• Published 22nd Oct 2021
  • 476 Views, 36 Comments

A Pony's Guide to Gunpla - Mystic Sunrise

A new world awaits Pearl as she discovers the joys of model kit building.

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Ch. 4

“Are you sure you won’t come with us, Sunset? Even just for the weekend?” Princess Twilight asked as the group stood once outside the Wondercolt statue.

Sunset nodded. “I am sure. I already promised to help Fluttershy at the animal shelter today and tomorrow. And she does not like it if I change my mind so quickly.”

Twilight nodded. That was true in both worlds it seemed.

Pearl rolled her eyes. She was more than happy to get back to Equestria. As much fun as all of this had been, this was still too weird for her. And she still needed to pick a spot for her model. The ride over from Sci Twi’s home had been nerve-wracking for the young girl. Every bump and dip made her feel as if her kit would fall apart in its carrying case. But it had held.

How well it would survive a trip between dimensions was another story, however, and she was still worried, and she would not stop until she was safely home.

Twi smiled at her. “And Pearl? Our native you came by earlier. She gave you a few things that she thought you might like.”

Pearl blinked. “Like what?”

Twi only smiled wider. “Well as River Song would say. Spoilers. You will see what I mean when you get to them.”

Pearl was not sure about that but decided to wait for now. “So, who’s River Song?”

Sunset pinched her nose in exasperation. “Trust me, Pearl. You do not want to know. If you think Gundam is a long-running thing, it has got nothing on the franchise she comes from.”

Pearl and Twilight shared a confused look. What the hay was that supposed to mean? “One thing at a time,” Twilight chuckled. “This is more than enough for now.”

Pearl nodded. “And one day, you are going to have to explain how you and the local me got together. I honestly do not see it myself. But what do I know?”

Twi huffed but said nothing. Sometimes, she was surprised herself. But she wouldn’t change it for the world. Pearl made her feel a way that no one else ever had. Love was worth it. How she was going to explain all of this to the rest of her friends was another story, however. But that could wait for the moment.

A moment later, the base of the statue shimmered, signaling the portal was open. Twilight smiled. “Let me go first, Pearl. Especially now since you are bringing something with you.”

Pearl nodded. It made sense if her last trip back to Equestria was any indication. Better safe than sorry. “Please let it be easier this time,” she grumbled.

Twilight giggled as she walked through the portal. Pearl waited a few moments, even though her impatience was rising by the second.

Sunset saw this and placed a hand on the youngster’s shoulder. “Pearl. I am going to give you a piece of advice that I wish I had known when I came to this world.”

Pearl shot her a look. “Yeah? What?”

Sunset smiled. “If you do not calm down, you’re going to come flying out the other end of the portal. Take it from me. I still have the bruises to prove it.”

Pearl’s mouth twitched up into a smile, and even Twi couldn’t keep a straight face. “Ponies keep saying my hot blood is gonna get me in trouble one of these days,” she grumbled.

Twi giggle-snorted. That was true in both worlds it seemed.

Gulping, Pearl gingerly stepped up to the portal. Hesitating only for a moment, she quickly stepped through and hoped everything came out the other side in one piece.

Twilight tried not to pace as she awaited her student to return. It was starting to drive Spike nuts as he sighed. “Come on, Twilight. Nothing will happen to Pearl. Look at you.”

Twilight nodded. “I know, Spike. But I can’t help it. This is the first time anypony’s brought something like this from the Human World to Equestria. Anything could happen now,”

Spike pinched his nose. “Doubt anything will happen. It hasn’t so far. Why would it start now? It's a model kit. They can't do much to hurt anyone. Unless it's huge and you drop it on yourself. Trust me. Been there. Done that. Ouch."

Before Twilight could respond, the portal shimmered as Pearl finally came through, walking on her back legs. Her front hooves were full of a box that Spike could only guess at.

Pearl stood there for a second, before she began to wobble, before falling forward. Her eyes widened in mounting horror as she lost grip on all of her things. Luckily, a lavender aura enveloped the box as she fell back onto four hooves.

Twilight smiled as she walked up. “You will eventually get used to that, my Faithful Student. Welcome back to Equestria.”

Pearl shook her head to clear away the ringing in her ears and her eyes from spinning. “Good to be back. Never again. Unless you can ever make that trip better.”

Twilight chuckled. “I am working on doing just that. But it will take time. For now, let us get you home. I am sure your mother is worried sick about you.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “If it’s all the same, princess. I think I am ready to sleep till Monday. Maybe Tuesday. At the earliest.”

Twilight giggled as the trio left the Side Library. “I know that feeling all too well, Pearl. But for now, I am sure Cirrus is missing you.”

Cirrus listened with an indulgent smile as her daughter went on and on about everything she and the princess had done in the other world. Her meeting her counterpart made her head hurt, but nothing bad had come of it, so she saw nothing to add. She eyed the model that floated in Twilight’s magic. None of it made any sense to her. But she could see the intricate details and work that had gone into it. “What happens now, then?”

Twilight only smiled. “I will need to put magic on all of this so that it will not fall through your house. It will need to be renewed periodically, but it will last forever if I do.”

Cirrus nodded. Magic was not her thing, but she knew to trust Princess Twilight when it came to this kind of thing. “Is that all there is, though? I believe you said something about more.”

Pearl blinked, as she dug around in the box. Oh yeah, and as she felt something that felt like a stack of magazines, her curiosity was piqued as she pulled them out. She recognized some of the mobile suits on the cover of each. One was the RX-93 ν Gundam, while another was the MSN-04 Sazabi. Another looked like a scene from the One Year War. Possibly the attack on Solomon, or during Operation Star One, the final battle of the war over A Baoa Qu.

While she recognized the mobile suits in question, none of the magazines rang a bell for Pearl. One was named Gundam Ace, one Hobby Japan and the other was Dengeki Hobby Magazine.

Twilight looked at them with a critical eye. While she was all for reading new things, she could see something that would be a sticking point moving forward. “Is that it?”

Pearl nodded, feeling around the box once more just to be safe. “Yeah. Why? Should I not be reading these? They do look cool. Whatever they are."

Twilight shook her head. “That is not what I mean Pearl. I do not know if you can read them. None of these are in English, which is the language my friends at Canterlot High use.”

Pearl and her mother shared a confused look. “Then what language is it?” Cirrus asked.

Twilight sighed. “It is Japanese. Something that is not taught at Canterlot High. As far as I know, none of the girls know the language either. Other me said something about maybe going to Japan as an exchange student. But that would not help us here.”

Pearl’s ears fell. Darn it. “So, what am I supposed to do then? These look so cool, and I really do not want to send them back.”

Twilight nodded. “I know, Pearl. And I would hate for you to have to do that. Your counterpart gave them to you for a reason. Right now, however? My best advice is to just enjoy what you can. Who knows? There might be something in them that you like.”

Pearl snorted, but what else could she do? “Fine. If it is all the same to everypony, I’m just going to go lay down for a few days. Stupid different universes. Why can’t they both have the same time?”

Twilight giggled as she wrapped a wing around her student. “I know that feeling all too well, Pearl. Let me put the magic on all of this, and I will get out of your mane.”

Pearl nodded, yawning as she did so as she led the princess to her room.

Twilight nodded happily as she let go of her magic. The Moon Gundam and the various magazines did not move at all. A weight came off of her shoulders as she did.

Pearl nodded weakly as she yawned, earning a giggle from the alicorn. “Okay. So, I was worried about nothing then. I really need to work on that."

Twilight only shook her head with a smile as she tucked the Pegasus in. “Give me some credit, my Faithful Student. I know magic like the back of my hoof.”

Pearl just smirked. “Doesn’t mean you don’t screw it up anyway,” she giggled, fighting a losing battle to keep her eyes open.

Twilight just smiled as she sat down on the youngster’s bed. “So, Pearl. Was it worth it? I know how frustrated you were at some points. But I am proud of you for seeing it through."

Pearl thought about it for a moment, before she smiled and closed her eyes. “Yeah. It was worth it. Frustrations and headaches included. Just hope the universe survives me meeting my counterpart."

Twilight’s smile softened as she heard Pearl’s breathing slow. She kissed the Pegasus’ forehead softly. “Good night, Pearl. I will see you on Monday.”

“Good night, princess,” Pearl mumbled quietly, and soon, soft snores could be heard from her, earning a quiet chuckle from Twilight. Turning off the lights. Twilight quietly shut the door behind her.

Author's Note:

Just a slow chapter now. Now I need to decide what kit Pearl will get next. And now she will learn when the new Gunpla comes out. Something that Sci Twi will help her with in the future.