• Published 18th Sep 2021
  • 9,463 Views, 89 Comments

Twilight Becomes a Bug Exterminator - iAmSiNnEr

Chrysalis invades the Canterlot Wedding. There's only one thing Twilight will do.

  • ...

And She Excels at It

Author's Note:

The first section is not required for context.

Also, I regret nothing making a sequel. Don't kill me.

“Twilight, Luna may have forgiven you for blowing her up, but still, you need to learn not to use overwhelming force for everything.”


“And because of this, it is with a heavy heart I must send you to live in Ponyville to learn the magic of friendship. There, I have assigned you a list to meet five ponies who play vital roles in the village. I do hope you will listen to me, and not blow everything you see up.”

“Fine. When can I come back?”

“When you stop blowing villains up.”

Twilight Becomes A Bug Exterminator

By iAmSiNnEr

“...and do a little shake,” Twilight and Cadance finished together. At that, both ponies beamed.

“You remember me!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Of course I do,” Cadence fondly replied. “How could I ever forget the filly I love to sit for the most?” As she said that, an evil laugh filled the cavern.

“We have to get out of here. We have to stop her!” Twilight shouted. “I have a plan. Follow my le-”

“Does it involve…” Cadance nervously looked at Twilight. “You know, explosions?”

Twilight tilted her head. “How did you know?”

“Auntie Tia told me of what you did to stop Nightmare Moon,” Cadance said seriously. “You know what she will do if you blow another pony up-”

“Technically,” Twilight interrupted. “She isn’t a pony. I get free reign. I always wanted to be a bug exterminator when I was young, you know? Rid the world of ladybugs and all that…”

“Nothing I say will stop you, will it?”

“Nope!” Twilight replied cheerfully. “And we’re wasting time just standing here. How about I explode a way outta here-”

“No. We use the railway.”

“The railway it is!”

“Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, it is my great pleasure to pronounce you–”

“Stop!” Twilight bellowed, blowing the doors up to gain entry.

Ponies screamed in alarm, backing away from the ruined doors as pieces of it flew everywhere. At the front, Princess Celestia facehoofed.

“Ugh! Why does she have to be so possessive of her brother -” Princess Celestia blinked at looked at the fake. The fake coughed and amended her sentence. “I mean, why does she have to ruin my special day?”

Cadence stepped into the room, right behind Twilight. “Because it’s not your special day. It’s mine!” The crowd gasped, and they looked from Cadance to the fake.

“What?” The fake shouted. “But how did you escape my bridesmaids?”

“Pfft,” Twilight grinned. “I blew Nightmare Moon up. Did you think a few of your fake ponies would stop me?”

“They were real ponies,” The fake pointed out. “I just enchanted them.”


“Ah-ah don't understand. How can there be two of 'em?” Applejack spluttered.

“That’s because she’s a changeling,” Cadence glared at the fake. “She takes the form of somepony you love and gains power by feeding off your love for them.”

The fake grinned, before arching her head back as green flames consumed her. When the flames died away, a tall black creature with her hooves riddled with holes stood there. She bared her fangs and laughed, the sound echoing throughout the room.

“Right you are, Princess. And as queen of the changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects. Equestria has more love than any place I've ever encountered. My fellow changelings will be able to devour so much of it that we will gain more power than we have ever dreamed of!” Chrysalis boasted.

“They'll never get the chance! Shining Armor's protection spell will keep them from ever even reaching us!” Cadence countered, stepping forwards.

“Oh, I doubt that,” Chrysalis said, chuckling. “Isn’t that right, my dear?”

Shining Armor nodded dazedly, his green eyes more evident than ever. “Mm...hmm.” Cadence growled at that and stepped forwards further, horn ablaze with magic.

“Ah, ah, ah. Don't want to go back to the caves, now do you? Ever since I took your place, I've been feeding off Shining Armor's love for you. Every moment he grows weaker and so does his spell. Even now, my minions are chipping away at it.” Chrysalis grinned. “He may not be my husband, but he is under my total control now.”

“Yadda, yadda, yadda,” Twilight looked bored. “Could we skip the monologuing already? You’re just giving me more time so that my plan can work.”

“What plan?” Chrysalis hissed. “You have no plan. Soon, my changeling army will break through. First, we take Canterlot. And then, all of Equestria!”

Princess Celestia shook her head and stomped her hoof on the ground. “No. You won't. You may have made it impossible for Shining Armor to perform his spell, but now that you have so foolishly revealed your true self, I can protect my subjects from you!” Lowering her horn and flapping her wings to ascend into the air, she fired a ray of magic at Chrysalis.

Chrysalis countered it with her own ray of magic, the green colored ray meeting Celestia’s mid-air. For a moment, it seemed as if Celestia would win. But after a few seconds, Chrysalis’s magic pushed back Celestia’s with a grunt, throwing the princess to the ground, her horn smoking.

“Ah! Shining Armor's love for you is even stronger than I thought! Consuming it has made me even more powerful than Celestia!” Chrysalis grinned as Twilight and her five friends rushed over to Celestia.

“The Elements of Harmony. You must get to them and use their power to defeat the queen,” Celestia gasped out.

“Nah,” Twilight turned to Chrysalis. “I have a better idea, princess.”

“No!” Celestia shook her head. “You promised not to do it to any other pony-”

“She’s not a pony, is she?” Twilight smiled. “Don’t worry. I won’t kill her. That is, if she can take it.”

“Twilight, dear,” Rarity grimaced. “I know you’re mad at us, but you don’t have to-”

“I’m not mad at you,” Twilight assured her. “I’m pissed. But for now, my priority is to get revenge on the bug. It’s time to become a bug exterminator.”

She turned to Chrysalis. “Last chance, changeling queen,” Twilight said. “Or else your doom will come.”

Chrysalis laughed. “I just defeated your princess! What could you do to me, you puny unicorn?”

“I gave you a chance, and you didn’t take it. Your loss.”

“What do I lose?” Chrysalis smirked. “My changelings are already in the city-”

Twilight’s horn flashed, and the ground underneath Chrysalis blew up, the explosive spells she had set under the podium before they arrived at the room all activating. Chrysalis screamed as the explosions consumed her, and when all the explosives had detonated, a steaming changeling queen dropped onto the ground, unconscious.

“There’s that,” Twilight smiled. “Now to take care of her subjects.”

“Twilight,” Celestia admonished. “You promised you wouldn’t blow more villains up.”

Twilight shrugged. “She was barely a villain. She kept monologuing, which let me activate my explosive spells.”

Celestia sighed. “Whatever should I do with you, Twilight?”

“Let me blow more villains up?”

“For Faust’s sake, Twilight, NO!”

Comments ( 89 )

I take this entirely too seriously.

So, like... did they die? Or is this one of those deals where nobody dies, and they just get really big boo-boos?

I’m… concerned that I like these too much.

Well done!

Hm, how about arrest her for murder in three cases since she killed the mind controlled bridesmaids?

Well I can't say I blame celestia for trying to stop twilight, but I also understand twilight wanting to show her friends and mentor that she was right, I hope that you do one for Discord, and our one true ruler king sombra.

God i love this Cross of Twilight with a Bit of Megumin

Twilight beats Discord with a baseball bat, uses a 5,000,000 candle spotlight on Sombra, does a Hiroshima on Tirek. Then that leaves Cozy Glow. Maybe she makes her the first pony to orbit Jupiter without the benefit of a space suit.

Best sequel ever!!! :rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy::yay:

I just recently discovered Rick and Morty, and now I can't not imagine Twilight burping and drinking while she blows stuff up.

It is interpreted the way you want to see it

Can't say i know much of Rick and Morty that show was not for me so i only seen 5 Episodes of it and then i drop it, now what i see was more this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXjr05MqH2g style Twilight just puting everything into Blowing stuff up

I mean..

I really don't see the downside of blowing villains up.

I get it for Luna, since Celestia had a plan and all that, but all the other, spontaneous villains? What's the problem?

There isn't a practical problem. However, there is a morality problem with someone whose mindset is that the first solution is to blow stuff up.

You forgot Starlight and the Pony of Shadows.

Future villains better just reform now because Twilight's enjoying blowing up villains too much. Although if they don't, then at least we can have moar of this stuff! :rainbowlaugh:!

This and the last story reminds me of a series of stories I wrote with Twilight owning villains that got her too mad. Just with less explosions.

I mean shit Celly you have no one else to blame but yourself for this - I bet Sunset's somewhere rn laughing hysterically until Twilight blows her up at least

If Violence is NOT the Solution, you simply were not using enough of it.

Apparently Twilight didn't do a good enough job blowing Luna up since she was able to accept her apology. I mean if you are going blow something up why would there be intact pieces left

Twilight Sparkle, Warrior Princess of Equestria!

Clearly blowing Chrysalis the fuck up was the only possible solution. I mean we all knew she'd never redeem herself anyway. Save yourself and Equestria the trouble of her two other attacks in the future and just blow her to shit now.

Really, Twilight blowing Chrysalis is the best thing she could possibly do. I can't wait to see how she handles Sombra and Tirek. I wonder how much blowing they'll take.

Perhaps. But alicorns are strong, and I'd think that Luna would be able to survive.

10982101 Well I don't think she used enough explosions on Chrysalis then again there would be collateral damage in the castle

Celestia: Twilight no!
Twilight: Twilight YES! TWILIGHT ALWAYS YES!!!

She does the same to the Pony of Shadows as she does with Sombra. Starlight blasts off again.

Yeah she considered Shining Armor and innocents

This just goes to show that 'more explosives' will not solve all problems. Sometimes you need properly focused explosives.

I can see it now. My Little Pony: Explosions are Magic. Kinda surprised Luna forgave Twilight for blowing her up. But minor details.

And this is my Doctor Who fan talking, but I'm sad Twilight didn't embrace her inner Dalek and say "Exterminate!" at least once here. That title demanded it be said.

My mindset is that Luna forgave her because she did worse things

Personally I think Celestia is to quick to judge an incredibly effective technique.

Jest #31 · Sep 19th, 2021 · · 1 ·

Blow em all up, let god sort it out.

Guess what spell Twilight prepared this morning? Explosive Runes!

BTW, your writing really made me think of this story...same idea, different authors, different contexts...I want more.


Twilight already blew up Tirek in Canon... how can she one up herself in this continuity?



The Sun is just one big ball of continuously exploding gas right?

Why waste a perfectly good explosion?

More is very possible. I originally intended for the sequel to be Trixie, then I reconsidered. Blowing Trixie up is not a very good idea. Although, you can have this.

An explosion sounded off in the distance, around the area Trixie's cart was in.

"Twilight, what was that?" Spike asked.

"Nothing," Twilight grinned. "Nothing at all."

But I do have plans for Sombra, Tirek and such, it's just when I find the energy to write it first.

For all time, ALWAYS!

Really looking forward to Twilight blowing up Discord. If course it doesn't harm him in the slightest, but it might be funny enough to get on his good side.

And here I thought Luna's logic for forgiving her would be, "She believed me to be a villain who sought to bring ruin to Equestria - which under the Nightmare's influence I was - and used exactly the amount of force necessary to render me incapable of battling her for proper capture! I couldn't be more proud of you! And here I thought any student of my sister would be too much of a soft touch to understand the requirements of proper protection of our subjects!"
...and that's why Celestia hasn't let them meet yet.

When in doubt, blow it up.

Demoman would be so proud of her.

That would've been golden.

I can see the start of a wonderful friendship!

And because this is Mythbusters, we couldn't end the show without a explosion as large as possible.

That works too, tbh. Even better than my mindset lol

Twilight Becomes a Bug Exterminator and a Demolitions Expert.

Twilight should have been a railroad engineer, she's got a one track mind.


Somewhere, an escaped centaur in a cloak comes to a hesitant stop in the middle of the forest...

"Why do I hear music?"

Also, Trixie's theme...

:moustache: You blew Rarity up!
:twilightsmile: Yep, She's Nightmare Rarity
:moustache: You know it's a another comic arc
:twilightoops: Oops wrong arc, Well there's always Fim Fiction!
:moustache: No not Sparity!
:facehoof: You're such a wimp

“Let me blow more villains up?”

I mean, it's working so far


I would like to note that you skipped event:discord

Discord didn't escape because he knew what was in store for him 🤣

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