• Published 22nd Oct 2021
  • 476 Views, 36 Comments

A Pony's Guide to Gunpla - Mystic Sunrise

A new world awaits Pearl as she discovers the joys of model kit building.

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Ch. 2

“Are you sure about this, Pearl? You still don’t know much about this hobby. Even with Miss Fluttershy’s help,” Cirrus commented, as the trio stood beside the Wondercolt statue.

Pearl nodded. “Come on, mom. It’s just one kit. How bad could it be?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Quite hard, Pearl. Hooves are no good for model building. Not like this anyway. You will need to do it in this world. And there is also the problem of price.”

Sci Twi nodded. “If you truly want a kit that looks good when built, it’s going to cost a bit. Even High Grade, which is usually a good place to start, can run-up in price depending on the kit.”

Pearl smirked. “Good thing I have the bits then. We’re not exactly poor back home.”

Cirrus nodded. “I believe we’re the second richest family in Ponyville behind the Rich family.”

Sunset rubbed her forehead. “And there’s the problem. Several of them actually. Carrying around a lot of cash in this world will raise all kinds of questions. Good luck with that.”

Sci pinched her nose. “Fortunately, you’re also the second richest family here in Canterlot, behind the Forest family, so you having that much money wouldn’t be too strange.”

“But?” Pearl prompted, seeing where this was going at least on one point.

Twilight sighed. “You being out and about will eventually get back down to your native counterpart. Either you run into her. Or unless she is into this as well, people will ask her about her new hobby that she technically isn’t even into.”

Pearl blinked. She hadn’t thought of that, as her eyes fell.

Twilight saw the look of disappointment in her student’s eyes, and it hurt to look at, as she shared a worried look with Sunset and Sci Twi. “Pearl. We are not trying to stop you from doing this. But if you really mean to go through with this, then you need to understand what will come with that,” the princess said, placing a hand on Pearl’s shoulder.

Sunset nodded. “There’s a reason why there’s very little contact between this world and Equestria.” She saw the look Sci Twi was giving her. “No matter what some might say otherwise.”

Pearl nodded. After all, she’d heard about rogue magic and the brainless idiots who thought they could control it, she could understand why things were as they are. “I mean it. So what if this turns out to be a one-time thing. Not like I’m gonna blab about any of this.”

Cirrus nodded. “You won’t change my daughter’s mind, princess. When Pearl has her mind set on something, not even you will be able to change her mind.”

Twilight nodded. She had been afraid of that. “Then the first step is to make sure you have enough bits to buy one. We can cross the other bridges when we get there.”

Pearl's smile grew as the princess led the group to the portal. But before any of them could enter, Sci Twi had something to say. “Hold on there, princess. You’re forgetting something.”

Twilight blinked as she turned back to her twin. “Um. No, I’m not. I didn’t bring anything with me. And I know Pearl or Cirrus didn’t either.” The two nodded in agreement.

Sci Twi nodded. “I know. But you’re forgetting someone.”

“She is?” Cirrus asked in confusion.

Twi nodded as she marched up till she was face to face with her counterpart. “I’m going with you. Someone needs to be there to tell Pearl how much money she needs.”

Twilight blinked in consternation. “Excuse me?”

Twi’s smile grew. “I know you still don’t know much about this world. Consider this a chance to learn more about it. And I’ve always wanted to see Equestria. Ever since the Friendship Games.”

Sunset nodded. “It’s true. I can only explain so much.”

Twilight’s eyes began twitching. Okay. So they both had her on those points. “Well. I would be lying if I said I had never planned for this eventuality with my Pinkie Pie.”

Twi’s smile would make Pinkie proud. “Great! Let’s get going then!”

Twi’s eye twitching got even worse. Darn it. Was she like this when in this kind of mood? “Okay. You can come with us. But I am setting some ground rules while you are there.”

Twi’s smile slipped somewhat. “Like what?”

Twilight smiled as she placed a hand on her counterpart’s shoulder. “Simple. While you are in Equestria, you’re my quest.” Her grip hardened. “Do not abuse that privilege. The portal is in my castle. Therefore I have the final say on what happens to it or comes through.”

Twi gulped. She didn’t like the sound of that. But she could understand the reasoning behind it.

Twilight’s smile lightened after a moment. “And if you do see a book you like, don’t be afraid to ask. I can probably loan it to you. But I will just want them back.”

Twi just barely held back a squee at the thought. Just barely. “Is there anything else I should worry about?”

Twilight could only shrug. “I’m not sure. A lot depends on what kind of pony you are. Right now? I can’t say for sure what you would be. Unicorn, Pegasus, earth pony. Or the most unlikely one? Alicorn.”

Sunset nodded, as she too placed a hand on Twi’s shoulder. “We don’t know just based on you having wings when you Pony Up means anything. It could be nothing.”

Twi digested this. It made sense. She understood enough of the three pony tribes to understand what it would mean to be one. At least to a degree. “And if I am an alicorn?”

Twilight’s smile dropped. “Then we will cross that bridge if or when we get there. One step at a time.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “This is making my brain hurt. Can we go already? This is still too weird for me.”

Twilight chuckled, ruffling the youngster’s hair. “I know the feeling, Peal. Let me go first, so I can have a safe landing ready for all of you. Give me several minutes to do so.”

Pearl crossed her arms and nodded, though they could all see how impatient she was to get going. With a smile, Twilight stepped through the portal.

For several minutes, nothing happened. Finally, though, Sunset’s Journal began to glow and vibrate. She smiled as she opened the newest page. “She says she’s ready whenever you girls are.”

Pearl gulped as she placed a hand against the surface of the portal. “I hate this part.”

Cirrus giggled. “At least we know what to expect this time, honey.” And together, mother and daughter walked through.

Twilight couldn’t move for a moment, her confidence suddenly fled, as she looked at Sunset, who only smirked.

“Don’t look at me, Twilight. You’re the one who invited herself along for this.” Her smirk softened as she took her friend’s hands. “You’ll be fine. If the princess truly didn’t want you there, she would have said so.”

That helped Twilight’s confidence a little as she smiled. “And if I somehow am an alicorn?”

Sunset could only shake her head as she helped Twilight forward. “Then you have the best pony waiting to show you how to make that work. We don’t want to keep her waiting now do we?”

Twilight rolled her eyes, but Sunset was right of course. Again. With a gulp and a last thumbs up from her friend, she stepped through the portal.

Cirrus watched the portal with a worried look. “Do you really think she will come through as well, Princess Twilight?”

Twilight nodded, as Pearl bounced impatiently beside her. “Oh, I know she will. She has wanted to come to Equestria for a long time now. This isn’t the first time she's tried this.”

“What happened the first time?” Pearl asked.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I had to make it a Royal Order that she did not follow me after the Friendship Games. My friends at Canterlot High had to help.”

Pearl gave her teacher a look. “That’s not very nice.”

Twilight nodded sadly. “I know, and I wish I hadn’t done it now. But at the time, I had too much to worry about. What with what had just happened with Starlight and helping her get settled in.”

Pearl and her mother shared a look. They had both heard about what had gone on between the two of them. Cirrus wondered what kind of parents would ever allow their daughter to be like that?

Before anypony could say more, however, the portal flashed, and a lavender blur came shooting out of it, landing with a soft oomph on the mattress spread out just for the occasion.

“I hate inter-dimensional travel. Give me detention any day of the week, just so I don’t have to do that again,” Sci Twi grumbled with a raised hoof.

Twilight giggled as she helped her counterpart to her hooves. “Welcome to the club, other me! You get used to it after a while.” Her smile became somewhat strained as she caught sight of her double in full now. “And I was afraid of this.”

Twi gave her a worried look. “Of what? Am I inside out or something?”

Twilight shook her head as she produced a mirror for Twi to look at. “Not quite. But take a look.”

Twi rolled her eyes as she looked in the mirror. All she saw was that, aside from her glasses and mane style, she and the princess were identical in appearance.

And then she looked at her sides, and her jaw dropped.

Two wings sat folded neatly against her barrel. Carefully touching one with a hoof, she was amazed at how soft and delicate the feathers were.

“So does this mean I’m an alicorn?” She asked, getting a nod from the princess.

“This is going to make things interesting going forward. How much has Sunset told you about them?” Twilight asked.

Twi shrugged. “Not much. Just that we have an earth pony’s strength and stamina, a Pegasus’s flight and weather manipulation abilities, and a unicorn’s magic. Did I miss anything?”

Twilight shook her head. “No. That covers all we know of for sure. There are several other things. But I still do not know if it’s something all alicorns have or only something Celestia and Luna do.”

Pearl rolled her eyes as she made a beeline for the door. “Well while you two nerdgasm about all of that, I’m going to go grab my allowance. There has to be enough in there for one kit at least.”

Cirrus rolled her eyes as her daughter zoomed off. “I better go with her. Before Pearl decades to do anything else rash today.”

Both Twilights watched the pair leave, Cirrus having to put on an extra burst of speed to catch her daughter. “Is she always like this?” Sci Twi asked.

Twilight groaned. “You have no idea.”

Pearl dug around her room, grabbing every loose bit she could find. She didn’t think she had ever been this bad about keeping her allowance in her piggy bank. Apparently not, as she dug out another one under her bed.

“I think that should be enough, Pearl. We are not digging into your savings for this, young filly,” Cirrus said with an annoyed sigh. “You don’t even know how much you need.”

Pearl nodded happily as she grabbed her piggy bank along with a small pile of bits. “Which is why I’m taking all of it, mom. How often do you get a chance like this?”

Cirrus rolled her eyes. “I understand that, Pearl. But you are not even sure you will even like this, Gunpla. Watching one being built is not the same thing as doing it yourself.”

Pearl nodded as she made for the door. “I know, mom. But I want to make this worth it. Even if it is just a one-time thing. You think I have enough?”

Cirrus chuckled as they made their way back to Twilight’s castle. “I would hope so. There have to be several dozen worths of bits there.”

Pearl nodded as they came to the door, and made a beeline for the Main Library, forcing her mother to keep up as best she could.

They found Princess Twilight doing her best to help Sci Twi use her magic to read a book of some kind. A magical text if Pearl had to guess. From the looks of things, it wasn’t going well.

Twilight smiled as she saw the two come in. “Did you clean out your room, Pearl?”

Pearl rolled her eyes as she dropped her loose bits on the table, before dumping her allowance on top of that. “That’s several hundred bits worth right there at least.”

Sci Twi looked at it with a raised eyebrow. “Your yearly allowance?”

Pearl smirked. “As if. This is my monthly allowance.”

Twi’s brain screeched to a halt at the thought. “Your monthly… But that has to be more than most kids make in several months. If not a year.”

Cirrus nodded as she finally entered the room. “We have the bits to spare. And these are gold for your information. If that helps at all?”

Twi tried to process that. “That depends. How much does all of this weigh?”

Twilight pulled out a set of scales. “Let’s find out shall we?” Very carefully, she set each and every bit on the scale. As the number grew, Twi’s eyes widened in shock.

After a moment, all of the bits had been weighed. “So it all comes out to about two pounds or thirty-two ounces. Is that good?” Twilight asked.

Sci Twi’s brain not only melted but fried at the sheer implications of that number, as she did some quick calculations. Her eyes began twitching uncontrollably. “Good? What is gold worth around here?!”

Twilight shrugged. “Not much. Why?”

Twi pounded her head on the table with a groan. “Thirty-two ounces is almost fifty-eight thousand dollars in my world. Pearl. Just your monthly allowance is more than some kids will ever see in their entire life's allowance! You can buy the entire stock of Gunpla in all of Canterlot City with this!”

Pearl eyed her bits with renewed interest. “Sweet. But I’m only after one. Not all of them.”

Twi’s eye twitching became even more erratic. “Then you can take your pick of any of those Target or Hobby Lobby has. None of them cost even near this much. Not even Perfect Grade.”

Cirrus was concerned about all of this. “Will this be a problem? I know the danger of carrying a lot of money around.”

Twi shook her head, relaxing slightly. “Your family is known for being super-rich. So most wouldn’t raise an eyebrow if Pearl has several hundred dollars on her. But carrying all of this will raise a ton of questions and make her a target.”

Pearl’s ears fell. She didn’t want that. She’d almost lost friends because of that. “So how much should I take? I don’t want to be a target. I got that enough to last a lifetime in Baltimare.”

Twi’s ears fell. She didn’t like the sounds of that. “Just take at least one hundred. Most kits in town are under that, so that would give you some leeway in case the prices have gone up. It will also get you what you need to build one.”

Pearl looked at the pile with a stink eye. “I have no idea of where the cut-off would be. Math has never been my strong suit.”

Sci Twi ignited her horn, following what it felt like when she used her geode, and began removing bits and setting them to the side. Once she had a small stack, she passed it over to the Pegasus. “This should be enough. Anymore, and we get back to the problem I just mentioned.”

Pearl nodded as she took the bits. “So when do we leave?”

Twi rolled her eyes. “Neither store closes until late on a Friday. If we leave now, you should be able to get everything you need with time to spare.”

Cirrus bit her lip. “I would rather not go through that thing again if it is all the same to you.”

Twi nodded, thinking for a moment. “I can take her. While I wouldn’t call us best friends, I am friends with Pearl’s human counterpart. I used to watch her when no one else could. So it wouldn’t be too strange to see us together.”

Cirrus nodded. “But I do not know you well enough. You may look like Princess Twilight, but you are not. Forgive me if that doesn’t fill me with confidence.”

Twi wilted under the look she was getting. She was right of course.

Twilight smiled as she placed a wing around her twin’s shoulder. “Well then. It’s a good thing that I’m going as well. I already talked with Sunset. We can have Pearl stay overnight. Make it a sleepover.”

Twi brightened at the idea. “Mom and dad wouldn’t have a problem with it. I would just have to warn them about it.”

Pearl turned to her mother with a hopeful look. “Please, mom? It’s just one night.” She pushed out her bottom lip in a pout that she knew always worked.

Cirrus, to her credit, tried to fight it. But years upon years of being subjected to it had made her all too weak to it, and she finally sighed in defeat. “One night only. If, and only if, nothing happens, can we talk about any longer than that.”

Pearl squeed before hugging the older mare. “You’re the best mom ever!”

Cirrus chuckled as she returned the hug. “Yes, dear. Now hurry along. You don’t want to take too long here.

Twilight smiled as she leaned into her counterpart. “You sure everything will be okay?”

Twi nodded. “Yeah, there’s one hiccup though. But if I see him I’ll try and avoid anything that might cause disaster.”

“Anyone, I know?”

Twi shook her head. “No, he’s Canterlot’s resident trouble maker. And our Pearl’s best friend. But he’s not much into Gunpla as she is. So it’s unlikely we’ll see him. I just have to be extra watchful. Because the pair are rarely apart.”

Twilight wondered who it could be, but Pearl was already rushing through the portal, so it would have to wait for now. With a sigh, the pair was quick to follow the filly, leaving a very conflicted mother behind.

Sci-Twi chuckled as she watched Pearl run off to explore all the models.

“Hey Kohaku, go fetch me one of the new God Hands.” A familiar voice rang out.

Twilight peaked around the corner and felt her blood freeze. Standing there in a red sweater next to an all to familiar trouble maker, was Pearl. “Oh, sweet cheese and crackers.”

“I thought you had the new ones,” Kohaku grumbled as he kicked at the floor.

“No those are the 4.0, I want the new 5.0. Now make yourself useful and go get them.” Pearl chuckled and gave Kohaku a swift kick to the rump. “Hurry up and I’ll take you to the amusement park later.”

“Sweet!” Kohaku ran off.

Pearl hummed and tightened the sleeves on her blue sweater around her waist as she looked at all the High-Grade models. She never thought choosing one would be so difficult. Reaching out, Pearl felt a tug on her sleeve. Blinking, she looked down at a boy wearing a loose set of jeans, high top sneakers. A tank top and a baseball cap. But what gave her pause was that it looked as if he had fox ears and three tails.

“Here ya go. Just what you asked for,” Kohaku held out the new 5.0 god hand nippers.

“Uhh.. no thanks, I already have a set of those,” Pearl said as she quirked an eyebrow, pulling an identical package out of her basket. “See.”

“Sheesh if you already had them why send me to get them.” Kohaku huffed and tossed the nipples back onto the shelf behind him and stoped away.

“Weird. What was up with that kid?” Shrugging Pearl went back to looking at the models.

Sci-Twi blinked as she stood there. She watched as both Pearls moved back and forth, totally unaware of each other’s presence.

“Kohaku, I knew you were messing around. Where are those nippers I asked you to grab me?” Pearl put her hands on her hips.

“You just told me you had them in your basket already.”

“No, I said go get me some. Now do it.” Pearl pushed him back towards the hobby tools.

Sci-Twi watched as Kohaku grumbled annoyingly as he grabbed a new pair and walked up to the Pearl she was watching over.

“Here.” Kohaku snapped as he tossed the nipper package up causing Pearl to catch it. “Now can we go already?”

Pearl huffed as she looked at the kid again who stood there, arms crossed and tapping his foot. “Look, I told you have one of these. Plus why are you annoying me? Don’t you have anything better to do. So go away.” Pearl tossed the nippers back at the boy and pushed him aside making a beeline for Twilight.

Kohaku made a slight groan as he slipped and caught his wrist on the floor. Causing him to yelp out.

“Kohaku are you okay?” Pearl dashed from the checkout to her friend. Seeing him clutching his wrist she looked around and saw a girl storming away. “Hey you, get back here!” Without waiting for Kohaku’s words, Pearl ran toward her friend's assailant.

Sci-Twi wished with all her heart she could use Equestrian magic at that moment. Reaching out she tried to pull Pearl aside but was a split second too late as the other Pearl whipped her around hard.

“I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but nobody does that to my….” Pearl blinked as she looked at what could only be a perfect reflection of herself.

Twi stood there watching the two Pearls looking at each other. And it was going so well. Oh great, what am I going to do now?

“No need to worry Pearl my wrist is…” Kohaku stood there next to Twi, who had her face buried in her hands. Looking between the pair he shrugged and tapped his Pearl on the shoulder without a response.

Both Pearls just gazed at each other in amazement. After a moment the Pearl in red turned to look at Kohaku while the one in blue looked at Twi. “This girl has my face!” they said in unison.

Kohaku looked up at Twi who looked down at him.


“Twi.” Kohaku looked about to see the crowd starting to gather. “Shall we move this along? We’re starting to draw a crowd and I think that’s the last thing we want right now.”

“I agree. Let's check out and leave.”

“No, just grab your things and go. I’ll pay for everything. Take my Pearl with you. And use these.” With a flip of his wrist, two reusable forest green cloth bags appeared in his hands so fast that Twi almost felt herself get whiplash. Kohaku sighed as he left his dumbfounded friend and walked up to the registers.

Twi just scratched her head, That boy is a complete mystery. If I didn’t know better I’d almost think he used magic just now. “Let's go girls.” Was about all she could muster.

Both Pearls gave a quick nod as they were finally starting to come back to reality. Placing everything in the bags they left the store while Kohaku was at the counter.

“I feel kinda bad having that boy pay for everything. This is several hundred dollars worth of stuff I got.” Pearl walked along beside her double-checking her bag. “Not to mention all the stuff you got. Which has to be more.”

“Please don’t be too concerned,” Pearl smirked as she shook her head. “Kohaku has a larger allowance than I do. After all, his family is the richest in all of Canterlot. What he just paid for isn’t even half of what he gets. I almost feel jealous of him at times.” Pearl looked behind her and saw that Kohaku had finally caught up and was talking with Twi. She tried to listen in but they were far enough behind and talking so low, her ears couldn’t catch it.

“Thanks for helping us out there. Any longer and it might have caused a scene I don’t want to deal with.” Twi sighed. “I certainly fudged this up.”

“Eh, don’t sweat it Twi.” Kohaku walked steadily with his hands behind his back. His eyes drifted towards the birds in the sky. “So what’s with the Equestrian girl there?”

Twi nearly choked on air at the question. By the time she finally caught her breath she looked into his sparkling amber eyes. “Wha.. what do you mean?”

“I mean Miss Pony girl. I know Pearl doesn’t have a twin sister. Or an Identical cousin who works with horses.” Kohaku quirked an eyebrow at Twi. “Is she like Sunset? Or that double of yours who sometimes appears around you and your friends?”

Twi’s hands shook nervously. She could never understand how he knew what was going on at any given time. It always baffled her mind. “I don’t know what you're talking about,” she muttered to herself.

Kohaku leaned in and sniffed a bit before quirking an eyebrow. “Alright if that's how you want to play it. Not that I care.” With a sigh, he looked at the sun in the sky. “Well, my plans for the amusement park just got shot to Tartarus.” Skipping a head he taped his Pearl on the shoulder.

“I’m heading home.”

“Okay, Kohaku. Try not to get into trouble along the way.” Pearl leaned in and hugged her friend, kissing his forehead.

“When was the last time I did that?”

“Yesterday afternoon,” Pearl smirked and just shook her head.

“Someone has to keep those lazy guards on their toes.”

“I’d rather it be your sister, who’s in charge of them.” Pearl just sighed. “This one time for me okay? My day’s already stressful enough as is.”

“Fine.” Was his response as he dashed off.

Equestrian Pearl watched him go with an amused eye roll. Something about him just had that effect on her.

Human Pearl smirked. “So. Alternate universe?”

“Alternate universe,” Pony Pearl nodded. “Or maybe I’m from the right universe, and you're the alternate.”

Twi sighed, pinching her nose. Time for damage control. If that was even still possible. “Pearl. I don’t think I need to say it. But this cannot get out. Not now. And maybe not ever.”

Human Pearl gave her a look. “Why not? Aren’t you always telling me about how cool it would be to go to other worlds? What we could learn from them? What happened to that, Miss Twilight?”

Twi smiled a little. There was the fire and spunk in the girl that she loved. “I did say that, and I still believe it. But I’ve seen what can and will go wrong if our world meets the other world. Our world is not ready for that. Maybe one day that will change.”

Pony Pearl nodded. “Trust me. I don’t know if my world is ready for this world now that I’ve seen it. Even when there’s so much here we could benefit from.”

Human Pearl didn’t seem convinced, but in her heart, she knew that even if she did tell anyone, who was going to believe her anyway? “Fine. Not like anyone would believe me anyway. I know Kohaku can keep his big mouth shut.”

Twilight chuckled. “I’m sure you can help him with that, Pearl. You’re pretty good at it. I’m just sorry we had to run into each other like this.”

Human Pearl shrugged. “Eh. It was a boring day anyway.” She gave her counterpart a knowing look. “And trust me. I know how hard it is to pick your first Gunpla. Guess your world doesn’t have them?”

Pony Pearl shook her head. “No. Which is why I took so long to pick one. Even if this is going to be a one-time thing, I want to make it worth it. I figured to start with, what was it called? High Grade?”

Her counterpart nodded. “Usually is a good place to start. And I saw which one it was. Good choice. Though I say once you build it, you’ll be back for more,” she smirked.

“Doubt it. One time thing for me, and that’s it. This whole world is way too weird for me. Spend the night here, go home in the morning, and that’s that for me,” Pony Pearl smirked back.

Human Pearl giggled as she turned and began to walk away. “You say that now. But you’ll be back. I just know it.”

Pony Pearl just rolled her eyes as she and Twilight, too, began to leave. “Is she always like that?” She asked the teen.

Twilight giggled. “Oh yes. You get used to it after a while.”

Pearl found that hard to believe. Was she that bad.. ? Na.

Later that night, Both Twilight Sparkles, Sunset Shimmer, and Pearl, sat together in Sci Twi’s bedroom. The other Rainbooms hadn’t been able to make it for one reason or another.

Pearl tugged at her pajamas with an odd look. “I mean. It was nice of other me to lend me these. But this is still so weird.”

Princess Twilight and Sunset both giggled. “Tell me about it. I still remember my first night here. I was a disaster,” Sunset giggled.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “The less said about my first night in this world, the better.” Her smile grew. “Now, Pearl. Why don’t you pop open that bag? I’m curious to see which one you got.”

Pearl’s smile would have made Pinkie Pie proud as she reached inside and pulled out the kit. “I don’t know why, but this one just spoke to me for some reason.”

The others leaned in to look. Only Sci Twi had an idea of which mobile suit it depicted, one that was silhouetted against the moon with what looked like panels of some kind on its back.

At the bottom was the unit’s name. The AMS-123X-X Moon Gundam, and under that was another line of text. Neo Zeon Prototype Mobile Suit.

Twilight looked at it with a critical eye. “Dare I ask who or what Neo Zeon even is?”

Twi shook her head. “It’s complicated. The best way I can put it. You’d need to watch the original Mobile Suit Gundam, Zeta Gundam, ZZ Gundam, Char’s Counterattack, and a bunch of manga to really get the full story. And I don’t have all of those.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. Just her luck it seemed. “So do you want to build it tonight, Pearl?”

The young girl looked around the room hopefully. “Can I?”

The others nodded. “I don’t see why not,” Twi said, floating a table for Pearl to work on. “You’ve seen how Fluttershy does it. Just follow what she did, and you’ll be fine. And I can catch any pieces that might go flying,” she said with a smile.

Pearl just barely held back a squee.

Author's Note:

Now we come to the fun part. And the meaning behind the cover art should now be clear. It will change each time Pearl gets a new Grade of Gunpla. I'm still working out her first Real Grade and Master Grade. And yes, Sci Twi is an alicorn here. Spring Breakdown did not happen in this universe. Only everything up to Forgotten Friendship is Equestria Girls canon. Plus Holidays Unwrapped.