• Published 20th Aug 2021
  • 1,990 Views, 30 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Voicemails - Silent Whisper

Please leave a message after the [squee]!

  • ...

You have [16] new messages. Begin playback?

Hey Pinkie, it’s Fluttershy.

No, no, it’s okay, I know that you’re super busy and everything, but if you have a minu- ANGEL, NO!- if you have a minute, could you please stop by the cottage? I think Gummy’s been eating some of Harry the bear’s dinner, and I know he’s an alligator, but I don’t know if he’s been eating the usual amount of meat that one requires and I’m really worried he’ll get sick.

Please call me back as soon as you can!



I have the SIMPLY MOST DREADFUL NEWS. I was invited to a party and it’s come to my attention that I have NO APPETISERS PREPARED. It’s UNIMAGINABLE that I attend without the proper addition to the potluck table!

I know I’m supposed to ask the Cakes first, but this is SIMPLY TOO IMPORTANT to wait in the queue. Would you be so kind as to create twelve dozen tiny cupcakes in time for Twinkleshine’s get-together? It’s tomorrow night.

THANK you, Pinkie DARling. I’ll be sure to pay you just as soon as I’m finished with my latest grand commission.

-to cancel your subscription, please hang up and dial 5 now.

Message repeats.

Congratulations, lucky pony! If you’re listening to this, you’ve won a FREE SUBSCRIPTION to Iron Will’s Heavy Lifting Magazine! Give yourself a round of applause now for being this fortunate!


You’ve been selected due to your lucky location in the phone book! No need to thank Iron Will for his generosity!


Just wait til you receive your brand new Heavy Lifting Magazine! Your life will be changed!


If you really want to turn down this FREE OFFER, Iron Will doesn’t understand, but Iron Will will provide this one-time opportunity to another pony instead of YOU!


If you really want to cancel your subscription, please hang up and dial 5 now.

Message repeats.


Hi, Pinkie.

Reeaaally quick question. I know you’re very busy, and I don’t want to bother you while you’re doing other super-duper important things, but there’s something that I really would like to know and I’d appreciate it if you could get back to [DISTANT GROWLS]

Anyway, would Gummy happen to be fireproof? I know he’s a tough little gator, but he seems to think he’s strong enough to challenge a fire salamander to a staring contest. I, um… I don’t. Think he’s strong enough, that is. I- [LOUD HISSING] I don’t think he’s losing, per say, but I think losing would be the much better option. Fire salamanders don’t like to lose. The creatures they toast to a crisp don’t usually seem to like it either, and I...

Angel! Get AWAY from that phone cor-

Hey, Pinkie! It’s Starlight.

So, I’ve got some bad news, and it’s kind of a big deal. Remember when you came over to the castle to try out that new sweet bread recipe with me, and we both thought we had the best recipe and it turns out we both had the same book?

Yeah, so you took my copy. Now, normally that wouldn’t be a big deal, because as far as I’m concerned, they’re identical, and a recipe book is a recipe book, but, uh…

… it wasn’t mine, okay? It was Twilight’s. I borrowed it, and now she’s kind of freaking out at me because the serial number’s off? It’s just a cookbook, I know, but she thinks there’s a difference. They’re the same edition! It’s the same bread recipe! But I don’t wanna lose access to the kitchen for a month. Trixie would kill me.

Message me back when you can, okay? Soon, if you’re able. Twilight looks like she’s gonna explode.

Hey, Hot Stuff.

Are You Looking For A Wonderful Night With A Very Special Pony?

Do You Have That Very Special Pony In Mind?


Think About Them For Me, And I Can Make All Your Dreams Co-

Oh, for Hive’s sake, another voicemail? Seriously??? Does ANY stupid horse answer their phone these days? Queen’s gonna kill me. Didn’t even get any residual long-distance love from this one. Not worth the rates we’re paying for this plan, let me tell ya.

Alright, next number, here we-

Hello, Pinkie! Fluttershy again.

I don’t have a lot of time because this is Cranky’s phone and it doesn’t have a lot of battery because he never really charges it but I have good news and bad news. The good news is that Gummy is pretty much fireproof and the bad news is that he can run a lot faster than I expected and now the cottage is on fire and I’d really appreciate it if yo-


It’s Maud.

I got a flip phone.

Mudbriar said I should call you.

I’m calling you.

Hi Pinkie, from Maud.

Boulder also says hello.

[indistinct monotonous talking in the background]

Mudbriar says that you have my number now.

Goodbye, Pinkie.


H- hello? Helloooo? Is this Apple Fritter? Ah’m callin’ fer-



This is an automated voice call for: PINKAMENA DIANE PIE.

You have [1] new message waiting for you at the Curly Ribbon Supply Shop.


Press 1 now to replay message. Press 2 to reply to the message. Press 3 for more options.

Press 1 now to replay message. Press 2 to reply to the message. Press 3 for more options.

Press 1 now to replay message. Press 2 to reply to the message. Press 3 for more options.

Press 1 now to replay message. Press 2 to reply t-


I KNOW I said I’d wanted twelve dozen tiny cupcakes for tonight’s party, but they simply CANNOT work now! Do you know why?

The THEME! Pinkie, they’d neglected to give me the THEME! One canNOT serve tiny cupcakes for an “Autumn Chic” soiree! It would comPLETEly clash!

Would you, by any chance, be able to make peppermint bark instead? Only orange, perhaps? And roughly shaped like leaves, if you have the time? That would be EVER so helpful.

I know you’re busy, so I shan’t keep you. Ta-ta!

Good time of day to you, sir or madam.

We’re calling about your oven’s extended warranty. We at Frivolously Levitating Internal Management For Longliving Automated Machinery have heard that you haven’t been keeping up with your warranty, and we are more than happy to assist with that. Looking at our records that we didn’t find from looking through your windows via an automated spellwork process, it seems that you are in possession of a SprinkleTastic OvenMatic 2000!

Now, we’d be happy to send a contractor pony out to your location to ensure everything is completely operational so that we can personally extend your warranty! We do have one of our employees right near your location at...

Wait, is that Sugarcube Corner? Oh, sh-

Pinkie? It’s Fluttershy again. Sorry, Hi.

There’s been a new development. So, you know how Gummy was eating meat earlier? Well, he didn’t get sick. I think he liked it! Now, don’t worry, I know he wouldn’t hurt anypony. He can’t really bite anything hard enough to hurt them, and most critters are too big for him to swallow.

Fire salamander eggs, on the other hoof… he ate those just fine. Mister Salamander didn’t like that, and tried to spit fire into Gummy’s face, even though he knows how much property damage that caused last time.

Gummy… breathed fire back at him. This miiight have startled Gummy more than anypony. And don’t worry, he’s not hurt or anything! At least, I don’t think he is. I’ll let you know when we find him.

You might have a better vantage point than I do, from wherever you are. Call me back if you see which way the smoke in the Everfree Forest is going, okay? I’ll be able to track him from there, I hope. I’ll be looking myself, as soon as my eyes stop stinging.

I, um, hate to be rude, but I think most ponies would say that this would cost extra to deal with? If that doesn’t sound fair to you, just let me know. I don’t want to be pushy or anything.


The party was cancelled. Thank you SO VERY much for changing the order at the last minute, but I shan't be needing it after all!

Pinkie? This is Twilight.

Sorry if my voice sounds weird. I think Spike was messing with the modulation options. Anyway, not to be rude or anything, but I think you have my book, and I really REALLY need it back!

The serial number is 1024 24 08! Do you know what that MEANS??!?!?! That’s the author’s BIRTHDAY in five years! It’ll make a GREAT collector’s edition then, and it HAS to stay in good condition until then!

Now, I know you keep your books relatively well-cared-for. You’re a really trustworthy pony! It’s not you, really. It’s… it’s the Cakes! The twins! They’ll chew up the book, or damage it somehow, and I can’t have that! What if they distract you and it falls into a bowl of batter? What if it falls in the OVEN, Pinkie? What would we do THEN??

Please respond at your earliest convenience, as this is a matter of utmost literary importance. Thanks!

Oh, and by the way, we loved the cookies you sent us. Please send more! Spike’s favorites were the ones with green sprinkles!

Hey, it’s… it’s Fluttershy.

We found Gummy. He’s fine. He’s never been better, really.

Listen, I… I can’t get to him. The Fire Salamanders have him in their burrows, and they say… they say that he’s their King, now?

You know where to find me, okay? It’s getting dark and I don’t wanna walk around Everfree any more. Please just… just come stop by my cottage when your vacation is over. I’ll walk you to the place, and you can handle it from there.

Before you ask, yes, my mane will regrow. The damage isn’t that bad, and Angel put out the worst of it.

My price for pet sitting Gummy just tripled. If that’s okay with you, that is.

Comments ( 30 )

Haha, this is really good! Really funny, and really creative! I’ve never thought about something like this!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Huh - despite the lack of tags and obvious evidence, it still took me a few calls to realise this wasn't an Equestria Girls fic.

This was a fun little story. Thumbs up! And I was autistic enough to count as I read, and it's indeed [16] messages:pinkiecrazy:

. . . how did things with Gummy escalate so quickly? :rainbowlaugh:
also i loved how the scam call about oven warranty reacted when they realized who they where calling. . .

lol this was great!

All hail Gummy, King of the Salamanders! Long live the King!

I wonder what information #6 left behind on the Caller ID?

I love the creative layout of mini-voicemails all pieced together to make a story. I may be biased but Maud's voicemail was by far the funniest.

This is hilarious. I really enjoy watching you develop as a writer. But with Gummy and Fluttershy was wonderful. You really managed to capture the individual characters here.


This was wonderful and got a few chuckles out of me. It was really fun to see the stories progress with the little snapshots into others lives and pinkies impact on them.

Yes, because it was Flim or Flam who was calling.
You'd think they'd know by now to just keep clear of Ponyville, including any form of long distance communication.

We’re calling about your oven’s extended warranty.

That one got an especially big laugh out of me. I've been telling those calls like every other day; just replace "oven" with "vehicle" and it's the same:rainbowlaugh:

Just where are these writing contests opened?
I've always been curious to participate and yet the groups I follow, I never see announcements if they do any.

You have to join the Discord group.

As for you Silent Whisper, this was hysterical in the speedwrite and it's even better here. Congrats on this being featured box bait at that--I hope you get tons and tons of likes and follows from it. :raritystarry:

Crap, forgot to add the usual links to this fic (was tired, whoops!) This was written for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group. We're on Discord here if you'd like to join us!

"Feature box bait" is a nice way to put it, though it wasn't intended... it was one of those "gosh, I think a lot of people would like this!" vs some of my more experimental fics, which are usually a hit or miss.

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it, Chessie!

[Caller Unknown], if we're being realistic, or perhaps [Your Very Special Somepony]. :twilightsmile:

Yeah, I must've counted them, like, six or seven times to make sure it was really 16 calls. If I messed up that number, I knew I'd hear about it!

Long live the king~

Marzipans Answering Machine? First thing that came to mind when reading this. <3 Homestar Runner

Me imagining if Apple Bloom was the one trying to call Pinkie Pie

Apple Bloom: Hey Pinkie this is.
Voicemail: You have reached the voice mail system.
Apple Bloom: (sigh) Okay okay, come on.
Voicemail: To leave a message, just wait for the tone.
Apple Bloom: I know how to leave a goddamn message.
Voicemail: When you are finished recording, just hang up. Or press pound for more options.
Apple Bloom: Really, hang up? No shit. I was just gonna keep talkin' until she decided to check her voicemail.
Voicemail: For delivery options, press five.
Apple Bloom: Just give me the damn beep!
Voicemai: To leave a callback number, press eight. To page this pony, press six.
Apple Bloom: Come on!
Voicemail: To repeat this message, press nine.
Apple Bloom: I will fucking stab you computer phone lady!
(Elsewhere with Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy dealing with an annoying beeping sound)
Fluttershy: Uhoh my God, is it getting louder? I bet the Crusaders don't have to put up with anything this annoying.
(Cut back to Apple Bloom Still on the Phone)
Voicemail: To mark this message as urgent, press eleven.
Apple Bloom: There is no eleven, you fucking whore!
Voicemail: To hear these options in Spanish, press dos.
Apple Bloom: I HATE YOU.
(Voicemail finally beeps)
Apple Bloom: Pinkie , it's Apple Bloom, I need to-
Voicemail: I'm sorry, but this person's voice mailbox is full.
Apple Bloom: Ugh damnit, damnit, damnit!

We at Frivolously Levitating Internal Management For Longliving Automated Machinery have heard that you haven’t been keeping up with your warranty

I see it. Smooth and slick, very nice.

~Skeeter The Lurker

OMG the Gummy thing was great.

That was glorious. Gummy is the king of more than just salamanders.

I like these humorous short stories that pop up on the front page now and then.

You'd never know it, but Gummy has the best adventures in the show.


I decided to record this as a little audiobook [squee!]

An acquaintance recommended I try this short story to see what my vocal range is like, and because he enjoyed reading it once upon a time.
I'd meant to go back and record the background noises (the animal hissing, background murmuring, etc.), but I've already spent long enough on this. Need to streamline my workflow... and buy a better laptop.

Hello, I love this! You've got a great vocal range, and seeing this brightened my day! Thank you very much for sharing this with me!

(Also it boggles my mind that people talk about my writing where I can't see it and people think things about things I wrote. Amazing how we have an impact beyond our reach sometimes.)

Wow, what am amazing and funny fic! I liked the Gummy plot the most :twilightsmile:

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