• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 384 Views, 21 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night - Rixizu

The Grand Galoping Gala is crashed when Princess Luna transforms herself into Nightmare Moon and declares herself Queen of Equestia.

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Chapter 1

“What do you mean you’re dismantling the Night Court?!” Trixie said, outraged. She’d worked her flank off for years to rise to her position as Ponyville’s representative. It, admittedly, wasn’t a great position, but it was hers, darn it. Luna had transformed Equestria into a democratic monarchy, renaming their country to the Lunar Republic. The princess was literally rewriting Equestria into her image!

Nightmare Moon? And Lunar Republic? What kind of names were those?

“Calm down, Trixie,” Cheerilee said, trying to placate the incensed mare. “I’m sure she has a good reason for this. Right, princess?” She sent a nervous glance towards the Ranger Killers, which stood nearby, tall, dark, and imposing. Luna had created these creatures from her own blood to act as her personal attack squad. By all accounts, they were tough. It had taken three of her friends to defeat even one. The fact there were at least fifty of them made even Trixie nervous.

“And why am I a knight now?” Carrot Top said, fuming. “Turn me back, now!”

The Gala broke into angry protests, with everypony speaking over each other. Some were furious about losing their position. Others were vying to butter up to their new Queen. A few nobles were eager to learn more about this democratic system, hoping to improve their low political status. It was utter pandemonium.

“Silence!” This single world from the Queen made glass break, spilling Champagne everywhere, dousing some poor ponies with it.

“Silence.” Nightmare Moon said. “I will have order.” The Ranger Killers moved towards the nobles, who backed away in terror. The room became deathly still.

“Listen, my subjects. Changes are coming to this country, and many won’t be popular. But understand this; your queen will always have your best interests in mind. I will not tolerate dissent. From anypony.”

The sharp look Nightmare Moon gave Trixie made a chill travel down her spine. Something was wrong with Luna. The alicorn’s eyes contained a mania Trixie didn’t like.

“I see you have big plans, my sister,” Celestia said, forcing a smile. “These are exciting changes. I will always be here if you need me, uh, my Queen.”

“And you.” Nightmare Moon stalked her sister like a hawk circling over a helpless mouse. “What shall I do with my traitorous sister?”

“Lulu, please,” Celestia replied, “I only want to put our differences behind us. It’s a new Equestria like you said. So why can’t we both have a fresh start?”

“Lies!” Ponies cried out in alarm as the entire building shook and dust fell from the ceiling. That single word almost collapsed the entire building on top of them.

“Your honeyed words don’t fool me!” An ugly smile formed on the Queen’s face. “While you’ve been smiling and seducing my ponies, I’ve been working hard to uncover your schemes. Bring her in!”

Cries of horror echoed through the halls as two guards brought in a beaten and battered pony. The mare could barely walk on her hooves, so the guards carried her. A gasp escaped Trixie’s lips, recognizing the pony. It was Flitter!

“Sorry, Princess.” Flitter cried out in pain as the guards threw her to the ground. Bloodstains darkened the polished marble floor. The nobles watched in fascinated horror.

Luna almighty! Trixie stood stock still, shocked beyond words. Even Celestia was speechless.

“This one confessed everything to me.” Nightmare Moon had an evil glint in her eyes. “She was your spy. Another traitor. She told me how she foalnapped Twilight Sparkle for you. Spied on my Galaxy Rangers. Stole ancient artifacts for you, even after you reformed.” She uttered the last word with disdain.

“She told me of your future plans to take over my county once you discredited me! Most damning, she admitted to stealing the Neptune and Uranus stones from Fisher so you could use them on me!” A shocked expression passed over Celestia’s face.

Nightmare howled out a laugh that contained no humor. “You thought I couldn’t defeat the geas you put over me? Hear this, citizens of my Luna Republic! Your Princess Celestia implanted the Neptune and Uranus Planetary Stones inside me to corrupt me, but it failed!”

“Impossible!” Celestia’s eyes widened as two familiar stones dropped to the floor.

“There are more Planetary Stones?” Cheerilee asked in shock.

“I removed them weeks ago, only pretending to be under their power.” Nightmare Moon wore a smug smile.

“I see.” Celestia forced a smile. “I take full responsibility for my actions. Please don’t hurt Flitter anymore. Her actions are my fault. I will take the full brunt of her punishment too.”


“What?” Celestia took a step back.

“I won’t accept any traitors in my Republic.” Nightmare Moon replied. “I haven’t found Spike yet on your moon castle, but rest assured he’ll receive his just punishment!”

“Leave Spike alone!” It shocked Trixie to see Celestia frightened for Spike’s safety. Nightmare Moon showed no pity or remorse.

Nightmare Moon levitated the Planetary Stones and placed them into two empty slots in a silver necklace attached to her neck. They sparkled with an eerie light. Trixie wondered what powers they granted to their user. “I must thank you, however. Thanks to your Planetary Stone, I have become unstoppable. A true immortal, implacable Queen of the Lunar Republic.”

With a gesture of her head, she motioned for her guards to surround the solar princess. “Take her and the traitor away for their pending execution. I will show the world what happens to those who defy me.”

“Execution? You can’t do that!” While the last few events stunned her into silence, Trixie couldn’t remain quiet any longer. While Corona was an evil snake, the Ranger couldn’t stand by and let her die.

“You can’t do that, Princess. She’s your sister!” Ditzy said.

“Yes, it’s just wrong!” Cheerilee added.

“Horrible.” Raindrops shook her head.

“Silence!” The building shook again, causing cracks to form in the support pillars. Ponies duck their heads under their hooves, expecting the worst.

“You are my guard, my watchdogs, and I will not have my judgment questioned.” Nightmare Moon’s voice lowered to a threatening whisper. “She is an enemy. Be glad I am finally getting rid of her.”

Watchdog?! Trixie had sworn an oath to protect her princess and Equestria, but she found being called somepony’s attack dog distasteful. Her friends weren’t much happier and wore angry frowns on their faces.

“Queen, I realize she’s done some terrible things, but I’ve always believed nopony is beyond redemption,” Ditzy said, trying to remain diplomatic. “Give her time. I’m certain Celestia will learn from the error of her ways.” Celestia gave her best disarming smile to back this statement up.

“I’m not happy about her turning me into Corvus, but because of that, I gained many new friends,” Twilight added. “Please show her mercy.”

Good thinking, guys! “Yes, no more fighting. Putting her in jail is enough punishment.”

A nasty smile formed on Nightmare Moon’s face. ”I understand you, my student. I realize how much Pokey’s tragic death hurt you. You don’t want anypony else to die. Very well."

Thank goodness! Both Trixie and Celestia sighed in relief. The sun princess gave her sister a hopeful smile.

“Don’t be so smug, sister.” Nightmare Moon said. “You aren’t escaping punishment. I have a better idea. One that will make you pray for death!” Her horn sparked with magical energy and a beam shot from it before anypony could do anything.

Everypony watched in terror as the sun princess screamed in terror as her body petrified. An expression of horror remained frozen on her face as it completely became stone. Another beam struck Flitter, doing the same. Trixie knew Flitter’s and Corona’s screams would haunt her nightmares.

“Don’t worry, I made sure their minds are completely aware of their surroundings.” Nightmare howled out a wicked laugh. After seeing her student’s shocked expression, she smiled. “Fear not. It won’t be forever. Another thousand years seems fair enough. I wonder if my sister will curse your name once she’s freed. It is your fault you saved her from death.”

Princess, what has happened to you? Trixie wanted Corona punished, but she never wished for such a horrible fate. The nobles backed away, terrified they’d suffer the same fate if they opposed their new queen.

“Enough of that unpleasantness.” Nightmare Moon made her best charming smile. “We shall resume the Gala.” She clapped her hooves together. “Dance everypony and be merry! Corona, the Republic’s greatest enemy, is defeated!” Everypony sighed in relief, glad the horror show was over. Though everypony still maintained a healthy distance away from their new queen.

The queen’s face twisted into a scowl when her words didn’t have the desired effect she wanted. “Lyra, play some music now. It’s too quiet. Play your wonderful Symphony for Moon and Sun. It seems appropriate.”

Lyra gave her friends a nervous glance, wondering if she should do as Nightmare Moon instructed. Trixie gave a reluctant nod. Placating the mad alicorn seemed wise. While reluctant, Lyra pulled out her lyre and began playing. It impressed Trixie how well her friend played, considering the circumstances. Nightmare Moon closed her eyes and enjoyed the lovely melody. Ponies reluctantly danced and mingled, but Trixie could tell they were still frightened. Even Pinkie and Rarity wore glum expressions.

Is this how ponies felt when Celestia went crazy a millennium ago? Trixie knew everypony was trotting on thin ice, so she pretended to be friendly with her crazed mentor.

“You’ve done good work, my queen,” Trixie said. “All these changes are sudden, but I’m glad you’re putting down a firm hoof and showing leadership.”

“I’m glad you agree, my student.” Nightmare Moon replied. “I realize I’ve been too soft. I haven’t held the reins of the Night Court tight enough. Never again. My ponies deserve better.”

“Totally! Totally!”

Nightmare Moon gazed into the night sky right towards her moon, a distant expression on her face. “You taught me that change is necessary. Without that, ponies can’t grow.”

Right, but I didn’t mean you should burn the whole system down!

“And you’ve just given me a wonderful idea!” Nightmare brightened and Trixie feared what the mad queen might propose next.

“We need more than a change of government!” Nightmare Moon said. “The world can also become something greater and more beautiful!” She levitated a wine glass from a nearby waiter, tapping it with a spoon.

“Everypony, your queen has an announcement.” Like Trixie, everypony watched the mad alicorn with trepidation.

“From today forth, the sun will never rise again!” Nightmare Moon declared. Everypony gave each other a worried and fearful expression.

“Uh, my Queen,” Cheerilee said, trying to be the voice of reason. “Everypony needs the sun to live. I realize the sun has fallen out of favor in the last thousand years, but I doubt anypony wants to live without it.”

“Nonsense!” Nightmare Moon huffed in annoyance. “Ponies will evolve beyond the need for sunlight. They deserve to gaze upon my night’s glory all day, every day!”

Cheerilee’s face scrunched up, a painful expression on her muzzle. “But plants need sunlight to live!”

“Yes, they use the light for photosynthesis, to power chlorophyll to convert water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and glucose!” Twilight said, nodding.

“Then my Lunar Republic will grow plants that don’t.” Nightmare Moon replied coolly. “My moon will provide the light they need.”

“How the heck will that work?” A baffled Twilight whispered to Trixie, who only shrugged in response.

“I see.” Cheerilee backed away in fear when the queen got into her face.

“Is that all?” Nightmare Moon said, snarling. “Do you have any more inane questions? Do you believe me a foal?”

“No! Of course not, my queen!” Cheerilee replied with haste.

“Good.” Nightmare Moon turned away, much to the teacher’s relief. “I only tolerate your questions because you’re my knight. Don’t disappoint me. Now you must excuse me, I must speak to my scientists. Enjoy the party, my subjects. Your queen shall return shortly.” Her horn lit up and vanished.

“Dear goodness, what is happening?!” Trixie put her hooves into her face. The nobles gave her expectant looks, no doubt wanting her to fix this mess.

Trixie gave them her best-winning smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll think of something!” The ex-nobles gave the statues of Flitter and Corona a worried glance before returning to their dancing and mingling.

“What are we going to do, Trixie?” Cheerilee whispered.

Trixie forced a smile. “Learn what happened to the princess’s mind. The Planetary stones must have done something to it.” She recalled how they made Twilight’s dad, Night Light, go crackers when he used one to transform into the Jupiter Ranger. But Trixie worried about how they were messing with Luna’s mind. Did Corona implanting them corrupt her mind, or by just holding them? They needed more research.

“That makes sense.” Twilight stroked her chin as they talked over the situation. “I’ll see what I can do.” In a flash, she vanished out of sight.

Trixie sighed. Disappearing from the Gala might not be the best plan. It might royally tick off Nightmare Moon. Oh well. An idea struck her. Though Corona was a statue, she knew somepony else with knowledge about the Planetary Stones. He’s been the Earth Ranger once. Sure enough, she spotted Greengrass observing the chaos from behind a pillar. Trixie stomped towards him.

“We need to talk, now,” Trixie said without preamble. It surprised her that the stallion had gotten away from the guards after she trapped him in Luna’s room, but that hardly mattered right now.

“I believe we do,” Greengrass replied. Unlike the other noble, he was cool and collected, giving her a shrewd smile. “What a mess we’ve found ourselves in.”

“Talk. What have the Planetary stones done to the princess?!”

Greengrass remained silent for several moments, considering her question. “I’m afraid I have limited knowledge about them. An evil cult created them to bring a monster from another reality into ours. Little is known beyond that.”

A chill went down Trixie’s spine. That didn’t sound good.

“They apparently contain the power of the gods, but it’s never been clear how that worked.” Greengrass continued. “But I’m the wrong person to ask. Fisher is the pony you need.” Fisher had become the Mars Ranger if Trixie recalled correctly.

Trixie sighed. “Where did he disappear to?” She searched among the ex-nobles and discovered no sign of the former archduke. He’d vanished from the spotlight after the Night Court Ranger incident, and nopony had seen him since.

“I know where our ex-archduke kept his research if that’s any help. I might have knowledge my people missed.”

Trixie gave him a suspicious look. “And what do you want in exchange?” Greengrass did nothing without a selfish reason. It irked her she required his help again. Somehow, that snake always knew how to make himself useful. Still, she supposed she should be grateful he told her about the Ranger Killers. What she’d do about them, she still wasn’t sure. But she’d beat them, eventually. Hopefully.

“So suspicious. It’s almost like you don’t trust me.”

“Not in a million years.” And beyond that. But Trixie needed him still. Whatever he wanted was a problem to solve at a later date. Luna came first.

“Fine, show me where the data is,” Trixie said, “but I’m watching you. We’ll leave once the Gala is over.”

“Sounds good to me,” Greengrass replied. “Besides, I owe a lovely mare another dance.”

“Fine, whatever. Just be there.” Trixie only hoped she wasn’t making a gargantuan mistake asking for Greengrass’s help.


Trixie turned to find Snowflake standing behind her. “Uh, is everything okay?” He kept his voice to a whisper or tried to. It won’t take much for a pony to overhear him, but he was trying his best. The stallion gave the Ranger Killers covert looks, obviously worried about his date’s safety.

“I’m fine.” Trixie gave him an encouraging smile. “It’s nothing I can’t handle. I’m a Ranger. It’ll work itself out.”

“Okay.” Snowflake’s massive form wilted. He still worried about her.

I can’t allow my date to fret about me. Trixie extended a hoof. “Come on, let’s have another dance. I’m ready to tear up the dance floor if you are.”

“YEAH!” Trixie smirked when Snowflake forgot to regulate the volume of his voice again, making nearby ex-nobles wince. He grabbed her hoof like a true gentlecolt, guiding her towards the dance floor. Dangerous days were ahead, and it’d be foalish to waste this opportunity.


Somehow the gala room’s roof hadn’t collapsed, and everypony gave their awkward goodbyes. The ex-nobles entered their carts, heading home. Nightmare Moon had refused any audience with anypony today, leaving the uncertain ex-noble nervous about their futures. Despite everything, Trixie sympathized with them. Nopony deserved to fear for their future.

“So, uh, what now?” Ditzy whispered. Her friends had gathered around Trixie, trying to devise a plan under the watchful gaze of Nightmare Moon and the Ranger Killers. The mad queen watched them with obvious suspicion.

“Just go home to your daughter,” Trixie replied a little too loudly. “It’s nothing to worry about. I’m sure Queen Nightmare Moon has everypony’s best interests in mind.

Ditzy sighed. “If you’re sure.”

“I’m glad my student understands the situation.” Nightmare Moon teleported behind them. “I won’t tolerate any sudation, even from my royal knights.”

“Yeah, my queen. You made that very clear.” Trixie replied in a deadpan voice.

“Home seems just fine!” Ditzy forced a smile. The rest of Trixie’s friends forced their own smiles and gave their awkward goodbyes. Twilight still hadn’t returned, but Shining made an excuse for her, which the queen accepted.

“Okie dokie!” Pinkie replied. “Not a bad party, queeny! I give it a 3.5!” With that, she bounced away leaving Nightmare Moon unsure how to respond to this criticism. The queen only nodded like she understood what the party pony was saying.

“Wait for me, darling!” Rarity chased after the unusual party pony. “Good luck with everything, Trixie.” The rest of Trixie’s friends gave their goodbyes and left. Snowflake gave her a massive bear hug before he departed.

“Here, my student.” Nightmare Moon walked away, expecting Trixie to follow like a trained dog. While annoyed, she did as instructed. They walked in silence for several moments. Trixie broke the silence.

“So, these black-armored guards, had them long?” Trixie asked. “They’re an interesting invention.”

“My Ranger Killers, yes.” Nightmare Moon replied. “There are trying times. If the nobles enter rebellion, I want a weapon that will crush them, fast.” Trixie tensed as two followed without Nightmare Moon saying anything. Could the mad alicorn control these things with her mind? Hopefully, Greengrass would help her learn more about these creatures, too.

“Seems like overkill, but okay!” Trixie said. “You have us, but sure!”

“Do I?” Nightmare’s Moon mouth twisted into a snarl. Her sharp fangs became visible.

“Of course!” Trixie replied. She hated these fake smiles, but she had to appeal to the mad alicorn somehow.

“I’m asking you to trust me, Trixie!” Nightmare Moon turned away, looking towards her full moon. “I fear you will turn against me.”

Trixie’s face became serious. “I would never betray you, Luna.” She meant this with her every being.

“Don’t betray that trust.” Nightmare Moon replied. “You’ve always been a daughter to me. I want nothing to come between us.”

“Never.” Luna’s words left a painful mix of emotions within Trixie.

“Good night, my student. Get plenty of rest. We have much to deal with tomorrow.” Nightmare Moon left, taking her two Ranger Killers with her.

Trixie turned away, tears in her eyes. I promise I won’t betray you, but this is for your own good, princess. She used her magic to create a fake Trixie who walked back towards her old room while the real Trixie vanished into the shadows to meet her randevu with Greengrass. She hoped Luna would forgive her for this.