• Published 21st Oct 2021
  • 1,526 Views, 1 Comments

Cuddles in Equestria IV: Rarity - RaritySimper44

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Chapter 1

Anon was helping Fluttershy around the cottage, he had a large box full of animal tools and food in it, very heavy. He grunted as he struggled to put it on top of the shelf, sweat dripped from his brow and his face was red from the struggle, Fluttershy watched nervously as he did so.

She sighed in relief, "thank you, but be careful about bending your back so far back, it’s not healthy", she said, looking up at him with big caring eyes.

"I’m fine", he said as he picked up the feed and fed the animals, a scream resounded from the kitchen.

"Oh, that’s the tea, looks like it’s break time Anon", she said trotting into the kitchen to get the tea. He nodded and sat down on the couch. He tapped his hands on his lap impatiently as he waited for her to get the tea, a few minutes later she fluttered in with a tray full of tea, cups, and crackers.

"Thanks." He said as she put the stuff in front of him and sat down next to him, her hooves in his lap.

"Oh I should be thanking you, things have been so much easier with you around to help me." She said as she nuzzled his hand, smiling happily.

"Sure any time", he said, scratching her ear and going down to her cheek. She pushed her face into his hand lovingly, ears flat on her head and a big happy smile on her face as she sipped her tea. She stopped as she noticed a hole in his shirt. "Oh my, you may need to pay Rarity a visit Anon, your clothes are falling apart."

He didn't even look down, "yeah probably for the best", he was well aware of his circumstances clothes-wise. He scratched under her chin and she melted into his hand finally releasing a purr.

"Would you like to go down after tea? She’s been curious about you after all," she said slurring the words as she melted into his lap. Rolling onto her back so he could rub her belly, which he immediately began doing.

"Okay, I’m down with that," he said as he gently stroked her belly, she kicked a back leg at this, her purring now a bit louder.

"Good," she said with a sigh as she struggled not to fall asleep.

They finished their tea and headed to ponyville, as they walked through the town ponies looked at him with both fear and wonder, whispering to each other. It made Anon uncomfortable. He decided to try his best to ignore it, it wasn’t working too well, inside. On the outside, it seemed like he couldn’t care less. They soon reached the boutique and Fluttershy gave a knock. The door opened, muttering and complaining coming from the other side. Loe and behold, rarity was on the other side, she was just as gorgeous as in the show.

"Hello darling, you don’t have to knock you know." She looked up and stared in surprise for half a second, and then smiled, "you must be Anon. Fluttershy is always talking about you, a pleasure to meet you."

"Yeah, you too Rarity, he said meekly.

"Well don’t just stand there come in, come in, you two!" She said ushering them into her home.

"Um, Rarity Anon could really-"

"Use some clothes without holes in them?"

"Yes. Fluttershy said with a smile."

Anon stared at her impressed, he forgot how good her eye for detail is, he also felt a little self-conscious. Rarity took out a roll of tape measure and started measuring his lengths, writing them in a notebook she levitated basically out of her ass.

"How long will they take rarity?"Anon asked.

"Three weeks."

"Really that's it?"

"Of course, you’re not that weird darling, I’ve made clothes for bipedal cats after all."

"Oh", he forgot about Capper.

"It's a long story", Fluttershy whispered in his ear, not comprehending how much knowledge he truly had about them all. Anon, as always, had a strong urge to pet the ponies, Rarity was no exception, in fact, she was more so than usual. She was his personal favorite of the mane six, Fluttershy could never know………… Aside from that, he was normally too shy to ask them permission to touch. He was growing bolder with each day, however.

"Hey Rarity, is it okay if I pet you?" he asked casually

She stopped her writing and looked up at him with an uncomfortable frown. She soon laughed it off, "oh yes, that's right, Fluttershy mentioned you were an….. affectionate being." Anon felt she was a bit uncomfortable at the moment, she wasn't trying to hide it much. "Yes you may, but please note this is a boutique, note a petting zoo, also, be a dear and don’t touch the mane, or my tail. Very fragile, and it takes longer than you can comprehend to get this perfect."

He nodded as he looked her over trying to figure out where to start, he guessed the back would be a good a place as any, he stroked his hand across her back. He scratched in between her shoulder blades gently with his other hand.

She made a few small noises, her eyes closed and a smile on her face. "My my, you're pretty good at this", she cooed, it feels delightful", her tense muscles slowly relaxed as he stroked her side, scratched a bit as his hand glided across her fur. It was so soft, softer than any other ponies fur, like stroking his hand across the finest silk ever. He didn't say it because he didn't want to make Fluttershy jealous, she had the tendency to get so.

He took his hand from her shoulder blades and began stroking her ear, it didn't end too well. "Stay away from my mane!" Rarity snapped at him, her eyes had shot open and she met his gaze with a glare.

He pulled his hand away fast, "I wasn't even touching it."

"You were too close for comfort, I think that's enough petting for one day, thank you. I've got to get started on your clothes. Good day."

He nodded and Fluttershy and him left.

"I have to do some shopping before going home. Can you come along and help?"

"Of course." The two of them headed to the town square where they had all the stalls. He rolled his eyes annoyed that once again he was being stared at like some weird creature. Even though to them he was one, and understood, it was no less annoying. Luckily no one said anything either, at least they had some courtesy. The two of them got their things and headed out of Ponyville to Fluttershy's cottage. Anon was carrying everything, no one forced him to, of course, he just felt like it, seeing as he was a gentleman. And there wasn't that much anyway.

"Are you sure I can't carry anything Anon?"

"I've got it, really, it's not that heavy."

She didn't object any further as they got back home, after putting things away anon sat on the couch. Fluttershy wasted no time leaping into his lap, to which he happily began petting and cuddling her.

Three weeks passed and Anon laid in the bed sleeping, Fluttershy was snuggled up to his chest, head pushed under his chin with her cheek nestled into his neck. Angel laid on his pillow above his head snuggled up next to his head as close as he could get. Fluttershy yawned as she got up and stretched, she’d been awake for a few hours, she just loved cuddling with Anon. Before she left she gently nudged Anon in the shoulder, after a few nudges he awoke looking into her eyes sleepily.

"Hey, sorry to wake you Anon, but you should get up, the weather team has a thunderstorm scheduled for later today."

He nodded, "uh-huh, five more minutes."

"Well… okay, I'll send someone to get you if you're not up in five minutes."


Five minutes came and went and he found himself getting poked in the nose by Harry. He flinched a few times before booping him back, and scratched his head and then his chin before getting up and getting dressed. He looked like a zombie as he got ready for the day, walking around half dead. He walked into the kitchen slowly, Fluttershy was making eggs for him, she turned to him and frowned, "um, maybe you should take a shower?"

He nodded with a sigh, "after breakfast."

She nodded and gave him his breakfast, "when is it going to rain today?"

"Around five this afternoon."

He nodded, once he had finished his breakfast he went upstairs and took a shower and then left after giving her a hug and was off to see Rarity. The sky was already cloudy, he reckoned it’d only get worse as time went on though. As he was walking he heard a bouncing behind him, he instantly assumed it to be Pinkie Pie having finally found him. He opened his mouth to greet her but didn’t want to startle her, instead he turned to her. A few feet below him was pinkie pie herself. She smiled up at him adorably with childlike innocence, she was cute, cuter than any other pony he’d met thus far.

"Hi! You must be anon."

He nodded, "yes I am, you must be Pinkie Pie. Did Fluttershy tell you about me too?"

"Oh yeah, she’s told all of us about you, welcome to Ponyville!"

"It's nice to meet you but I’ve got a place to be right now so we can talk later."

"I’ll go with you!"

Anon didn’t object, he liked the idea of Pinkies company.

Pinkie never stopped talking, as she bounced up and down she would reach eye level with him, her retarded questions didn’t stop until they reached Rarities boutique.

"We can hang out some other time, right now I’ve gotta get some stuff done."

"Okie dokie loki!" With that, she bounced off in the opposite direction.

Anon sighed in relief, he was glad she was gone, she was annoying. He was really hoping to cuddle hard with Rarity this time, she was uncomfortable last time but still enjoyed it. "Rarity, I'm here, where are you?" He called out as he walked into the boutique.

"In here darling!"

Anon was about to walk in but remembered his shoes, he looked down and froze, her floor was filthy now. He didn’t want to mention it but knew he’d have to. He doubted he’d have to clean it up, he was a guest after all. After removing his shoes he walked into the kitchen, "hey Rarity."

"Good morning Anon, how have you been the last three weeks?" She said as she worked the stove, she had a frying pan cooking something, he wasn’t sure what it was, whatever it was though, it smelled good.

"Good, I’ve been looking forward to this. Um, I got a bit of dirt on your floor, sorry."

"It's fine, are you hungry?"


"Good, because I made some breakfast for you too."

"Thank you", '' he said, going to the table to sit down.

"Of course, we’ll need to be a bit brief, unfortunately, there’s a thunderstorm coming around five this afternoon."

"I know, Fluttershy told me about it."

She heaved a dramatic sigh, "I don’t know why they make such dreadful storms, it’s rather inconvenient for the rest of us, don’t you think?"

"Yeah, I guess, I don't mind though, I like the rain, it's relaxing."

"Yes, I agree, but this is a thunderstorm, an ugly one at that."

"Still relaxing."

"Well, I suppose we differ there, my dear." She replied as she levitated the plates to the table and set them in front of them both. "Humans eat eggs, right?"

"Yes, it's a common meal where I come from."

She poured orange juice for them both and sat down across from him. "Thank you for waiting, you’ve got better manners than most of Ponyville."

"I try, and I figured you’d expect it."

"You thought right, but a mythical creature from a different universe gets pass."

"Is this your way of saying you're impressed?"

"In a way, yes." She said as she sipped her juice, she took a bite of her food before speaking, "so Anon, why do humans wear clothes so often?"

"A few reasons, culture, lack of fur to protect us from the weather, over time it just became the…...um…..What's the word I'm looking for…"

"The modest thing to do?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Of course."

"Is what you wear fashionable in your world?" He wore a cat shirt and star wars pajama bottoms.

"No, not at all."

"Oh thank Celestia, it's hideous! No offense."

"None taken."

"So um, what did you make me?" He asked nervously?

"Something actually fashionable", she said with a smile.

"What’d you make me?"

"Something you’ll love."

He was beginning to assume it was something overly fancy.

She frowned, "you look nervous, are you worried about your clothes?"

"A little."

"Well stop it, I promise you will love it, and if you don’t I'll fix them to your liking."

He nodded with a forced smile.

"Would you like to see them?"


She levitated the empty dishes to the sink, "right, follow me", she ordered as she got up and walked out of the kitchen. Anon soon got up and followed her, up the stairs and into her bedroom. "Ignore the mess, this is my work area."He nodded. There was a big mess in the room, but he ignored it like she ordered, she pointed to a curtain blocking her stage. "They are behind there. They were a tad more difficult than I anticipated, but nothing I couldn't handle." She grabbed the curtain in her magic with a smile. "Are you ready?"

"Lemme have it."

She quickly pulled back the curtain revealing three pairs of clothes, a fancy suit, just as he expected.

"How do you like it?"

He forced a smile, he couldn’t bring himself to say he disliked it. "It’s okay, did you make anything more casual?"

She frowned at this, "oh, well yes, I made some pajamas."


"Oh? What’s that supposed to mean?"

"I mean oh."

"Do you not like it?"

"Not really."

"Oh, well what’s wrong with it?"

"I like things more casual."

She nodded, "you mean like what you're wearing now?"

"No, this is too casual, but it's a step in the right direction."

"I see. Well, it's not the only thing I made you, so let’s go through the rest, your mind may change."


They went to the next outfit, a purple one-piece that had her cutie mark on it, "it’s made of silk, feel it."

He walked over to it and rubbed his hand over, it was soft and plush under his hand, relaxing. "I love it, he said with a smile."

"Wonderful! Go and try it on." She said giddily.


"Lovely!" She sang as she levitated the manikin behind a screen, "go behind it, and try it on darling." He nodded and did as told, he noticed she had turned her flank to him, he smiled, so polite. He struggled to get his gut into the clothes, they were a bit tight, to say the least, despite him losing ten pounds since coming to Equestria. Hopefully, he’d lose ten more soon, or else he’d rip these lovely pajamas. He walked out from behind the screen smiling at rarity’s butt still facing him.


"Hm?" She turned to him and smiled, "oh you look lovely!"

"Thanks, you're not bad yourself."

"Oh you charmer", she said with a wave of her hoof, "now there’s one more thing for you to see darling." She walked him over to the manikins and revealed the third and final one, a winter outfit, a fluffy jacket with boots and gloves just as fluffy so fluffy.

"It's great."

"I know", she said, beaming with pride. "I made it extra thick since you don’t have fur, it should keep you warm in the coming winter."

"I’ll make you a fourth outfit later, but for now you’ll need to settle for these three."

"Thanks", he said with a nod.

"Any time." She said and hugged him, he returned the hug and scratched his fingers through the fur on her back. She moaned in satisfaction, "those fingers of yours are the best thing to happen to Equestria Anon." She said leaning into the hug. Noticing she was enjoying it, he stroked his hand down her back in smooth motions, she leaned her cheek onto his shoulder as she started to pur. "Darling, are you tired, it is rather early in the morning."

"I'm always tired, Rarity." He said, then yawned, "why?"

She pulled away smiling, "I'm glad you asked Anon." She trotted off behind the screen, suddenly she leaped out and did an adorable pose, a confident and smug smile on her face.

Anon instantly realized what she was playing up to, a big retarded grin on his ugly ass face. "I love where this is going", he said excitedly.

Without a word she hopped onto the bed and patted it with a hoof, "come here and take a nap with me big boy." She said in a sultry tone.

He walked over to her and practically leaped onto the bed. He was pushed down onto his back by rarity assertively as she snuggled up to him. She rubbed her face all over his chest, loud purring erupting from her as she did so, sighing happily. He gave a tight squeeze making her squeak like a dog toy. He loosened his grip around her as one hand stroked her back. She continued rubbing her soft silky cheek on his chest, tail swishing, always with the swishing. He tucked one hand under her flank and pulled her closer to him and kissed her forehead. She blushed and tried to hide it by pushing her face into his chest. He

He smiled as he pushed a finger under her chin and forced her face from his chest causing some groaning in disapproval. He quickly kissed her cheek a few times before letting her hide her face again, this time in the nape of his neck. She wrapped her hooves around his body, the entire room was filled with purring now that she was at her full purrtential Her hair was messed up from her rubbing her face all over him, he shrugged, no point in not touching it now. He began stroking her mane, combing his fingers through it and she groaned again.

"Nooooooooo" she groaned into his neck in annoyance, he kept doing it, eventually, she gave up and accepted her mane was in shambles. Eventually, she removed her face from his neck just to nuzzle his hand. They ended up falling asleep together and losing track of time.

Author's Note:

Theres a second chapter coming.
But not really

Comments ( 1 )

these stories are so cute

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