• Member Since 15th Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen Saturday


High-functioning Isekai addict. Writing words is easy. Writing good words is really, really hard.

Comments ( 52 )

This is an interesting premise, curious to see where it goes

Let's hope Fluttershy/Luna aren't responsible and neuter their pet.

Intriguing stuff thus far. One question, though: Is this human meant to be Douglas Adams's holistic detective, or just someone else with the same unlikely name?

I'd think the "only one of its kind" description Discord supplies them might make it a non-issue, but who knows?

*Reads comment and frowns*
*Performs a Google search*
*Eyes widen in horror*

WTF? Ok, uh, I haven't read Douglas Adams in, like, over ten years, and only ever the Hitchhiker's Guide series, I kinda just thought that was the series he wrote. I didn't even know he had another book series. I was kinda just noodling around and wanted my protag to have a strange name and came up with this, so, uh, either I had some sort of forgotten psycho-somatic memory of that series that was inadvertently triggered by some sort of creative stimuli like a sleeper agent, or it is just an incredible coincidence. Take your pick.

Damn, kinda makes me sad, people usually have strong feelings for beloved protags with strange names, and now I'm writing in the shadow of someone else's creativity. I will say the two do not have any relation apart from name, nor did I have any intent for even that to be the same. Still... I'm kinda really attached to the name now, and honestly I don't think Adams would be too salty about it. It seems increasingly likely as I'm writing this and thinking about it that the name somehow got lodged deep in my grey matter despite having never read those books, and, well, I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery (nervous smile)?

I would like to apologize to all the people that might have thought I intended the connection and were expecting something different from my story.

Well, it certainly explains the lack of a Crossover tag. :derpytongue2:

Heck of a coincidence, but hey, these things happen. You may want to throw in a mention of it in the long description or the first chapter's author's note jut so people know. Whatever the case, I'm still looking forward to seeing where you go with this.

No, I'm like, hella glad this came up so early, thanks for saying something lol, even if it made me sad to realize. I think Imma sleep on it tonight and maybe just change his last name. I'm dead-set on Dirk, but TBH his last name isn't really all that relevant to the story and won't even really come up outside the occasional piece of narration or maybe mention by Discord, and in the long-run it will probably be much better that readers don't come in with expectations that go unmet.

For anyone coming back to this after the fact, yes of course his name is ______, it's ALWAYS been _______, and if you think there was ever a time it wasn't you must be imagining things...

No rush man, keep to your own pace.
Interesting chapter can't wait to see what happens next.

The human used one slender paw to comb through her mane

I'm honestly amazed Rarity didn't thrash him to within an inch of his life at this point.

In any case, Dirk's certainly settling in. Watching him maintain the delicate balance between maintaining some dignity and maintaining the facade will be very interesting indeed. And as Discord noted, it's only a matter of time until the next big catastrophe hits...

FanOfMostEverything for catching a smoothbrain moment I had.

What do mean by that?

Eh, it's not that important, unfortunate coincidence is all. The comments that led to that are down below if you wanna do the sleuthing. It was just something I'm glad was pointed out so I could fix.

Ah, we're dealing with one of those Twilights. I really hope Luna's exaggerating, but I fear she may not be. Still, hopefully this kind of negative feedback will make Twilight stop and think next time she puts the fabric of reality through the wringer for SCIENCE!™.

Meanwhile, Dirk is in the most unenviable position of combination therapy pet and therapist for the royal siblings. This won't be easy to manage, especially not while maintaining the pretense of sub-sapience. I look forward to seeing how he handles it.

Yeah, I kinda wanted to have some fun, and its... kinda hard to write the show's main characters perfectly in-character, not to mention a bit boring. Figured I'd make things a little messy, enjoy myself and whatnot.

Next chapter is giving me some creative trouble, I know all the things that need to happen, I do have a rough outline for the story, it's just getting all the itty bitty pieces in the right order that's tough. I think imma mull it over a bit before I start writing in earnest, take some time for myself to binge some more fics. Probably expect another chapter in... 3 weeks?

Edit: I'm 4k words in and nowhere near my target point for the chapter... it might be a big one.

Yo, what up, I decided to cut this part in half to deliver what I had since I was at a good midpoint for the 'chapter' and wanted to keep to my release schedule.

What I meant was that I wanted to know what a smoothbrain moment is.

OHHHH, ok so there is research that claims "Smarter people have more wrinkly brains", so it became a saying to say someone was smooth-brained when they were being dumb.

This chapter was cute and funny I like it

"Bio-Illogical Babes".

I'm gonna need to Google that. For science.

Humans are animals. We're just sapient ones. But we're still animals. Mammals, to be specific.

I'm glad you managed to find an okay spot to split this chapter to get the first half out early. It made my day seeing that new chapter up and ready to be read.

I think you're doing a fantastic job on this story. I can't really think of anything to nitpick, so that's a good sign by itself, lol.

Thanks, it means a lot to see people enjoying it. Finally publishing some of my writing has been really fulfilling for me and it's been helping me through the tough spot I'm in. I get a little self-conscious about how often I'm releasing chapters because as a reader I've experienced that dread when a good story goes untouched for long periods of time, but I also have to balance doing other stuff in my free time. I'm committed to seeing this through to the end, though.

this is such odd idea but it works so well , and I love it :)

Stuck between wanting to beg for more as soon as possible while trying to avoid doing that because quality takes time and burnout is real.
Will you settle for a "we're all rooting for you"? :D

Oof, that hits me in the feels, I know I've been procrastinating. Been writing, just not as much as I want... I'll bite the bullet and man-up on it, my bad lol. On the other hand, I've also been sorta refining in my head how I want the story to 'end' so that I have a definite goal. One of the things that I think was holding me back was being unsure of the destination. Sure, I had ideas, but they always seem to change as I get farther into the story. Ah well, honestly I should probably worry less about it. On the one hand, I want to plan everything out so the finished product is pristine, but on the other, I'm at my most productive when I'm writing stream-of-consciousness style.

Just don't say I didn't tell ya so ;)

P.S. Thanks for the support, I'll never be angry with anyone for expressing their desire for more or criticism of my writing, maybe a younger me, but this comment definitely spurred me on.

Ok now I'm interested to see if Dirk will honor the contract or try to find a loophole (I'm hoping he does). It'll be interesting if he does find one and exploit it since Discord can't alter or add anything to the contract without Dirk's approval.

Means a moment where they made a mistake/didn't think things through.


Chaos, chaos!

:rainbowlaugh: Oh, the castle is going to get a lot more interesting going forward. And the Plum twins are in for a world of hurt.

We all at least once found ourselves in a similar situation when we expect to receive a certain service, and in the end, we just spend money without getting what we need. I have been thinking about starting my own small business for a long time, but I had problems with investments. Then I turned to the Fit My Money website to find out how to get the best business line of credit. I understood that this option suits everyone, so I decided to take a chance and invested almost all the money at the start. Your story reminded me of this story and now I do not regret that I took a risk at that time, because now I am happy and have everything I wanted.

I really, really should have checked to see if this story was "complete" before reading it.


Well then, another story that'll never be finished.

The way he is going about things, its like he is determined to get caught.
This really is brilliant.
Please do continue 😊

Th monk
“Her hands were still bound with rope, she debated an escape before all the stupidity gave her an aneurysm.” -Scarheart

I'm loving this story so far, it's so hilarious and oddly unique. Hope to see more in the future! :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Username_Unknown deleted May 9th, 2022

Commented by user kattyjack on May 7, 2022 (The same day the account was created):

We've all been in a circumstance when we expected to acquire a specific service but instead ended up spending money without getting what we needed. For a long time, I had considered beginning my own little business, but I was having financial difficulties. Then I went to the [URL to get-rich-quick scheme redacted] to learn how to secure the finest business credit line. I realized that this choice would suit everyone, so I decided to take a chance and put practically all of my money into it right away. Your tale reminded me of this one, and now I'm glad I took a chance at the time since I'm happy and have everything I need.

Are you serious? Reported, please gtfo with that spam.

For everyone waiting on this to update (or given up on it) sorry. I'm, like, still planning to write, just a lot of stuff going on for me right now.

Good to know its still being worked on, I was getting worried

I should probably write a blog post about it and stuff so people know what's up


This is worse than death, worse than the Vorkuta gulag, worse than even Auschwitz.

No human dignity, no ability to speak, treated as a literal animal.

The prisoners in both prisons had at least had clothing. You could speak, granted whatever you said could have consequences, but nevertheless, you could.

You have no mouth, and you must scream. That is my opinion, and no I do not care if it's comedic.

BUT he was given the choice, which I'd say changes the nature of the punishment. if you'd call it that. Desperate people do desperate things, though I don't disagree that the loss of human dignity and autonomy is a grim fate. It may be a bit unrelated but there is a theory that one reason that in (our) real world chronically homeless people seem a bit off or crazy is actually because of the way others have treated and interacted with them as if they aren't actually people. Sure, there are LOTS of factors and everyone's life is different but I find that hypothesis likely, that being outright ignored when they go to ask someone for help disconnects them from their own perception of self.

I guess, still, though, I think that his fate when glossing over his ability to choose, would be arguably as bad as going to Auschwitz. Originally I was going to go on a dramatic spiel about god being dead (which would be a misinterpretation of Nietzsche, because that quote is referring to how we are aimless due to the age of discovery and not about morality), but then I read it and went: "Wow, this is a grim fate, but not nearly as bad as I expected."

*Ahem* So, well, about that delayed chapter... every time I try and finish writing it I always get distracted with something else I want to write. It's like, some sort of writer's block, except instead of doing nothing, I accidentally go off and write something completely unrelated, and I now somehow have A bunch of unpublished stories sitting in my folder and I don't know what to do.

Damn next month and this will be a year old. Great story like the characters so far. You think this is gonna be cancelled? Or put on hiatus?. I'm not gonna lie rereading what I put down I feel like a dick but to lazy to delete it. Any update on this story?

If you would like help, I am in the middle of a move, but I will be available next week and onward. Just give me a time, and we can go over it in a Google Doc while talking on Discord.

I'm a professional writer, and I've helped quite a few people make headway on stories like this that I liked before.

Nah don't feel like a dick, *I* feel like a dick for leaving all my stories on the shelf to collect dust for so long

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