• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 1,135 Views, 399 Comments

Minecraft: A New Adventure - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie Pie and Octavia end up being sent to a brand new world, one made of blocks and having different rules to live by, where they join forces with Steve and Alex to see what the world has to offer.

  • ...

The Lost Dimension

With all of the preparations done, or at least those that Pinkie could think of since there was so much to do in this world, the group gathered around the portal she had created, or at least the enchanted bed that happened to be connected to one of the other dimensions that was connected to this one.

"I can't believe that we're actually doing this... another dimension, one we've never explored before." Alex said, as she and Steve had explored the Overworld, the Nether, and the End before coming to this world, so they had some idea of what to expect when heading to those locations, but the Lost Dimension was one none of them had been to before, "Should we go in with our best gear, or should we get some leather or iron armor, just in case something happens to us? You know, so we don't lose all of the armor that you crafted for us."

"Well, I'm going in with my gear." Pinkie replied, though that caused her to pause as she glanced at the others, because if one or more of them wanted something else she could make it quickly, so they didn't damage their best gear when they faced whatever dangers were in the other dimension.

In the end Steve and Octavia agreed with Alex, they were either going in with lesser armor and gear or none at all, since this was more like a test to be sure the portal brought them to the Lost Dimension, where Pinkie quickly crafted a few items for them, even though she found that Octavia went with nothing. Once all four of them were ready to go, and three of them had their gear stored away for when they returned from the dimension they were about to explore, Pinkie stepped up and laid her hand on the bed, allowing the magic to wrap around her before warping her to a brand new world. For a moment the world around her disappeared, confirming that she was heading to some new location, before finding that it dropped her in the middle of a forest, like the one she and Octavia had appeared in when they first arrived in this world, but she could tell that this world was different from the one she had left. Such a thing was followed by her noticing something in the distance, a large structure that seemed square shaped from where she was standing, and waited for a few seconds, to be sure that her friends teleported to the same location, before walking towards the edge of the forest, to see what sort of dimension the portal had brought them to.

What they discovered, upon leaving the forest, was a massive city that reminded Pinkie and Octavia of Canterlot and some of the more advanced cities they had been to over the years, where some of them looked damaged, though this told them why this place was known as the Lost 'Cities'.

"It doesn't look like anyone's been here for a long time." Steve commented, as the streets looked empty, though they found all sorts of bridges connecting the landmasses together, even though there were some trees on the outskirts of the city, near a river based on what he was seeing, and the others glanced at the ruined city as well, "We might be the first people to visit this place since the day it was abandoned."

"I wouldn't be too sure of that... there is something in this city." Octavia said, where she raised her hand and pointed at the edge of the street that was in front of them, revealing a massive black figure with two scythe claws that seemed to be just a blob, in terms of shape, with a vertical mouth full of sharp teeth, causing her to shudder for a moment, "Though if I'm being honest, after seeing that thing, I think we're in danger... there has to be some sort of species in this world that decimated all of the people that built these structures... a parasitic species..."

The others quickly figured out why she stopped talking, as there happened to be a figure that looked a lot like a Villager, a few steps away from where the bulky figure was currently located, that had small red tendrils coming out of it's wrists and had a dark look in it's eyes, if it had any to begin with. Not only were those two creatures wandering around she spotted a small spider-like creature that was pure black and seemed to be skittering around the area, with tendrils that seemed to be seeking targets to hurt or corrupt, if she was right about them being parasites. She held a hand out to stop the others from doing anything, like giving away their position to the monsters, before raising her lens and scanned them to see if it would give her any information to use against their potential enemies, even though it quickly confirmed that they were, in fact, parasites. The downside to that was the fact that her lens got multiple warnings as she scanned the creatures, telling her that they had to be far dangerous than she or the others assumed, and she made sure to inform her friends of what she had discovered, that they might want to use their warp scrolls and return to the Overworld, before the parasites took them down and corrupted them.

In the following instant they found that a group of small parasites, five of them to be exact, spotted the group and rushed up to where they were currently standing, rapidly ascending the side of the hill that was between them and leapt into the air as Octavia and the others noticed them. Pinkie, reacting as soon as their enemies got close, cut down the first two as Steve and Alex quickly took down two more, each of them hoping that this was over quickly so they didn't alert the rest of the parasites to what was going on, while Octavia focused on the last one. She found that she ended up missing the small creature, as if it learned from what happened to the others, before it headbutted her in the chest and knocked her to the ground with ease. As she regained herself, however, it landed on top of her and stabbed her with it's tendrils, allowing it to invade her body and merge with it, just like a parasite would, leaving little puncture marks on her skin to show the others where it had hit her, before she huffed as she felt something inside her change.

Octavia's body shook for a few seconds as the parasite quickly seized control from her, swarming her mind with whatever madness they infected people and animals with when they invaded their bodies, leaving her as a specter in her own body as she watched the next stage unfold before her eyes. For a moment her chest pushed out before it was covered by some sort of black chitin, which moved down the sides of her body, her arms, and her legs, giving her another layer of protection that should, in theory, help her withstand whatever happened next. In the next instant her fingers cracked and shifted into sharp claws that looked ready to rend the life out of her enemies, while her arms cracked and spikes grew out of the sides, giving her natural defenses to protect herself from those she happened to be hunting. After that six black tendrils grew out of her back, identical to the ones that the other parasites possessed, and they had stingers at the end, likely to spread the infection to others, before her legs and hooves cracked, breaking as they became more suited for battle and even came with what she had to assume were muscles to boost her jumping power.

With the transformation complete the parasite she had become let out a terrifying roar, showing the others that she was no longer in control of her body, but before it could do anything Pinkie spun around and lashed out with her scythe, slashing Octavia to pieces in a matter of seconds, leaving nothing of their friend behind, save for the few items she had on her a few moments ago.

"Okay... that's not good." Steve remarked, as he wasn't expecting to find parasites in this dimension, especially ones that were able to quickly take people down and corrupt them into monsters to kill anything and everything in their path, but before he and the others could mourn Octavia's passing they heard a moan, finding that she had reappeared near where the portal had dropped them.

"I guess we have lives? Not that it matters, since that scared me beyond belief." Octavia said, where they could tell that she seemed haunted by what had happened to her, which made sense due to the fact that her body had been hijacked by one of the parasites, twisted into something that hated all living creatures, before she shook herself and collected her items, as in her tome, the lens, and her warp scroll, "I'm getting out of here, before that happens again."

Pinkie stood there for a moment as Steve and Alex followed Octavia's lead, using their warp scrolls to get out of this foul dimension, though as they teleported out of the dimension, leaving Pinkie behind until she decided to leave, but that was when she glared at the parasites that were gathering near her position, where they found that her eyes were full of rage and her hair lost the fluffiness it had, becoming perfectly straight.

"You traumatized Octavia... You. Made me. HURT HER! I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY!" Pinkie screamed, showing each and every parasite in the city, or at least the area she was in right now, that she was extremely pissed right now and that, while it was her fault that such a thing happened to Octavia for pushing them to come here, she was blaming the parasites for what she needed to clean up when she got back to the Overworld.

The parasites observed as Pinkie rushed by the group of Rupters that launched themselves at her, slashing them to bits in a matter of seconds, without even slowing down to make sure she had hit them, even though the Rupter that was simply watching them found that she was able to hit them with ease. Sure enough the infected Villagers and Humans rushed at her as soon as the fighting started, just like all of the other parasites that were in this dimension, meaning it didn't matter how many of them she killed, as more would rise to take their place. Pinkie, on the other hand, didn't seem to care as she slashed at a group of assimilated Humans and Villagers, cutting her way through them with ease as the watcher parasite found that it, too, was slashed in half, sending a message to the others that they had to be careful, because she was on a rampage and everything was a target to her. Another thing that all of the parasites discovered was that her weapon had a flame enchantment on it, one of their known weaknesses they were working to overcome, to make them even stronger for the future, though as they were cut down another interesting thing happened, small black saplings that would allow them to call forth more parasites and, in due time, infect the world.

As that happened Pinkie found some corrupted Endermen, no doubt assimilated due to the parasites, and slashed them to bits before they could do anything, though she did feel something else besides her anger for these foul things, as if one of the Admins were trying to contact her or something.

Pinkie... I can sense your anger, and I agree with you: these creatures must suffer. a voice said, where Pinkie slashed her way through some parasites that were coming at her before jumping on top of a fountain, which was five or six blocks high, allowing her to see some other types, like a dog type, infected cows and pigs, and even a strong one off to the east of her location, a large one that had two powerful arms with a strange mouth chest, I can help you punish these monsters and the Admin that brought them into this world... what do you say?

"I'm mowing them down with my scythe, even if it's already overpowered... but, if I'm going to wipe them all out, I might need more than this, so go ahead." Pinkie replied, where she stood up and glanced at the surrounding area, finding that a number of Beckons were resting behind her, the name came to her despite the fact that she had never heard it before, so her new ally had to be helping her already.

Third building to the west, blue colored to be exact, the voice stated, something that caused Pinkie to glance in the direction in question before moving, slashing at the parasites that dared to jump at her, mostly the Rupters since the rest seemed to be stuck on the ground right now, but she did find some flying parasites that seemed to be watching her with some interest, You're looking for a chest on the first floor... in it you'll find a special ring, the next step you need to take to bring down both the parasites and the Admin controlling them.

Pinkie found that several of the buildings were large, likely twenty blocks long by her reckoning, before she found the blue one in question, causing her to head inside and close the door behind her, with obsidian, though with that done she took a few seconds to search the first floor, finding a lone chest on a pedestal that had a black ring inside it, which happened to be a black dragon wrapped around to bite it's own tail, who had purple wings and eyes.

"No way... the Ring of the Dragons." Pinkie said, as this was the very ring she had learned about some time ago, which she knew would bestow the wearer great power, though she had to wonder what would happen if she added it to the bauble she was currently wearing, as in just how much power would it give her, which caused her to collect it and slip it over her right pointer finger for a moment.

Indeed, though while it's power is great and terrifying, hence why they hid it here, there is a level beyond this that can be obtained. the voice said, where Pinkie staggered for a moment as her height seemed to increase, not by too much, and a pair of leathery dragon wings emerged from her back, possessing the same color that her body had, before she found that her armor took no damage in the process, For now, return to the Overworld and check on your friend... I will check what needs to be obtained before informing you of what needs to be done next.

Pinkie nodded as she glanced through a small hole in the ceiling, staring at the sky for a moment, before using her scroll to return to the Overworld, as it was time to check on Octavia before worrying about what else needed to be done to take down this foul dimension and the monsters that called it home.

While all that was happening the three brothers continued to watch over Pinkie, Octavia, and their friends, observing their chosen players this time around as each one considered their next moves, since it all depended on which dimension the four decided to head to, and this time it was the glowing eyed brother's turn, even if he watched over the Overworld and the Lost Dimension.

"Brother... how strong did you make those parasites of yours?" the ghostly brother asked, as while he and their shadowy brother were expecting the creatures to be hard to take down, given how everything was structured right now, neither of them had even considered what they had seen, that Octavia would be taken down in seconds and twisted into a monster before the others could react.

"Strong enough to overrun the Overworld, kill dragons, and be an end to all things, hence why they're in another world, so we can have some fun," their brother replied, though at the same time an image appeared next to him as he kept a copy of Octavia's assimilated side, to relish the pleasure he took in having one of his creations tear down one of the players, for a time anyway, causing him to chuckle for a moment, "It's a shame Pinkie killed the assimilated Octavia so quickly, because I was looking forward to seeing what sort of damage she could have caused... those claws look like they could infect her foes with the virus, her tendrils were likely injectors that would do the same thing, and that lower body looks like she'd be able to move at intense speeds. While I should be annoyed that She's back, given Octavia's revival from certain death, this time I'll turn a blind eye to it, as this will make the game far more interesting for us... and, given the strange powers these newcomers possess, there's a chance this turn of events will mess with Octavia and corrupt her. This form was her being assimilated by the parasites... just imagine if she willingly embraced their dark power."

"She would be incredibly powerful, but a danger to everything." the shadowy brother commented, where he observed the scene in front of them, Pinkie rampaging against the might of the parasites, and willing no less, before noticing something odd about her, and he wasn't referring to the strange nature of her hair, which followed her moods, "Though I think we might have a problem: She's helping Pinkie."

His brothers found that he was telling the truth, as there was no way Pinkie could have known where to find the Ring of the Dragons, a powerful ring that Pinkie couldn't help but put on as soon as she found it, but they all knew that she had to be getting help from their sister, who would know where to find the item.

"You're right, this is troublesome." the glowing eyed brother stated, which didn't happen very often, as his brothers had a habit of being wrong about whatever they happened to be talking about during their observations of their chosen players, but whenever their sister was involved he found that he was wrong more often than he liked, before he thought of what his other creature was heading towards, "She might be seeking to make an Avatar, to break free of her prison so she can fight us on her terms... why else would Raijin suddenly reappear like this, while Pinkie's found the ring with her guidance... we have to destroy the dragon soon, before this spirals out of our control."

The brothers glanced at the image as it shifted to the massive golem as it smashed through one of the walls Pinkie set up to stop it, or low it down, though they knew that they were running out of time, as the longer the dragon slept the more power their sister would obtain, until she had enough power to do whatever it was she was planning, they just had to be patient and things would go their way in no time at all.