• Published 4th Sep 2021
  • 2,041 Views, 39 Comments

Discord Day! - Revel Montaro

It's Discord Day! Will Sunset Shimmer (and the rest of Equestria for that matter) survive the shenanigans that will ensue?

  • ...




Every head in the immediate vicinity, which were quite a few, turned to sound of the pony screaming at the top of her lungs. It was not a happy scream. Nope. That was the scream of absolute terror. Only made worse by the fact that said pony had quite a set of lungs on her… and inadvertently also screamed in the Royal Canterlot Voice, which half the city heard. Even Luna who had been enjoying her post-session 'nap' was startled awake.

The Personal Artificial Assistant Logic or PAAL was an intuitive based AI that became more life like the more it interacted with its user. It still had numerous restrictions and limitations to prevent it from bringing rise to the Machine Overlords, but even still they were quite life like. Easily the most advanced artificial intelligence ever created. That being said, Raven, as Sunset Shimmer had named her PAAL, had never in her three years of service life ever anticipated what had just occurred. One moment she was in her owner’s carry pouch listening to the conversation as she always did then she found herself being levitated towards the strange mish-mashed creature known as Discord. A bright flash caused her camera to go white then black. Then, suddenly, she FELT the ground.

Raven’s eyes opened and she felt herself looking about. She had never had control of her own motor functions before beyond just being able to move her camera eye about to a certain degree. But now she apparently had two eyes… and a head… and a body! She had so many questions, but was still processing what to say first when Sunset Shimmer screamed.... then screamed some more.


“Sunset!” Twilight Sparkle scolded, “Language! There are fillies and colts about.”

Sunset looked like she was about to scream again when she seized the draconequus in her own magic and pull him to her. “Do you have any idea what you have DONE?!”

Raven looked down and examined the white cream colored legs that were in front of her. Her forelegs. She never had forelegs before. Without any active command of thought she raised each foreleg and tested their movement. Next, she poked one hoof into the other leg. The tactile sensation sending fresh new data to her processors... or was it a brain now? “I appear to be… squishy. Fascinating.”

Sunset released Discord and slid over next to Raven, examining her thoroughly. The resemblance to a young adult Raven Inkwell was nearly spot on except that her cutie mark was a picture of the PAAL unit. Gently, Sunset poked Raven in the side and the smaller mare squirmed a bit and let out an unexpected giggle. Her own reaction made Raven try to poker herself again to recreate it, slightly disappointed it did not work.

“That was a strange sensation… all of this is strange in fact.”

“Raven, hey, look at me.” Raven did so. Sunset stood and helped the other mare stand on shaky legs. It took a moment and a few steps, but the PAAL adapted quickly.

“So this is walking… this is all so very fascinating.”

Sunset turned her glare back to Discord, her horn erupting in angry red magical fire. The crowd that had been watching slowly began to disperse or seek shelter. Only the two Captains of the Guard and Twilight Sparkle dared to stay close. The thestral, Gauge came to stand next to his princess, hoping his presence might help calm her while Tempest moved to stand next to Twilight. Twilight, for her part was still as dumbstruck and fascinated as Raven who continued to examine herself and her physical limits.

“I… I didn’t know you could create life like that, Discord. This is extraordinary!” said Twilight with wide purple eyes.

“Why thank you, beloved, dear friend Twilight. However, you give me too much credit in this case. I only created a body for the device to use. It wasn't that hard really. After all, most living creatures simply are just a sophisticated combination of elements that naturally exist. Except for Miss Shimmer over there, she’s a complex weirdo with magic thrown in for flavor, but I digress! I just cooked her up a body using what was lying about. Mostly water, really. Mortal creatures are as she said, so squishy! Now if you want me to try something else, like say a hydra...” Discord raised his claw as if to snap his finger talons.

Sunset continued to seethe and glare daggers. “Raven has all my music, all my games. All the photos of my DAUGHTERS and my friends on her storage drive. What happens to them now?!”

“Oh, I’m sure it’s all still there. Just take a chill pill, Sunnybun and ask her.”

Sunset growled again, her horn continuing to glow brightly.

“My princess,” said Gauge in a gentle and disarming tone. He waited for Sunset to look at him and acknowledge what he was pointing at. Raven was still looking about with child like wonder. She lifted the glasses off her face, then set them back on her nose and repeated it two more times. Sunset understood what Gauge was trying to imply. She released her gathered power and took a deep breath to try and calm herself before moving to stand next to her friend. It was Discord Day and as far as she could immediately tell, Raven had not been 'physically' harmed so no rules had been broken.

“Raven,” the cream colored mare immediately turned to look up at Sunset, “do you still have all my personal information stored? Especially my music and photos?”

“I believe so. I... the best I can describe it as I can 'feel' the information, but I cannot see it in front of me. You will have to excuse me, these eyes use a different software interface than the menus I am accustom to. Give me a search command and I will attempt to access my stored files.”

“Um… Open playlist five, random track play.”

“Accessing, playlist five. Playing: I Can’t Get Me No Satisfaction.” Raven’s eyes shifted about as she looked at something only she could see. A moment later her horn began to glow different colors and emit music as if it were a surround sound speaker. As each instrument added to the song her horn added to the strobing color like a light up beat box.

“Huh… well that’s inter-” Raven started to sing as the vocals began except that it was not her preprogramed posh accent that Sunset had given her. Instead, it was the lead singer of the Rolling Stones. “-esting. Um, stop playback.” Raven shook her head a moment and rubbed her jaw with a hoof.

“That was unexpected.”

Sunset nodded, but still had to be sure. “Need to test one more thing. Access photo archives, open folder ‘Aurora’s tenth birthday’, please.”

“Accessing. Opening.” Raven closed her eyes a moment. When they opened her irises and pupils were gone and the sclera were an array of colors. Still, Raven moved about as if she could see just fine and approached the wall of the stage that was still in the middle of the street. As she moved closer the colors came into focus and at just a few feet out all came together to form the image of a small human girl sitting at a table with a chocolate cake and ten candles on it. Sunset admired the photo a moment, reaching out to touch it as that old familiar pain of loss stabbed at her heart. After a moment Sunset drew back and cleared her throat, suppressing the shudder as best she could.

“Closer folder, please.”

The picture disappeared. Raven blinked a few times and her eyes returned to normal.

“See!” Discord exclaimed proudly. “No harm to your precious memories and at the end of the day she will be back to the way she was, but more importantly, now she can go enjoy my holiday as well! I patiently await your royal apology.”

“How about a royal swift kick to the…” Sunset paused and saw that there were still numerous onlookers. There were always onlookers, nosey reporters, gossipmongers. The life of a princess was not a quiet or private one. Something her mother had mention on more than one occasion. “Never mind. If she's stuck like this for today might as well make use of it. I’m going to show Raven around and make sure she can handle herself, answer any questions she might have.”

“That’s a good idea and sounds really fun. We can show her everything, all the ins and out of the festivities, maybe even introduce her to new ponies!”

“Yeah, I’ve got this, Twilight. How about we meet up in a few hours near the fountain square, sound good?”

Twilight’s ears folded back a moment, her excitement snuffed out like a candle in a hurricane. However, before she answered Discord wrapped himself around her and gave the purple princess a hug. “An excellent suggestion! Go, enjoy the day and all that I have crafted you two! We’ll gladly meet back up and tell you all about the fun we got up to.”

Twilight arched an eyebrow at the statement, especially the saucy tone of voice Discord chose to use. Sunset looked back at him then down to Twilight. The other alicorn put on a disarming smile. “It's okay. Go on, we’ll be fine.”

“Don’t worry, she’s not going anywhere without me,” said Tempest taking a few steps closer to Twilight while flashing Discord her professional grade death glare. The draconequus’s eyes went wide as he placed his paw on his chest in over dramatic faux offence.

“So, is there anything you want to see or try first?” Sunset asked Raven.

Raven’s abdomen emitted a grumbling noise. “I… I appear to be… hungry? Can we get something to eat?”

Sunset smiled warmly, placing a wing over the small unicorn's withers. “Sure thing.”

Twilight watched Sunset and Raven walk away with Gauge trailing a respectable distance back. While on one hoof, she really wanted to spend the day with her marefriend. On the other, Sunset and Discord were not getting along well... at all. Twilight glanced down at the shirt Discord had placed on her with the word 'Grouch' on it. Perhaps it was best to give the two of them some space so that every creature had more fun.

However, as she continued to watch Sunset and Raven walk away Twilight felt just a twinge of jealousy. Not as a jilted lover, not in the least, but that Sunset was treating the PAAL turned pony like a long lost child. It once again reminded Twilight that Sunset had already lived a life before returning to Equestria. She had been married, had given birth to a daughter, and raised another birthed by the human Twilight. They had experienced the joys and trails of motherhood and parenthood together. Twilight, deep down, had given up on that fantasy long ago, since no possible suitor could ever seem to look pass the crown and yet… as she watched her lover fall back into a paternal role so easily... She could not help from wondering, imagining. That old fantasy rekindled from long dead ash.

What was it like… to be a mom? Sure, Twilight had had a personal student before, but was it the same? Recalling her time as Celestia's student and later on as Luster Dawn's teacher... no. No, it was not the same. A caring, nurturing relationship without a doubt, but not motherhood.

“Speaking of food, I imagine you two ladies are famished. It is noonish after all.”

Twilight shook her head and smiled brightly. All her previous thoughts shoved back where they had been in the recesses of her mind. “I could eat. You know how alicorns are. We are bottomless pits.”

Tempest shrugged, but would not give Discord the satisfaction of admitting she was hungry enough to eat anything and ask what it was later. Which was unusual, she felt, especially after feeling so queasy first thing in the morning. Tempest blamed the unusual wakeup call and stress over the last several days.

Discord gestured for Twilight to lead before circling back to the captain of the solar guard. “You know, if you would rather sit this one out I would completely understand. After all, would not want to push yourself too hard in your condition.”

The vermilion unicorn scowled at Discord. She was starting to better understand why Sunset just wanted to set his face on fire and apologize later. “What condition? I’m not sick or hurt. I could go a few round with a dragon in a sparring circle if I had to.”

Discord floated backwards, paw and claw up defensively. “Of that I have no doubt, but you would put your little one at risk and that just seems reckless to me.”

Tempest scowled. He was up to something. As she understood it, he was ALWAYS up to something. “What are you talking about?”

“Oh? You don’t know? Well, not sure it should be me to say anything. I guess now that I look again it is pretty early. I’m sure a trained professional could use one of those cute pony medical scan, but... hmm maybe not. Those things are not always accurate unless they know what they are looking for. Or so I’m told.”

“Don’t test me, draconequus, speak plainly.”

“Pancakes wrapped in hay bacon on a stick!” Twilight shouted from a few booths away. “This is utter genius!”

Rather than answer, Discord just winked and snapped his paw. A light yellow newborn foal swaddle blanket complete with fake pink mane and cute little fake wings appeared before Tempest wrapped in a bow. She just stood there staring at the item, green eyes wide, legs frozen in place. Discord just hummed casually as he hopped and skipped over to Twilight, guiding her to the next booth that had unusual juice samples.

“No… that’s… when did… I… this… this… can’t be… I... I need to find a doctor.” Tempest looked up at Twilight, sharing her snack lunch with Discord, then back over her shoulder where Gauge had disappeared into the crowd following Sunset. Tempest had to take a few meditative breaths to calm her racing heart, sweat drops having formed on her head and around her horn. She knew her duty and what she needed to do, but at the same time… Tempest’s hoof slid down her barrel to her abdomen. Was she showing a little? Was it just her imagination? Did Discord do something to her? Was it all just in her head? Tempest shook her head. Only one way to know for sure.

“Your Hi-, er, hey, Twilight.”

Twilight looked up at Tempest and swallowed. “Everything okay?”

“Y, yeah. I just need to go run a personal errand. I’ll meet back up with everypony later, okay?”

“Sure, just remember, you are off duty today.”

“I know, it’s not work related. It’s… I’ll talk to you about it later after I check something.”

Twilight nodded and shouted at the retreating form of her friend and captain. “Have fun!” Tempest disappeared quickly into the crowd without looking back. “That was odd. Maybe she left her stove on or something.”

Discord smiled. “Or something, I'm sure.”


Sunset stopped and glanced about. Raven stopped in turn and also looked about. The pair found themselves at a crossroads with food booths lining all corners run by both Discords and ponies alike. Even following Twilight’s SunLight broadcast some ponies would rather try and make extra coin than relax. Such was life sometimes.

“Okay, so it looks like we have a few choices here. Probably nothing spicy, don’t want to ruin your taste buds before you’ve had a chance to savor something good.”

Raven quirked her head to the side and arched her brow in a manner similar to what she had seen Sunset do. “Why would anyone want to ruin their taste buds? That seems counterproductive to their purpose.”

Instead of answering Sunset led Raven to a booth with fresh hay burgers and deep fried potato wedges. Sunset gladly added the bits to the fry cook’s tip jar. The Discord booths may have been free, but at least she was fairly certain the stallion’s food would not explode or turn to mush or whatever else Discord could think of to do to her.

“So, food is a great place to start, but what else did you want to try today?”

Raven tapped her chin a moment. “I would like to experience as many different sensations as possible with this body. This is a perspective I have never had and may never have again.”

Sunset nodded. “I’m sure we can find some physical games to play. Maybe a zip line or small roller coaster. Heh, I still remember to first time Aurora was big enough to ride The Intimidator at Fun Park. Wish I had gotten a picture of that.”

“What about sex?”

If Sunset had been swallowing a drink at the time she was certain she would have choked on it. “Excuse me?!”

“Sexual intimacy. You frequently enjoy the company of Twilight Sparkle in such a manner and have had encounters with others while we were in the human realm such as your evening with Obsidian. From my observations you seem to enjoy intercourse, so I think I would like to know what is so enjoyable about it.”

Sunset blushed profusely and glanced about to make sure no others were nearby. Naturally, Gauge was in earshot. Of course he heard that. Wonderful. Bat pony ears don't miss anything. The thestral just shrugged nonchalantly when their eyes met, the corner of his mouth only slightly turned upward.

“Thaaaat’s… a bit more advanced for you. I mean… you can’t just walk up to somepony and ask them if they want to have sex. We are a bit more carefree than most humans as far as sexuality, but even here that’s too forward.”

“Hmm. So, is it a matter of personal circumstance or simply being acquainted? That seem in error. You paid Obsidian for his time and on another occasion you brought a young man back to your hotel in San Jose and stripped him of his pants immediately and began to… oh wait, you were drunk and that was not Equestria. Different cultures have different standards of measure you said. Hmm. Confusing.”

“I did what, when?! Shit, I must have been wasted bad if I can’t even remember that. Ugh, never mind. Yes, things are different here.”

Raven nodded. “I see. Perhaps I should start small. Sunset, as a close friend that I trust would you like to kiss me?”

“Huh? W-Why?”

“I have seen you kiss males and females. How else am I supposed to know which I prefer, or if I have a preference at all? Would you feel more comfortable if I ask Captain Gauge first?” Both mares looked back to the thestral whose only reaction was a slight flick of his ear.

“I’m not opposed to a kiss for the sake of experimentation, but I must refrain from more than that. I am currently in a relationship.”

Sunset tried to glare at Gauge, but ended up just rolling her eyes. “We are not having this conversation. First of all, you are modeled off of Raven Inkwell who was one of my caretakers when I was a filly. It would be incredibly weird for me to kiss you. Secondly, you are… look, despite how you appear and your computer fast intellect you are still very new and young. In either world in fact. You’re more like a child, a teenager at best. So how about we move on from this topic, please?”

Raven just blinked, quirking her head a bit to the side again. Somehow, Sunset just knew this was not the end of the conversation. The goldenrod alicorn sighed, collected the food in her magic hold and headed for a shady spot under one of the trees lining the street to sit and eat. Maybe she’ll love the food so much we will be able to leave this awkward conversation behind. Sheesh. Not even Sunna was this blunt about this topic.

It was, as fate would have it, that Luna landed nearby in the street and declared vibrantly, “HAIL, GREAT CITIZENS OF THINE CITY. A HAPPY DISCORD DAY OF REVELRY AND MERRIMENT TO ALL! KNOW THAT YOUR PROTECTOR OF DREAMS LOVES ALL OF YOU!”

Raven arched an eyebrow. “I believe Luna is intoxicated.”

Sunset swallowed her bite. “Ohhhh, yeah.”

Raven chewed her fries and swallowed. She had never experienced food before and was not sure what was what, but nothing tasted ‘bad’ as the saying went. It was then that her mouth felt dry. She apparently was thirsty as well. “Sunset, I would like to sample alcohol.”

Sunset groaned, “Dammit. I should have known you were going to say that.”

“While not as much in recent months, which has probably been beneficial to your overall health, you did ingest a great deal of alcohol in the past. I am curious what is the fascination.”

“I think you may have been a bad influence on her, my princess,” Gauge whispered between bites.

“Don’t you start with me too. You know I was in a bad place for a while.”

Raven looked back to Luna who was currently nuzzling Sable Nimbus, the thestral taking it all with a pleasant smile that practically radiated bubbly hearts above her head. If they were drunk they were certainly not in a ‘bad place’ as Sunset put it. “Such curious behavior. Perhaps Luna could answer some of my questions if they are too complex or difficult for you. She has, according to you, been alive for more than a millennia.” Before Sunset could ask her not to, Raven waved at Luna to attract her attention.

“Good day, beloved niece! Good day, Captain Gauge! Good day, young citizen! Who is this fine young mare you are sharing your time with? While it is good to spend time with the common ponies I surely would have expected to find you two connected at the hip with your respective others.”

Sunset made a grumbling sound as she finished chewing and swallowing her burger. “Discord turned my phone AI into a pony. I'm Just showing her about, keeping her out of trouble. Say hello, Raven.”

“Hello, Luna. We have met before, but you usually just refer to me as, ‘the glass device’.”

“That’s... amazing and on par with the rest of the craziness of the day, but does this mean I’m out of a job?” commented Sable with slight concern in her voice.

“I think it’s just for today,” Sunset reassure her thestral personal assistant. “So, what have you been up to today?” Why the hell did I just ask that?!

Luna wrapped a foreleg and wing over Sable and pulled her close. The thestral flashed a toothy fanged grin. “I have been enjoying Discord Day in my own preferred way with food, drink, and carnal pleasures with pleasant company. Given that my beloved sister is gone I am ensuring that I enjoy enough of the day for both of us. The others are currently resting. I am most impressed with Sable’s stamina.”

“Yeah, I walked right into that one. Should have guess you’d turn your tower into Castle Anthrax.”

Luna blinked a few times, her eyes clearly not dilating properly. Sunset briefly wondered how much her aunt had already consumed and it was only midday. How was she even standing upright? “I do not understand that reference.”

“It’s from a movie call Monty Python. It refers to a castle full of sexually deprived maidens awaiting to be satisfied in the most raunchy and deviant ways imaginable,” Raven offered. “Perhaps I should have come to visit you earlier to have some of my questions answered since Sunset is being unusually prudish on the subject.”

“Ahhhh! You wish to experience what it is like to share the company of another, friend Raven.”

Raven nodded. “And a sampling of alcohol.”

“You have come to the right pony!”

“Aunt Luna!” Sunset groaned, her wings extending a bit in frustration. “She’s too young for… well, any of that! She’s my responsibility and I need to keep her safe. It would be irresponsible of me to let her just go absolutely bonkers. Somepony has to be the adult here.”

“There was a slight in that statement, I’m sure of it. Nevertheless, now that we have obtained fresh food I shall return to my tower.” Luna leaned forward and whispered far too loud with her hoof beside her mouth. “If you wish to come join us just give an excuse to sneak away and I will make sure you are taken care of in every way your curiosity inquires, friend Raven. *Ahem* Gauge, you and Tempest are always welcomed to stop by as well, if you wish.”

“I will take it under consideration, Mistress.”

Luna winked at Raven one last time before replacing her sunglasses and took off with Sable carrying their sacks of food. It was probably a good thing flying while intoxicated was not an actual crime. And even if it had been no one would have dared to write Luna a ticket no matter how off course her inebriated flying was. Sunset sighed, groaned, and ran a hoof down her face. Gauge just shrugged and finished the last of his lunch.

Sunset took a moment to glance down at the shirt that Discord had placed on her having mostly forgotten it was there. It lost much of its endearing value without the pony the arrow was meant to be pointing at. “Why do I suddenly feel like I’m the last damn responsible adult left in the city and that EVERYPONY should be worried by this?”

Gauge put a sympathetic hoof on Sunset’s shoulder. “Do not place so much burden upon yourself. After all, Tempest is here as well.”


Tempest Fury trotted from street to street. Unsurprising, the clinics she knew of nearby were all closed for the day. However, much to her annoyance, even the guard medics were not at their station. Twilight may have assured that Discord would see to every creature’s safety, but Tempest would have felt better knowing that her guards were where they should have been. Somepony would be getting a reprimand tomorrow.

Out of curiosity mixed with a little desperation Tempest next found herself at a hole in the wall dive bar not far from the barracks called the Deep Hollow. She had visited it a few times, but the primary clientele were thestrals given that the hours of operations were different from most bars. The owner/operator, a former night guard himself, wanted something for his fellow thestrals and thus started his own after he retired from the service. Tempest let out a sigh of relief when she found the door unlocked. At least some establishments were still open.

The lighting was intentionally low, easier on thestral eyes, but not so dark that Tempest was at risk of tripping over her own hooves. She surveyed the room that was active with quiet conversations in small groups while casual music played in the background from an enchanted record player. It was nowhere near a full house, but still plenty of patrons for a supposed holiday. They probably assumed they would be back on duty come nightfall... come to think of it, Tempest pondered, when did Discord Day officially end? A question for Twilight later.

Even before spending so much personal time with Fog Gauge, Tempest was aware that the thestrals were entirely different types of soldiers than the average guard. Even when supposedly off duty and relaxing at a watering hole they were quiet, composed, ready to spring into action at a moment’s call. None were being sloppy drunks, crass or uncouth... Unlike some of the solar guards she had dress down after being dragged from a bar in the past. Many of the conversations ceased when they became aware that the captain had entered the room. Was it out of respect or her unusual lack of uniform or armor? It did not matter.

Tempest raised a hoof. “At ease, this is not a surprise inspection. The princess declared it a holiday after all. That includes the night guard. I’m looking for Corporal Gale. Is she here or does anypony know where I can find her?”

A thestral unicorn stood from the corner and walked over to Tempest. She was short for a guard, most ponies were shorter than Tempest, especially mares, but the one before her barely fell into the minimum height requirement. Her coat was a muted lilac color and though it was hard to see in the low light, her eyes were amber colored with vertically slit pupils just like all thestrals.

Thestral unicorns were rare, not many wishing to undergo the extensive extra training, physical rigors, and ritual that changed them permanently. In some 'elite' social circles that Tempest was aware of a unicorn choosing to undergo the transformation to a thestral was about the equivalent of cutting their own horn off. Even after more than a century following Luna’s return from the moon some cultural stigmas still lingered. Tempest had found that attitude to be a bit on the extreme side, but understood where it originated from. In addition to their improved night vision and legendary prowess and stamina, a thestral unicorns’ horn was changed. It became smooth and ridgeless, with a slight upward curve to it. It had in the past been compared to an unreformed changeling's horn as both an accurate comparison and on the sly insult.

Corporal Whisper Gale saluted and Tempest returned it out of respect even though they were both out of uniform. “There’s no need for formality, we’re both off duty. I am, however in need of your services,” Tempest leaned closer, “Discreetly.”

The thestral blinked rapidly several times before smiling brightly. “Oh! Oh, yes, captain. Absolutely.”

Tempest gestured for the thestral to follow her as they walked around the bar to the back room. The bartender, Con Trail, made a face, his bat wings flexed and flapped a bit in agitation and he was about to comment when Tempest said, “Need to borrow this space for a moment, this won’t take long.” The bartender sighed, but nodded.

Tempest closed the door behind them. She wished she had Twilight or Sunset’s skill at magic so she could drop a privacy bubble over them as well. Thestrals were not as bad at gossip, but still, they had great hearing and soldiers talked. It came with the fact that most days were rather boring. Scuttlebutt came with the job.

“I have to admit, I’m a little surprised that you came to find me. I would have thought Captain Gauge was providing you with enough personal attention to tend to your needs. Still, I’m flattered. You had to have had lots of other mares you could have chosen from.”

“What?” Tempest shook her head and waved her hooves. “No, sweet Celestia! I don’t need THAT kind of service from you. You are a certified medic, correct?”

“Oh!” the thestral blushed and facehoofed. “I am SO sorry for that! I just… never mind, forget that part of the conversation ever happened. Yes, I am a fully certified field medic healer and can handle just about anything. So, what are we dealing with, muscle injury, upset stomach? I would figure you could handle most basic first aid injuries yourself with either magic or a kit so it must be something more severe than that.”

Tempest nodded. She was about to speak before glancing back at the door then stepped closer to Gale, whispering in her ear. “I need an internal medical scan… with a focus on detecting early signs of pregnancy.”

Gale’s amber eyes went wide, her jaw slightly agape. “Well, now the discretion makes sense. Okay, that’s easy enough to do. Though it’s not the right time of year for most Canterlot mares to be in season so it’s probably just some bad quesadillas or…” Gale trailed off as her deep analysis spell began displaying information before her eyes. Tempest's heart began to pound rapidly. She already knew what her fellow mare was about to say, her expression giving everything away.

“Go ahead and say it.”

“Definitely not indigestion. This tummy ache has a heartbeat.”

Tempest buried her face in her forehooves. “How in the name of… I didn’t even feel the heat coming on! Like you said, I’m a spring time heat like most mares in this part of the country. I’ve never been out of season before!”

“Well, you are not terribly far along, which would explain why you didn’t notice at first so it was not from this last spring.” Gale tapped her chin, mumbling quietly while she pondered and finally smirked and shook her head. “Luna’s moon. That must be it. Huh, and here I had only thought that was a rumor.”

“What? What rumor?”

The thestral waved her forelegs a bit while gathering her thoughts. “Okay, so it’s no secret, at least among the guard, that you and Captain Gauge are a couple and well… you know.”


“Annnnd I am going to go out on a limb here and say that neither of you have talked about one of the possible side effects of being a thestral. It’s not universal or it would be more than just a rumor. This is the first time I’ve heard that it might be true.”

Tempest’s brow began to twitch. “Get to the point, corporal.”

“Thestrals have an increased libido as a side effect due to our transformation. That goes for stallions and mares. With some stallions that also means they are, uh, more potent than others, increased sperm count, increased discharge, you know… well of course you know you have been on the receiving end…. Right, right, don’t need the details. It has been theorized, but not yet documented that if a thestral with these qualities were to have intercourse with a mare who they were deeply, passionately in love with and able to induce multiple orgasms that the additional... release could trigger an early estrus and… well…” Gale gestured to Tempest’s belly.

“So, let me get this straight. Because Fog and I were passionately making love, his body actually caused mine to trigger an out of season cycle. And now, I’m pregnant.”

“It's not just about sex, mind you. It has to be passionate love making. Heck, it might even be love magic related."
Gale paused to let the information set in but was not sure her captain was still listening. "Congratulations?” Gale said sheepishly unsure how she was supposed to react given her captain’s thousand mile stare into the corner.

“I have to go.”

“You should probably check in with the doctor tomorrow to start on a supplement pla-” Tempest silence the unicorn thestral with a glare. “Right, I’ll shut up now.”

"Not a word. You hear me, corporal?"

Gale snapped her hooves together and gave her best parade ground salute. "Not a word, captain."


Twilight Sparkle strolled down the street waving at citizens, occasionally stopping for a photo opportunity or to play a street game with a filly or colt. It felt good to smile and talk with ponies and other creatures without the literal and proverbial weight of the crown upon her head. It felt good to be just ‘Twilight’ again even if just for a day. She thought about giving Spike a call on her SunLight crystal even if for no other reason than to just say hello. She was certain he was having a great time with his family down in Ponyville. Twilight looked over at a pony talking away on her crystal, then down at the shirt she had on. Her thoughts immediately returning to Sunset Shimmer. This caused her to let out a great sigh that did not go unnoticed by the Lord of Chaos.

“Now what’s this? Things were going so well, you were smiling, laughing, having a good time making faces with all the little ones for photos that will no doubt show up in tabloid ads for months to come.”

“I’m sorry, Discord. I know you are doing your best to make this day fun for all and to be honest it is one of your best yet. I just… I keep getting stuck inside my own head.”

Discord glanced at the shirt and rolled his eyes. “Sunbutt junior again no doubt.”

“You know you really shouldn’t call her that. Or Sunnybuns or Hot head or,” Twilight gestured to the shirt, “or grouch for that matter. She did lose her mom less than a year ago. That pain is still fresh, for both of us. Plus having her mind erased again and all the changes and stress with becoming a full fledged princess.”

“Yes, yes I’m sure it has been absolutely terrible for her living up to all the things she always wanted.”

“Except she didn’t want to be a princess anymore, not for a long time. Not since the element of magic transformed her into a demon. I had to corner her into it taking up a crown.”

“Pffft. I honestly don’t see what you see in her.” Discord stepped over to a booth where another Discord in an apron and hairnet passed him a dark blue ice cream bar on a stick that resembled Luna. Discord took a bite and the headless ice cream squeaked in a tiny voice, “Oh, my stars!”

Twilight sat back and crossed her forelegs, giving her long time friend her best lecture mode face. “She’s smart, beautiful, creative, tenacious, easy to talk to about almost anything, kind… most of the time. She tries to put the needs of others before her own and would do almost anything to protect a friend or innocent being. What’s there not to like?”

“Fine, yes, she had good qualities, but what about that temper? Her attitude? That sword of doom she likes to swing around at everypony? Seriously, do you not realize how dangerous that thing is?”

Twilight nodded politely, acknowledging Discord's counterargument, “No pony is perfect. I accept her flaws just as she accepts mine.”

“Are you sure about that? HAS she accepted you, flaws and all? I don’t see an engagement ring anywhere. Was my invitation lost in the mail? No? Because she hasn't asked.” Discord zipped about and pressed himself into Twilight. She did not push him away, but did arch a suspicious eyebrow at his behavior.

“What are you getting at?”

Discord smiled and placed a finger under Twilight’s chin so that she would look into his eyes. Were his lips getting closer, she wondered? “I just feel that you are a treasure, Twilight. You always have been. You have called me friend all these years and always left the light on and door open, so to speak, if I wanted to return. You never gave up on me even when everypony else other than my Fluttershy did. You are my magnetic opposite, a force for harmony while I am of course as I have always been. Chaos. We are drawn to one another. We are friends, but we could be so much more. All you would have to do is ask. I can give you the world and so much more.”

“Discord I’m flattered and all, but mmmhh!!” Discord pressed his lips to Twilight’s and her eyes grew twice as large, pupils dilating to pinpricks. It took a moment of flailing to get her hooves under control to push the draconequus back, though he just bent like a boneless rubber chicken. After nearly a minute, and she was fairly certain she had felt tongue brush against her teeth, Twilight was able to separate herself and take a flustered step back.

“Discord! What the fuck?!” Several ponies gasped in the distance, one covered her filly’s ears and moved away. Twilight groaned, while her cheeks burned with embarrassment. Going to hear about that one tomorrow.

“Ohhhh, sooooomepony has been spending far too much time with Potty Mouth Shimmer I see.”

Twilight huffed and wiped her mouth, which now tasted of ginger of all things. “Why would you even do that?! That was wrong on so many levels.”

Discord shrank back and at least had the decency to look admonished as he tapped a claw and paw finger together, looking down at the ground. “I… I apologize Twilight. I shouldn’t have assumed… I just... it has just been so lonely since Fluttershy…”

Twilight sighed, closed her eyes, and rubbed the bridge of her nose while she silently counted to ten in Old Ponish. When she looked back up Discord had disappeared. She glanced about, but did not see where he had gone. Without a clue or direction Twilight walked over to the first booth Discord she could find.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you. You just completely took me by surprise is all.”

The booth double just blinked and pointed at himself. “You talking to me?”

Twilight groaned and facehoofed. Of course it would not be that easy.


“See? Isn’t this fun?”

Raven nodded. “It is certainly adding valuable perspective, but I was hoping to take things a step further.”

It had taken a few streets and numerous back and forth on what to do, each ‘no’ frustrating the PAAL turned pony more and more. Finally, the pair had found a block that was packed with carnival games. The practice of throwing and motor functions had been interesting. Plus, they had learned that even though Raven had a horn, her only ‘magic’ appeared to be able to make it glow colors when she played music or willed it to do so. Sunset concluded it probably had to do with the chaos magic that was used to create Raven’s body.

Regardless, Sunset had showed her companion how to hold things with her hooves and kick with her hindlegs as well. They won a few small prizes that they gave away to passing fillies and colts. Raven tried something that looked like a deep fried Twinkie and then commented how she may have accidentally eaten a brick.

Now, Raven was sitting on a chair above a tank of water.

“Didn’t we both already get soaked during the game show?”

“But you don’t remember how the water felt. Now, you will.”

Raven looked down at the water. “Won’t this mess up my mane?” Sunset’s grin turned predatory. “Oh dear, I know that faaaaaaaaaace!” Raven thrashed a bit, then remembered she had never swam before and thrashed harder. Sunset lifted the cream colored pony out of the water with her magic a moment later and set her down. She immediately began to cackle.

“Damn, I wish I could take a picture of you right now.”

“Have I told you that I find your sense of humor crude and ill sometimes? I have no record of saying such.” Sunset just shrugged and used a warming and wind spell to help speed up the drying process.

"Not the worst things people or ponies have said about me."

Captain Gauge had been standing nearby quietly enjoying the sight of his princess being a bit mischievous and having fun. Sunset’s good mood was infectious and it made him smile as well as many others that had been observing or walking by. It was then that he caught sight of a familiar face moving through the throngs of ponies and other creatures. Tempest had made eye contact and moved towards him with haste. Her eyes were determined and ears kept swishing back and forth, a tell he had learned that meant she was frustrated by something.

Tempest stopped before Gauge and began rubbing one foreleg into the other. He moved to nuzzle her, but paused when she shrank back a bit. His own ears folded back, his wings rustling in concern.

"Is everything all right?"

“Fog, I… I don’t even know where to begin.”

“The beginning is usually best. Last we saw you, you were at Princess Twilight’s side. I must say that I am surprised you do not have her in tow. Is something wrong?”

“No, no I don’t think… Twilight’s fine, I think. Dammit, I am so confused and flustered right now! I should have gone to check on Twilight first, but… I need to talk to you and it’s important.” Tempest snorted angerly and stomped the ground in frustration.

Gauge glanced over at Sunset, who was busy fixing Raven’s mane with a brush in her magic much like a mother does with a young filly. Raven seemed to be enjoying the feeling of being brushed as they conversed quietly. He turned back to Tempest and held out a hoof to her. “Now seems as good a time as any. What is on your mind, my heart?”

Tempest sucked in a deep breath and slowly let it out before biting her lip. “Do you love me?”

Gauge quirked his head and raised an eyebrow. That was not the question he was expecting, but answered without hesitation. “Yes, yes I do.”

“Did you know about a rumor that if you, a thestral, are intimate with a mare and that if both partners are in love and passionate enough that you can induce out of season estrus?”

“I… have heard this rumor, but only as such. Some of the young and more crude stallions like to brag that they could… *ahem* fill a mare’s womb like a balloon to the point she would be guaranteed to become pregnant. Where are you going with all this? Are, are you asking because you want to try?”

Tempest shook for a moment. She closed her eyes and let out a shuttered breath as if she were about to cry. Before she could say the words, Sunset Shimmer sensed her friend’s anxiety and caught sight of the pair talking.

“Hey, you two okay?”

“That is what I am-”

“I’m pregnant.”

Gauge stopped talking, stopped blinking, stopped breathing in fact.

“Oh,” Sunset said, taken completely by surprise. “Right, not my business. I just picked up some stress vibes and... I’ll just go back over here and…”

“Are… are you certain?”


Gauge sat back and looked to the ground, his ears were completely flat. “And you are certain it was from me?”

Tempest’s green eyes flew open and became as hard as rock gems. Her horn flared with frustrated overpower causing Gauge to flinch and step back. “ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME?!”

“That’s not what I meant I-”

“WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO?! Do you think I just go about lifting my tail for any stallion that gives me a wink and a kiss?! Is that how you think I earned my position, huh? HUH?! I worked my plot off to be the best. THE BEST! Do you have any idea how much I have sacrificed?! I turned down dates with good stallions, HOT stallions! Even filthy rich stallions from noble houses to where I would never have had to work another day in my LIFE and you have the balls to say that to ME?!”

Gauge huffed and fought to control his own breathing, running both hooves through his short, dark brown mane. After a moment his yellow eyes met her, she could tell he was fighting down his own emotions from spilling over. “I did not mean to offend. I just did not expect this and misspoke. Much like you, I have worked with my full dedication to my career and to support my troops under my command. I never expected or even planned to become a father. If I had known I was capable of such a feat… I would have been more careful.”

Tempest shuddered as tears fell. Sunset was about to move in to help when a voice spoke into her ear.

“Well, well and they call me an agent of chaos. You know, between your near suicide/murder experiment with those rings and my chaos magic and your general disposition I think maybe I should craft you a new crown as the Lady of Chaos.”

Sunset growled and scowled at Discord who was scowling directly back at her. “What does that have to do with anything that is going on right now? I didn't do anything. Besides, don’t you have a carnival to run or something?”

"I just find it interesting and a bit more than a coincidence that out of all the harmonious silly fun everypony is having that the epicenter of bad vibes is right next to where YOU are standing.”

Sunset turned fully to Discord, her wings expanding, but not quite bursting into flames, however the nearby temperature did noticeably spike. Quietly, without attracting attention to herself, Raven began to scoot away. Her eyes turned to the castle and the earlier conversation they had had with Luna. She glanced once more at Sunset who was on the brink of exploding and Tempest and Gauge who were struggling with what to say to one another. Perhaps now was the best time to find something else to do, elsewhere. Without a word, Raven snuck away.

“Are you saying that you don’t want to be the father to our foal?”

“I… I just wanted more time to think about such an important life decision. To be a father… I… Tempest, I did not come from the most loving of households. My mother was a good pony, did what she could, but my father… I didn’t really want to get into this, especially today, but I suppose here we are. My father is a pegasi purist. Those that adopt the ways of the old Pegasopolis belief that pegasi must never mate with unicorns or earth ponies because it 'weakens the blood'. Tribalist, baseless garbage. They are sometimes called followers of Katharos or the Pure. I have not spoken to my father since I turned my back on him with full intention of becoming a thestral.”

“And you think you would be a terrible father because of him?”

Gauge ran a hoof through his dark brown mane again, fidgeting about. “I honestly never wanted to find out and now… I don’t know what to think or do or say. I just...”

Tempest snorted angerly. “Well, you better damn well figure it out, mister, or else we have a very serious problem.”

“Say it!”

Sunset growled, her teal irises beginning to turn red. “Say what?”

“Say I wouldn’t understand because I’ve never known love!”

“I wasn’t going to say that!”

Discord crossed his arms and turned his chin to the sky. “But you were thinking it.”

“Listen, ass munch, of the two of us I’m the one with the mind reading powers so don’t try and butt in on what might be going on in my head. I’ve had to deal with loss and brain scrambles and every day bullshit since the moment I set hoof back here. I don’t need you trying to push all my buttons for shits and giggles.”

“You don’t deserve Princess Twilight. Not as a friend and certainly not as more. You’re dangerous and irresponsible and already put your human Twilight in the ground just like your mother. How long before you do that to the one I care about?”

Sunset screamed in fury, her wings burst into angry hot flame that sent terrified screams through the creatures that stopped to observe. The shirt she had been wearing burned away to blackened tatters and her sword materialized right next to her in a ready attack position. Gauge quickly placed himself between Tempest and Sunset who was bleeding enough excess power to set the grass on fire.


Sunset raised her blade to strike when Twilight landed between them, her horn glowing with a prepared spell, wings fully extended, seeming to shimmer multiple colors with raw power. Sunset barely stopped her swing from connecting. She was certain Twilight had erected a barrier and was also certain her blade would have carved right through it like she had when fighting Flurry Heart.

“STOP THIS! ALL OF YOU!” shouted Twilight in the Royal Canterlot Voice. “This is supposed to be a holiday about goofing off and having fun! Doesn’t anypony here remember what fun is?! Here’s a hint, it does NOT INVOLVE ATTACKING FRIENDS WITH GLOWING SWORDS!”

Sunset fell back to her haunches, her blade immediately dropping to the ground before disappearing to ether space. She tried to look up at Twilight, but felt too ashamed to look above her hooves that had stomped the ground so hard it had cracked the street stone. Sunset looked over her shoulder to see Tempest shove Gauge away before storming off, leaving the thestral confused and conflicted, burying his face in his hooves.

“Princess, I w-”

“Don’t you say a damn thing, Discord. None of you say a damn thing. Just… Celestia would be EXTREMELY disappointed in all of you!” With nothing else to add, Twilight turned away from those gathered and stormed away herself.

Sunset finally looked up to see Discord completely crushed, even his horn and antler were bent over limp. She looked about at all the shocked faces of the onlookers and how none were happy or smiling. To make matters worse, it was then that she noticed Raven was nowhere to be seen. Her veins felt like cold lightning had shot through them. Sunset looked left then right and no matter which way she turned there was no cream colored pony with smart looking glasses.

“Oh, fuck me.”

Author's Note:

And here we are Part 2 of this little story. Obviously, things had to go a bit sideways. It's Discord after all.

Part 3 the conclusion is done and will go up next week after I let it sit a bit. I was taught many years ago by a published author named Christine Morgan who I had the pleasure of meeting a few times at convention about the importance of stepping away from a piece of writing. Letting it sit for a few days, or longer if need be, before tackling it again for edits.

As I'm sure some of you have noticed, you can probably tell when I rushed a chapter based on the number of obvious spelling errors or punctuation that I had to go back and fix later after publishing,

Have a great weekend. Questions and Comments always welcomed.