• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 2,401 Views, 212 Comments

The Trial Concludes - Zerocool7785

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Everyone is Planning

Author's Note:

If anyone is wondering about the word filly-foolers. I have seen it used many times in other stories. It is what Fanfiction writers call two mares that are a couple. I wanted to clear up with that meant.
Also, I want to see if anyone sees the Star Wars reference I put in here.

“Get in the house and sit-down young lady. You should consider yourself lucky that you can even sit after this situation!!” Luna yelled at Sunset. Sunset walked into the house her head hung in shame and put her bag by the front door.

She was mad at Rainbow Dash for getting them in trouble but she was also angry that for detention they had to clean up the mess they had made trying to fake the snow day.

That seemed fair considering they made the mess so they should clean it up.

* * *


The girls had the midterms with only a day left before winter break. They tried to have an all-night study session at Pinkie Pie’s house. They all fell asleep. After that, they decided to use potatoes and their geodes to fake a snow day.

They got caught by Crankee Doodle and busted by Principal Celestia. Luna personally oversaw detention by having the girls clean up the potato mess they made. Without their geodes which were given back after they finished cleaning up.

End Flashback

Now Sunset was facing not the wrath of Vice Principal Luna and Principal Celestia. Instead, she was facing the wrath of mom and Aunt Celestia-that was worse.

“What were you thinking? Do you think we weren’t going to notice that once we walked out of the building?” Luna asked while continuing her scolding.

“We were trying to get more time to study. Maybe we used bad judgment…” Sunset began when Luna cut her off.

“Oh, you actually used judgment.” Luna replied.

“Sunset I am extremely disappointed in you.” Celestia said coming up and standing alongside her sister.

“Sunset go up to your room and stay there until I tell you, you can come out. If I catch you out of your room you better be in the bathroom, understand?” Luna told her.

“Yes, Mom.” Sunset replied as she went over and grabbed her bag and went up to her room as told. Once in her room, she got on her phone and texted everyone to see if anyone else got in trouble and who still had their phone.

Soon she did get a few responses:

Applejack: Yeah Sunset Granny Smith says I’m a heap of trouble. Good Luck.

Rainbow Dash: My mom and dad are not happy. I am being grounded for a week.

Twilight: Honey my mom and dad are distraught that I would use my magical abilities like this.

A minute later there was a knock on the door. Sunset switched off her phone and opened the door it was her Aunt Celestia. Sunset hung her head as she figured she was in for more scolding.

“May I come in?” Celestia asked.

Sunset stepped aside and Celestia walked in and sat down on the bed. Celestia patted the bed next to her. Sunset took that as a cue to sit down.

“Aunt Celestia I…” Sunset started when Celestia just raised her hand as if to say stop.

“I know you’re sorry and I believe you are Sunset, But do you realize you may have just lost the cruise this spring? You and the other girls are going to have to work hard to regain your parent's trust.” Celestia said.

“Aunt Celestia I texted my friends and a few responded,” Sunset said showing her the phone.

“I imagine all you girls are going to lose your phones. Sunset we were about to cancel school. We would have realized that we had been duped when we left.” Celestia said looking at Sunset’s phone.

“What can we do to regain trust?” Sunset asked.

“Well, the toy drive is a great start. After that I don’t know what to do, maybe do extra chores or do stuff without being asked, you know maybe kiss Luna’s ass a little bit.

Anyway, because it’s all set up, your mom will let the toy drive happen.” Celestia told her.

“I guess I have to look at mom’s side, that was a huge mess we made today.” Sunset admitted.

“See, I think your mom and a few other parents need to calm down and look at this big picture. You girls screwed up, but not as awful as when you got sloshed at a slumber party or all the Anon-a-miss bullcrap. Your teenagers and you are going to screw up.” Celestia said.

“Wow, you are pretty calm about this, compared to how you were this afternoon.” Sunset remarked.

“I calmed down and now I’m gonna see how Luna is doing. Stay here.” Celestia said.

“O.K.” Sunset said reclining back on her bed when her phone rang.

* * *

Celestia went to find her sister. She didn’t have to look long as she heard her talking in her room. Peaking in on her for a second, Luna was lying on her bed talking on her cell phone. Judging by how she was talking on the phone she was talking to Apple Cinnamon.

Celestia went back to talk to Sunset when she came out of her room with her robe and shoes. Celestia looked confused.

“I got called in for a shift at work.” Sunset explained.

“O.K. your mom is on the phone with her boyfriend, so don’t bother her right now you can take my car if you want I’ll handle her. Ok?.” Celestia said.

“Thanks, Aunt Celestia.” Sunset said making sure she had all of her stuff. Celestia came over and hugged her.

“You have a good night at work.” Celestia said.

“I make no promises.” Sunset joked.

With that Sunset left the house for a shift at the sushi restaurant.

* * *

Elsewhere in Canterlot that night…

At a run-down house on the outskirts of the city…

Four girls sat and planned at a table in the main room. The house was empty except for the table a few chairs and the supplies the girls had used for squatting the last few nights at the house.

“They tried to create a snow day. What more evidence do we need? The source of the magic is somewhere near that school.” Sonata declared.

“Well they are having a toy drive in the next few days we should hit them then.” Aria added in.

“Putting little kids at risk is not the way to go.” Cinch said leaning back in her chair.

“What??!!” The Sirens asked shocked.

“Since when do you care about little kids?” Asked Sonata.

“If we strike and little kids are hurt or worse killed everybody will be after us. The Canterlot Police, The FBI, The Syndicate. No, it’s way too risky.”

“She’s right it’s universally stupid.” Gilda said walking into the room.

“Then why don’t you come up with something, you have been holding us back since you joined up.” Sonata said.

“I want Sunset Shimmer, I’m not in this for your damn revolution.” Gilda said.

“What revolution? We want Twilight Sparkle because she can capture and restore magic. Our Magic.” Adagio replied.

“You think that Twilight can restore your power she already said she wouldn’t help you, even after Cinch backhanded her twice.” Gilda said smugly.

“You better wipe that smug grin off your face.” Adagio said standing up.

“Or what?” Gilda said leaning back in her chair and putting her feet on the table.

“You want to find out? Adagio said taking a step closer.

Gilda jumped up out of her chair and grabbed Adagio by the throat. “I have done a lot for this little conspiracy here. You should put your trust in me. I find your lack of faith disturbing.” Gilda said menacingly in Adagio’s face.

“Enough of this. Gilda release her.” Cinch commanded.

“As you wish.” Gilda said letting her go with a little shove.

“This bickering is pointless.” Cinch said looking around the table.

With everyone sitting in their seats Cinch put her hands together.

“Now Gilda did find us this place and it serves the purpose as a place to sleep and plan we even have running water. I think we should wait until after the holidays to attack but in the meantime, we need to investigate the school grounds.”

“Attack who exactly?” Gilda asked.

“Rumors say the Twilight and Sunset are dating.” Cinch said.

“So they are gay, big deal (in Equestria they would be called filly-foolers) what does that matter?” Asked Sonata.

“We get one. We get the other.” Cinch said leaning back in her chair and folding her hands.

* * *

Luna was walking around the house looking for Sunset. When she ran into Celestia down in the kitchen, Celestia could tell her sister was pissed about something.

“I told that girl not to leave and she did I am gonna kick her ass when she gets home!!” Luna growled.

“You will do nothing of the kind sister she got called into work. Also, I think you should let the girls do the toy drive. They put so much into it.” Celestia said.

“Fine, but Sunset should have told me not you.” Luna said.

“You went into your room and slammed the door shut later I heard you on the phone with your beau so I let you be figured you needed to cool down.”

“Now why do I feel that something bad is going to happen?” Lina said.

“Because you are worried about your little girl too much. She’s fine she’s at the mall doing a shift. She’s safe.” Celestia said.

“If it weren’t a school night I would go out with Apple Cinnamon.” Luna said.

“Technically it’s not a school night, although we do have work to do in the morning. It’s early call him up and just hang out for a little bit. Watch the TV you got a TV set in your room. Lord knows you got enough DVDs. ” Celestia said.

“I remember the good old days when we went to the video store to rent movies and games.” Luna said.

“Streaming services destroyed that.” Celestia said waking away. As Luna called Apple Cinnamon.

* * *

That evening, Sunset was leaving after her shift, the Cigarette-smoking man approached her.

“You just talked to me yesterday. You need to get yourself a life man.” Sunset told him.

“Charming. I know you can contact members of Royalty in Equestria, mainly someone my operatives call Princess Twilight Sparkle. We need to make contact with her.“ He said.

“Then let me bring Twilight here you can talk to her she can get the leaders together you can talk to them then.” Sunset said.

“I know that your winter break has begun, so I want you to bring her here.” He said walking away.

“Even if she comes how will I find you?” Sunset asked.

“I will find you.” He said walking away.

“If she refuses?” Sunset asked.

“I can’t protect the portal without cooperation from the other side. After all, we just picked up a huge spike in energy coming from the base. Something major just came out of the statue. ” He said walking away.

Sunset went back into the mall to use the bathroom. After using the bathroom Sunset walked by. She saw Juniper was kind of bored. Most of the theaters were in session at that time.

“Hi Juniper enjoying being back at work?” Sunset asked walking over.

“Well for two weeks anyway. Thanks for letting me crash in your basement.” Juniper said.

“Juniper you’re family. You’re like my cousin; just like the apples, we don’t turn our backs on family.” Sunset said.

“That’s comforting to know.” Juniper said as some customers started walking up.

Seeing their approach Sunset quietly excused herself and headed home.

* * *

Upon arriving home. Sunset saw Apple Cinnamon’s truck. She sighed and heeded inside anyway. Walking into the house Sunset saw no one around and saw and heard nothing. Coming up the stairs she heard the TV on in Luna’s bedroom and figured they were watching a movie or at least TV.

Sunset headed into her room and grabbed her journal. She needed to contact Twilight.


Have any major events in Equestria took place in the last few days?


We had the friendship festival, but it got interrupted by a villain who called himself the Storm King. He was turned to stone and smashed. Why do you ask?


Sunset relayed the events of her meeting with the Cigarette Man. Twilight told her that the Storm King’s spirit could’ve escaped. She warned Sunset to be vigilant.

Coming out of her room. She ran into Apple Cinnamon. After an awkward silence. He spoke up.

“Sunset, I need to talk to you for a second in private.” Apple Cinnamon said.

“Okay, we can talk in the dining room.” Sunset said with a wave of her arm.

Sunset followed Apple Cinnamon down to the dining room. Sunset sat in a chair at one end of the table. Apple Cinnamon sat in a chair just to the side of Sunset. He turned his chair to face Sunset.

“Sunset, I wanted to talk to you privately for a reason.” Apple Cinnamon said.

“Obviously.” Sunset replied.

“Sunset, I need to ask your permission for something.” He said sounding a little nervous.

“O.K.” She replied.

Apple Cinnamon reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. He opened it to produce a diamond ring.

Apple Cinnamon then said. “I need to ask your permission to propose to your mom.”