• Published 31st Aug 2021
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We don't go to Sub-Level Five - RadBunny

Astral Sentinel is just a typical security guard. The job pays well, has decent hours, and it's basically glorified customer service. There was just one odd thing stamped on the job description. Never ask about Sub-Level Five, ever.

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Chapter 121: Healing

Twilight stared at the odd, segmented device curiously. If anything, it looked more akin to a tall, dark-green, metal watermelon.

Well, a watermelon with multiple petals fanning out from the top, and a pink stone set in the center.

“Well. As far as I can tell, it takes in positive emotional energy and outputs…something,” the alicorn huffed. “You know Queen Joro better than me.”

“She liked Astral,” Sassi said, reading another paper attached to the device. “He was her first friend and convinced me not to kill her. He trusted her, sensing she was a genuine and good creature. So, I trust her to act in his best interests,” her throat abruptly closed up, the mare sniffling as she read the instructions. “I really do.”

She offered the paper to Twilight, the Thestral’s lips trembling. Twilight couldn’t help but smile at reading the instructions.

“Steps to initiate the healing process:

1. Make sure it’s placed at least in the same room as Astral- he must be the only wounded individual otherwise it will split the energy between patients. There can be other healing spells or medications active in your world; they won’t interfere.
2. Press the top of the device when ready. It absorbs magical energy from its surroundings to power the conversion process. It will glow a soft, green color when activated, and produce an illuminating ball of energy.
3. Hug him, or focus on how much you care for him. It will require an initial high intake of positive energy to fill a 24-hour reservoir. After that is filled, it’ll be a steady, slow intake. Just visit once every day to refill it.
4. Wait for the device to stop glowing (this may take minutes, hours, days, or weeks.) This signifies that it can’t heal anything else within the room.
5. Leave dynamo with Princess Twilight as a sign of positive future relations between our people.
6. Enjoy a long, happy life.

-Queen Joro”

“This is the best shot we have,” Sassi whispered, gesturing to the box. “Can you…?”

The Princess nodded, levitating the box and following Sassi back into Astral’s room. As the Thestral suspected, Astral’s vitals had continued to drop and a few more doctors were now present.

I’ve pulled you back before, Astral. Time for once more.
You saved me from something far worse than just physical pain. I’m not ever letting you go.

The doctors left, Twilight floating the dynamo out of the box as they closed the door. Sassi flipped the container over; a decent enough stand for it.

“Whenever you’re ready, Sassi.”

She stared at the device, Sassi’s hoof shaking as she reached out to press the top of the egg-shaped device.

I’m not losing you. Not now, not ever!

The dynamo immediately began to glow a cheerful green. The petals around the top began to rotate, beams of energy pulsing out to meet above it. A soft, yellow ball of arcane magic coalesced, filling the room with light; a miniature sun.

Sassi walked over to Astral, gently reaching over to hold his hoof.

I’d hug you if I could. Get better, so I can. There’s so much I want to share with you. An entire life.

Settling down next to the bed, Sassi managed to rest her cheek against his, tears streaming down her face.

Please work.

Off to the side, Twilight’s eyes dampened as she watched. A visible river of light-blue magic flowed out of Sassi’s body and into the device. The dynamo hummed, projecting a pleasant, pink field of arcane energy into Astral.

Nothing changed for a moment, but Twilight could barely suppress an excited “Yes!”

Sassi looked up, a grateful sob leaving her frame as the vitals visibly jumped, climbing higher and higher with every passing moment. They still were in the danger zones, but they continued to slowly rise.

Thank you, Joro.

She must have dozed off because Twilight was gone when the Thestral woke up. A simple note indicating that royal duties, unfortunately, took the mare away was understandable.

Wait. That was eleven hours ago? Did the device drain me that much?
…worth it.

A nurse poked her head in, waving to Sassi.
“The Princess said to check in on you every so often. That healing thing obviously wiped you out,” the unicorn explained cheerfully. “But he’s out of immediate danger.”

Looking up, Sassi’s eyes widened. The vitals were stable. Not good by any means, but Astral had been far worse at moments in the Silos. They weren’t rising or falling anymore, just maintaining so he could heal.

It worked.

“Do you want some food? I know there’s the stereotype of hospital meals, but the stuff here is really good. They even have smoothies for Thestrals specifically.”

Sassi had to stop herself from tearing up again, the mare nodding gratefully.
“I’m actually starving,” she admitted. “I’ll take one, and a pile of fresh fruit if you have it.”

“I’ll bring back your body weight in fruit if you’d like!”

The nurse then vanished, Sassi letting out a grateful sigh. For the first time since they had escaped the Silos, the mare felt like she could relax ever so slightly. She busied herself with reading up on current events for the rest of the day. The smoothie was good, but Astral’s was far superior. That said, Sassi demolished almost all of the food. RASP nutritional requirements didn’t vanish, and only eating the bare minimum for the past day or two of stress had made her famished.

But with Astral now safe, it felt like it was ok to relax and eat. It was like her mind was playing catch-up. Only now was the mare realizing how naked she felt without any armor or guns.

At least the news could distract her, at least a bit.

The Silo site had since been sealed off by Celestia; a miniature sun turning the area all around it to glass. It was being quarantined, the toxic site waiting for a multi-nation task force to figure out how best to destroy it.

And apparently Discord demands to be on the advising council? Huh.

Twilight hadn’t been joking about their celebrity status. The news was awash with their escape, well-meaning “get well” messages flooding in from all over.

It was nice to feel appreciated, even in that weird way.

The moon rose, and Sassi realized that their natural, nocturnal cycles were completely out of whack after being underground for so long. The hospital wasn’t terribly busy at this hour of course. Other than the occasional night nurse checking in on them, Sassi was left to her own devices.

Everyone else sleeps now. I can sleep during the day when I have Astral to talk to. Until then, I can adjust.

The device still hummed happily away; the glow having dimmed to a night-light intensity to accompany the outside levels.

Somehow, the current situation felt better. Just her, Astral, and a device from Joro. It was just the right type of weirdness for them. A few white sparkles began to form in the room, Sassi blinking. Her first reaction was to reach for the knife at her side- one that didn’t exist.

“I’m a friend,” a soft, feminine voice said. The door closed gently, and a spectral mare appeared. She sat down in front of Sassi. “My name is Harmony.”

Sassi rubbed her eyes, then looked back at the mare.


“You? I saw you before, in the Silos when Astral was dying,” Sassi said, Harmony’s ears pinning back.

“That was the first time I was aware of you, of the Silos in general. The shields blocked more than magic. They also blocked my ability to sense how wrong everything was, just as they did Discord.”

“So, you’re the “Harmony of Equestria?” That magical force from a tree or something that looks out for everyone?”

The other mare smiled, shrugging at Sassi’s words.
“Something like that. I try to make sure nothing upsets the balance of good for Equestria. Nudging things here or there.” The mare now looked genuinely distraught. “And in terms of recent events, I’ve failed miserably. For that I’m s-sorry.”

“Wait. So that wasn’t you telling me to hug Astral? To lead me to activate the reactor dynamos?”

The grief on Harmony’s face was nearly frightening, the mare not able to meet Sassi’s eyes.
“N-no. That was…there are other forces besides me that nudge the balance to good. They stepped in to do the job I should have. I only was aware of it after the fact when I saw you. I think they wanted to help me learn to be better.” The mare’s features trembled, Harmony struggling to speak.

Sassi took a few deep breaths, shaking her head. What could she say to that?
“I don’t know whether to be angry at you or not,” she admitted, “I want to be, but I’m just frustrated. You, the Princess, everyone just didn’t know about the Silos? And those who did, they weren’t the good guys? Sounds like the whole “bad guys always lose” thing kicked in a bit late for us. And I still don’t know if they did lose, not yet.”

Harmony looked up at her, nodding once.
“You’re not wrong. I don’t blame you for being angry. Or not forgiving me. The pain you went through is not something I would have tolerated. I would have helped more.”

“It’s easy for everyone to say they would have helped. You, Twilight. Governments…it just sounds like you all want to feel better about it rather than be genuine,” Sassi said, rather surprised at the wave of bitterness in her heart. “That doesn’t make it ok. Tens of thousands of creatures died, and I grew up in a world of torture and pain because the world failed us.”

She took a step towards Harmony, the bitterness and anger fading into something that frustrated Sassi even further; emptiness.

“But I can’t forgive you, because there’s nothing to forgive. Just like Twilight. How could I hold something you never knew about against you? That’s not fair. You all didn’t know, and yet we suffered. I want to be angry. I want to have someone to hate for all this. But all those directly responsible are captured or dead. So, you’re just here, I guess. You don’t have a stake in this anymore.”

Sassi took a few deep breaths, shaking her head. “So, you can say you’re sorry and everything, but from my perspective, what do I say to that? “It’s ok?” That’s all just words at this point. The Company was built on the graves of good intentions. So, what you “wanted” to do is just words. It doesn’t really matter anymore. It may as well be one of those fan letters. I guess I appreciate the sentiment.”

Harmony actually smiled now, her left hoof glowing as she gestured toward Astral.
“As you said, it’s just words, isn’t it?” she asked. “Talk means so little unless there’s action. And it does matter, because it means those who weren’t able to help now want to help. And so, I plan to.”

“You can heal him?”

Harmony shook her head, walking over to look at Astral.

“Not in the way you’re thinking. Joro’s help will save his life, healing the wounds. But healing such severe damage leaves scars, even if aided by magic. He’ll never be fully free from that,” she said softly. “The scar tissue will impede his movement, and he’ll likely never feel himself or be completely pain-free.” Looking over and seeing Sassi’s horrified expression, Harmony bowed her head, raising a hoof to stop any words. “That’s why it matters that I failed. Because now I can have a chance to show that I do care. To show that we’re better creatures than the Silo. And I intend to prove it. We are better than this. Not perfect, but better than what you’ve seen in your life.”

A white glow surrounded Astral, and Sassi saw the monitors flicker as his vitals strengthened ever so slightly.

“I don’t get it. Why didn’t you step in when we escaped?” Sassi asked, now more confused than anything. “It’d have made all of this unnecessary.”

“Because it wasn’t time,” Harmony said, continuing to focus on Astral. “You got to this point because of your own strength and those of your friends. Only after you did everything you could, can I nudge things along. It doesn’t make as big of a ripple then,” her ears flattened. “At least, that’s when I should step in.”

The mare then waved a hoof over Astral. “Healing someone from near death is a much bigger nudge than making sure certain healing processes function a bit beyond their normal capacities. I don’t have as many restrictions. I’m powerful, but not omnipotent. I also don’t live without guidelines that could cause harm if I ignored them. I also simply didn’t know. It is humbling to acknowledge the limits to my powers. I’m still learning how to guide things along.”

She looked over Astral again, nodding in approval as the glow faded.
“There. He still has a long, long road to recovery,” Harmony said. “He’s going to hurt, physically and mentally. But he won’t be held back by the injuries, not permanently. If anything, he’ll be stronger from them. You both will.”

“But I’m not hurt?”

Harmony trotted back over, sitting in front of Sassi with a sad smile.
“Not physically. But then again, you’ve already healed so much.”

“How can you know that?” Sassi asked with a bit more snark than she intended. Instead of taking offense, Harmony only laughed softly.

“I can sense the energy feeding into that device, and I already read the reports about the reactor. You love him more than anything in the world. That love kept him alive in the Silos and even now is saving Astral’s life. You want a life with this stallion, and you’d do anything to preserve it. Can you tell me if you ever thought that’d be a possibility in that horrid place? Are you able to have dreams now? About yourself, about Astral? Because from what I know of the Silos…you couldn’t have any dreams in that place, only horrors. But what about now?”

Sassi couldn’t help but stare at the mare in shock. To say she had underestimated this individual was an understatement.

“Thought so,” Harmony giggled. “I think you two will be just fine.” Her expression then grew a bit more sober, the mare bowing her head. “I truly am sorry, Sassi. Think of me what you will, but I will always regret not being able to help you. I think Twilight feels the same.”

“You’re-it’s ok. I think. Sort of,” Sassi stammered, letting out a frustrated grunt. “Ugh. This is complicated. Now I should be thanking you. Astral will be ok? Like…”

“He will still have to physically heal which may take some time. But now, the injuries won’t be long-lasting. He’s not leaving you and can live life to the fullest. After healing, there won’t be aches, pains, or any sort of permanent damage or discomfort from the Silo. I made sure of that.”

The full realization now sank in, Sassi taking a shaking breath. Tears brimmed in her eyes as her mind ran with the possibilities.

He’s going to be ok.

“Then for that, thank you,” she whispered. “How about we call it even?”

Harmony laughed, shaking her head.
“No, I think I still owe you a fair bit. I…” her voice drifted off, a few tears welling up in her eyes. “I think I was meant to learn from all of this. From failing. So, we are most certainly not even. But I appreciate the sentiment. I do need to go now though. Take care, Sassi Satin.”

As the mare began to fade, Sassi couldn’t help but ask a final question.

“Y’know, maybe you could help some other stuff in the world? Maybe help some other creatures in the hospital and such? Having a kingdom-wide guardian angel isn’t the worst thing. Maybe spread those nudges around?”

Harmony giggled, waving to Sassi. The mare vanished with a rather sly wink, her voice floating around the room.

“Way ahead of you. Take care. Now, guide Astral back home. He’ll be dreaming soon.”
At the back of Sassi’s mind, she felt a familiar flicker, a drowsy awareness.

She snagged a spare set of pillows and blankets, making herself a comfy nest next to the stallion on a plush chair.

Surprisingly, it was easy to fall asleep.

Author's Note:


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