hair. "Oh, yeah. It's definitely been one of those days. How are you?" she asked the unicorn in a sweet tone.

"Not great, actually. Sunburst isn't acting like himself, and the island is nearly deserted. I think something's up."

Korra laughed it off, "There's nothing going on. I just sent some airbenders to do some scouting outside the city and the earth kingdom, that's why the island is so empty. Nothing to worry about."

"But, that doesn't explain why Sunburst got so angry with me."

"He's probably stressed from work." Twilight said, "It's been so crazy lately with the seminar, you really can't blame him. I'm sure once he cools down he'll apologize."

Despite their reassurance, Starlight didn't feel that much better. "I guess."

"Is that all?"

"Actually…no. You're probably also wondering why I'm back from the village so early." Starlight said as she stepped a few feet further inside, while the two princess took hesitant steps back.

"We didn't want to bring it up, but yeah, it did seem strange. Did it not go well?" Twilight asked with concern.

"The townsponies kept asking me things, like they expected me to be in charge again. But being a leader is the last thing I should ever be. So we left. Very suddenly. In a literal puff of smoke." Starlight said in embarrassment.

"Wow, you should definitely never go back to that village." Korra said, surprising the unicorn.


"Oh, definitely. If you were worried about what they thought of you before, it's probably way worse now. I'd cut my losses."

"I second that." Twilight said, disturbingly with a smug smile.

Starlight took a few steps back. "That's… surprising advice, coming from you two."

"Trust us. We're the Princess of Friendship. You don't need those ponies. You can always make more friends." Twilight smiled.

Mako walked down the stairs, asking them to come up with the others. "Ah! Speaking of friends, if you'll excuse us, important business to attend to!" Korra said rapidly before she and Twilight rushed behind Mako up the stairs, closing the door in Starlight's face in the process.

The airbending unicorn was left alone outside the palace, now filled with more questions than answers. "Cut my losses? That can't be right."


Starlight Glimmer strolled down the village at night. Tumbleweeds rolled along the open space as a soft fog rolled in. The doors of every house opened, and ponies walked out. Each one carrying a blank, stern expression. Starlight saw Double Diamond walk by.

"Hey, I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier." she said, but the white earth pony completely ignored her and walked away. Party Favor also came strolling along, and just like his friend, he walked by Starlight as if she wasn't even there.

"Party Favor, can you hear me?"

"I told you you can never speak to them again!"

Starlight gasped once she heard the sound of Korra's angry voice. The Avatar, along with Twilight and the rest of the team made themselves known. Even stranger still, the ponies were all in their anthro forms, which made so sense since they were in Equestria, where they couldn't morph.

"What are you all doing here? And, how are you in anthro form?"

"We came to make sure you did what we said!" Twilight exclaimed, "We are your Princesses, aren't we? Didn't we say to never come back here?!"

"Yes, but that just doesn't seem right. You aren't acting like yourself."

"Something is wrong!"

A second voice called out, speaking simultaneously over Starlight's. The wind blew and Team Avatar evaporated from existence.

"A dream? This is another dream!"

"Starlight Glimmer…!" the voice called out once more.

"Princess Luna?" Starlight looked around, hearing the voice calling her name again. "Princess Luna, where are you?"

The moon above her glowed brighter, appearing almost like a portal of some kind, and saw the princess of the moon struggling to pull herself out.

"Starlight Glimmer, there is no time! You must get help!"

"What? What are you talking about? This is just a dream!"

"Not here! In the waking world! They've taken my family and I! The airbenders, Beifong and her police! It's worse than the last time!" Luna cried out, still struggling to keep herself up, she appeared be continuously pulled back by some unseen force. "Your dream called to me, and I was able to break through! You must find help!"

"What are you saying?! Who's taken you?!"

"Be careful who you trust! You need all the help you can find! The changelings have returned and—" before she could speak anymore, the princess gasped and shrieked when insect-like pony abominations reached out and pulled her back. Luna's screaming echoed into the night.

"Princess Luna!" Starlight called out to the princess, only to have everything in her dream, including herself, to be sucked away into the moon, disappearing in a blinding light.

The unicorn woke up, panting anxiously, sweat dripping nearly from every inch of her face. The memory of the princess and those creatures was so fresh it her mind, she could almost see it flawlessly in front of her right now.

P'Li jolted awake at the sound of her roommate's screaming. "Starlight! What's wrong?!"

"They're back!"

"Who's back?"

Starlight morphed into her anthro form and quickly covered P'Li mouth. Using her horn, she teleported them out of Air Temple Island, and to Aang Memorial Island, in the dark of night.

P'Li pried the unicorn off of her. "Starlight Glimmer, what's going on? Who's back?"

"I--" Starlight proceeded to explain, only to remember the words Luna spoke to her only moments ago. "Be careful who you trust!" Starlight took a fighting stance in front of P'Li. "If you're really P'Li, what was the first real secret I ever told you?"

P'Li arched an eyebrow, "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Answer the question!"

"I can't!"

"Why not?"

"Because, after you told me, you made me promise never to say it out loud!"

"Well, I'm telling you to say it out loud, now."

The woman sighed in exasperation, "The first time you cast your first spell, you messed up by sneezing, you fell into a muddy puddle, and wounded up with a twig stuck to your--"

"Okay! Okay, I believe you!" Starlight stopped her midway, blushing in embarrassment.

"Now that that's taken cared of, can you please explain to me why you teleported us to Aang Memorial Island?"

"I saw Princess Luna in my dream again! She, and the other alicorns were taken by the changelings!"

P'Li's eyes widened in horror. "Changelings?! As in, those freaky bug-like things that can change into anything and feed off of a person's love like a parasite?"

"On point, yes."

"But-how--when--we have to tell Korra!"

"If I'm right, then it's already too late for that. Luna said they took Lin, her police and the airbenders!" Starlight then gasped in realization, "The seminar…it was a set up! Lin was already replaced and she created the whole seminar excuse to get the changelings to replace the police force too! They have Sunburst, Flash, Mako and Rainbow Dash!"

"Wait, if they have Rainbow, then that means…"

Starlight bit her knuckles, her ears pressing against her head. She may be wide awake, but every minute felt like a nightmare.


The duo rushed to Republic City park, where they saw Trixie's magic wagon. Starlight knocked hard on the door. "Trixie? Trixie, it's Starlight! Are you awake?"

From inside, Starlight and P'Li could hear Trixie speaking muffled against the wooden door. "Of course, Princess Celestia... I'd love to perform for peanut butter crackers…" she said deliriously.

"Trixie, wake up!" Starlight knocked harder with her fist, this time most certainly waking up the unicorn inside. As well as causing a few of her fireworks to come shooting out.

Trixie opened the window, still in her pony form, rubbing her sleepy eyes and wearing a long sleeping hat. "Starlight? What time is it?"

"It's late. I think I figured out what's wrong with my friends!"

Trixie yawned, "I have a whole list of things that are wrong with your friends. We can go over it in the morning." she said as she closed the window, only to have P'Li forcibly open it and yank the pony right out of her wagon, dropping her to the ground. If she wasn't awake before, she most certainly was now.

"This isn't a game, Trixie! We're in danger!"

Sighing in frustration, Trixie morphed into her anthro form, still looking sleepy with bangs under her eyes. "Okay, fine! Aside from lack of sleep, how are we in danger?"

"I think the—!" P'Li stopped midway, and eyed the pony suspiciously. "What did you tell me never to tell anybody else?"

Trixie rolled her eyes, "P'Li, if you guys woke me up to play guessing games—"

"After we left the village, what did you tell us to never tell another person you said?"

Trixie sighed and spoke through very gritted teeth, "Thateventrixiesmademistakes."

"Trixie, there's no time for this! What did you say?"

"That even Trixie's made mistakes! Okay? Are you happy?!"

Starlight and P'Li both sighed in relief. "Yes. Sorry. We just had to make sure you weren't... one of them!" Starlight said in a hushed tone.

"One of who?"

"A changeling! They've taken the alicorns, the airbenders and the police force!"

Trixie's eyes practically bulged right out of her head, her hair standing on end. "What?! Are you sure?! I mean, what do we—? We have to tell Twilight!"

"I don't think that'll work." a voice said, coming from above. The group looked around, only to see three little lizard spirits with dragon fly wings flying towards them.

"Mika? Ali? San?" Starlight asked, only to see Pabu and Naga emerge from the shadow behind a tree. "Naga and Pabu? What are you guys doing here?"

"Mom and Uncle Bolin kicked them out." Ali said.

"Even dad threw us away like yesterday's bad noodles." San said, "They're not themselves."

"We want out mommy and daddy back!" Mika said, practically on the verge of tears. Naga whimpered while P'Li petted her head to comfort the heartbroken polar bear dog, while Pabu scurried up her shoulder.

"What are we going to do?" Ali asked Starlight, who looked up at the night sky, only to spot a familiar streak of rainbow and bleu soaring over the sky.


The group hid themselves underneath the trees, and watches as Rainbow Dash flew overhead, heading towards Air Temple Island. Starlight automatically knew what she had to do it they were going to help their friends.


Ever so silently, Starlight managed to inconspicuously enter Air Temple Island, with Trixie, P'Li and the trio of spirits close behind. "Why are we here again?" Trixie asked in hushed tone.

"If I'm right, and I'm pretty sure I am, then we have to figure out what they're plan is. Just keep quiet."

The others nodded their heads as they made their way through the corridor, following the sound of unintelligible mutterings from across the hallway. They peeked through the door of the eating area, where they saw the entire Team Avatar, along with the airbenders and several police officers, though none of them appeared to have been doing their jobs, but instead were just lounging around, eating whatever they could get their greedy hands on.

Even Team Avatar weren't acting like themselves. Fluttershy sat with her feet on the table like a ruffian, Applejack ate a pear and tossed to Kai's head, not even bothering to apologize. Asami drank a carton of juice, and wrapped away the liquids from her lip with her sleeves and burp loudly.

Spike was drawing on the wall, only to be tripped by Ikki, and laughed at by Rarity and Bolin. Mako, Flash, and Lin placed black shinny stones on the table. Everyone became silent when Korra entered the room, alongside Twilight.

"Is it ready?" the alicorn asked, with an uncharacteristically wicked smirk on her face.

Tenzin approached, wearing an identical smirk and holding a fourth stone in the palm of his hand. "Just one more."

Tenzin placed the last dark stone on the table. Each was was positioned in a square formation, and once by one they opened, revealing that they were not stones, but beetle-like talismans. Magical green colored energy cracked as rays of green emitted from the beetles, forming together to create a large circular mirror-like orb with green and black energy dancing around it like flames. The center revealed an image of a sickly-looking unicorn creature with long teal hair that look damped as if she had just emerged from the waters. Her body was dark, almost skeletal, in appearance, and on her forehead rested a distorted horn. Her eyes were green, with cat-like slits, and on her back were torn transparent insect wings. On her head, rested what appeared to be a crown, matching her skin, with blue orbs standing on the pointed ends.

Everyone in the room bowed before the creature and she smiled, baring her sharp teeth. Starlight gasped at the sight. She had heard the stories, she had seen her pictures in books. She never imagined she would one day look into the eyes of one of the most vile, wicked, and sadistic enemies in all of Equestria.

"Queen Chrysalis!"

The queen looked at the audience before her in disgust, her teal mane moving like soft waves as she turned her head to look at each and every one of them. Her empty stomach felt like turning inside out.

"Ugh. I can't take any of you seriously when you look like that."

"Oh, right." said the Avatar with a wicked smart. One by one, a sickly green glow engulfed each member of Team Avatar, every airbender and police officer present, and their once human and or pony appearance completely disappeared. The room seemed to have grown even more uninviting when the trio of friends saw a number of anthro changelings. Their faces almost looked human, but with insect-like eyes, black sickly skeletal bodies, curved horns on their foreheads, fangs sticking out from their upper row of teeth, and they each wore identical clothing; torn dark midnight blue pants with torn dark green shirts. On their backs were their insect-wings.

The creatures hissed at one another, as a way of showing how happy they were to be back in their true forms. Disguising as those 'goody-goody' heroes made them feel so dirty.

Chrysalis smiled in satisfaction. "Much better. Now report!"

"Everything here is going according to plan!" said the changeling, who was posing as Korra, "We've replaced the Avatar, and her friends, and have taken control of Air Temple Island!"

"The police force has been replaced as well." said another changeling, who was masquerading as Lin Beifong. "Now, we have complete control over both the castle here, and the one in Ponyville."

"What about that moronic president?" Chrysalis asked, "He doesn't suspect anything, does he?"

"Not a thing."

"Excellent. Replacing him would have been a waste. And I've just received word that the royal family from Canterlot have successfully been replaced as well." the queen said, prompting her changelings to laugh in victory, all the while Starlight, Trixie and P'Li watched in fear. Trixie's body was trembling like crazy, but tried her hardest not to draw any attention to them.

Starlight knew something was wrong, had she was right. It was no wonder nobody was behaving like their real selves. She listened attentively in hopes of hearing the changelings say more about their plan.

"We thought too small last time. One kidnapped princess wasn't enough. With all the most beloved ponies and humans taken care of, nobody can stop us!" Chrysalis smiled the most devilishly horrifying smile anyone could imagine, her laughter echoing inside the room, and her changelings laughed alongside her.

The image of Chrysalis disappeared, leaving the room to be silent once more, but not without a few remaining chuckling changelings. The trip knew this was their chance to make their leave, but as they tried, Starlight accidentally tapped the door, causing it to creak. The changelings heard this and began hissing like hungry snakes. Her fork tongues sticking out, slithering like worms and spit came shooting from their mouths.

Their bodies became engulfed in the green aura once more, transforming back into the heroes. They exited the room, heading down separate paths to try and find the source of the noise. They couldn't risk anyone discovering the truth.

Starlight, P'Li, Trixie and the spirit trio had huddled together, with Starlight using a camouflage spell to hide themselves by blending with the wall, but only if they remained perfectly still.

The changeling disguised as Kai sniffed the air. He was standing dangerously close to the others, who did their best to remain as still as possible. The Kai changeling sniffed the air, his nostrils flaring, but when he didn't find anyone, or anything, he retread and returned to the others.

Once the coast was clear, Starlight removed the spell and teleported them back to the park, where Naga and Pabu awaited them. Trixie was hyperventilating once they arrived. All of the unicorn's confidence and bravery completely disintegrated, now she was a nervous wreck on the verge of a heart attack.

"I can't deal with this! I'm just a performer! This is... This is princess-level stuff! But the changelings have the Avatar, and all the alicorns… We're doomed!" Trixe cried out and morphed back into her pony form to tremble and shake.

"Maybe not." Starlight said, "Uh, Queen Chrysalis only said they took Leilani and her daughters, and obviously Korra and the others, but they don't have President Raiko. If we go to him, I'm sure he can get the united forced to help."

"That would be a good plan, if it weren't for the fact that they also have the police force and the entire Air Nation replaced." P'Li pointed out. "You really think Raiko, or anyone else, will believe a former terrorist, a cult leader and a unicorn who enslaved an entire town with a power increasing dark amulet, over the Chief of Police, the patriarch of the entire new Air Nation, and the very people and ponies who saved the world from oblivion?"

"Okay, you make a good point. But, maybe Cadance is still safe. Our best bet is to get to the Crystal Empire before the changelings do. That way we can—"

"There's no help coming from the Crystal Empire."

The group heard a voice coming from behind the bushes. Before Starlight or P'Li could even take their fighting stance, another changeling emerged from the bushes. However, unlike the others, his skeletal body seemed slightly more whole, not as skinny or distorted as the rest. His eyes weren't blue, but rather a bright aquamarine color, but had the same dark skin. His cloths weren't as torn as the others, but they could still see some holes in and there, as well as on his tail. Unlike the changelings, who were practically bald with only spiky hair sticking from behind their necks, he had a full head of gray hair, styled to look almost like that of an eighteen-year-old man, short on the back, apparent somewhat like a mullet on the back, and bangs over his forehead, the main one swept slight to his left due to the curved horn sticking out. His wings, while insect-like, had traces of crystals sprinkles on the surface, giving them an enchantingly, magical apparel. His presence didn't frighten the group, not even Naga or Pabu hissed or growled at him.

Though, the same could not be said for Trixie, who started screaming at the top of her lungs, only for P'Li to quickly cover it and hold the unicorn down. Starlight bravely approached the changeling, having recognized him the moment he appeared.



"Your wings look... different."

Thorax slightly turned, flapping his wings twice, causing the light to fleet off of his wings, which sparkled like moonbeams. "I guess they do."

"Wait, that's the changeling Spike befriended?" P'Li asked. "Fluttershy mentioned him before.

Starlight smiled with glee, happy to see another friendly face, but then Luna's words replayed in her mind and her relief shifted into caution. Her horn glowed bright and she approached the changeling, causing him to step back due to her fighting stance, all the while Trixie continuously struggled in P'Li grip.

"How do I know you aren't some other changeling pretending to be Thorax?"

"You were there when Spike defended me to the ponies of the Crystal Empire. Princess Twilight said—" Thorax engulfed his body in a blue glow, unlike his fellow changelings, which were always green, and took on the form of a pony alicorn Princess Twilight Sparkle, speaking in her voice and all

"As the Princess of Friendship, I should set an example for all of Equestria. But today it was Spike who taught me—"

"Okay, okay. I believe you. We don't need the whole speech."

Thorax changed again, this time into Princess Avatar Korra, also speaking in her voice. "You know, once you get pass the insect qualities, he's actually kind of cute."

Starlight arched an eyebrow at him and Throax changed back into himself. The changeling blushed. "Sorry. Nobody's ever called me cute before." he said. It was one of the first compliments he ever received, and he enjoyed hearing it sometimes. It made him feel like he could be more than just another one of the changelings.

Naga sniffed Thorax, surprising him. The changeling boldly petted the polar bear dog, who panted happily, wagging her tail and then licking his face. Even back at the Crystal Empire, Thorax was a natural with animals, it was one of the many things he and Fluttershy bonded over during her stay. Even Pabu climbed on his shoulder with complete confidence.

Seeing that this changeling meant no harm, Trixie slowly calmed down, but was stilled being subdued by P'Li, who also covered her mouth. The combustion woman tried to calm the pony. "Trixie, it's okay. Thorax is a good changeling. He's on our side. Understand?"

Trixie nodded her head and, ever so slowly, P'Li released the pony. Thorax offered her his hand, politely introducing himself. "Hi. It's a pleasure to…"

But Trixie quickly hid behind the combustion bender, still trembling, "If Starlight and P'Li say you're on our side, I believe them. But maybe just stay over there for now, okay?"

P'Li, on the other hand, offered her hand in friendship to the changeling. "My name's P'Li. It's nice to meet you."


Ali, Mika and San hovered over the changeling, studying his appearance. "So, can you really change into anything?" San asked. "Like, could you change into a ballon?"

"How many forms can you take?" Ali asked.

"Does your voice chance every single time?" Mika asked.

Thorax blinked. "Yes, only one at a time, and we changelings have vocal manipulation. We can even change our voices without changing our appearance."

"Wow!" San said in awe, "That would be so cool if it weren't for the fact our parents were just kidnapped and are being held against their will by some evil monster queen."

"Thorax, you said there wasn't any help in the Crystal Empire." Starlight said, "Did the changelings get Cadance too?"

"They took Cadance, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart! Blazing Saddles sent me here to get Princess Korra's help, but... but it sounds like it's too late for that, too! So... what should we do?"

"Yeah, Starlight. What are we gonna do?" Trixie asked, griping her friend's arm in desperation.

Starlight, looked at everyone and then down at her feet. She was, literally, drawing a blank here. Her friends, boyfriend, teachers, everyone had been taken. She didn't know what to do. Obviously, the smart thing would be to rescue them, but how? Like P'Li said, there was a slim chance Raiko would believe people like them, even worse if they knew a changeling was with them. Plus, the Canterlot royal army was at the command of the changelings disguising as Queen Leilani and her daughters, not to mention the Tenzin, Korra, Lin and Twilight had Raiko's loyalty and trust 100%, as well as the United Forces. They were outnumbered.

"I… I don't know! There has to be somebody else who can handle this?"

"There is nobody else! Everybody with powerful magic is already gone!"

"You know whenever ponies talk about powerful magic, they always leave me out. If I weren't so evolved, I might decide to take it personally."

The group saw none other than the spirit of chaos himself, lounging Trixie's wagon, knitting some kind of rabbit plush toy. "Well, isn't this quite the combination of secondary characters? Where are Korra and the others?"

"First, how do we know that you're really you?" Starlight asked.

With a snap of his fingers, Discord made the flowers get up and dance, a tree into a cookoo clock, and the ground they were standing on into slippery soap. Thorax managed to avoid slipping and falling by flying upwards. Even Trixie's wagon turned into a literal pumpkin carriage.

"Shall I continue?" Discord said, smiling smugly.

"Okay, we believe you." P'Li said, and Discord changed everything back to normal. "Well, it's a good thing you're here, Discord. We're in trouble."

"What happened."

"Chrysalis and the changelings are back. They've kidnapped all of the most powerful ponies in Equestria! Leilani, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, Twilight, Korra, The Mane Six, the police force, the airbenders. We need to—"

"Wait!" Discord interrupted, "They took…Fluttershy? And Rainbow Dash? And Pinkie Pie, and Rarity, and Asami, and Mako, and Spike, and Opal, ad Tenzin's kids, everybody?!"

"Yes!" the group replied.

"They have mom and daddy!" Mika said, practically on the verge of tears.

Discord saw the spirit cry, and for the first time in his life..he froze in place. His eyes became distant, almost as if her were no long consciously with them. P'Li waved her hand in front of the chaos spirit, trying to get his attention. "Discord? Discord!"

But Discord was lost in his own thoughts. Or rather, his own memories. His mind flashed back to when Fluttershy first offered him her friendship, or when Twilight admitted she was jealous of the fact her friends were becoming such good friends with Discord, while she was left out. Signaling she wanted to be his friend. Who could forget the times he would make games for the airbender children to play with, or how he bonded with the boys during Guy's night, or when he danced with everyone at the Grand Galloping Gala, and how much he enjoyed everyone's company. They were his friends…his family.

But now…they were gone. Snatched up from under his nose by a greedy queen. Everyone he knew and cared about, save for P'Li, was taken, held hostage somewhere far away. For the first time in a long time, Discord felt the loneliness he never knew he had sweep over him. His paw and chicken arm clenched tightly, his red pupils becoming slits, his teeth bare as he growled like a rabid dog.

Discord looked at Starlight, speaking in a chilling, menacing tone. "You said changelings took them?" he asked her in a hushed tone.



"The Changeling Kingdom. With you on our side, I can—"


Starlight didn't even get the change to finish. Next thing she knew, she was in Equestria, pony form and all, with P'Li, Trixie, Thorax, Naga, Pabu, the spirit trio and Discord. She, Trixie and P'Li had bags with supplies on their backs, as did Naga, and even Discord carried bags on him, along with a blue scarf. They were transported into the middle of a forest, in a place none of them were familiar with.

"Odd. I was trying to take us right to our friends." Discord said, lifting a rock and his eyes, literally, scanned underneath for any signs of his friends. "But I don't see anyone."

"Uh, I think I have a pretty good idea where they might be…" Trixie trembled, pointing her hoof towards the horizon. Before them was a barren wasteland, filled with jagged rocks, dead trees and grumbling roots. At the heart of this area, stood a large stone castle, resembling a castle of some sorts, with holes all around it, and swarms of black creatures buzzing around it. This was the domain of the masters of deception, and their mistress.

The Changeling Kingdom.

"I'd hoped never to see that place again." Thorax said, turning his head to Starlight, "Now what?"

All eyes fell on Starlight Glimmer, even their animal companions looked to her for assistance, but she shared Thorax's same question.

Now what?
