• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 2,401 Views, 212 Comments

The Trial Concludes - Zerocool7785

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First day preparations and beginning.

Author's Note:

About five or six chapters (max) to go. Not much is going to happen for a little bit so the school year will be quiet for a while. We are going to jump around late fall and then into winter for Holidays unwrapped. Spring Fling and Forgotten friendship and graduation. Also, a small epilogue.
P.S. Another hurricane is headed this way so if I lose my power, it is going delay my writing.

Sunset thought about how she was taking a shower on the last day of summer vacation, not to mention she could have been grounded for two weeks. Luckily, she got off with just a scolding from her mom. Still taking this last shower she felt like she was washing the whole summer down the drain.

She remarked this was her senior year when she was graduating with girls a year older than her, thanks to accelerated classes she was going to graduate at 17 when most of her friends were 18.

Sunset looked forward to this year she wouldn’t be evil and the whole student body wasn’t out to get her. She had friends now too. She had The Rainbooms, The Crusaders, Trixie, and most importantly Twilight her girlfriend. It was going to be weird .

Just as she was finishing up rinsing off the water became ice cold, Sunset jumped back with a screech and grabbed a towel, and headed downstairs.

“What the hell mom?” Sunset said standing at the bottom of the staircase yelling in no particular direction. Aunt Celestia came around the corner from the kitchen and said, “Sorry Sunset your mom just started the wash.”

* * *

All across Canterlot, that night students were getting ready for school. Applejack just laid out her clothes and was packing her bag. It was going to be weird not seeing Big Mac in school this year.

Big Mac had gone to Canterlot Community College to get a two-year degree in Agriculture as he was going to be running Sweet Apple Acres one day. Applejack had planned to go to the same place and get her degree in business management.

After all, while Big Mac was running the farming part, she was going to have to run the business part. She hoped Toe Tapper understood that. Up until now, he has been a very supportive boyfriend. She hoped that would continue.

Apple Bloom was doing the same. Apple Bloom was glad that when school was over, she didn’t have to do detention. She put her clothes out and hoped that she wouldn’t be the odd girl out this year. All of her friends had a boyfriend (or in Sunset and Twilight’s case girlfriend), Apple Bloom didn't think anyone would ever want to date the Anon-A-Miss girl.

* * *

Rarity was choosing her outfit and making sure her hair was divine for the first day of school. Sweetie Belle had her bag packed and was ready to go. She went to check on Rarity who was trying to mix and match her clothes.

“Sis are you ok?” Sweetie Belle asked making Rarity jump.

“Sweetie Belle you scared me.” Rarity said.

“Sis are you nervous about the first day of school tomorrow?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Not by this time, I just got my schedule in the email and printed it out. I’m ready to go my senior year is all easy classes.” Rarity explained.

“Oh no I forgot about my schedule!!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

“Relax Sweetie Belle mom has it and is going to let you have it at breakfast tomorrow morning.” Rarity assured her.

* * *

Rainbow Dash never really cared about fashion she had her trademark leggings and skirt all set to go. She also had her denim vest, white shirt with the cloud and rainbow lightning bolt on it, and rainbow socks.

For Rainbow though it wasn’t about fashion. Rainbow didn’t really like school. Except for Soccer and Volleyball, her favorite classes were gym and lunch. She just sat on her bed and tapped her fingers nervously wanting this year to be over and hoping for that soccer scholarship to Manehatten U.

Then came a bigger problem she knew Rarity had applied to Manehatten U but only one friend at a university would be hard. She was going to tour the University with Rarity but it seemed overwhelming.

Then she remembered Juniper was up there so she could help also. Maybe life after High School won’t be as bad as she thought but the Rainbooms were going to be over. That saddened her.

Scootaloo texted her saying she was nervous about tomorrow. Rainbow told her to relax, and they were going to try and commandeer the music room in the morning. After making sure her little sister had her schedule, she told her to get some rest.

* * *

Fluttershy used to hate school but ever since Princess Twilight shook everything up things had been better for her. She had friends in her original five, as well as Sunset and Twilight, The Crusaders, and Trixie.

Sandalwood had graduated and was working in a carpentry company. Mainly building, and refinishing furniture in Canterlot with the right clients it was a lucrative business.

She and Sandalwood were still dating, and her parents liked him. Maybe her life was better and it was all thanks to Princess Twilight reforming Sunset. Fluttershy laid out her green dress with butterflies on it and her white sleeveless shirt. She was ready.

She had to get good grades if she was going to go to the best veterinarian school there was in Fillydelphia. That started with getting some sleep.

* * *

Twilight had been preparing all day. Scheduling everything down to the minute. She was going to be prepared and make sure she had every notebook she needed. Twilight wished she could have gotten her textbooks and read ahead to be ready for her classes.

Looking towards Everton College’s independent study program was now not feasible-she had Sunset. Not sure what to do now on the relationship and romantic front she was going to need to talk to several people about that.

“I should make some flash cards.” Twilight thought. She got set to do her index and flashcards and then remembered she wasn’t sure what facts she needed to know.

“I hate this. I’m not used to not knowing things. Argh.” Twilight stressed out.

“Twilly are you ok?” Her mom said knocking on the door.

“Yes, mom just pre-first-day jitters.” She said not even sounding unconvincing to even herself. Her mom entered the room and hugged her holding Twilight's head against her stomach.
“You can relax. You are in a school where you have friends and your girlfriend's mom and aunt run the school. It will be ok." Her mom reassured her.

* * *

Trixie had her outfit decided upon the day before and had just gotten out of the shower and was brushing her hair. She looked in the mirror.

“Why can't I find a decent girl? I am so envious of Twilight and Sunset, well their relationship anyway. Well, maybe I will find someone this year. I know I will because Trixie is great and a Trixie is powerful. ” Trixie slightly told herself.

After packing her bookbag with notebooks, pens/pencils, and other supplies. She got ready for bed. One thing still bothered her.

“What am I going to do after High School?” Trixie thought.
There are only four options. Get a job, go to college, go into the military, or go to trade school. She was worried about what would happen to her magic career. She decided to think seriously about what she wanted to be when she grew up.

“Trixie will talk to her friends and parents about it this year starting tomorrow.” Trixie thought.

“One thing is for sure the great and powerful Trixie better get some sleep, or she will be tired and exhausted Trixie.” Trixie said out loud. Then she climbed in and went to bed and tried to sleep.

* * *

As for Pinkie Pie, she just went to sleep. No one could explain it.

* * *

“C’mon Sunset, time for school.” Luna said walking into her room.

“Mom, can’t I just drop out and get homeschooled.” Sunset moaned from under the covers.

“No. Come on sweetie you only have to do this for 180 days. Then you’re done. Now rise and shine.” Luna said.

“UGH!!” Sunset said louder.

“O.K. Fine let me go get the frozen marbles.” Luna said getting a little angry.

“I’m up, I’m up.” Said Sunset getting out of bed and running to get dressed.

“Works every time.” Luna said under her breath, with a slight smile as she walked out of Sunset’s room.

Just then Luna’s phone dinged. She was confused about who would be texting her at this hour. As it turned out it was Apple Cinnamon it was a picture of an apple and it read: Apple for the teacher on the first day.

Luna texted back: I’m the vice principal though.

Apple Cinnamon: You were a teacher at one time and can still be a substitute at times. Have a great first-day sweetie. I love you.

Luna: I love you too. Got to get to work.

With that Luna closed her phone and went back to finishing her coffee and getting ready.

Sunset came downstairs a few minutes later. There was her mom and Aunt Celestia having their coffee and Aunt Celestia had the morning news on. This confused Sunset.

“Why do you have the news on?” Sunset asked.

“I do it every day on the first day of school, see if there are any traffic incidents between here and school.” Celestia told her.

“Mom, can I drive to school today?” Sunset asked.

“Okay but after you finish your breakfast.” Luna told her.

After breakfast, Sunset grabbed her bag and Luna tossed her the keys. As Sunset ran out to the car Luna stopped Celestia.

“You know we should look into getting Sunset her own car.” Luna said.

“Really?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, I was talking to Chrysalis about it too.” Luna told her.

“Well if the three of us go in together we could probably find her a slightly used car.” Celestia said.

“Let’s talk about it after work.” Celestia replied as they went to the car where Sunset was impatiently waiting.

Arriving at school Sunset gave her mom and aunt a hug and went off to find her friends.

“You Know Celestia I don’t know how I am going to survive losing her.” Luna said shedding a tear.

“You and Apple Cinnamon need to get on the stick and make a few babies while you are still young enough.” Celestia said.

“I’m scared to get pregnant. I mean we aren’t even engaged yet. I want Sunset to learn to wait for the right person and be in a serious relationship. I was a little older than Sunset when I got knocked up. No, I need to talk to Apple Cinnamon about that later.” Luna said looking at her promise ring.

Sunset went to the music room and found it was unlocked, walking in and looking around no one was there.

“This is weird.” Sunset thought.

Taking out her phone she texted her friends asking what was going on. If they were still meeting in the Music Room this year. She got a few replies most wondering why she was texting them early.

That was when she realized she was with her mom and aunt, so she was in school early. Not long after Applejack and Apple Bloom came in. Sunset felt better.

“Sugarcube where did you think we were going to meet?” Applejack asked.

“Sorry I forgot that I got here so early.” Sunset Shimmer said.

Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Sunset began to compare schedules. Apple Bloom couldn’t believe Sunset had 2 study halls.

“How did you manage that?” Apple Bloom asked.

“It’s only for the first half of the year. I have all the classes I need. History, Science, Math, English, and Gym. I have an elective on computers but it’s only the second half of the year so for the first half I have two study halls.” Sunset explained.

As the other girls arrived there was tons of schedule swapping Fluttershy was happy that Trixie was in her trigonometry class. Sunset was ecstatic that Twilight was in math and science with her. Overall the girls found that in pretty much every class they had at least one friend.

Ironically it was a quiet first day of navigating their senior year (except for the crusaders). No Equestrian Magic caused chaos that day and things seemed ok in the world for now.

* * *

“Sir. There is some weird energy signature coming from the base of the statue.” Stated a soldier that was checking out the base with the same device that Twilight Sparkle had invented.

“Excellent. Now is Sunset Shimmer’s time to play her part in this.” Stated the Cigarette Smoking man.

“You want us to grab her sir?” Asked the soldier.

“No need to abduct her but I will need to talk to her. She is going to be the key to all of this. Keep an eye on this pedestal. This is the gateway but we can’t make contact just yet.” He replied.

“What if the FBI comes snooping around?” He asked.

“They won’t assign Chrysalis to it, as she would be too close to her family here at the school. If it’s Mulder and Scully, let me know I will handle it.” The Cigarette Smoking Man said lighting up another cigarette and looking towards the school.