• Published 23rd Sep 2021
  • 1,738 Views, 29 Comments

UNCOVERING - TheHumanWriter

A group of ponies discover an ancient metropolis within the depths of the Everfree Forest.

  • ...

Original Story

Start of Prologue


The ground is shaking….

The landscape is burning….

The sky…. is melting….a bright shade of red and the darkest of blacks replaced the once pastel blue….

But most importantly….

That horrible cloud of destruction….filled with all of the greed and insanity of mankind...

What have we done….



End of Prologue

Start of Chapter 1

It was another beautiful day in the town of Ponyville. Blue skies with puffy clouds, the fresh air that makes the atmosphere feel so relaxing, the mighty hills and mountains that surround the town, and most importantly, the general feel of positivity that is felt around.

The CMC's were walking on their way to school. All of them chatting about finding their cutie marks, as usual.

"So, what do ya fellas want to do after school?" asked Apple Bloom while looking at her friends. Sweetie Belle looked like she wanted to say something, but before she utter a word, Scootaloo answered first.

"Well, find more ways to get our cutie marks, duh!" said Scootaloo smugly before asking. "do any of you know what else we can do to find our cutie marks?"

Apple Bloom shrugged and said, "Ah don't know, Ahm pretty sure we did everythin' around town to find our cutie marks. Isn't that right Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie Belle also shrugged before replying, "I think so, what else have we not done yet around Ponyville?"

Apple Bloom looked at the ground in thought. At least in her opinion, they have exhausted every activity in finding their cutie marks around town. They have tried feeding and caring animals for Fluttershy, making sweets with Pinkie Pie and the Cakes, they even helped Twilight with some of her spell experiments in her castle (which ended disastrously, to say the least. It was so severe, she banned the Crusaders from helping her in any experiment) some time ago. The CMCs also did more menial tasks: sweeping floors, raking lawns, fixing hay roofs, and others that have been ineffective in getting them a cutie mark.

Apple Bloom sighed and said, "Ah can't think of anythin' off the top of mah head."

"Well, I hope we can find something to do after school," said Scootaloo hopefully before she asked. "Say, want to join me and Rainbow Dash for my flight lessons later tomorrow?" The other two crusaders thought about Scootaloo's suggestion for a moment before giving their answers.

"Sorry, I don't think I can Scootaloo," said Sweetie Belle. "I got to help Rarity with making her new dress designs. And the fact that tomorrow is Saturday is making me be in a slightly bad mood."

"This goes the same for me, Scoots," said Apple Bloom after Sweetie Belle. "Ah have to help Applejack with the apples from the orchards. She said that they're ripe enough for buckin' tomorrow and the followin' days."

"Aw..." Scootaloo whined a bit as she looked at the ground. A split second later, she took her eyes off the ground and looked at her friends. "Oh well, at least I got Rainbow Dash with me to help with flying." Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle soundly agreed with Scootaloo.

"Well, we finally arrived at the schoolhouse fellas," said Apple Bloom as the CMCs were at the front of the Ponyville Schoolhouse.

The yard and playground were filled with fillies playing with each other, chatting under nearby trees, and doing whatever helps pass the time. It was a wonderful sight to see.

"Ah just hope that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ain't up to new tricks to make fun of us."

"Ugh, I almost forgot about those bullies," said Scootaloo as she hoofpalmed.

"Speaking of them, there they are," Sweetie Belle pointed at the two fillies approaching them with a smug look on their faces.

"Well, well, well, isn't it the blank flanks again," said Diamond Tiara, grinning evilly.

"When will you ever stop with that taunting, Diamond Tiara?" said Scootaloo angrily. "we are getting sick and tired of it."

Diamond Tiara laughed and replied, "Until you blank flanks get a cutie mark, I will always make fun of you and your stupid crusades! And so far, I don't see any," Diamond Tiara pointed at their flanks. "So... we will keep making fun of you blankies!"

"Mhm, until you Crusaders get your cutie marks, always expect us to make fun of you," said Silver Spoon as she and Diamond Tiara laughed at the Crusaders, who were getting angrier by the second.

"What's next on the list for your crusading, blank flanks? Diamond Tiara asked sarcastically in a fake caring tone. "Going to help Squeaky Clean with mopping the floors in the town hall? Or help Granny Smith with her potty time?" Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon roared in laughter once more. Garnering several fillies' attention on what the commotion is all about.

Apple Bloom wanted to say something against making fun of her grandma, but before she could say anything, the school bell rang. Nearly all of the fillies stopped what they were doing and looked at the bell. After a couple of moments, most of them walked towards and entered the main door. Leaving only a couple of students, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and the CMCs left outside.

"Doh!" Diamond Tiara looked at the school bell with a fake pout and whine before she turned back at the Crusaders. "We would love to go on, but it looks like we have to get to class. See you later, *snrk* blank flanks."

The CMCs watched as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon smirked as they walked into the front doors of the school. Sweetie Belle was the first to say something.

"I wish we could do something about those mean bullies."

Scootaloo agreed. "Heh, yeah, if only we can. We have told Ms. Cherilee about like, ten times! And you know what she says? 'Oh, you should not worry about them. Keep ignoring them and they will go away.' Pfft, yeah right, as if they are like a sickness that goes away in a couple of days or less." grumbled Scootaloo.

"Well, we gotta get to class now. Hurry before Ms. Cherilee counts us absent," said Applebloom as she hurried towards the entrance. The rest of the CMCs followed suit.


In the outskirts of the town of Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres is buzzing with activity as the Apples were busy maintaining their farm. Well, most of them.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were hanging out in their treehouse as usual. All of them are bored as there doesn't seem like there is anything fun to do. After school, they have been looking around town to see if they can find new ways to get their cutie marks. However, a lot of the things they have done over the years made new crusades around Ponyville seem non-existent.

"Ugh, Ah am bored...," said Apple Bloom. "I wish we can do somethin'..."

"Well, what do you want to do?" asked Scootaloo as she was laying down on a pedestal.

"Ah don't know, just anything, to be honest," said Apple Bloom as she got up from the floor and walked to another part of the treehouse.

"How about we go ask Twilight again if she has something for us?" asked Sweetie Belle. "I am pretty sure he has something new for us."

"Nah," Scootaloo shook her head. "Twilight banned us from helping in any of her spell experiments. Besides, even if she did give us something else to do, it would probably give us boring chores like sweeping the floors or organizing shelves of books and boxes. We already did that long ago and didn't get our cutie marks."

"Oh, alright then." Then silence covered the treehouse.

After thinking for a minute, Scootaloo had an idea. "What if we go see Zecora?" Applebloom walked back to the same spot she left and looked at Scootaloo.

"Hmm..." Apple Bloom put her hoof to her chin in thought about her friend's suggestion. It has been a while since they have last seen Zecora, so it is nice to give her a visit to see what she is up to. There is probably something new she has for them. "Ah think that sounds good, Scoots."

"Yeah, it has been a while since we last saw her. So let's go see what she is up to," agreed Sweetie Belle.

"Then it is settled," said Scootaloo proudly. "Let's go see Zecora!"


Suddenly, the voice of Applejack was heard in the distance.

"Apple Bloom! Would you mind giving me a hoof here? Me and Big Mac need some help around the orchards!" shouted Applejack.

"Applejack, didn't you say that I would help you buck the trees tomorrow?" Apple Bloom yelled back with a confused and irritated tone from the treehouse window. "Ah promise Ah will help you la-" she was cut off as Applejack shouted back.

"No Apple Bloom, you got to help us right now. I realized that we need your help at the moment. *audible grunt that went along with the sound of a tree getting hit* I am pretty sure your crusading can wait until later."

*sigh* "Ah am coming Applejack. Sorry fellas, I got to do some chores for Applejack, but I would probably be free this afternoon. See you later," said Apple Bloom as she sighed again before she exited the treehouse and ran through the trees to where Applejack and Big Mac were located.

"Well, Apple Bloom is now busy," said Scootaloo. "What do you say? Want to come along to Zecora to see if she has something cool for us to do?"

"Sure," replied Sweetie Belle. "At least there is something to do rather than lay around here."

So Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle left their treehouse and walked on the path that led to Zecora's hut in the Everfree Forest.


Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were ten minutes into their walk to Zecora.

"Geez, could you imagine how Zecora is okay with living deep in the Everfree Forest?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Well, Zecora is pretty much alright with it. I mean, the fact that she has potions that can do crazy and weird stuff to ponies," replied Scootaloo.

"I guess...," said Sweetie Belle. "What chore or task do you think Zecora would give us?"

"I have no idea. I hope it is something cool though!" replied Scootaloo. Scootaloo began to jump excitedly. "Imagine the cutie marks we could get! Potion cutie mark, Spell-making cutie mark.." Scootaloo continued to ramble on about what cutie marks they could get for a minute. As Scootaloo finished talking, she noticed in the corner of her eye a small, narrow, and barely noticeable path. It was mostly covered by the bushes, but if one were to look closely, a formation of a path is visible. After a couple of moments, Scootaloo got an idea.

"Hey Sweetie Belle, look!" Scootaloo said as she stopped and pointed at the said path on the side of the road.

"Huh?" Sweetie Belle also stopped and looked to where Scootaloo was pointing at.

"Let's go down this path! I am pretty sure it would lead to Zecora's hut," said Scootaloo excitedly. However, Sweetie Belle looked on the path with a worried look.

"You sure that path would go to Zecora? It looks scary," asked Sweetie Belle as she looked at the path concerningly. "I don't know Scoots, what if-" she was cut off before she was able to finish her sentence.

"Oh come on! It would be alright," said Scootaloo proudly. "I am very sure that it would lead to Zecora." Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo with a questioning look.

"You sure? Because if you aren't-"

"I am two hundred percent sure. Besides, it would be boring if we take down this path," said Scootaloo, trying to persuade Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle looked down and sighed before she looked back at Scootaloo. Worry was still visible in her eyes.

"Alright, lead the way, Scoots," said Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo jumped victoriously at her victory of persuading Sweetie Belle.

"Yes! I promise you won't regret this! I can already feel that we will become 20 percent cooler!" Then, the fillies both turned and walked down the path. One feeling proud and brave, while the other is scared and concerned.


They have been walking for 5 minutes on this narrow path. The path itself has gotten so narrow, both she and Scootaloo had to crawl a lot to avoid the low branches and bush thorns. Sweetie Belle noticed that the farther they stray from the main path, the darker the forest seems to get. And it frightened her.

"You sure this path is safe? Because it doesn't seem so right now," said Sweetie Belle, growing more scared by the minute. "I don't feel good doing this, Scoots."

"Yeah, like I said before, I am two hundred percent sure," replied Scootaloo. Though, in the back of her mind, Scootaloo herself is getting worried about the path they are treading on. But she doesn't want to look scared to Sweetie Belle, so she crushed that worrying thought and kept moving on. After a couple of moments, Sweetie Belle asked.

"How much longer do we have to walk here, Scootaloo? I am getting scared that we are going to get lost in this forest."

"I am...*grunts due to her aching muscles because of the amount of crawling* pretty sure that it would be up ahead, Sweets. Come on," Scootaloo crawled through a hole in a downed tree log. "It's up ahead, I can feel it!"

After she and Sweetie Belle crawled through the log, they entered a small clearing. They began to stand up and straightened their tired muscles from the strain of excessive crawling. Scootaloo was the first to recover from the stretching. She sighed in content as she closed her eyes and felt Celesta's sun's warmth. Scootaloo then opened her eyes and saw something at the edge of the small clearing: a big mound with a hole. Scootaloo ran to the hole in question, looking into it with the help of the light.

Sweetie Belle finally catches up to Scootaloo, who was still looking in awe at the hole with the stairway.

"Hey Scoots, what are you-" Sweetie Belle stopped herself and gasped at the sight of what Scootaloo is looking at.

"Woah..." whispered Scootaloo.

"Yeah, Woah..."

After a couple of seconds, both fillies were taken out of their trance by a sound behind them. There was a rustle in the bushes across the small clearing; it was coming from the direction they came from. They both looked at each other and shook in fear of what might be lurking in the bushes.

"H-Hurry Sweetie Belle, follow me!" Scootaloo shouted before she turned and ran into the hole and disappeared down the stairway. Sweetie Belle was hesitant in following Scootaloo; she was conflicted about what to do. On one hoof, she wanted to run away from this unknown creature in the bushes across from her. But on the other, she is too scared to go into the darkness on the bottom of the stairway. She groaned and reluctantly followed suit into the hole. A couple of moments after Sweetie Belle ran into the hole, a rabbit hopped out of the bushes. The rabbit tilted its head while looking at the hole before it shrugged and hopped away to wherever it came from.


Sweetie Belle accidentally tripped while running down the big steps of the stairway. She began to roll down, and with a resounding thud, reached the bottom of the stairway. She was currently on her side facing the stairway. Sweetie Belle didn't move from her position, fearing the mysterious animal would hear her. But after a while of staring, she didn't see or hear anything move to the hole. She groaned and got up from her side on the cold, hard floor. Other than some cuts and bruises, she was alright for the most part.

She began to look around and saw that she seemed to be on a landing of the stairway. She then saw beside the stairway she came from, there was another pair of stairs that led downward. However, halfway down was covered by dirt and rubble. Sweetie Belle gazed at what was in front of her. It was the crumbling state of a wall and a door, both covered in large amounts of moss and vines. There was a big crack on the bottom part of the door, which was enough for a filly to get through.

'Scootaloo must've gone through there.' she thought in her head.

Sweetie Belle also realized that the door was very tall, at least taller than most average doors she has seen. She wondered who would need tall doors like these. Whoever built this place long ago must be as tall as the Royal Sisters.

‘If only you'd listen to me Scoots, this would’ve never happened..’ Sweetie grumbled inwardly as she walked towards the crack.

Before Sweetie Belle was in front of the door, she noticed that there was something between the moss on the wall beside the door: it was writing. Even though most were faded, a lot of the letters were still readable to her. The writing on the wall said:

[#Y#TT REGE##Y] 37#H FLO##

Sweetie Belle wondered what the words meant.

"What is a-a...Y-T-T-Rege...doh! I can't read any of this stuff," said Sweetie Belle as she tilted her head while looking at the writing. Granted, the upper two words were heavily faded; so it wasn't a surprise that she couldn't read them. Sweetie Belle can sort of decipher the other two lower words but was also confused.

Sweetie Belle was perplexed as to how this decrepit, buried structure was in the middle of the Everfree Forest. As far as she knew, she never heard of any villages or towns near or in the Everfree other than Ponyville. Which made a list of questions pop into Sweetie Belle's head. Was there once a settlement here before it got destroyed or abandoned and proceeded to get lost to history? How long ago did it happen? Who were the founders? Were they… even ponies?

Sweetie Belle was lost to these thoughts as she looked at the writing. Out of the blue, she remembered a story her older sister Rarity told her during bedtime a couple of nights ago.


Sweetie Belle yawned as she was being tucked into bed by Rarity. It was finally another end to another wonderful day. As she was under the covers of her blanket, she then asked Rarity a question.

"Hey Rarity, can you tell me a bedtime story?" Rarity looked at her and nodded.

"Sure Sweetie Belle, what bedtime story do you want to hear?" Sweetie Belle shrugged.

"I don't know, how about the stories mom and dad would tell you when you were young?"

Rarity put her hoof to her chin in thought. After a couple of moments, she nodded.

"Well, there is this one story I remember mother and father would tell me before bed. It was one of the only tales I was fascinated by before I was a grown mare," said Rarity before she continued. "I believe I still have the book of the story, let me go find it. Be right back, Sweetie Belle." Rarity then left the room to find the book, leaving behind an excited Sweetie Belle. She wondered what the story is going to be. Is it going to be about a mare going on adventures with a handsome stallion? Or is it a tale of how a couple got together? For a couple of minutes, she waited, lost in her thoughts about what the story would be.

Sweetie Belle was snapped out of her thoughts as she heard Rarity yelling victoriously. Rarity found the book. She then heard her sister's hoofsteps getting closer to the bedroom door before Rarity herself appeared with a dusty old book in her magical grasp. The book in question was an old-looking, red hardcover book that looked like any book after a long time of disuse. The front cover had letters that said, "The myths and legends of the Pre-Unification Era."

"I finally found the book! It was under all of my personal belongings in my closet," said Rarity as she blew the dust away from the hardcover. She then went to Sweetie Belle's side and began to flip the pages to get to the page she wanted.

"No, not that one. No, no, no...aha!" said Rarity enthusiastically as she came upon a page. Sweetie Belle wanted to bend over to see what her sister was looking at, but was unwilling to get out of her comfortable position on her bed. So, she waited for Rarity to begin.

Rarity cleared her throat and began, "Long ago, before Queen Luna was banished to the moon by her sister, before the evil reign of Discord, before Hearth's Warming Eve, and even long before the existence of the three pony tribes," Rarity waved her hoof at the air for a dramatic effect. "there was the Civilization of the Old Ones."

Sweetie Belle was now very curious. Before, she would only be half interested and slowly falling asleep. Now, sleep has left her body as she is engrossed with every word that Rarity says.

"The Old Ones were once the dominant species of the planet. There are many versions of what they look like. They are sometimes pictured as scaleless dragons, and others as furless and tailless apes,” explained Rarity as she turned the book towards Sweetie Belle. The pictures were interesting, to say the least. Even though many of the drawings had different designs, they shared multiple things in common: a furless bipedal creature that had a flat face, a triangular nose, small ears on the sides of the head, and beady eyes. Sweetie Belle was now even more intrigued.

“Furless and tailless apes? How are they able to stand on two legs without a tail?” asked Sweetie Belle as she gazed at the different drawings of the creature.

Rarity shrugged. “I don’t know Sweetie Belle, but that is what a lot of versions of what the Old Ones look like. Just imagine all the clothes they have..." Rarity drooled a bit before shaking her head and snapping out of her trance. Then, using her telekinesis, she flipped the page. The page showed a crude sketch of a city with oddly shaped tall buildings.

"As I was saying, the Old Ones had also mastered unknown magic that helps them create advance machinery, constructed massive cities with tall towers that would make Manehattan a small town, creations that can help them fly, and they even had created contraptions that could leave the planet!"

Sweetie Belle gasped at her sister's words. This was by far the most interesting bedtime story she has ever heard! Furless apes that can build great cities and give them magical abilities to leave the planet? It was too much for Sweetie Belle to imagine.

Before Rarity was able to continue, Sweetie Belle hastily interrupted her.

“Creations that can fly?! Leave the planet?! How can they do that Rarity? Nopony has been able to do such a thing other than the alicorns-“ Sweetie Belle said before she too was interrupted.

“Sweetie Belle! Remember your manners and do not interrupt when somepony is talking,” said Rarity sternly at her younger sister.

“Sorry Rarity, I was just curious, that’s all,” replied Sweetie Belle looking away a bit ashamed.

Rarity sighed before she said to her. “I know Sweetie Belle, I am also sorry for my outburst. I am exhausted from the long and stressful day, and you know me when my stress is at high levels.” Sweetie Belle nodded in understanding before she waved at Rarity to continue.

“Well to your question Sweetie Belle, as I said before, the Old Ones had the knowledge to help them create advanced machinery. Even I am puzzled how such things are even possible. And here is another thing Sweetie Belle that I almost forgot to mention, I have said that the Old Ones have mastered some form of magic for their achievements, but it is widely believed that their creations are not powered by magic at all!” Sweetie Belle gasped again at the mention that the legendary creatures would be able to do such things without magic.

“No magic Rarity? That is even crazier! How are they able to do such things?” said a wide-eyed Sweetie Belle. Rarity chuckled a bit at her sister’s reaction.

“Well, I am afraid I don’t have an answer for that one too, Sweetie Belle,” said Rarity. “All I know is that the Old Ones can do such things with the use of their creations that seemed magical, yet they are not powered by magic in any way.”

Sweetie Belle went silent and thought for a moment before asking another question. “If the Old Ones were that numerous and powerful, where did they all go? What happened to them?”

Rarity paused and turned the book to face her. She then flipped a page, read it for a couple of moments, and turned to another page. After a couple of more moments of doing the same thing, she said, “Well, there are also many versions as to how and why they disappeared. One well-known version said that the Old Ones were obsessed with warfare throughout their history. So obsessed to the point they created great weapons of destruction. Their weapons had the abilities to wipe out whole cities, morph lands, and can even destroy a continent!” Rarity explained while at the same time she did a dramatic explosion with her hooves. "well, at least that is what it says here."

She turned the book so that it faces Sweetie Belle. She marveled at the drawing that had the creatures with multiple strange contraptions, both on the ground and in flight, on what looked like a battlefield of sorts.

"And because of that, an unknown global conflict caused themselves to be utterly destroyed." Rarity ended with a slight shudder. “I… I couldn’t imagine such a species to be so violent that they do such atrocities like this.”

Sweetie Belle was both greatly astonished and deeply disturbed at the thought of weapons of mass devastation. How can a great civilization create such things? How could they go to deadly heights of creating inventions that are used in conflicts with themselves? Do they not know the idea of harmony? Not to mention, there was a war that spanned the whole world? This was more than a tough pill to swallow.

"T-They c-created w-weapons of m-mass destruction? T-They d-d-destroyed t-themselves? G-Global w-w-war?" said Sweetie Belle as she quivered under the covers of her blanket. Rarity nodded.

"That is what the well-known and accepted version of how they vanish said. Many others explained they either disappeared because of plagues, natural disasters, lack of resources to power their creations, or they simply just left," said Rarity as she looked on to Sweetie Belle with concern. "You do know that this is all just a folk tale, right Sweetie Belle? They are just that; stories. They aren't real. If the Old Ones were real, there could've been some remains or ruins. But there isn't." Sweetie Belle looked at her sister with a mix of confusion and fear.

"You s-sound as you believe in that stuff Rarity, you sure t-t-they aren't real?"

Rarity nodded confidently. "Yes, Sweetie Belle. As I said, if they were real, there's going to be the remnants of their cities that are being discovered by archeologists and explorers alike. However, so far, there hasn't been such a discovery." said Rarity trying to calm Sweetie Belle by caressing her mane before she left the room with the book in her magical grasp. After a while, Rarity returned and continued. "I believe, however, that there is a significance with the tale."

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow. "A significance?"

Rarity nodded and began to explain.

"Yes, Sweetie Belle, a significance. The tale was said to be created during the time of the Pre-Unification Era, in which at that time, ponies were constantly fighting one another. Somepony must've created a tale at the time to warn other ponies of what would've happened if they kept fighting or never getting along with each other. Even though it didn't stop them from warring against themselves until the reign of King Cosmos and Queen Daybreak, it was still an interesting folk tale about the significance of harmony."

Sweetie Belle slowly nodded with understanding. It would make sense for a pony back then to tell a tale of fictional species that annihilated themselves due to their obsession with warfare. It would make some ponies stop and think about how a civilization, even with such great knowledge and advancements, was destroyed due to their lack of harmony. Still, she wondered how a pony could come up with so much imagination for such a species.

"That makes sense. I still wonder how did a pony can think about such creatures. I mean, I think we could probably come up with such an idea now with fiction novels or writing, but back then... I just wonder. Not to mention, you said that the Old Ones created such things without magic, right Rarity?"

"Yes, Sweetie Belle, they did such feats without magic. I too am also interested in how can one imagine such things a long time ago. A civilization race of furless apes with the capability to travel outside the planet? Whew!" Rarity did a dramatic wipe of her head to clear the invisible drops of sweat. Sweetie Belle giggled at her older sister's dramatic gesture before Rarity continued. "Well, Sweetie Belle, do you want to hear another more pleasant story? I am sure that it would clear your thoughts of the Old Ones enough to help you sleep." She nodded.

"Alright then, do you want to hea…”


Was this the ruins of the Old Ones? Was this buried structure evidence of their existence? Was the foundation she was standing on a mass grave of what was once a bustling city? Sweetie Belle was deep in thought. She imagines how much of this discovery means for ponykind, that is when she finds Scootaloo and gets out of here.

Sweetie Belle then widened her eyes, realizing a stunning revelation. Scootaloo is not a unicorn, so there isn't a way for her to see through the darkness. She may be stuck somewhere, crying for help; or maybe she is lost in the darkness, stumbling around trying to find the exit; or, or, or...

Sweetie Belle tries to calm her nerves from panicking. Panicking isn’t going to help at the moment. Scootaloo panicked and it caused her to be somewhere deep in the unknown structure. After taking a couple of deep breaths, she gathered the courage and crawled through the crack of the door.


Sweetie Belle soon found herself in a hallway with doorways flanking each other, at least that is what it looks like with the limited lighting coming from the crack.

"Geez, it is so dark in there..." She shuddered before lighting her horn. A couple of moments later, half of the hall was coated with a faint and white glow that emitted from Sweetie's horn. Shadows danced around her as she looked from side to side, trying to see what the area around her looked like. The condition of the visible hallway was identical to the conditions outside: more cracks, erosion, and flora in the walls and floors; heavily corroded ceiling, and worst of all, it was far darker.

"SCOOTALOO, ARE YOU THERE?!" shouted Sweetie Belle, her voice echoing loudly through the doorways and halls. After a couple of moments of silence, she got an answer.

"Sweetie Belle, help me! I am over here!"

The voice was incredibly faint, but it was unmistakably Scootaloo's. And she sounds like she is in danger.

Sweetie Belle yelled back, "I am coming Scootaloo! Just hold on tight!" She then proceeded to gallop across the hallway, passing by multiple doorways in the process. As Sweetie Belle ran towards the general way the sound of her friend came from, she jumped over fallen doors, rubble, cracks and holes, and just about anything that was in her way.

Even though her main objective is to find Scootaloo and get out of here, she couldn't stop the feeling of curiosity in the back of her mind. She wanted to explore these ruins, see what things are hiding behind all the shadows, and what the Old Ones were like when they were still alive. She then shakes her head and focuses on the task at hoof.

After a minute of galloping and dodging, she suddenly stopped in her tracks as there was a large hole in the middle of the hallway; effectively blocking her path from moving forward.

Sweetie Belle shouted at the hole, "Scootaloo, are in there?! Are you ok?!" She then proceeded to widen her eyes when she got an answer.

"I-I am over h-here Sweetie B-Belle. P-Please h-help m-me...," croaked Scootaloo from somewhere deep in the hole. Sweetie Belle can hear the fear and hurt from Scootaloo's voice, mixed in with what sounded like sniffling.

"How did you get down there?" asked Sweetie Belle, who was still trying to think of a way to get down without hurting herself.

"I-I-I accidentally fell in here when I was running away from t-the sound i-in the bushes," explained Scootaloo. "it was so dark I couldn't see where I was going, but I didn't care. That is until I fell down the h-hole and broke a wing a-a-and a leg." Sweetie Belle heard more sobbing from the hole. "P-Please help me Sweetie B-Belle, it is dark down here and I am h-hurt, and I am s-s-s-scared,"

"Don't worry, Scootaloo, I am coming down there!" said Sweetie Belle trying to calm her friend. Sweetie Belle looked around, trying to find something that would help bring her down the hole. After a couple of moments of looking, she found what she was looking for: a rope.

The rope in question was of a strange black material, filled with yellow and blue wires from what Sweetie Belle can see from the holes dotting the rope. She found it wrapped around a part of what looked like a piece from the wall beside the hole. It looked secure enough. Sweetie Belle proceeded to grab the end of the black rope and tossed it into the hole, seeing it disappear in the inky blackness.

"Ok, I am coming Scootaloo! Here I come!" Sweetie Belle then grabbed the rope with her teeth and started to climb downwards. She was making decent progress of going down, overstepping some jagged areas or tips of the sides. However, halfway down, the rope snapped, causing Sweetie Belle to scream in terror as she fell down the hole. After a while of ramming and getting scrapped into the sides while falling, she made contact with the rough ground. Causing her to cut the magic off her horn, covering her in darkness.

"O-Ow..." she groaned in the darkness. She then heard her friend call out to her in panic.

"S-S-Sweetie Belle, a-are you o-ok?!" said Scootaloo, almost shouting.

"Y-Yes, Scootaloo, I am fine. I think," replied Sweetie Belle before she got up and lit her horn. The glow of the horn showed her that she was in a big spaced area; With multiple columns that touch the high ceiling along with more of those tall doors in the farthest stretches of the area that the light can reach.

Sweetie's eyes then laid on the crumpled figure of Scootaloo, who was laying right beside one of the columns nearest to her. She looked horrible. Her hair was messy along with tear-faced cheeks, her orange furred body was covered with multiple bruises and bloodied scratches, and her leg and wing were hanging or laying at an odd angle. Without hesitation, Sweetie Belle ran to her friend who saw her with joy.


"Sweetie Belle!"

Sweetie Belle hugged Scootaloo with care due to her injuries. They both hugged for a couple more moments before both of them letting go.

"Scootaloo, oh goddess, you look horrible!" cried Sweetie Belle as she looked over her friend. Scootaloo chuckled as she replied.

"Hehe, y-you can say t-that again... Argh!" Scootaloo visibly grimaced as she holds her side. Sweetie Belle looked on with more concern.

"Scootaloo, I know this may be an understatement, but are you alright?" Scootaloo slightly nodded.

"I-I think so, I believe the only m-major injuries I received are my broken left wing and leg. Ugh...sweet goddess they sure do hurt."

Sweetie Belle turned away from her friend, trying to find something that can help her. She then looked and saw the multiple doors in the farthest edges of the area. She then turned back to face Scootaloo and said.

"Scootaloo, wait right here, I just need to see if there is anything useful here to help you. Like medical supplies or something." Scootaloo then widened her eyes.

"N-NO!" Scootaloo shouted before blushing from embarrassment and corrected. "I-I mean, no, Sweetie Belle. P-Please, I don't w-w-want to stay here in the darkness again. Can't I j-just g-go with you? B-Besides, you look hurt too!" Scootaloo pointed at the scratches and bruises Sweetie Belle has on her body. Sweetie Belle sighed and replied.

"No, you can't come along Scootaloo, you are badly injured. I don't want you to injure yourself more than you have to; besides, even with all these injuries, I am still in better condition than you. We also need to get out of this place sooner or later; we can't sit around this place forever."

Scootaloo however remained adamant about going with Sweetie Belle. "W-Well, can't you help c-carry me?"

"No, Scootaloo, you are too heavy for me to carry. And not just that, it would make your wounds worse! Unless I must carry you because of a dire situation, I am not going to, Scoots." Sweetie Belle then smiled and continued. "Besides, I am only going check those rooms," she pointed at the doors at the edge. "I am not going to be in them for too long. If I don't find anything useful in them, I would return and we would think something out. Deal?"

Scootaloo turned and huffed at the floor. After a couple of seconds, she looked back at Sweetie Belle with a relented expression. "Fine, deal. Just make sure you be careful and come back ok?"

"Don't worry Scoots, I will be back," said Sweetie Belle before she turned and trotted to one of the doors. The door looked different than the one she went through not long ago. It had mixed color patches of light and dark brown, along with a small rectangular window on the top corner of the door. The said window seemed to be smashed, with only little bits of glass remaining on the frame. The words on the sign beside the door were heavily faded, as the other signs Sweetie has come across. The sign said:

###TING RO## N#. #5

After gazing at the faded words, Sweetie Belle pushed the door with her body, trying to get it open. After a couple of moments of pushing, the door slowly swung open while creaking loudly. Sweetie Belle glanced inside and looked at something that widened her eyes and made her jaw drop.


She appeared in what probably used to be a meeting room, judging from the remains of the large table and chairs. There were other kinds of furniture in the room too, but they are not what got her attention at the moment. No, what got Sweetie Belle's attention was a large hole in the other side of the room. Or rather, what she sees outside of it. She trotted past the table, chairs, and other unimportant stuff as she stared out the large gap in the wall.

End of Chapter 1

Author's Note:

"Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree
If mankind perished utterly;

And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn,
Would scarcely know that we were gone." -Sarah Teasdale