• Published 5th Oct 2021
  • 2,418 Views, 60 Comments

Sunny with a Lasso - xd77

Lasso Lashes meets new friends, thanks to Izzy.

  • ...

Opaline's Defeat

Back with the group, it was nearing the agony of defeat for them. The hydras were now in full battle mode, the magic spell that Twilight's ghost used had now defaulted. They were now being picked up by the mouth and were about to be devoured once again. Poor Lasso did not see this moment coming, for he knew that he was a part of this mess. As the three-headed dragon monster reached its talon-like hand downward, it plucked Lasso off the ground and lifted him up.

"NO, LASSO, I CANNOT LOSE YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!" Izzy screamed in horror.

"PLEASE!!!!!!!" Hitch screamed; Sparky covered his eyes in terror. Queen Haven and her daughters shook their heads in fear as well. Watching from above was the poor unicorn colt, nearing closer to the monster's mouth. As Lasso cringed in fear, seeing the monster's mouth wide open, something strange happened out of nowhere!

A flash of magical aura slammed the monster's mouths shut again, only this time, the mouths stayed closed. The monster cringed in pain at the feeling of this new aura, causing it to drop Lasso, but Zipp flew up and caught him just in time. The rest of the crowd's jaws dropped in utter shock, where did this new magical aura come from?!

It certainly wasn't Twilight's, nor was it Nathan's, despite their ghostly forms still present. It was coming from another unicorn who did not have her magic taken from her.

"HEY HYDRA CREEPS, YOU LEAVE MY NEW FRIENDS ALONE!!!!!!!!!" bellowed a female voice from atop the bridge. The crowd looked up to see none other than Misty Brightdawn, who was glowering down at the, once again, terrorized hydras with a crazed, yet powerful look of courage in her face.

"Misty Brightdawn?!" Izzy asked in confusion, what was she doing there?

"Didn't she stay with us for our sleepover a few weeks ago?" asked Zipp.

"MISTY, WHAT GIVES!?!" Sunny yelled.

"I'LL EXPLAIN LATER, I'M HERE TO SAVE YOU ALL!!!!!!" Misty yelled back, raising the spear she stole from her now former mother.

"HERE'S HOW YOU KILL A HYDRA, YOU DON'T SLICE THE HEADS, YOU STAB IT IN THE HEART!!!!!!!!" she shrieked, the hydras screamed in terror as they saw Misty aiming the spear right at them. With a quick blast of magic, and a perfect target, the blue unicorn shot down the spear. The three-headed hydra screamed in pain as the spear pierced into its chest, causing it to lose its balance.

As the hydra began to lose balance, it started to sway forward then fell, causing the trapped crowd to back up not getting crushed by the monster. Just as soon as the nightmare started to begin, it had already ended, the hydra was finally dead, causing the ponies of all races to cheer on Misty for her courage. Misty used her secretly kept magic to float down into the pit and join the group.

"Misty, you are awesome!" exclaimed Zipp.

"And sooooo, hype." Pipp said.

"Wow, I must admit, that was pretty brave." Posey stated.

Misty gave them a look of apprehension, "Well, hehe, I do know a few things about weaknesses and strengths."

"Well, we do owe it to you for figuring out how to stop this evil hydra from eating us all." Queen Haven stated.

"As do we." stated Twilight's ghost, Misty smiled at all of them, when suddenly...............

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled Opaline out of nowhere, the crowd took notice at the top of the bridge again, only to see her staring at them in anger. She used all the stolen magic to speed down the cliff, and land in the same pit, still glowing like a demonic entity.

"What have you done!?!" she whined, while staring evilly at them. "My poor souls are dead!"

Queen Haven stared at her in shock, for she now knew who it was!

"Opaline Arcana, I should have known!" she stated, Zipp and Pipp looked at their mother in sudden puzzlement.

"Mom, you know who that pony is?!" Pipp asked.

"But how!?!" Zipp asked.

"Let's just say that she is responsible for the separation of all pony races. And the fact that it was because of her, that I had to hide all the magic in the unity crystals, which she has stolen!" Twilight said, staring angrily at Opaline's glowing body.

"And I know her, because she tried to annihilate all of Zephyr Heights for the magic of flight to herself. Unfortunately, she escaped before I could put her behind bars!"

"When did that happen?" asked Zipp.

"I'll tell you all later."

Meanwhile, Opaline glared at the crowd with angry eyes filled with aura. She had not been so embarrassed and humiliated like she was now, but because she still glowed from the stolen magic, it did not matter. Opaline's expression soon changed from anger and humiliation, to a sinister one, because it was equipped with an evil grin.

She laughed evilly, "You all may have killed my newborn hydra, which I had hatched earlier. But I still contain all the magic of the unity crystals!"

"We outnumber you; you know!" Posey exclaimed.

"With my new powers, numbers are of NO CONCERN TO MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Opaline yelled, while blasting a tornadic light of magic at the crowd below. They all stumbled backwards, while at the same time, the ground trembled from the shockwave.

"Oh, look at the poor ponies, nothing they have to stop me." she mocked. Misty, who was lying on the ground from the blast, glared up at her former mother. Through the POV of her eyes, she saw Twilight, Nathan, and Apple Bloom's ghosts secretly doing something unethical.

Meanwhile, Lasso finally had the courage to stand up and defend himself against Opaline's wrath. He released himself from Izzy's grasp and stormed up to the front of the crowd. Opaline stared down at the colt through her glowing eyes, and floating body, she then decided to do the unthinkable. The evil alicorn flew downward, landing in the center of the pit and causing another chain reaction. Only this one was loud enough to make everypony's ears ring!

Lasso was shaking a bit, but remained his ground as he kept on all four hooves. Opaline walked around the colt and the crowd in circles.

"Opaline, yer' nothin' but trouble." he stated, Izzy and Sunny were surprised at hearing this. As was Misty, despite all she had helped led to this happening to him. However, Opaline's powerful ego would not be hesitant to even flinch at him. She just stared at the colt with the same evil smile she had been for a while now.

"What would you care you little brat, you did nothing to stop me from getting all this magic." she scoffed. "You were too easy to control with your little coward attitude, plus when I tortured you in my dungeon!"

It was true, Opaline did in fact torture him, because the crowd gasped in horror!

"How could you!?!" Queen Haven asked in defense of Lasso.

"It was the first technique I used to get him to tell me where your weaknesses were. And because I managed to lock him in a trance, my second technique, I was able to find it in the unity crystals at your Crystal Brighthouse Sunny!"

Sunny and her friends glared angrily at her.

"Now, I do suppose I have said enough already. It's time to take back WHAT IS MIIIIIINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Opaline screamed, opening fire at the crowd of weakened ponies.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Misty screamed, managing to get up on her hooves. She used some of her magic to block Opaline's blasts, but it was no use. Opaline's stolen magic was able to overpower the magic of Misty's, so powerful that it knocked her backwards.

Opaline laughed while Lasso stared at poor Misty's condition.

"You're mean!" Lasso said, storming up to Opaline and kicking her with his hooves. The force of the kick was strong enough to make her wince and scream, but not enough to do anything to her. So, instead of flinching, Opaline grabbed Lasso and flew up to the air with him.

"HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" Izzy screamed.

"What I should have done to this little fool the moment I TOOK ALL MAGIC!!!!!!!!!" Opaline yelled back, she then started to spin around. Lasso showed fear again over what was about to happen, the evil alicorn wrapped around an aura on him, then lit up her horn. Lasso covered his face with his hooves, then it happened, Opaline blasted her magic at him.

The force of the magic was too much for the poor colt, as he felt himself being pushed at the edge of the cliff. The edge that dropped into the pit where the crowd was, the extreme blast of magic continued to push down on Lasso. Finally, he hit a rock, a rock so hard that the force of the hit made his brain hit his skull, knocking him unconscious!

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" The whole crowd screamed; Opaline turned her attention to them once again. However, she did not realize that she had just made a big mistake. Because when the crowd was not paying attention, earlier before the hydra was killed, Twilight, Nathan, and Apple Bloom ghosts had vanished.

Their spirits knew that it was time to reveal the secret powers they had hid. A power that not even Queen Chrysalis could take away, it would consume the one it had chosen to restore all magic to Equestria. Even though Lasso was just a colt, his soul and heart were seen through this special power that he was the chosen. With this power, it would turn a pony into a glowing super speed light.

The spirits of the three turned into balls of light that shined like emeralds. Circling around Lasso's body and making him wake up.

Meanwhile, Opaline cackled in victory and pointed her hooves at the crowd.

"Now I, Queen Opaline, RULE EQUESTRIA ALL FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed, but a sudden booming sound cut her off. Even Sunny and the others were cut off by the boom as well.

"What the..." said one pony.

"Who...." said another.


"What was that!?!" Opaline asked, looking around with her glowing eyes and face. Suddenly, a flash of light engulfed the entire area, causing Opaline and the rest of the crowd to squint their faces. Lasso had regained consciousness from the whiffs of light that Twilight and the other's ghosts' consumed in him. He was back up on his hooves, now bathed in a bright yellow light that looked like it came from heaven. This light around him caused him to be all white instead of brown, and his eyes were red instead of green.

Lasso soon lifted up into the air, and flew towards Opaline, circling around her to make her dizzy. The sudden consumption of light and power from this colt proved to be too much for her, because she fell to the ground in agony. Lasso then slowly floated up to her, while the crowd at the bottom of the pit stood there in shock.

"It's over, Opaline!" Lasso said with an echoing voice, Opaline chuckled nervously.

"I personally love the new look little colt, what do you say we just let bygones be bygones? I did some things; you did some things?"

Lasso would not budge though, he was now filled with courage, meaning he was no longer scared of Opaline. Nor was he even scared of her evilness and lust for power. He just glared at her with his red eyes glowing with anger and vengeance, especially for all the evil she had done.

"Y'all murder mah' parents, then ya' kidnap me....."

Back in the pit, Sunny and the others stared up at Lasso's lit up and glowing body as he floated.

"What happened to him?" Hitch asked, Sparky gurgled in confusion.

"He looks like he's been consumed with a power identical to me when I turn into an alicorn." Sunny answered.

"But how?" Zipp asked.

"It's impossible." Posey answered.

"He's finally standing firm for himself." Pipp said, "He's going to defeat her!"

Izzy smiled, proud that Lasso was finally showing courage, no longer being a coward, "That's my cowcolt!"

It soon went back to the colt, still scolding the evil alicorn for her crimes, "Ya' attacked and tried to kill mah' friends, and ya' used me in hypnotism to steal all the magic fer yerself!!!!!!!"

"Oh, what do you know about defeating me with that special power you have now?!" Opaline taunted, "You're just a colt, plus, you no longer have a family to save or protect you!"

"That's where yer' wrong!" Lasso snapped, "Ya' may have killed mah' parents, but Ah' still have a family, MAH' FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".

Lasso then warped up and flew down into the pit, then landed. The crowd stepped back in astonishment and surprising reactions. The one pony he wanted for this was none other than Sunny, since she had powers to turn into an alicorn. The light engulfed unicorn colt held up a hoof, then took hers, like a man vowing to a woman. However, this was different at what was about to happen.

"Lasso, what are you doing?!" Sunny asked nervously, suddenly she found the same light surrounding her. As she felt power entering her body, she soon felt her magical powers returning to her. Without warning, she lifted into the air, her wings and horn soon took shape. Lasso lifted into the air as well, both of them now had powers of their own. Sunny had her alicorn powers back, and Lasso was now Super Lasso!

Sunny and Lasso flew back towards Opaline, who was looking rather nervous, " Wait, what are you two going to do to me!?!"

Instead of speaking, Lasso and Sunny used their magical powers to form a ball of light. This light ball then blasted a beam straight at Opaline, which made her scream in pain.

"What, no, NO "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Opaline screamed, feeling this light beam making her weak and defenseless. The light beam, controlled by Lasso and Sunny, was being used to drain all the stolen magic from her.

With the final blow, the light beam blew Opaline into the distance.

"JUST YOU WAIT YOU FOOLS, I WILL BE BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed as she faded further and further away, until she fully disappeared into the distance of the mountains.

Lasso and Sunny then joined hooves again, using the same light beam to blast into the sky. The magic that was stolen was now being returned to all races, even shooting right back to Maretime Bay where the Crystal Brighthouse was. The aura from the long light beam used itself to lift the unity crystals back to their original formation. Thus, all three crystals were restored, then they shot the rainbow back out of the tower and into the sky.

The earth ponies all saw their hooves glowing green, the pegasi began flying again, and the unicorns horns glowed. Especially Izzy's, since she felt light and consumption of magic enter her mind again.