• Published 16th Oct 2021
  • 1,576 Views, 14 Comments

See no evil - aegishailstorm

Would you mind sparing a moment of your time? I need to show you this. side effects may include, growing, hooves, tails,fur,ect...

  • ...

Deployment and Encounter

The members of of mobile task force Epsilon-6 sat around a coffee table in a break room of site 15, immersed in a game of Uno.
"Oh C'mon! You was cheating Jackson!" One of the unit operatives cried, tossing his cards on the table in front of him.

"I wasn't cheating, I'm just lucky Brandon." A second operator touted, folding his arms.

A voice crackled through the overhead speaker system. "Mobile task force Epsilon six report to the briefing room immediately!"

"Well, Duty calls, Try again next time man." The group shook hands and shuffled away.

The Members of task force Epsilon six, Designated 'Village Idiots' Lieutenant Jackson, Staff Sergeant Brandon, Corporal Alex, and Sargent Ramirez. Left the breakroom, and hurried down the hallways of site 15 until they reached briefing room
A-2. They entered in a professional manner and sat down around a circular table. They were greeted by Dr. Black, the site's head researcher.

Alright Epsilon 6, Here's the story, recently we've been getting some strange readings across the internet, Particularly Focused around the town of McKinleyville, California. We originally suspected a Memetic Incursion. However, after we lost contact with the local police, and our field agents on the ground at exactly 0900 hours yesterday. We began to suspect that this was the work of the Serpent's Hand. Which, as you know, they operate multiple bases and safe houses in the area. However, Recent satellite scans of the area have revealed that this is not the case. We are sending you in to investigate, as usual, Gamma 5 will be running interference to make sure that this all stays under the radar. We've had Members of Iota 10 under the guise of highway patrol officers' cordon off the area. Good luck, Epsilon 6.

The 4 mobile task force members left the briefing room, and quietly and calmly hurried down to the armory.

The 4 members suited up, all black combat fatigues, and an assortment of M4 pattern rifles and P90 Personal Defense Weapons. With M9 Beretta sidearms and fragmentation grenades to boot. As the donned their gear they stayed silent, like the quiet professionals they were. They then walked outside, and boarded a Blackhawk attack helicopter, enhanced with the best stealth technology the foundation had access to, and began the 2-hour long flight to McKinleyville. Despite having previously dealt with everything from a cat with a TV set for a head, to the horrifying SCP 096, the team couldn't help but wonder what they would find this time.

2 hours later...

The Blackhawk flew over the vast mountains and redwood forests of Humboldt County, until McKinleyville came into sight.

The helicopter landed on the outskirts of the local airport, so as not to draw to much attention. The team disembarked and began their trek into town. "Alright, our first area of interest is the residence of one Fredrick Almeda. Danger close, we don't know what we're getting into."

The team advanced into the town, keeping to back alleys so as not to draw to much attention from any leftover civilians. However, when, they came to the center of town after about 15 minutes of walking, they noticed something, there was no one on the streets. The normally bustling streets stood before them, empty. Just then they heard what could only be described as, "Frivolous and insane laughter" Coming from the northern side of town.

"Uh, Epsilon 6 to Overwatch, the town is quiet, with the exception of what sounds like high pitched laughter coming from the northern end of town, Permission to investigate?"

"Roger, Epsilon 6, This is Overwatch, You have a go."

The team contained walking down the sidewalk, until the came to a residential neighborhood. The four laid eyes on what appeared to be dozens small pastel-colored horses. Going about their day as humans would. Some appeared to have wings, other horns, and some, neither. More strangely, they were all conversing with one another in perfect English. A few of them noticed the Task Force and galloped over to greet them.

All the while, the members of Epsilon 6 were standing there, understandably confused as to what they were witnessing.

Lt. Jackson finally spoke up, "Uh, Overwatch, You seeing this?"

"Copy Epsilon 6, proceed."

Just then, Corporal Alex spoke up.

"Sir, I recognize these creatures."

"What do you mean, Alex?"

"Well, as you all should know, I'm a brony. I... Well... I watch My Little Pony in my free time." The rest of the team groaned,
"Don't remind us."

" And I'm quite sure that these things that we are currently staring at are ponies. The exact one's from the cartoon."

"That may be true, But we still have to treat these things with cation, Remember, you don't just lose contact with a half dozen field agents for nothing."

Just then one of the " ponies" Let out a greeting. "Hey guys, look, more humans! hello there, my name is Velvet Nova! Pleasure to meet you!" The creature extended out one of its appendages in the same way a human would to handshake.

The team, remained there, unmoved by it's greeting.

It lowered its hoof, seeming somewhat distraught by their unenthusiastic demeanor. And continued talking to them. This time, several others joined in. "Follow us, We have something to show you all, We promise that you'll LOVE it!"

"Overlord, What do we do?"

"Play along with them Epsilon 6, let's see what more we can learn about these things."

Corporal Alex decided to open up his mouth again "I know we're supposed to be professional and all, but still, ponies!"

"Cut the crap Alex! You can geek out about this once we've done our job." shouted Brandon over the comm system. The other team members nodded in agreement.

"Oh alright."

"Come on, Follow us!" shouted the creatures again.

"Move out Village Idiots, lets see what they want."

The team walked with the creature , Who had identified himself as "Velvet Nova" down the road, As they pasted the houses and front yards, they were greeted by friendly smiles and hoof waves from the other creatures.

Finally, Velvet led the team into one of the houses, occupied what he and Corporal Alex Identified to be 3 pegasi. The team received the same warm greetings from them as they had from the others. one of them even offered the team a freshly baked cupcake. Which they promptly turned down. They entered the living room, and Velvet turned on the TV, "Here's what we wanted to show you, hope you like it, Sit down if you want. It won't be long now."

"I think we'll stand, right Alex?"

"Actually sir, I think I'll sit down."

"Suit yourself, but don't come crying to me when The Site Director chews you out for breeching protocol."

The members of Epsilon 6 looked around the room and found 2 more 'Ponies' siting on one of the couches.

Just then the TV began to play, to the team's surprise, it was an episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The other 3 members began to question the other ponies within the house. Just then, Brandon spotted a glint coming from one of the ponies sitting on the couch.

"Hmm, that looks familiar." Staff sergeant Brandon walked over to it, and picked it up, to his shock, it was the insignia of one of the foundation field agents that had gone missing.

"Where did you get this!?" He demanded, waving it at the red and yellow earth pony. The being just looked up at him and smiled.

After a moment, he recognized it as the twisted face of one of the agents who had gone missing.

"I don't need it anymore." Responded the creature.

"Oh no.."

Brandon looked back at the TV, then at the other ponies in the room. Then he remembered what Dr. Black had said about a potential memetic incursion.

"Guys, I just found one of the Field Agents, they've somehow been transformed into one of those... Things."

It didn't take long for Jackson or Ramirez to figure out what happen, or what their equine hosts where trying to do to them.

"Epsilon 6, pull out mow!" Shouted Jackson, waving at the door.

The three of them turned to leave, but found themselves blocked by 2 of the pegasi.

"Come on, won't you just stay for a little longer?" One of them asked.

Just then they heard the terrified voice of Corporal Alex call out from behind them.

"Uh guys, I think somethings happening to me-AHHAHHHHHH!" The Corporal collapsed in what looked like an epileptic fit.

The team turned to look in horror at their Squadmate, who himself was staring in horror at the grey fur beginning to grow on his arm.

"Alex!" They all shouted out. Without thinking, Brandon grabbed Alex, and threw him over his shoulder, at the same time Ramirez and Jackson opened fire on the other ponies in the room, killing the 2 blocking the door. In a hail of bullets.

"Village Idiots, move out!" the 3 of them ran out of the house, Alex in tow, and made their way as fast as they could back to the airport. A few tried to follow the team, but were gunned down by Ramirez, who was providing cover support for them. But they just kept coming.

"This isn't working!" Ramirez shouted out.

"Smoke 'em then! "Shouted Jackson.

Ramirez opened his grenade launcher up, loaded in a a smoke grenade, and fired ahead of the oncomming crowd. While the ponies were dazed by the flash and cloud of smoke. The team slipped away, and continued off towards the airport.

As the team passed back by the town square, Alex let out another pained scream.

The team stopped for moment as Brandon set Alex down. He was almost 1/2 of the way transformed already.

"We've got to find a way to delay it." Said Brandon. "I ain't losing another member of my team."

Brandon reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a tranquillizer dart.

"This ought to stop it for now. Hold on buddy, you'll be alright. I'm sure those people back at Site 15 will figure something out." He uncapped it and stuck it into Alex's shoulder.

"It's kind of ironic, isn't it? In all my excitement I forgot all about what Black had said back at the briefing. "Alex said with a sigh as he slipped into unconsciousness. The team kept running, until they had made it back to the airport.

The team boarded the helicopter and began to fly away.

"Contact Command, tell them they need to tighten their cordon around the town, and to have a hazmat unit waiting on the ground as soon as we land, I want Alex examined as soon as possible."

"Understood sir. "Responded the copilot.

Author's Note:

For those of you who don't know, Site 15 is the SCP foundation's premiere site for containing memetic hazards and monitoring the global internet.