• Published 23rd Sep 2021
  • 1,738 Views, 29 Comments

UNCOVERING - TheHumanWriter

A group of ponies discover an ancient metropolis within the depths of the Everfree Forest.

  • ...

PROLOGUE: It Was Supposed To Be A Normal Day... {EDITED OCTOBER 5, 2023}


A man walked down a sidewalk in the busy city of New York. He stopped in front of a crosswalk filled with people, waited for the go-ahead from the traffic light to walk across the asphalt road. Cars beeped and roared past the pedestrians, turning lanes to get to their respective destinations past the T-intersection.

The man sighs and lifts his arm to glance at his smartwatch. He was getting late to his meeting, which was two blocks away.

"I should've woken up earlier so that I don't need to worry about being late," he grumbled. "If only I didn't have that much work to do last night, I would've slept around eleven PM! Screw Michael for dumping all of his work on me!"

The man then tapped the watch’s shortcut button to the news app, waited for the newsfeed to fully load, and scrolled through with the help of the scroll button of the smartwatch.

"Democratic incumbent defeated by a Republican senator? Nah. Twenty-five percent of Indonesia's capital is underwater? Nah. Scientists found unexplained readings in the northern regions of Canada? Nope, not that one either," he muttered as he scrolled through the newsfeed.

Suddenly, the crosswalk light turned from the hand to the walking figure, signaling to the pedestrians that they were now permitted to cross the road. The light for the cars turned red, causing all the automobiles that didn't pass the crosswalk to slow to a halt.

The man noticed the crowd moved on without him, so he quickly turned off his smartwatch and hurriedly walked across the crosswalk with the other people. He then lightly jogged across the sidewalk, passing by other pedestrians so that he could get to his meeting on time.

The man brought up his arm and glanced at his watch again, which notified him that the meeting would start in five minutes. He grew more anxious by the second and slowly jogged faster. Without warning, a police officer walked out from behind a car some ten feet from the man. The guy, who was too busy with his watch, noticed the officer too late, and caused them to fall into the pavement.



The man's mind swirled, dazed from what had happened moments ago. The officer was the first to get up and helped the man to his feet.

"Are you alright, sir?" asked the officer with a questioning gaze. The man, who finally noticed who he bumped into, quickly responded.

"O-oh, I'm alright, officer. T-thanks for the h-help," he stuttered, nervousness evident in his voice. While he hadn't had any bad experiences with law enforcement in the past, he was still nervous around them, most likely because he was worried about getting something wrong and being scolded for it.

The officer narrowed his eyes.

"May I see your ID, sir?" the officer asked with his arms crossed. A crowd quickly formed around the two, which made the anxious and nervous man even more nervous.

"L-look, officer, I am going t-to be late for my m-meeting-" He was interrupted by the impatient police officer.

"Sir, this will not take long at all. Just hand me your ID; I will ask some questions, and you can be on your way,” the officer said loudly as he crossed his arms.

The man gulped and hurriedly searched his suit for his wallet. After he found his wallet, he took it out and rummaged inside it for his ID. He was about to give it to the officer when someone in the crowd yelled in alarm.

"Hey! Look! There is something in the sky! What the heck is that?!"

Everyone turned in the direction of whoever yelled. It was a lady with her left arm pointing at the sky. When they all looked at what she was pointing at, murmurs quickly rushed around the puzzled crowd.

"What is that?"

"Is that a glowing orb?"

"Is that a kite or drone?"

"Vick, are you getting this on your camera?"

The object that caught the attention of everyone on the block was a ways off into the sky, small and hanging in the space far above the skyscrapers of Midtown Manhattan. It looked like a bright orb, like a mini star.

The officer beside the man took out his radio and said to the piece, "Dispatch, this is Officer Leonardo. There is something strange hovering over Midtown..."

Without warning, the 'star' grew brighter and brighter, to the point that it was as bright as the sun itself. Cars beeped, swerved, crashed, or stopped. Everyone covered or shut their eyes with either their hands, arms, or objects that they were holding. A bright cyan hue blanketed the city.

As soon as it came, the 'star' disappeared with the hue that once covered the city. Everyone opened their eyes or lifted their hands from them. People stood there, still shocked at what had happened only moments before. Many gazed at the area where the anomaly once was, only to find the space above the towers to be empty, as if it had never been there from the start.

Suddenly, the radio in the officer's hand audibly cackled, "All units, please respond through your radios if any of you are alright. We had a strange anomaly that appeared over Midtown Manhattan. We're getting reports..."

Suddenly, a bright flash appeared in the sky, followed by a loud boom moments later. A lot of people screamed and covered their eyes. When many opened their eyes again, they saw an unbelievable sight.

A giant, bright fireball hovered over the city. It covered the sky with its red glow, and it quickly expanded by every second that passed. Suddenly, a shockwave came from the anomaly, which caused it to appear as if a supernova happened. The shockwave wrecked the skyscrapers under the orb, forcing them all to collapse. When the people came to their senses, they tried to run away from the destruction, but it was far too late. The shockwave immediately rushed through the area like a tidal wave. The force blew people from their feet, stationary cars from their positions, and parts of short buildings and high rises. Anything that wasn’t firmly bolted down flew along with the shockwave. It was utter chaos.


The man coughed as he shakily stood up and looked at himself. His suit was torn and filled with many holes and cuts. His pants were likewise in a similar condition, with one of the legs showing his bare skin, which was bleeding profusely. He grunted as he gazed at his surroundings.

’Goodness, what has happened here?’ The man muttered as he stared in shock at the area around him.

The area was literally hell on Earth. The remaining buildings looked like burning skeletal husks of their former selves; ravaged cars were strewn across the broken roads and under the rubble; and numerous bodies scattered the street.

The man then noticed a there was a body in front of him: it was the police officer, his exposed portion was his back. He looked either dead or unconscious, laid still and unmoving. The uniform was tattered and torn, like the businessman’s suit and pants. The poor guy somehow still had his radio gripped in one hand. The man wanted to shake the officer to see if the law enforcer was still alive, but before the guy could do that, he noticed that the ground seemed to get brighter with a reddish hue. The man turned 180 degrees and saw the ginormous, blindingly bright red mushroom cloud grew rapidly like the shockwave before. Its edges were approaching quickly him.

The man then closed his eyes and brought his arms up in surrender, accepting the hopeless situation and end. He thought about his family, friends, and last but not least, the business meeting.

"I guess I will never arrive at that meeting," the man said with a sad smile as he and the surrounding area were engulfed by the cloud of death.









Music created by elohim6081

EDITED ON OCTOBER 1 & 2-5, 2023

Author's Note:

Hey guys! I know many of you want an explanation as to why I'm uploading another prologue instead of a new chapter, so let me explain.

I felt like the previous prologue was rushed, too much background info was in it, and some other things.

This prologue will be the final version, so there will be no more rewrites or something along the lines, thankfully!

Also, comment if you have any questions or you find an error that needs to be corrected.

Until next time, PEACE ✌️!