• Published 23rd Sep 2021
  • 1,494 Views, 23 Comments

A Technological Displacement - Tenebris Lucifer

Power comes at a price, but not everyone is prepared to pay it

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Chapter 5

It had been two weeks since I had stolen the magical artifacts from the mountain city and they were quite impressive, one of them was a book of necromancy with spells even I am a bit hesitant to use, another was a navy blue scythe with silver veins embedded into it, and finally there was another spell book this one on something called psionic magic. Along with a bunch of gold and other materials, maybe they were emergency funds? I also started scanning the new books which took about several seconds each, and catalogued the new info they gave me. All of it was quite useful but dangerous if misused. Going down to the bottom of the tower I entered my lab, this was where I built everything from the augments that made up my organic body to the coffee machine in the lounge. Of course I could automate all of the processes but where’s the fun in that?

Going off to my cryo-room I start looking through the bodies until coming up on the one I wanted, a body designed for foul magic as I had let the eldritch magic that courses through my veins to run wild in this body, if you can even call it that as it was a shapeless pulsing lump of flesh, with countless eyes and mouths, tentacles, and the occasional foot, selecting it I went over to the transfer chamber and hooked myself up and let the magic happen. You see, about ten years ago I found a way to transfer my consciousness into another body and it was quite simple as our memories are electric currents within our neurons so what if I copied these neural pathways into other bodies? What if I transferred my soul into another body, using this idea I created a simple robotic body with a built in neural augment and started the process of copying my memories into it, but when I turned it on there was no response, so I started experimenting with my mind nit very smart in hindsight but I did succeed in a sense I eventually found that even though my memories could be copied the soul was the problem so through trial and error I found a way to transfer my soul to another body.

Dragging myself out of the chamber in the new body I willed it to take shape, bones snapped into place, my skin and muscles tore and reknit themselves, and organs shifted into their designated areas. With that out of the way I teleported to the second layer of the lab where I kept my most dangerous and horrendous creations, looking through the various vats of liquids I found what I was looking for and smiled, you see I had been having difficulty with one of my experiments, as it wouldn’t respond to outside stimuli and with my new necromantic I knew this was because it lacked a soul and soon I would be able to create a soul for them, but I needed to develop the other three types first and find a suitable place to put the hives. Moving on I came to another vat, this one with a red and black substance, I had attempted to recreate the Blacklight virus from the game Prototype as well as the cure for it that resided in the other vat, and while the pseudo-Blacklight was highly volatile the Whitelight was inert. Going further into the complex I stepped into my forge/fabrication room where I had attempted to recreate magical weapons such as sacred treasures and cardinal weapons but I lacked the means to do so as I didn’t have a large knowledge base pertaining to magic only technology. Though now that I think about it I could infiltrate that mountain city again and read all of their books on magic and with a little bit of psionic magic I could copy the knowledge of the two apocalypse beings if given the opportunity.

One thing was for sure though, I have the necessary knowledge to manipulate someone’s mind from simple hypnosis to straight up crushing their ego. I pondered this for a bit and came to the conclusion that I needed a new body outfitted to wield this magic to the fullest that being a Protoss. Going back to the cryo-room I change back into my architect body and start to design the body, slowly I started designing the body basing it upon the dark templars next I started designing the weaponry and hit a roadblock because I didn’t know how to make their weapons, after a bit of thinking I brought up an old schematic for a HF blade and started from there, slowly I developed a blade that uses my psonics to vibrate at a high frequencies this will cause the blade to heat up due to friction with the air, mimicking the way the blades cut through flesh and because of the magic flowing through it, it will glow the color of my magic, which was a navy blue. Going to the armor I chose to change it slightly as instead of it being only golden it would also incorporate silver in various patterns. Heating up the plasma forge I start getting to work.

3 weeks later

“Sir, you need to come out of there!” Arbiter yelled through the door.

“No,” I yelled back

“I will force you to come out!”

“I’ll deactivate you!”

*sigh* “Ben please, you need to rest plus didn’t you mention some field research that you wanted to do?”

Opening the door I sigh, “Yeah?”

“Then you do that I’ll make sure nothing touches your things.”

With a nod I went to the cryo-room and changed into the only pony body I had, the DNA I got was from that unicorn corpse I had found when I first found this place. After transferring into it there was a bright flash followed by a slight tingling on my flanks. Looking at them to see what happened I found that there was some sort of tattoo on it depicting an upside down pentagram surrounded by a gear. I will have to study the phenomenon later, looking at my body in the mirror I smile just a little bit seeing my form, as I had taken a few creative liberties with it for starters I gave myself misty gray eyes with a hint of silver, the coat was a sky blue and my mane was a storm cloud gray with a piece of stark white hair zigzagging through it, my horn was about 8 inches long and my frame was tall but not lanky. Walking out of the cryo-room I start heading to the small town that is near that forest. This should be fun.