• Published 31st Aug 2021
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We don't go to Sub-Level Five - RadBunny

Astral Sentinel is just a typical security guard. The job pays well, has decent hours, and it's basically glorified customer service. There was just one odd thing stamped on the job description. Never ask about Sub-Level Five, ever.

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Chapter Eighty Seven: Bro Talk

For being stuck in a silo of nightmares, Astral felt surprisingly good.

It was a subjective term, of course, as the stallion woke up. Every bone in his body ached and every movement didn’t feel right. But his stomach wasn’t in knots and there was a comforting warmth that eased it all.

Another pleasant surprise was that he could see. They were in a supply room of sorts, a large security door closed in front of him.

The source of the warmth was the beautiful mare snuggled up against Astral’s side, her head resting on his shoulder.


There was so much he wanted to say, but Astral settled for carefully stretching a wing over her, something that made him wince. Not flying for weeks, months on end was definitely going to bite them in the haunches later.

Well. I guess we can add physical therapy along with mental one.

Judging from how the mare scooted closer, at least it was appreciated. There was the odd, pleasant hum in the back of the stallion’s mind. Their little hive mind, if Astral had to guess. It was a weird feeling, to say the least, but not unpleasant. The most comparable sensation was if he had looked over to the mare, and read an expression on her face. A simple realization of an overall emotion. In this case, it was peaceful sleep. Arcane seemed unaware of the link, and Astral could only suspect that the modification doses were different, or simply an anomaly in their case.

Regardless, it was a pleasant sensation that was more comforting than anything. It had certainly helped yesterday when he hadn’t been able to see anything. Astral had simply known Sassi was there, and ok.

Then again, maybe he was still (likely) loopy from the painkillers, at least a bit. Yet Astral couldn’t help but feel happy. Telling Sassi that he loved her hadn’t been on his ‘to-do’ list while underground. And yet it had just…happened. And that certainly didn’t mean it meant any less.

And she loves me too.

A simple phrase that made Astral’s aches and pains diminish ever so slightly. He blinked, realizing there was one thought that simply never materialized, only being noticed by its absence.

The case. That entire experience. The impact of it all is just…
It’s less.

Obviously being trapped down here was leagues worse, and perhaps oddly, that was a good thing. It made his prior struggles seem so minuscule.

His movements and wakefulness kick-started the actual aches into existence, the stallion letting out a soft, pained hiss. Even so, he’d go through it all again in a heartbeat. That hadn’t been a lie to Arcane.

‘Recommendation to user available. Display?’ the nearby RASP helmet projected the message into the air, the blue letters shining in the darkness.

“Display,” Astral whispered. Odd that it’d ask rather than just tell him.

‘Movement of muscles will now aid in recovery and purging of accumulated toxins. Current toxicity levels rising. Recommend light impact exercise such as a slow walk until symptoms subside.’

He hated those sorts of recommendations. Do something that felt horrible until it felt less horrible.

Then again, that’s pretty much the definition of physical therapy. I’ll be in that for a while…and normal therapy with Sassi.

Those two words at the end of the statement certainly blunted any trepidation. There wasn’t a ‘without Sassi’ anymore. Even the hive mind link aside, Astral couldn’t imagine feeling comfortable with anyone else. Not after everything they’d been through.

That was both a comforting and terrifying thought. But he shoved that down as he carefully stood up, the armor automatically compensating for the stallion’s wobbling legs.

Well, I can stand. As much as I’d prefer to snuggle next to Sassi for a few more hours.

He strode out of the medical bay, the simple act of moving clearing Astral’s mind.
How things have changed.

That thought wasn’t dwelt on too long. He’d crumble under the weight. One hoof in front of the other.

One more silo and we’re out of this mess. And then…
A smile immediately pushed aside any other expression.

And then, we get to live.

With Sassi at his side, the adjustment to normal life didn’t seem like a challenge at all. They’d make it.

Turning around at the end of a hall, he began a walk to the other end; the corridor perpendicular to the medical bay. It was a simple circuit, but enough.

The Thestral paused, blinking as a glowing figure trotted down the hall.

Clad in shimmering armor, Arcane turned to look at Astral in surprise. The adornments vanished in an instant, but it was enough to make Thestral smile ever so slightly. The armor had almost appeared ancient, but with a modern twist.

An honorable knight perhaps.
You’re similar to Sassi. You’re still in there, aren’t you, Arcane? This place didn’t tear everything from you.

“I didn’t expect you.” It was a simple, cautious statement. And Astral didn’t blame him.

“The RASP armor said toxins were building up, said to stretch my legs. So, here I am,” was Astral’s reply, not seeing any reason to lie. Honesty had gotten them a new, tentative friend after all. “If you can’t sleep, you’re welcome to join me. I’m just pacing. Not even sure what time it is.”

That hadn’t occurred to Astral in a while. The numbers had lost their meaning, not even being glanced at. They slept when tired, and moved when they could. It was just past midnight?

It was barely noticeable, but Arcane smiled ever so slightly at Astral’s words.
“Not sure I’ll be great company,” he admitted. “I’m still learning how to…” the unicorn’s words trailed off as Astral waved a hoof.

“I get it. Really,” Astral said seriously. “And don’t worry about it if you don’t feel like talking. Sometimes it’s just nice spending time with somecreature that doesn’t want to kill you. That’s how I became friends with Sassi. Well, her saving my flank at least.”

Another glimpse of a smile, the unicorn walking over to Astral as they paced.

True to his word, Astral didn’t try to nudge the unicorn into any conversation. Surprisingly, it was Arcane who spoke after a few minutes of walking.

“What do ponies talk about nowadays?” he asked, a mirthless huff leaving his fanged mouth. “It’s been a decade since I’ve been above ground. And before that, the whole ‘fanged chaos-pony’ didn’t spark many positive conversations.”

“Honestly, probably the same stuff,” Astral mused, “jobs, the weather, relationships, and when you get lucky, hobbies. I never liked small talk, but when the other creature is actually invested in a topic, even if it’s the weather, that makes it much more interesting.”

The unicorn seemed to muse over that for a few moments.
“I’m going to need to learn how to even do that again. Everything down here has a purpose, a point to conversing. Learning how to do things again. Not just talking for the sake of talking.”

Astral shrugged.
“It doesn’t always have to be talking for the sake of it. Sometimes if you chat about a topic that doesn’t have a lot of weight, you can get a feel for the other creature. Learn to be friends, or not. So, it can have a purpose. Not always though,” the Thestral chuckled a thought. “My best friend, Gabbro, is a hippogriff. His topic of conversation usually was his attempts at finding a lady. He knew it was the same thing over and over again, but he appreciated me listening, as it was a big part of his life. I love that guy. I hope he’s doing ok,” Astral’s words trailed off.

“A hippogriff? It’s nice that ponies can be friends with others. I know it’s common now, but down here, not so much.”

“Oh, yeah. From what Sassi said, down here was awful. Much more diverse above ground. Gryphons, hippogriffs, kirins, and even a few minotaurs! The Princess’ efforts to…” the Thestral saw Arcane’s shoulders stiffen.

Ah. Right.
Equestria’s laws failed him.

“The integration laws and views are something she’s doing well,” he worded carefully. Arcane’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he nodded, seeming to appreciate the unspoken understanding.

“I guess you can have different friends for different topics. Gabbro’s was the ladies and day-to-day banter. I lost my other friends after the debacle with defending the mare,” Astral explained.

“Lost them?”

“They believed the lies of the attackers, rather than me. There’re times in life you learn who your real friends are. It hurts, but is for the best,” Astral sighed, still surprised that the pain in his chest at the memory was significantly lighter. It was still there, but it had lost some of the sting.

“Sorry. Don’t mean to pry into painful topics. This is all new. Talking. Learning about the outside,” Arcane muttered. “Well, I suppose it’s ‘old’, but I’m having to re-learn how to talk to creatures again.”

“No reason to apologize. I guess one thing you should know is that we had contacted the outside, well, sort of,” Astral said, Arcane staring at him. “The scientist who modified me took a message to the outside. So Equestria and the other nations know we’re down here, and the company is being hunted down from what the scientist said. We should have told you earlier, but it’s been a bit crazy. Honestly just didn’t cross my mind.”

Arcane stood still, staring at the Thestral with a guarded gaze. Astral met it, his eyes not leaving the unicorn.

“I’m not lying,” the Thestral said firmly. “From what I understand, Equestria knows what’s going on, and they’re trying to monitor things down here as best I could. I told him, and the cameras that everyone was watching us from, that I’d come for the other Directors if I had to. I can get more grenades,” Astral couldn’t help but grin at the last sentence, a fair part of himself frightened at how easily the words flowed, and how he meant it.

“They know? They’re…” Arcane couldn’t form any more words.

“Everyone knows. Sassi’s dad leaked the entire company’s data. The experiments, murders, everything. He’s the one who also caused the systems to crash here, with the help of the scientist, Flask, who helped me,” Astral explained, putting a reassuring hoof on the other pony’s shoulder. “It’s all crashing down for them. I don’t know what everyone is doing, but they can’t hide.” he immediately retracted the hoof and winced; the unicorn flinching. “Sorry. I know physical boundaries are a touchy topic. I forgot for a moment.”

Arcane stared, the unicorn actually then smiling.
“Touchy topic? That was a horrible pun.”

Letting out a soft chuckle, Astral relaxed. He knew how sensitive Sassi had been.

“But I appreciate the thought. It is a sensitive subject. But I don’t want it to always be that way,” the unicorn said. “Wouldn’t be able to find a special somecreature if that was the case. Or a friend,” his brow furrowed. “Friend first. Much less complicated.”

“No kidding. I gave up on dating after the whole court case and all,” Astral sighed. “Totally lucked out with Sassi. She being a Thestral and pretty much amazing across the board.”

“From what little I know of you two, I’d have to agree. You’re a lucky pony to have found her. She’s quite the mare,” Arcane said, head tilting curiously as Astral shot him a look. “What? Art can be appreciated even if I have no stake in it.”

“Did you just call Sassi art?” Astral snickered, the unicorn blinking. “I think you’ll be a hit with the ladies whenever you’re ready for that. Or stallions. Whoever you prefer.”

Astral got treated to seeing Arcane’s face flush, another bit of genuine emotion from the troubled pony as they walked. The unicorn did seem more relaxed. The next topic Astral left up to Arcane.

Don’t push things.

“Ironically, neither,” Arcane said. “Well, not ponies at least.”

“Oh? So?” Astral asked. That was an interesting response.

“I mean, there’s plenty of pretty mares, sure. Just…” the unicorn now definitely looked embarrassed.

“Hey, I won’t laugh! I love a Thestral super-soldier,” Astral chuckled, silently enjoying how much it simply slid off his tongue.

“Well, I was raised by a gryphon, and she taught me about their culture and such. It also made meals easier, and I just felt safer,” Arcane explained.

“Meals easier?”

Arcane gestured to his fangs with a hoof.
“I’m an omnivore. I can eat pretty much anything. A bonus to chaos magic. So, gryphon cuisine was quite enjoyable. Ponies aren’t-it’s a barrier for them to understand and get used to. And the fangs make me look frightening. You probably know that.”

“That’s fair,” Astral mused. It had been a while since he had just shot the breeze with some ‘guy talk.’

Even though I usually loathe when the only thing on a creature’s mind 24/7 is who-dates-who. But Arcane…how long has it been since he’s even thought of having a future?

He’d ask about sailing at a later date.

“So. Gryphon or hippogriff?”

Arcane stumbled, clearly not having expected such a question.

“Hey, just shooting the breeze with preferences. You know mine, after all,” Astral said with a grin. “You said not ponies, and already know gryphon culture. So, then perhaps a kirin?”


“Huh. That was fast.”

“Easy choice,” Arcane shrugged. “Gryphons are predators. Less likely to be scared of me. It’s a logical choice. I also appreciate their blunt nature. Less dancing around conversations and formalities, and as you said, I already know their culture and meals.” The pony’s ears then flattened. “I don’t think I can relate to Equestria anymore. That includes most ponies. They just don’t understand certain things,” the unicorn whispered.

“That makes sense,” Astral replied calmly, seeing an opportunity. “And the fact they’re graceful but also rather strong has nothing to do with it?” the Thestral grinned, prompting a grumble from the unicorn as the mood shifted. “And maybe a preference for muscles underneath that feather and fur? Liking that strong and not openly soft type?”

“Perhaps,” Arcane muttered, his violet face a bit deeper a shade of purple now as he tried to not smile. He paused in their walk, taking a deep breath. There was a slight blue glow to his gaze. Interestingly, the ever-present horn lock wasn’t heating the metal.

“I’ve missed this,” he finally said softly. “It’s been-Thank you, Astral.”

“You’re welcome, but what for?”

“Talking. I’ve missed being treated like…” More words trailed off, but Astral knew the general gist of it.

“A normal pony?”

Those words earned another soft smile.

“Well, we’re also now all part of a weird family, in a way,” Astral said, gesturing to the unicorn. “You’ve technically got a sister and a brother now. RASP siblings. For whatever that’s worth. I guess Sassi would be the oldest, then you, then me. If we’re going by the serum at least.”

Arcane abruptly began to laugh, a genuine, cheerful sound that echoed off the walls as he held his sides. Astral couldn’t help but chuckle; it was the first time he had seen the unicorn actually happy.

“That is a ridiculous thought,” the unicorn finally wheezed. “But also, the kindest thing somepony has said to me in a long, long time,” Arcane added with a sigh, wiping away a few tears. Whether they were from mirth or something else, Astral wasn’t sure. “I’ll consider it.”

“Just wanted to let you know regardless. Adjusting to the outside world is going to be an issue for myself and Sassi. So, feel free to give us a call.”

The unicorn nodded, but Astral noted his eyes were swimming with tears.

Just being kind. How much that can change for a creature.

Astral’s thoughts were interrupted rather rudely as his legs nearly gave out, the stallion swaying slightly.
“I…uh, might have overdone the walking,” he muttered, “I hate being so weak.”

Arcane shrugged, the two walking back towards the medical bay a bit slower.
“Quite frankly, I’m amazed you’re as coherent as you are given the RASP modifications. Give it time and you’ll be able to run for miles and still have energy.”

“That sounds possibly like a curse.”

The unicorn smirked at that.
“It’s a give and take. But I’d say the positives outweigh the negatives. I’d be dead if not for the modifications so I’m a tad biased.”

“That’s fair enough.”

As Astral tottered through the door, Arcane waved with a hoof. The smile was faint, but not fleeting like before.

“Take care, Astral. And thank you.”

“You too, Arcane. And happy to help.

It was all the Thestral could do to walk over to the medical bed and flop down next to Sassi. His limbs immediately turned to jelly, exhaustion seeping into Astral’s bones. Another day in this odd journey he was on.

Talking with a unicorn who can use Chaos magic while running from freaky creatures.
All this crazy stuff leading me to find the one I love?
No question that I’d do it again. I wonder what tomorrow will hold.

Author's Note:

A bit of a lul, talking with this odd new pony.
...Oh don't get too comfortable. If y'all thought Silo's one and Two were horrifying... :trollestia:

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