• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 7,880 Views, 1,149 Comments

Prevention - Mind Matter

Twilight is attacked by a familiar stranger, who has a terrifying tale behind him.

  • ...


“So, wait, time is like a tree?”

Broken brought a hoof to his face, stretching his skin down in frustration. “Time could be like a tree, or it could be a series of waves, or it could be a cloud of particles, or it could be any number of different things. That’s the first thing I said.”

“Actually, the first thing you said was that time was a tree, and that you jumped across branches…”

The two ponies travelled at a leisurely pace, walking through Ponyville along one of the more main pathways. Twilight had intended the trip for Broken to get used to (somewhat) large crowds of ponies again. However, he seemed to be at ease in public, at least compared to when he was alone with her. The two had ended up walking in awkward silence for several minutes before Twilight had asked for clarification on how the timeline system worked.

“Did I? Oh yeah.” Broken shrugged. “I was lying, then. Star Swirl developed the tree model, but sometimes the different possibilities didn’t fit on an always-forwards-moving path, so they got the particle model in where every time two ‘particles’ of possibility strike each other, they create different timelines that shoot off in random directions.” He snorted. “And that one flies in the face of the Primary Line theory, which is about as integral to chronology as 2+2=4 is to mathematics, so there was a whole new argument about that…”

“But what is the ‘primary line’?”

Broken levelled a glance at Twilight. “The Primary Line is… well, it is. It’s the big one, the main deal, the be-all-end-all. The Primary Line is the timeline shaped by Faust herself.” He laughed at her widened eyes. “Everything in it was as Faust intended. Nothing went without her supervision, ensuring through the good and the bad that her ponies would survive and become better than they were before. There was no deviation from the path she had set; even accounting for the ‘free will’ of every pony, the Primary Line maintained its solidarity and integrity.”

“So what happened?” Twilight asked. Broken blinked.

“Well, they never quite figured that out. Somewhere along the Primary Line, other little lines began to peel away, and Faust never fixed them. These lines grew in length, running for the most part alongside the Primary, but with that one difference that separated them.” Two young colts ran around the corner in front of them, and Broken paused to watch them gallop past. He gave a few blinks before continuing. “But those smaller lines were more unstable than the Primary Line, and their splits happened quicker, more little lines forming from different possible paths ponies could have taken. And eventually, those lines had their own little frays, and the lines from those frays frayed themselves, until eventually every tiny little alteration created its own little timeline all to itself.” He coughed. “Chronologists gave three classifications to the splitoffs: First, the Major Lines, which are the ones that split from the Primary. Second, the Minor Lines, the ones that have split off from the Majors, and the first twenty or so splits from those. Last, the Threads, the extremely tiny timelines that cover every possible way anything in a timeline can go.”

“Every possibility? That’s rather hard to believe.”

Broken stopped and gave Twilight a glare. She leaned away from him a small bit.

“I’m not exaggerating.”

“I never said that you were, I just meant that it seems… too complicated. To cover every possible way something could go.”

“Neither nature nor Faust is bound by our silly little concepts of ‘complication’, Twilight. Do you wish to know just how many Major Lines there are estimated to be?”

“Um, sure?”

“Four hundred nineteen trillion seven hundred sixty seven billion nine hundred and three million. That’s a four, a one, a nine, a seven, a six, a seven, a nine, a zero, and a three, followed by six zeroes.” He grinned as her jaw hit the road. “Minor Lines are somewhere in the ten-to-the-googolplex range. As for Threads, well…”

Broken’s eye remained locked on Twilight. He raised his hoof and knocked it on the road three times.

“I have just created an infinite-minus-one number of different Threads, all based around the fact that I stopped here, lifted my left forehoof a certain height into the air at a certain speed, brought it down at a certain speed, tapped in a certain rhythm on a certain stone with a certain part of my hoof-”

“Okay, okay! I get that part of it.” She blunk, trying to comprehend what she had just been told. “Four- How did you even estimate that number?”

“I didn’t, the chronologists did. They just mapped out our Line through its splits back to the Primary, counted the different pathways, and gave a relative size measurement compared to the Primary. No bucking idea where the Minor number came from.”

“But… wait, if every possibility is mapped out already, then-“

Broken raised a hoof and placed it on her muzzle. Twilight gave him a confused glance.

“I know exactly what you’re going to say. And you’re wrong. What we decide to do still does matter, because the little Threads are all based on what we didn’t do. Our Lines are still affected by what we choose to do, no matter whether or not there are other Lines created for how we didn’t do them. Depending on what we do or don’t do, we could end up creating innumerable other Lines, simply because we chose to go one way over the others.” He brought his hoof down and gave a small, practiced smile, as if he had just comforted her away from some terrible revelation. “So don’t bring up all of that ‘life is meaningless because nothing we do is of our own will’ or ‘it doesn’t matter what we do because somewhere else we won’t have done it’. That kind of talk doesn’t help anypony.”

“Actually, I was going to say that your jump across timelines shouldn’t have affected anything, because this ‘Line’ would already have accounted for your interference.”

Broken gave her a confused stare, one eyebrow furrowing while the other lifted. “Wait, what? No, no no no no no. The Lines aren’t all already there, with every little detail preaccounted for; Every Line is at a certain point in time relative to the Primary Line, and nothing after the current point is developed. Sure, it could theoretically be said that you could simply use what happens in the Primary as a base, but you’d need to account for every possible difference that’s been racked up between this Line and the Primary. With how far out we are, that’s going to be pretty bucking hard.”

Twilight’s brow furrowed. “But when I went back in time-“

“-you did so within your own timeline. It’s a little failsafe that seems to have been built in. When you go back in time within your own timeline, you can’t affect anything enough to actually change future events; otherwise, you might never get the chance to go back, which would mean that the changes would never be made, which would mean that you’d go back and make the changes, and so on and so forth until your brain implodes.” He tapped his hoof on the ground again, and began walking. “When a pony from outside the timeline is introduced, however, his existence does not depend on past events remaining the same. I can tie this timeline into a neat little knot and I won’t be affected by it.”

The mare shook her head. “Shouldn’t all of the Lines be at the same point in time, though? Regardless of how you affect it, I can’t see any reason why you going sideways between Lines puts you at a time further back than the one in your own Line. Why is my timeline behind yours?”

Broken shrugged. “Buck if I know. Like I said, not everything fits onto the always-moving-forwards tree model. I just learned how the things worked, not why.”

Twilight nodded, slightly disappointed. “Um… what was with that whole little speech back there? About life not being meaningless?”

Broken’s eye flicked upwards. “Something the chronologists kept saying. Apparently a bunch of ponies kept getting into ‘existential crises’ or some such over the numerous Lines accounting for every possibility. They made anyone who worked with them memorise that feel good crap so that they wouldn’t go crazy.” He gave an odd laugh. “At least, not in relation to the Line thing.”

There was silence for a few minutes, the two ponies simply walking along the road. Twilight tried to digest the massive drop of information Broken had given her. A thought occurred to her, and she gave a small laugh. Broken turned his head slightly, flicking an ear back.


“Well, I was just thinking. All of the information you’ve given me… if I turn into Dawn, then couldn’t I just use it to travel across time and ensure that Dawn takes over in other Lines? It seems rather odd for you to tell me all of this, is all.”

Broken coughed. “Two points. One, you couldn’t ‘just’ travel across the Lines: It takes a very specific spell, performed by one of a select few unicorns. Neither of us can do it.” He gained a smirk. “Secondly, you’re presuming I’m going to let you survive long enough to put this information to any actual use.”

And with that remider, Twilight’s relaxation evaporated. Her steps faltered for a second, though Broken didn’t seem to notice or care. The silence came back, louder than before. Once again, a few minutes passed before Twilight broke it again.

“Are you depressed or mad right now?”

Broken’s brow furrowed, though he didn’t turn to look at Twilight. “What do you mean?”

“Earlier, you said that you were either ‘violently mad’ or ‘maddeningly depressed’, and that I shouldn’t get used to when you were in control of yourself. But you’ve seemed remarkably… well, normal, for the most part. Like with the Cakes.”

“Oh. Yeah.” Broken gave a breath, then shrugged. “I think I’m depressed. Madness is really hard to control.” He chuckled. “Then again, I might not be in control at all.” His eye flicked upwards, then back down at the road. His residual smile melted into a grimace. “Pip is following us.”

Twilight blinked. “He is? How-“

“Rooftops. He’s been keeping watch since we left.” He gave a growling huff. “Surprised he didn’t try to kill me in the alley…”

“I’ve told him not to hurt you…” Twilight replied, giving a slight trail-off at the end. Broken blinked.

“Bad luck on him, then.”

“…and I would like it if you promised not to hurt him.” Twilight continued. This gave Broken pause, and he once again stopped walking, turning to glare at her.


“Broken, he isn’t going to hurt you if I say not to. You’ve known him longer than us, you should know that.”

“It’s because I know him that I want him dead! You aren’t Dawn, not yet, but he is the Pip that murdered Princess Luna, killed dozens of innocent ponies, and destroyed my life! I don’t give a damn whether or not he did it at Dawn’s order, he’s still the one with the blood literally on his hooves!” Broken slammed a hoof into the road to emphasize his point, cracking a stone beneath. Two passing ponies turned to stare, going slightly wide-eyed as they took in Broken’s appearance. Twilight stepped back a bit, readying her magic to restrain him and bring them back to the library in case he lost control. Broken took a few breaths, then continued. “I’ve sworn not to harm you, and I’ve sworn to protect Equestria from you. I can keep to both, it’s just going to take some wiggling.” He gave a nod to the building they had just passed. “But I’ve sworn an oath to kill him, Twilight. And I plan to keep it.”

Very suddenly, he spun around and shot a beam of magic at the building’s roof, causing a loud crack as it broke one of the wooden slats.

The few ponies that shared the street with Twilight and Broken screamed and ran. A dark shape launched away from the building, only to be caught as another beam from Broken changed direction and struck at it. Broken and Twilight watched as the shape fell onto a nearby roof, rolling down and slipping into an alley. Broken took off towards it, Twilight frantically following.

Okay, okay, he leapt off of that house, was hit in the air, which pushed him west about the length of a building, meaning he fell into… there! Twilight rounded the corner at the same time as Broken, but teleported to the mouth of the alley instead of running. She heard Broken curse as she galloped down, headed for the misshapen lump leaned up against the wall.


The mottled cream-and-brown earth pony lifted his head at her voice. A small trickle of blood led from his mouth to his chin, though it appeared to be less lung damage and more a split lip. His eye was as inexpressive as ever.

“My apologies, Milady. I did not properly anticipate a shifting attack.”

Twilight ground her teeth, turning as Broken entered the alley, horn ablaze. She yelled, creating a rapid echo. “Stop!”

“Why should I?!”

“He’s not going to harm anypony!”

“Present calm does not excuse past atrocities, Twilight!” His horn glowed brighter, and Twilight had moments to draw a shield before a large mass of magic shot down at Pip. The barrier broke, but the other magic dissipated as well. Broken growled and tried to set up another spell, only to be cut off as Twilight slammed a shield around his horn. He blinked in surprise, feeling at the miasmic barrier. His gaze shifted from Pip to Twilight (not a big movement, given the alley’s width), his jaw slightly agape.

“I need you to calm down, Broken.” Twilight said in the sternest voice she could manage, trying to mix together both her mother and Princess Celestia. Broken stared at her for a few more seconds before he began to laugh. This action surprised Twilight, though such a minor feeling was quickly forgotten as she felt herself be picked up. Looking down, she found herself caught in rose-coloured magic. “Wha-“

Then she heard the sound of something wet splattering onto a solid surface. She turned her head, craning to see Pip crumple to the ground, a pool of blood forming around the gash in his neck. Twilight’s stomach turned to ice.

“He’s not dead.” Broken blandly stated. “It’s just the body responding to something that should have killed him. Give me a few seconds and we can play volleyball with his head.”

“Broken, please…” Twilight struggled in the magic, but to no avail. She released the shield around his horn and instantly felt one slam around hers. She gave him another look, authority replaced with a try at pity. Broken simply snorted. His horn glowed, and Twilight closed her eyes, awaiting a sound similar to the fish’s head being cruelly torn away.

She did not expect to hear another voice enter the situation.

“My oh my.” Discord intoned. “This is quite an interesting development, isn’t it?”

Author's Note:

And here's Chapter 12.

Exposition exposition exposition crappy fight scene.

Next one'll be better, I promise.