• Published 5th Oct 2021
  • 2,420 Views, 60 Comments

Sunny with a Lasso - xd77

Lasso Lashes meets new friends, thanks to Izzy.

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Data Research and Opaline's Plans

The bandana that Zipp and Pipp had discovered was taken to the Zephyr Heights Research Facility, where some of the best scientists worked. This research facility also used some of the best technology and computer systems to find answers to experiments, data, or locations of objects and artifacts. However, one such room contained a supercomputer, which was designed to match DNA samples found on clothing, hair, or blood samples. Using this technology was a group of four Pegasi scientists in lab coats, they had managed to confirm the bandana did belong to Lasso. Now they were focusing on another objective, and that was to use the DNA tracker and pinpoint any path or location leading to the colt.

As the supercomputer got to work matching the DNA's location, poor Izzy sat there from a window. She was still emotionally down over everything that happened to him, but finally managed to show some spirit. Hitch and Sunny stayed in the viewing room with her, while in another room, Queen Haven spoke with her daughters about what they had seen.

"So, when we went into the room, we saw this purple alicorn inside the mirror."

"Alicorn?" Queen Haven asked.

"Yes, and she was singing in this angelic echoing voice." Pipp answered.

"Since when did this alicorn bear such magical powers?"

Zipp rubbed her chin with her hoof, "You know mom, that is a good question."

Haven was just as worried as Izzy was, if it happened to Lasso, it would happen to any filly or colt. She could not bear to let this happen again, especially out of fear for her own two daughters. She pulled them close to her in a tight hug, then kissed both of them on their cheeks.

"If this monster alicorn harms this poor colt, I would not dare let her do the same to you two."

"Mom, we're cool." reassured Zipp.

"It's poor Lasso we have to worry about." Pipp said, "We must not waste our time on this, I have had to postpone my daily pipsqueak reports to help out on it."

Zipp pulled her sister in and smiled at her, "It's the best thing you have ever done little sister."

Back with Izzy, it still was going really bad for her, since the computer was taking a long time. The more the data loaded, the more worried she became. Luckily, Sunny, Hitch, and Sparky remained there to comfort her right that moment.

"Oh, what if we never find his location!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Izzy, did you not hear what the scientists said!" Hitch snapped, "The computer is working on it, it is just going to take a few hours to complete."

Sparky babbled grumpily, as if he was agreeing with his pony father.

"Just take it easy Izz, they will have it complete, they will locate Lasso soon." Sunny said, "Just calm down, he will be fine. I am sure of it."

........BACK AT OPALINE'S CASTLE.........

Opaline and Misty were together again, only not in the throne room, but a wardrobe. Opaline was wanting to make her new prisoner more like he was willing to obey her. And the way to do that, according to her, was to dress more like an obedient prisoner. Or perhaps, just make him look more like a prisoner to follower. The evil unicorn and alicorn scrubbed and scraped through the wardrobe, looking for something that would make Lasso look more obedient and following.

Misty was rather questionable about it, "I don't get it, why do we have to make the colt look more obedient?"

Opaline stared at her, "Because my dear, he is going to be here for a while. Therefore, as our newest member, he will have to dress and look more like a servant. Plus, it will make him look more ravishing in order to give us what we need. You know, the secrets to dividing Equestria again."

"What outfits do you have in mind so far?" Misty asked, browsing through some old clothing.

"Whatever makes him look more ravishing." Opaline replied.

"Shouldn't we at least wake him up first?"

"No, let's continue to let him rest, he had such a long moment from the torture I put him through."


Suddenly, Misty came across a certain type of apparel, a suit of armor with a black suit underneath. The armor also came with four black hoof shoes, she could tell this type of uniform was very ancient. Yet, it looked like a form of attire for a prisoner to wear.

"Opaline, here is a nice attire." she stated, using her magic to remove the armor and shoes from the wrack. Opaline took notice, then showed an appreciative smile.

"Misty, I have never been prouder of you. I love it, it is perfect for him."

"This armor belonged to a unicorn named Tempest Shadow, or Fizzlepop Berrytwist by her real name."

Misty suddenly remembered, "You mean that unicorn who lost her horn, and never got it restored!?!"

"Exactly, before she accepted that friendship garbage Twilight Sparkle offered. She was the commander of an army led by an evil monster, known as the Storm King. I always adored his teachings of how magic could be taken easily for one's own nefarious purpose."

"I think he would look good in it too, only one problem though, it's too big for him." Misty said, but Opaline gave a soft chuckle.

"I have just the solution for that." She lit up her horn and shrunk the armor and shoes down to just the right size. Knowing his size and height, it looked like it would fit him perfectly, she also had a few other things for him. She and Misty would shave his mane, bathe him, dress him in the armor, then force him into telling her what the weaknesses of unity are.

"So, when are we going to put this on him?" Misty asked.

"Sometime the next day." Opaline stated.

"What, why?"

"Because he has had a long stressful evening of torture practice from me. He passed out from all of it, so I believe it is best we just let him sleep."

"Sure thing." Misty replied.

Back at the research facility, the entire cast continued to wait for even the slightest of a location match. For poor Izzy though, it was continuing to look more and more like a grim result. But no matter what she thought, she had her friends by her side, so that made her certain everything would turn out right.

"I just hope they find something soon." Posey implied, "I cannot bear to hear a colt kidnapped and then worse."

"Don't worry Posey." stated Sunny, "Queen Haven told us that the tracking systems in their supercomputers are faster than anything we have ever seen."

"But what if they can't find a DNA location?" Posey asked in defense.

Sparky gurgled again trying to get their attention.

"Sparky Sparkaroni!" Hitch scolded, "You should know better than to......." but Sunny pressed her hoof on his lips to silence him, for Posey and Pipp managed to point their hooves at the viewing window. As Hitch focused his attention on the window, Sunny removed her hoof from his lips, they all turned to see the scientists approaching the window. The scientist opened the door from the other side, then came out with some papers that the supercomputer printed. Luckily, for the group, it was good news to show.

Obviously, the first one to approach them was Izzy, Posey and Sunny followed beside her.

"Well, what did you come up WITH!?!" Izzy shrieked in defiance.

"Izzy calm down!" Sunny yelled, then deciding to help out, since she was in too much emotional pain.

"Sorry you all, she's been in a lot of stress since this happened."

"We know, it's been heard all over." one scientist said.

Just then Posey and Queen Haven, along with the rest of the group, joined beside Sunny and Izzy.

"Did you all manage to find Lasso's exact location?" Haven asked.

"Yes, your majesty." a scientist replied, "The supercomputer's radar tracked his location at a dark castle. Its destination is somewhere north of here, near Maretime Bay, on the top of Dark Hills."

Izzy was finally able to take a breather, since there was good news, "Thank heavens!"

"Since you claim this castle is near Maretime Bay, how far is it from there?" asked Posey.

One of the scientists looked down to a clipboard he was holding. Then started flipping pages of data collected.

"From what we have collected, this castle lies approximately 38 to 40 miles away from the city. It's quite a distance to get there."


Everypony was gathered in the same room they slept in when they were with Lasso. But this time, it an even bigger crowd, all of Maretime Bay had pitched tents up in the front yard. While the main group, along with Posey, Sparky, and Queen Haven took their quarters inside the lighthouse. The entire city of Maretime Bay was willing to help save the colt from Opaline, especially Posey, since she was really warming up to the others.

"Well, it's time we all get some rest, for at dawn we raid!" exclaimed Queen Haven.

"Mom, it's not a raid, we're just saving a child." Zipp informed.

"Besides, it's not like the alicorn would have the nerve to hurt him." said Posey.

On the other hoof, Hitch was putting a sleeping Sparky to his bedtime area.

"Alright everypony, the ones outside are already asleep. We should all get some sleep too, we all leave for the castle at dawn." said Sunny, quickly turning out the lights.

Izzy and Posey slept together, since they were more concerned about Lasso than the rest.

Izzy stared out a window into the night sky "Don't you worry Lasso; we are coming for you." she thought as she fell asleep with her new friend.

Author's Note:

Posey has changed big time since the magic incident. She really adores her new friends and is even willing to save a colt she hasn't even met yet.