• Published 23rd Sep 2021
  • 1,494 Views, 23 Comments

A Technological Displacement - Tenebris Lucifer

Power comes at a price, but not everyone is prepared to pay it

  • ...

Chapter 6

Teleporting to that old castle I spread out my mana searching for the six that bonded with those artifacts, surprisingly they were extremely close by. Smiling to myself I start making my way through the forest to the nearby town. Though as I was going through the forest I heard a high pitched screech, raising an eyebrow I started heading over there at a medium pace. When I got there though I was slightly amazed, there were 3 children. The orange one was unconscious with a mangled leg, possibly in shock, the yellow and white ones were fending off a pack of canis-woodus commonly known as the Timber wolf by this world's inhabitants. Though as I watched I came to the conclusion that the other two would likely die without outside help, I considered helping them weighing the pros and cons and eventually came to the conclusion that if I helped them I would be seen in a positive light by the nearby inhabitants. With this decided I cast the spell Fireball and watched it hit the largest of the timber wolves, likely the alpha, I crushed another with telekinesis, then used the remains to smack the others away. Eventually they wised up and ran away. Surveying the damage of the three fillies, I believe that is the term, I home in on the one with the mangled legs. As she also had lacerations of varying severity along her barrel, ignoring what the other two were saying. I checked her pulse, to my surprise I felt it sluggishly going through her veins. Casting a healing spell I closed the most severe of them and replaced the blood she lost. Looking at the other two I ask them a couple of questions since their friend is no longer.

“Are the both of you ok?” I start.

They looked at themselves for a second before responding, “Yep.”

“Good, now why the hell are you in a forest with no weaponry and no escape plans?”

“We were just tryin ta get our cutiemarks mista.”

‘This one is unusually strong willed even after she stared right into the jaws of death.’ I thought to myself.

“Is Scootaloo gonna be alright?” She said with tears in her eyes.

“No she will likely be handicapped for the rest of her life, but she will live.” I told her with a neutral face.

I looked as she dissolved into tears as the other one attempted to comfort her.

“Come let us leave this place,” I said, “I’ll carry your friend just follow me.”

They looked at me for a small bit before nodding, picking up the one they called Scootaloo. I draped her over my back and started heading in the direction of the nearby town, and judging from the hoof falls behind me the other two decided to do the same.

“So umm what's your name mister?” The white filly asked.

“Misty sky.” I replied “What are your names?”

“My name is Sweetiebelle, she's Applebloom, she said pointing to the yellow filly, and Scootaloo is the one you're carrying.”

“I see.”

“Thank you for saving us Mr. Sky.”

“It was not a problem.”

“Still thank you.”

A small smile adorned my face as I moved through the forest, looking over to Applebloom I can tell that she's deep in thought, possibly thinking about the consequences of their actions. This was a good sign because now maybe she’ll think before entering this place again. Slowly the forest gave way to a small town, luckily I saw a guard patrol come into view beckoning them over; they sprint towards us and start asking me the obvious questions.

“What's going on here?” Asked one of them with a certain calmness.

“I found these three surrounded by timber wolves while exploring the forest, the one on my back was already in critical condition when I found them and after chasing off the timber wolves I stabilized her but I’m not a doctor so I was heading for the hospital so she can get real treatment, and while we’re at it I want you to notify their guardians of what has happened.” I stated firmly

They looked at each other for a moment before nodding, “Very well sir I will lead you to the hospital, while my colleague here will find these fillies guardians.”

“Alright,” I said before turning to the fillies, “You two, go with the guard.”

“But-” They started before I cut them off.

“No.” I told them firmly, “Your families are likely hysterical right now so you need to show them you’re ok.”

“Alright, mister Sky.” they said before going with the other guard.

“Right this way sir.” Said the guard acting as my guide.

Quickly moving through the streets we enter the small hospital, if you can even call it that, and call over a nurse. Seeing the filly on my back the nurse takes her off of my back and takes her to what I would assume is the emergency room. With that out of the way I started heading out only to be blocked by the guard that led me here.

“Is there a problem officer? I ask cautiously.

“No, I just need an official statement from you about the accident that caused this.” He told me quickly.

“How long will this take?”

“Not long.”

“Very well then.”

I let him lead me back through town to a stone building, likely the barracks, where I was brought into an office. Sitting down at the desk he brings out a sheet of paper and started questioning me.

“Ok then Mr?”


“Mr. Sky, can you tell me what happened in the Everfree forest?”

‘I’ll need to twist the story a bit so I don’t come off as suspicious’ I thought before answering,”I had been doing some field research in the Everfree when I heard a scream in the distance, rushing over I found those three fillies cornered by a pack of timber wolves. Jumping into the fray I fended off the timber wolves, and used a healing spell to stop the bleeding of the filly I took to the hospital.”

Nodding, he looked over his paper before saying, “Alright then, thank you for your time Mr. Sky, if we have any more questions we’ll contact you via letter.”

“Very well then, I’ll be taking my leave now.” I said while getting up from my seat. Exiting the barracks I took a stroll through the town, surveying it/studying it in case I needed to strategically destroy it/capture it. Though before I could finish my survey I heard some voices calling out my name from behind me.

“Excuse me Mr. Sky?” Turning around I found a pair of guards behind me.


“Your presence has been requested in the hospital.”

“By who?” I asked.

“Ms. Sparkle the element bearer of magic.” They stated.

Thinking for a second I eventually nod. After this they lead me back to the hospital to what I can only assume is Scootaloo's room. Walking in I quickly survey the room, There was an orange mare with a stetson hugging a sobbing Applebloom likely a relative, a bubblegum pink mare with a flat mane crying, a White unicorn hugging Sweetie Belle (again likely a relative), a lavender unicorn writing something down, a yellow pegasus talking to Scootaloo along with two lima bean colored ponies, and finally a cyan pegasus muttering to herself in the corner. Though as soon as I stepped through the door everyone turned their eyes to me, raising an eyebrow I asked them a simple question.

“Why did you request that I come here?” As soon as those words left my lips I was bombarded with questions and thank you’s and a bunch of other BS.

“STOP!” I yelled, pushing them back with a weak pulse of magic. They looked at me like a hurt puppy, but I didn’t care I was here for research and nothing more.

“Where is Ms. Sparkle?” I asked, looking around the room.

“Just Twilight please.” The now named Twilight said with a quaver to her voice. Looking over to her I see that she was the lavender unicorn.

“What did you want me for?” I asked with a neutral expression.

“We wanted to know what happened to Scootaloo in the Everfree.”

“If you wish to know, just ask the barracks as I’ve already given them a report.” I replied before attempting to leave. Suddenly that cyan pegasus was in my face.

“Why won’t you just tell us, huh? Are you hiding something?” She questioned me.

“Rainbow calm down!” Twilight yelled.

“It is alright Twilight.” I said whilst staring Rainbow in the eyes. “If you must know, I am currently conducting research and would prefer to get back to my work as I don’t wish to spend any more time here than I need to.”

“What kind of research/” inquired Twilight excitedly.

“The Thaumaturgic effects on the Everfree due to the close proximity of the six artifact wielders, along with the basic thaumaturgic signatures of the nearby flora and fauna of the nearby forest.”


“The little gems you used to defeat the catastrophe level threat. What was it called again? Nightmare moon?”

“Oh! You mean the elements of harmony right?” said the pink one suddenly appearing in my face.

“If that is what you call them then yes.” I started before walking towards the lime-ish colored mares handing (hoofing?) them a card. “From what I’ve observed you are both relatives of Scootaloo correct?”

“Yes.” they replied

“Splendid, You see I can create prosthetics of varying uses, if you wish for me to build one to replace her leg I will be in town for the next couple of days though after that I doubt we will be seeing each other again.”

They both looked at each other before asking, “How much?”

“Depends upon the material and the desired functions, but we can barter.” I said with a smile that was a little bit too big.

They discussed it for a bit, then turned back to me and asked. “We’re going to have to contact her parents for the final decision and that may take a couple of days. Is that ok?”

“I suppose.” I replied, heading out of the room and out of the hospital and making my way to an inn as I needed an easy way for those two to contact me about the final decision. Quickly purchasing a room and entering it I searched the room for any surveillance devices, finding none. I create a small temporary warp gate and warp in an anti-teleportation device, a set of nano-armor and weapons modified for my pony form should my magic be neutralized, some additional nano-particles, two army boxes and an automatic runic array carver. Powering the carver with my magic I etched anti-scrying runes all over the room as well as some eldritch implosion sigils should someone break into this room. Using some more nano-particles I also reinforce the room then place the army boxes on the bed, and with a bit more of my eldritch magic I activate the various runes on the army boxes so that they can activate themselves if need be. Looking at my handwork I smile, “Perfection.” I whisper to myself. Sitting down at the desk in my room I started preparing for a session of brainstorming ideas, after all it’s a crime to waste such a beautiful night by sleeping it away.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait :twilightblush: I am very easily distracted but hey! you know what they say better late than never.
I did give it a once over but I probably missed a few things if you find anything point it out and ill get around to fixing it.
You can expect chapter 7 in a week or two.