• Published 16th Oct 2021
  • 1,576 Views, 14 Comments

See no evil - aegishailstorm

Would you mind sparing a moment of your time? I need to show you this. side effects may include, growing, hooves, tails,fur,ect...

  • ...

Kill everything that moves

The Technicians of Site 15 Contacted Site 19, Which as it happens was still in the process of recovering from a certain neck snapping statue. Luckily, MTF nu 7 or "Hammer Down" Was more than happy to help out. You See, for this MTF, The Term Mobile applied very loosely, They Contained over a thousand members and had access to some of the most powerful weapons and armored vehicles that the Foundation had to offer. They were so large that the foundation could only send a small portion of the task force to their aid. With the promise that they would be waiting just beyond the property line to provide additional support incase things got to out of hand. The Primary Task force undertaking this mission would be MTF eta 10 Designated "See No evil" So called because they were the foundation premier mobile task for fore dealing with Cognito hazardous memes and anomalous information. Prefect for the task at hand. The Site director contacted the 6 members of eta 10, Major Jefferson, Sargent Clearwater, Private Riley, Private Gregory, Staff Sargent Edwards, and last but not least, Corporal Brooks. They were currently holed up in their assigned break quarters, mulling over the files that they had just been sent by the Bases IT department when a call for them rang out over the intercom.

"All eta 10 personnel, Report to the armory and then briefing room A-2 immediately!" The team ran down the hallway, got suited up in their standard equipment, however, unlike other mobile task forces, this included a pair of googles with built in Cognito hazard filters. They then hurried down to conference room A-2 where they were met by Dr. black, and to their surprise Epsilon 6.

"Greetings eta 10, You'll be briefed by Epsilon 6 on the current situation." The six team members took their seats around the table, and the members of epsilon six began, alongside Dr. black began explaining the nature of what they were going up against. After that Epsilon six left the room, and Dr. Black gave them their primary objectives.

"First you are to make it to the buildings server room, and destroy it. Second, You are to capture this being. "He passed around a few photos of a horse-like being wearing a dark cloak.

"He calls Himself Dagaz, And claims to be the leader of an organization known as 'the Ponification of Earth for Humanities Rebirth,' Or PER For short. We find it paramount to remove him from the equation before he and his organization cause and more trouble. You are authorized to use lethal force on anyone, or anything attempting to prevent you from completing your mission, Understood?"

"Sir yes sir!" Responded the members of eta 10.

"Good, Now, there's a helicopter wanting for you at pad A. Good luck."

The team left the briefing room and ran to pad 5, before boarding a long-range V 22 Osprey dual rotor helicopter. And beginning the long, long journey to Hasbro headquarters, halfway across the country.

8 hours of flight and 2 refueling stops later...

Just as the sun was beginning to set again the team spotted the large grey office building. The pilot set the aircraft down on an open field a quarter mile from their intended drop zone.

"Command set too set her down far off from the intended drop site, So as not to draw to you any attention!" Shouted the pilot back at the members of the Task Force. "I'll be waiting here when you guys need to pull out!"

The Osprey landed and was approached by One of NU 7's unmarked Humvees.

"So, you're those 'See No Evil' guys the Foundation was telling us about?"

"Yes." Replied Major Jefferson.

"Hop on in."

The team made its way down the empty streets towards the building. Arriving at the base of it.

"You're on foot from here. Good luck." The Humvee pulled away. Leaving the members of ETA 10 alone on an empty street with Hasbro Headquarters directly ahead of them.

"I don't like the look of this, it's too quiet." Said Staff sergeant Edwards. The Team entered the building, and immediately found themselves facing down a group of converted employees.

"Hi, There! Name's-" The pony was cut of by a series of suppressed gunshots from the teams rifles, killing all 9 of them.
The Team began their long journey down the buildings hallways, fighting their way thorough dozens of other ponies. All with the same crazed happy expressions on their faces. All members noticed something, that every sing screen that they encountered that wasn't smashed was playing the same thing on it, an episode of my little pony.

"Poor guys, most of 'em probably didn't even have a chance to look away from their screens when this first started. "Said Private Gregory.

"Shut it Greg, you can worry about these brainwashed fluffballs later. Right now, we need focus on getting to the server room, and shutting this thing down for good."

Eventually the team came to an office block. Unlike the previous previous ones, their where no smiling pones waiting to try and ambush the team and convert them it was all silent. Jefferson motioned for them to advance further. they advanced past the first 3 sections of cubicles, but on the fourth one a Pegasus came flying out of tackled Sargent clearwater to the ground.

"Get this thing off me!" She shouted. The team was about to open fire when gunshot rang out and the pegasus fell dead on the ground.

"Command, did you dispatch any additional mobile task forces to reinforce us?" Asked Edwards over the radio.

"No, we did not."

The Team looked in the direction of where the shot had came from and saw 6 men, all dressed in black combat fatigues, and sporting an insignia the team knew all to well. A blue pentagram. The Global occult coalition, aka the GOC, aka, the
SCP foundation's trigger happy cousin.

"Ugh, hold your fire, its the GOC. What the hell are you people doing here?" Jefferson called out to the men on the far side of the room.

"Protecting humanity, you?" Was their response.

"Same. How should we proceed Command?"

"We've contacted The other teams commander at the GOC, they've given authorization For the 2 of you to join forces, for the time being. "

"Rodger that." The other team nodded in approval, confirming that they had received the order as well. And the 2 groups continued towards the server room. They continued fighting their way through swarms of ponified employees until they finally reached the server room. All the while Dagaz was watching this all unfold in horror on the security cameras, he chuckled to himself.

"Sir, Why are you laughing?" asked one of the converted guards.

"Well, because they cannot possibly stop us! Show these humans what else we have been working on."

The 2 teams entered the server room, and as soon as they di a dart flew out of the darkness and hit one of the GOC Operatives, He Began to scream as the other members of his team watched helplessly as green fur began to sprout all over his body, then hooves, until he fully converted, his expression turned to one of pure happiness as he looked back at his still human teammates, and began shouting for them to join him. Of course this was not going to happen, Unfortunately for him. The GOC is Known for having a deep hatred of the anomalous, and a notorious shoot first ask questions later mentality. One of the other GOC Agents shot him in the head, and the remaining 11 humans ducked behind cover.

"Holy ####, Command Didn't say anything about this!" Jefferson yelled out.

"Riley, Pop a flashbang, Edwards and Clearwater, get ready to make a break for the servers, And GOC People... lay Down Some covering fire. The Remaining 5 GOC members reluctantly agreed to help eta 10, seeing that it was either, them, or getting converted into pastel colored talking horses.

"3, 2, 1 Go!!!' Riley throw a Flashbang, and Edwards and clearwater, protected by their cognito hazard googles sprinted as fast as they could to the servers, Darts wizzed by them on all sides, but to their surprise, none hit them. When they reached the desk, they found it guarded by a lone unicorn, who they quickly dispatched, and began planting explosives. Clearwater spotted a flash drive, which gave Edwards an idea.

"Hey Guys, Lets grab a copy of this program before we go. The Foundation will want it. "

"Good Idea, Now finish it up over there, it looks like they've ran out of darts." 2 of the GOC members ducked out from behind cover, and shot the pony which had hit their former team member with a ponification dart. They raked its position with bullets, and it toppled over, dead. Edwards and Clearwater finished up. and ran back to were the other were hiding, they turned and left the room. Locking it's doors as they did.

"Care to do the honor's Brooks?" Said Clearwater, tossing the detonator to him.

"Don't mind if I do." He Pressed his thumb down on the detonator, and a loud boom rocked the building.

"AHHAHAH!", yelled out Dagaz, who was still watching on the cameras. "These humans just don't know when to quit!"

"Sir, What should we do? Those were the last of the ponification darts they just destroyed and that tv show of your doesn't seem to be working either." Asked one of the nearby guards.

"Barricade this level, there may still be time left to save these humans." He responded in a voice so seemingly compassionate and warm that it was borderline scary. All the while the members of see no evil, and the surviving members of the GOC team continued on towards the top floor. Until they came to its entrance. One of the GOC agents gave the door a kick, only to stumble back and land on his rear. "Guess the doors reinforced, hey Gregory, do you have any more plastic explosives?"

"No, Sir, we used the last of them on the server room."

"Damnit!" Just then one of the GOC members raised their hands.

"I've got some." He replied.

The team set the C4 up just behind the door, retreated back down the hallway. and blew the door open. They jumped out from behind cover and stormed onto the top floor, gunning down every pony they could find. They Searched around for Dagaz, but found him gone.

"Uh, Command, This is eta 10, target is gon-" Just then they spotted a dark figure dart out from behind a desk, and run for the rooftop exit.

"Everyone after him! do not let him leave!" One of the GOC members Raised his rifle an opened fire, grazing Dagaz's left foreleg, he continued running in a panic.

"What the hell was that! You could have killed him!" Yelled Brooks.

"That was our mission, destroy all traces of the memetic virus, terminate all converts, and kill their leader."

"I should have known better. You guys watch the GOC people and make sure they don't try any other crap, I'm going after Dagaz."Said Major Jefferson.

"Alone Sir?" Asked the members of eta 10.

"Yes. Contact Nu 7, tell them to have snipers trained on the roof incase anything goes south. "With that he slammed a fresh magazine into his rifle and ran off towards the rooftop entrance. When he finally arrived, he found a trail of blood droplets leading to an air conditioning vent, he could hear what sounded like, whimpering? No, It couldn't have been... the leader of one of the foundation's most recent and top groups of interest was, crying?

"Come out with your, Han- Hooves in the air and We can end this peacefully!" Yelled Jefferson.

"You poor poor human...you don't understand do you?"Dagaz dragged himself out from behind the vent.

"What do you mean?" Asked Jefferson.

"I knew it...You're just like the others, You poor waring creatures, there will be no peace until you have all been saved."Dagaz said, still quivering from the wound.

"I've heard Just about enough of your crap, come with us peacefully and I'm sure we can work something out."

"N-No. You've pushed us around for years now, You deserve to be helped, all of you."

"Listen Here Mister... Dagaz is it? you converted some people you shouldn't have, and now my friends are the only thing keeping the GOC from dragging you out of here, head on a stick. This is your last and final warning."

"I-I just wanted to help you all..."His Horn began to glow.

Major Jefferson noticed this, and raised his rifle. But to his surprise, the Pony turned, and made a mad dash for the edge of the building rooftop.

"Jefferson to Hammer Down. Non-lethal rounds! Do not let him get away!!!"

"I bid you farewell human." Dagaz jumped off the building and disappeared in a flash of light.


Jefferson ran to the building's edge, and looked off it. Only To find no sign of of the Creature which had just jumped.

"He must've teleported away, DAMN that little piece of fur covered #### to ####ing hell!" The gunman stamped the rooftop in frustration.

Just then the other members of eta 10 burst thought the doorway behind him, GOC in tow.

"Where did he go!?"They all shouted.

"Gone, teleported away." He responded.

"Command to ETA 10, send extraction, Dagaz escaped."

"Rodger ETA 10. Radio silence until return to base. "

A helicopter arrived at the room top and ferried away the members of eta 10, and The GOC members, which they released back to the GOC on the way back to base at a neutral location. On the way back the entire team was silent.

10 hours later...

The Helicopter had arrived back at base, and the members of eta 10 disembarked and immediately headed in for debriefing.

"The Site Director's sure going to chew me out for this" Thought Jefferson. "I'll be lucky to keep my job, if that."

They reentered conference room A-2 and to the whole team's surprise, instead of getting yelled at, they were greeted with a round of applause, and handshakes form the site director, and senior researchers.

"I'm confused, why are you thanking us? We let a leader from a top group of interest get away."

"That's true" Responded the site director, but you stopped the viruses effects from spreading any farther, and tats all that matters for now."

Dr. Black was listening to this whole conversation, and how they recovered one of the virus's original copies. He thought back to Corporal Alex who was lying unconscious in the infirmary 2 levels below them. "That gives me an idea." The Doctor thought to himself.

48 hours later...

Alex's eyes fluttered open, and he looked around to find himself laying in a hospital bed. Last thing he remembered was Being jabbed in the shoulder by one of his Squadmates with a tranq dart. He looked down at his body, and screamed when he saw it. Instead of the usual bipedal human that he was used to, he instead found a body of a creature he was all to familiar with. A grey furred pony.

"Wait, something's wrong, shouldn't I be brainwashed right now? Unless this is all a fantasy dreamt up by my mind, and the real me is still a mindlessly happy abomination." He tried moving one of his new forelegs, and sure enough, they felt real."

Just then to his surprise, Dr. Black walked in. "Ahh, yes, I see my cure worked. How are you feeling Corporal?"

"I Have a massive headache, but other than that... I feel normal, aside from the whole, changing species thing. How did you people fix me?"

"That's classified I'm afraid, there are some friends of yours who've been waiting a while for you to wake up."

Just then, the other 3 members of Epsilon 6 walked in.

"Hey there man! How's your new body treating you? "Asked Jackson. A bright smile appeared on Alex's face.

"Wouldn't know, I've been awake for all of 2 minutes. It's great to see you all again."

"You got yourself a horn there Alex. I've been doing some research, and by the look's of it, you can do some pretty cool things with it." Said Ramirez.

"And we brought you a get well soon present. Pizza!"

"Thanks guys." Alex grabbed a slice out of one of the boxes with his hooves, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Doctor, tell the the site director that we're going to be taking a short leave." Said Jackson.

"Will do Sir." Replied Dr. Black.

Meanwhile in the Wyoming wilderness...

Dagaz appeared at a PER camp. And immediately collapsed the ground, one of the other ponies spotted Him, and summoned a medic. As he was being carried back, one of them asked him" What Happened?"

"The humans... They won... But not for long..." As he continued staring off into the night sky. A sadistic smile appeared on his face.

The world may not know it, but whatever happens, the Foundation will always be there. Ready as ever.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

Comments ( 6 )
3-tap #1 · Oct 30th, 2021 · · 1 ·

I look forward to any future collaborations with the GOC

that the one thing that I was always sadden me is that it seems to always be assumed that ponies with all their magic cannot negate the power of guns the magic tech is not that hard. Despite what people think guns are not the super weapon we think they our.

ets similarity detected
Uh oh
Another one of this anomaly?

The Team looked in the direction of where the shot had came from and saw 6 men, all dressed in black combat fatigues, and sporting an insignia the team knew all to well. A blue pentagram. The Global occult coalition, aka the GOC, aka, the SCP foundation's trigger happy cousin.

Yea, at this point the ponies are approximately 100% bucket! XD

Well, to be fair this isn’t all guns, but a highly trained elite force with literal superweapon.

This kinda is the SCP after all…

Do you have a sequel planned? The ending definitely sounded like it…

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