• Published 14th Oct 2021
  • 2,521 Views, 30 Comments

Sunny With A Chance Of Rain - Cloudline Dasher

Sunny Starscout's house is in ruins after the incident with Sprout. Now she's staying temporarily with Pipp and Zipp in Zypher Heights. There, she meets someone she never knew she needed.

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Ch. 3: Part 1: Cloudsdale Theme Park

Sunny With A Chance Of Rain

Written By:
Cloudline Dasher

Chapter Three Part One: Cloudsdale Theme Park


Sunny groaned, light splaying across her eyes through both the blinds and drapes that her rooms far window had. She attempted to close her mouth, not knowing just how long it had been hanging open during the night. Dryly swallowing, the chill in the air dared to seep into her warm blankets. Using a hoof to try to slightly lift the blanket, her hoof ran under the sheets. These sheets had a soft textured feeling. Not smooth at all as one would expect of expensive silken castle bedding. Her hoof snagged on something and a groan could be heard. Her eyes snapped wide open, her eyes immediately staring up the snout of Moon Mist. She wasn't covered by blankets at all. Moon Mist's wing was wrapped taught around her torso, with her own wings tucked nearly at the base under her sisters. Doing the same exact thing to Moon Mist's torso. They were one anothers personal blanket during the night.

She tested the embrace, feeling that they were locked together and pulling away would surely wake her sister. When she looked back up to Moon's face, she flinched as she saw two sleepy purple eyes looking back at her. Sunny froze, once again taking note of the striking resemblance of her fathers long lost gaze.

“Good morning, sis.” Moon sleepily near whispered, her mouth forcing open in a yawn and trying desperately to aim her morning breath away from her sister.

Letting out a weak chuckle, Sunny blushed as she pulled her wings back to her sides, pulling from the embrace. Nearly stumbling off the side of the bed as she found her footing, “Morning, uh sis...”

Moon Mist shivered at the sudden loss of warmth, eyeing her sister, “Y-you okay, Sunny?”

Sunny once again froze under the strikingly familiar eyes. Everything about Moon Mist was both different, yet oddly similar to their dad. But those eyes of hers were as if her father was once again staring back at her.

“Sunny?” Moon asked with a bit more worry this time. Her mouth turned down into a frown.

Shaking her head with a bit too much force, Sunny attempted to recollect herself, “Yeah, just woke up a bit too quickly. Didn't know where I was for a moment...” Sunny rubbed the nape of her neck with a hoof, a red hue filling her cheeks, hoping her sis would buy her lie.

“Understandable.” Moon giggled, waving her hoof dismissively, “You're in a new place, new room, in the arms of a new sister. Happens to the best of us.”

Before Sunny could reply, Moon jumped from the bed, fluttering her wings as she gracefully landed. She rounded the bed just in time for Sunny's stomach to let out the loudest grumble that either of them could have heard. Moon covered her mouth as she giggled, “Let's raid the royal kitchen. Maybe we can get some pancakes.”

Sunny's stomach grumbled once more, her throat letting out an audible groan, “That sounds great right now.”

“Tally ho to the land of pancakes!” Moon raised her hoof dramatically pointing toward the door, throwing it open with flare, “No morsel shall go uneaten!”

Rolling her eyes at her sister, Sunny was merely glad that Moon was in higher spirits today. Last night had been filled with so many emotions. They went on for hours swapping stories about Argyle, Sky Liner, or stories from school and the friends that they had made along the way. The night either had them splitting their sides in laughter, or hugging one another and soaking their withers in tears until they finally passed out next to the other.

But for now, it was breakfast time, “Onward to pancake adventure!” Sunny declared, chasing after her sister into the hallway.


Pipp's eye twitched as she flipped through her phone. Spotting photo after photo of pictures of Sunny and Moon Mist. It hadn't taken long for everyone to wonder why the newly formed alicorn was hanging around Zypher Heights' now most popular streamer. She hastily scrolled through her follows until she found Moon Mist's account, her eyes scanning as she found a post that caught her eye.

It was Moon Mist and Sunny in the bathroom of her current guest suite in the castle. They both had tooth brushes in their mouths with a large smile on their faces. One of Moon's hooves held out with her phone, and the other tightly around Sunny's withers. Over top of the photo was a sentence, 'Starting the day with my new sister!'

Pipp frowned at this, slapping down her phone on the table, almost tossing it into her breakfast that sat in front of her. Her eyes narrowed as her anger flared, thinking to herself, 'Already going public with the information they are sisters? Does Sunny even know? She's not very tech savvy.'

“Mornin, Sis!” Zipp patted Pipp on the back a tad harder than she should have, making her sis glare at her for a second, but Zipp simply continued, “Moon Mist and Sunny invited us to hang out with them. They got free tickets from their mom to go to the Cloudsdale Theme Park.”

The Cloudsdale Theme Park was and had been for ages the last refuge where pegasi could walk on the clouds. It retained enough magic on it's own that it resonated with pegasi, allowing them to walk upon it. However, with most homes and businesses having to fly to get to them and no way to shape further clouds to make them more accessible, pegasi abandoned the city. Tethering it to their new home; Zypher Heights.

Rubbing her temples with her hooves, Pipp groaned, “And why would I want to go?”

Giving her sister an incredulous frown, her brow raised, “Cause of Sunny? She's your friend and Moon Mist is her sister. You're gonna have to be around her at some point.”

Picking up her phone once more, Pipp eyed the picture of Moon and Sunny once more. A small shimmer forming in her eyes as an idea popped in her head, 'perhaps I can get a feel on Moon Mist's intentions with Sunny?'

Gently this time, Pipp placed her phone delicately next to her pancake, a small smile forming, “I would love to go, Zipp!”

“Atta girl!” Zipp declared with a laugh, throwing her hoof around Pipp's withers, “You'll feel better once you get to know Moon Mist, trust me!”

“I'm sure I will, sis...” Pipp glanced to her phone, “I'm sure I will...”


After a fulfilling breakfast, Sunny and Moon returned to their respectful rooms to brush their manes and tidy up. They wanted to clean the syrup off their muzzles and grab their saddlebags for the trip to Cloudsdale Theme Park. They were to meet up with Pipp and Zipp and the sky liner shuttle service at the edge of town where Cloudsdale was tethered too.

Moon Mist apparently finished first and entered Sunny's room without knocking since Sunny had left the door ajar, “Ready sis?”

“Almost!” Sunny tried to smile, wincing as the hair brush caught a knot.

“Let me help!” Moon giggled, not waiting for a response as she took the brush from Sunny.

Sunny opened her mouth to protest, but Moon already had the brush kneading out the knot she encountered. A shudder wracked her body, her eyes darting to Moon in the mirror, 'the last time somepony else brushed my mane was...'

Her eyes were locked onto Moon's reflection, eyeing those half lidded purple eyes. Moon started humming silently, a small grin on her face. Oddly enough, the tune was very familiar, “Moon?”

“Yes, Sunny?” Was all she said, immediately going right back to the melody.

“What are you humming?”

Moon Mist's smile faltered. She let out a sigh, closing her eyes for a second, then returning to the brushing, “Mom... she would hum this to me all the time. Brushing my mane just like I am to you. It... would always soothe me... After a hard day at school, being broken up with by my coltfriend, or whatever the case may be... She would just brush my mane and hum that tune for hours if needed.”

The brushing slowed and Moon's expression saddened. Sunny locked eyes with her sis in the mirror as she stated, “Dad hummed the same melody. Brushing my mane and putting it up.”

Moon's eyes widened for a moment, slowly going back to being half lidded. Tears welling up in her eyes. Sunny whipped herself around, pulling Moon into a tight embrace. Neither of them said a word for minutes, simply just holding one another. That was until a thought popped into Sunny's mind. She pulled away from the embrace, “Wait here for a moment.”

Placing down the brush back on the vanity. She watched Sunny rush over to her saddlebag, pulling out a leathery brown journal. She came right back, presenting it in her hooves toward Moon, “I want you to have this!”

Moon Mist's eyes went wide, her hoof drifting toward the journal, “This is the journal dad gave you?! Sunny, I can't...”

“You can, you are my sister and you seem to need this more than me right now.” Sunny pushed the journal into Moon's hoof, taking Moon's other hoof and placing it on top of the journal, “We are sisters now, we can simply share it. I know you'll take good care of it.”

Moon couldn't help but bring the journal to her chest, hugging it with all her might, “Thank you, thank you so much, Sun... Sis!”

Sunny glanced to the clock, jumping in place before rushing back to the vanity, “Better hurry, we're going to be late!”

Placing the journal into her own saddlebag that she was going to be bringing with them to the fair, Moon nodded, tears still welling in her eyes, “Let me finish helping you with your mane!”


“Zipp, Pipp!” Sunny cheered, attempting to wave a hoof and trot toward them through the crowd.

“Yo, Sunny!” Zipp smiled wide, hoof bumping both Sunny and then Moon.

“Pipp, you came too! I'm so glad!” Sunny beamed, nuzzling her cheek against Pipp's.

As they pulled away, Pipp stepped around Sunny and looked Moon straight in the eye, a large smile on her face, “Oh, Zipp convinced me to come and she is right. Moon is your sister and I should try to get along with her.”

“G-get along with me? D-did I do something wrong?” Moon softly asked, her face filled with concern.

Pipp's eye twitched for a moment, forcing her smile to stay on her face, “Oh no... Heavens no. I'm just a little protective of Sunny is all.”

Moon gave out a small sigh of relief, covering her heart with a hoof, “Oh good. Here I thought you were still mad about the sponsors.”

“I would never, that would be just petty.” Pipp turned to her sister, “Isn't that right, Zipp?”

Zipp raised a brow, looking Pipp right in the eye, “Uh... That's right... That WOULD be pretty petty...”

Pipp's eye twitched once again, righting herself before turning to face Moon again, “See?”

Moon Mist let out a giggle before turning away from the group, “Let's head on into the park. Follow me!”

The three friends looked over where Moon was headed, confused as to why she was headed directly away from the large line of ponies waiting to buy their tickets.

“Are you three coming?” Moon smiled brightly as she stopped at a large metal gate.

“Why are we over here?” Sunny asked, turning her head and pointing at the line, “Shouldn't we get in line?”

Moon lifted her hoof, placing it into a scanner, one just like that the royal castle had. The metal door made a large beep before opening wide. She smiled brightly as she turned to the others, “Mom and I have our own private sky liner, it'll take us straight up without the line or fuss! You're with the owners daughters, aka free VIP treatment! No lines, no muss or fuss!”

“Wow, that's amazing!” Zipp cheered, “Even as the princess we still had to reserve a time to get in!”

“Yes, well, while we do try to accommodate royalty, nothing beats owning the joint!” Moon giggled once more as they neared a large rounded box thing, suspended by a large half foot thick metallic line, “All aboard the sky liner!”

Sunny had never seen anything like this before. It was a large blue box with rounded edges, more window than metal. In the distance, they could see the other sky liner railing system that held boxes just like this one, but that one was far busier. Each having at least ten or more ponies inside each one. This one, they got all to themselves and seemed to be the only one on the line. On the inside they could see a line of blue that surrounded each of the windows, the same blue as the outside. The roof and floor was a black looking soft foam and black leathery seats that lined all the way around the car.

Once everyone was inside, Moon pressed her hoof to a large button, “Hold your ponies everypony!”

Everyone except Moon wobbled slightly as the car started moving, lifting them all higher and higher. Sunny ran to one of the windows, her snout touching the glass. She could see the valley just outside Zypher Heights, where she had first met Zipp seven or eight months ago. Soon enough, Sunny looked left and right seeing Zipp and Pipp had joined her on either side, also taking in the sights, “This is amazing!”

“I know right, Sunny!?” Zipp giggled, outstretching her wing to pat her orange friend on the back, “Now you know why I trained so hard to get myself and the rest of Zypher Heights back into the sky!”

Sunny's smile faltered a tad, her wings flapping involuntarily, “But... I haven't been able to fly yet. Why is all of Zypher Heights able to fly so quickly and I can't?”

“M-maybe cause you were an earth pony?” Moon offered from behind, “All of Zypher were born pegasi.”

“That must be it!” Zipp chuckled, using a wing to pull Sunny's wither against hers, “Just give it some time, Sunny. You'll be in the air before you know it!”


The car squeaked as the brakes engaged, slowing the car right before it reached the end of the tether. The doors dinged, sliding open. Moon was the first to step off, splaying out a hoof, “Cloudsdale Theme Park awaits!”

As the rest stepped from the sky liner, Sunny's lungs jolted as she took her first breath. The air was cleaner here than the city and everything seemed to have some spray of mist. In the distance, waterfalls fell from clouds, the color of crystal blue as it dispersed down below into nothingness. Moon Mist followed her sisters gaze, smiling to her, “Apparently, pegasi used to control the weather. There is a large factory that used to produce rainbows. Every one of those waterfalls used to pour out as an array of colors. Since the return of magic, my mom, along with Queen Haven and some generous investors have been looking into restarting the facilities. However, they have yet to figure out how to unlock it all. It seems that when the pegasi abandoned Cloudsdale, they locked everything up tight.”

In the awe of the moment, Sunny simply followed her sister; Pipp and Zipp following behind. Rollercoasters, merry go rounds, and many others came into view. Moon held her head high, acting as though she was a tour guide of sorts, “Cloudsdale was once a city of pegasi, but with the loss of magic, they couldn't reach many of the structures. Without the ability to restructure buildings, they decided to move somewhere else. Though, they didn't want to completely abandon their lovely city, they tethered it to a mountain, now known as Zypher Heights. My mom, previously an owner of a small park in Zypher, sold all her property to make a bid on the glorious city. Her friendship with Princess Haven giving her the leeway to convince some of the more wealthy spenders to team up with Sky Liner instead of bidding against her. Beginning the process of what you see today, Cloudsdale Theme Park; Pegasi's last refuge to the skies.”

Trotting till she was up next to Moon Mist, Zipp whistled, “Wow Moon! You sound like a legit tour guide or something.”

A small red hue flushed through Moon's cheeks, “W-well yeah. I worked here for most of my teenage years. My mom made me save for college. Lot of good that did me. I ended up being a famous streamer instead.”

“What did you go to college for?” Sunny asked, trotting up to Moon's other side as they walked.

“Aerodynamics, magic theory, and the constructs of cloud building. I got my diploma in the constructs of cloud building after dropping out of the first two. Though, without magic or the ability to fly, my diploma was worthless. It was more of a history class than it was to actually build and form clouds.”

“How about now that magic is back?” Zipp asked, her eyes following a dangerously large roller coaster filled with screaming ponies.

“Surprisingly enough, the investors that I mentioned were funding the possible reopening of the weather factory are also wishing that I be the head of the operation. My mom owns Cloudsdale and I so happen to have the perfect degree to fill the job. I don't know if I wish to drop my career as a streamer though.”

Pipp, being solely quiet this whole time, spoke up from behind the three, “I'm a princess and a streamer. I'm busy every day and I manage!”

Zipp let out a snort, glancing over her shoulder, “Pipp, part of your princess job IS being a streamer. It'd be different if you we're the one to be queen one day.”

Mumbling under her breath, Pipp used a wing to check her phone. Trying to keep herself from snapping at her sister. As she scrolled on her phone, she noticed that they were already on ponies timelines. Guess it's hard to miss when two princesses, an alicorn, and a popular streamer are hanging out in Zypher Heights most popular attraction; Cloudsdale Theme Park. Pipp messed around on her phone a bit longer as she mindlessly followed the others. Rolling her eyes when Moon would crack a joke, making Sunny or Zipp laugh.

Author's Note:

This chapter was going to run really really long. I wanted to go into some lore and stretch out the story, but also didn't want each chapter to run too long. I know there isn't a set rule or anything for chapter length, but decided to go for around 3k words per.

Comments ( 6 )

So it looks like sunny and moon mist decided they wanted to go to the fair Cloudsdale and even invited pipp and Zipp but pipp is still not happy about Moon Mist and doesn't trust her but she wants to keep an eye on her just in case if she's trying to do anything which I'm sure she's just overreacting but I don't know let's see how the fair gose

Again, a really good job on this latest chapter. Sorry I took a while to get around to responding. Nothing to blame except self-admitted laziness. Anyway, the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done in all the right places. Definitely like the thought of doing a bit of bonding at a theme park. And, yeah, I DO hope Pipp eventually learns to warm up to Moon Mist. As for Sunny learning to use her new wings, yeah, that's definitely going to be intriguing.

Certainly looking forward to more of this.

After reading the chapter I do agree you didn’t really need to make it longer and shouldn’t worry about it. Always focus on writing that draws viewers back to read the chapter again then going through like a history or lore that before or after that part won’t line up with the chapter.

3k isn’t bad at all.

Interesting story. Added to my read list. :twilightsmile:

I’ve been meaning to check up on this story! Keep up the great work. Any chance you’ll be returning to it?

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