• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 1,537 Views, 12 Comments

Remake My Life: Highchool In Another World - Mare Of Mystery

A strange letter appears in front of a highschool dropouts apartment doorsteps, claiming to give him a second chance by attending highschool at a far away location. Little did he knew, he would be very familar with this new school in a different way

  • ...

Chapter 1: Orientation

"You may be wondering why I'm falling through so trippy wormhole with flashy lights and colors? Well, I just received a letter from some strange school about going back and finishing up my high school years and getting the diploma I never had. I received it pretty late at night and it was personally delivered to my doorstep, I thought that was a bit sketchy. So, after I signed my name on the dotted line, I got whisked away to some other dimension! Not just anyone, but Equestria for the manner! I couldn't believe my eyes and brain when Discord appeared out of nowhere and was offering me to go back to school at Canterlot High!"

"He mentioned that I won't be getting any second chances if I royally screw up or get awesome main character powers. I'll just be a regular old high school student with the knowledge of the world and its people. I don't know exactly how things will play out, but I'll just have to see when I get there."

Feeling like he was falling for 30 minutes straight, Trede was flailing his arms trying to grab hold of something. But it was overall a useless gesture as he kept on seeing the strips of light rising above him. He never thought traveling through a different world from another was going to be a long trek, but he just had to hang on there and...



One major thud from falling a few feet off the ground caused Traded to groan in the sharp pain he sustained from his back landing on some hardwood surface. Before he could stand up, he rolled onto his side and placed his hand on the affected spots on his back that took the major fall. It took almost a few minutes for him to recuperate from the fall and slowly propped himself back up with his two legs. But as soon as his legs started to regain strength, he circled a full 360 degrees and noticed he wasn't in the same old apartment he lived in for three years. This one had a completely different floor plan with hardwood floors, new furniture, and other stuff he could've sworn he never bought in his life.

"I'm in some other apartment?" he took his time to walk around the room, seeing the different objects and trinkets, "It has some generic photos of landscapes and other stock images. What the hell is going on!?"

A familiar tone was ringing out loud within Trede's location, he knew immediately it was his phone. So, he dug around his right pocket and got it out, revealing the caller id to be: Uncle Discord.

"Uncle Discord?" Trede scratched his head with his left finger in utter confusion, "I don't have an uncle named Discord."

It took no time before he answered the call and an eccentric-sounding voice came alive.

"Oh! So you made it in the piece! Excellent job my boy, you're on the first few steps to getting into school! While disguised as your uncle by phone, I will be contacting you with updates on your progress and giving you pep talks; just like real uncles!"

"Discord? You're calling me now?!" He tried to get to the bottom of this, seeking more answers from him. "Did you place me into this new apartment with some tacky knick-knacks?"

"That's Uncle Discord to you! And yes, all of this was my doing. This apartment complex is a few blocks away from Canterlot High, a bus stop is just outside the complex. I've provided you with everything you need to settle in, I assumed you don't need to know how to use the internet or get around?"

Trede slowly followed through as he nodded along the way, "What about cash and the rent for this place?"

"Got that covered too, I've fixed you up with a bi-weekly allowance that will be sent to you via mailbox. An envelope with the first payment should be on the kitchen aisle. If you wish to get more money, I suggest finding a job around the city."

He moved across the living room to the kitchen aisle and found what he believes is a total of 300 dollars in an increment of 20 dollar bills sticking out from the opened envelope. Trede cracked a grim smile on his face, "I'm so flattered by all of this already, but I have this one question. You mentioned something about changing the plot, what do you mean by that?"

"Oh that? Well, you're just going to have to find out! I would start with exploring your new home for three years. It's currently Saturday over there, but you need to meet with Principal Celestia at her office later in the day. Good luck with your new life!"

With that, he hung up the call and left Trede with many more questions waiting to be answered. He decided to take this time to get familiar with his new living space as he checked every room and little detail he could find. The first stop was the open kitchen, where he took the fridge handle by his right hand and opened it up, empty.

"No groceries even? I guess I'll go grocery shopping later, I need to check out my bedroom."

The small hallway just to the right of the wall-mounted television had two doors just across from each other, assuming it was a bedroom and a bathroom. The next door he saw had a plaque hanging on it that read 'bedroom'. He pushed opened the doorknob and saw what a typical room contained; a bed in the corner, another door that presumably the closet across from it, a shelf and drawer just adjacent to the closet, an L-shaped black desk without anything on it.

"I may have to invest in a laptop once I get myself a job." turning away from the desk and quickly turning over at the drawer and closets, Trede went to see what clothing options he had, "These must contain some clothes for me, Let me see what else I'm decked out with."

Opening the individual drawers, he saw that it was packed with some essential items; pajamas, socks, graphic tees, and the whole enchilada of basic wear. Traversing through the closet door, Trede found tons of dress shirts in multiple varieties hung on the left side and so as the same for the pants hung on the right. He also spotted a couple of pairs of shoe boxes on the right side and an empty white hamper basket.

"All, I'm not even going to question how he got my measurements on point. I guess I should get out of my work clothes and prepare for my meeting.

He assumed this place had a bathroom when Trede went to open the door on the opposite side, and not to his surprise, it was indeed a bathroom equipped with the essentials; shower, toilet, sink, and a washer and dryer on the left corner of the room. It didn't take long before he strip down and went in the shower to cleanse himself for a few minutes, dry every part of himself with the tower on the towel radiator, and grabbed his clothes on the ground and layed it onto the washer. Putting on a fresh pair of boxers from the drawer, he carefully inspected the many pieces of clothing from the closet to check out his options.

"I'm not so much of a guy who cares about what he wears, but I want to establish a defined look for myslef if I want to attend Canterlot High.

It wasn't too long until something caught his eye, grabbing hold of three hangers with a set he thought should be good enough for his taste. Most of them were for formal dress shirts that you use once a week at a gathering, none of the other choices didn't pique his interest Placed them side-by-side on the bed as he grabbed onto the black collared jacket with 5 large buttons on the front.

"This jacket is from those school anime I watch? I think they're called a gakuran?" he took a closer look at the material and felt the jacket with his hands, "I don't know, but this one's calling out to me...it's perfect!"

A good 15 minutes to get dressed when Trede first began putting on his matching black pants one leg at a time, it was a perfect fit for him, he felt a bit afraid of how Discord managed to get his pants size correct. The next piece was the white long-sleeved dress shirt he buttoned up individually from top to bottom, adjusting the collar for a perfect fit. After he was finished with that, he moved on to putting on the black jacket over his white dress shirt while adjusting the sleeves to go past the black jackets. One more final adjustment later, Trede finally put on his white socks and opened up the fresh pair of black shoes from their box, and placed his soles inside them.

He was finally ready to embark on his exciting new life in this brand new and yet familiar world.

He got out of his room and went over to the kitchen aisle to get the cash left by Discord and kept it stashed deep in his left pocket. Reminding himself that he needs to spend some food and school supplies for classes Monday, Trede made sure he got his phone with him and grabbed the keys just on the hooks by the front door. Locking it from the inside and remembered his apartment number and location on the navigation app on his phone.

"So my phone already recognizes this foreign world and I can see the map of the city? It must be Discords doing again. I'll check out how internet life is once I'm finished with my supposed interview with Principal Celestia. But, I just can't wrap my head around the fact that I'm meeting her in REAL LIFE!"

Trede figured out he was on the second floor of this two-story apartment complex, it wasn't too far off from his actual apartment which made him feel at ease. He briskly walked down the stairs and passed a few cars parked in the parking lot before he found the bus stop just over the gate. A public bus traveled through different spots of Canterlot City, including a stop across from the school itself. After waiting almost 5 minutes, the oncoming bus stopped fighting in front of him with a few passengers on board seeing their faces from the windows. They weren't a core character from the show he recognized, so he just entered the bus, paid the fare, and sat near the open entrance as the bus driver closed the door and went on to the next stop.

"Okay, so from my place to the school should just be two stops in between, but coming back home would have to be five stops. Shit! I hate public transportation, why didn't Discord hook me up with a car or something?! But I can't complain, I'm really in a new world. So far, nothing out of the ordinary and no sign of the seven."

The next few minutes were spent on the bus as it traveled through the stops leading to Canterlot High school, the many attraction of his whole life ahead of him. The anticipation from Trede's mind was eager to be seeing the school as a reallocation. The bus finally came to a stop at the bus stop in front of the school. This was the moment of a lifetime, slowly standing up and walking out of the doors, Trede took his first few steps within the schools' area. Just as he would see it in the show; from the large structure of the school to the pony statue in the front of the courtyard.

"The school's a bit bigger than I thought, but I have only seen it on some tiny-ass laptop screen." He jokingly let out a chuckle before getting a good look around over at the few students it's in front either talking or playing some sport, "Not many students around on Saturday, given that no one even dares to show up on weekends. Before I go inside, I just want to try out something."

No one caught a glimpse of his presence, so this would be a perfect moment to stick his hand into the portal. But, he has noted Discords warning not to enter Equestria as he would remain a human being and would cause trouble over there. Nothing harmful to sticking his hand out, he believed. But, something deep down his mind finds the presence of the statue, odd. Yes, he knew of its abilities and secrets, but something doesn't add up. Trede left those feelings aside and powered walked over to the side of the statue containing the mirror portal, slowly easing his right hand and gently maneuvering it on the hard and cold concrete as he layed his palm flat...

"Hey, what gives!?" gasping, he vigorously pushed his right palm over multiple places on the statue base to find nothing reacting the portal, "It's not working? What happened to the portal to Equestria? Maybe it's rejecting me because I don't belong here?"

"Ahh, you must be that new transfer student! Good evening!" A soft-spoken feminine voice came from behind his back, "I've been expecting you. Your uncle spoke to me over the phone about you, I'm Principal Celestia."

"Huh!?" Trede turned himself around a complete 180 to see the tall and curvy woman standing ding next to him with her hands on her hips and in a stance. His legs were shaky, and his heart fluttering over the elegance and stature of the woman who stand before him, he had to blurt out, "I love you..."


"What!?" He carefully turned over the subject as to not get instantly weirded out by the principal, "I mean, It's a pleasure to meet you in person, Principal Celestia. I always wanted to attend school here."

"Oh, you know about this school already? Must be from the website then?" She assumed, going over to the sink! let matters, "Your uncle Discord recently told me about you and your current situation, you've dropped out of your sophomore year just last year and transferring here to finish what you've started. That sounds wonderful, but, it was rather an odd commodity that your uncle didn't mention you by name."

"So he went ahead and slightly modified my backstory to be more forgiving and less severe, I don't mind shaving off two hears off my age. He never spoke my name to her? This must be the part where I give out a name to use for myself. I don't want to use my actual name, it doesn't feel right in this world of weird-ass names. Maybe something that sticks out while keeping it badass as usual"

"He hasn't told you my name yet?" He went with the context, acting surprised, "My name is...Yozora! It roughly translates to Night Sky, but I prefer Yozora myself."

"A pleasure to meet you, Yozora." Celestia offered her right hand for a formal handshake, while 'Yozora' graciously accepted it out of the blue. After their hands retracted, she went and gestured to him as she walked over to the front door, "Let's take this in my office, shall we?"

Trede, now taking the name Yozora, followed the principal along the pathway to the school's front entrance and inside the main hallway. No more than a few teachers and faculty walking along carrying a few papers on their chests, even Trede knew a few of them with a glance. The principal's office was just a few feet left from their little trek when Celestia opened the door and invited him in, making sure she pulled up an empty chair for him to sit in. As she get settled in her seat, she pulled up a manila folder containing a few files in hand.

"Let's see what I know based on what your uncle said on the phone," Celestia pulled up a file containing some information she wrote down, "Your parents are currently working overseas on an archeology expedition, am I correct?"

"Wow, he managed to dig through my personal life too? I don't know how he does it, but I'm not complaining."

"After they got an opportunity to go on a 3-year expedition to some ruins in a desert, they had to take that chance and leave me with my uncle Discord," Yozora answered nonchalantly.

"Interesting," she put up a small grin on her face, looking down at the paper on another line, "Next thing I want to know, why did you drop out of our second year in the first place? Was it because of your peers? Or about the way school life was for you?"

"Shit...that's a topic I never thought I'll ever touch again. There's no reason not to answer or keep quiet, I might as well spill out a bit of my reasoning."

"It's not that I was being bullied or anything like that," keeping himself from not showing off his weak side, Yozora continued before taking a big gulp, "I just stopped trying, that's all. I was fine during my freshman year, but as soon as I got to sophomore, the work just kept on piling and it got way harder. My old school didn't have tutors or summer school programs because of budget cuts. As for friends, they were willing to help me, and by help, they meant getting answers off of eachother for a small fee. It didn't feel right getting answers from someone else, I want to figure things out for myself, you know."

Celestia soaked in his backstory, taking a few nods silently as she moved over towards the next piece of paper, "I understand where you're coming from, luckily our school has excellent tutoring and summer school programs. The last thing I want from you is your fill out this form with your basic information and stuff and you'll be an official student here starting Monday."

The paper she slid across her desk was a typical registration form for the school, Trede carefully grabbed ahold of it while taking a pen from the cup on the edge of the desk, filled out each box with the appropriate information, and finished off with signing with his new name. He thought it would be okay to include his actual email and phone number. Momentarily, he slid the form back to her as she happily picked it up from the desk and placed it inside the folder.

"I guess we're all finished, welcome to Canterlot High!" she cheerfully let out a peppy tone, "Now, let me start you with getting you a tour of the school shall we?"

"Getting to see around the school upclose is sure a mind-boggling experience, however, I think I could manage remembering places based on the various shorts and specials."

"That won't be necessary." politely, Yozora shook his head at the principal, "I want to surprise myself in exploring this new school myself."

Celestia slanted her head, completely shocked by his decision, "A-Alright, I won't stop you then. Just be on the lookout for your email for your class schedule, and make sure to pick up your gym clothes at my office when school begins. You're lucky to be attending school just a few days before the Fall Formal on Friday night. "

"Hehehe, I'll make sure to drop by for a..." he was completely stopped dead on his reply as Yozora wanted her to repeat what she said, "Hold the phone! Say that again!?"

She once again explained more about the event, "The Fall Formal. It's a seasonal dance that will be taking place at the gym, it'll be the perfect time to get to know some students there. We even crown a lucky student to be the princess of the Fall Formal. But, I have strong feelings it'll be Sunset Shimmer once again, she's very persistent about being the top. You should meet her if you have the chance."

"Discord, that damn bastard! He sent me a few days before the first Equestria Girls film in the entire franchise. This is what he meant when I'd find out immediately. I knew it was fishy that the portal didn't activate for some reason. I can't believe I'm --hang on a minute...yes... it's perfect! Brilliant even! I can use my time here not only to finish high school but to shape the Equestria Girls plot to my liking. I know what happens, all the characters with their quirks, and watched all the specials from it. My school life's just getting much more interesting by the minute."

Curling his lips to a small smile, Yozora broke his short silence as he said, "I'll be sure to check on her when I have the chance."

After standing up from their seats, Celestia and Yozora each shared one more formal handshake across the desk before he waved bye and exited the office. Walking to the main doors with a big smirk on his face without anyone noticing his presence as he stood right at the front entrance and peeked over the horizon.

"From here on out, my whole life for the next few years will become much more interesting than a dead-end pizza job..."