• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 1,135 Views, 399 Comments

Minecraft: A New Adventure - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie Pie and Octavia end up being sent to a brand new world, one made of blocks and having different rules to live by, where they join forces with Steve and Alex to see what the world has to offer.

  • ...

Careful Planning

After completing her research in the Test Dimension, and potentially discovering what the Crimson Cultists were up to, Octavia gathered the three tomes, stashing them away in her pack for a time, before heading back to the main dimension to meet up with her friends.

"You were in there for some time. Did you discover anything?" Steve asked, because at this point he and Alex were used to what Pinkie and Octavia were capable of, the former being the ultimate smith and warrior while the latter seemed to be the greatest magic user around, in fact they expected them to do something odd every now and then.

"I've confirmed that the cultists are definitely insane, since they've been trying to open portals to the realms of the Admins and beings beyond them," Octavia answered, which she was still coming to terms with after everything she had thought about during her previous study session, though she found that two of her friends were surprised by this information, something she was expecting to discover during this conversation, "I think the cultists serve one of the other three Admins, which would mean they've been tasked with finding a way into Pandora's prison to kill her before she breaks free, since it looks like her brothers want to take her out of the picture... what better way to do it than with god killing lunatics?"

"If the cultists were planning on invading her prison plane, or wherever it is, does that mean we can use it against the rest of the Admins?" Alex inquired, though at the same time she noticed that Pinkie was, true to form, tending to the material she had gathered and seemed to be working on something new, even though she suspected that nothing would surpass the attire she was wearing right now.

"Yes, but we need special keys to invade their realms." Octavia replied, as she had considered the information during her study session earlier and realized something along the way, the missing components to the ritual had to be items that only the powerful beings of this world possessed, "I believe that these keys are being held by Rahovart, Asmodeus, and the foul Amalgalich... that means that we'll have to return to the dimensions we've been to so far: the Nether for Rahovart, the End for Asmodeus, and the new Sculk Dimension for Amalgalich... we might have to speak with that dragon in the jungle, since his key would stabilize what I'm planning on doing. Now, I know what sort of altars we need to make to summon each of the powerful beings that serve the other Admins, but we need three Soulkeys... which are made from seven diamonds, one of the Soulgazers, and a Nether Star... and three special soulcubes, demonic for the Nether, aberrant for the End, and undead for the Sculk Dimension."

"I can make the Soulkeys... in fact, they're already complete." Pinkie commented, where she stepped out of her workshop, as that was usually where they were meeting up to talk about things, so she could listen in as well, before she produced three keys that were ebony black color, had a crimson eye opposite of the teeth, and radiated energy, "The Soulcubes, however, we cannot make just yet, as we need Soulstones, which we'll acquire from bosses in the various dungeons, to make them... it'll be a while before we can actually challenge the powerful minions that serve the other Admins."

"So we need a demonic boss, an aberrant boss, and an undead boss, along with certain stones to surround the various Soulstones to make the Soulcubes." Octavia said, which was problematic, as she knew that there was a dungeon with that red dragon nearby, but she had no idea where to find the ones that held the Soulstones they required to make the items to summon the beings that needed to be slain, "I'm going to guess that for the demonic Soulcube we'll need to get some Netherrack, which we have plenty of, for the aberrant we might need Endstone, again we have enough of that, but for the undead one we might need to salvage part of the dungeon for that... I'm sure we haven't found the stone to make it yet, based on what we've done so far."

"So we need to fly around the world, track down the various dungeons that exist around us, and pray that they hold the bosses we need." Steve stated, which wasn't what he wanted to hear, since it meant they would be away from the village in the off chance that the cultists came looking for the times Octavia had stolen from them, even though they had no idea that they had been there in the first place.

"Actually, according to Pandora we need Demonstone, Aberrantstone, and Shadowstone." Pinkie spoke up, causing the others to turn towards her for a moment, as they weren't expecting their Admin ally to speak up and share information with them, though Octavia wasn't annoyed with the correction, as this meant they wouldn't waste time looking for all the wrong materials to make the Soulcubes, "she said that Demonstone can be made from combining a piece of Nether Wart with cobblestone, Abberantstone is one obsidian with eight Andesite, and Shadowstone, which can be made by combining one obsidian with eight cobblestone... I can make all three of those right now, actually."

"Okay, but we still need those bosses, right?" Alex asked, because there was a chance that Pandora might tell them that their plan to track down the dungeons was wrong and that Pinkie, in some way, could make them for the group, to save time, where Pinkie nodded, confirming that they still needed to track down the dungeons, "So to find a demonic Soulstone I'm going to guess we need a Nether dungeon, though for the aberrant and undead Soulstones it seems that we'll have to search for some dungeons holding bosses with a similar type... maybe like that floating one we spotted some time ago? It might hold a boss or two to help us gather the components we need... if not, at least we will have deprived the cultists of all sorts of resources that could be used against the rest of the world and it's inhabitants."

"Well, we should at least explore the surrounding area first, to make a note of where the dungeons are and what sort of monsters we might find inside them," Steve said, as they needed a plan of attack to deal with multiple locations, since he had a feeling that they wouldn't be able to find everything on their first venture, especially since they had to return to the Nether for one of the items.

Octavia agreed, as it was a good idea to form a plan of attack when dealing with all of the dungeons that were out there, especially those that were above ground, though Pinkie continued her work as she, Steve, and Alex headed outside, each of them having an atlas that were linked together. The plan was simple, they were going to spread out and fly around the surrounding area, to the north, west, and east, since everyone knew what was to the immediate south, where each one would fill in a certain amount of the map before regrouping. This way no one had to overlap with what the other two were doing, even though Octavia was planning on checking out the south at some point, just to see if the desert had anything for them to use in their efforts to summon the three beings that had to be taken out. She suspected that was the reason behind the creation of such a large army, as the Crimson King must have been seeking godhood in some manner and was more than willing to throw the lives of his people away so he could gain the keys to invading the worlds beyond the one he lived in.

As she flew around her section of the map, the north to be exact so she could keep an eye on the cultists before worrying about the south, Octavia noticed that nothing seemed to be happening to the area that the citadel was located in, rather it seemed like all was silent. Such a thing worried her and made her angle her Morock low so she could use the passage that she and the others had found earlier, where she wandered in on her own and silently made her way towards the cavern the citadel had been resting in. At the end of the path she found what she was looking for, the citadel was resting where it should be and, more importantly, she found that all of the cultists were still inside it, though she could see that many were far more alert than when she and the other were last here. It made sense, given that she had stolen the tomes from them and escaped without them noticing her presence, and she could see the Crimson King from afar, who seemed annoyed, but right now it seemed like everything was fine, everyone was accounted for, to which she left the cultists to their devices and departed from the underground cavern.

Once she was back in the air Octavia found a few more dungeons, all resting around the area that the mountain was in, a sign that made her wonder if they had been looted already, which would explain some of the things she saw inside the citadel, but when she checked the starting area of each one she found that everything was fine.

"Hm, they have dungeons around them, but haven't looted them yet." Octavia commented, using the atlas to make where each one was resting, with a short description so the others could read them, though this was good news for them, as it meant that there was so much treasure and items for them to claim before the cultists bothered to head into any of them, especially since they were hunting bosses right now, "This could work to our advantage."

After that she headed down to the south and spotted something that wasn't in the desert before, the village that some of their Villagers had come from had been transformed into a dungeon, heading into the depths, and she was sure that they might find an undead boss down there, causing her to smile as she wondered what might happen once everyone was done with their observations of the vast area around their village.