• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 2,933 Views, 29 Comments

I’m Looking Out For You - Admiral Producer

Hitch Trailblazer recounts in his diary the many times he tried to stop Sunny’s reckless antics, not out of prejudice against the other races, but concern for Sunny’s well-being and safety….

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Looking Out For A Friend

March 18, 2021

Dear Diary,

My name is Hitch. This is my first entry. Sunny suggested that I keep a diary. I don’t know why. She doesn’t have one, and I don’t know how to write these. But, I’ll try for her sake. So…about me. I’m the sheriff of Maretime Bay and Sunny’s best friend, in fact…I’m her only friend.

Sunny…she’s always so optimistic that she can change things here in Maretime Bay, make everypony get along, and prove a point to our system, which is inherently Earth Pony-centric.

I don’t know what the other races are like. I’ve never seen them. But from what I heard about them…I feel Sunny is going to get herself either killed or something much worse should she keep this up. She’s my only real friend here in this town and I’m all she’s got. I don’t think she truly understands how dangerous this world really is.

I don’t know why I’m talking about this now. I feel like a first entry should be more optimistic. But…I have to get this off my chest, so…here it goes.

So, I guess I should start at the beginning, huh? Well, I met Sunny in history class. I think it was like, fourth grade? Well, it was like something clicked between us. I understood her and she understood me. We became best friends quite quickly. Right away, I realized that she was different than the other ponies. Mom told me that was a red flag, but I didn’t listen. She would oftentimes call the teacher out for “inaccurate information,” something the teacher and whole class except me laughed at her for. I stuck up for her one day, and that’s where this whole adventure really took off.

We hung out a lot. Play dates were common on Fridays. She tended to talk a lot about how we Earth Ponies used to be friends with Unicorns and Pegasi! Well, at first I didn’t believe her. I still don’t to a degree, but I guess I’ve heard it so much that I’m open to having my mind changed. Later, I realized that was in part due to her father, Argyle Starshine. I met him on our first play date and he seemed very nice. He left a great impression on me. Thinking about him now is hard. Sunny doesn’t like talking about how he died, so I don’t press. But I do know he must’ve taught her a few things. I have to admit I do like her optimism sometimes.

Sprout joined our friend group in fifth grade. He’s the son of the CEO of Canterlogic Phyllis Cloverleaf. He’s my deputy now, but he didn’t start out that way, of course. It was great to have someone balance out Sunny’s antics, but I always found him a little too arrogant. Especially considering the way he talked to Sunny sometimes during our games.

Oftentimes, we would re-enact different adventures with Sunny’s figurines. She would lead the game and we would play it her way…most of the time. See, Sprout usually stepped in to correct Sunny as she often didn’t get our history right. I obviously didn’t care about historical accuracy. I just loved playing with her. She’s just so imaginative and I often found myself immersed in the world she created. If these things actually happened, I’d be all for learning more about it.

As we grew older, we stopped hanging out. Sprout grew closer to Phyllis, and Sunny began to take up a life of activism. That was where the trouble started. It’s not like we didn’t want to hang out. Sunny wanted to continue our play dates, but Sprout was continuously unavailable. I guess it was because he was denied the position of sheriff by my father, who risked the anger of Canterlogic to give the position to me. My father was the current sheriff. He and Phyllis cut ties later on.

Sunny began to take things to more extreme levels. She’s a flawless idealist, but starring three years ago, she began to…break some laws in order to get her point across. Every year, she would sneak into Canterlogic and give these…speeches about unity and friendships with Unicorns and Pegasi. I have to admit…I found myself strangely intrigued. Nonetheless, I had to escort her out. I regret that I never could tell her off. I still can’t. She truly believes that she’s making a difference.

How could I tell her no?

The first time, Sprout and I were unprepared. He settled for the position of deputy, but he would always carry some sort of resentment towards me for becoming sheriff and not him. He thinks I don’t notice it, but I do. The second time, though, we were ready. Every year on March 19th, we had one job. That was keeping Sunny out. But everyday, she would keep sneaking in. I still don’t know how she does it, but she does. And every time, I have to keep escorting her out! Sprout keeps telling me that I should cut ties with her, but I just can’t. He just doesn’t know her like I do.

But it was not just Canterlogic. Sometimes it would be hijacking television broadcasts during Hearth’s Warming Eve to share her impassioned message. Or ripping down movie posters or billboards that showed in her words “incorrect stereotypes” of the other ponies. Or breaking into a kindergarten class every Monday to give a speech to the fillies and colts.

I still admire her commitment. Not even I could be that passionate about something I love. But I don’t think she realizes that in her methods to get her points across, she’s alienating other ponies more than she is getting them to listen to her. I love Sunny. We’re the closest of friends, and I wish I could see her world, a world where Earth Ponies live in harmony with Unicorns and Pegasi. I know this isn’t a game to her. She truly believes what she’s preaching. But I don’t know where all this certainty comes from. Sure, Argyle taught her since birth about supposedly “real history.” But what proof does she have? What proof did Argyle have? Did Sunny meet either one of the other two races? Is there a Unicorn living at her house? How does she know for certain? We’ve been taught all our lives that Unicorns and Pegasi were evil and bloodthirsty. But Sunny doesn’t believe that. Why?

What does she know that all of us in Maretime Bay don’t?

I don’t think I can keep dismissing all these complaints and charges brought up by the citizens of Maretime Bay to protect Sunny, no matter how close we are. I know I have to put my hoof down and tell her that “This has to stop.” But can I enforce the law on my own best friend? I don’t want to arrest her. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve disciplined Sprout for even suggesting such a thing. But he’s right. I have to put my responsibility to the town first, no matter how much it hurts. I have to take my position as sheriff and bring the law down on Sunny no matter much it hurts.

Tomorrow is the annual presentation of Canterlogic. Sunny will try to sneak in again, but Sprout and I will be ready once more to foil her plans. And should it come to it…I’ll make the call, even if it ends our friendship for the rest of eternity.

I just hope Sunny will forgive me. Come to think of it, she is right about one thing: Keeping a diary is very helpful. I actually feel a bit better now that I’ve written all of this. Maybe after this is over, I’ll keep writing. It’s good for me in the long run.


Author's Note:

A little one-shot story that I got inspired to do. I wanted to expand on Sunny and Hitch’s friendship in a way that I don’t think has been done before. So many stories are sequels to the movie, I don’t think there’s enough love for stories that deal with the backstories of our new main cast.
Next up will most likely be an Izzy story depending on how this one is received. I think I should practice doing more one-shot stories before focusing on the big stuff, wouldn’t you say? I hope you all enjoyed it and please feel free to leave feedback in the comments. I really appreciate it. See y’all soon, everypony! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 29 )

And of course, none of these worked and Sunny was right all along.

Yes, she was. Because you know, for kids! :scootangel:

Suffers from a lot of the same flaws common to G5 fics – compromised characterisation due to the "characters designed around the movie" nature of the flick, a plot proceeding on transparent autopilot – on top of diary writing that, common to such diary/letter stories, does not remotely feel like a diary Pro tip: more minimalism, not repeating details the character already knows, and making recollections more vague always helps. Try reading some of the more acclaimed letter/diary fics.

But the baseline emotions and desperation of Hitch shines through, and many of the invented headcanon details for the characters' backstories work and are sprinkled throughout nicely. Were the fic longer, I couldn't lean positive, but it's just short enough that it goes down before the issues start to grate. Not a bad place for a new-fish author to start from!

Rating: Decent

Thanks for your feedback! I really appreciate it. Yeah, this is my first time writing a diary-based story, so it’s bound to not be the best. I’m still happy you enjoyed it anyway. Cheers! 🥂

I think Hitch says in the movie that Sunny would try to sneak into Canterlogic every year, but he would always stop her.

Also, Hitch was right. He had to put his hoof down and make Sunny realize that she couldn't go on like this.

"I'm the last real friend you've got in this town. Do you really want to lose me too?"

To be honest, I would always load my journal entries with a bunch of details that I was well aware of. Not sure why.

Excellent point! That aspect might’ve been lost in translation when writing this story, so thanks for pointing that out. I guess my brain thought that making it so Sunny always sneaks in would hammer in the point more effectively. I tried to make this as close to the beats of the movie as possible, especially since chronologically, this story would go right before the movie itself, considering the next day Sunny would sneak in again, Izzy would arrive in Maretime Bay, magic, the whole shebang. I appreciate the feedback very much. Thanks for your comments. :twilightsmile:

One more thing I feel like I should point out: some of the things Hitch mentions Sunny doing are actually rather serious crimes. Not something law enforcement would overlook even if the perp was a friend.

Signal hijacking? I don't know if they have an FCC or FBI equivalents, but that's a serious matter in our world.

Breaking into a school, even if it's to preach friendship? Yeah... no. Just no.

Maybe edit some of the serious felonies Sunny committed out/make them more silly-ish? Just something that jumped out at me.

I wrote it that way as there are very real activists who would go to such a length to get their message across. There are lots of good ones who protest peacefully, but some go to more extreme measures. That section was essentially a subtle commentary on the more radical wing of activism in our society. If I was to edit that section, the desperation Hitch feels would not be as impactful in my opinion and the message wouldn’t come across as effectively.

Hitch knows he has to do the right thing and enforce the law, but his friendship towards Sunny presents a roadblock for that. Essentially, it’s a mini character struggle that makes the time where Hitch does call out Sunny after he escorts her out of Canterlogic in the movie make more sense with the proper setup. She’s gotten reckless, she’s committed several serious felonies all in the name of her message. And it’s time to stop.

I don’t think I can edit that out without losing the core element of this story, sorry. But thanks for your feedback on it.

No problem. I enjoyed the story, even if it has some flaws.

Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it.

"Come on, Sunny, what did you think was gonna happen? You give a little speech and what? Everypony just magically welcomes Unicorns and Pegasi into Maretime Bay? You keep saying that there's nothing to be afraid of, well then prove it!!"

A well-written bit of dialog. Sunny's silence in reaction says: "Huh. That's actually a really good point..."

Yeah, I’m one of the people who appreciates that the first half of the movie was bold enough to call out the rampant cliche in MLP that singing a song or giving an impassioned speech about friendship always works. Especially, the propaganda was well-ingrained into the ponies of Maretime Bay that no amount of speech-giving or any other stuff was going to change that.

Up until it was undercut by that exact same thing near the end. Oh well.

Hitch calling Sunny out for her stunt at Canterlogic.

AKA, the exact moment Hitch became best pony.

The next one is going to be a story about Izzy. Stay tuned!

Recorded for the audio version

I fixed this bit for the audio reading

but starring starting three years ago, she began to…

Oh woopsie! Ugh, I hate grammatical errors. Thank you so much for fixing that in the audio version. You’re a lifesaver.

Terrific. I always loved the relationship between Sunny and Hitch in the first movie. That's why I ship that but that's beside the point.

I always felt like deep down Hitch always needed Sunny in her life. To make him dream of bigger things. She has so much life to her.

Honestly I actually feel like in some ways it would be harder for Hitch if he stopped being friends with Sunny than vice versa. I think Sunny would still at least have her goals and dreams but Hitch would be left with the boring world without her.

Anyways great fanfic. I love these character exploration fics. I hope to do these types of fics when I start writing. This is short and simple yet very insightful. Great work.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your insight.

Right! I think the other general races live happily as well slope game.

I love hitch
He's really honest
He doesn't hate the other tribes
He just wishes to protect the sunny

Tomorrow is the annual presentation of Canterlogic. Sunny will try to sneak in again, but Sprout and I will be ready once more to foil her plans. And should it come to it…I’ll make the call, even if it ends our friendship for the rest of eternity.

Tomorrow things are going to be very different and you're going to be very surprised of the future friends you're going to meet

Very interesting story and hitch really has a pretty big dilemma when it comes to choosing either the ponies in the town or his childhood friend that he knows his entire life which it's always tough for him but he is a good friend and he really does care for her I kind of ship those two as well but anyway it looks like tomorrow will be very surprising that's for sure this was pretty good keep up the good work

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An insightful little piece. The more I think about it, Sunny is essentially the meme-ified take on Greta Thornburg. That makes sense given the release dates but I doubt Greta busts into schools or tomato soups at the museum.

Don't get me wrong I quite enjoyed the movie and Sunny is one of my favorite characters in G5. That being said, Hitch is right, if Izzy hadn't shown up, and he kept waffling, who's to say the Posey's and the Sprout's of Maretime Bay didn't enact citizens' arrest/mob justice?
Her passion over the years became more preaching/proselytizing which I admit would probably grate on me too.

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