• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 386 Views, 21 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night - Rixizu

The Grand Galoping Gala is crashed when Princess Luna transforms herself into Nightmare Moon and declares herself Queen of Equestia.

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Chapter 5

“Another Planetary Ranger?” Trixie stared in shock, yet it didn’t surprise either. Of the gems, only Pluto had yet to reveal itself. She should have known Fisher possessed it.

The new Ranger’s armor had a regal appearance with thick scales like a lizard, appearing like old centurion armor. The symbol etched in its chest plate was a circle with a half-circle inside it, its tail upside-down cross. Its helmet had two hornlike prongs that rose high into the air.

“Wait, aren’t you Twilight’s old roommate?” Trixie asked, vaguely recalling meeting this unicorn once or twice. The monster shot a claw towards Trixie, who jumped back to safety.

“Yep, and I must say you’re my personal hero!” Lemon Hearts said. “I have all your action figures!”

Action figures made without my permission. I haven’t gotten a single royalty check from one of those things. I should sue somepony! If the law wasn’t in total disarray, that is.

“Thanks, but focus on the fight first.” Trixie summoned her sword, aiming at Bunny. The beast snarled with an insatiable hunger.

The monster sent a claw in Trixie’s direction, and she blocked it with her sword. Its power was incredible, almost knocking her blade aside, but her hoof held firm. This gave Lemon Hearts an opening to attack, and sparks flew from the impact of her butterfly swords. The Green Ranger screamed in pain as a crocodile head sprouted from the monster, grabbing her and ground its teeth against her armor. She quickly lost form, becoming a shadow, but clearly Bunny had inflicted some serious damage.

Lemon Hearts grunted in pain but held her weapons with a firm hoof. “Don’t worry about me. Only a scratch.”

She’s green. Well, both in the color and experience. She’ll require some guidance. Trixie remained uncertain if she could trust the newbie Ranger. Fisher was of questionable character, good intentions or not. She still hadn’t forgiven him for all the crap he’d put her and her friends through. She supposed it didn’t matter for the time being. Despite Lemon Hearts’ dubious ally, Trixie would extend a hoof of friendship towards the mare.

“Watch my back.” A grin formed on Trixie’s face, ready to get serious.

“Huh? Wait!” Lemon Hearts’ eyes widened in alarm as Trixie dashed towards their foe.

The monster threw a claw towards Trixie, but she disappeared behind the beast. It looked around in confusion before realizing where Trixie was. As she suspected, Bunny could use the multitude of eyes across its body, but it had limits. A face on its back snapped towards her, but Trixie was ready, pressing a button on her morpher.

“Searing Blade!” Trixie’s sword caught the head right in the mouth. The monster howled in pain as it swallowed the burst of heat and fire, stumbling around in pain. Lemon Hearts joined in, pressing a button on her morpher too.

Blackness surrounded duo blades, darker than even the night. “Reaper’s Touch!”

A torrent of ebony light struck Bunny, causing it to roll away, howling in pain. It returned to its feet roaring furious, eyes glowed red. It opened every one of its mouths, each firing a beam of energy, throwing Trixie and Lemon Hearts like rag dolls as the massive explosion blew them off their hooves.


Greengrass swirled his drink of bourbon, watching the fight with amusement. While the creature was powerful, it was also slow and clumsy. It didn’t surprise him when Trixie flashed behind the monster and used her special attack, causing the creature a considerable amount of pain.

They watched a transparent window whose magic showed them any section of the facility. It wasn’t cheap or easy magic to create, but nothing to somepony with the finances of Puissance. The sitting room contained the finest camel imported furniture from the south, with carpet and rugs costing even more than the room’s furnishing. The old mare enjoyed her comforts.

Fisher crossed his legs and chuckled. “Not bad, but it’s merely a beast fighting on instinct. What do you hope to accomplish?”

“Only to see what’s possible.” She cackled in delight. The entire facility shook from the explosions the monster created, much to Greengrass’s alarm. Pain filled Puissance’s features as she broke into a coughing fit, downing her whiskey after the fit stopped to ease her pain.

Fisher only snorted, giving a toothy grin as his protégé and Trixie struggled back to their hooves, refusing to surrender. The monster fired more lasers, but Trixie weaved through them while the Pluto Ranger shifted into shadow. The creature howled in pain as Lemon Hearts attacked it from behind after reforming.

“We’ll make it smarter next time.” Puissance downed another glass of whiskey, and Greengrass wondered what kept this old crone alive. She barely clung on by a thread but refused to surrender to death’s embrace. She’d go to any lengths to keep herself alive, no doubt the reason for her twisted experiments.

“Another!” The old mare growled towards her steward, who darted off to comply with his master’s demands.

“Greeny, I didn’t realize you were here too.” A voice Greengrass recognized said. He turned to find a familiar plump unicorn staring down at him.

“Mind Mender, have you entered Puissance’s service?” Greengrass had hired the mare many times for certain unique tasks. The unicorn’s specialty was mind magic, a rare and illegal skill. She once used her tremendous talent to mess with Trixie’s mind in a failed scheme in what seemed like a lifetime ago. It didn’t surprise him to find her working for Puissance.

“I go where I’m needed.” Mind Mender laughed, giving Greengrass a fierce hug. It was like getting crushed by a pillow. Greengrass only shook his head in amusement. Typical Mind Mender.

“As for you Puissance, didn’t your doctor tell you to stay away from drink?” Mind Mender said, her tone chiding. “It isn’t helping your condition.”

“I do what I want.” Puissance snorted and downed another drink. Mind Mender only sighed.

“Why are you in Puissance’s employ, if you don’t mind me asking?” Greengrass asked.

After giving the old crone the stink eye, Mind Mender replied. “To help with her condition. My magic can help ease the pain. And I suppose help with the genetic experimentation.” The mare waved a dismissive hoof. “Something about giving mind powers. All nonsense if you ask me.”

“Too right.” Fisher shook his head in amusement. “True power comes from a pony’s heart. This fiddling with nature will only cause disaster.” Puissance snorted, ignoring the statement.

“I’ve been wondering, how did you find this protégée of yours?” Greengrass asked. He watched in amazement as two swipes from her blades staggered the monstrous beast. “When the Pluto morpher disappeared, I believed we had lost it forever.”

Oh, Pokey, why did you have to run away with it? So much grief over that little device. It was his fault Trixie’s assistant lost his life. It haunted his dreams some nights, tormenting him for his failures. He hated beating himself over the past, but this time, he rightfully deserved it.

“Destiny.” Fisher wore a wide grin. “It’s what brought us together. Unless the rest of us, though, Lemon Hearts will be worth a damn.”

Greengrass laughed at this, remembering his pitiful performance as a Ranger. Back then, he didn’t understand the true meaning of power or its cost.

“Luna has Neptune and Uranus.” A frown formed on Greengrass’s muzzle. “I fear it might have driven her to madness. She might be too powerful to stop.”

“Damn Corona, what were you thinking, stealing them?” Fisher shook his head. “The outer planets were the most powerful ones. I didn’t even dream of using them until I fully understood their power.”

“Isn’t there a risk your little protégée will lose her mind also?” Greengrass leaned forward, eager for the answer.

“Yes, I heard what happened to Night Light.” Puissance’s tone contained a great deal of contempt for the ex-viceroy. “The foal could barely handle his power.”

Fisher’s eyes lit up. “Before we underestimated their power. This time I’ve avoided making the same mistake. I’ve helped train her mind to resist their dark power. Not that she really needs it.” Fisher said, pride evident in his voice. “My Lemon Hearts has a remarkable resistance to their influence. Not unlike your ward, Vinyl Scratch. She doesn’t have enough darkness in her heart to corrupt.”

“So, that’s how they work.” Greengrass looked long and hard into his drink, thinking of his old assistant, Notary. He kept his face neutral, hiding the surge of pain that struck him like a ton of bricks. Notary was serving a long sentence for her crime. Worse, she truly believed she deserved to spend the rest of her days in a jail cell.

“Lucky!” Puissance cackled in delight. “Who knows what would have happened if I’d become the Pluto Ranger?”

A nightmare, no doubt. The old crone broke into another coughing fit.

“Excuse me. I must leave you for a moment.” Puissance’s words were a little slurred, and stumbled to her hooves, having trouble walking. “I don’t need your help. I’m fine!” She waved away any help from her staff, leaving the room.

“Vile mare. How do ponies stand working for her?” Fisher asked, and Greengrass snorted in amusement.

Mind Mender shrugged. “She pays the bills, darling.”

Greengrass turned his attention back to the screen. It impressed him how quickly Trixie adjusted to working with the newbie Ranger. Cheerilee’s teamwork training had been paying off. They fought together, making Bunny’s day difficult, and watched each other’s backs. He grudgingly admitted Trixie had some qualities of a leader.

“Can I have a refill, please?” Greengrass extended his empty glass towards a pony in the wait staff.

Before the pony could grab his glass, a frantic pony rushed into the room. “Mind Mender!”

“What is it, dear?” Mind Mender asked, standing to immediate attention.

“It’s Puissance!” The pony replied. “She’s collapsed! It’s a stroke!”


A hiss escaped Trixie’s lips as the monster’s jaw clamped around her, refusing to release. Bunny’s other head battered and snapped at her with relentless vigor. Lemon Hearts tore into the creature with her twin swords, but it only staggered. The Pluto Ranger cried out in pain as Bunny’s claws slashed her midsection.

“Stupid thing.” Trixie howled in pain. This monster was more troublesome than expected. It refused to die even after taking several Searing Blades. Worse, Lemon Hearts was losing her cool and panicking. Her inexperience was doing her no favors.

“That’s it.” Trixie used the pain to fuel her anger and determination, using it to push her legs outward. The monster resisted and clamped tighter, but it only increased Trixie’s determination. A gap formed, lessening the pressure against her armor. The fight became a struggle of pony versus beast. Trixie almost lost her grip as a whipping head struck her, but she persisted.

The sound of panicked, desperate ponies caught Trixie’s attention, almost losing her grip again. Ponies in white coats ran past, ignoring the fight and the slathering monster. Had something happened? This caught Lemon Heart’s attention also, howling in pain as Bunny’s claws blindsided her.

“Focus,” Trixie said through her teeth. “Ignore any outside distractions. It might cost you dearly.”

Lemon Hearts looked down. “Sorry.”

“Sorry? How about freeing me first?” Trixie had almost her entire body clear now and ducked her head around one of Bunny’s head butts. It had ceased most of its relentless acts. Instead, focusing on clamping their mouth around Trixie. Sweat formed on its blow. Time froze still. Whose body would fail first?

“Right!” Lemon Hearts kicked her left blade into the monster’s head, who howled from the impact. She darted forward, slashing with her right.

Trixie screamed a howl of determination and ripped herself free, landing safely on the ground. Bunny staggered back, and Trixie delivered a punishing right hook towards the stunned creature’s face. She summoned her blade back to her hooves, and the green Ranger joined her side.

“Let’s finish this!” Trixie pushed a button on her morpher.

“Right!” Lemon Hearts followed suit.

“Searing Blade!”

“Reaper’s Touch!”

Trixie and Lemon Heart turned their backs to Bunny, who gave a final howl of pain before falling over and exploding in a massive fireball. They both unmorphed, and Lemon Hearts collapsed to her knees, breathing hard.

“That thing was tough. I have much to learn.” She looked down, ashamed.

“Don’t worry about it. You did alright for your first fight.” Trixie extended a hoof. Lemon Hearts gave a weak smile before giving it a hoof bump.

I’m more worried about you going utterly bonkers like Luna and Night Light. She seemed fine so far. Still, I should keep a watch on her, anyway.

“Let’s investigate,” Trixie said. “Somepony might be hurt.”

“Okay.” Lemon Hearts followed Trixie out of the room.

After searching through several corridors, they discovered the commotion’s source. Some medical types fused over Puissance, placing her on a stretcher. The older mare looked in terrible shape. Puissance looked fragile, ready to break at any moment. It was a terrifying contrast compared to the tougher than iron mare Trixie was used to. Fisher and Greengrass stood on the sidelines watching the scene.

“Boss!” Lemon Hearts waved a hoof. “What’s happening?”

“She’s had a stroke.” Fisher shook his head.

“A stroke.” Trixie could hardly believe it. The old coot always seemed indestructible, and she’d outlive them all. Despite their enmity, Trixie didn’t want this. It was hard to tell if Puissance was even breathing.

“They’re taking her to Canterlot Hospital,” Greengrass said. “It doesn’t look good.”

While uncertain about the specifics, Trixie had heard what happened to ponies who suffered strokes. Some recovered fully, but it often left disabilities. It would be doubtful a pony of Puissance’s age would survive very long.

Terrible. Hard to believe it’s ending this way. Life could be harsh like this. No climactic confrontation. Puissance just faded away.

“We should leave,” Fisher said. “We’ll debrief at my manor.”

“Hold on, why are we buddy-buddy now?” Trixie said, eyes narrowing with suspicion.

“It’s fine.” Greengrass waved a dismissive hoof. “I suspect we have similar goals.”

“Come on, Trix!” Lemon Hearts grabbed Trixie’s hoof. “Fisher’s nicer than he seems. We can all be friends, you’ll see.”

“He almost ruined me and my friend’s lives, but sure, what do I know?” Trixie didn’t bother hiding her anger and bitterness. Lemon Hearts shifted uncomfortably, giving an awkward smile in reply. Fisher, darn him to Tartarus, showed no shame for his actions, remaining stone-faced.

“Glad that’s settled then.” Greengrass’s tone was chipper. Trixie grumbled as they entered the elevator, returning to the surface. Some tough-looking ponies growled at them but moved aside, knowing they were helpless against Trixie’s powers. Trixie usually would have given them a toothy grin and a smug smile to rile them, but Puissance’s stroke upset her and remained quiet instead.

Let’s hope whatever Fisher uncovered will be helpful. She’d noticed how he’d slipped some papers into his coat pocket when nopony was looking.

I’m sure Nightmare Moon will learn about this incident soon. And only Luna knows how she’ll react. Trixie flinched at the thought. Please let it not be apocalyptic again.


“Deeplake! The deepest lake in the world! Its formation has been quite the mystery! Some theorized a massive meteor formed it millions of years ago, but geographic evidence contradicts that theory. Scientists are still working hard to uncover the secrets of this mysterious lake.”

“Cheerilee, I’m not your student,” Spike said. “Why are you giving me a history lesson?”

“Well, I thought you might find it interesting,” Cheerilee said, miffed. “Every day should be a learning experience, expanding your mind to its limit!”

“Sure, fine.” Spike rubbed at his temple with a claw. He realized how the teacher had earned her smiling flowers cutie mark. The pony smiled more than what Spike considered healthy, and the sun probably had less energy than her. “Where’s this algae we’re looking for?”

They’d agreed to split up. Zecora was prowling the Everfree for the necessary ingredients for her world-saving potion, while Cheerilee and Spike were globetrotting for the rest. The first ingredient was close to Ponyville, only fifty miles east from the settlement of Cobton.

Cheerilee pulled out a book and scanned the page. “According to this. It’s at the bottom of the lake. It’s called rainbow grass, known for its rainbow-colored luminance. Sounds pretty. I’m eager to see it in person.”

“Isn’t this lake almost endless?” Spike asked in growing dread, chewing at his claws. “Are there monsters down there?” He’d known from long experience the horrible monsters that live in places like this. Knowing his luck, it would be a nasty one too.

“There are no monsters in Deeplake.” Cheerilee rolled her eyes. “Don’t be silly!”

“Oh yeah, then what’s that?!” Spike pointed a trembling claw towards the giant sucker-filled tentacle expanding from the water. Dear Celestia, it was almost the size of a bus.

“Huh, that’s interesting,” Cheerilee replied, nonplussed.

The tentacle waved around violently, almost smacking Spike in the face. Water splashed high into the air as the appendage hit the water’s surface.

Spike’s heart raced from the near-death experience, realizing he had to do something. For some unknown reason, the brave superhero watched the monster, doing nothing. Why had he brought her along again? If Cheerilee was too frightened, they required a courageous and sexy dragon to save the day! He gulped, fighting his trembling legs.

I’m a terrifying dragon. It can beat this living sushi monster no prob! Spike spat fire at the tentacle, which recoiled in pain. It rained water as the appendage retreated into the water, splashing water everywhere.

“That was a terrible idea.” Cheerilee’s tone was disapproving.

Spike puffed out his chest. “Nonsense, now it will hide away while we get the rainbow grass.”

There was an ear-splitting roar as a massive figure emerged from the water. Its size was beyond anything Spike had ever seen, and he recognized the terrifying beast. Who couldn’t? It was a Kraken!